Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Money 1. It's useful when you go to an auction if you're ready with cash in pocket purse case hand 2. I prefer to deal in cash rather than cheques. solid hard real actual 3. Every office has a certain amount of cash to pay for things like tea, coffee or stamps. small little tiny petty 4. At the moment we are experiencing some cash problems because little money is coming in. fly stream flow run 5. At the casino you can cash your chips at the desk. off out up in 6. Whatever she does, she just can't help money. doing making massing creating 7. There doesn't seem to be anyone working really hard for the business and yet they all seem to earn money. facile simple easy quick 8. If you don't want to use a cheque or postal order, you can always use a money order command instruction directive 9. That new invention has been very successful and has proved to be a money for its creator. driver worker spinner turner 10. This machine is obviously useless and if I were you I'd get your money back again return up . Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Money 1. It's useful when you go to an auction. making massing creating 7. There doesn't seem to be anyone working really hard for the business and yet they all seem to earn money. facile simple easy quick 8. If you don't