Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Financial Supply Chain Management 1. According to Ray Moore of HSBC, the efficient management of information across the financial supply chain (FSC) is a critical in getting goods to market early and at the lowest cost. bottleneck circumstance enabler factorial 2. As international supply chains become longer and more complex, the risks and costs with fulfilment continue to increase. committed endemic inherent specific 3. The focus of many supply chain management initiatives to date has been the physical processes and logistics costs that are easier to track, but this focus is increasingly shifting towards FSCs and the less costs hidden in payments, risk management and working capital management processes that are equally important. variable venerable viable visible 4. Banks are under increasing pressure to demonstrate how core competences can be better applied to improving the efficiency of the FSC: this can be defined as the 'purchase-to-pay' process from the buyer inspection perspective respectively suspected 5. In order to meet the challenge, banks are re traditional trade services and developing new solutions to meet a constantly evolving trade environment and rising customer expectations about what banks can do for them. incorporating installing instigating invigorating 6. Most large buyer organisations either source from low cost countries or have established managed services or production facilities that take advantage of lower labour and operating costs, and the pressure to source from these countries and source direct to eliminate expensive trading intermediaries continues to amount emerge merge mount 7. The initial about vastly reduced unit costs has, however, been tempered in recent years, as corporates take a more sophisticated approach to the calculation of total fulfilment cost, which includes all logistics, working capital and finance related costs involved within its supply chain. anesthesia euphoria hysteria inertia 8. The approach — often the characteristic of an aggressive buyer — is being replaced with the realisation that there are greater business benefits associated with working more collaboratively with suppliers to help them improve efficiencies and reduce their costs. adversarial effectual entrepreneurial influential 9. The focus for many organisations has been streamlining and automating the physical supply chain in order to reduce costs; for practice organisations, the reduction of 1-2% of total costs of fulfilment is critical to keeping a competitive edge. all best in past 10. However, as physical supply chains are optimised, savings become harder to realise; this is when the focus shifts to FSC opportunities; the quantum to streamlining the FSC, where organisations could save 2- 3% plus potential savings by taking paper out of the system, is now being taken by many corporates. approach field leap mechanics . Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Financial Supply Chain Management 1. According to Ray Moore of HSBC, the efficient management of information across the financial supply. financial supply chain (FSC) is a critical in getting goods to market early and at the lowest cost. bottleneck circumstance enabler factorial 2. As international supply chains become longer. fulfilment continue to increase. committed endemic inherent specific 3. The focus of many supply chain management initiatives to date has been the physical processes and logistics costs that