pan2 Test 16
217 Wy wasn’ mang B “Nha tmnớntHoNL — 0)4EA850009E tld about the 24 uo] ese ian x X Binh in a)
Bưu (0) ¬ae nể .#O|P|mt (f8 (A)7L 2LE† AAO CAH BHI (@ twill oectnenwook, (C)3988.704 8e {Tanke Mmicepainmin Seman) ieeoren 2 ee Noe ‘ee ate onto efect AAI, WAS keepin mind BAEK
‘Q Wnen does the law become effecive? we aouwel RSI 2P BUM? O You shouldiakeviamins every day a WEI MBO a A til go int ffoct nxt week ‘A Thanks koop itn mind
28 Did your supervisor ĐH 0A5 bác) emotes tell youwhen 8àls|BeP7|9l42AM#ØEEMĐ|ANM Ẩn 1x8 Em pm li [sgjg i Oe ame l8 00a (0n (C) dontrealy agree nã m v/
(G)9 2801 340i ola siệ!340P|i88lr| 9tr elE(2)7] lá “ii
PHđO|ct poy a er WL ete D2202 20/02700020000 93m — 00 aap
Fe oars Rp
29 Donte youre going outin this oe wa seta 2 oj ext n
weather 1 "6= `1: c= Dont tat Em "ok ~O† ate #0l "0| 0|
(can aro me seo tìm Kone sess
oor i le od ES CE
EG cer meanr sermon Hi: ctmerierrrernmreen cae Tonka 2215
30 When wil the team be finished ani oot 92) sma ae Gaye
fat, spect the goece moss at ATP BE khen (AI SIC, A molt
eres BADE BE fete PMS!
(A) No, they only started (A) ok, 2‡? O4 AIZIWG|S_ Kết nên in
vey, OE G 2 Gel (AYE Solo, (BH warehouses - storage
GlEyseleibsetvhe— lO-satàcsiame, (SHE are en © ee
Gian U27 Ta
finish 0 inspect ZAC goods WHE warehouse 22 storage XS 82
(© Wilthe renovations be fished soon? 42i7t # Bunz? —-_—_Q Where is the cleaning crew? sem ofc oR? SESE A No, thoy only started yesterday [A They decided to start wth the storage rooms
Trang 2
311 Is your appointment atone o'ock or two? withthe cient (A) Hel be artving (@) Neither t's at four, from Japan {C) Yes And then to the hotel
(A) 2| sou 701s, (®) 8 cỎ 0.63 16t, (G)t4 2n L4 228 appointment (SLA 289 28 chent 324
Ry © Where is your cousin coming from? WAKE OIA te >on ‘A Holl be atving rom Japan
32 Do you know if Phil will be joining us fordimner? (A) A the new lan restaurant (8)! think he's staying home
-Behnie| Shao AI, 2AfoPI82)
‘ol xian sai oY x) LE O14? (4) nua 21 of AOR (L4 4l -E © vi gi 28 21
atone oldock or wot % 71x & Olt 240] ER! “2164 Ch O01 CF OFLt (nether 2h BIC 2 Be eHe (71 AOI (ANE where WHOL Att 2 elo} (C)E # 2IX| Ị AlB0| glc! xe! SEA GEOR MRS ASH + Ole EMI
Q.Do you want to go to a restaurant? ast 7:2 4077 ‘A.Yes And thon tothe hotel Gale 'Doyeulnow1fPhlwBbeiciingusferđmee] 2h 18 2a Skolt ol ate SH 20008 9 21 ia aL OL ot oe 2 I0 xiLSl fo vế ©hMelisssuane œ2 1433200ãedua 5E VHCỢU ce aw atts We _#ĐorVards 'VEIE! t10|C ““
Q Wnere dia you eat dinner? sn ofc ot?
EGE A atthe now talian restaurant .Q lẽ đinnet you hauo planned? 4440/21 L0} 2 8407? ‘A Wellbe seeing a movie aterwards
33 John certainly Sie (A) Ho just got the contract = (8) He says he didn’ seems happy! Bo] BAS 71401 et (W201 we me BARES, aoa anigol ay cE 014 28078 wa Baa
(©) Next tohis office
certainly 61 contract *2F next to ~ set (©) 291 ea wots Did he yollat he customer? =) ayes 2m BRIE? ‘A He says he ian
‘346, Would you lke to have my ld oflee S218 19a! an 74s?
(A) ob, Ue Oko (8) 8Eolz DỊ 2PRDES
ieviLussie (Sabi ơn Số gam,
sore se FEE 0-Dor your a ey? 8m g0 amr
A No Tmmm
3 AE 20) E8 #0| l8alưle 21 te ghị Rt AAAI whole 824fE (A2173 XE ‘manic
2 Whore do you work? ofcit shes? A Next to his office
Would you be to~? Rte) ES Soro BRL {HOH Site MEBO2 BO{OK, Sounds good, Tat wou be great), itn ony, but~; Teter nt -~ B),#8I8El ERAS up wo you le neoessar/?)
SE 82014 910
(Where is my purse? Ueto fe 2017 ‘A saw it upstairs
Trang 3part2 Test 16
‘35 who soul | speakto about his 6 no 01 aio) a? i mater?
FB Maye lates back by two tthe (0)eEtuis wus (0) koi= 2A ota (@) Please send tby emai {€) You should talk to the (© 3e28 2z onprents,
program director at ho latest oie aroctr OM
(2 When wil see you again? 994 cha M2 387187 ‘A Iilbe back by two, a the latest
ho BEOIDE A AGL 0I8, xi4 CI 821 8E "48 0018 4 SEC BUEN OTe AHR xong) “BE UROL progam dreciorzim Sete (0)7t BE
(OFG-(AVE when BOR (i= how Biot ae SE ort,
(You might want to have look (ho daf, 20 0218908 9 su [A Ploase send by email
36 Has the new movie opened in the By theators yor? 214230901 43804788907 53 (A)No,itwasnt (@) Icant [have to work tonight, very good (4) 08, 2801 Bx 00 (8) EI tod Beto a
(@)No, not unit next wook (©) 014, 48 #218 01K open 28s He: et
FEBIR © e907 our nipr om an 'A.No, it wasnt very good
37 Dont we have to get Pats signatiro 0] #181 of Ao 4 AH nts ron betore he goas hone? #©b)eDI 8877 \A)Yee.go temlndhinnow ` @)8.PIA8 594204400 (ĐÌNG ho change te (©) ok 251 9w ii 3g 8oL
(OPỊ 288904 28g MơL
(C) I saw his car inthe parking lot signature X25 remind &27API parking it #883 FE EEE] A No, she changed it this morning certs scot coe
wag un wae?
‘38 “Thisishekeyiothe srt? storage room, obi an ws aa?
FE (A)No, he's out having lunch (8) Yes, that must be it DI 220] weg, (yobs, ae wa Bie LOI, (C)ust some boxes and folders (6) 38 MAR A 783, storage 82, EE HB
0 Can | tak to Grog? 2242803 00] 8 4 9887187 EET A No, e's out having lunch
[186 New ToEIc Pan 2 Bol Bole wee
‘4 ADP has opened2 O18 Gio] Ba OSE ‘YeamNo Seto! 7Hs8iCk 18 Sir} HSER + 8/E0f Noloi c8 Zez Ot 4j8lE (C)717! Baal (Ale Ble Sais ela Sts BS worn ae
(© Can you come overt my house? $l Bot + U7 {A Leant, Ihave to work tonight
.YA4SIE88 80t 88D) A8 #85i88 Faiz BAN HON CMH BIE ys, HIE AOR Go}! B01 HOLA have gett at 80} xi 714 001 Ar (AP EL a
0 is Tony here today? ui 2 O71 21127 ‘A saw his carn the parking lt
I8 (E801 82 3Í 6S 9l XI 918 ont -8 8l! 9lM0lS/AI te (A)E 209) 9/888 9 4 l0 (CỊ< #ơage roomdll{ 91A1 +2 SE bows end foklesst 20] #88 9/27 loa
49446 fL
Trang 4EL mm
39° Would you tke to go to the new (5g Sandwich shop with me? ep ate gel ice ben we? ỳ faa
Bea (8) Ham and rye (©) twas qutte good c0 ©) toy sue ‘What do you want on your sandwich? Et s1 TH Tho nHy
(C) 88) (CC bon El5S8 i28 8Đ 4 2 SE eo]
ae _88 0l 98L
E7DINN © What do you wanton your sanduich? 402801bf So —— O.Hơw waslho concon? Ate oor? BEES) 4 Ham and ye ‘A twas quite good
“0EfEfSiEieifsn communication skis 2 BDle sUIA8 bS0lsÉ£ a EOldAd [BC
SAAB 261 Foicio| EE) (A) iforgotto bring the resume (0) Xe oRuglxP2DI219E AI Ủng eee oral cie cnt
Sr VO tet SG sti Si (CD7I 2i3)2i012E! 8MB FR Ă)
(8) took place in oom #204 (6) 22ÄE.20484004 9EơLkl, Coie eda sec cổ
(©) 4 3E HP 8 7Í AHGPITE (osueog olBM.S88S30L0)C e4 aie yaaa BOI
Intorviowoo 28 WE AI resume OFM cover ltr XPIA714 take place WOIME: wWisset personable 82 Cs, 227k
.Q.Why đĩn you have the inlerview' s Q8 #190127 Q.Wherewasthe seminar? AllE 057 SESE 1 forgot to bring the resume and cover letter ‘A It to0k place in room #204
Trang 5
part 2 PES] S174
11 How are the retail sales shaping up?
i) haven" boon there sinco lst At Rai ofa 7148? (A) at 0182 2171 7h Z6| 9018, How ~ shaping uo?® How ~ going? 87I5l3 0{ e SS Year 5 pena teed: (© obs, AilS ðA - A8 8915 ‘Show ASIC
(€) Eany figures look quite postive
ret ABKS9 shape up SSE A WEEDS gure 1 postive 222!
` Canyo marr how io gelio the Kran’? = OFAC Canwo stan ourmasing? 2 ARIS? EES enue? ‘A Inaven bon there since ast yar ‘A No, the conference room being used
“12.| wen diihey say no eaupment abi SH Dee aI 5
a rei be arty when 21220123 Azo] t2igl HB AIO of
a ree oe ae BE 2h hl S81 AP BE IEOIMvoweds'
ĐH TH hà NO ee #neozbl29EADIB ©0E ?! EE9ELA)
{© From Canada by tuck (oy mucous! melon equipment 2 directly 8
12, Where do these go? O}aS Ofte 7104 #187 A Dccty to the factor
13 prewoina forfinish this? uy ordo have tine 21m) 201 ? UP
Es (A)Yes,lithelp you
(8) [heard he finshed it (@) Di acta eto, (C) Take your time, (©) 88) at In hurry Ame thm Take your time, 801
EES eaters esa AYos, I help you
14 When will it be your tum to give the
presentation? (A) 'm scheduled for January (8) | wrote it yesterday (C) | went to the meeting last year tDỊ g8! XED| g3? (0) Lịp 1E 05 90) () 071 004 21824 #0L (©) 0 sitet 204, tum et be scheduled for (4) gol Ret Ic
(2 When did you fish your paper? 0A 894 4012 Al wrote it yesterday
"` SOK
(2 How do we got our products? 32 X18 0/23 tê PT ‘A From Canada by tuck
Be Acr BB Be Be 4a SIEB0L AIB26) 9ỷ 08 All 3iexl t= sol Bm ZION SKE (Ot FRE MOI (A= ZIESI Ø9 Sỹ lok (6) mich tissiol OER RAIA Sic Is he working on his thesis? = 8 Busia B17 ‘A heard he fried
Trang 6a 15, What llth shouting inthe stil
BE 0m about?
EE Wi itsnexttothe lounge (8) Sony, but | won't be there “all (8) 0i (Rat #0) 9 s89l olel AInBZIZ tì 8 71 (C) They're having an argument (a Boris, ‘stat (EBD IB next to ~286U argument =f
EERIE Cass EEE] A tts nox tote lounge ees foo won zon the ricbt sử? Are you coming to fale 'Whetsl~abouf 82† u)ÿl8 =4 o6 ah 1l 4890| tosi8 #J"0D3 † rẻ 90k V70 0l: ‘BE 890IC- E8 i02 sEojEln 8.241 (C) IPRS AIAG CHA tafe Bc
Halloween party tonight? 2a ‘A Sony, but | won' be there
16 Doyou have an extra pen on you?
EB (A)Down the corridor, to your let
EE (8) Yes, look in my briefcase, (©) 8, 4 Aree Ole (©) Iwas there just last night (C) bi oP#dgl 2P|M I0) ‘extra ofS, $718) condor = brolcase MID
Q Wheres tho bling fico? 252M 221 APO] OCIS? 'A Down the corridor, to your let
oft e821 914
(A) xe tret 2ICDỊ #8E9I 20L
17 The computer's not working again ØEDL S88 e9 Big (A) That's the third time this: (A) 0! 8 At EM),
a week (8) O14, BOL ARSE 71,
{8) No, Il be using it tater (C)8, -2 Lo AIÿa2 is 3Ị (C) Yes, i's connected to the rest ‘of the office ob
'ork ƠI.) 5‡83/C, HoI7ICt connect S6Ict
FEBS toe te ete or a se
SEESED 4 No, 1i'be using tater
18 notte taking over or Mr King ‘torn retos?
(A) Someone from the regional ‘eLup} Stat} a XP ololdt2? (A)ZK= AleAD y82pI (Ð) chữ 2E
(G) 2E 0|d6l 2lENB Su 400046,
take over DĐ retire BSE regional x42
When s your mother coming? ofa wa 2457 ESET A sometime noxt month,
oft Ho] 2x1 641 dom ole4 82 2c oft ‘Yous 824lo{ 2M] 98 ioluzlx 5tEol= (BI “8 oI Have you been to the new bar? Ate 2521 wok 74? ‘A was there just lastnight
ago ein sie2 sờ) 8 able 017 "8 2Aä! 8 BOR MO} cE BEDI A ‘Bela ect: go okt 70 (oo) ws ị ht loess She (21748 AAA an
Q.Is there an accounting department? 321471 1ã ‘A Yes i's connected othe rest ofthe office
_vho SIE80JSE All 2tEf) rệt, |8, 5), 'Bì8 BIOR ON > Sch REIL t2 SH _E ÄIB0{ZI|AJ@Aol SiE ly2†2l 2H Sỉ '#8 8l (A)7{2FE Zfữð (E)E vhen SIE0E (G)
why ON Re OIC
Q Wy didn Justin come? xe fo 2x1? ‘A He wants to spend ime with his wife
Trang 7partz Test 17
19 How about geting Macy Redd to record a det fr his album? (A) They've already met last week
(6) She's very busy these days (C) its my pleasure to see you record x89 dục S088)
© Shwe iio aL? eh S2)
FEI ree beady ete vse 20 There wasn'ta lot of response to ‘ast month's marketing survey, was
there? (A) No But the information we {got should be enough (B) About the shopping habits of bachelors (C) He called them to ask about it this morning,
OIA OVA O} SON 5903 SIL a AME ote 71 ofS? (A) ABE xis 401 0| 2id0I8 (6) 2tE S8 L8 tim (C) 24 Shi 2IEOCL ii f2 0M 3/8124 KheG| DI ea? (4) 4 sie! 2p} 22 ae BE 268 (@ Suniel a5) aot aes, (©) 7i S 0i 220 8i one 21888018, response WS, SE survey 2 A bacholor HR
EER occ greene sen A's about the shopping habits of bachelors
211 Should we leave the rest for
tomorrow? (A) No, Ibe working his weekend
(8) Ittakes about an hour from here (©) Yes This is a good stopping point the rest Uo!
ESI O Are you coming othe pieic? +8 Sự 2112 ESEIS A No, !i'be working this weekend
Could | get you anything else? (A) No That's all for now (©) Yes 1 meet you there, (C) not so sure myselt
fornow [228.4 gi
|.2? ELIE & Yoo.HÍ mòl you here le rrroauiad [T90 NeuTOEC Pạt L2 6l wore WARS
38 3 208 LieHfE SEEồI hơu abot©EE E2 2c OLA ASO HOE ARNO SION 8 bi OP 20IBIE SD|e SiB|E (BI 2lãi aL ‘SIC AVE when WOH BE! HBIOIOL (C}E QA SE 9) 4 Si 280L
D0 you mind i | stop by today? 2w 8l 31877 ‘A Itsimy pleasure to see you Gla ‘ict St Blow ZAoqa S10] weal etc A 2l0{ 898 “le W0IPIEBOIC 0| 9l 891 ‘A “Opn! MB Ee MENEZ IRON (AYE XE
Hae ho nquired asto Di gemma? khy the are dølays? 4 xirIEXI ‘A He called them to ask about it this moming
Loja Lie 8l al SƠ? (9) 0}, 4 fet 0 Sk (6) Pa 91g Ee, (C) 8 00I4{-29lelE 24 821L (2l 08)24 go (A) t4 ZideE@t 5N che Ou wn es (us weno, fale
25M shoud ml 1© YesfNo BE] 2|EZ{ _8 7igB8ic LioizlE Hi aerate 1z 8912| “#8 LIElI= (C1 2F 5iliBt treo (A)E XI
2] 18 we BHF OLR 28} (B)= how long, 28 RưIclol 98 A0) + 9L
` ‘A tt takes about an hour from here
-Al8l 89A O|ED| Z8? 8ml tiọ| Hole zee 0IEL cl EE8jal 2| SIL48?l= 3/21 “8iWEF' '9Ig2|gỊAlyic†*944Đ oI2EI E88P8c†2EE sỊ
Avo you certain is is 8 good iđea? 9i 24 E8 IRE agen
Trang 8Ci man 23 | Winat made you choos this soln?) 4o|2mg App (A) Ath parent str yeahs
FE Wyivamore relaxing ana Fe comfortable (©) 2c won ma, (©) 2s a2 Xone
{(C) Between window the door and the
‘department store Wi relaxing te comfortable BEI FI O Where did you get that shin? = a ofc wt? EXESET a atte department store
24 realy ike the shade of biue they ‘Ee chose forthe wal
EE (A) Yes The office is nearby {@) The color matches turiture, too the () Yes, it’s nice and coolin tho shadows
shade 85, 81 2 nearby 7I0}, BAL match OFGeIC shadow = Is your work close to here? si gị 2AEtZ7
ESESEN A Yes Tho office is nearby
4280| vi BI #E 2E2I Si 80I, (A)8 AI9D| 2P) (©) Aino 7 oleL (©) 8, 3 0iElA{AI88tn #e Gol wl A B= SEL a ct 25, Maybe we ought to run te tests EBB again, in case we missed anything, 218800) 310L the frst ime (A) Thatll take some time, but
(A2) 8 i22, #E 451 go, {t's probably a good idoa (6) S7El 20! 38/0, BIH O| {) There were vo tests nal, $0 you have tote me which (ok S201 on ne 2 wt 2a Sd
one 3W#ooL
(©)No, think it was the second time when we found the errr
run ASHE, Hao) in case ~1 BRL IRAN le mise 3E 2T ‘Q.Did you double-check he answers tothe test? Are 8 cử wen? ‘A Thore were fve tess in al, so youl have to tell me which
26 The week somedio gobyiast, did't it? trast wel a Az aa aU
BA) (A)itdid forme (8) Forty hours, at least (0) tEdS 280L (©) “9l 4oAIEL (CỔ | changed the tires (© Efoloim xo}, ‘goby XLPEC fast MEN atleast BOIS, ase
|.;5:- line ese ter
EEE a Fory hours, atleast
BES set RRO] EHIOR sfoia 0| AHIB 4t ‘tok ERG Leh REN Olt BF | Am -# 20B! 0I0'8 EE 2918 9/4 | of BEE
“0| olRelmt 88‡E (8)7L2Fđ 2ie128! ErEOiri- SCE 2 where azo! aut! Beto
(Q Whereis the ght switch? a As} ofc AP ‘A Between the door and the window
ik he shade of biue7t SY RIA 4EE7{ EP eats Ofm ICED EF He (6717S NY ‘OIC (AV eat ofa! BABI] BLOM, (OE shadedt shacowsth OSS WENO! ABE REALL nose Fon} wes
Q.Isitoutof he sun? at te 01.7 ‘A.Yes, i's rie and cool inthe shadows,
Paik Sewo| OE! Mil BEO| BU480Ekin case7} ONES Sie 7H PIR “RAI SL 9Hle| Bol Hwee lols Aone Be Bh A al
T0 Siete UISO] Ci FO} MoH run te ‘st again in caseol tf elo}t missed anything,
ee Ch
{Q.Did you catch tin the fist raft? ere a5 wate 8 2 ‘A No, think it was the second time when we ound the Gla ‘AMS! O01 BoM PSHE 47} SewOR Ba a rỊ XGIel8ol BF 2ll8 29404 EEcl 4 '88 8E Hi =80| BE È! 22) I x12 2 ct | Scho tele Asin} Of Ø=8jE (A)”I 0 a
(2 Wny does your ear look torent? 4 7} et 0017 ‘AI changed the tires
Trang 9pata Test 17
27 Excuse me miooking Fe evening gown 5 (A) The banquetis at soven to buyan AML (a sme ZAC SALA ak Ata elects,
tomorrow (©) igo 3 201 aU
(B) We have a nice selection (C) 4, 8715 Weuch
(©) Yes, we take credit cards
Dbanquot it selection (aah > Sm) cite xe 2 Het {Q When are we honoring her? 28 4m 2382217 EES A Tho banquets at seven tomorrow
28 Wo wore you takingloonthe «Ha = era) aL? phone ust now? (a) its marin in Malaysia (0) wen 20 of {B) Yes, ts corny boon a wile (©) ci om Wel oe 701, ©) 8, om,
(C) An old friend from my university on the phone 249882, Ba— Sợ!
TT FEE orem ana
Why were the resuts in ourrepot sf $2 Sool ale oft e801 jo inconsistent? (A) The predictions were positive sor (A) HE OIRO,
(8) twas a team effort (@) 32 Gol ule aOR
(C) Our figures were incorrect (C) 2 +3PI -4861x| 922001
resut 2 consent team fon Gal Ses =H ge 41 eorect Ba RE predcion #8 postive BRR! 2 ề mm EEO esd iene Aho pacts were pote
30 Won't you be going to the company dời IAF OFIOK OF 2 24L1?
picnic tomorrow?
EB (A)I'mtoo busy finishing this
(A) xo] aa UL im
report (©) MME Fa SAH 2),
(8) It should be a beautiful day, (©) eb 548 71882 70%, 100
(C) Sally is taking her car tbe busying ~8l72t ct
.Q The z0o vllbọ lun #889 P8 20) EZE SEÍ A tshould bo aboautful day, to
Í192 New TOEK Pant 1201 x0IE 1/886
Oss SALA $0 ect US! BAIBOIC Of 91801 BE WUO| cin ke (B2! 2E xIE^B{ ‘CHR (A= evening gownot 24L8/ - Sie 0|M21 banquel 0I834 ORI FBI SIC (Ch ZlE2 (28 B28 1 BB 9i E0IC
© Do you take plastic? Nari WoMa? ‘A Yes, wo take creit card
5-79) Hm Mx whom 0188 Bn BON cơ tendzt g8lE (CJ7† S0 (Ale AR! tet "4IBol 2t EREO|D, SIEAI B9 ve LE)
SE 7122/40) 6E
How long has been? sok six A Yes, i's continly been a wil
S20 G/B RE Anh Cet why SHEA 8 9i8 8 9c 0|bi +4)2| 348) 9lcl 0JAE 91g6lE (C)21lal5taf Z80IcL (A)Sl(B)E X4 el ante tt Bat Hel BENE! eto Bet -8olsz 38iZ| ct
.Q.How để you win tho game? oJ824 2008 00507 ‘A ttwas a team fo
yoemor gn 2 B91 SAFO! be gong of a 89lef9yesB $1 288 2h 2 OIL WEOL (HOI nom Hole nom holt EL SP!) -1H ult tht OFF HOH CIAL .37H Hoizn Bei (AI E0
Trang 10(A) 8890048 (B)42EEnllue, (0) uta ii 84a
(C) Tomorrow morning at eight
avaiable 18-2) OGRE: FEIN] # 9 fight wel Wnere's your ear? 4 011 2097 A.Attho airport
32 Are we late for the presentation? (A) heard it yesterday (©) | wont be abe to go (©)No, itjust started
Fart asi kg? (A) c o4 96L (6) Le g2 (©) 014, ie SỊAIzMfoL H8 2)
( When di you hear the surprising news that Jef hit Mat”? HED} HE Yee wee OF| SH EON? ‘A theard it yesterday Q8 IEDIE D4 9 2 2k? l8 tIB7I9Bfln|nhsnBloi84l Em sie=z, (ủi cll| Ai 4425: Bl(CD1 3#d0‡ LỊ OF] 7k LAB ie whore EOF zit thao BAI 4 Och whonsst whor'sol We Al 01 Loh {Q Whore oi that ess come from? 2 Sats oi xi? | From Singapore ale beB)I8 oi89l Em 208 YeuNoa| BOI 7h 3d 5210601 RL NOL eI ODE 91 AB WGAfB9|E (CD BI (0) hen aol aH BEI
(© Can you come tothe park wih us lonorov? ti 92B) 3894 tế? ‘A wont be able to go
33 whatwould you ke for brealfast dg ole Si St On OK? Ban
Ee tomorrow moming? 2508 never neat ©
5S Dawn Bam (B)1 usually just have tea and (A8040 (Đ)Lc NOR HEARED dì (jcuegieddMoeasaasmdde 28iavdteee 24 BI tơ
toast (©) obs, Hoi, INoưim
(©) No, that's fine A1ÄIB9I Noi! 8281 G)E S801
EET © won dq you wake up? 3.00 0l XE A.Around 8 am
2.0 you want me to cal him? xP} 2 AOI 39090187 ‘A\No, that's fine
34 Themanagementisrestuctuing the company «IE ASN FEM AMIEID eG
a ‘ols resins he cong resuceinp, 7|
H(A) (©) Yes, the construction is many stat members hope they won't fire too (6), 2 Be 70] emia, Wxte aol ue we seme 2 STS Se monument oom apm rec, tee Soak oe wae ‘almost completa, (Colauie oa awe mm ig — EPPA Rae AmE olse ABS Aa 2
(C) This firm has a long history m:
‘management 22f8 restuctire 72220 Sic fro M8 construction ‘complete 8 firm au BAY, 2) ent tho new shopping mall ready to open? Mae ARIE (28 Guy a oa?
‘A Yes, the construction is almost complet, ‘A This frm has a long history (Q Wny is this company so famous? o| suits 5421 Ga 24087
Trang 11Pat2 Test 17
‘35 Arentyou supposed to be wearing Si 8 wo) ain UI? 3 Protective goggles?
5 necessary now (8) ASO| 7H Abele 240|XIM mE (B) For the laser beams they use (©) My eyesight sometimes is quite poor (4 01 9
be supposed io ~1 20 2c) protective #8 gogjes# ti 28 supers 22, 220 laser beam At eyesght AB
(© Wn o hey need specl losez? 28001 Ri DT 0 ‘A For ta lser beams thy use sometimes 36 Where is the report !m supposed to look at? (A) On the newest line of (A) 34 438212 ALS, 0i s08 (©) arse So} te products
(8) t's ina blue folder with white letters (©) The vice president is supposed to seo
t6 sặc 3020| 0| 3/57 (@) a2 8 EuiBEI thị Re 0E,
‘22521 GFE seppoeediobe wearngot #2121 no # ¿B49 Sĩ BI E/o8Jx|fictn 'S0IFL(EIE 8.=ĐI IP ienl 5gI9! teolbL(G) SiEOl= (A)2LE ` p.oleclue goggles0lA| i49 alt oe! eyesight 0i834 288 9/282 SICL
© Wy are you squindng? sĩ e8 3/22 S7 A My oyesighllsqul poor
{SDN FRIgh whores BD Sic o}ol AAS 2ƒ9l EAE FO! ina bie folder? Gt (B)7t 7H Z{ “88ICL(AlE E249] Z240l Bdf 8o 2010| SỈ PRICE (ChE SE f8|21besuyposodloil ¬ aa ABC
'be supposed io ~871 Sol c+ product MB folder HFA vice president AS, (0 What's that brochure about? 2 48%} ol ce 287
EET A On the newest ine of products
‘37 What do you tink about geting Sie something o at? 1 7 og?
‘= (A) didn’ agree with him at al (B) I'm not very hungry at the (0) LE 29l 4l #B{ 82BJx| | 2
moment "ƠÐ
(©)A sandwich at one ơiclock, (©) mpl ase, ‘agree $2%8Kc} atthe moment 752 SA
(Do you think his ideas were good? =A} Heol Bein AL 7P A didn agroo wih him at al
38 Where wil hey be hong the meeting? or op) a 20180 (A) No, its been postponed (A) ob, e701, (8) Atthree o'clock, this afternoon (6) Sw © capt, (©) eine Meas, (©) Atthe conference center
hold 7814 postpone 27I8IC} conference sie aA EEG hee atcetcone sor su wine
'A.No, i's been postponed [192 New TOEKG Pon 12 G01 Hole ER qican| [A The vice president is supposed o se it ist approve this? of a>} eas: BLU Ge -B2I t= 2] ofetx| What do you tink about ' 8 08if Em 9L 0l xia 8/88 1257| ‘fucks SBI Hash (2D! 2H) 4881 89c (A) SESE etal! Bike EOI (Ch whatokLt whenoe BRCM BEE Mel + Sic
(@ What was the last thing you ate? hipJ25 oi 7 x? [A.A sandwich atone o'lock
1S OICIO AISA ver? Bm 2058 "21 3Mk-3AfSl E8 2IEAGI 3)28 tfgBfE (O7 “S88 9l SIC SA! 5/291 NoE t8) (A)E 2 BOI BOO, (Yi when SI AE! BOI
Trang 1239 Ms Matthews made a oto RA Me sO Bolte BER WO) [TS] g
a ereton pone a> aS aay 249i 20091 SE Tic hIel88eS B2 SỈ
SH eon aes {(A) twas over an hourlong, by (8) 21 ROI 0e, ‘hse, dn sere Sco 8 APH O} -SElE.G)B sides Mũ + S2
my count (Ø)tỤ 88 ENNE 50WGlS,
(B) Yes, she generated discussions ot ot ——(@) x4 OIE 08M8, (©) Yes, a least sixty people
‘make a point #218 A711, PHB by my count 478801 14% generate Wc, ACE
EDN O How much time cid his speech take? AE Sok! gi Q Wilt be a large party? silt Af oI 7 ES ‘A Itwas over an hour long, by my count 4807 ‘A Yes, at least sity peopl,
‘40 Who are they thinking of appointing) se i aS the head ofthe new branch ofice? aii? eRe alo
TT Phi y (©) Yes, he spoke oi (84 371904240188918 Tove cinoma goin, MAM HRA RONG! a ou vài a tr Med HE
yest sai 2 nà eee
(©) Mr Dupont is under ee is) aa =
epi el tach 3 unde contin 3 8i
BEG A tsnDeorMioeen eves aces sctzom 0 Dera aris A Yon heap josey ou ae cron
Trang 13pant? Disk] Od
11 Has Me: Sanchez made up her mind) AAs 201 2 s48 6N882E88L [SJC
Zz about accepting D1 ra the poson yet? <3 (©) 8271 d8lti8 Z2 591 B01 Shp gy me Ato BAR A 7 NI `
Cl teat = #P! t8 0Robfc oi B2 rel S0]
(CỊLheard he has medeher decision (ies wun aay 2 oot ee make up one’s mind WBE acct 48, WoHEOK? postion HH SH
mind te,
€ Wi she mind borrow her tut? 3 061 2H WER #|-—_ Can you belove John got promotion? ol eR BH? EER ° susie [A Yes, sho told me she does mind 1A etd abot st as week
12 Why didnt you by the cheaper computer? a tm An em? fe Aer
B Teen TA GA Thư b yok 25598 2P os into O1Bel Sctie RESALE FIMO} fic S2) E8 2 SE gi nơet
(C) Because | didn't like the design (C) CIX2I0] got AI LIE
‘monitor 16 printer te
Sy © Would you ever get into g fight? eu 1/8904 GB 271K? _ What do you need for your computer? BE #20] 98)
EEI A No, I wouldnt A8
A Amonitor and a printer
413 Ms Danger is head of enw Hội tuy ima
HP sa 2 na ni k (@) No, that’s next door (8) 0lLL 2D}E # AI9ATLLKI ‘pistes nt ol uate ata ng an E4
(C) Yes, they'e hiring right now (C)8, 238001 Zi2 48800 ố BEE erect seas S200 0000 pm application? ol a xis a aoe AN asin ornare 6, Should we take alook athe a eae coder ae “32| nelee| 201B xi Mo} HIS, OM FB) B EN hier ae: TU n an n6 ốc cre a j Đàm) Of 212 ti! Z80|CC Js_ can
{C) It's on my desk, next to the Ki (C) 2 LỊ es, 28871 Bot LOLS eaten ran eeoet mum ren es
FEC reem immer M2136, seccawme 2mmmrnienmnrrrem Ran asec hat tee
Trang 14B
115 Has Mr Wong decided on his ' Ap| od ae Be RA? Hag assistant?
Bie (A) Yes, he needs one right away (A)d ¬Exi3 2#fEolMamMs SS (8) When he reorganizes ‘departments the (8) 27) NSS cA 2B a, (G) 20] AI#8 AlRl8 t 9i 280l8,
(C) He hired someone ne
decide HIKE assistant department hire 288} 2%, WM right away X18 88, B reorganize =RsHIei} EEG oe eee ot orn oo wer
| Yes, he needs one right away
rR Nas decided 0i844 82 9E] IAL BE HB RN Be Dol yoom tein OH
BAe BEACH ch#BlE (C1 3⁄G0FL
.Q When can take contolof tho proleEt2 tt zp) z8eg Bela + a8? ‘A When he reorganizes the departments
16 | Wy are there 86 many people on the subway this moming? 5 (A) tops right next to my home (8) It's always like this when it
(©) About ory tive minutes, usually ext 10 ~Hbt usually 8
BEG Cree eur tom eer se nee Alt stops ght nett my home
Shs Of IetA9I Aldo| 2 01321 8X? (A)IE a OH AL
(@) kol Sm wort (© 348 48 5S,
17 Wiould you ike to take overthe 88248 chav NOS? Bie Hong Kong otes? SE (A) That a very attractive ia ee ROIS,
proposition (© orto santa,
(8) This is my fth year (6) 28 01 271 221019, (C) |was there two years ago
take over SPR attractive F821 proposton At
PEER or erate you tenn anes tne
‘A This is my fith year
18 How much of the medical bil dd the ingurance company cover?
EB (A) About 90 porcont (6) Acar accident (6)2Bl/88
(C)Ns wonh the (ee (C)0i88lg 7P] S018
medical (8/9) bi 918: 3/204 Insurance k8: cover HE accidentAEL worth 71271 Sit leo H8, 8ã) “——— FC 30 800) ola bl89| 0g 990x497 (A) sosiie 359, Gals “80l Al80l i2 0i BE 9: 9l bọ] ti 'E 2490l 9hủ CD EBl= ()2)2lE “0.98 '80f† (AE vbxee IE0L (C)E hoylong 3IB9l SỈ won 4a 4 2
How long doos a haircut take you? of Ba d4 #7 | About forty five minutes, usualy
“Mộ! 3I 89lZ8€I BLL Oleh Bele] RENE! sure, of couse, hats a Weud you le 07H 01891 8 gaatliea B8 t8 ni xi8 2400021
oR SSH (N71 78 AAC
(Q Have you been to Australia? 201 7 a0] yo? A | was there two years ago
ow muchol CHB! Below xt 88 Ob 31 tt siE t8 SE 3iơl=xi 8 B0 OY ‘corsets BI (A)7t Bi (E whato1, -vhy 3/B0i 504 oom BAP Ost ROE Bic l0 (CjE hou mch, bà,
That's ato much, sn? 21 28x 8V {A's worth the fe
Trang 15Pan2 Test 18
19 Do you usually Zi electronicinsiruments use acoustic or for your spin ae? BNE BSDI SE v8 SIB He, 2 as music? (A) Lwork a ot with both (0)820EE2 S88 ti 92
(8) Since | was thiteen (6) 9 4ì de, (©) Yes, and Ising as wel (4 SE 842,
acoustic Wi ANBSHx Bi electronic Hl Instrument ®171 as well, SA ECDJBN 0 How long have you been playing tennis? ea 8! x Lt
bội ole?
A Since Iwas hien
‘20 Maybe we should make an outine, as st E961 WoL 5% (A) didn't plan on doing it (0) 348.9 2848 929L
BE (©) Yes, that will help clarity the @J2đ 214188 886i3e q=g situation | 570,
(©) Yes, itl clear up by the afteroon (G)8, 2971 59 2 701, ‘make an outine £218 “ti, 9248 SF† chriy 88) 4 #84D1 clear up (7) Ae: see
(When were you going to clean the workbench? sts 2 sigata seo AA did pan on doing it
21 What should take to got tothe Bf ie #58 46187 = aipor? == (A) There is a fight every hour (@) Less than twenty mils from () 000420080 2a (4) AROS Bae oie, here (C)2P1E 29 2080 (G) W9 only20 minutes by train fight se EESTI O 1s tough to got a seat to Bangkok? Woe 2H Zl4 22D] Eee] team
‘A Therw sa fight every hour,
22 Weren't you supposed'o read over Sin SAK! 0] SDA 86lx2I£ ðpr| [this report by this afternoon? uae?
BA) (8) The secretary You, the reportis has itright now (8 ADL xe 228 Hain oI, quite long, (A), 27 01, (©) Thank you for reminding (142001 304 PIN,
be supposed to ~2H718 Soc secretary UM right now Xie 2 remind 47 1Arch Isnt this excessive? oie alsa 27
EET A Yes, the reports quite long ee,
A (ecousse) or B (electron instruments) 74x] Os 2B 0|82iEz| B2 3L ol0l 7181 SA OfBeicha 2f89) Ee SH (A)7‡ OIC (BIE ‘how longoltt when @igol ait e010, (C)= ‘musica sing RAP Sols BBR Wor wet
© Did you ever take dance lessons? A #81 BE 3 20127 AA Yes, and | sing as wel
Sat Rojo Site mike oka BAIEOE tim ‘ct 571 & Icke S201 Baisol (BAS TRO
4) 2201 4188 8| 8l= d‡ =80| §f 20m 292 ABBE i 78 SIC
(@ Witt stop raining for our plnic? a8 at MpI 2807 ‘A Yes, iti clear up by the afternoon,
-8lr| 2l oh FS Of eNO} BH whatat ako ‘8 O64 2 Sich oft 718m Efe ZONE CH A
RICH ti8l (CD! 2i 5f8jCL (AI atpotet ich Olas S18 BBS FEAT WOOL Ble howlongol aft SOIC
(Is there a fruit stand nearby? 23p 2i) xi 90187 ‘A Less than twenty mies trom here,
Sean wae aia oo BLUE AES 8 088i E21 SIC} 2821 BAZ! eupposed to read vero C8 no! Se TE! A 2842101
hat 8lE (C)7 718 AREY BOI (A) report '8 V0 Aigain oo ie wes o1Fe! 0)
(2 Who has the key for the storage room? azz sl 7 x= A The secretary has itright now
Trang 16
23 Havent we received report this moming? the inspection ofl =A am Wal LL?
2 Eee (B) The results were satisfactory (B) 2422| RAZOR cee
ees ee pains
Inspection 21, 89 result 221 salslactory 8 reschedule WH COA ttt
Waste wle? 2 ww 8H? FEB ro eeut wrest
24 Imsupposed a) every mea, right? to take the pls aero AAI 2a 3.939 oo si, 28?
EO Rveacenotitattnocng §— @09.0432908 aoe Q02 s38 xài S88 19A
{B) Tum after the sign (C) HH, oH
(©) Yes, that's right
tbe upposed to ~#DIE si 2F} pil 94 meal AA drug store 2 Erg O Where do you get your face cream? sols 388 ofc A? EEE A You can get it at tho drugstore
25 Couldyou Use the conference arrange itso that Icould #7} sisi Fl ising AER 4 cise room formy xsl 0197 Fig meeting?
SE (Adis on the fourth (8) Sure Just fet `" floor, 0) 4801 2012
time it's for A8
(C)No, | haưen† goten around to _ (C) 0h 0lHLê= 83018, at larange WS! lm Sc CII oor @ get around to ~okmRI &o|oTEt,~i 28C:
(© Where isthe PC room? Pwo) ofcix? A's on the fourth oor,
26, What do we Koop inthe vat EE downetars?
Be (A) Wel be locking them ator ve 2
{@)ite for high valve tems (© 721371 a8 SON ZMK
(C) Only the supervisor knows the canbinalon (amare ® a wextE aoe
0bl@ 2inofc 6| 3i (A) 9# 5| oIf9 22488 I 704
vault A, Met supervisor 2, HEIR combination 2, 4 (Q How lato are the doors open? AIA Bol et 9187 EE] A Weil be locking them ater five p.m
-YAISIESI0IhaventmosvedE Em Ch Os OF! SERA WA si Le 8I89l 04fo)8l0 0l" ‘AL RACER Slnoll (7 SFE (6) rspecson reports resus (C)= is moming2toraron Soja BBS to7In OBR 6D} Has
‘2 Winen is your appointment? 2 ee? A Vwas rescheduled for tomorrow
AAI Rot 91g Seale 210) SEX! ARIST 20] 29 2I049| Ziaol walsh (C)7t HOI: NE ps2 dug store2| S0}e BBS, Be ‘SEO 28 Ze nghi BM UO Wee BHOS
'ể 8=8I22 246M0} ich
.Q.Where do |hate lo tưm th ? oc H4 981880) ‘A Tum attr the sign
"~4EEAIELUI72lE= © Mois 21881 2 SIc% ZAlefdl> BEE cout you Bn SỈ #0 ‘suo Bate +4flo SieE!1Ƒ|8 _ S201 #E (PB
Did you give the dog bath? 71 8afz9I2 ‘A.No,!havan' gotten around to it,
no FON stein Slt] what 0l844 82 SỈ 228 HBBolat Sol hgh value henszlz g9 (82h BOI (ANE when MEZOL (Chis who EOF
"2ta9 pho A40 4 5C
Trang 17pant 2 Test 18
211 Wy dont you tak to hal backif ego wx nee a Sa 89123, 5 yousont ike i? tự BH (a) because “` (B)I can [lost the roeelpt, Ihave one ust ike, (A) DLE (6) 28 + #0) 912E8 tio| MIEDIE A SIE
(C) Yes can aways Uso ancher (AM UME CEH one nm 4 9104
take back WGI, BEEF receipt 25
EE © Vy you very con 25 7 f boner lheve resi
28 When wit my pay raise efect2 go into '8nhfel ao] S27
EB (A) Not unt the end ot Novernber (Ø)Sl8 88) 208 7| Z89l8 (118 we so aa,
(8) Lhaven1 seen họt al day (C) Less than ive hundred dollars
ay raise 23814 go int fect AAS! AS Ey O Where's Ji? a oft 127 ESET A thavont seen her al ay
(©) soowe sini,
29 wnen was the last ime someone looked over this equipment?
(A) I know a little about it (B) Right betore the last inspection
(C) At least five years old
‘equipment 2, 2 Inspection 2H} Ae atleast OKs, S148 BEANESS CO nộ ‘A know a ite about 9.P)9S 0| 3E ete 1 coz? (A) 3340 aie wwe (6) 5t 4 2 Zi86lS (©) sos 4E gì 202 hry dont you 7i= NEIL ARI HOI, 28 OL Rt Bi + UC why BE at ocaoo 3 BBS FE (A Heise Be 712171 210) == Q Do you ming if take this? 0147771 ‘A No, | can always use another one, © Bela “ti OPH 20 Ia eI whens OBE 219/953 Jil ĐÈ! HỆNE 4E A+ Cl
28} AD ot Biel 118 So} SIOLAO) 7H A0|EIE Ug (A)7} 78 R888 SOIC} (C) = howmuchs
-2ic|©t 3/2 7H akc
‘Q Was your scooter expensive? ei wi? ‘A Less than fve hundred doar Gal ‘BUM OFRIOR Bee ADDI SERRE whens 2B BD QC ot ht wt 2A} aise se gi “6l AE EillE (2| 52 S 7H 54M8 eo] Ch (YE Bat li EIE0|oi(CjE hon oư i2 012489! 880
{2 Whats the minimum ago lo is đe? 0] 49D 2- ‘he ago] BL ‘A Atleast five years ol,
(30 She never leaves her desk unless “1L¢te Uo} LIX! EF ICH EH MALE
X,x, the work finished ZI tiệt
EE) (A)IweRedltaelastnightas usual (0) sie A Oe Se! et ‘euch (@)Weneed boardroom more chairsinthe (8)2iEiiBliB†sgP1cl oh Mgt
(©) Bole, 2ufE oỊ 804eU4 SE] sỊ =—¬ˆ (C) know, she's a mode employee in the company
tnless hi ~4jx| 9191 rsh BOING as usual BARI boardroom Sete) model 24, >),
EEN © Wry didnt EO ta si 2x erin? you join us or dinner yostorday? om a ast ‘A | worked lato last night as usual
200 NewTOEIC Pan 12 6| 0E 3/998
Alfio] i8 8dolll iel8 WoC: BeoR xi -°| 202448 8/882 Ct oot Cet SUA eh
24H I8|El Bele: (C71 Ris (A)E work 9} WO] ANB worked (B)i= desk} SFO) 2 *chersl 0I89l #88 2a! 9
Trang 18GE lỗ: _————-| KEENNNNNNH-NNHHER
(31 What shouid do wit the ena ip) cPpies ofthe repo? a aol Be A ofa 97 ims (A) Yes, he did awonderuljob (6) Give them to me, please (A)W a oF mel est012, ©) x01 32
(©) have yet to readit (C00051 9l
“xa 0189| hawe yeLlo i5|~8r tờ)
EE Orton pea cot au ase 24010
‘A Yes, he dda wonder job
32 How much of a service charge will be added to our bil? 21 LIMON ARMA S230] H0}7} Wa?
(8) Attive p.m every day Wo oF S08, {(B) Only for larger meals (©) BAB Gol Aine eee,
(C) Ten percent (© somes,
‘Service charge BHR add SOI} bil A574 ETUINN © When do you pay soccer? gut a su4g7 BEE E] A At five pm everyday
‘FRO SL AN OF HO} =H What ~ do wah ~78 B22 Sit Oot XHHỆ Gel Ae
')217HI22BI G88 0# SICL IBA BOL yesE BE! (AÌE W2IMllol epons read QAI ASE ABIES Bee eH eA
Q Did you enjoy today's newspaper article? Sty WA 7h 82! ust ‘A thave yet to read it
#200 WelslE Alul^ 0I82| ti0lĐlx| hou mmochã BzI 122m 2x} Bo EO BOR OF ‘© 4 9 oot torsatm Bott (CF SION (A)
' hen BIE9k (BỊE what EBON A BE! IO] cs
Doesn't a tink come for tree wih that? 2 ate i202} ng ‘A Only or larger meats
33 Why arent you dressed for the one om Fe am He Oi ot iB banquet tonight? ue
đổi (Alive completely forgotten about it (0) ail mao (@) aia rep Seal 49180012 (6) Yes, and he's the quest of honor (C)LiE9, odsl 2149 Bold (©) Later, with my wite and her frends
ress sel tc} banquet 28 guest of honor (Hel S20 2,
EEG Cesena waa
‘A Yes, and he's the quest of honor
34 When will we be getting =a) computers? new #z| 2i AI ĐIEEI at 21082
EE] _(A) The systems engineer (Ala he {6) When prices go down (©) 2% erie (C) Because ofthe new software,
‘90 down satel, WeIet
FEE Cena ono on ener
‘A The systems engineer
(0) 4 Ameo HOM,
‘nol me af 9 on] BILE mieot et 8] 9 etm ta (A)7} 7 LARS 0| AUC SBN BOI NOE Be Ble Be a "le A2JMO] gic
@ Are you going out? sa 747 ‘A Later, with my wite and er friends
[8] s
AM eel 8l DI ae wo AER) At ticle 7/20] EPI ADeia Zee Be of © (07 7 BC (A) who BIBOL (VE wy "B9 5fdBf 2MOIC
.Q hy đĩ your cotnptlercrash? Eife sỊcl# it? ‘A Because ofthe now sofware
Trang 19Pant2 Test 18
‘What does the new directoriook the? ed oA ofa ati? (A) He's had a lotof experiene - (A) 201 tok * (8) He's coming in tomorrow (@)3e ow
(C) Ho's tall and has 9 ‘mustache (G) 2E 20} 2 242801 204, rector OWE (AA - EIME-AH}O) MEL Be} mustache RH
wy do you wut in so much? 3a AE a FEB eres ster exposoce
What look? eo} aon ae 21
EL Ol 21H SANE (C)7} SOIL AYE why
.#0t G] nhen i89 cịa Ae EOI
{When Sai do you get your new sistant? pa 2401 AL 57} ‘A He's coming in tomorrow
36 Doyou commute Eg momings? with anyone in the OFfiol Sim B28H= Ala OKs?
3 (A) Usually | come by myselt (©) 01 cst EB 0718 t| #9018 yes u aH oe,
(Ooms oF OKs, (8) ve heard a lot of good things about him
(©) Ihaven't seen anyone yet
comnufe @8E28ic| usually 8B by onocol BE, BH Ea seo A IV heard alt of good things abou him Gala ESA co 821 2088 714108 YouNo Leo] 2Hz8lck 8?I8l if #28l©LiE R0 NGB AI ‘Web Ext chicin Besie AN7i I AAR dị aH OF 9
‘2 Did you tel your tends about the picnic? 801A Hor coe 2 ‘A haven’ seen them yt
[37 How about going fora dink ator workday? os W BUA BH et Bea? (A) Sony, butt hed long day (alee om wa, (@) Ata restaurant nearby (6) Yee, m meeting a end @2n seo 4 ee PIR woe
90 for a dink 8 84 71
( Where cid you meet hor? ofc 4s thiotg? A Ata restaurant nearby
-XE! 3L 898 9B|BlE how 249 BT Bt 8} 2 E118 xfoOf 2l8l0(Sem) ni29[cim 'SM0IE (A)?| 2) 58M9 HOC Bs Where BL .80[ ZiE8[oi(C)E Yeeai 8-28JxP! 4iØ => _8d018 389L
.Q Are you expecing someonelọ cnner? 5-791 38444 201 aid sot loeb? ‘A.Yes, I'm meeting ation
[38 dont think he wants to take response “2 msg hữ2I§ HE it te
(A) Adam is in charge of the (A) 0IB‡Ð 2+: i9] #foIxfBILict
produto tam (6) Re ween! owt si wee, (B)idon'tknow whatyou're taking about (Chak RE ach SIM SH tuck (©) Yes, you shouts responstie be more
‘ake responsibility 8 cl be in charge of ~# wz 2c, 9D 9E: roducton eR, Aes responsible Mat, Ae + le
.Q Who's managing the project? 7} 1 RE Lt aetin 'A Adams in charg ofthe production team, 202 New TORIC Pan 2 Bol HoIE E86 Gls ot $m 008 th! 4|x| tức 24 Weta ake '8.9l8)1) 9e 00x) 83ol2)48!oDIB $ Bk (871B ZiE⁄^ICL(A)E ha mesporebay 189GB) nchergaolB,(C)E teganebisBi 0| 8M 28 f.E8le 0}
Trang 20Orn
39 Who's onthe night shit for this ong Fee 421 OBO ae
a wook? tua
ES (A) No, my supervisor (B) Ihave to check the said so (9) ob, 4 01 a OL (6) 27088 82M0) SL Cage ee oe run gì Hed chien Bue GI wae Ae vn sete) po ate “peweorl B2 ©5428 eM 491014 2A)
AC) eters sine: ‘WHOL NOR 8tr8 0t (CJE nhan WEA
Tight shit 1 2 superior 22, HA0 Ben} eae
EXT © Did you want to fre him? 2m eensin aloxsior © Wan isthe hockey gum? sira7 een?
FE oy cneor om Romeo
40, Have you looked 2% suggestions made by Mr Stein? into the Axel api aise aoa eer?) ag) @ ki oo
(9) Neko me is ‘afternoon Wale a FYB ORPIE Sesser 2 'E 4/B0I YeE 8.48! 280070 BCID eA aM SEE
(8) Wonderful then, see you atfve, (©) im a SL CHI (O4 28050428 s5Ag nga - PƯMUE(CUL/HE-IB2B8BOEL mae (©) Yes, and i have submitted my revised report 2
suggestion M24) submit MGIC revised 76, 428
Trang 21saaz PIQES] 3441
Cet Ss
11 Could you give a bret summary of #82Ă2 aHD0|s2AEEMiSSM ag] pyres Ce ee ee aac lee Cea rats et ue 28 = ke th tone2 v20 ietameeemeazas SG REIIEM” kiem ke TRALMTaL Svea anor EA a MOL
brief, ZI! summary 82% 712 salsfed SHE absolvaly BENS
ee © o you think they enjoyed our party? so) #21 nel 82{
‘A No, he hasn't been around, [AL hink everyone was satisod, sation
12, Did Susan decide not io accapt a featon te commitee? ame (A) 8, EE H MEISEEOI (B) 0|LJ, -1L4E =A| Z4 40 (©) 8, ae ce wo 26L 1h) Yo thy were ile | uncomfortable (6) No, shelves (C) Yes, she has other ciose to the city commitments decide BIC} accopt WolsoIe committee #41 uncomfortable MIE ‘commitment 248 vA
2E 2 pao! aw Moon! ae fag) ¢
BPA ARIS a ch 0] siento IR 4800 -ÄI819I2LIEI 8X Yes 2i he a MHI AE BH HAHOli (C71 AOC OIA 9i8fheolo[ ‘AUST S| (B= No S| EERO} rat 0|#EL
(© Did you notice that they wore ina hurry to eave? 2 AI _Q Does sho live downtown? = oft: ARAM AL? tiền? A4eEE 21 EBON ‘A Yes, they were quite uncomfortable
13 Do you know who was selected for
Eis the position?
2 (AYYes, in atleast two weeks 57} 2 ol IRERIE| OME?
(A4, 50I= 2 tia (8) No, thave no idea (8) Olt, Me Hele (C) twas a decision by the management, = select SRC, 22 decision z83 management 28!
FEE eateries cams se aan xa asin
Aes, in at least two wooks
‘A.No, shelves cose to the cy
‘Do you know who was selected forthe posisono} “ĐI 21918E0|CL EIBES| vho was seeclodE who solectedit Oi #918 8E 0lsf4l%(C)R E9
0912.3025 2SING) Be
2 Why cid hoy fre twenty employees? st seh 20g 4! 2# ‘A Ttwas a decision made by management
16 Wy havent #7 sale procedures? you read the new 1M oie wim gsi 9142 EE (A) Thank, fm putting on the aves now
(6) Francis told me they'e the same a betore
(C) Yes, and they've been quite help
‘safety 22 procedure BA put on (B00 HI, BCI © Do you know i's cold ouside? ol #21 12?
‘A-Thanks Im puting on the gloves now 2 (OM sain ae B01 sols, (A) a0lfl8 xia Bete ma ois (6) 2EA|27] 3i 89cJ eH HO} Gals
‘A 9185 ARH 9D tử 901 ri8{ 8 SIC‡ 0B fet IRE ỦcÌ< 98 890] nIØ0|2Im f9) (6)71 BEOIC AN HARI 20181 Why dontyou~? -31BSH8 í 9E 5001 OIA EOL yes
Bute 80
Did they come by o otter you some advco? AOI aon ei zai BRU? ‘A es, and they've been quite heptu
Trang 22
15 How many employees BEI vo hiring last quar? cid you end #3 XR! RIN St se MIR?
ĐỘ (A)Yes, andthey'e working out wonderfully (A) ain won (8) 088 A8 588018 lok,
(8) We brought on six new (©) Be of Z4 0l80ig 2i people
(©) The evaluations are due this Wook
‘employee S18 end up 2E ~o| ZEL he 28942 quater 271 work out 275, (WO) eI evaluation 87+ due 045: ĐI
| heard you adopted now evaluation systems, MES Bt Alt ERIE A Yes, and theyre working out wonderfuly
46 Could you take a look at the EB contracts 5 (A)No, haven’, botore we finalize them? but appreciate 7207} 2 Rt FEI Zo ʆ vt EAE ARGU? (A) Ole, 18! Bole ete 3fi=
the offer -8l8LL,
(8) lim inlerestedintho (@) HE tet Naot 0| 96L8 ‘construction project (G) 8E0iZ, 22488 Z0DI 82 E1 (©) Certainly Please send the 22 SUMS to me by express mi contract 22449 finalize B48, o}F2I5Kt appreciate 271 OK offer xe! Interested in ~0t 140| 2 construction project 24 BÀI Igin
‘Ron many- SABA BOIL 019) P|BI28 2 2L #ESl 808 0/414 4 SIC: XI E2I 18B A (€o] 4m Ba /CL SIEAI BIEOI vesE Ett ANE ‘BE 421 SER mig} Bol HE WES SIE ob ere
(2 Whhan do you find out about your performance at work? te aso aa 9d 9] 2 90V? |A The evaluations are due his ok
(Could youll 9i881 2f9)4 2288 Stat AIC Om, ‘7i0| 4c 212! Certanyse Séiol whee ` 8o tai Sole (C)7} xIBAB BEI Uoirlis BBO LỊE eoneacsolA{ 9454 HBS #94 #88 l9? 9c,
ETRY O Did you thank thom for ther support? oxo ast zs, What project do you want to work on? of RE 812 4/2 KH] se sur ‘A.No, I havent, but appreciate the offer Ag?
17 Aren't you taking some business ‘ol So) 2 aia Bx L127
‘courses on the weekends?
[Ee (A)No, turned rumor out to be a (A) Ole, 201 AB©E vetrots (6) LỊ Ain a|N8 zt2ĐMoj, (8) Yes, and { minored in (Ou we ae wen gọn,
(©) Yes, 'm learning a tot
‘course 28, 2213181 tum out ~= WSIX: minorin ~®@ RAIBAIC psychology AI ECDIN Q6 tuc that Emma gọt manied? sim g0) 380L 221 1l)
|A.No, it tumed out tobe a rumor
18 Lwonder where | could get some 0] 3 OICIOWA Đai 5⁄8 88 + 9IE?
travel information around here FE (A)Lessthanathousanddolars
(8) Mostly to Europe, but also 10 ‘Asia () 10008 opto}, (8) dt 980)XP! 0J)0ES, (G)0l 8004 0918 Mois, (€)|'saw an agency down the
‘mostly 7, 071 agency AL
E000 Tơm, project? Rams ate ie ro Vi SIã? 000 00 nu ‘A Less than a thousand dollars
{Am interested in the construction project
4l 0|894 SELIG ths: BAKTIO Bat ‘tyes, Helbig now Sake Ch ON ISLA at 38 (aking) x1 BAL WON SaAyes) slot Be 248 Hượn Richa SimOle ()7} 7H IIRL caste etatich,
(Q Did you major in sociology? atte 98820187 ‘A Yes, and | minored in psychology
0I8 3518 ĐI + Sli BAM vhơ 7709/2881 1B BP St (ANS how much BON 049) 85 fo (B= wavelet BIA kk O42! Europe 3 Asia Bal | #88 9I92I3 SI92Z 26D! uaa
(Q Whore have you traveled? ofc 0189440122 ‘A Mostly to Europe, but als to Asia
Trang 23Pan2 Test 19
19 What do you think about expanding Uso opi Sais Naw BIEN! [gợ] Su ourmarketinto Asianext year? dâ4ofg428teLpnp
STRESS “hư Am — t3 HHN tham
` (B) INø been lo Tolyo last year (C) Ie like to see ore (©) Sc nae Heel ee (6) Neol S301 ZO #E0L+ EOL RISE Asia Bat (AVE East Asia
` 0 oe Pe GE Tokyo 0188 LEB ESI Lich
xpand sci, 9K1
'Q Whore do they make those dols? 2 S18 OM 81827 Q Dp you have to do much business traveling? @2I8 BI A Atoy factory in East Asia ‘A Lwont fo Tokyo last year 701 812?
10 lev Ms Sanchez sipposedtobe AES Hol Sw ORI SIa'SoI fr Se Hq
Ex coming his morning? BB Pa an hơn mu, (@) called yesterday, (6) U7 ona HO, e 1 ate p20, -2 9n Øilen EE Halon BE Yeo AEE Se spiate -Y8J2IEBS CỊE SIEBosB.l i88 pa yovectoa ans
(C) At the ten o'clock meeting {(C) 104) B12t0hAd ‘MEO ESS BIC Yess, 71EIA! Now CHET
21 ECL 289] BALE supposed be comingol ‘i 2{ pp Yoo ASOT Of] Sf SID Eat
be supposed to ~#? 1m £04 4 Savina
'Q Why havent you contactod me? ot uti eo Hư? ‘Q Whon id you hear about the new plan? a sot ai 924 EEN A called yesterday ‘A.Althe An ton o'clock meeting,
21 How will the new cistibution system AB AIAMOI FS] HANOI OIE! BBE a] affect your production? '87HỊXeLT?
BS dere tenn Pose Caeser notes Seino OM HIRE 9 uN
7 (®) Im ot sure | agree sooty (©) aesigol Bat 2 ZoIR, Oe ee "B01 4S croton sytem, productions factory N31 1181-71 8 0ÌE: (C) The cost le like to drop
lstribution Est 4Œ afecL 98 ĐI! producfon 480, 4898: 480 ‘smoothly S181 tkoly ~B 786401 2 crop OIE)
""“ Ẻ.ẽ FEB Storeng onc tno sao
22 Hello, dike to speakto Mr Brody OWS, 8| M8 opPlEtM@dS — [rg]
EE (AlHllwatonyou (6) 301 804 088718 cĩ Onda
Em“ 6 .- (Ổ can tai himyourneme, (JMBSIMEXSABE `
ung S8I2E 2SD| 8N
ao XS, aka caste
FEO cus me, can tnd anyone to ape ces, 8 al an yout me shut ne new enployee? 8 EM 2 2200 Aiwa ono số in A Hotere ate hn La tạm
Trang 2423 Why don't we work on the proposal #š!§t!24f08 #9l8lx2108W7
‘over the weekend?
=a (A) Well, the deadline Friday Is this () Atel Bei (A) 804 Đh2ĐÚe o2 889L (@)Because a the president wants (C)8, 2 992m 44M (©) Yes, ! believe participate that shetl
work on ~0 S848 HOI proposal MBIA) deadine OHA! EI O Why are we getting unitorms? si! RR QOH a >? SEES A Bocauso the president wants it
2% jE) you usually make from your office? -Ä8AOU4 820 48 v8 5 20087 (0) Z8 8204 lai Đổi (A) Most in the mornings getto work when © tiga 0-t2M i28
(@) Around 10 0 12 a day (© #2 9M xi (©) To our European office
‘make a long cistance call 22421 Se SiC} usualy 8 mostly 7 CMH 2 Do you dink alt of coffee? 2a) wo} aba?
FEED ois nemorins won gota wee area
25 Why didn't (6) Yesterday, (A) Pretty close tote ofc you call me at home? around this time
(©) laide’t want to disturb you .3 gio gel 0901? (A) AvP uo g 2P (©) opt 0} Arak (©) Gm wen arn 204 disturb wesc
(© wer is the client's office? 2 aio ofcix? {A Praty lose to the ofc,
A Vester
26 entitaiticut EB office bulding? to parkiniront of your Avalos BL?
Ea (A)Yes,Rlsveycose {@) Yes, especially Monday (8, (6) 8, gi New eeu 9 2078 through Friday (014, ae ac 2a Sri OL (©) No, the building isnt vary old
park sic especially ml
Q.Is your brother's house nearby? Lk 2x4 BOI 01 287 ‘A Yes itis very close
Wy dont we 7 "~ahe OU SoH 4 9!3! 8S Z8 BIA BIRO AE work on the proposal '3eti0 nịgflolg 47.2] 7 ne over e welend, 280 SD| SE
Q.Is Barbara going to play baseball with us? ssei 925: oF ena? beleue thai shel patipato
AOU ari RH GOHL Bo] OFBSHER! how many Bn USSR $7} He BOS BOR 0H ‘4 Bich oft wh 108I 126i ilE(Ø) 21 EEEOECE (As when BBO, (Cs where WOE "t0 880L
(Q Where should | send this report? 0} :2/48 0E uD) 87 1 European ofc
Gal c
‘alent He OFF Hh why OFS Ba Oe Bete] aca ote (071 78 BE S01 © Ale 7 Be RAM how ore alee! BF ‘U4 Sie RHOIOL (Bie whenol ct BEER
When di they rb you? 994 SE 9487 day, around his time
bowel HAISIBBOK? MPa Sl Als 20] ‘UN GALLI EOL Behyes) sit FSO Nel Sk SMO} ()71 718 Efe EOC Hoi st
2IRÊ IBS| 9IZ0I “liðl iả| Ret SEO
Are they going to demolish that bukdng? 2{ 8 3107 ‘A No, the bulding is vay
Trang 25PanzTest 19
27 Wat do you think about 10 dolars {or the belboy’s tip?
ĐỂ (A) Yes, room service is a good ‘doa .2 AI8oD Bi toa 2b Zio al} pie (8) O14 x0] (A) 8, Aula} BOL, ate (8) No, | don’ have my wallet (8, Hae 2 wo!
(C) Yos, that seems ‘appropriate
belboy £84 AEF tip & wallet xR! appropriate a8!
{Q Would you tke to order some fod to the room? wo BAL gine sein aon [A Yes, room service is a good idea
2B We needa tow poope to come in this weekend fe aon 9 Ao] tok a 24 oi EE (A) Ithink the weather (8) I could put in a few hours willbe fine (A) BUDE (8) 2 8 ARIE 2! BOK we 208,
then (0) 282, 98ldfE 7D t2
(C)No, the store is closed on Sundays putin (A! 84) okt
EE © Vit Sa tim RH 176
Atte water ib fr
2 Whore were you last employed? 5% — (A) was a designer for thee oyxptom wet 20) oiis@Lin? (0) ie 98 69) cịto|ltEols
years, (6)A8E8 7B AILBIS 4618,
~ (8) 'm hoping to start a new (C) A402 2AI8AI01A 9/8@LICI, career (©) worked at Seiko Corporation, ‘employ 286Kct career 26 0 Hs FETE O How do you make such beautiful clothes? oft 2821 4E bos) seecia `" "`
leo l6 What did Ms Fields ® manager say to the (BE wD) Lob | R48? (A) No, itwas in the restaurant (8) On your desk, next to the (6) hủ Si 9| AIEM g8 (ole, 22 AASB 1 aOR,
folders (©)2gl ti 6l,
(C) That she was happy with
FER Cerca son anon
ED A No, itwas inthe restaurant [208 new TOEC Pạt 286) Bele AAAS
What do you tink about 72 ero fz Em: '3C) #50 103/212 Kiữ 2l di oj824 -3208IE1I BE BiBOI spproyialsln ra 8-29lE (C)
Q.Can I borrow some money from you? & & wit + 9k1? ‘A.No, don't have my wale
'9/IE0Iiệ 828 A801 719 TARA “ke 2| A 2 9/00) Och FON H AIO| jet 2 aint XIAO} eh AHEM 9K}
“3 tiBIE (7h 7 xe ck eet {Q Can you buy some toos for me today? Sw 711 2 A8 9
[A No, the store is closed on Sundays
ÌXìS:Z 290! 0| tặa “4U+BDTSI 2<9lat ‘Soko Corporatonojets eae AL 9/38 (C7 BROKE (ANE whats how long MBO (6) Evy BOI IS Ae! BEOIC
(2 Wy do you want to quit your job? st a ev seer? ‘A Im hoping to start anew career
‘4A What id ~ say 7 SICAL B17} OL OUP U8 BOI (Ch $1 + CL IBA WEEOL ‘no BEI (A) whore SIO ABI BIE 2 "80L nị 2014 (SHEA At eva #AD ti 210] 888IC Sl0| 3)9/E2I 91ØIE A4 Co)