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Công ước số 167 về an toàn sức khỏe trong xây dựng Hội nghị toàn thể của Tổ chức lao động quốc tế, !"#$#%"&' ()*+,"-,./+,012,03445 !6+1789%/:+-.;* -/<789%/:+%=/>?@+ABC.03DE5:+%=FB G >?@+ABC.03DE5789%/:+%=*) ? .032H5789%/:+%=$I,1+,J.032D5789%/:+ %=(-.032E5789%/:+%=*= .03EK5789%/:+%=,8L-/,%>FB8M,&8&N. %/C.03EE5789%/:+%=/-.F)&O$%/,8 L-/,%03405789%/:+%=A%PF)&O$=.034Q5 789%/:+%=R#,#.03425%/A,P*= FST,034HU,789%=V,V%.032K5 W&+V,F=%=/%/F)&O$?@+AB-/ %V=X,)"YFB&'5 W&+Z6=JF[,Y),789.FS T789%=/>?@+ABC.03DE. \8./+]H12,0344.789A9@+.(-/789%=/ %/F)&O$?@+AB.0344^ _^` ,%1AP%/a Điều 1. 0^789/+1AP%9V1 ?@+AB?@+ V.8Y?@+AB.&XAB-U%/1Ab.*,1)/.% =/+%+X ,X,?@+AB.G-cd*X,-c //AB1^ ]^efg9/%UUd789/+JX.F&,&h&6 T)6 AU*XVLFSAP-%/L- ,MG%1AP789;,F+789%96 / &+6AJi,(1&X,/J 6%V=;*%9,i,(1&X.%9=&6Y ,,8L-/,%/%/%F^ D^789/+j1AP%96L--A1- ;1+?1^ Điều 2 ^ePN789/+^ 0^\Gk?@+ABk*,< Cl@+V.&X/,J%/?@+AB.+TVc.@.FS6.* >&X-/,F %/F"C%/1Ab1- /S;Vc5 *C78Y?@+AB.&X/,J%/?@+AB.+TVc.FS6.* %/1Ab68mF@*+.&.*.LF8. .18YXF8.*X%/V-n.L%/?-.LFI. i.Li,.i %/68m-U1A%P8. 19..V9%/-5 CoB%/1Ab6/S%/Vc-/,Fp.%/% 6V& -/,Fp X,?@+AB^ ]^\GkX,?@+ABkJa-/*V)X,/,/1)+ U >CX,0=/+B^ D^\Gkf-/,%kJa-/f,/L-J,;;X -/,%%/+=&X,F1LFSAP-$an&Q A9@+^ K^\GkL-kJa-/*V)L/-/,8%?@+AB^ Q^\GkLFSAP-kJa-/< CqV),1@+,1@/FSAP,;=L- ,X,?@+AB5 *CgLi&1N.Li&1+Li&1P^ 2^7P,GkLJd,+=kJa-/,LJm%P+U ,8/ 1.JX*.&,%/+=XB ,1/,8%V^71/)1Jd,+=JX 6UdNXrLJd,+=%/JX+ 6FB%9LJd,+=^ E^\Gk/1kJa-/*V),Vc ,L/..+A %/6*X.AsX@bL-%/1%-; X-UVcJ.%/&8-/,k,1+@k$an&4A9 @+^ 4^\Gk,1+@kJa-/*V),1+/.+A.AsX@-U+ ?L%/%-^ 3^\Gk&NP@kJa-/*V)&NP/AsX$%-%/,1+@ &8-/,V/,1++%-^ __^g6+ Điều 3. g6T)6 AVLFSAP-%/L -,&h&%=6*1*/XB 6+789/+^ Điều 4. efg9/%UUd789/+,&.U"Fn11 6+"%=/%/F)&O$.F[8%/A+Y-B1-; 1+X,*FB/1+789^ Điều 5. 0^`1-%/1+8=KU@+JX+% B86Ud&t;6+Y+*Z61 &1s%9=&%/BM^ ]^:/=KU@+%/&0=/+.,fg9/%Uc hc,)6Ud68*n1T) 8-a%BUd1^ Điều 6. q/6*1X*,JFB16LFSAP- %/L-.$61)A1-;1+ .Z,?c%*%/.F)&O$ 1X,?@+AB^ Điều 7 #`1-;1++LFSAP-%/L- -J,%P@$6*1%=/%/F)&O$ + f-/,%^ Điều 8. 0^:J+=LFSAP-L s,X, ?@+AB.Y< CgLi&1N.;-/,L+,T)/&1J+=r ++J1,)i%=6 X,?@+AB.J 1,1*1%=/#F)&O$+%/, *6*1J@.G,Bs%91-%/1 +5 *C\G,Bs%91-%/1+.&Li&1 N.;-/,L+,T)/&1J+=r++J1, )i%=6 X,?@+AB,/&8J,; X,.Y r,L+,T)Jd,+= X,J+=-B%/ "iX+,;LV+,*FB%/%@6 *1Jn >CU@+5 CgLFSAP-1,%=%1AP6*1 +%96L-A9+=,Y^ ]^:LFSAP-%/L--L s ,X,?@+AB u 1XB6*1%=/%/F) &O$+.$1-%/1+V^ Điều 9. g6LJ1,&%/+ ,AB1?@+ABc (/%/F)&O$L-,?@+AB$c1 -.1+%/BM^ Điều 10. `1-;1++ f-/,%L- J+=%/,%P,%/%,*=&-/,%/G ,BL-&X,F1*%/"1-/,%.%/1*Xh& %=6X)-/,%&6X)/+JXn/%/F) &O$^ Điều 11. `1-;1++L-J,%P< 0^1;[%9LFSAP-%/6*1%= /%/F)&O$+^ ]^`,-,1-FB/%/F)&O$*@%/6L JX*nA/%+FJ(&-/,%^ D^`FSAP6"V%/&8As,1F1 6YVX*%*@L-%/6L&1^ K^`*11+-)%9L1,F1B,Y%/%9 A%= /L-J.*V&'Y /,/L-ZJX ?+%/L-&8J&X)JN1^ Q^`@$6*1%=/%/F)&O$+^ Điều 12. 0^`1-%/1++ZL-J+= Y,11&O u +X,&J-hA?11%=FB+X,$A U,(FB/%/F)&O$,Y.%/J,%P8*1+- )L1,F1,Y^ ]^:JFB+X,$A FB/L-.LFSAP- /+)&IXG%%/%/F"1L- 1^ ___^g6*1G%/*% Điều 13. 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Công ước số 167 về an toàn sức khỏe trong xây dựng Hội nghị toàn thể của Tổ chức lao động quốc tế, . ^789/+FST789%=6+%=/>l@+ABC. 03DE^ Các Điều từ 37. 43 ^g6+s,v The Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) (extracts) `R|_^W7}`~Rgoo~•_g_\_}gW Article 1 0^F7%$-$F