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ÔN TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN TIẾNG ANH - Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 pdf

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Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 1 ÔN TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN TIẾNG ANH 1. The teacher spent an hour ________ the new lesson. A. explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explained 2. He found a watch in the street, and then he ________ to return it to the loser. A. had tried B. was trying C. tried D. had been trying 3. If he ________ for the revision session, he might have no difficulty doing the test right now. A. had come B. came C. was to come D. had to come 4. He is interested ________ his present job. A. of B. with C. for D. in 5. Hung doesn't take his matters ________ good consideration. A. for B. about C. into D. of 6. Conservation is ________ great importance ________ in saving the environment. A. in B. of C. at D. for 7. The custom was born because the practice was spread ________ the nation. A. of B. out of C. throughout D. at 8. Women are now independent ________ men. A. of B. on C. against D. at 9. ________ test was given, our class leader managed to get good marks. A. Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Wherever 10. Steven Spielberg, ________ career excelled in the film industry, is one of the leading figures in Hollywood. A. that B. whose C. whom D. who 11. They couldn't finish it ________ there was no adequate support. A. because B. because of C. why D. so long 12. The appropriate attitude makes ________ to socialize among strangers. A. its possible B. possible it C. it possible D. it possibly 13. The students in this class, ________ are from the provinces, are having trouble finding decent accommodation. A. most of whom B. many of that C. almost of whom D. all whom 14. ________ you didn't do the washing-up? A. How fast B. How come C. How long D. How soon 15. Everyone in our class ________ his suggestion. A. agrees with B. agree to C. agrees to D. agree with 16. One recent ________ in medicine is the development of laser in treating cancer. A. achievements B. achievement C. achiever D. achieved 17. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the ________ of wildlife. A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinctions D. extinction 18. There are many addresses of the _________ sites included in this book. A. historical B. historic C. historian D. history 19. He was finally _________ in his final attempt. A. successful B. successive C. unsuccessful D. success 20. He is boasting; what he is saying is just a(n) _________. A. statement B. understatement C. overstatement D. restatement 21. Why don't you put a better lock on the door?' said John. A. John suggested to put a better lock on the door. B. John asked why not putting a better lock on the door. C. John suggested putting a better lock on the door. D. John made us put a better lock on the door. 22. Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. A. Despite his legs to be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. B. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before exploding. C. Despite his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. D. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before it exploded. 23. I haven't eaten this kind of food before. A. This is the first time I've eaten this kind of food. B. I haven't eaten this kind of food already. C. This is the first kind of food I have eaten. D. Even before I have not eaten this kind of food. 24. After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out. A. The firemen managed in vain to put the fire out after a 12-hour fight. Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 2 B. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen were able to put it out. C. The firemen wasted 12 hours putting the fire out. D. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the fire was put out. 25. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house. A. Plans have been drawn for an extension to the house by the architect. B. The house has had its plans for an extension drawn by the architect. C. Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect. D. The architect has had the plans drawn for an extension to the house. 26. I don't have enough money with me now; otherwise I would buy that coat. A. If I didn't have enough money with me now, I would buy that coat. B. If I had enough money with me now, I would buy that coat. C. If I had enough money with me now, I wouldn't buy that coat. D. If I didn't have enough money now, I wouldn't buy that coat. 27. That expression on his face has some meaning. A. That expression on his face is meaningless. B. That expression on his face means. C. That expression on his face is mean. D. That expression on his face is meaningful. 28. She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you. A. If she weren't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. B. If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. C. If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. D. If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. 29. Bad habits can do harm to our health. A. Bad habits cannot be harmful to our health. B. Bad habits can be harmful to our health. C. Bad habits can be harmless to our health. D. Bad habits can be harmful with our health. 30. The scientists succeeded in finding a vaccine for that disease. A. The scientists were able to find a vaccine for that disease. B. The scientists were finding a vaccine for that disease. C. The scientists should have found a vaccine for that disease. D. The scientists couldn't find a vaccine for that disease. 31. how / take / do / homework? // A. How much time does it usually take you doing your homework? B. How long do you take for doing your homework? C. How long does it usually take you to do your homework? D. How is your homework done when you take it? 32. if you / stay / late / tired / tomorrow // A. If you are staying late, you can feel tired tomorrow. B. If you stay up late, you will feel tired tomorrow. C. If your stay is booked late, you will be tired tomorrow. D. If you had stayed up late, you would be tired tomorrow. 33. what / population / of / Ho Chi Minh City ?// A. What population of Ho Chi Minh City is it? B. What makes the population of Ho Chi Minh City? C. What kind is it of the population of Ho Chi Minh City? D. What is the population of Ho Chi Minh City? 34. car / fast and comfortable / than / motorcycle // A. Cars are faster and more comfortable than are motorcycles. B. Cars are more fast and comfortable than motorcycles are. C. Cars are faster and comfortable than motorcycles. D. Cars are faster and more comfortable than riding motorcycles. 35. I / finish / read / long novel / Arthur Hailey // A. I finished to read a long novel of Arthur Hailey. B. I've just finished reading a long novel written by Arthur Hailey. C. I've finished reading the long Arthur Hailey's novel. D. I finished the reading long novel with Arthur Hailey. 36. teacher's hair / fall / forehead / it / almost hide / blue eyes // Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 3 A. The teacher's hair falling over her forehead, it almost hides her blue eyes. B. The teacher's hair falls over her forehead, it almost hides her blue eyes. C. The teacher's hair falls over her forehead that it almost hides her blue eyes. D. The teacher's hair is fallen over her forehead, and it almost hides her blue eyes. 37. we / celebrate / Mother's Day / as / show / love / gratitude / mothers // A. We celebrate Mother's Day such as to show love and gratitude to our mothers. B. We celebrate Mother's Day so as to show the love and gratitude for our mothers. C. We celebrate Mother's Day so as to show love and gratitude to our mothers. D. We do the celebration Mother's Day as well as show love gratitude to our mothers. 38. throw / thousands / tons / rubbish / forest / year // A. People throw some thousands tons of rubbish into the forest every year. B. People throw thousands of tons of rubbish into the forest every year. C. Throwing thousands of tons of rubbish is into the forest every year. D. People throwing thousands of tons of rubbishes into the forest every year. 39. English / speak / almost / part / the world // A. English is spoken in almost every part of the world. B. English is spoken in almost parts of the world. C. English is speaking in almost all parts of the world. D. Almost every part in the world is spoken with English. 40. laser / be / great use / many science, / especially / medicine // A. Lasers are in great use, according to many scientists, especially in medicine. B. The great use of lasers is in medicine, especially for many sciences. C. Lasers are the great use, and many sciences, especially medicine. D. Lasers are of great use in many sciences, especially in medicine. 41. The Magic Hat __________ at 12 a.m. every Saturday. A. broadcast B. broadcasts C. is broadcasting D. broadcasted 42. Many young people are fond of ___________ football and other kinds of sports. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 43. The whistle signaled the end of the first half. The match will continue after half-time and now AC Milan ___________ Juventus by 2 goals to nil. A. led B. is leading C. has led D. leads 44. _________ any letters from him lately? A. Do you receive B. Have you received C. Are you receiving D. Had you received 45. I _________ a meeting at the office this time tomorrow, so you can phone me later in the evening. A. have B. have had C. will have had D. will be having 46. The moon __________ around the earth. A. has moved B. moves C. is moving D. will move 47. She said she __________ that film years before. A. saw B. has seen C. had seen D. would see 48. America, which is considered to be a new continent, is said _________ by Christopher Columbus. A. to discover B. to have been discovered C. to be discovered D. being discovered 49. They couldn't help __________ when they heard the little boy singing a love song. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed 50. Your house needs __________. A. redecorated B. redecorating C. being redecorated D. to redecorate 51. I remember _________ them to play in my garden. A. to allow B. allow C. allowing D. allowed 52. It's about time you _________ harder for the next exam. A. work B. are working C. worked D. have worked 53. Your eyes are red. _________, darling? A. Are you cried B. Do you cry C. Will you cry D. Have you been crying 54. While my mother _________ a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner. It was March 8th yesterday. A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. was watched 55. The next train _________ at 7 p.m., so get ready now. Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 4 A. leaves B. is leaving C. will leave D. has left 56. I meant to get up early but I forgot _________ up my alarm clock. A. wind B. to wind C. winding D. wound 57. If he really doesn't feel like _________ now, I suggest that he should go out for some fresh air. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked 58. It was a nasty memory. Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid _________ by the supervisors? A. to recognize B. to be recognized C. recognizing D. being recognized 59. I can't bear thinking back of that time. I'd rather _________ equally. A. treat B. be treated C. have treated D. have been treated 60. Neither my colleagues nor I __________ particularly interested in the training course next month. A. are B. am C. be D. being 61. He has never driven such a luxurious car before. A. This car is the most luxurious car he has. B. This is the first time he has driven such a luxurious car. C. This is the first time he drives such a luxurious car. D. This is the first car he has driven in such a luxurious way. 62. We haven't written to each other for two months. A. It is two months that we wrote to each other. B. It is two months since we wrote together. C. There are two months for us to write to each other. D. It is two months since we last wrote to each other. 63. When did Mike start learning French? A. How long has Mike started to learn French? B. How long ago has Mike started to learn French? C. How long has Mike been learning French? D. How long was Mike starting to learn French? 64. The film will end when you have finished dinner. A. By the time you finish dinner, the film will have ended. B. By the time you have finished dinner, the film will end. C. You finish dinner, and then the film will end. D. By the time you finishing dinner, the film will have ended. 65. The last time I saw him was in June, 2004. A. I have seen him since June, 2004. B. I have not seen him since June, 2004. C. I didn't see him since June, 2004. D. I saw him since June, 2004. 66. He's very intelligent; he has ______ I.Q. of 160. A. some B. a C. an D. the 67. I strongly support the idea of having _______ uniform for the company. A. not B. the C. a D. an 68. Martina is learning to play _______ violin. A. one B. a C. any D. the 69. Jennifer is learning to play _______ chess. A. the B. Z C. some D. any 70. I went to ______ wonderful concert by the London Symphony Orchestra. A. the B. a C. any D. such 71. The car was ________ to be seen. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere 72. ________ can change his way of thinking. A. What B. Nowhere C. Nothing D. Not anything 73. I'm afraid she's got ________ of the qualities we need for a promoter. A. none B. nothing C. no D. neither 74. Which one would you like to have? ________ of them is OK, I think. A. Both B. None C. Neither D. Either 75. We had expected many of them to come, but only ________ showed up. A. none B. a little C. a few D. few 76. No one is a better cook than his mother, ________? A. is no one B. are they C. isn't she D. aren't they 77. Her car is more economical, but ________ is faster than ________. A. my / her B. mine / her C. it / hers D. mine / hers Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 5 78. Every man and woman ________ responsible for what he or she does. A. is B. are C. be D. have been 79. All students in the school are free to join any club they wish or ________. A. none B. not C. no D. without 80. Some people believe in ________, but ________ don't. A. them / the other B. themselves / another C. theirs / others D. themselves / others 81. You have to work _______ for the coming exam. A. hardly B. more hardly C. hard D. more hard 82. That's really an ________ man. He tells very good jokes. A. amused B. amusing C. amusedly D. amusingly 83. The secret of getting good marks is to keep ________ in the exam room. A. calm B. calmly C. calming D. calmed 84. It was such ________ news that they all sat there saying nothing. A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. worryingly 85. ________, there are no such so-called ghosts. A. Science B. Scientist C. Scientific D. Scientifically 86. Music interests her greatly. A. She takes a great interest in music. B. She gives a great interest in music. C. She has a great interest of music. D. Music is interested to her greatly. 87. He is proud of being the captain of the national football team. A. He prides himself on being the captain of the national football team. B. Being the captain of the national football team prides him. C. He gives a pride in being the captain of the national football team. D. The captain of the national football team is proud of him 88. He couldn't come to the conference because he was seriously ill. A. Because of his serious illness, he couldn't come to the conference. B. Although he was ill, he came to the conference. C. His illness was very serious that he couldn't come to the conference. D. He couldn't come to the conference, so he became seriously ill. 89. Man has never had such efficient servants as computers. A. The most efficient servants of computers are man. B. Man is the most efficient servant computers have ever had. C. Computers are the most efficient servants man has ever had. D. The most efficiently computers are man's servants. 90. The story of her hard life was painful to listen to. A. The painful story was what she listened to. B. Her hard life was painfully told to people. C. It was painful to listen to the story of her hard life. D. It was hard to listen to her painful story. 91. I cut myself _______ I was shaving. A. while B. until C. during D. by the time 92. You'll see my house _______ you cross the street. A. because B. where C. when D. although 93. He just had to apologize _______ he knew he had made a mistake. A. before B. wherever C. due to D. because 94. I often feel tired _______ I get up in the morning. A. although B. so long as C. when D. while 95. No sooner had he come home _______ he knew he had dropped his wallet. A. when B. after C. than D. then 96. _______ the church service, people keep quiet. A. While B. During C. When D. As 97. _______ in doubt about taking the medicine, consult your doctor. A. As B. Though C. As soon as D. When 98. She hasn't received a single letter from him _______ they both left school. A. as B. because C. since D. now that 99. _______ I am aware, this is the last talk on the topic. Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 6 A. Where B. As long as C. Since D. As far as 100. He wouldn't have failed his exams _______ he hadn't been ill. A. unless B. in case C. if D. although 101. What will you do when you _______ away for the weekend? A. go B. went C. will go D. going 102. _________ he gets home before us and can't get in? A. If B. What if C. If only D. Unless 103. _________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you. A. If only B. Because C. Unless D. Provided 104. ________ you keep it in good condition, I`ll lend you my car. A. So long as B. Although C. Because D. While 105. Fail to pay the bill _________ they will cut off the electricity. A. unless B. and C. so D. if 106. If a driver _________ suddenly on a wet road, he will skid. A. braked B. braking C. brakes D. will brake 107. If I saw a tiger walking past me, I _________ a tree. A. climb B. will climb C. would climb D. had to climb 108. It is such an important matter _______ I can't decide anything about it myself. A. so B. because C. that D. if 109. He hid that letter in a drawer _______ no one could read it. A. so that B. although C. because D. than 110. _______ Tom was unable to see anything, he knew some one was in his room. A. Because B. In case C. If D. Even though 111. _______ other workers' constant objection, the director dimissed the worker. A. Because B. Because of C. Although D. In spite of 112. No one else in the class plays the guitar _______ John. A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as 113. The town was nearer _______ we thought it would be. A. then B. that C. as D. than 114. _______ some scientists use lasers for military purposes, others use them in medicine. A. When B. While C. Until D. However 115. It seems _______ those students haven't learnt this grammar point before. A. so that B. as if C. such that D. even though 116. He doesn't seem to be successful _______ hard he works. A. whatever B. although C. because D. however 117. They were disqualified _______ they fought to the last minute. A. as B. since C. though D. once Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 7 118. The teacher explained the lesson twice _______ the students understood it clearly. A. as long as B. so that C. because D. as if 119. Peter looks _______ he hasn't been able to sleep for some time. A. as though B. as for C. as well as D. as far as 120. Huong didn't participate in the contest _______ her lack of confidence. A. because B. because of C. since D. despite 121. If there is a fire, you should phone number 114. A. The phone number of the fire brigade is 114 if necessary. B. In case of fire, phone number 114. C. You should phone number 114 in case there is a fire. D. Please, phone number 114 because there is a fire. 122. The tennis racquet was more expensive than I had expected. A. I hadn't expected the tennis racquet to be so expensive. B. I had expected the tennis racquet was more expensive. C. My expectation was to buy a more expensive tennis racquet. D. The tennis racquet was not so expensive as I had expected. 123. She wasn't paying attention; that was why she burnt her finger. A. If she had been paying no attention, she might not have burnt her finger. B. Because she had been paying attention, she might not have burnt her finger. C. Had she been paying attention, she might not have burnt her finger. D. If she had been paying attention, she wouldn't burn her finger. 124. He is poor, but he leads a dignified life. A. Being poor, he must lead a dignified life. B. He lives a dignified life despite his poverty. C. His poverty leads to a dignified life. D. He leads the poor to a dignified life. 125. You can use my car, but return it to me before 8 this evening. A. You can return my car when you finish using it at 8 this evening. B. If you return the car to me before 8, you can't use it. C. You and I can take turns to use my car before 8 this evening. D. Provided that you return my car before 8 this evening, you can use it. 126. English _______ in many countries in Africa. A. speaks B. is speaking C. is spoken D. has spoken 127. A new bridge over the river _______ at present. A. constructed B. is constructed C. is constructing D. is being constructed 128. They are going to demolish those slums for the street _______. A. to widen B. widening C. to be widened D. being widened 129. The school boy _______ in the accident. A. seriously injured B. seriously was injured C. was seriously injured D. to be injured seriously 130. The house really needs _______. A. for repainted B. to be repainting C. being repainted D. repainting 131. Nothing _______ about it. A. can do B. can be done C. can't be done D. be able to do 132. _______ that the earth is round. A. It is believed B. The belief C. People are believed D. There is believed 133. Five people _______ injured in the traffic accident. A. reported to be B. are reporting C. are to be reported D. are reported to be Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 8 134. I will have my brother _______ the motor-bike for me. A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired 135. She was made _______ over the passport. A. hand B. to hand C. handing D. handed 136. It / not / deny / Mary / beautiful voice // A. It can't be denied that Mary has a beautiful voice. B. It doesn't deny that Mary has a beautiful voice. C. Mary has a beautiful voice, so it can't deny. D. It is undeniable that Mary to have a beautiful voice. 137. Tax-free goods / buy / before / board / plane. A. There are tax-free goods to buy before the boarding plane. B. Tax-free goods have boarded the plane before. C. Tax-free goods can be bought before boarding the plane. D. Tax-free goods can be bought before the boarding of the plane. 138. No-one has ever discussed that matter thoroughly. A. That matter has never been discussing thoroughly. B. That matter has no discussion thoroughly. C. People have never discussed that matter. D. That matter has a thorough discussion. 139. No Smoking! A. No one smokes now. B. Nothing is as good as smoking is. C. Smoking is no longer fashionable. D. Smoking is not allowed here. 140. Did they give any good answers to the questions? A. Did they question the good answers given? B. Were any good answers to the questions given? C. Were the given answers good for such questions? D. Did they think some answers were good for the questions? 141. _______ Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at midnight. A. In B. On C. At D. From 142. She was born _______ April 15, 1986. A. at B. in C. since D. on 143. I last met her _______ October last year. A. since B. in C. on D. for 144. We haven't seen each other ______ last January. A. for B. on C. since D. in 145. They will have built this road _______ the end of the year. A. since B. until C. after D. by 146. Please take the picture _______ the wall. It's too old now. A. in B. at C. off D. by 147. Jane got _______ the bus when it stopped then she walked into a cafe. A. on B. off C. into D. out of 148. My house is not too far _______ my school. A. from B. away C. about D. off 149. Mary was standing _______ front of her desk. A. on B. at C. in D. from 150. They stepped _______ the stairs many times just for fun. A. to and fro B. back and forth C. up and down D. in and about 151. Scientists are searching _______ some other kinds of energy. Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 9 A. at B. about C. in D. for 152. Alice has been absent _______ the last two classes. A. in B. from C. away D. for 153. All of us are fond _______ listening to music. A. in B. about C. of D. with 154. My sister is quick _______ playing computer games. A. with B. about C. in D. at 155. I'm very grateful _______ you for your kindness. A. to B. for C. of D. about 156. After making a tour of Singapore, my father arrived _______ Tan Son Nhat airport last night. A. at B. in C. into D. for 157. I'm looking forward _______ receiving your email soon. A. at B. to C. in D. for 158. When do you plan to leave _______ Da Nang? A. to B. into C. for D. at 159. She is always borrowing money _______ me. A. from B. to C. of D. in 160. His illness prevents him _______ coming to the party. A. with B. of C. for D. from 161. Motor vehicles account _______ 75% of air pollution in the major cities. A. of B. in C. on D. for 162. Van suddenly came _______ a very valuable book when she was in the bookshop. A. up B. into C. across D. down with 163. Several rare species are dying _______ owing to human beings' deforestation and careless hunting. A. up B. out C. away D. down 164. She was able to carry _______ all the tasks assigned to her. A. away B. out C. on D. off 165. Does he tell you how he is getting _______ his new colleagues? A. on with B. on of C. away with D. out of 166. The thief is said to have broken _______ the house through the bathroom window. A. off B. down C. into D. through 167. Smoking and drinking bring _______ a quick decline in health and fitness. A. up B. about C. in D. off 168. I've advised him many times that he should give _______ smoking. A. in B. out C. off D. up 169. Prices are going _______ in a worrying way. A. up B. over C. away D. off Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 2010- 2011 Trang 10 170. Tom and Mary are going _______ with each other. A. on B. out C. for D. down 171. You'd better reduce the amount of fat you take in every day. A. You should eat more fat every day. B. The amount of fat you take in is reduced well. C. You ought to cut down on the amount of your everyday fat intake. D. It is better for you to eat as much fat as you can every day. 172. He received good education from an early age. A. When he was young he carried on with good education. B. He was well brought up when he was young. C. The younger he was the better educated he was. D. Good education resulted in his active youth. 173. Don't you think you have gained some weight? A. Are you getting on well with your weight? B. You have put on some weight, haven't you? C. You shouldn't think about your weight, OK? D. Don't you think weight is something you have gained? 174. We can't put up with the noise any longer. A. We really can't tolerate the noise any longer. B. The noise is longer than what we can think about. C. We can't make noise much longer. D. We are not able to stop the noise any longer. 175. Peter takes after his father in many ways. A. Peter gives way to his father. B. Peter looks very much like his father. C. Peter takes his father away many times. D. Peter hardly resembles his father. 176. I missed the train _______ catch to work. A. which usually B. that usually C. usually for me D. I usually 177. They are excellent students _______ I have complete confidence. A. who B. that C. whom D. in whom 178. The Smiths, _______ house had been destroyed in the explosion, were given rooms in a hostel. A. which B. who C. that D. whose 179. They're my two brothers, _______ are architects like me. They don't like the job. A. both of those B. neither of whom C. neither D. who neither 180. I've no idea _______ he behaved strangely at the meeting. A. when B. where C. which D. why 181. 'You ought to slow down a bit,' the doctor told him. A. The doctor begged him to slow down. B. The doctor made him slow down. C. The doctor threatened him to slow down. D. The doctor advised him to slow down. 182. Kate said, 'You are not as intelligent as I thought, Bill.' A. Kate had thought that Bill was stupid. B. Kate had thought that Bill was more intelligent. C. In Kate's opinion, Bill was not so intelligent as her. D. Kate told Bill to think about his intelligence. 183. Mr. Brown said, 'Could you please wait here about half an hour?' A. Mr. Brown asked me if I had been able to wait there about half an hour. B. Mr. Brown asked me if I could wait there about half an hour. C. Mr. Brown asked me to wait there about half an hour. D. Mr. Brown asked me if I was pleased to wait there about half an hour. 184. 'Who did you come to the party with?' said Tom to Lyn. A. Tom asked Lyn who did she come to the party with. B. Tom wanted to know with who Lyn had come to the party. C. Tom asked Lyn who she came to the party with. D. Tom asked Lyn who she had come to the party with? 185. 'Don't be so disappointed, Bill. You can take the driving test again,' said Helen. A. Helen told Bill not to be disappointed and not to take the driving test again. B. Helen told Bill to be disappointed because of the driving test again. [...]... know whether she's still wealthy A She is no longer a wealthy woman, we think B Her wealth is beyond my knowledge now C We don't think she is wealth any longer D For all we know she used to be a wealthy woman Please don't talk so loudly while I'm studying 271 A I'd rather not to talk so loudly while I'm studying Trang 15 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281... piece of cake? - A Yes, I would B Yes, I do like C Yes, please D Yes, of course 284 I couldn't find Jo at the party last night If I _ him, we'd have been happy A meet B met C had met D have met 285 How _ foreign stamps have you collected so far, Jack? Trang 16 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên A many B much C little D few 286 Can you see anybody in that classroom? - Yes There ... sleepless D asleep 199 His low scores in the mock tests him quite a lot A courageous B encouraging C discouraged 200 Recently pop-rock music has decreased in A popular B popularizing C popularity Trang 11 D encouragement D popularly Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 201 The waste from the chemical factory is extremely A harmed B unharmed C harmful D harmless 202 The restaurant is now... as D up D What's more 253 The forest fire went _ after three weeks A along B through C out D away 254 The experts were not fully _ that the animal was becoming extinct A convinced B believed C realized D discovered 255 Men are better suited _ harder work A for B to C in D with Trang 14 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 256 At present, an enquiry is taking place _ plans to build a... leaving 334 The fire-fighters put the fire out after an hour A could B managed in C were able to D left D succeeded to 335 Have you got an idea we should do to deal with this matter? A how B where C what D why 336 According to the weather , there will be rain in HCMC area tomorrow A prediction B guess C foretelling D forecast Trang 19 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 337 I'm sorry... it possible D it possibly Trang 22 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 390 They couldn't finish it the lack of support A because B because of C why D the reason 391 Some students in this class are from HCMC, from the provinces A the others B another C the other D each other 392 does it take you to do the washing? A How fast B What speed C How long D What time 393 Neither the boy's... 236 It is wrong to _ poorer people A look down B look down on 237 Why don't you _ a more famous school? A go into B go for C go in for C look on D look upon D go forward Trang 13 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 238 A lot of things to the house before we can move in A need be doing B need to be done C need being done 239 I'll get my brother the heating A fix B to fix C for fixing... She asked her nephew to buy something for her C She asked her nephew if he could guess what he could buy D She asked her nephew if he could guess what she had bought for him Trang 17 Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 303 Those students should be punished for what they have done A Those students should have done what they were punished for B What they have done will give them some punishment... closely A be followed B will follow C would follow 319 You should understand _ better to work together A one the other B each other C yourselves Trang 18 D had followed D yourself Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 320 There's no point a fuss over it A to make B making C being made D to be made 321 Had he learned the lesson well, he more confident now A would feel B would have felt.. .Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trường THPT Long Xuyên 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 C Helen said Bill not to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again D Helen encouraged Bill to take the driving test again . Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trang 1 ÔN TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN TIẾNG ANH 1. The teacher spent an hour ________ the new. it out. A. The firemen managed in vain to put the fire out after a 12-hour fight. Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trang 2 B. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen were able. 99. _______ I am aware, this is the last talk on the topic. Trường THPT Long Xuyên Năm học 201 0- 2011 Trang 6 A. Where B. As long as C. Since D. As far as 100. He wouldn't have failed

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2014, 14:20



