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ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 3 Question 1:Read the passage and then choose the best answer a,b,c or d. What is life like for today’s students? As the university and college terms began, I talked to a few students about their lives. Sarah James is a second year biology student. ”Money is a big problem.”, said Sarah. ”I can eat quite cheaply at the university, but I spend quite a lot on transport. I also spend quite a lot on clothes, as I like to wear things that are in fashion. ”Colin Peter, who is studying engineering, disagrees. ”I don’t spend anything on clothes.”, he said ”unless you count climbing boots, I am very keen on climbing, and you do need special equipment, some of which is very expensive. Luckily, ”my parents gave me money for my birthday in November. Not much of my money goes on transport, because I have a bicycle. ”Diana Bell is a first year fashion student. ”I make all my own clothes. This should save me money, but in fact, the materials are very expensive. I don’t know how I would manage if I didn’t sell some of the dresses and hats I made to the other students. Everything is expensive.” she said. ”That includes the rent, food, transport, and heating the flat in winter.” Jack is a science student in his final year. ”What do I spend my money on ? Well, not on clothes, and not a lot on going out in the evening. My rent is expensive, and I suppose I spend quite a lot on books.” 1,This is from a- a student’s notebook. b- a letter to a friend. c-a magazine article d-an advertisement. 2,The aim of the writer is to a-show how students live. b-give advice to students. c-explain that students work hard. d-complain about students’ way life. 3,The students’ main problem is: a-deciding what to wear b-cooking their own food. c-finding enough time to study. d-living on the money they receive. 4,Colin is different from Sarah because a-he has generous parents who help him. b-he doesn’t need to study very hard. c-he is not a second year student. d-his clothes and transport cost less. 5,Which of the following is true for Diana ? a-“I haven’t bought any clothes this year but I will have to next year when I start.” b-“I’m going to buy a new pair of boots this winter, after my birthday.” c-“I bought a new Jacket and trousers yesterday, so I haven’t any money.” d-“A friend is going to pay me to make a jacket for her. I’ll have enough money after all.” Question 2:Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1, I (sit) down for a rest while my shoes (repair). 2, Can you imagine what I (come) across when I (roll up ) the carpet ? 3, We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious (camp out). 4, "Would you like (come) to a lecture on Wagner tonight ?" "No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don’t like (listen) to people (talk) about it." 5, Would your children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I’m trying (fill) in a form. 6, It’s no use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can’t help (make) a noise. 7, On the way to Oxford I stopped (have) a cup of coffee at a roadside restaurant and when I (come) it (stop) (rain). 8, It was two o’clock. Eliza (be)suddenly thoroughly awake. She (sit) up in bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain),the way it (rain) for two days. 9, That evening we (stay) up to talk about the town where he (live) for some years. 10, I (be) in this town for 15 years. My family (move) here when I (be) 10 years old. Question 3:Give the correct form of the word in brackets. 1, We must take… before things get worse. (act) 2, She smiles so ,doesn’t she ? (attract) 3, I had to my speech as we had started late. (short) 4, The train made a late (depart) 5, The police are looking for a dangerous… (crime) 6, Put the ice-cream in the please. (freeze) 7, There is some new in the laboratory. (equip) 8, I had in starting my car this morning. (difficult) 9, Most British homes have a of four television channels. (choose) 10, She doesn’t want to get fat, so she goes to the centre every evening. (fit) Question 4:Change these sentences into passive voice. 1, They built that old red house in the year 1822. 2, Someone might find a solution to the problem soon. 3,They broadcast the victory news over powerful loud speakers so that the whole town could hear it. 4, Our hosts treated us very kindly last Saturday. 5, As soon as they sign the contract, that company will publish a new textbook next year. 6, They informed me that they had seen you in Oxford Street. 7, We ought to deal with the problem before people talk about it. 8, Eric sat silently in the car, wondering where they were taking him. 9, The trouble started when they told me to change the way we were running the company. 10, They looked on Bell as a sweet-tempered young man. Question 5:Rewrite each sentence that contains the word in brackets so that the meaning stays the same. 1,I own this motor-bike.(belongs) 2,Mrs Joan’s death was caused by old age.(died) 3,The job received over a hundred applications.(applied) 4,Jean borrowed Shirley’s camera.(lent) 5,”Well done, Tony. You have passed the exam.”, said Joe.(congratulated) Question 6:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,I’m sure he took your briefcase by mistake. / I’m sure he didn’t 2,My boyfriend is very short-tempered. / My boyfriend loses 3,We’d prefer you not to smoke. / We’d rather 4,The fate of the two climbers is unknown. / It is a mystery 5,I do not enjoy cooking for five hungry children. / Cooking 6,While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time. Despite 7,You might fall if you are not careful. / Be careful 8,They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again. / The date 9,”Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat ?” / He suggested 10,I started working for the company a year ago. / I’ve Question 7:Find the word with the stress on the first syllable in each group. 1,a-opinion b-responsible c-attitude d-account 2,a-residence b-result c-repeat d-retell 3,a-surpass b-surround c-surrender d-surface 4,a-construct b-constant c-connect d-contain 5,a-establish b-esteem c-estimate d-especially ……………………………….The end ! Test 3' Question 1:Read the passage and then choose the best answer a,b,c or d. What is life like for today’s students? As the university and college terms began, I talked to a few students about their lives. Sarah James is a second year biology [bai'ɔlədʒi] sinh vật học student. ”Money is a big problem.”, said Sarah. ”I can eat quite cheaply at the university, but I spend quite a lot on transport. I also spend quite a lot on clothes, as I like to wear things that are in fashion. ”Colin Peter, who is studying engineering, disagrees. ”I don’t spend anything on clothes.”, he said ”unless you count climbing boots, I am very keen on climbing, and you do need special equipment, some of which is very expensive. Luckily, ”my parents gave me money for my birthday in November. Not much of my money goes on transport, because I have a bicycle. ”Diana Bell is a first year fashion student. ”I make all my own clothes. This should save me money, but in fact, the materials are very expensive. I don’t know how I would manage if I didn’t sell some of the dresses and hats I made to the other students. Everything is expensive.” she said. ”That includes the rent, food, transport, and heating the flat in winter.” Jack is a science student in his final year. ”What do I spend my money on ? Well, not on clothes, and not a lot on going out in the evening. My rent is expensive, and I suppose I spend quite a lot on books.” 1,This is from a- a student’s notebook. b- a letter to a friend. c-a magazine article d-an advertisement. 2,The aim of the writer is to a-show how students live. b-give advice to students. c-explain that students work hard. d-complain about students’ way life. 3,The students’ main problem is: a-deciding what to wear b-cooking their own food. c-finding enough time to study. d-living on the money they receive. 4,Colin is different from Sarah because a-he has generous parents who help him. b-he doesn’t need to study very hard. c-he is not a second year student. d-his clothes and transport cost less. 5,Which of the following is true for Diana ? a-“I haven’t bought any clothes this year but I will have to next year when I start.” b-“I’m going to buy a new pair of boots this winter, after my birthday.” c-“I bought a new Jacket and trousers yesterday, so I haven’t any money.” d-“A friend is going to pay me to make a jacket for her. I’ll have enough money after all.” Question 2:Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1, I (sit) down for a rest while my shoes (repair). 2, Can you imagine what I (come) across when I (roll up ) the carpet ? To come across (somebody) - Tình cờ (gặp ai) to roll up - cuộn lại carpet - ['kɑ:pit] - danh từ - tấm thảm 3, We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious ['æηk∫əs] (a) (camp out). ( anxious for something / to do something / that ) rất mong muốn cái gì; nóng lòng 4, "Would you like (come) to a lecture on Wagner tonight ?" ( lecture on something) bài nói chuyện về một đề tài nào đó (thường) là một phần trong chương trình giảng dạy; bài diễn thuyết; bài thuyết trình "No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don’t like (listen) to people (talk) about it." 5, Would your children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I’m trying (fill) in a form. 6, It’s no use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can’t help (make) a noise. 7, On the way to Oxford I stopped (have) a cup of coffee at a roadside restaurant and when I (come) it (stop) (rain). 8, It was two o’clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thoroughly ['θʌrəli] hoàn toàn; kỹ lưỡng; thấu đáo; triệt để awake. She (sit) up in bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain),the way tình trạng, tình thế, tình hình it (rain) for two days. 9, That evening we (stay) up to talk about the town where he (live) for some years. 10, I (be) in this town for 15 years. My family (move) here when I (be) 10 years old. Question 3:Give the correct form of the word in brackets. 1, We must take… before things get worse. (act) 2, She smiles so ,doesn’t she ? (attract) 3, I had to my speech as we had started late. (short) 4, The train made a late (depart) 5, The police are looking for a dangerous… (crime) 6, Put the ice-cream in the please. (freeze) 7, There is some new in the laboratory. (equip) 8, I had in starting my car this morning. (difficult) 9, Most British homes have a of four television channels. (choose) 10, She doesn’t want to get fat, so she goes to the centre every evening. (fit) Question 4:Change these sentences into passive voice. 1, They built that old red house in the year 1822. 2, Someone might find a solution to the problem soon. [sə'lu:∫n] 3,They broadcast ['brɔ:dkɑ:st; 'brɔ:dkæ:st] phát (tin tức the victory news over powerful loud speakers so that the whole town could hear it. 4, Our hosts treated us very kindly last Saturday. 5, As soon as they sign the contract, that company will publish ['pʌbli∫] xuất bản a new textbook ['tekstbuk] sách giáo khoa next year. 6,They informed me that they had seen you in Oxford Street. 7, We ought to deal with the problem before people talk about it. 8, Eric sat silently in the car, wondering where they were taking him. 9, The trouble started when they told me to change the way we were running the company. 10, They looked on Bell as a sweet-tempered young man. to look on đứng xem, đứng nhìn nhìn kỹ, ngắm +to look on something with distrust - nhìn cái gì với vẻ nghi ngờ = (như) to look upon +sweet-tempered ['swi:t'tempəd] tính từ - dịu dàng; dễ thương Question 5:Rewrite each sentence that contains the word in brackets so that the meaning stays the same. 1,I own this motor-bike.(belongs) 2,Mrs Joan’s death was caused by old age.(died) 3,The job received over a hundred applications.(applied) 4,Jean borrowed Shirley’s camera.(lent) 5,”Well done, Tony. You have passed the exam.”, said Joe.(congratulated) Question 6:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,I’m sure he took your briefcase by mistake. / I’m sure he didn’t 2,My boyfriend is very short-tempered. / My boyfriend loses 3,We’d prefer you not to smoke. / We’d rather 4,The fate of the two climbers is unknown. / It is a mystery 5,I do not enjoy cooking for five hungry children. / Cooking 6,While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time. [disə'pru:v] không tán thành, phản đối; chê Despite 7,You might fall if you are not careful. / Be careful 8,They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again. / The date 9,”Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat ?” / He suggested 10,I started working for the company a year ago. / I’ve Question 7:Find the word with the stress on the first syllable in each group. 1,a-opinion b-responsible c-attitude d-account [ə'piniən] danh từ ( opinion of / about somebody / something) ý kiến; quan điểm [ri'spɔnsəbl] tính từ ( responsible for somebody / something) có nghĩa vụ về mặt pháp lý hoặc đạo đức; chịu trách nhiệm ['ætitju:d] danh từ thái độ, quan điểm one's attitude towards a question quan điểm đối với một vấn đề an attitude of mind quan điểm cách nhìn tư thế, điệu bộ, dáng dấp [ə'kaunt] danh từ sự tính toán số tiền phải trả hoặc nợ về hàng hoá hoặc dịch vụ 2,a-residence b-result c-repeat d-retell ['rezidəns] danh từ quá trình ở; quá trình cư [ri'zʌlt] danh từ ( result of something) [ri'pi:t] danh từ (thông tục) sự nhắc lại, [,ri:'tel] ngoại động từ retold[,ri:'tould] trú; thời gian cư trú kết quả (của cái gì sự lặp lại; cái lặp lại kể lại, thuật lại (một câu chuyện ) theo cách khác, bằng tiếng khác 3,a-surpass b-surround c-surrender d-surface [sə:'pɑ:s] ngoại động từ hơn, vượt, trội hơn [sə'raund] danh từ đường viền bao quanh một (để trang trí ) mép sàn nhà (phần giữa thảm và tường [sə'rendə]danh từ sự đầu hàng; sự từ bỏ ['sə:fis]danh từ bề mặt the surface of the ball bề mặt của một quả bóng mặt 4,a-construct b-constant c-connect d-contain [kən'strʌkt] ngoại động từ làm xây dựng (nhà cửa ) đặt (câu) ['kɔnstənt] tính từ kiên định; trung kiên; trung thành; chung thuỷ [kə'nekt] ngoại động từ ( to connect something up to / with something) nối; kết nối [kən'tein] ngoại động từ chứa đựng, bao hàm, gồm có, bao gồm 5,a-establish b-esteem c-estimate d-especially [is'tæbli∫] ngoại động từ lập, thành lập, thiết lập, kiến lập [is'ti:m] danh từ sự kính mến, sự quý trọng ngoại động từ kính mến, quý trọng coi là, cho là to esteem it as a favour coi cái đó như là một đặc ân ['estimit - 'estimeit] danh từ sự đánh giá, sự ước lượng số lượng ước đoán [is'pe∫əli] phó từ đặc biệt là, nhất là ……………………………….The end ! Key 3 Question 1: 1-c 2-a 3-d 4-d 5-d Question 2: 1,sat / were being repaired 2,came / was rolling up 3,sleeping / to camp out 4,to come / listening /talking (talk) 5,keeping / to fill 6,asking / to keep / making 7,to have / came / had stopped / raining 8,was / sat / circled / was raining / had been raining Question 3: 1,action 2,attractively 3,shorten 4,departure 5,criminal 6,freezer 7,equipment 8,difficulty 9,choice 10,fitness equipment Question 4: 1,That old red house was built in the year 1822. 2,A solution to the problem might be found soon. 3,The victory news was broadcast over powerful loud speakers so that it could be heard by the whole town. 4,We were treated very kindly by our hosts last Saturday. 5,As soon as the contract is signed, a new textbook will be published by that company next year. 6,I was informed that you had been seen in Oxford Street. 7,The problem ought to be dealt with before it is talked about. 8,Eric sat silently in the car, wondering where he was being taken. 9,The trouble started when I was told to change the way this company was being run. 10,Bell was looked on as a sweet-tempered young man. Question 5: 1,This car belongs to me. 2,Mrs Joan died of old age. 3,Over a hundred people applied for the job. 4,Joe congratulated Tony on having passed the exam. 5,Shirley lent Jean her camera. Question 6: 1,I’m sure he didn’t mean to take your briefcase. 2,My boyfriend loses his temper very easily. 3,We’d rather you didn’t smoke. 4,It is a mystery what happened to the two climbers. 5,Cooking for five hungry children gives me no pleasure. 6,Despite my strong disapproval of your behaviour, I’ll help you this time. 7,Be careful or you’ll fall. 8,The date of the meeting will have to be changed again. 9,He suggested me that I should put my luggage under the seat. 10,I’ve been working for the company for a year. Question 7: 1-d 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-c 1,a-o’pinion b-re’sponsible c-‘attitude d-a’ccount 2,a-‘residence b-re’sult c-re’peat d-,re’tell qu¸ tr×nh c tró 3,a-sur’pass b-sur’round c-sur’render d-‘surface sù ®Çu hµng 4,a-con’struct b-‘constant c-co’nnect d-con’tain 5,a-es’tablish b-es’teem c-‘estimate d-es’pecially quý träng . ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 3 Question 1:Read the passage and then choose the best answer a,b,c or d. . years. 10, I (be) in this town for 15 years. My family (move) here when I (be) 10 years old. Question 3: Give the correct form of the word in brackets. 1, We must take… before things get worse ['kɑ:pit] - danh từ - tấm thảm 3, We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious ['æηk∫əs] (a) (camp out). ( anxious for something / to do something / that ) rất mong muốn cái

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 22:21



