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De 3 I. PHONETICS Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A. places B. laughs C. roofs D. sports 2. A. school B. chemistry C. machine D. scheme 3. A. explore B. exam C. exact D. example Choose one word that is stressed differently from the others. 4. A. disappearance B. nationality C. sympathetic D. paralyzed 5. A. engineer B. employee C. habitual D. personnel 6. A. athletic B. activity C. endangered D. comfortable II. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 7. An artisan is ______________ A. a person who is skilled at making things. B. a person who teaches people to do a particular sport C. a person whose job is driving a train D. a person whose skills you like. 8. Mr Brown contributes a lot to charity. He is a ______________ A. contributor B. contributes C. contributive D. contributing 9. Mr. Pike, who has a lot of plant gardens here, is one of the famous …………… A. biology B. biologists C. biological D. biologically 10. Swimming near a ______ can be dangerous. A. surfing B. surfer C. windsurfing D. All are corred 11. A device for wetting a thing with fine drops of a liquid is a ________ A. prayer B. wetter C. sprayer D. player 12. The swimming pool needs ______ A. to clean B. cleaned C. cleanness D. cleaning. 13. I’d rather _____ tennis. A. not to play B. playing C. you played D. you to play 14. Would you like a beer ? - Not while I’m……………. A. at home B. out of order C. on duty D. on work 15. I’ll give you a map ……………… A. in order for you find the way all right B. so you will find the way all right C. in order that you can find the way all right. D. in case you find a city. 16. Last night I met three strangers, two of ……………come from Africa. A. who B. which C. them D. whom 17. It was hot. …………., we went swimming. A. Because B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise 18. This tea is _____ that I think I’ll have another cup. A. so heat B. such hot C. so hot D too hot 19. She has _____ that she can buy whatever she wants. A. too much B. such lot of money C. so many D. so much money 20. _____ three days to make the report. A. He said B. It is said C. It took him D. He spent 21. _________ that he can’t read novels. A. He’s too old B. He’s such old C. He’s old enough D. He’s so busy a driver 22. Do it again ……………you will be punished. A.so B.or C.and D.if 23. This is the second time _______ that film. A. I saw B. I will see C. I have seen D. I had seen 24. If I ________ hard, I would have gotten good marks. A. would have worked B. had worked C. worked D. have worked 25. It rained hard, …………… he walked to school. A. because B. if C. unless D. but 26. He stayed at home _____ the storm. A. because of B. despite C. out of D. on occasion of 27. ………………. we enjoy freedom. A. Why do B. Only in this country do C. He is said D. It is this country that 28. He is a waiter and _______ they. A. neither are B. either are C. too are D. so are 29. He ran. …………… he would have missed the train to Hanoi. A. But B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. The reason why 30. _____ he will go to Hanoi. A. He said B. He is said C. It is said D. I want Choose the underlined words or phrases that need correcting. 31. There is a hostel at the bottom of the canyon where we can stay there. A B C D 32. Jane is the only one of our students who have received national recognition for her musical ability. A B C D 33. I don’t remember to meet the man whose daughter had married a Korean doctor. A B C D 34. People is thought that Nam is the last person to leave the burning house. A B C D 35. He spoke too quickly for me to understand what he is saying. A B C D TRANSFORMATION 36. The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints. A. The thief wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints. B. The thief wore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints. C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. D. The thief wore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints. 37. “Don’t forget to phone the office”, she said A. She reminded him not forget to phone the office. B. She reminded him to forget not to phone the office. C. She reminded him to phone the office. D. She reminded him about phoning the office. 38. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. A. The man is believed to be escaped in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. C. The man was believed to be escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car. 39. She started learning English ten years ago. A. She has not learnt English before. B. She has learnt English since ten years. C. She has started learning English for ten years. D. She has learnt English for ten years. 40. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes. A. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes. B. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes. C. A lot of money on food and clothes were spent. D. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes. GAP-FILLING In 776 B.C. the first Olympic Games (41- ______) at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. (42- _______), contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed (43- _______) at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored (44- ________) olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. (45- ________) these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. 41. A. held B. holds C. was held D. were held 42. A. However B. Nevertheless C. Though D. Therefore 43. A. four years B. for four years C. every four years D. each four years 44. A. for having B. with having C. to have D. by having 45. A. Origin B. On origin C. Originally D. Original READING Skiing has become a way of life for many people. From the moment the snowflake falls until the spring thaw, skiers put their skis on their cars and head for the slopes. There are many reasons behind the popularity of this winter sport. Skiing is a true family sport that n be enjoyed by all people, whether 3 or 93 years old. Being able to descend a hill, to turn at will, and enjoy nature at its loveliest are thrills for all age groups. Skiing is also interesting because it provides a variety of experiences. Snow conditions change hourly as the temperature and weather conditions change during the day. Moreover, every trail is different. Rarely does one pass over the same spot twice. Improvements in ski equipment, clothing, and ski areas have made the sport more pleasurable, comfortable, and available. Warm, light, dow. filled clothing has replaced layers of heavy sweaters. Ski equipment made with modern materials has made skis and poles lighter, more flexible, and suited to people of all ages and abilities. The availability of skiing has also been improved by snow-making equipment. Even in areas of the country that have very little snowfall, snow can be made if the temperature is below 32 degrees. For many people, skiing is an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the out-of- doors, to challenge their physical abilities, and, finally, to simply have fun. It is a sport enjoyed worldwide and appears to be gaining in popularity constantly. 46. What tone does the author take in writing this passage? A. Favorable B. Amused C. Neutral D. Worried 47. The paragraph following this passage probably deals with A snow-making B. skiing accidents C. the cost of skiing D. ski resorts around the world 48. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage ? A. To describe B. To persuade C. To inform D. To summarize 49. What does the word “trail” mean? A. rail B. run C. clothing D. snowflake 50. Which of the statements below is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The reason why skiing is a popular sport now B. Skiers now wear warm, light, down-filled clothes C. Skiers took part in the race down the slope. D. Snow-making equipment is used in areas with little snowfall. The end De 4 PHONETICS Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1. A. hours B. hit C. has D. held 2. A. claimed B. destroyed C. donated D. killed 3. A. blood B. flood C. but D. food Choose one word that is stressed differently from the others: 4. A. involved B. injury C. sufferings D. accident 5. A. reducing B. society C. soldier D. adopted 6. A. emergency B. technology C. avoidable D. international VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 7. Several vehicles were _____ in the crash. A. injured B. damaged C. wounded D. hurt 8. The people living in the flood _____ areas need more help from charity organizations A. affecting B. affected C. affection D. affect 9. The local charity organizations benefited the fire victims A. claimed B. helped C. donated D. sponsored 10. Many economists divide a country’s ………by its population to measure the standard of living in that country. A. G.8 B. IMF C. GDP D. OPEC 11. Dan’s uncle advised him _____ so much TV A. not to watch B. not watching C. didn’t watch D. not watch 12. The student apologized _____ the teacher _____ coming so late A. to/about B. for/about C. for/to D.to/for 13. He was told _____ what he was saying A. listening B. to listen to C. to listen D. listen to 14. The tsunami ………… many thousands of deaths. A. causing B. was caused C. resulted in D. happened 15. Using public transportation is one of the ways to ……………traffic accidents. A. increase B. decrease C. reduce D. deduce 16. After the accident the …………………may be taken to the hospital by ambulances. A. damaged B. wounded C. injured D. death 17. Nearly 1,700,000 people suffered …………. flood in the Mekong Delta provinces last year. A. from B.for C.in D.by 18. …………….pay VAT in addition to the normal process of the products they buy. A. Costume B. Custom C. Customer D. Customers 19. A UN agency _____ main purpose is to promote international monetary Cooperation. A. who B. whose C. which D. that 20. Do you find it easy people in the disaster-stricken areas? A. saved B. to help C. finding D. rescue 21. We live in a competitive world. ……………. old traditions must give way to new technology. A. Therefore B. However C. But D. On the contrary 22. The Viet Nam Red Cross Society _____ in November, 1946. A. was found B. was founded C. were founded D. had been founded 23. Most people think that volunteer work should be _____ more in our communities. A donated B. participated C. encouraged D. claimed 24. Voluntary movement is a good program for students to learn how to perfect their _____ . A. personal B. interpersonal C. impersonal D. personality 25. Red Cross is an international _____ agency. A. humanism B. humanize C. humanitarian D. humanistic 26. Many slum areas with poor _____ conditions should be wiped out. A. sanitary B. sanitation C. sanity D. sanitize 27. Have you ever involved in a voluntary work? A. interested in B. related to C. absorbed in D. keen on 28. In summer, Vietnamese students often take part in the _____ A. charity organization B. medical clinic C. green voluntary movements D. donated blood 29. The Fred Hollows Foundation has cooperated _____ local blindness prevention agencies. A.to B.by C. over D.with 30. _____ is a serious lack of food for a long time that causes many people to die. A. Famine B. Disaster C. Flood D. Epidemic Choose the underlined words or phrases that need correcting. 31. After the flood, help is sent rapidly to wherever there are victims of catastrophe and either are supports A B C D 32.Although an international Red Cross headquarter was damaged, but a temporary office was in place within hours. A B C D 33. The people in this area are need pure water and food. A B C D 34. Personal, I support voluntary movements because they can help better the lives of many people. A B C D 35. Supplies from the government and charity organizations have sent to flood - affected area. A B C D WRITING: Finish the following sentences as directed 36. “Please sit down”, the teacher said to me. A. The teacher asked me to please sit down. B. The teacher asked me to sit down. C. The teacher told me to please sit down. D. The teacher told to sit down. 37. Many plants are in danger of extinction, and so are animal species. A. Many plants are in danger of extinction, and animal species as well. B. Many plants and animal species are in danger of extinction. C. Many plants are in danger of extinction, and animal species, too. D. Many plants are in danger of extinction, and neither are animal species. 38. Put the animals in cages and they will be unhappy. A. Don’t put the animals in cages, otherwise they are unhappy. B. Unless you put animals in cages they, don’t feel sad. C. If you put animals in cages, they will be unhappy. D. Although you put animals in cages, they are happy. 39. People say that the animals will be endangered in this forest. A. They said to be endangered in this forest. B. They are said will to endanger in this forest. C. It is said that the animals will be endangered in this forest. D. It was said the animals will be endangered in this forest. 40. Nam worked hard, so he fell ill. A. If he had worked hard, he would fall ill. B. If he had worked hard he would have fallen ill. C. If he had not worked hard, he would not have fallen ill. D. Unless he worked hard he would have fallen ill. GAP-FILLING In just over 4 decades, WWF (formerly known as the World Wildlife Fund) has become one of the worlds (41- _____) and most respected independent conservation organizations. With almost 5 million supporters distributed throughout 5 continents, WWF has offices in over 90 countries and can (42- ______) claim to have played a major role in the evolution of the international conservation movement. Since 1985, WWF (43- ) over US$1 billion in more than 12,000 projects. All these projects and activities play a part in the campaign (44- the accelerating degradation of Earth’s natural environment, and to help its human inhabitants live in greater harmony with nature. This section explains (45- _____) the organization grew from being a small group of committed wildlife enthusiasts into a global network, supported by people from all walks of life, who, like WWF, care about the welfare of our planet. 41. A. large B. larger C. largest D largely 42.A. safety B. safely C. safer D.safe 43. A. invested B was invested C. has invested D. have invested. 44. A. of stopping B. to stop C. stopped D. which stopped 45. A. to B. for why C. how D.us Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answers to the questions. Depression is the term used to describe the most severe type of recession in an economy. During the Great Depression that began in 1929, for example, almost one-third of the United States work force was unemployed. Hundreds of thousands of people were suddenly poor. Many were thrown out of their apartment because they could not pay their rent. Or they had their home taken away when they could not pay their mortgages. Farmers lost their farms, small business owners lost their businesses, and many big business owners had trouble selling their products and keeping their companies going. The topic on which economists disagree is how to stop a depression. Many people believe that President Ronald Reagan was successful in stopping the recession of l970s by cutting taxes on corporations, removing other restrictions on businesses, increasing military spending, and cutting back on government social programs. Other people believe that, although some people benefited from Reagan’s policies, many others fell into severe poverty as a result. Furthermore, critics charge, the prosperity that Reagan created lasted only a short time, and was followed by more economic problems. 46. With what topic is paragraph 1 mainly concerned ? A. Causes of economic recession B. Effects of the Great Depression C. Economic hardship and unemployment D. The economy since 1929 47. The word ‘many’ in sentence 4 refers to A. recessions B. farmers C. big business owners D. unemployed people 48. According to the passage, critics of President Reagan believe A. Reagan’s policies resulted in more serious economic problems. B. the recession of the l970s ended when Reagan became president. C. Reagan cut taxes and increased militaay spending to stimulate the xaomy. D. Reagans polocies created more wealth for a large number of people. 49. The word ‘severe’ in the passage is the closest in meaning to A. several B. serious C separated D. sad 50. Which of the following should NOT be included in a summaiy of the passage? A. The Great Depression caused unemployment and business failures. B. President Reagan’s childhood during the Great Depression shaped his philosophy. C. The most serious type of recession is a depression. D. People disagree over the success of President Reagan’s economic policies. The end . was damaged, but a temporary office was in place within hours. A B C D 33 . The people in this area are need pure water and food. A B C D 34 . Personal, I support voluntary movements because. 34 . People is thought that Nam is the last person to leave the burning house. A B C D 35 . He spoke too quickly for me to understand what he is saying. A B C D TRANSFORMATION 36 . The thief. cages, they are happy. 39 . People say that the animals will be endangered in this forest. A. They said to be endangered in this forest. B. They are said will to endanger in this forest. C. It

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2014, 10:20

