[...]... 5,000 Strengths Insights in StrengthsFinder 2.0 Based on unique combinations of your individual item responses during the assessment, these insights will give you an in-depth analysis of how each of your top five themes plays out in your life Unlike the shared theme descriptions from StrengthsFinder 1.0, which are the same for everyone, the descriptions in your StrengthsFinder 2.0 report will be customized... your strengths Once you have completed the online assessment, you will receive a comprehensive Strengths Discovery and Action-Planning Guide that is based on your StrengthsFinder 2.0 results This guide features an in-depth dive into the nuances of what makes you unique, using more than 5,000 new personalized Strengths Insights that we have discovered in recent years Going far beyond StrengthsFinder... your strengths decreases the odds of your being miserable on the job It appears that the epidemic of active disengagement we see in workplaces every day could be a curable disease…if we can help the people around us develop their strengths What’s New in StrengthsFinder 2.0? Our research and knowledge base on the topic of human strengths have expanded dramatically over the past decade StrengthsFinder... your strengths in the next week, month, and year You also will find these resources on the new website: An online option for customizing your strengths- based action plan A strengths discussion forum A tool for creating customized display cards of your top five themes A strengths screensaver with rotating descriptions and quotes for all 34 themes that you can download A quick reference guide to strengths. .. uncovered TAKING STRENGTHSFINDER 2.0 To help you build on your talents and the talents of the people around you, take the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment now Log on to www.strengthsfinder.com You will need the unique access code in the packet in the back of this book to take the assessment It will take about 30 minutes After you have completed the assessment, read Part II: Applying Your Strengths For each... overview and detailed summary of Gallup’s research on strengths- based development and the technical underpinnings of the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment An overview of each of the 34 themes, including brief and full descriptions A team strengths grid for mapping the talents of those around you A guide for strengths- based discussions in organizations A guide for strengths- based discussions at home PARTING THOUGHTS... health and relationships if you’re not in the strengths zone And Gallup’s research has shown how a strengthsbased approach improves your confidence, direction, hope, and kindness toward others So why isn’t everyone living life with a strengths approach? One big problem is that most people are either unaware of, or unable to describe, their own strengths or the strengths of the people around them YOUR... this classification However, we wanted to keep this language manageable so it would be easy to use with work teams, families, and friends What StrengthsFinder actually measures is talent, not strength As an aside, we named it “StrengthsFinder” instead of “TalentFinder” because the ultimate goal is to build a true strength, and talent is just one of the ingredients in this formula The assessment doesn’t... for Action, and tips on how to work with others who have strong talents in that theme Remember that the purpose of StrengthsFinder 2.0 is not to anoint you with strengths it simply helps you find the areas where you have the greatest potential to develop strengths PART II: APPLYING YOUR STRENGTHS THE 34 THEMES AND IDEAS FOR ACTION Achiever Activator Adaptability Analytical Arranger Belief Command Communication... these 5,000-plus Strengths Insights to our massive database and then build your theme descriptions based on what makes you stand out the most Unlike your top five themes of talent, which are likely to overlap with people you know and serve an important purpose in providing a common language, the Strengths Insights are all about what makes you unique Once you have completed the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment, . themes STRENGTHSFINDER 2. 0 TOM RATH GALLUP PRESS 125 1 Avenue of the Americas 23 rd Floor New York, NY 10 0 20 Library of Congress Control Number: 20 06938575 ISBN: 97 8-1 -5 956 2- 0 1 5-6 Copyright © 20 07.