Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive The US Mint 1. When the of the U.S. Constitution created a new government for their untried Republic, they realized the critical need for a respected monetary system. foilers formers founders framers 2. Soon after the Constitution's , Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton personally prepared plans for a national Mint. ratification rationalization realization restitution 3. On April 2, 1792, Congress passed The Act, which created the Mint and authorized construction of a Mint building in the nation's capitol, Philadelphia. Coinage Money Species Stamp 4. President George Washington appointed Philadelphian David Rittenhouse, a American scientist, as the first Director of the Mint. famous leading notorious popular 5. When the United States government began minting coins in 1792, the original facility in Philadelphia was to produce enough currency for the small country. hand-picked hard-pressed heavy-handed spearheaded 6. Under Rittenhouse, the Mint produced its first coins: 11,178 copper cents, which were delivered in March 1793. alloy circulating printed utile 7. The primary mission of the United States Mint is to produce an adequate volume of coins for the nation to its trade and commerce. conduct control lead manage 8. In addition to producing coins, the United States Mint has other responsibilities, including maintaining physical and protection of the Nation's $100 billion of U.S. gold and silver assets. custody ownership possession storage 9. It also produces proof and uncirculated coins, coins, and medals for sale to the general public. commemorative commissioned memento memorabilia 10. In addition. the mint is responsible for receiving, redeeming, and processing coins. counterfeit foreign mutilated previous . Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive The US Mint 1. When the of the U.S. Constitution created a new government. Philadelphian David Rittenhouse, a American scientist, as the first Director of the Mint. famous leading notorious popular 5. When the United States government began minting coins in 1792,. a national Mint. ratification rationalization realization restitution 3. On April 2, 1792, Congress passed The Act, which created the Mint and authorized construction of a Mint building