*seng w h- ‘sing, make an incantation’ *sen(h a )- ‘seek, accomplish’ *senh x dhr- (NW) ‘congealed moisture, slag’ *sen-i/u- ‘apart’ *senk- (NW) [*sek- ‘dry up’] ‘make/become dry, singe’ *seno-meh a te ¯ ´ r (NW) [se ´ nos ‘old’ þ *me ´ h a te ¯ r ‘mother’] ‘grandmother’ *se ´ nos ‘old’ *sent- (NW) ‘perceive, think’ *sent- ‘go’ *sentos [*sent- ‘go’] ‘way, passage’ *sep- ‘handle (skilfully), hold (reverently)’ *sepit ‘wheat’ *septm ´ 8 ‘seven’ *septm8 -mo ´ s [*septm ´ 8 ‘seven’] ‘seventh’ *ser- ‘line up’ *ser- ‘protect’ *ser- (WC) ‘Xow’ *seren(y)uh x s (GA) name of goddess *serk- ‘make a circle; complete; construct/repair a wall, make restitution’ *serK- ‘pass, surpass’ *serp- ‘crawl’ *ses- ‘rest, sleep, keep quiet’ *ses(y)o ´ - ‘grain, fruit’ *seu- ‘boil (something)’ *seu- ‘turn’ *seug- (WC) ‘be sick’ *seug/k- (NW) ‘suck’ *seuh 3 - ‘set in motion’ *seu(h x )- ‘bear a child’ *seu(h x )- ‘express a liquid’ *seup- ‘pure’ *seuyo ´ s [*seu- ‘turn’] ‘left’ *se ´ we ‘-self’ *sewos [*se ´ we ‘-self’] ‘own’ *(s)grebh- (WC) ‘scratch, cut’ *(s)greh a b(h)- (WC) ‘hornbeam’ *sh 2 o ´ men- ‘song’ *sh8 2 to ´ s (WC) [*seh 2 (i)- ‘satisfy’] ‘satisWed’ *(s-)h 4 upe ´ r(i) ‘over’ *s- h 4 upo ´ [*h 4 upo ´ ‘up’] ‘underneath’ *silVbVr- (NW) ‘silver’ *sing ˆ ho ´ s ‘leopard’ A PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN—ENGLISH WORDLIST 509 *siskus [*sek- ‘dry up’] ‘dry’ *skabh- ‘hold up’ *skaiwo ´ s (WC) ‘left’ *(s)kamb- (WC) ‘curve’ *skand- ‘jump’ *(s)kand- ‘shine, glitter; moon’ *skauros ‘Æ lame’ *skebh- (NW) [*sek- ‘cut’] ‘scratch, shave’ *(s)ked- ‘scatter’ *skeh 1 i(-d)- [*sek- ‘cut’] ‘cut’ *ske ´ its (NW) ‘shield, board’ *skek-‘Æ jump’ *(s)kel- (WC) ‘crooked’ *(s)kel-[*sek- ‘cut’] ‘cut, split apart’ *(s)keng- ‘crooked, limp’ *sker-‘Æ threaten’ *(s)ker-[*sek- ‘cut’] ‘cut apart, cut oV ’ *sker- (WC) ‘Æ hop about’ *(s)kerbh- ‘turn’ *sket(h)- (WC) ‘injure, harm’ *skeu- ‘sneeze’ *skeubh- (NW) ‘push away, push ahead’ *(s)keud- ‘throw, shoot’ *(s)keuh 1 - ‘perceive’ *(s)keu(h x )- ‘cover, wrap’ *(s)keup- (NW) ‘bundle’ *skidro ´ s (WC) ‘thin’ *(s)koitro ´ s ‘bright, clear’ *(s)koli- (WC) ‘young dog’ *skolmeh a - (WC) [*(s)kel- ‘cut’] ‘sword’ *(s)kolmos [*(s)kel- ‘cut’] ‘boat’ *(s)ko ¯ los (WC) [*(s)kel- ‘cut’] ‘stake’ *sko ´ tos (WC) ‘shadow, shade’ *(s)ku(n)t- (NW) ‘shake, jolt’ *(s)kwe ´ h x tis [*(s)keu(h x )- ‘cover’] ‘skin, hide’ *skwe ¯ is (NW) ‘Æ needle and/or thorn’ *(s)k ˆ egos ‘sheep/goat’ *(s)k ˆ eh 1 w(e)r- (WC) ‘north wind’ *sk ˆ o ¯ yh8 a ‘shade’ *(s)k ˆ up- ‘shoulder’ *(s)k w a ´ los ‘sheatWsh, wels’ *(s)lag- $ *(s)leh 2 g- (WC) ‘slack’ *(s)lag w - (WC) ‘take, hold’ *slak- (NW) ‘strike’ 510 APPENDIX 2 *(s)lei- ‘sticky, slimy, slippery’ *(s)lei- (WC) [*(s)lei- ‘sticky’] ‘tench’ *(s)leidh- ‘slide’ *sleimak- (WC) [*(s)lei- ‘sticky’] ‘snail, slug’ *slenk- (NW) ‘turn, twist (like a snake)’ *sleubh- (NW) ‘slide’ *slih x u- (NW) ‘plum-coloured’ *slo ´ ugos (NW) ‘servant’ *(s)me ‘middle, among’ *smeg- (NW) ‘taste (good)’ *smei- ‘smile, laugh’ *smeid- (WC) ‘smear’ *smeit- ‘throw’ *smek ˆ - ‘chin, jaw’ *(s)mel- ‘deceive’ *(s)mel- ‘give oV light smoke, smoulder’ *(s)meld- (WC) ‘to melt’ *(s)mer- ‘remember, be concerned about’ *sme ´ ru- ‘oil, grease’ *(s)meug- $ *(s)meuk- ‘slick, slippery’ *(s)m(e)ug(h)- (WC) ‘smoke’ *sm8 -loghos (WC) [sem ‘together’ þ *legh- ‘lie’] ‘spouse’ *sm8 mo ´ s [*sem- ‘once’] ‘some, any’ *smo ´ k ˆ wr 8 [*smek ˆ - ‘chin’] ‘chin, beard’ *sm8 teros (WC) [*sem- ‘once’] ‘one or the other of two’ *(s)neh 1 - ‘twist, turn’ *(s)neh 1 (i)- [*(s)neh 1 - ‘twist’] ‘twist Wbres into thread’ *sneh 1 u-[*(s)neh 1 - ‘twist’] ‘twist Wbres into thread’ *sne ¯ h 1 wr8 [*(s)neh 1 - ‘twist’] ‘sinew, tendon’ *sneh a - ‘swim’ *sneig w h- ‘to snow’ *(s)ner- ‘fasten with thread or cord’ *sner- (WC) ‘Æ rattle, growl’ *sneubh- (WC) ‘marry’ *sneudh- ‘mist, cloud’ *snig w h-s [*sneig w h- ‘snow’] ‘snow’ *snuso ´ s ‘son’s wife, brother’s wife’ *so/*seh a /*to ´ d ‘that one’ *soito/eh a - (NW) ‘sorcery’ *sokto- ‘sickness’ *so ´ k ˆ r8 ‘(human) excrement’ *so ´ k w -h 2 o ¯ i [*sek w - ‘follow’] ‘follower, companion’ *sok w o ´ s ‘sap, resin’ A PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN—ENGLISH WORDLIST 511 *so ´ k w t ‘(upper) leg’ *solh x - ‘dirt; dirty’ *solo/eh a - $ selo- (NW) ‘dwelling, settlement’ *so ´ lwos ‘whole’ *som-[*sem- ‘once’] ‘(together) with’ *somo-g ˆ n8h 1 -yo-s (WC) [*sem ‘together’ þ *g ˆ enh 1 - ‘beget’] ‘same (kinship) line’ *somo-ph8 a to ¯ r [*sem ‘together’ þ *ph8 a te ¯ ´ r‘father’] ‘of the same father’ *somos [*sem- ‘once’] ‘same’ *soru ‘booty’ *speh 1 - ‘be satisWed, be Wlled, thrive’ *(s)p(e)iko/eh a - ‘bird, woodpecker’ *(s)pek ˆ - ‘observe’ *(s)pel- ‘say aloud, recite’ *(s)pel- ‘tear oV, strip’ *spelo/eh a -[*(s)p(h)el- ‘strip’] ‘shield’ *(s)pen- ‘draw, spin’ *spend- ‘make an oVering’ *sper- ‘?sparrow’ *sper- ‘strew, sow’ *sper- (WC) ‘wrap around’ *sperg ˆ h- ‘move energetically’ *sperh 1 - ‘kick, spurn’ *sperh x g- (NW) ‘strew, sprinkle’ *(s)peud- ‘push, repulse’ *speud- ‘hurry’ *sph 1 ro ´ s [*speh 1 - ‘be satisWed’] ‘Æ fat, rich’ *sph a en- (WC) ‘Xat-shaped piece of wood’ *(s)py(e)uh x - ‘spew, spit’ *(s)pingo- (WC/PIE?) ‘Wnch’ *spleig ˆ h- ‘step, go’ *(s)plend- ‘shine’ *sploig ˆ h 2 -e ¯ ´ n ‘spleen’ *spoh x ino/eh a ‘foam’ *(s)pondh(n)os (WC) ‘wooden vessel’ *(s)porno ´ m ‘wing, feather’ *(s)preg- (WC) ‘speak’ *(s)pre(n)g- ‘wrap up, constrict’ *spr8h 1 o ´ - [*sperh 1 -‘kick’] ‘heel’ *(s)pr8h x g- ‘crackle, sputter’ *srebh- ‘gulp, ingest noisily’ *sre/oh a gs (WC) ‘Æ berry, fruit’ *srenk- (WC) ‘snore’ *sre ¯ no/eh a -‘Æ hip, thigh’ 512 APPENDIX 2 *sret- ‘boil, be agitated, move noisily’ *sreu-‘Xow’ *sreumen- (WC) [*sreu-‘Xow’] ‘Xowing, streaming (in river names)’ *srı ¯ ges- (WC) ‘cold, frost’ *sromo ´ s ‘lame’ *sr8po/eh a - ‘sickle’ *stag- (WC) ‘seep, drip’ *(s)teg- (WC/PIE?) ‘cover’ *(s)teg- (WC) [*(s)teg- ‘cover’] ‘pole, post’ *(s)te ´ ges- (WC) [*(s)teg- ‘cover’] ‘roof ’ *(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’ *(s)teh 2 ist (WC) [*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘dough’ *ste ´ h 2 mo ¯ n [*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘what stands, stature’ *ste ´ h 2 tis [*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘place’ *ste ´ h 2 ur [*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘post’ *(s)teh 4 - ‘steal’ *steig- ‘prick’ *steigh- ‘step (up), go’ *stel- ‘put in place, (make) stand’ *(s)tel- (NW) ‘be still, quiet’ *stembh-[*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘make stand, prop up’ *sten- ‘moan’ *sten- (WC) ‘narrow’ *(s)tenh x -[*sten- ‘moan’] ‘groan; thunder’ *ster- ‘barren, infertile’ *ster- ‘spread out’ *(s)ter- ‘stork’ *ster- (WC) ‘steal’ *(s)terg ˆ h-‘Æ crush’ *(s)terh 1 - ‘stiV ’ *ster(h 3 )- ‘strew’ *ster(h 3 )mn8 [*ster(h 3 )- ‘strew’] ‘strewn place, ?bed’ *steu- (GA) ‘praise’ *(s)teud- ‘push, thrust’ *steup- ‘strike’ *steuros ‘large (domestic) animal’ *sth 2 bho/eh a - (NW) [*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘post, pillar’ *sth 2 ei-[*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘become hard, Wxed’ *st(h 2 )eug-[*(s)teh 2 - ‘stand’] ‘stiV’ *stı ´ ghs [steigh- ‘step’] ‘path’ *stl8neh a - (WC) [*stel- ‘put in place’] ‘post, support’ *sto ´ mn8 ‘mouth’ *storos (NW) ‘starling’ *strenk- (WC) ‘string, to pull (tight)’ A PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN—ENGLISH WORDLIST 513 *(s)trep- (NW) ‘Æ cry out, dispute’ *streug- ‘be fatigued, exhausted’ *str8(h x )yon- (NW) ‘sturgeon/salmon’ *stup-[*steup- ‘strike’] ‘Æ oVcut, piece of wood’ *su-[*h 1 es- ‘be’] ‘good’ *suh x - ‘rain’ *suh x nu ´ s [*seu(h x )- ‘bear a child’] ‘son’ *suh x ros (NW) ‘sour, acid’ *suh x sos [*seu(h x )- ‘bear a child’] ‘grandfather’ *suh x yu ´ s [*seu(h x )- ‘bear a child’] ‘son’ *su ´ leh a -[*seu(h x )- ‘express a liquid’] ‘Æ (fermented) juice’ *su ¯ s [?*seu(h x )- ‘bear a child’] ‘pig (wild or domesticated)’ *sward- (WC) ‘laugh’ *s(w)ebh-[*swe ‘-self’] ‘lineage’ *s(w)edh- ‘custom, characteristic’ *swedh-o- ‘lineage’ *sweh a de/o- ‘be tasty, please’ *sweh a dus [*sweh a de/o- ‘be tasty’] ‘pleasing (to the senses), tasty’ *(s)weh a gh- (WC) ‘Æ cry out; resound’ *swei- ‘blow to hiss or buzz’ *sweid- ‘sweat’ *sweid- ‘shine’ *(s)weig- ‘deceive’ *swek ˆ ru ´ h a s [*swe ´ k ˆ uros ‘father-in-law’] ‘mother-in-law’ *swe ´ k ˆ uros ‘father-in-law’ *swe ¯ k ˆ uro ´ s [*swe ´ k ˆ uros ‘father-in-law’] ‘wife’s brother’ *swel- (NW) ‘burn’ *swel- $ *sel- (WC) ‘plank, board’ *sweliyon- (WC) ‘wife’s sister’s husband’ *swelno- ‘rise’ *swelp-[*swel- ‘burn’] ‘burn, smoulder’ *swem- (NW) ‘swim’ *swe(n)g- ‘bend, swing’ *swenh x - ‘(re)sound’ *swep- ‘sleep, dream’ (vb). *swep- ‘throw, sweep’ *swer- ‘post, rod’ *swer- ‘darken’ *(s)wer- ‘say, speak’ *swerbh- (NW) ‘turn, move in a twirling motion’ *swergh- ‘be ill’ *swerh x K- ‘watch over, be concerned about’ *swero- ‘(suppurating) wound’ *swe ´ so ¯ r ‘sister’ 514 APPENDIX 2 *swesrih x nos (NW) [*swe ´ so ¯ r ‘sister’] ‘sister’s son’ *swesr(iy)o ´ s [*swe ´ so ¯ r ‘sister’] ‘sisterly, sister’s son’ *swı ¯ g/k- (WC) ‘be silent, hush’ *swoiniyeh a - (WC) ‘wife’s sister’, i.e., ‘sister-in-law’ *swombhos (WC) ‘spongy’ *swo ´ pniyom [*swep- ‘sleep’] ‘dream’ *swo ´ pnos [*swep- ‘sleep’] ‘sleep, dream’ (noun) *sw(o)r- $ *sworaks (WC) ‘shrew’ *syo ¯ (u)ros ‘wife’s brother’ *syuh 1 - ‘sew’ *t *tag- (WC) ‘touch’ *ta ¯ ˘ g- ‘set in place, arrange’ *tago ´ s [*ta ¯ ˘ g- ‘arrange’] ‘leader’ *tak- (NW) ‘be silent’ *taksos ‘yew’ *t-at- ‘father’ *tauros ‘aurochs; bull’ *tegus ‘thick, fat’ *t(e)h 2 us- (NW/PIE?) ‘quiet, silent’ *teh a - ‘to melt’ *teh a li (WC) ‘of that sort or size’ *te ´ h a mot(s) (WC) ‘then, at that place’ *te ´ h a wot(s) ‘so many, so long’ *teig w - (WC) ‘+side’ *tek- ‘bear or beget a child’ *tek- ‘run, Xow swiftly’ *teknom [*tek- ‘bear a child’] ‘child, oVspring’ *tek ˆ s- ‘fabricate’ *tek ˆ so/eh a -[*tek ˆ s- ‘fabricate’] ‘axe, adze’ *tek ˆ steh a -[*tek ˆ s- ‘fabricate’] ‘plate, bowl’ *tek ˆ s-(t)or/n-[*tek ˆ s- ‘fabricate’] ‘one who fabricates’ *telh 2 - ‘lift, raise’ *telh x -‘+pray’ *telh x -om ‘Xoor (of planks)?’ *telk- (NW) ‘push, thrust’ *telp- ‘have room’ *tem- ‘reach, attain’ *temh x - ‘be struck, be exhausted’ *temp-[*ten- ‘pull’] ‘stretch’ *ten- ‘pull, stretch’ *teng- ‘think, feel’ *teng- (WC) ‘to moisten, soak’ A PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN—ENGLISH WORDLIST 515 *tengh- ‘be heavy, diYcult’ *teng(h)- ‘pull’ *tengh-s- (NW) [*ten- ‘pull’] ‘pole’ *tenh8 a g- (WC) ‘shallow water?’ *tenk- ‘become Wrm, thicken; shrink’ *tenkl8 [*tenk- ‘become Wrm’] ‘buttermilk’ *ten-s-[*ten- ‘pull’] ‘pull’ *te ´ nus [*ten- ‘pull’] ‘thin, long’ *tep- ‘hot’ *ter-‘+speak out’ *ter- ‘crossover’ *terg w - ‘scare’ *terh 1 - ‘pierce, pierce by rubbing’ *te ´ rh 1 trom $ *te ´ rh 1 dhrom (WC) [*terh 1 - ‘pierce’] ‘auger’ *terh 2 - ‘bring across; overcome, through, above’ *ter(i)- (WC) [*terh 1 - ‘pierce’] ‘rub, turn’ *TerK- ‘release, allow’ *terk(w)- ‘twist’ (< ‘spin’) *termn-[*ter- ‘cross over’] ‘end, border; thread-end’ *terp- ‘take (to oneself ), satisfy oneself’ *te ´ rptis [*terp- ‘satisfy oneself’] ‘satisfaction’ *ters- ‘dry’ *teter- ‘gamebird’ *teu- ‘look on with favour’ *teubh- ‘steal’ *teuh a - ‘swell (with power), grow fat’ *teus- ‘be happy’ *teus- ‘to empty’ *teute ´ h a - (WC/PIE?) [*teuh a - ‘swell’] ‘the people (?under arms)’ *tih x n- ‘(be) dirty’ *tkeh 1 - (GA) ‘rule’ *tk ˆ ei- (GA) ‘settle, dwell’ *tk ˆ en- (GA) ‘strike’ *tk ˆ ı ´ tis (GA) [*tk ˆ ei- ‘settle’] ‘settlement’ *tk w reh 1 yot- ‘clay’ *tode ´ h a ‘then’ *to ´ ksom (GA) ‘bow’ *tolko/eh a - ‘sacriWce, sacriWcial meal’ *tolk w - (NW) ‘speak’ *to ´ mh x es- ‘dark’ *to ´ r ‘there’ *to ´ ti (WC) ‘so much, many’ *tre ¯ bs (WC) ‘dwelling’ 516 APPENDIX 2 *treg- ‘gnaw’ *tregh- (NW) ‘run’ *trem- ‘shake, tremble (in fear)’ *trep- ‘turn’ *tres- ‘tremble, shake with fear’ *treud- (WC) ‘thrust, press’ *treu(h x )- (WC) [*terh 1 - ‘pierce’] ‘rub away, wear away’ *tre ´ yes ‘three’ *trih a to ¯ n (WC) ‘watery (one?)’ *trı ¯ -k ˆ omt(h a ) [*tre ´ yes ‘three’ þ *de ´ k ˆ m8 (t) ‘ten’] ‘thirty’ *tris [*tre ´ yes ‘three’] ‘thrice’ *tris- (WC) ‘+vine’ *triyo ´ s [*tre ´ yes ‘three’] ‘third’ *tr ´ 8nu- ‘thorn’ *trosdos (NW/WC?) ‘thrush’ *trus- (WC) ‘reed, rush’ *(t)sel- ‘sneak up on, crawl up on’ *tuh a s-k ˆ m8 tyo ´ s (NW) [*teuh a - ‘swell’ ‘thousand’ þ *k ˆ m8 to ´ m ‘hundred’] *tu ´ h x thou *tussk ˆ yos [*teus- ‘be empty’] ‘empty’ *tweis- (GA) ‘shake’ *twe ´ ks ‘skin’ *twer- ‘stir, agitate’ *twer- (WC) ‘take, hold’ *twerk- ‘cut oV ’ *two ´ h x r8 ‘curds, curdled milk’ *twork ˆ o ´ s ‘boar’ *tyeg w - (GA) ‘give way, pull oneself back (in awe)’ *u *u ¯ ˘ d- ‘upward, out (from under)’ *udero-[*ud- ‘out’] ‘abdomen, stomach’ *udro ´ s [*wo ´ dr8 ‘water’] ‘otter’ *ud s tero-[*ud- ‘out’] ‘abdomen, stomach’ *uk (w) se ¯ n- ‘ox’ *ul-‘+howl, hoot’ *ulu-[*ul- ‘hoot’] ‘owl’ *usr- ‘aurochs’ *w *wadh- (NW) ‘wade’ *wag ˆ - ‘split’ A PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN—ENGLISH WORDLIST 517 [...]... *h1ok-us, NW /PIE? *keigh-, ¯ˆ NW *bhris- $ *bhers-, NW *h2ehxtro-, ¯ GA *h28g-ros rˆ ´ ˆ ˆ *h2ep-, *pehag- $ *pehak-, *seg-, *(s)ner- fallow land fame family far fart fast fasten AN ENGLISH PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN WORDLIST fat(ness) father father (of the same) father-in-law father’s brother father’s mother fatigued fault favour fear feather feed felt fence ferment ferocity few field fifteen fifth fifty fight... series’ ‘frog’ A PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN ENGLISH WORDLIST *worhxdo*worhxdhus ˆ ´ *wor(hx)gs *worPo*wortokw- (GA) *worwos (WC) *wos(hx)-ko- (NW) *wospo/eha- [*wes- ‘be dressed’] ´ *wosu *wot- (NW) [*wet- see truly ] ¯ *wotis [*wet- ‘see truly’] ¯ *wr (WC) 8b*wredh*wreg*wreg- (NW) ˆ *wreh1g- (WC) *wrehagh- (WC) *(w)rep*wretos ¯ *wr 1en 8h ¯ *wr(ha)d- (WC) *wr xos 8h *wriyo/eha*wr 8mis (WC) *wr 8to/ eha- [*wer-... family’ þ ´ *potis ‘husband’] ˆ *wiks ˆ *wi(n)gˆ *wis-/*g(h)ombhros (NW) ´ *wıss [*weis- ‘ooze out’] *witeros [*wi- ‘apart’] *wl 2neha8h *wl ¯ nos 8ka 8k ´ *wl w´ha- [*wl wos ‘dangerous’] 8k ı *wl wos 8k *wl wos [*wl wos ‘dangerous’] 8k 8k ´ *wl(o)p*wnd st 8 ´ *w(n)nakts 8 ´ ´ 8 *wodr *wogwhnis (WC) ´ *woh1 ´ *woinom (PIE?) [*wei(hx)- ‘plait’] ˆ´ *wokeha*wokws [*wekw- ‘speak’] ¯ *wolno/eha´ *wolos ´ *wolswom... *swel*bhedh´ n WC *h3engw8 NW *pelpel *tenkl 8 ˆ 8 ´ GA *ghngheno/eha*wes- cabbage cackle call callosity canoe captive carp carrot carry carve case castrated cat ´ *kaulos WC *gagˆ ˆ *gal-, *gar-, *gheu(hx)-, *kelh1*kl 8nos *hxoldhuNW *kaptos ˆ´ *kophaelos WC *mr 8kˆ *bher-, *wegh*del-, *kerd*welutrom ´ *wedhris NW *kat- bright bring across bring forth bristle broad broth brother brotherhood brother’s wife brown... fist fit ´ 8, *m(e)had-, *peihx-, *pen-, *pıhxwr ´ ´ *selpes-, *sph1ros, *tegus, *teuha´ ˆ 8 ¯ *at-, *genh1tor, *papa, *phater, *t-at¯ *somo-phator 8 ¯ ´ˆ *swekuros *phatr 8 8wyos *h2en*streug-, E *kl xm(-s)8h ´ *meles*d(h3)eu-, *h3ens-, *haeu-, *teu´ ´ ˆ *bhibhoihxe, *dwei-, *haenghes-, *kweh1(i)-, *perk-, *tres´ *pet(e)r-, *(s)pornom *pen*peld-, WC *pildo´ *ghordhos *kwat*rabhWC *pauˆ ´ 8 *haegros,... *haerh3wr 8 *penkwe dekm (t) *pnkwtos 8 ´ *penkwe-komt(ha) ¯ ˆ ˆ *haeg-, *yeudh-, NW *katu-, NW *nant-, NW *weik´ *yeudhmos *pelh1-, *seh2(i)-, *speh1WC/PIE? *(s)pingoWC *wer*pent*kwei´ NW *polik(o)s *dhonu-, WC *haebi´ 8, n *g(e)ulo-, *h2ehxtr *haeidh-, *hx8gwnis, ´ *peh2ur *pastos, *tenk*per(hx)ˆ ˆ ˆ *pikskos, WC *dhghuhxˆ onkus ´ *k WC *mnhx8 NW *krek´ 8( t) GA *kaiwr ´ ´ NW *pn(kw)stı-, E *must 8 ´ *ghedh-,... WC *(s)lagw-, WC *twer-, E *yemˆ´ ˆ 8 r *ghhawos, *kouhx8 *h2elwos, *kul´ˆ *koks-o/ehaˆ eu(hx)-, *keus*k ˆ *kwen (to) -, *noibhos, *sakros ˆ ˆ ehx(i)-, *kohxnos *k ´ *melit ´ *khaonks ˆ ˆ *dekes-, GA *yagˆ ´ *koph2os ´ *h2onkos, *ko(n)gos, WC *klehawis *h1epop *ulWC *skerˆ ´ 8 8, ˆ ´ ˆr ˆ ˆ´ 8 *ker-, *kerh2s, *kerh2sr *koru, *k8nom WC *(s)grehab(h)- AN ENGLISH PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN WORDLIST 541 how much/many... *grugs, WC *leu´ r WC *potha8 NW *(s)trep*bhag-, *pr 3)tis, NW *h1em8(h *mer*gwadh-, *mesg¯ *bhag-, *deha(i)-, *lenk*kon-, *kwer-, *yeh1ˆ *k(u)won, WC *(s)koli¯ ´ WC *mu(k)skos ´ *dhwor ¯ ´ *haenhxt(e)ha *gl 1´s 8h ı WC *haleit*dw(e)i-plos, *dwoyos WC *(s)teh2ist *kathae WC *haegh*ni WC *dr ˆ 8k AN ENGLISH PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN WORDLIST draw (liquids) draw (spin) draw together, be thick dream dregs dress(ed)... *yuhxs- [*yeuhx- ‘mix’] ‘put in the right place’ ‘bind, join together’ ‘moved, stirred up; Wght’ ‘Wghter’ ‘joins, harnesses’ ‘stir up, incite; be unquiet’ ‘mix something moist’ ‘order, law’ ‘grain’ ‘and’ ‘reed, rush’ ‘(animal) body hair’ ‘roedeer’ ‘who, what, that’ ‘which of the two’ ‘as much, as many’ ‘Æ shout (for joy)’ ‘yoke’ ‘water’ ‘ye’ ‘broth’ Appendix 3 An English to Proto-Indo-European Wordlist abdomen... *harei(hx)*pl 2wiha8th ˆ *h1eu-, *h1rebh-, *kem-, *(s)keu(hx)-, *wer-, ˆ WC/PIE? *(s)teg-, WC *kel-, GA *dhwenh2w ˆ eha-, WC *lohapoˆ *g ous, *h1egh-, *wok ´ ¯ WC *gwou-kwolos *karkr(o)*gerg*(s)pr xg8h ´ WC *kerdos WC *dhabhros *ger*serp-, *(t)sel-, NW *rep¯ *km haros 8 ´ *reughmen 8 *h2/3wedr AN ENGLISH PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN WORDLIST crooked cross-eyed crossover crow crowd crown of the head crush cry . with’ *somo-g ˆ n8h 1 -yo-s (WC) [*sem ‘together’ þ *g ˆ enh 1 - ‘beget’] ‘same (kinship) line’ *somo-ph8 a to ¯ r [*sem ‘together’ þ *ph8 a te ¯ ´ r‘father’] ‘of the same father’ *somos [*sem-. ‘settlement’ *tk w reh 1 yot- ‘clay’ *tode ´ h a ‘then’ *to ´ ksom (GA) ‘bow’ *tolko/eh a - ‘sacriWce, sacriWcial meal’ *tolk w - (NW) ‘speak’ *to ´ mh x es- ‘dark’ *to ´ r ‘there’ *to ´ ti (WC) ‘so much, many’ *tre ¯ bs. ‘poison’ *witeros [*wi- ‘apart’] ‘far’ *wl8h 2 neh a - ‘wool’ *wl8ka ¯ nos ‘smith god’ *wl8k w ı ´ h a -[*wl8k w o ´ s ‘dangerous’] ‘she-wolf ’ *wl8k w os ‘dangerous’ *wl8k w os [*wl8k w o ´ s ‘dangerous’]