Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Portfolio-focused Management 1. Portfolio management has traditionally been about getting new products to market and prioritizing budgets for R&D. all clear into set 2. Improving efficiency and effectiveness in those areas is one of the key benefits of a systematic approach to portfolio management and explains why, in R&D-heavy industries, portfolio management is considered a critical management function in its own case right style way 3. Portfolio management can be the vital bridge between strategy and operations and the key method which cross-functional and cross-departmental coordination and strategic alignment can be achieved. by for from on 4. In order to handle the complexity of the functions performed and through the pressures of growth and of scale, companies have become completely organized around specific functions like Finance, R&D, Supply chain, Manufacturing, etc. economics economies measures mensurations 5. Budgets, target setting and the employees themselves have all become departmentalized by functional area, and this leaves top management with the task of ensuring that the sum of all those functions actually value for the shareholders. assesses conveys creates instills 6. The basic principle is that the market value of a company is driven by the expected future net income from sales of products and services and the that top management's primary goal is to optimize the value of a company. assent assessment assumption assurance 7. It seems obvious that any strategic targets one might have set for maximization of the value of a company have to be translated to a product portfolio and through that into net future revenue bonds funds pools streams 8. The simple fact that strategy turns into revenue only through having the right products in the marketplace at the right time and at the right price should put your current and future product portfolio in the middle of your whole company's focus. dab down square squat 9. However, transparency into the complete portfolio, the currently commercially marketed one as well as the planned products, is often lacking due to geographic fragmentation and inconsistencies between information systems the data about these products. caching capturing digitalizing digitizing 10. The different functions that are very product (R&D, Sales/Marketing, Supply Chain), tend to use different definitions and tools when it comes to product- related planning. aligned centric conscious friendly . Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Portfolio-focused Management 1. Portfolio management has traditionally been about getting. portfolio management and explains why, in R&D-heavy industries, portfolio management is considered a critical management function in its own case right style way 3. Portfolio management. employees themselves have all become departmentalized by functional area, and this leaves top management with the task of ensuring that the sum of all those functions actually value for the