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EXAMPLE 6 Sorting by host IP address Either of the following commands prints the hosts(4) file (IPv4 hosts database), sorted by the numeric IP address (the first four numeric fields): example$ sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n /etc/hosts example$ sort -t . +0 -1n +1 -2n +2 -3n +3 -4n /etc/hosts Since ’.’ is both the field delimiter and, in many locales, the decimal separator, failure to specify both ends of the field will lead to results where the second field is interpreted as a fractional portion of the first, and so forth. See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of sort: LC_COLLATE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH. LC_CTYPE Determine the locale for the interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as characters (for example, single- versus multi-byte characters in arguments and input files) and the behavior of character classification for the -b, -d, -f, -i and -n options. LC_NUMERIC Determine the locale for the definition of the radix character and thousands separator for the -n option. The following exit values are returned: 0 All input files were output successfully, or -c was specified and the input file was correctly sorted. 1 Under the -c option, the file was not ordered as specified, or if the -c and -u options were both specified, two input lines were found with equal keys. >1 An error occurred. /var/tmp/stm??? temporary files See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWesu CSI Enabled ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWxcu4 CSI Enabled sort(1) ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES EXIT STATUS FILES ATTRIBUTES /usr/bin/sort /usr/xpg4/bin/sort 1414 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 19 Nov 2001 comm(1), join(1), uniq(1), nl_langinfo(3C), strftime(3C), hosts(4), passwd(4), attributes(5), environ(5), largefile(5), XPG4(5) Comments and exits with non-zero status for various trouble conditions (for example, when input lines are too long), and for disorders discovered under the -c option. When the last line of an input file is missing a new-line character, sort appends one, prints a warning message, and continues. sort does not guarantee preservation of relative line ordering on equal keys. One can tune sort performance for a specific scenario using the -S option. However, one should note in particular that sort has greater knowledge of how to use a finite amount of memory for sorting than the virtual memory system. Thus, a sort invoked to request an extremely large amount of memory via the -S option could perform extremely poorly. As noted, certain of the field modifiers (such as -M and -d) cause the interpretation of input data to be done with reference to locale-specific settings. The results of this interpretation can be unexpected if one’s expectations are not aligned with the conventions established by the locale. In the case of the month keys, sort does not attempt to compensate for "approximate" month abbreviations. The precise month abbreviations from nl_langinfo(3C) or strftime(3C) are the only ones recognized. For printable or dictionary order, if these concepts are not well-defined by the locale, an empty sort key may be the result, leading to the next key being the significant one for determining the appropriate ordering. sort(1) SEE ALSO DIAGNOSTICS NOTES User Commands 1415 sortbib – sort a bibliographic database sortbib [-s KEYS] database… sortbib sorts files of records containing refer key-letters by user-specified keys. Records may be separated by blank lines, or by ‘.[’ and ‘.]’ delimiters, but the two styles may not be mixed together. This program reads through each database and pulls out key fields, which are sorted separately. The sorted key fields contain the file pointer, byte offset, and length of corresponding records. These records are delivered using disk seeks and reads, so sortbib may not be used in a pipeline to read standard input. The most common key-letters and their meanings are given below. %A Author’s name %B Book containing article referenced %C City (place of publication) %D Date of publication %E Editor of book containing article referenced %F Footnote number or label (supplied by refer) %G Government order number %H Header commentary, printed before reference %I Issuer (publisher) %J Journal containing article %K Keywords to use in locating reference %L Label field used by -k option of refer %M Bell Labs Memorandum (undefined) %N Number within volume %O Other commentary, printed at end of reference %P Page number(s) %Q Corporate or Foreign Author (unreversed) %R Report, paper, or thesis (unpublished) %S Series title %T Title of article or book %V Volume number %X Abstract — used by roffbib, not by refer %Y,Z Ignored by refer sortbib(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION 1416 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 14 Sep 1992 By default, sortbib alphabetizes by the first %A and the %D fields, which contain the senior author and date. sortbib sorts on the last word on the %A line, which is assumed to be the author’s last name. A word in the final position, such as ‘jr.’ or ‘ed.’, will be ignored if the name beforehand ends with a comma. Authors with two-word last names or unusual constructions can be sorted correctly by using the nroff convention ‘\0’ in place of a blank. A %Q field is considered to be the same as %A, except sorting begins with the first, not the last, word. sortbib sorts on the last word of the %D line, usually the year. It also ignores leading articles (like ‘A’ or ‘The’) when sorting by titles in the %T or %J fields; it will ignore articles of any modern European language. If a sort-significant field is absent from a record, sortbib places that record before other records containing that field. No more than 16 databases may be sorted together at one time. Records longer than 4096 characters will be truncated. -sKEYS Specify new KEYS. For instance, -sATD will sort by author, title, and date, while -sA+D will sort by all authors, and date. Sort keys past the fourth are not meaningful. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWdoc addbib(1), indxbib(1), lookbib(1), refer(1), roffbib(1), attributes(5) Records with missing author fields should probably be sorted by title. sortbib(1) OPTIONS ATTRIBUTES SEE ALSO BUGS User Commands 1417 sotruss – trace shared library procedure calls /usr/bin/sotruss [-f] [-F bindfromlist] [-T bindtolist] [-o outputfile] executable [executable arguments…] sotruss executes the specified command and produces a trace of the library calls that it performs. Each line of the trace output reports what bindings are occurring between dynamic objects as each procedure call is executed. sotruss traces all of the procedure calls that occur between dynamic objects via the Procedure Linkage Table,so only those procedure calls which are bound via the Procedure Linkage Table will be traced. See Linker and Libraries Guide -F bindfromlist A colon-separated list of libraries that are to be traced. Only calls from these libraries will be traced. The default is to trace calls from the main executable only. -T bindtolist A colon-separated list of libraries that are to be traced. Only calls to these libraries will be traced. The default is to trace all calls. -o outputfile sotruss output will be directed to the outputfile. If this option is combined with the -f option then the pid of the executing program will be placed at the end of the filename. By default sotruss output is placed on stderr. -f Follow all children created by fork() and print truss output on each child process. This option will also cause a pid to be output on each truss output line. EXAMPLE 1 An example of sotruss. A simple example shows the tracing of a simple ls command: % sotruss ls | more ls -> libc.so.1:*atexit(0xef7d7d1c, 0x23c00, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*atexit(0x1392c, 0xef7d7d1c, 0xef621bb0) ls -> libc.so.1:*setlocale(0x6, 0x1396c, 0xef621ba8) ls -> libc.so.1:*textdomain(0x13970, 0x1396c, 0xef621ba8) ls -> libc.so.1:*time(0x0, 0xef61f6fc, 0xef621ba8) ls -> libc.so.1:*isatty(0x1, 0xef61f6fc, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*getopt(0x1, 0xeffff8fc, 0x13980) ls -> libc.so.1:*malloc(0x100, 0x0, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*malloc(0x9000, 0x0, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*lstat64(0x23ee8, 0xeffff7a0, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*printf(0x13a64, 0x26208, 0x23ef0) ls -> libc.so.1:*printf(0x13a64, 0x26448, 0x23ef0) ls -> libc.so.1:*exit(0x0, 0x24220, 0x2421c) See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: sotruss(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS EXAMPLES ATTRIBUTES 1418 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 12 May 1997 ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWtoo ld.so.1(1), truss(1), whocalls(1), fork(2), attributes(5) Linker and Libraries Guide sotruss(1) SEE ALSO User Commands 1419 spell, hashmake, spellin, hashcheck – report spelling errors spell [-bilvx] [+ local_file][file] … /usr/lib/spell/hashmake /usr/lib/spell/spellin n /usr/lib/spell/hashcheck spelling_list The spell command collects words from the named files and looks them up in a spelling list. Words that neither occur among nor are derivable (by applying certain inflections, prefixes, or suffixes) from words in the spelling list are written to the standard output. If there are no file arguments, words to check are collected from the standard input. spell ignores most troff(1), tbl(1), and eqn(1) constructs. Copies of all output words are accumulated in the history file (spellhist), and a stop list filters out misspellings (for example, their=thy−y+ier) that would otherwise pass. By default, spell (like deroff(1)) follows chains of included files (.so and .nx troff(1) requests), unless the names of such included files begin with /usr/lib. The standard spelling list is based on many sources, and while more haphazard than an ordinary dictionary, is also more effective in respect to proper names and popular technical words. Coverage of the specialized vocabularies of biology, medicine and chemistry is light. Three programs help maintain and check the hash lists used by spell: hashmake Reads a list of words from the standard input and writes the corresponding nine-digit hash code on the standard output. spellin Reads n hash codes from the standard input and writes a compressed spelling list on the standard output. hashcheck Reads a compressed spelling_list and recreates the nine-digit hash codes for all the words in it. It writes these codes on the standard output. The following options are supported: -b Check British spelling. Besides preferring "centre," "colour," "programme," "speciality," "travelled," and so forth, this option insists upon −ise in words like "standardise." -i Cause deroff(1) to ignore .so and .nx commands. If deroff(1) is not present on the system, then this option is ignored. -l Follow the chains of all included files. -v Print all words not literally in the spelling list, as well as plausible derivations from the words in the spelling list. spell(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS 1420 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 14 Dec 1995 -x Print every plausible stem, one per line, with = preceding each word. +local_file Specify a set of words that are correct spellings (in addition to spell’s own spelling list) for each job. local_file is the name of a user-provided file that contains a sorted list of words, one per line. Words found in local_file are removed from spell’s output. Use sort(1) to order local_file in ASCII collating sequence. If this ordering is not followed, some entries in local_file may be ignored. The following operands are supported: file A path name of a text file to check for spelling errors. If no files are named, words are collected from the standard input. See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of spell: LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH. The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. D_SPELL=/usr/lib/spell/hlist[ab] hashed spelling lists, American & British S_SPELL=/usr/lib/spell/hstop hashed stop list H_SPELL=/var/adm/spellhist history file /usr/share/lib/dict/words master dictionary See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWesu deroff(1), eqn(1), sort(1), tbl(1), troff(1), attributes(5), environ(5) Misspelled words can be monitored by default by setting the H_SPELL variable in /usr/bin/spell to the name of a file that has permission mode 666. spell works only on English words defined in the U.S. ASCII codeset. Because copies of all output are accumulated in the spellhist file, spellhist may grow quite large and require purging. spell(1) OPERANDS ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES EXIT STATUS FILES ATTRIBUTES SEE ALSO NOTES User Commands 1421 The spelling list’s coverage is uneven; new installations may wish to monitor the output for several months to gather local additions. British spelling was done by an American. spell(1) BUGS 1422 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 14 Dec 1995 spline – interpolate smooth curve spline [-aknpx] … spline takes pairs of numbers from the standard input as abcissas and ordinates of a function. It produces a similar set, which is approximately equally spaced and includes the input set, on the standard output. The cubic spline output (R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers,2nd ed., 349ff) has two continuous derivatives, and sufficiently many points to look smooth when plotted, for example by graph(1). -a Supply abscissas automatically (they are missing from the input); spacing is given by the next argument, or is assumed to be 1 if next argument is not a number. -k The constant k used in the boundary value computation (2nd deriv. at end) = k*(2nd deriv. next to end) is set by the next argument. By default k =0. -n Space output points so that approximately n intervals occur between the lower and upper x limits. (Default n = 100.) -p Make output periodic, that is, match derivatives at ends. First and last input values should normally agree. -x Next 1 (or 2) arguments are lower (and upper) x limits. Normally these limits are calculated from the data. Automatic abcissas start at lower limit (default 0). See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWesu graph(1), attributes(5) R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed. When data is not strictly monotonic in x, spline reproduces the input without interpolating extra points. A limit of 1000 input points is enforced silently. spline(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS ATTRIBUTES SEE ALSO DIAGNOSTICS BUGS User Commands 1423 [...]... ProxyCommand /usr/lib/ssh/ssh-http-proxy-connect -h webcache \ User Commands 1443 ssh-http-proxy-connect(1) EXAMPLE 2 Overriding proxy environment variables (Continued) -p 80 80 playtime.foo.com 22 EXAMPLE 3 Using the command line The following example uses ssh-http-proxy-connect from the ssh(1) command line: example$ ssh -o’ProxyCommand="/usr/lib/ssh/ssh-http-proxy-connect \ -h webcache -p 80 80 playtime.foo.com... variables: 14 48 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 24 Oct 2001 ssh-socks5-proxy-connect(1) EXAMPLE 2 Overriding proxy environment variables (Continued) Host playtime.foo.com ProxyCommand /usr/lib/ssh/ssh-socks5-proxy-connect -h socks-gw \ -p 1 080 -n 192 .1 68. 100.2 playtime.foo.com 22 EXAMPLE 3 Using the command line The following example uses ssh-socks5-proxy-connect from the ssh(1) command. .. for authentication The server checks if this key is permitted, and if so, sends the user (actually the ssh program running on behalf of the user) a challenge in User Commands 14 29 ssh(1) the form of a random number, encrypted by the user s public key The challenge can only be decrypted using the proper private key The user s client then decrypts the challenge using the private key, proving that he or... the user s identity has been accepted by the server, the server either executes the given command, or logs into the machine and gives the user a normal shell on the remote machine All communication with the remote command or shell will be automatically encrypted man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 25 Feb 2002 ssh(1) If a pseudo-terminal has been allocated (normal login session), the user. .. completion An error occurred See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 16 Apr 199 9 split(1) ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability CSI SEE ALSO SUNWesu enabled csplit(1), statvfs(2), attributes(5), environ(5), largefile(5) User Commands 1425 srchtxt(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION srchtxt – display contents of, or search for a text string... intended to be self-explanatory They indicate an error in the command line or errors encountered while searching for a particular locale and/or message file man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 20 Dec 199 6 ssh(1) NAME SYNOPSIS ssh – OpenSSH secure shell client (remote login program) ssh [-l login_name] [ hostname | user@ hostname] [ command] ssh -afgknqtvxACNPTX246 [-c cipher_spec] [-e escape_char]... X11 connections over the secure channel The user should normally not set DISPLAY explicitly, as that will render the X11 connection insecure (and will require the user to manually copy any required authorization cookies) man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 25 Feb 2002 ssh(1) HOME Set to the path of the user s home directory LOGNAME Synonym for USER Set for compatibility with systems that... names for the DSA and RSA key files: User Commands 14 39 ssh-add(1) $HOME/.ssh/identity $HOME/.ssh/identity.pub Contains the public part of the RSA authentication identity of the user for protocol version 1 $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa Contains the private DSA authentication identity of the user $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub Contains the public part of the DSA authentication identity of the user $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa Contains... proxy connection command is to configure the ProxyCommand in ssh_config(4) (see Example 1 and Example 2) Example 3 shows how the proxy command can be specified on the command line when running ssh(1) EXAMPLE 1 Setting the proxy from the environment The following example uses ssh-http-proxy-connect in ssh_config(4) when the proxy is set from the environment: Host playtime.foo.com ProxyCommand /usr/lib/ssh/ssh-http-proxy-connect... server user names are the same In addition, successful RSA host authentication is normally required This file should only be writable by root /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv This file is processed exactly as /etc/hosts.equiv This file may be useful to permit logins using ssh but not using rsh or rlogin /etc/ssh/sshrc Commands in this file are executed by ssh when the user logs in just before the user s shell or command . 1: User Commands • Last Revised 16 Apr 199 9 ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWesu CSI enabled csplit(1), statvfs(2), attributes(5), environ(5), largefile(5) split(1) SEE ALSO User. libc.so.1:*getopt(0x1, 0xeffff8fc, 0x1 3 98 0) ls -> libc.so.1:*malloc(0x100, 0x0, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*malloc(0x9000, 0x0, 0x0) ls -> libc.so.1:*lstat64(0x23ee8, 0xeffff7a0, 0x0) ls ->. attributes: sotruss(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS EXAMPLES ATTRIBUTES 14 18 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 12 May 199 7 ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWtoo ld.so.1(1),

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