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solaris 9 user command phần 10 potx

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vacation – reply to mail automatically vacation [-I] vacation [-a alias] [-f database_file] [-j] [-m message_file] [-s sender] [-tN] username The vacation utility automatically replies to incoming mail. The installation consists of an interactive program which sets up vacation’s basic configuration. To install vacation, type it with no arguments on the command line. The program creates a .vacation.msg file, which contains the message that is automatically sent to all senders when vacation is enabled, and starts an editor for you to modify the message. (See USAGE section.) Which editor is invoked is determined by the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable, or vi(1) if neither of those environment variables are set. A .forward file is also created if one does not exist in your home directory. Once created, the .forward file will contain a line of the form: \username, "|/usr/bin/vacation username"One copy of an incoming message is sent to the username and another copy is piped into vacation. If a .forward file is present in your home directory, it will ask whether you want to remove it, which disables vacation and ends the installation. The program automatically creates .vacation.pag and .vacation.dir, which contain a list of senders when vacation is enabled. The presence of the .forward file determines whether or not vacation is disabled or enabled. To disable vacation, remove the .forward file, or move it to a new name. The -I option clears the vacation log files, .vacation.pag and .vacation.dir, erasing the list of senders from a previous vacation session. (See OPTIONS section.) vacation provides configuration options that are not part of the installation, these being -a, -f, -j, -m, -s, and -t. (See OPTIONS section.) The following options are supported: -I Initializes the .vacation.pag and .vacation.dir files and enables vacation.Ifthe-I flag is not specified, and a user argument is given, vacation reads the first line from the standard input (for a From: line, no colon). If absent, it produces an error message. Options -a, -f, -j, -m, -t, and -s are configuration options to be used in conjunction with vacation in the .forward file, not on the command line. For example, vacation(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Installation Activation and Deactivation Initialization Additional Configuration OPTIONS 1630 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 12 Jun 2000 \username, "|/usr/bin/vacation -t1m username"repeats replies to the sender every minute. -a alias Indicates that alias is one of the valid aliases for the user running vacation, so that mail addressed to that alias generates a reply. -f file Uses file instead of .vacation as the base name for the database file. -j Does not check whether the recipient appears in the To: or the Cc: line. Warning: use of this option can result in vacation replies being sent to mailing lists and other inappropriate places; its use is therefore strongly discouraged. -m file Uses file instead of .vacation.msg as the message to send for the reply. -s sender Replies to sender instead of the value read from the UNIX From line of the incoming message. -tN Changes the interval between repeat replies to the same sender. The default is 1 week. A trailing s, m, h, d,orw scales N to seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks, respectively. .vacation.msg should include a header with at least a Subject: line (it should not include a To: line). For example: Subject: I am on vacation I am on vacation until July 22. If you have something urgent, please contact Joe Jones (jones@fB0). John If the string $SUBJECT appears in the .vacation.msg file, it is replaced with the subject of the original message when the reply is sent; thus, a .vacation.msg file such as Subject: I am on vacation I am on vacation until July 22. Your mail regarding "$SUBJECT" will be read when I return. If you have something urgent, please contact Joe Jones (jones@fB0). John will include the subject of the message in the reply. No message is sent if the To: or the Cc: line does not list the user to whom the original message was sent or one of a number of aliases for them, if the initial From line includes the string −REQUEST@,orifaPrecedence: bulk or Precedence: junk line is included in the header. vacation will also not respond to mail from either postmaster or Mailer-Daemon. vacation(1) Files User Commands 1631 ~/.forward ~/.vacation.msg A list of senders is kept in the dbm format files .vacation.pag and .vacation.dir in your home directory. These files are dbm files and cannot be viewed directly with text editors. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWcsu vi(1), sendmail(1M), dbm(3UCB), getusershell(3C), aliases(4), shells(4), attributes(5) vacation(1) FILES ATTRIBUTES SEE ALSO 1632 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 12 Jun 2000 vc – version control vc [-a] [-t] [-c char] [-s] [keyword=value… keyword=value] This command is obsolete and will be removed in the next release. The vc command copies lines from the standard input to the standard output under control of its arguments and of ‘‘control statements’’ encountered in the standard input. In the process of performing the copy operation, user-declared keywords may be replaced by their string value when they appear in plain text and/or control statements. The copying of lines from the standard input to the standard output is conditional, based on tests (in control statements) of keyword values specified in control statements or as vc command arguments. A control statement is a single line beginning with a control character, except as modified by the -t keyletter (see below). The default control character is colon (:), except as modified by the -c keyletter (see below). Input lines beginning with a backslash (\) followed by a control character are not control lines and are copied to the standard output with the backslash removed. Lines beginning with a backslash followed by a non-control character are copied in their entirety. A keyword is composed of 9 or less alphanumerics; the first must be alphabetic. A value is any ASCII string that can be created with ed; a numeric value is an unsigned string of digits. Keyword values may not contain blanks or tabs. Replacement of keywords by values is done whenever a keyword surrounded by control characters is encountered on a version control statement. The -a keyletter (see below) forces replacement of keywords in all lines of text. An uninterpreted control character may be included in a value by preceding it with \. If a literal \ is desired, then it too must be preceded by \. The following options are supported: -a Forces replacement of keywords surrounded by control characters with their assigned value in all text lines and not just in vc statements. -t All characters from the beginning of a line up to and including the first tab character are ignored for the purpose of detecting a control statement. If a control statement is found, all characters up to and including the tab are discarded. -cchar Specifies a control character to be used in place of the ‘‘:’’ default. -s Silences warning messages (not error) that are normally printed on the diagnostic output. vc recognizes the following version control statements: :dcl keyword[, , keyword] Declare keywords. All keywords must be declared. vc(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS User Commands 1633 :asg keyword=value Assign values to keywords. An asg statement overrides the assignment for the corresponding keyword on the vc command line and all previous asg statements for that keyword. Keywords that are declared but are not assigned values have null values. :if condition :end Skip lines of the standard input. If the condition is true, all lines between the if statement and the matching end statement are copied to the standard output. If the condition is false, all intervening lines are discarded, including control statements. Note: Intervening if statements and matching end statements are recognized solely for the purpose of maintaining the proper if-end matching. The syntax of a condition is: <cond> ::= [ ‘‘not’’ ] <or> <or> ::= <and> | <and> ‘‘|’’ <or> <and> ::= <exp> | <exp> ‘‘&’’ <and> <exp> ::= ‘‘(’’ <or> ‘‘)’’ | <value> <op> <value> <op> ::= ‘‘=’’ | ‘‘!=’’ | ‘‘<’’ | ‘‘>’’ <value> ::= <arbitrary ASCII string> | <numeric string> The available operators and their meanings are: = equal != not equal & and | or > greater than vc(1) 1634 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 5 Jul 1990 < less than () used for logical groupings not may only occur immediately after the if, and when present, inverts the value of the entire condition The > and < operate only on unsigned integer values (for example, :012>12is false). All other operators take strings as arguments (for example, : 012 != 12 is true). The precedence of the operators (from highest to lowest) is: =!=>< all of equal precedence & | Parentheses may be used to alter the order of precedence. Values must be separated from operators or parentheses by at least one blank or tab. ::text Replace keywords on lines that are copied to the standard output. The two leading control characters are removed, and keywords surrounded by control characters in text are replaced by their value before the line is copied to the output file. This action is independent of the -a keyletter. :on :off Turn on or off keyword replacement on all lines. :ctl char Change the control character to char. :msg message Print message on the diagnostic output. :err message Print message followed by: ERROR: err statement on line (915) vc(1) User Commands 1635 on the diagnostic output. vc halts execution, and returns an exit code of 1. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWsprot ed(1), attributes(5) vc(1) ATTRIBUTES SEE ALSO 1636 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 5 Jul 1990 vgrind – grind nice program listings vgrind [-2fntwx] [-d defs-file] [-h header] [-l language] [-s n] [-o pagelist] [-P printer] [-T output-device] filename… The vgrind utility formats the program sources named by the filename arguments in a nice style using troff(1). Comments are placed in italics, keywords in bold face, and as each function is encountered its name is listed on the page margin. vgrind runs in two basic modes, filter mode or regular mode. In filter mode, vgrind acts as a filter in a manner similar to tbl(1). The standard input is passed directly to the standard output except for lines bracketed by the troff-like macros: .vS starts processing .vE ends processing These lines are formatted as described above. The output from this filter can be passed to troff for output. There need be no particular ordering with eqn(1) or tbl(1). In regular mode, vgrind accepts input filenames, processes them, and passes them to troff for output. Use a hyphen (‘−’) to specify standard input; otherwise, vgrind will exit without attempting to read from the standard input. Filenames must be specified after all other option arguments. In regular mode, if the -t or -P option is specified, the output is: ■ emitted (in troff format) to stdout if the -t option is specified. ■ printed (as PostScript) to the named printer if the -P option is specified. Otherwise, the output is: ■ printed (as PostScript) on the system default printer, if one is defined, and the command’s stdout is a tty. ■ emitted (as PostScript) to stdout if it is not a tty (that is, if stdout is a pipe or a redirect to a file). In both modes, vgrind passes any lines beginning with a decimal point without conversion. The following options are supported: -2 Produces two-column output. Specifying this option changes the default point size to 8 (as if the -s8 option were supplied). It also arranges for output to appear in landscape mode. -f Forces filter mode. -n Does not make keywords boldface. -w Considers TAB characters to be spaced four columns apart instead of the usual eight. vgrind(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS User Commands 1637 -x Outputs the index file in a “pretty” format. The index file itself is produced whenever vgrind is run with a file called index that is present in the current directory. The index of function definitions can then be run off by giving vgrind the -x option and the file index as argument. -d defs-file Specifies an alternate language definitions file (default is /usr/lib/vgrindefs). -h header Specifies a header to appear in the center of every output page. Use quotes to specify headers with embedded spaces. -l language Specifies the language to use. Among the languages currently known are: Bourne shell (-lsh),C(-lc, the default), C++ (-lc++), C shell (-lcsh), emacs MLisp (-lml), FORTRAN (-lf), Icon (-lI), ISP (-i), LDL (-lLDL), Model (-lm), Pascal (-lp), and RATFOR (-lr). -P printer Sends output to the named printer. -s n Specifies a point size to use on output (exactly the same as the argument of a troff .ps point size request). vgrind passes the following options to the formatter specified by the TROFF environment variable. See ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. -t Similar to the same option in troff; that is, formatted text goes to the standard output. -o pagelist Prints only those pages whose page numbers appear in the comma-separated pagelist of numbers and ranges. A range N−M means pages N through M; an initial -N means from the beginning to page N; and a final N− means from N to the end. -T output-device Formats output for the specified output-device. The following operand is supported: filename Name of the program source to be processed by vgrind. Use ‘−’ to specify the standard input. In regular mode, vgrind feeds its intermediate output to the text formatter given by the value of the TROFF environment variable, or to /usr/bin/troff if this variable is not defined in the environment. This mechanism allows for local variations in troff’s name. index file where source for index is created /usr/lib/vgrindefs language descriptions vgrind(1) OPERANDS ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES FILES 1638 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 3 Mar 2000 /usr/lib/vfontedpr preprocessor /usr/share/lib/tmac/tmac.vgrind macro package See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE Availability SUNWdoc csh(1), ctags(1), eqn(1), tbl(1), troff(1), attributes(5), vgrindefs(5) vgrind assumes that a certain programming style is followed: C Function names can be preceded on a line only by SPACE, TAB, or an asterisk (*). The parenthesized arguments must also be on the same line. FORTRAN Function names need to appear on the same line as the keywords function or subroutine. MLisp Function names should not appear on the same line as the preceding defun. Model Function names need to appear on the same line as the keywords is beginproc. Pascal Function names need to appear on the same line as the keywords function or procedure. If these conventions are not followed, the indexing and marginal function name comment mechanisms will fail. More generally, arbitrary formatting styles for programs usually give unsightly results. To prepare a program for vgrind output, use TAB rather than SPACE characters to align source code properly, since vgrind uses variable width fonts. The mechanism of ctags(1) in recognizing functions should be used here. The -w option is annoying, but there is no other way to achieve the desired effect. The macros defined in tmac.vgrind do not coexist gracefully with those of other macro packages, making filter mode difficult to use effectively. vgrind does not process certain special characters in csh(1) scripts correctly. vgrind(1) ATTRIBUTES SEE ALSO BUGS User Commands 1639 [...]... default user Name of a particular user for whom login information is displayed If specified, output is restricted to that user EXAMPLE 1 Sample Output From the w Command example% w 10: 54am up 27 day(s), 57 mins, 1 user, load average: 0.28, 0.26, 0.22 User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what ralph console 7:10am 1 10: 05 4:31 w example% w 10: 54am up 27 day(s), 57 mins, 1 user, load average: 0.28, 0.26, 0.22 User. .. FMLI man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 5 Jul 199 0 w(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION w – display information about currently logged-in users w [-hlsuw] [user] The w command displays a summary of the current activity on the system, including what each user is doing The heading line shows the current time, the length of time the system has been up, the number of users logged into the system,... encrypted This man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 18 Jun 199 8 vi(1) is a good way to decrypt a file erroneously encrypted with a mistyped encryption key, such as a backspace or undo key +command | -c command /usr/xpg4/bin/vi OPERANDS Begin editing by executing the specified editor command (usually a search or positioning command) If both the -t tag and the -c command options are given, the... [ +command | -c command] filename… /usr/xpg4/bin/vi [-| -s] [-l] [-L] [-R] [-r [filename]] [-S] [-t tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command | -c command] filename… /usr/xpg4/bin/view [-| -s] [-l] [-L] [-R] [-r [filename]] [-S] [-t tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command | -c command] filename… /usr/xpg4/bin/vedit [-| -s] [-l] [-L] [-R] [-r [filename]] [-S] [-t tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command | -c command] filename…... in arglist :n argsCR specify new arglist ^G show current file and line :ta tagCR 1644 end insert or incomplete command :w!CR File manipulation ESC :wCR Interrupting, canceling position cursor to tag man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 18 Jun 199 8 vi(1) In general, any ex or ed command (such as substitute or global) may be typed, preceded by a colon and followed by a carriage return ^B... volfs(7FS) User Commands 1653 volcheck(1) WARNINGS 1654 Due to a hardware limitation in many floppy drives, the act of checking for media causes mechanical action in the floppy drive Continuous polling of the floppy drive will cause the drive to wear out It is recommended that polling the drive only be performed during periods of high use man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 21 Feb 199 7 volmissing(1)... all interactive user feedback This is useful when processing editor scripts -C Encryption option; same as the -x option, except that vi simulates the C command of ex The C command is like the X command of ex, except that all text read in is assumed to have been encrypted -l Set up for editing LISP programs -L List the name of all files saved as the result of an editor or system crash User Commands 1641... man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 3 Mar 2000 vi(1) NAME SYNOPSIS vi, view, vedit – screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex /usr/bin/vi [-| -s] [-l] [-L] [-R] [-r [filename]] [-S] [-t tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command | -c command] filename… /usr/bin/view [-| -s] [-l] [-L] [-R] [-r [filename]] [-S] [-t tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command | -c command] filename… /usr/bin/vedit... average: 0.28, 0.26, 0.22 User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what ralph console 7:10am 1 10: 05 4:31 w ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES FILES See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of w: LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and LC_TIME /var/adm/utmpx user and accounting information User Commands 16 59 w(1) ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:... LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 12 Dec 199 7 wait(1) ATTRIBUTE TYPE Availability SEE ALSO ATTRIBUTE VALUE SUNWcsu csh(1), jobs(1), ksh(1), sh(1), attributes(5), environ(5) User Commands 1663 wc(1) NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION wc – display a count of lines, words and characters in a file wc [-c . section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 18 Jun 199 8 is a good way to decrypt a file erroneously encrypted with a mistyped encryption key, such as a backspace or undo key. +command | -c command Begin. tag vi(1) Counts before vi commands Interrupting, canceling File manipulation 1644 man pages section 1: User Commands • Last Revised 18 Jun 199 8 In general, any ex or ed command (such as substitute. tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command |-ccommand]filename… /usr/bin/view [-| -s] [-l] [-L] [-R] [-r [filename]] [-S] [-t tag] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-wn] [-C] [ +command |-ccommand]filename… /usr/bin/vedit

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