Questions 98-100 reler tothe following tour information,
Good afternoon and welcome to Emerald Plantation, the last surviving cotton plantation in Floridạ My name is Jerome and Ï will be your tou
itself was built in Marcus Fitzgerald, an Irish immigrant In its plant
idẹ The
Prime, the plantation produced 350 tons of cotton per month, the largest capacity
fof any planta tohi
Ri «4 Cotton Festival which enjoỵ
so we may see how these:
in the South at that timẹ Mr Fitzgerald passed the plantation on ‘on, and it remains inthe family still todaỵ Its on the National Historic ister and is open for your enjoyment 365 days a year Also, in August we have
arly Floridians lived over one hundred hears agọ
98064 100912 cỊG iuaol ti 5/8904
3048048, 8901481 God ale obs} we nse ofalgs 5tel OA 21g Bethe, Alte ais ol teh of 7g, 01 5 ANE of «GE I2glg viel SLAMSLES s4 IS A đ, C4 ol AI 3Ì 288091 3139089) SHE 408i001, IAM MASE | he lel iol WAG, 7HIS ofall 2 wish Afa}ueh, ] r8 38 4L) #8 8 80|el i0, 9l 1659 eS we l8 7085l9|lêv|9, #018fl9tcoletEel871 312 Us et aA l0, 32 2189) 1Ẹ 9l99 9AlMl ait wl VEU, 4 3l 271861 20189)5l5
= suniving 29 2 Geatton plantation Wt immigrant OFF! Cpe BA 28a, Ble maltỵ peak zenth lu depression oreniy ex AHS pea, Seed Constucten hea monopeyinthe souhem pat othe countỵ) produce *ict eapacty 2! 5% “pass 025C: remain oF
98 Whats special about the
(A) itis the oldest onẹ () It used to be the biggest (©) tsi uses traditional ‘methods (0) It produces best quality cottons,
99 vino owns ne pana now? (a) Mars gerald {8 serom
(G)Mareus Fisgeralds familỵ (0) Te government
100 wnat event occurs in August? (A) Action harvest contest (6) The plaiaion renovation (©) Open house
(0) Acton gaia,
ROI EC Crogistor BA: B21 Cenjoyment #7, 718
sol aot te He 90217 (8) 28 S84! 8i, ¬- (C) 0E4l 3i#Stotrauiúenal yigmethel # ger (0) sy lel ear antec,
Nae wae Ansa Ie (8) OFA AE () 8
7ˆ (0) 8
BHO fet M71 f2lE2bcè2 (A) | ®elenet ha '®) s8 248 (G) SE 8IỆ (0) 24 ran
the plantation produced 360 tons cof coon per month the largest capacity of ‘any plantation in the South ~
'3A|2i8 tỷ 2408 208/8 2© ore 7/9 øR0l818 8.2 9)-XIBo{LỊP tai neo] %2|6)lịE uoedloE #8451
i remains inthe family sit
“28l#ol le 84014 nIaFl n2248/=2Ekl8 OF Sob #eƒ2ololZl¬ 2k A sl _3 3k 0lo| S21 SH 2N#B(Natonal Hede Rejse)z B820) 9m ðl0| 888 2t 9lo= 2 Feo} ic,
Ge] o
EEEEBI Asẹ In Auguet we have a Cotton Festival which you might enoỵ WS0/ eNO} Fe! August? LICE RO FOI ‘ol Bit Coton Festal} 918-8 HS + ict featualo| 2002 gala 0H BHAI WOH 2 ‘te BHO
Trang 2pat « pea] Sid
(Questions 71-73 refer tothe following talk 7IE004 730 CHB EIHON Be RIEILC Because our offices are located in a skyscraper, 1G & Associates takes fire safety JG 8 4 sfol2t 2% Ze 9/1 to ab tt very seriouslỵ In the event ofa fire, all employees are to follow the following 4G a9 Gash ett ast, aE procedure, Ii is not followed swifly, dire consequences could follow Our 4, 9 2I08-8lg 30418-6244e) 9ì 9] building is equipped witha state-of-the-art detection system Ifyou hear the alarm 2H sesh 2⁄4 gh 22, 40h aay te al any time, you should immediately stop what you are doing and proceed directly + 3léUch Pel Gwe alae 4] AACS 2 to the stairs and walk down and out of the building Never use the elevators, Baur, 4E) 211.09) S218, 8l Sig 441 because they could be affected, and always walk, never run, down the stairs ina SFA Gow 2-714) Mev UE wes ahah collected manner One last point is to never try 0 collect your personal belongings LiF cick, eelwMelelt= shes] ak we 4 ol before you leavẹ This wastes valuable time in the event that the fre spreacls 1st 4| 9)83ƒ2|s]4D7l iaidIi, 314 SA vất ‘Quicklỵ Please, take this procedure seriously and follow it in the event ofa firẹ 31324 39@-o)#‡©l7)9)d3øl”HiA9,nỳ4l9i© 5, 17PAP| #9 7i) 22488 3212| ah eA) 9, lke Mo) FRO AT Wis AF HS AI ‘elses sigue), o) ane Salat sare} Si) 1/86.208-5)sl s28 loeala (n)~9f WRI Siscrapor 2 28, 4G ©sgfeiy91Ef29 cin the øventof i9 ~E BF cprocedure Ht cewifly Bel
“đe 4BÿAIE, 5|! =conaeauenca 221 cequlp (wth) ~Ol 2%, lich sisle-oFho-af i5 "dạteclon proceed UPI, Bu} directly #3) caecl #88 0)! =colected 3E, B/M$4< cam, roi unexed — rented panicky, wid ex Thetrenzed eb 2H H cmmedialel BÀI tenon workrs stomedthe bulking and seized contol of the company) personal 7219 belonging Ais, AR cvaluable HSE), 286! cspread wh
CEE Peas
71 Wnýs the company pariculary TA Gai ra suit eso la EOP fo so Deru on a reese
(6) The weather is very drỵ (B) t†u2| 0© 218C ˆ
(C) They handle hazardous zr (C) Hesehazandous xiygmalcrialB $4 oS Tên OlF(why) BE ASO OE Lette 244L
(0) They are very high up (0) #9 we 3 9, leat in a sigscraper, JG & Assos tks re saldy wey seiousy o4 -@7180l S8 9D s1
.#M8 88 + 9C!-8-19l -S8 te ake dyszaparB hợnup9Ẹ
72 wmatis one recommended “ glchatxE 90017 oe
behavior? =
(A) Taking the elevator (0) it ol88Pl (EREEEED otra ak never cn sown
(8) Walking calmlỵ (©) 846P#elnh 20 Non nh
(©) Bunning fast (©) wal weit x10) Ho} B91 BZ Le O10, must, (©) Lowering the bodỵ (0) Abe saz tower pense GH 0188 E2014 BLOM BEN et 2:8 + 20 SO Ue BOL BEA! 010} {icho(aays Wak nver nn) UBS BE 4 2 ‘329 macolected pc manner 271 cay: #21 73 What should the employees do 'when hay hear the alarm? HBS dee NOM SEB so} tem fe i
(A) Call a supervisor (A) #e|xkapenlxvoj2{ 218/80] E= hờ ch TH ‘stop &
(6) Get out ofthe building (© a woe Leet plants proceed rect
{C) Locato a hydrant (©) Antonin Eclocse, a
(©) Gather atthe lobby (0) og aie, M8 8loEB9l he alamo] HOE HE Zot 1 Solo} Sch SURO ZR SOR you
har the alorn) SG! i Sl BA Zim Woe UY 7h Scie URS BR + Ct
Trang 3Questions 74-76 refer tothe folowing announcement
Attention, shoppers Enter to win a trip to sunny Barbados! Visit the Home Decorating department today and try your luck, AIl you need to do is purchase one ‘of our new home accessories for a chance to win this fabulous get-away-packagẹ What could be better in the midst of winter? Our Home Decorating department is located on the 3rd level, by the elevators, This isthe last day of the contest and the contest ends at 6 pum., so be sure to visit the Homie Decorating department before
you leave today and try your luck Who knows in a week you could be lying on a Sandy beach! Thank you for shopping at the Fine Living Depot and have a pleasant day
400004 70 CHE EOL WBE
-27iIR49)4184.559I21, 800 2)vi4olẸ 2289) 9 2.891 1J2|#18! St NMIBA 2G '#E2I4l44elrlt9| e8 AI9/8I9242|9tEhr 214) AAS) SONA 4# 8 3942)4)7IV #9901 \F89147)2191 281414 SlE 718129891, 2|82]9l071e1#6-413I2131804170245i A1 BA DUE IS Meiobole| Soh 242182 Va, “2e|nirllt4lgolo|488kts6xlel320l2Ll sl 27419131 4jM39| He SA) 4061804 9 2DIiCId e]al8 1291 398-2270 M9 2Đ9l>-4L449|%: 0#, 9l l3] hg lap) “2413404 gabcrlol 94g56 8) ID] lật de,
‘Altention ~ O(21839 HEIDE shopper B21 A= Af, @ Gwin A - Bel 11) ABI ty onels luek #8 AlBlc) 2purchaso Ai, Pele}
-oeeesory i02, 9940| =Iabulous ØEU S7geLaway £21 87), AK! m.dst 89, 97]S'(znd96,cøn, nong maron, 298, eax Else was so thi ghen she was young that she waslagsen hạ marpn, sanding back and watching the ter cern plaỵ) Contest sandy 2248 each ae cpleasant 72, 718 82 i, SAAR cle =aier|
Th Whallshe event piẻ (A) A complete home makeover {G)A sk or snowboarding ride
(C) Up-scale home appliances {0} vacation ina warm placẹ
ome] ame 891001? (A) 2} 24 Mezmakeoer © 47) #E ^xSg #Ị (G) ziEtpelt 7tE94Bpliue (D) t/EÉ! #gi8S| 82
75 what do customers have to do tọ Rapeomer sO] FOE 43718171 HEH SOF
enter? (A) Purchase a ticket, oe 48? (0) El248 98) (8) Buy ahhome accessorỵ © wuas #88 ĐC) (©) Participate in a contest (©) BaAo4 Bo‘, (©) Malina free ticket (D) #8 E38 2e tiực|,
76 When is the contest over? BHASE OM 0I2ISIE2T?
(A) Todaỵ woe
(8) Tomorrow (8) ti
(©) In three days (sue
(0) Ina woek (0) 323) %
Enter to win a trip to sunny Barbados!
xig9| SlMou 0] B4AE9| Bo] e191 Let Đl0|SÂ8S] 0J8918 9l 2 9l, XIES] BAP wPl(®49I-DẸ EHES| BI pina A ISLA, “XIESlsunn(8fE9| 3 SE= S70 BE OR REG 4 Us wae oe MERIC
purchase one of our new home accessories fora chance to wi his fabulous get-away-package
“IESl #tlyoti '8B 7ixIm T'98/IENpuchese o 20A0 82I8[! A341 one ot our new home acessories) .®lprehesesl7|2|buyE 82.0EI- 8% Elis AIS &! 4 Sth x}
faa “This the tet day ofthe contest
2tE9l 89iWoU4 ©h(oonj0l 8l aR ị (ee ast cp i 2% XIESI em] #400 ‘Stoo BBSRC
Trang 4parte Test 5
‘Questions 77-79 rater tothe following telephone messagẹ
Good evening, this is James Payton from World Service Entertainment's sales Apartment Ím returning your call about the unscheduled disruption to your cable televi service on Wednesday morning Our company is teribly sorry for the inconvenience this eaused to you 3s | understand you Were in the miđle of watching an international sporting event, Unfortunately, on Wednesday we experienced thunder storms alo
bbe temporarily disabled, In recognition of the interruption to y
broadcast, we would like 10 offer you a free pay-per-view movie of your choicẹ 1 hope this will make the situation better For you, Please contact us if this solution is
the East Coast that caused our satellite ìnk to
ur regular ‘not satisfactorỵ We value your continued custom
Unscheduled ANSI 8, os! 4 cdsruption BE cteribly BAL SBI “inconvendence in the mide of ~Bie £04 experience 2c, 28 cthunder storms Csatelite $s
THOM Toe HS Hi AKON Be E0 Se ie ME Ave eet 9J9019) 192 5i6ÌEIQd, +891SHl 4420 72T 0)>9| 8S eed atv ai oath, sẽ Maa) Sa ABA aH alae al sols
Sf efite] HEAR AUC, HAMAS F804 BP RL nhị 315-8 ĐA 4897] đI6)4 218 313 -3g All 3U)*) 2⁄49l3l8lQv|ck sty AP "ÿ#©| #05I9g Hoh a 419.0 eal ` Asi Hats Age elo teh, ola 438 5| 1)6)19.g in, ol 42140] 44/eglalgich# 2IfI404 l4] 24419, 2lfltc 22019) 218218] sale age oz)
“Cause 2p, #81 3k 2 =Iemporanly @AMORI- beỵ Neng,
‘momentary ~ parmanety, constant, eveasingy ex Aer costa arqing for anumber ot yar, the couple decide for ece)
dienhlod 234, 2u in recognition of ~2 91202 interruption BY, Wat Cregular 87182! 2pay-porxiew movie AI li Sa xs} ) 8 BH Choice LHe situation 2H Ceontact Beste solution ANID csatslactoy 8KRA2I2 continued NA! Ccustom (eis) 18:
TT vinatis the man's job mos kel? (A) Television presenter {@) Protessiona athletẹ (©) Weather forecaster (0) Sales representativẹ
78 What was the main cause of the
problem? (A) Programs were changed (8) Bad weather interrupted services (©) The customer didn't pay the
(©) The cable was cut by mistakẹ
179 vinats tho customer otorod? (A) Tickets to a spots gamẹ
(B) Free theater vouchers (C) A complimentary moviẹ
(0) Arefund onthe monty ị
[198 New Toscana «el woe sia
enol se #8 2 BER (A) TV Alexyrcener © xe a8 ae (©) 2h eae (0) 8E Ae
8149| Fa BEI 900017 (A) #8280) trasfrel, (©) ser gue Alar} Beet ier, (C) 2720| 3#72E etn l9 (D) AOlgO| 3/283 misoke et ¬
Bap FSO] BST? (A) Aza wel (0) 88 38 BE RUher (G) #8eenptmesy gu (D) th BA Bhefoet
Gal >
this ie James Payton trom Word ‘Service Entertainment's sales department “tt iAIxpll4 2pIS| Rie wa 21 #88104 207] Arum 8 sto et BOL MEIN 4 Beh Xe
9124 BHU rie WE ALA eteIeIEE ot ay gicln vista ch ey fal aI (vor
‘thunder storms caused our satelite link tobe temporaly disabled ‘Bol GPE ii Siả í2ĐI 9019 20) (temporary đeaded otc 248 + Sc x)
(29) funder soos, dsabledt= So} £710 bad eae, erupted 24204 2c
EEEEEI we woul ke to offer you a free PerPerfeu moeoye on us| Goma 840) 0g] 80 ‘oul thực 8 8g n8 048B» tì #1298 In mype-vet nu corpimeooy
Trang 5
‘Questions 80-82 reer to the following news report
Yesterday the provincial government announced a change inthe provincial ferry servicẹ After a year of review and discussions, it has been confirmed that the service will be privatized The Premier announced there is fiewe competition
purchase the service from the government, is expected to take place by May, but the province will retain ownership of haf ofthe ferries The Premier's announcement has been met with pronounced ‘opposition from many ci izens who fear ticket prices will be raised, such as parents ‘whose children rely on the feries to get to school Citizens’ groups have also expressed concer that services to outlying, remote areas tes The Premier said today that he is the high expense of running these ferry
y be cancelled due 10
sill confident he has made the right decision to sel,
B0gDiA| 82012 C8 tr^ EO! Be! BIBEHIC
oo 59)i21Al0laol i9) 3l@ Aeldẹ "3L fauJQ 1193191 95)213182)1 81 “aie ASL LAG 14908712 g8, 3i oy gad we RFE) | AI
2‡89)7 0471:0120 39 8l 2|) “23112 9.14, =0 SẰ49l@05030hJ.24 Y©col4l] A2)50nUEs] đ1-884:7H)431 Leh, ols 2249) 4b #9] 2909 2k8 8i St tê AllSSl 4g \04Ả] 2'g23@tlt, te Aigo) AS Opi A ABE 1D] 4 BAe, GAN 1 sel OB BAe Suge el ln sal 2I49.85l 28480 4= WAS SElb 34 da 4298 MAUS, Le SAS 2 Het ole el 2-8 tS ote 218 gel Sate SHOE
provincial $91 X82 -fery A prvalze (718 HB) eRe premier XA, 44 cferce ALIE Corporation 71H “bid eiabeh take place Week retain RAC ownership AR cpronounced ENE, LIAN notceabe, dite obvious ~ subtle resrined tex Tei caleoeaton fear Fett rely was so esraned con a nct mater uch othe bare hat hey hd wan the annua prize forep fcenoy) 2opposifon VI =iiSen AI! on ~9f 9041 "oulying ah HOR, I remote Sl SoHE
2! O18)
80 What id he government announcẻ (A) Thoy wl renovate somo temes, (©) They wit purchase new teres (c) Atew routes wil be canceled
(0) The provincial ferry service willbe sold
£81 How she govement pursuing the changẻ 1A) By outeouring some ofthe wor (B) By pushing a local business {6) 87 accepting competitive bis, (D) By increasing citizens’ taxes
82 ny aro some parents woried? (A) Ticket prices may get more expensive
(2) Some routes may become too crowded (©) There vải be no student đ8eaunL (Đ) The company is not trustworthỵ
Bei ane 22 PINT
(A) 491 40M 42gpeaotee 2c © Nae wae sae 201, (©) #7421 -t| 442 200 (0) #9 9i Afio| si2L8 26t,
‘Po SIN 0121 2806|nmanoe
sen PT
(©) et Aion ekg 7FI©Bupeh (© #826 ante woe (©) AIO 488 8810|
21 RR HOMO] AE Blame weed BET (A) 3 dio] uni: meta (6) #% 9082| tị Egl2iroxdel wea, (G) S8 49D #oJsAt (0) #l6lEtesxsorhy 20 0 aa
run 2200 route 8
EEEEEBI hao beøncontrmed bat no ‘service willbe privatized
2IE9l mune! UB Ole IC aR cy aol UR Bat 2 Ao eee Etbo ted) ooo 710 ol 368 0bl #04 aiạ a HG SB US Orie Ah a 4 2c pas, bi phases SGoims we B67) ec, 5 Q1
EEEETEI there Is lerce competition
between two corporations purchase ~ biđing to BUMONA AMS! 8 AIH OEP] HEN 71 2291 Si 20] ABICEDece computor Y: 81m Sct XB BA carpeibono| .sonpeie3, 2E ERO] BA Deng) 270141 2/01 BBA ‘BA bida HB BOL ROEM BM IER chet
pronounced opposition tom ‘many eizen who fer ck prices willbe talsed, such as parents =
#9 #vHgojA4 tử AIRIBO! Batol rats Pett Of eso) Ron !CJBEO, ¬ 0l 7IL(ES| B20
BOBO 18 ‡ 3E1Zi8S'ew2l vofeoi: 25 xfE9inlteiseeD† 83B 2p =——————
Trang 6sank Test 5
{Questions 83-85 refer to the folowing tak
It Jooks like we will have another busy day to ađ to our very busy spring season
so fạ Before we open this morni abl
Thave a short announcement We were not to order more ofthe pink orchid As you know, ths is one of our most Popular flowering plants People will definitely be asking for these all week, but hone will be available until next season, Please try to persuade customers t either purchase a different color of orchid, such as the violet or wine colored ones, or recommend a diff plant that grows well under the same conditions We have many beautiful flowering shrubs which are often not recognized, so please do ‘your best to bring them to the attention of customers Thanks a lot
ook ike
“2x44 AIö9I -38 sk:ol4 794A) 8.4087 19] 1184 S049] 2 t@01d, vả, 8$ V04 2217283) 39lgl0rld, fakes hi J4 #1 34214 HỆ 9073p 3t hè 9l 8hjghi, @8Ll oe UM BE 2 ROA Sasha, Ae Aone OE baa 00h) Sah eđ, wet ato) we ple silat} Re chế 4/394 12 290154 -# 138124)7) hd, h4 3e Z8)4 2l “2 9E che Al# 2418725 UG, MIR eens 20500 5)8e)@ ol ol 6 Ud, a aa clo ave 224) "5-11
9 \ 2 cađ (0o) “E1 -sping =so ar 1i8V9H| "orchid tiE cas you know Weis! -fowering Xl= =defnilely 3H]
‘avaiable 0188 4 21= “persuade 8/28 Spurchase II, Pact =vilet 3712 “recommend 8F, 8729k} =under ~condion ~9 11894 ab 2 “recognized sie aporecaled selarred acdeoedgrdoverleoked,lyofe6,u"noiced r Beđsetai, howy chery, th ny esreslethe grass wore ost evesaoked and some wer ven stppedonty accent) cdo onés best 8 cei
£83 wnatis te announcement maily about? (A) Asal wil ond todaỵ (BA ney al wil bog ( They hava runout ofan
(0) The new plans need more
84 When will more pink orchids arrive
atthe garden center? (A) Todaỵ (8) Next week {C) Next month (0) Next y
(85 What ar tho stat advised to promolẻ (A) gardening kt (8) Now ferzer,
(©) Less weltknown plans (0) A gardening servicẹ
[200 NexTOEC Pan3⁄4 #0 Bole wee
ol axel 52 ee SeRDN (a) 292 A49 PL si () A4E0| 48 AI9Iị (C) 88 8 #'2FDỊ B80] =ttr† i ot of, (0) IIE AlES0I rỊ Z9I8 7I890)
2k MEO Od BB HEE CH BOIS wr Woe (8) d8
Ouse (ous
SIMRO] SER ‡fEMioonoe 9 247 (6) MBE uIglenler
(G) 8 9a AỊ (0) #08 AI
ile We wore notable tine pink orchid to order more “2048 E 80 5IE ENJ0U4 25ïc v89) '880|9i 918 #821128 2820.288 i82 SICL Lm ơ Đ64 000EE ISOLA: et AOR Ot ARB + Si l0 ae St ct
EEEEBI None wit be avaliable unt ext season
.#tiEo| kt2‡©E o| 38 88 30Ile 2 i8 AI 7it CHB ert season S0 #1 tê BO meta was BA UD! A), ), sete (0| 348L
8) c
‘We have many beeutful flowering ‘Shrubs which are oftn not recognized, ~ ‘bing the othe atinton of customers
Trang 7
Questions 86-88 refer tothe following television broadcast 800914 BONE CG atole 19891 2U 3/891.C ‘Welcome to Citywide TV at Noon, our daily talk show covering the art0fcÏ\y —— Z2914Pÿ0#03legf314.4942)9) living Ím Angela Ward Today we have a renowned nutritionist on the show with |=: Tvo} #4123 8)4ị|e, ake dash 9} 9) us Amy St, Pierre has a new cookbook out Soy Delights, packed with gourmet yet Uc 23ne-alUet Jers abe Satsuet fo) quick vegetarian recipes Long gone are the days where we thought vegetarian o] igi sofa als oi cco] ei 870911 Cuisine was boring and Amy is one of the originators ofthe chic vegetarian crave sa, 9]‡#»)27†#-242)2|82Q: ait Belt sweeping our citỵ Amy’s latest book is all about cooking with soy and howto 2812421938 &#lgloz7P2)S104d, 444 incorporate this low-fat food ~ so high in antioxidants, fiber and vitarnins ~ into el} wel gichat-Bzteiet Algo) lure ‘our meals from breakfast to dessert Today she will teach us how to cook the 5lElnl5it the 4l SAHE S8 ke Pe AA a entrée, Tofu in Sauce Provincial, anda healthy version of the classie dessert, ol bese Lolste, ofolo ae} 41g) Coconut Piẹ Yes, suid healthy dessert! “3 Achyi 403) FmHA Aa AL BA OFA 2IllYel calesl |7, ST
#E Ald9L58)4)7ls Wi@rlE2' gia, s4 1 oH NAN E:4lZ414De|n|, S29 ate sesh MH gh PE Viale EAA MBE oh ET 2 đ, 40291 46-0)Al2|m gia
enowned 98SIE47 welJcan.cdKbrstedgoraoert— vưànoan,urđeineuehed.tzfenda) —nutilo-St #EJSHỊ “goy B =be paoked wih ~E 2H AI *1-g9umnet |22lEL 14H He 821 crecipe Z2l# cuisine 22) originator #Hg -híc 8< #8 =crazo BH Ceweening Bs incorporate BRAVE low-fat ARMS Cantoxidant AAA SH fiber Senta MHERAL “oly SE
[86 How oten does his TV show ar? 0) Wel! AE GORI XIE WASLIAỈ [BS]
weno wa xs =
d5, oe SEE once
Beste ĐA ni eee
Gowran: 05A 8M ec am See eer eee Stora wesc aauaa waa
B7 tatls Amy SL Peres ar to) Fo coket Tn sft np ol pion ẤN #4 etiam {EEE teoy we ava HỆ: Z Snes cae oa eer m TU
(C) Diet and fitness specialist St (C) CHOlOLs Hạ 3J t2Kimes #I@7| ‘BAL xi4 9E, Amy SL Pene| 0IB9| Lo: saeco
(D) Pastry (0) xB 2 TỂ Thế v0 5 301 He ma Seca,
88 wnat is mentioned about soy toods? 8 saoi Eư rag xẻ (A) They are not fattening (A) 8lg5†Anee te, BBIA a
ore T9 65 aweswceoxouag EREEED snystaet naan mm Sản ghe
(may olen Se nel
(D) inexpensivẹ (D) watt etch, 5 H
ner ae rere ‘PIE AKI BANlowat foodi2t= Cae Se >
SUCH MEM 0| 8^|E 408 HD Six| 0iEcin 9987 mm
Trang 8paneTest 5
Questions 89-91 refer to the following tour information toi met BBB
‘ello, Everybody! My name is Sam and I will be your guide today on your tour of pas eae, the old subway lines of New York As you know irom reading your brochure, 54) else} uel
these lines were originally built one hundred years ago, but were abandoned and 23) Te# SHE alo} ofl fa, lio} then sealed up 60 years agọ The reason for this was the development of a new —Se@-10044 el jo}aAle, cond Aol ANB Stebat and better system of tunnels that were more suited to serving the citỵ I must insist -EASIsiRUC A} 4}gairiol seh aie A that everyone follow a few safety rules to make sure nobody is injured The the cl 4717905180) =[ðSlLAAd, s9 ct engineers of the New York City Subway Corporation have designated 70% ofthe 2l: #2| 3l'z:olk#l4) 8 73] ha she routes as safe, but the rest may not bẹ So it is important that nobody wanders off oA 21 #HLEeIeh jal eH Saal a lone, Please also keep your hard hat on your head at all times 1Jel-e S-4)8170814IiQ1dSicla 21.91 2l 9041144 0 2£ 8tr, 6u] #3 21 Hoke s¥tol Solas a |, St aka
pe |0)91489)4)7 ete,
‘brochure 4 8, 88% Coriginaly Bet Cabandon Wie, Waleil “seal BelcH= dose bgt pig cork unsea! open, cer ex The dain was phggedby
cident designate Aas B AB BS 238i he rolLJoJ wandor 502L calone Bx, °hard hat but we dont know who it) reason 0, 871 idevelopment 7 cisuited URE, MEE Cinsist FHI safely 1! cijuvo M8 9ì
[BY How could people know deta about the tour? ofa g + 27? -IBE 2H00 d8 2H 089518 —— [g]C, EEEEEI] As you know trom reading (A) From the Intemet (0) Seem get parireaust (oss musuen
(ion spemetet {(@) From wevisbẹ © asa oresa ae teas oye run ea I8 x4 391ff0|E G8 CHỊ SỜ HUẾ AM xi
9Ị đi] 488 €3 9 XI89lbrehurek penpiel2 Ml0| 5802| e! EÉE24 XR.2IE 7A trochueBl Savona 3 8$ 9I9L| HA AREY 90 When did use ofthe old subway tunnels discontinuẻ Foxe ete UB See er |) B EEEEEI tese Ines - were abandoned
(A) 40 years agọ (hc years ago nang : 382 cerxosEcoEli 258.18 we _and then sealed up 60 years agọ
(soya aloo resis 2a + 3 02a on Sa Tonxenena a dol susIGD HOR Bue Blok weet s0
econtiwedt S| abandon0| UE 02H 2% sore
91 What does the tour guide warm Zim QnA OOH Cl BAMHỈ x
gai) ie) Removing sty super Wye ase sewomess Gas sect RRR Pesaro Please also keep your hard hat EE on uy
An fous ues Set stl 7s ey not
{2 Yang te say ove = Sat ay
(B)veugesge can BE BOOK ZI89| Bele alone Si OH pera Hc 2 95 e) -80|dcDr l2 S0 Ish 82c te 9ì BOR septs ot
Trang 9—-(Questions 92-64 refer to the following instructions 92004 9481E CS XUUIBPI 9 3/8901,
th #-+8.dE 10A4P80|D].48821A12 2-25 AI BF ISN412/02 We from allergies, so we must go ahead with this change as oon as We ean We would £2] alo] htav | 88 ain 12> 7144] like you 10 work from home on Wednesdaỵ however the office will remain open it hate ge ALAMS VRE ao sh, Ash you really need wo come in Those of you with eports due Wednesday afternoon, 2:94 78S A462] sail, 3 ‘lease submit them on Tuesday to Merriam in Accounting, so that she can have the 22891118: 97 12.4 SS Se Be tp Statements finished by the end ofthe week If you need to contact her on 349/800)d, 28) -9703)4484i9) Sa Wednesday, she wil be checking her e-mail regularly from homẹ apologize to sixelmi gel] wale eet 2 tele those of you in Human Resources who have scheduled in-office meetings with job ol ol # Mạ) wnat aa 421642, ái
pplicanis on Wednesdaỵ If you cannot reschedule, please arrange to meet ead otelah 124 r8, 48141412 | somewhere else, because I cannot be sure how long the installation will take or 9Ä9l8 8/94 ZI9|d 20ÿt9.el34-ja +ag)
how distuptive it willbe OL AUS] HH wal Asia UAH Egx,
SeABHE Ecueh, 2] Seto) guj 9st la = ee wei ia a 4 71 he 2s 27) *?h;SHI:ld 1832914) 0 843)S8 s4 ep) ‘remind 8°17 Sinstall HSI pul, setup unstl, dsassenbie, lmanto ox They hed to duassenbl the new cng gy atthe request ie Sater nspocor because twas oo dangerous ventilation #71 BB ca number of csuter (rom) 28 HC callorgy Wete21 (90 ahead (i) 28K “romain PBK Cdye 7/0) e771 subi ABEIC! Saccounting 7% statement (AI) SETA Cregularly 27
apologize sake human resources S1M% applicant MIBK) arrange WESC, 228i oderuptive BAI
92 wnatwill happen on Wednesdaỷ (ate cover be dow (here tacemver SoH se 93MM 29D? Tạ hen) HM X0, (ase au te mo ae IEEE nx Wenn, wor ie ° (toewilbeapesain — Caaaag ee mao) SMG lx nọ đong azn —— a
(yan iciering device wil) Sys ner a Sibrtretarererain gon #8
eae PT Install 27)01M putin 212 Stone AN tcney incon ‘gol dees 8 3 2 det ea version 9| REPLI
93 Wat should some empioyeosdoon —_ x% 2IARE 89901948 46SEOf — (ggj A
Ti (A) Hand over their reports (©) Meet their interviewees, (A) SELB) bg HOHAnd (©) 2 nineniewsesg gio) over Bic}, EIEN Those of yoũ submit hen on THeeday 10 Mariam in Accounting i lo Men
Do NINH PHỊ Jove lo tho now oficẹ (0) see Al9jS 870) 9ẤL x Feta 2 1182 kml 7A handover 2 —
seer 96, Wnore doos Moriam work? (a) In Engineering ora of MO UKẺ 9 7a l8] g a
(B)In Accounting (8) gel EREREET pee srt non lon Tuesday
{6} In uman Resources ene a
(0) In iT (0) Mintormation technology) ARES! SAAOLAY ZENO} OFZI BORNE LO] LES
Ch WB! eNO; Meamae SBA BOM HE .Aeeewnrgo| 5171 BON A 8B 4
Trang 10PaneTest 5
Questions 95-97 refer tothe folowing introduction
Alice Seasons has been a friend of mine for 20 years now, and shés a great lawyer, Formerly a lawyer at a New York law firm, she has just recently relocated to Boston, She has been practicing trial law for a dozen years and is a well-known, lecturer for LBL Collegẹ She is concentrating her practice in State Criminal law and Family law Lam looking forward to working with Alice, and Ím sure all of ye as well Ím so pleased to introduce her to our team here at Johnston Law ‘This promises to be a fun and exhilarating new year for our firm Ladies and
Fi gentlemen, please welcome Ms Seasons,
'95tIA{ 7E tỊ 47001 891 WIEBE, els Eat 20 Sĩ 4l 129)44 8E) 9920 vịnh -UỊC r2] W8AeÄA| II) A091 Aves 8/4RL8IL 12M VI sat 24845 Oo}, lgt 4919) 498 22)2)715 1i, -rdb 9 1 giữ at tel ekg 791 Vee, 4 S MelA Gal ae ahaha 20 ote ‘usp aefebele hol stall ahah, ae a Ad 1 Ae WARSI ol 7A BAG OS ZL sgeethlch, lst 1a 2I 47L AI 481 -#s9J8I2iSï 495L 47tgr)t‡ elnl8, 2I£⁄|£ abet Sa} oat,
lawyer #1241 formerly (RHE =law lem 90A relocate SIS HEEIC practice (N00 BAGEL BHR BB mtn HEY dozen 1274
‘lecturer 21 =cocentle J8 State Criminal law ere Family law 24° look foward to ing ~#71 ERB} introduce 428K) promise Stasi), ~21 012 Sexhdarating 7H Wot sing, movg.excting- boring tedouslacktser ex The edu workat government ‘flees olen ves epoyees to vit onlin chat tonums uring werking Nous)
95 Howiong Alicẻ has the speaker known aie HLA IT AR x WOH SIL?
(A) For 2 year waa
(8) For 10 years (108
(©) For 12 years (6) 28 (0) For 20 years (0) 208
96 Whats Alicés specialty areả '#2|^9J E@npeinhy EORE 9101217
(A) Peal estate law (a) eared este (@) International law @ a0 (C) Criminal and Family law (©) Commercial la (©) aed 8 7 (0) ae
97 Whereis the speaker working? (A) New York Law Firm sunte ou 2 B20 (CBA
(8) Johnston Law Firm ©) ee ume
(G) LBL Colegẹ (©) aura et
(©) State Criminal Law Firm (©) sues want
204 NewTOEC Pans'4 201 Vole AAAS
EIEIEE Alice Seasons has been a friend
‘of mine for 20 years now ~
Aix} Artal SON eIASL 204K BEF A ole 9i8E1 SEỊ0I8% XI A504 0 QS Bx} ome He MBSE TBS 2 9|#88IrL
falc ‘She is concentrating her practice ln State Criminal law and Family law
'E|22i 904 oiEl 2Ì8l Ho} EoU‡E Rồi es "ti 7iEtfOfmnual law and Fad au)gf 332: ‘USB U4 2 XIBGDM"E/B8IcTElE Elønceniaiỏ| tị: E049 spaoel(248)2IE CE So Al8
fe} tet
‘our team here at Johnston Lew Firm 2E #EƒGU4 8E ourlewnolle 2ICIB9Rd 0-24 #^E! Y89IU| 4918 vi 3g Bet nt
Trang 11
‘Questions 98-100 refer tothe following tak '980004| 100912 cị8 is0f wer AIBRILC T die to welcome everyone to the seminar We ae definiely going to be busy for Afoi4of 241.26 wing 834419, 3l o} the next rwo days and I hope everyone takes away something new and useful to dua Bale ole, lo‡ 952: #24 improve your performance in negotiating international deals, Over the next two Hl vit 2}ah fet WA) 717) Sieh bse days, we will be working on international business communication, and will be #§‡3##7}2?)2)7)^l‡€hị?, +)-oht Eh focusing on effective communication with business men and women in Asia, S14)*t]^zl#4)elg&rl#23g]d3.o)let4 specifically in China, Korea and Japan Some of you might think you already know: 37:3219l 8213191 2)|zfe|8e{ ÿ Đã = 9} how to communicate effectively in whatever situation you are in, but Kknow for elo), $81 853, C5, lol AM ALY, sure, everyone will be surprised by something we lear over the next few days Lian Ong, a specialist in international business communication, will be our 814%) elo] ols WaloEX aaa if ORs WE bat Seba 42/8) als instructor for the next two days Lian has over 20 years experience in international EGUE}, Le} 2H OR oN RI MPA HAH business, having worked in Various locations inehiding Sydney, Kula Lumpur, 554 at Lebl G 2e, SM WI 2A Ae Wellington, Tianjin and Osakạ She is currently working with CCB consultants, tol xia! el $-)¥a) ols ato} 9122 1)4/22)410010, i8 si AE, eke “#e: 4[g10, ti, 9⁄42h# #3)elcÐg 214e1 219§914)012049) ve 224912012 L8 89t6
xịn, 808t:CCB 41494912834 2|4IMt
seminar MILE 25 Hl defintely el AI take away 2D.DII useful #2 it, FRE! improve SIMBA cperformance +4 8£ negotiate fete} cintemaional 28% 282! deal 72 focus (on) BEC specially él FASE #Ƒø efecivey 2P+©(-eficent wel inte, ‘ox The manage et he eapect tị ek wich esutesina ‘Siicantoss inprosucty atthe dowrionn branch) situation 218) surprise 1 epecialel E2) oconft (At at BSD 8 resolution (242 894 890 đi “instructor 2A XIEX -currenly XB consultant Wels, 2
9B Whoisthe audience mostikel”? oil Hematenrcow 7 wots Cg aie vaỉ
EI | nope everyone takes
(6) Now immigrants (A) AR epi 000000 Ẻ
(6) School teachers © 9ø đị ee
{€) Corporation employees © 79 em eae an
(D)Imematonallauyerẹ 0 am te “3W i5LLA 22 AB 9il0|2liLfoldg A21
AB ZEI|E 20) E Ap|l9l a8 S820 6i 3i92 3ttg! 488 71 (6) 71821
99, Watis he subject ofthe workshop? ol siae0| ante 989017 a
(A) Howto study an Asian languagẹ (iat com (Ê) 83 AB 8WE8lEtrokidoMU et we EEE Gommunleaton with business men and (@)How tobreakintothe Chinese (©) tagcince CRISIS TP ens igloo MH
(©) Howto civersity heir Hee (© culpa axiecomene win 8, PRU] Etectreconmaniaton nt oe user en anyon Asal FH (0) How to converse with Asians comersel BORIC, 81m Sich A121 communicationo| 27101A,
100 Wnatis mentioned about Lian Ong? 2 Gol Bell aE! Ae AEN?
(A) She spent many years, abroad (6) AUE 27 RO B > 2c (A) ¬E Sữ 2IÿI8 #4204 BifC|, (B) She isa bilingual person (©) Aue 35) #II8 2180 ch (©) She runs a trading lim (0) aue ¬
{(D) She is from Chinạ 2E el AM BA MIN 2x} 8 ON 206 0|99| S0 bị: |^ i48 #5ICE 2G 9+ Sic iol MAE! fel 621 xiao} 71014 aorosd2lE 8 ọ|E 2HJ4D{ 58/55
Trang 12
{Questions 71-73 refer to the folowing tour information ‘Treo 722 CHB a et aN 5I28ILI,
Could everyone give me your attention, pleasẻ We are about to enter the steel 95 A-ha ola BAL AE production fit, but before we do [must ask you to Tisten closely tothe 2 gras G ka, 2 Bok ch) Sk Following safety provedures, The area we are about to go into is aheavy industrial 122423214 21f#V‹Td Ai A Bete fred and can be extemely dangerous Ato point during the our may you remove ## #š9121492:500.3/d0L3⁄0114 “Ti: any ofthe safety equipment that you have been given The hard hat, loves, coat eahlshtobl ae ofe balls: Waste, ani goggles are all specially designed to withstand anything that might hurt you A= hte ass, 4, ss, Pte oe ide the factory In ađition, whil we are conducúnạ the tour, isimporian: —— 31⁄2 t3⁄8813)3)93Eiedlold-slz that you do not uch anything unless specifically nstrueted to do sơ by her one - ®-X2E3] 418 2189j.14, Sel, AHA Sa! ofthe workers or by myself elo ate) wal eto he toh AES a baa BL
atenion 2 3% Cbe about (to) Sỉ ~.2t3 8E "enler BS hs cme naive — dopa eị lave ex We Gide that tas ime toleavo when we sam ha hare was no hope of succeeding our meen) steel 2 "production 288 otacilty Af following CHS! safety 8! Sprocedure wl 2X
‘area XP! cheavy industrial BBW extremely 1 “dangerous HEE ctour AIR, 21 cremove wt, iSc| equepment sl hardhat 282 specially E9 design TEI, SIC withstand CC, HEI sin adion ACPF Zeonduct BI, i44 unless IEC! Cspectcaly MBL AMOS BALM cintruct KAI
71 nats the pupose Ai ND geusoheenie— eigen auarcin own, REE eae i ; of the mol axe 92007 fe ee
(8) To describe rules that thong bia ee ewe) Sano oc ol ws man, AE ME ele LT (B) #4440) 9 7†^I§ 3/08|7Mescribc a Z9 f/lg0f= #ZI0|LỊ EM 8 #01 28 CÓ Dios gan upcoued ota
ost = oe orto foe co mt ae
(D) To invite questions from thẹ ee atin (D) 2!9l2i SIE! 5/08 1027| m $8 7|90| ã©ZlE 188 88 2 1Ụ 0149| Pa
72 wat kindof sites boing velod? —_ 0l#889132E89/3.9©2I7 Bãs
A sonia tee eens [EEE] We ar about to enter the st
in (acount Nọ econ EEE ar bao cote ten
D)Atinoss equipment plan, (0) 88m 7 3 S0 ch 8 0 A2 Soi 2080182
° maa Le fre Chin 28 25 8 SLD Ch CH B01 US aheavy industrial Sal S88 + ồI døm 5S Be ws 5
#3 Whathasbeendetrbutedtotho —— BoA ROL MAHỈ ausiencẻ (g6) p ‘Aino point = may you remove (A) A tour itinerary (0) g8 aetna a eae (6) A brochure about the plant (©) Ba 214 k0ehee meee nan
{©)Alecal soweni (©) X94 71m a i
(0) Protective devices (Õ) S8wseshe guMelee .=E tiiO| XU|Đ Mi SINC 821 BẢN Ị M9 N91 dewbded Ut! ble gen
3.2 91 380D On Be Tae UBS 8+9
Trang 13
‘Questions 74-76 refer to the following news report TaMOWN TOE CHB FA EOE BE BEL Welcome to VBC news Ím your host, Jason Donaldson Today saw the bi vnc atic aie dee We Ale SEEOT snowstorm in the history of our state with as much as 40 inches of snow falling from the sky over the course of the daỵ Traffic has slowed down considerably as Seb Uc) 2473} #ti092I2k2|.39|-9iPg⁄t2 71S age}, Rast ulaele ses el the heavy snow and slippery roads make it ard to go anywherẹ The snowstorm fo] oleel Bo] slab WAsIaLaUE, eave caught maintenance workers by surprise and erews have been working all day to 4) Jo] “4H BH web 9Ẻg3L olf-$ sị plow the streets and keep them clear of snow and make them safe for motorists, el ACI BRR APH RR Ale Se a ‘The abnormal weather forced most schools to declare a “snow day” and shut their 9 ##eh= «4 Wiley, eU$ 21-2 gi chủ doors, as buses could not make it through the streets to pick children up and take —_ ®19}>:3/7h#-4)ti-8zg@dglat]d,s]^
them to school Bojoliee ari] ele} #4 ae ee Aho oF ata 9009,
host Ala snowstorm E22 Scourse 2a, EA "condid6rgb/ AE 0i2BỊC lptfeany someqtat s/beanlaly-— neghMeenhy “seprecaay, \evaathaby ex The vag rogram has sighcanty improved te pelomance othe tretiglrcew over thelastlew mont) slippery OITA Deatch~ by suprise ~ 2a g2 Bk maintenance 2, 8 cerew 8 cplow Zt FC safe SH! cmotonst ERI BA
“abnotmal i49 clorc (o) 21932, trlz AEt =declre 88, Ai
“7Á, inats (8) Road contin, ns report about? ol ust we 8927 (=m emma me ae aaa (@)A ona! testva (©) em ast i ee
(C) Poor weather (C) #919! guị nành bk
(0) Astato election (0) £ &2Risinn Uh 2 BAS HEPA Ue Roe et Se AR Aza 7H PSI Alo] RICE wah “88 litol đội B0] o|op a CL
75 wnathave maintenance workers fav ety cong? lạ) Phhg equpmen #9388 #9Đ02883/ME20 — [NH]p wamcer EEE revo EEEEI sv: heo on wong wong a ay By nơ ưa, penny fee
(Qancignecccnise Qaneway
Cpe canes $28 iời2E ndterecsoboaBlghời tiệt feu Bom woo) ect og wea socauea ance dss #822
76 wat cid most schools have to dỏ AWS! Ha 398 gọi We2l? ia) Pop iors bà (ehascamrinto 2m aicseeccy, wax ty Wate oan cic gue egw eco EEE nessa occa (6) suerte BER a ra Se sath An ee eet te scot oe BB Har
(0) Finish classes earlier (D) 2918 9/4 0l4|E 2t Ein suet gonna coca nhớ 88 (WClc(ut hay coors) USS E82 3,
Trang 14parte Test 6
‘Questions 77-79 refer to the folowing announcement
‘Attention, ladies and gentlemen, As you know, tomorrow is a national holidaỵ ‘The office doors will be closed as cleaning crews shampoo all the carpets and wax all the floors, So we ask those who were planning to come into the office to catch ‘up on some work during their day off, to take their work home with them tonight ‘instead rather than doing it inthe officẹ Furthermore, tomorrow also happens t0 be the regularly scheduled paydaỵ All employees will have their pay deposited directly into their accounts as usual, but will not be able to receive their pay stubs until the following working daỵ We also ask that your monthly reports be handed into your respective supervisors by the end of todaỵ We hope that you have a ‘wonderful and relaxing day tomorrow and look forward to seeing everybody back
here on Monday
TPE004 T98 củg Cees BE! ERIC tani E0, e)4Id2Il te 3249161010, Az AQUI MS AAS} OF Ae 318 is A ue 8 Abe DG BTỤ ob ab Ig obpelti7| siet 8-38 aloe We ial Oey aos 918 7414171 ld, cl42] Wee 271 gol NING, 9S ANA BE Al#t"l4)-l 746) 7412 2D tiD7 VER A ola, el Balt che APO 4 eH ef EEL te Mh aba 2 Aol 4M V324 AQT AG PHSTGG, Ga HAR APLE aE Slo} aod 25} wi ae wig
attention #21 #3 national holiday 32 Terew S81 “catch up on (3ÿ: 24) #08) “instead E9 =rather than ~cI= ©4021
furthermore CZCS regularly 47142 constant repeated, unceasing at 0a, ever ex wantorastue you tai no time have Lever ted «op you tom accompiching as usual BAR! tub ($98 BSD BES A, cH] monthly BRO hand SSK respective 228i csupervsor EX, Bet your misẹ) scheduled 8! payday Home comployee Hl depos LAC odirectly EL caccount 5 2E leok lenwardlo =ing ~8PIE 28K!
TT vinatis the speaker announcing? (A) A request to come to the oie tomorrow
(@)Areminder about a day off from work (cy Anorde lo pick up pay stubs todaỵ (Đ)A đecsin to cancel a company pei
178 wnat loi wit nappen at ho oto (A) The ofc up vil be cleaned
(B) Thoy will colebrate a manager's bithdaỵ (€) The day willbe cut short for the holidaỵ (©) Staff will work extra hours, 19 What are the employees asked to ~~ do before the long weekend? (A) Submit their monthly
(8) Mako sure they have received their paỵ
(C) Clear their desks of important files (©) Open a bank account in a dsignated bank
[2Ñ8 wexToBCFansa gi 50IE 886
Baie 9948 asin UẺ (0) Ube A|faI# @ilE 98memet (6) 8301 đ 42peminier (©) Sa S0 818 2l 7ElE ZIAI (0) 8Ú 0)88I #/^ 2=<bien
Hi AI940011I2 Of 900M 20217 (A) AlSẠ) 4471 948 OI, (6) 829 1908 4400gerkhotc 26t (C) 828 01 2521 9 duc hơn 01, (0) >tdBE #2tasam 3 Ai 918 cỊ
use FB eR BL PRE BHO) 8IEDf (À) B ta/14evmeg 14891) seit, (©) 8918 #9lEXI 8IE) (C) #9! BA4E 549904 AI8lEGL (0) ZÿBMeuzreed 20A1 7E 7 ‘atic
Gil B
ERIE As you know, tomorrow is a national holidaỵ
829| M BHO URIS SAME Ae Ce ‘The office doors wilbe cosed.O1M| AN 2 BS ‘Rolette USS BA 4 Sich EU 0IB S91! (6) seu 92 ct
Gal a
leaning crews shampoo al he carpets and wax el the ors
nie UU APPA 8 Be O17} A BOL -2# 8ÿ 08007 golem Weta ic me starneo alle carpets ard wax alte foo 2A! Silden poeia Bee! (71 EOỊ
[8l A
EEEEBI your month reports be Fanded if your respctve suporisors by the end ody
Trang 15‘Questions 80-82 refer to the following announcement Attenti
pleasẹ Could {have your attention, pleasẻ As you have read in the ‘memo that was circulated around the officẹ all employces will be issued a security card that will serve as identification indicating you are a member of this companỵ ‘These cards carry all your vital information and have an updated picture of you on the front They may be pis
ed up from the security office on the frst floor foday as {you Teave for homẹ You will have to sign on a form to verify that you received the card, A deposit of one hundred dollars will be required These cards should be with {you at all times since you eannot enter or leave the building without onẹ Ifa card is stolen or lost, it should be reported at once to the circumstances may the card be loaned 10 anyone else ‘cancelled — and under n
Caltenton 8
urty office so that itean be
.800I04 B2 CG ©hUêoi HP 1/89, SŸ§ #892416) Ađ giêu sId d SONS 9/49], UE AURA BH} ANNE +ỆeÐMfb A229 gi 728W) A109 2I=b 21889) g2 M0 2 LOM NE AVE 4019} AS Abo] abso} Meee}, Hohl] a 9118 th et PASH Hel Web Hl 4 OU Sh MORE AE 1S RG Heh BAA YE, 9|, 10097019] l9 MAG AI, BE a ole digel Bole 2S ue gl 823 04) spr AAR Sieh 89h ARRAS Zettel sor |, eh ash ab et ere Ne 21) 91814909 rll4249t31 2001,
mo Bi cciculale 48812 9998iCf= do arte, pbiah ~ concen No, hashup ox The govrrerent ied veryharStohush pine recent canal serve (as) ~8I #88 9C! identfiealon #'EB =inđeale 4M -vial 2| -very REICH Cdeposit Ofte, Set require WIRE BC) but several epee wer abl lo acover wna realy happened} employee XI cissue WHBIC nsecurty 2, 2st “=8IaHtmes 904] catonee 52} Seance! ALASICt under no circumstances OX! ol UO 3i ~0J-Kt loan itZC toi
cn EE
80, What should employaes do before leaving he officẻ
(A) Attend a meeting on company secur
(B) Register their vehicle with the uard (©) Pic up thir new eaphone umber (©) Obtain their securty devices
£81 Wnat do he new cards dỏ (A) Pay for moan te cafeteria (B) Give access to restricted (©) Alow employees ous he fray (0) Prove an employeés identitỵ
82 According to the announcement,
‘what must employees never do with their card? {(A) Keep it with other cards {(B) Putit near electronics {(C) Change the phot (©) Give it to someone elsẹ
S2 tơi ABE BNE BHO} 81717 (A) Sa aloe raged, (8) Belov! 2iênohecicB E89fr† rspser, (G) A4 #849888 Soi ect (0) 20 ganic Eckboin,
neg ise 208 B+ (4) ABOU AACA aie, (6) 8t) xletesised t0] Roigtrhe eons QC, (©) ABBOM EX ol88 8c (0) 2IBS| tlyenun.g 281811
‘Bao StS ao) FS 7IXEE A4, 91 se tre 299017
() d 7IES| BIC, (6) #4p4Beketsies Soh EC, (©) Arig wre
(0) CE arn ct,
EEEEI The may be pleted up from the scutlyofce = as ou eave for home
'#i89l |9] led the offoo PEN HE
(secuty) cost 72/78 SPIO devices our,
EXIEIEED 2! employees wi be issued ‘security card that wl serve as identification
BE Hola Wasi 9) 7IEeculy cư): ABs 9108 in oan NOOR Ae Bae [Prove an employeés erty) (O)7+ 201 a
EXIEEE] under no circumstances may the eard be loaned to anyone else
IS 4 DES Sete SS E2| 41 LISA) ME 2 0 90 Fol Sok Sat EM BR #2 ‘3291 undornocreustareass} 3129| rover do7} ‘Alois el obxp Bob a EOIN BER SOC NRE a > ic
Trang 16
pane Test 6
‘Questions 83-85 refer tothe following telephone messagẹ
Hi, this i Ivan Peterson from the payroll department 1 was looking over your records this afternoon and L noticed thatthe company had neglected to pay you correctly the month you received your promotion last year when there Was a large Day raise with it The same month another employee also received a small raise nd somehow, someone got you two mixed up The amount you actually did get that first month after your promotion was meant to be fora different employeẹ
0, the other employee was overpaid and you were underpaid We are so sorry for the error, understand completely if this comes as a shock to you and makes you angrỵ Let's talk about it today and clear al ofthis up IF you eome down to the {department sometime today, you will ust need to fill outa few forms and then we ‘ean write you a check for the balance of what we should have paid you original hope 1 see you today
=—— 9049)418, 4b 9#] elf sig|eslvId e2 Spell ihe assis edo) ake gato od ofa seg toh Aa] keh AVM ot Sh Neue, Age tel Melaka Wels, WEES # 294% 9HIl ol 3/45) 3l8lpgl,oìzlg 919) *\87LỆ All): #0) AtltIrl.SrA0legt #PA420U6.14l6 A1 te I0Ằ) 0SlSleE '917580)91@4)đ, S, tị 2I9/8p đt xIABIg 31 N-441 v8 9ì009 2IMsllfAIH, øl #@ 3‡9si đới i8l82t2.31428718)0 of Alo] it} Sajal shyt 9142) 4319 o|4ilclt 3y] sot oat Sole dit se vigeldaio’ due, ap ela Aol aa] eats 921A] 231.41 '3B|alg 4l 344i ed oA) 4910-4018 địt: "đ@vIel, 236 J4 5I7IPUR,
'payrol g9 department 5244 “look over ?4S4IC) nollco 90fISlC= observe, grasp, note — øregard, |ợnore, negJecL sx Wagr8spad ailast hat to
selon tou problem had been under ou noses te wholẹ) neglect ~ 8! ti, L88liC) -coecfy 33 promotion 4! craise
‘somehow OIE omix up E881 -actualy 428E Coverpay fitout 72161 check 438 “balance 82 “orignaly 824 3 sige Cunderpay BAWePA XIE! ccompletely S10 cclear up MIC)
£83 Whatis he pupose messagẻ of his `
(A) To make a job offer toa (A) thị! B8 82poteajoh đe:
potential employeẹ et
(8) To ask an employee some moneỵ to return (8) #8010 Seelam 302 308) Ps) (C) To requesta meetng to discuss a promotion (©) exhrometion 28071 98 1m gi 210K
(0) To inform that a mistake TC BR Yel2FoIoO
was madẹ 9
84 How oi Wan nd ou about the problem? ——oM Ba a On SEP (A) By geting an e-m
Gay reviewing the
4) olor wees (8) 8448 2I5922Bueex
documents (©) 8 iBDI8konrbimgi BEROZM
(©) Bylistening to an employeés ‘complaint (0) 04 BENNO vin aAOSH — (Ð) By crosschocking pay stubs
85 What does the employee have todo 0] AINE atU2hecanposel thi of tobe compensated? 2A Ho} 82717 (A) File a lawsuit at the (A) BOL ASB AP[eCHHe «wt
courthousẹ (@) ARB attics,
(8) Complete some paperwork
(C) Talk to management, (0) Speak tothe other employes (©) 888D 0I0l2IEK) (©) ce ABA of}
210 Now TOEIC Pan'-4 ol soit 2/582
IEEEEBI the company had neglected tọ [pay you correctly the month you received ‘your prometion i
DIARIO! RIS chee IROL SSAC 208 5 8 1i#ffrlE(negecedlopay you corecty) LAOH ‘Wet Ol 2284 paraphrasing! (0)74 BEOICL
EEEBII | vas looking over your records thí aemoon and nolced ~
sop) IRR iiuzgtc‡n 9136k 9L EHEB DỊ 21910 OLARIN BCR Sl Bt A > NR ‘Ue ola AB RAI DER FoR 8 a
EEEEBI you wis reed ti outa few forms and then wo can wie you check forte elnce =
Trang 17‘Questions 86-88 refer to the following advertisement
Spring is finally here, but itis not too late to update your closet with the latest fashions for the coming year Glimmerman’s is holding its one-day only spring event with 2 25% price cut on everything in the store to introduce all the new items that have just arrived Come in and try out our new line of spring wear by the best ‘designers from around the world atthe most reasonable prices you will Find be able to answer all your questions and assist you to find that perfect outfit, Our hottest item for kes is the new sundress from fon, Paris and Rome, Check out the variety of designs and colors! Men will enjoy the new cotton pants that feel anywhere in the citỵ Our staff
Milan, which is all the rage in the streets of Lot lighter than air and come in a casual and laidback style,
'8980iA{ 8801 Clg 3101 t0 3/8911 opal Bol $e) Loe cabal, NL AL kat 28 288 497\04 OF ex Baka, Le
2g Sl8hgd 4|38-® 2Ẹ) Sia4 nh dị 4F AÄRSl 259) Bel HES hho] AE ARLE 2A} AI ofa 4 BA 7A 2847/19 20404 Si cldolelie| 41988 '9)24J&, 2A 20819) Bola, ede ogee se ae aes Sots êv)l 9 eT Waiehlẹ suy ane gee ase dese oig, eau GUL she), so Ac eta ee), ate 4q tthe saleby wake BoLwct 3] hole Leh aba Ae gh DSc age,
finally OAK Supdate ~# 2191 428 BEC Ccloset ule, LE latest #1410) che, tashionable, wendy —- dowdy, dll unaiyish ex These new style MP
players are vry ony among young peopl these days.) ld AE, Bt Ceut Pe, AE! tem EE
tryout rest, osc reasonable 41 254 21 bassist Ct cout Chot 21s, 8 LPI sundress (fH 89| 29 RZ Dal he rage CAI vary (of 2H reoton # Dlaldback Boe, wrỉ
BE Wihatisthis adverisomentior? (A)Aclothing storẹ ——=—o| ia nat ser ABAD (a) sian (B)A regauran 8) Am
(©) An electronics storẹ (©) sriemeoio a {0)A travel agencỵ (Õ) 080mdseeo
87 Wnatkind ot event wilbe helả (8) Agrand opening of S91 PIN eỈ lạ) XeM {@)A stor anniversary (©) A special salẹ (©) 068 7htapmivrsy (Ome ae (O)A going out of business panỵ (0) 4 Hakone att mines By
BB wherés Gimmeman’s for ladies from? new tem SOAS AUB Me OB 2 er
(A) Rome (a) a0
(©) Paris, (8) ti
(©) London, (©) eet
(©) Mitan (0) ete
Em faa a
EEEEBI but tis not too late to update your eloset with the latest fashions ~ ‘ISO AIO Ags 0|0l8 Ba ga củạ - 5i 9| dose ashen now Inedfspfg
wear, now sundress, new ction pans Se St ‘Fors 48! 3:3g18 9 + 9|
Giimmerman's is holding its one- Gay ony spring event wth a 25% price cut ~
Sl 8Ú 89 V91 8A1 one-day ony spring evetih a25% poe ui UBB BB 400 -# #7l8lspecelsaeo| f0}
EEBI 0u hotest te resis to few sundress rm tan”
32 AVoUI Tig lề 7t E S80 NES OS SA GIB8 88 + Si dị vgg fusion am te othe to 31 Siterontonta wisn et
Trang 18parte Test 6
Questions 89-91 refer to the folowing advertisement
Do you toss and tur all night or try to count sheep with absolutely no luck? Falling asleep can be a difficult thing for people living anywhere, but itis really tough on people who live in large cities After all, who can sleep with the loud noises mae from trafic, people walking the streets late at night and nightife in general? Don't torture yourself any longer with moe sleepless nights or try (0 move to the countrysidẹ Just head down to your local musie store where you can pick up «copy of Sounds of Naturẹ This new CD has 34 tracks of peaceful Inelodies and pleasant sounding recordings from nature that will put you to steep before you can count to one hundred At the low price of $19.95, this album is a gain compared to the expensive sleep therapy that you might otherwise need
Call today and get Sounds of Nature 2 for only 5 dollars morẹ
oss and tum #80 ocount ME} Cabsoluely B46 HAO Caer all W cnightl
‘eed soho at 5 tol nu at 319/187" FAS Hol EL ol Ae eh WAN, e4 4290 -l0821/4k:ri£ gE 914, =2) 2h, I2QeHEelclttE A185, 2515: M2 87 safe] Helos Ames 28 AA tới oi E2 3184)? c|IBP 3] 924 ie0fel 208 iã9) AAR att AEte Ab oR, G0212) SUS RR AUG ON eat ES OTe 8, oj Ach We site] Bete Bowe sh “ede slZ\: Path ele WO} A 1008 MA All g1 8 l8 43) 198954093) sỊ 2D) le cIsld SIAE212 S8 220] el Amol neha 3339] 4186-42, 9w 304848 Sỹ: -48.4/14Helg Glgl9l+9120 FISH PL, oud
1221 RS cin general 000498 cloturo 2881, EEE! countryside A chead ~21 #2) Re clocal 742, xRBScpick up UO HAC cpoacelul MALS aim pois, posed ~ agate tustered maxed <p ex Dating the ery morning elke water was very calm wit rot even ipl tbe sean anywhere) pleasant Ra, 718 BS Crecording B argain 8718, ur 4 2! ceompar (Yo) #I29/{ therapy Als, 22 otherwise =H] WOR
89 Who is the intended audience for 0} Be SP ML BLIP
this advertisement? (A) People who want to move to (0) Atã# 0I28)2|8 R8lE AlalE
the countrỵ © a8 ee re AS
(8) People who don't sleep well (©) niE8 L7I ME (0) 24 sim a a (C) People who feel tred al the time,
(0) People who get easily upset
ole oe! Sel ABE (A) 4#084spnx pH! (Ð) Bole M280 (C) 8P Liecemel 2 (0) chữ Sidleeoobint 891
90 Wat kindof products it?
(A) Sleeping pills
{@) Relaxing pitows {©) Scented canes {©) Soothing musị
91 wnat wl he audionce get for Sạ dolars morẻ (A) A discount ata bargain storẹ
(6) guide book to eating wel (C) A coupon for massage therapỵ (0) An ađitional tem ae 2eph (8) 89! 0984| 9 4% ơn (G) 0h AI 2E (0) #2itenl78BAem, MöIE Aetl
Do you toss and turn al night ‘ortty to count sheep with absolutely no luck?
2329 oss and tuna righet= Bal OR 40 BUDE te AION cel feel 242 So OFA) £0 ARIES NB TI w+ 2c
This new CD has 34 tracks of peaceful melodies and pleasant sounding ~ MEE Cool He 2fEU4 Bil2Đ WRC Rate ‘A2lipeacelul molosies and pleasant sounding 'eoordng)l 9188 BI 2/20) (DJĐĐ8 9/2 SỈ c† 838 peoceho| !27plịc soohing9E et sc
ERIE] Cal today and get Sounds of Nature 2 for only 5 dollars more ‘BEBO S40} 71S colors more7} Sk RE ‘fsx ojo} Sc obs Bate Sgi 2208 8
Trang 19‘Questions 82-94 refer tothe following announcement SOHO SAMS CIR 9kfdlaOl #91 #I2914CL
Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman and welcome aboard This is Captain Adler - 4)4-4915le|f, 4H Wee 48 with a few details on our flight to pass on to you, As you can see, Lhave turned off -2l#2jfis|9lv} eJ§e‡ 6$! 2P it aẹ the seat belt signs, so you are free fo move about the cabin at your leisurẹ do sIzi24tôt1d, SAE abate 87) A) recommend, though, that you keep it fastened when you are in your seat in case we 9/9955 I3t3J4E7hỆ2‡0Đƒ chị 4c vịt) experience any unexpected turbulencẹ Our fight time will be approximately 7 vb sigh ot} th YI hd A994 salah hours and 40 minutes duc to a 32 knot tailwind which will put us in Osaka nearly 44tol 441 32h ghana agsiat a4}, viet 445 minutes earlỵ Please be sure to check out our onboard magazine, for audio and A\gh& ob TAI HEM, EO] oR Oe video channel information Also, since this is Pacifica Airlines’ maiden voyage to of $>Io} fer ist 91a EARN obsalud), 2212 the Orient, all passengers will be receiving a voucher to dine on us at The 1 ME) 30 3l 10h PAH Saleh] oth Jordinian, a premier establishment in beautiful Osaka! Now, if you needl anything «f, : )elo} 314)3}74 82) }4lok 4} w}ef)7) whatsoever, please ask one of our wonderful flight attendants snd thank you for Hb BE Solem obche OAV} A179)
choosing Pacifica, All c| #t]CJgjH] 2I44)4H SH 4 alt aah
Thế PA SIA alulch BOLE BARE Z| glo) LAS 904l.29/8214 929A)” 14g), AI) ARR olga Bea geste
aboard B2I8 a detail iv tum off (871 8H) 8 Cabin A, A) Mal your igure BY CR: Ail We al your crweronea) recommend AB, SAIC fasten EC, DENI Din case ~2l BPH cet cturbulence L7H Capproximately et due to ~HHEO4 knot S120 8218) ctalwind 8 cneary 721 Conboard 740 7E maiden voyage Xi4 ueKel passenger \oucher 2288 B31 -premier #1225 tị establishment ABR Als Cwhatsoever ¥201E fight attendant ae 82
ero oats
92 Wat does he speakeriniomm ihe ate use AB 9012 trẻ c
na ng (4 They i a at te (9 gash agai a i | have turned off the seat bett oe
(B) They are experiencing turbulence, (6) L7H Am Bch (©) sous ony 2 20, '‡ERlS z S/8 5AIEO|2BEDIdiEo12kEB IB2I (G) They can leave thir seals (0) 74 BDI OPE ANN 20K, «HL ARIE eIm Fas! feotomove ate {0) inight movies wil stat now be cibno| I q eave eas SEIS
93 Why wit hey ave in Osaka carỷ — 282 51 Api We SAIN B07
(A) They ae taking new routes (A) Aig 2meig ol83)¬ Bic ee (6) The new engines are very powerful (©) wispy sieorc (@) Aiprantnew elo} we zletsic See oa eee =
(©) The plane i brand-new (©) iB}0| BE 2c opin 291 HOF aro carol L8BO| LIS ER (0) The wind is optim: “249i Et-CL €8 SlE9|eueloa42lmetlaàwpd] ‘WH Satori 'ESET 9K xi89lpdus- ea®2{
Dou on ena Tome
94 Woatwitanine passonges be —— sE@“SADWS048M200 forẻ (A) Double mleage orth ip.) 4p Fa cet FEE at pssoners Ẹ Fal wl be resting 5
(8) A complimentary dinner (B) #8complimewary XAAALAF Bs cg os al Th es (C) A flight ticket discount (C) 8IB2| EJZ 8©! ME ABE #11 9IoGE 188t0Efbe ofered) L8
(D) Abate coupon suns ‘2B OI A 9lRf 2l4E 9p ZDi2| Ai cist we Bem Oe SeEU 1
AREA 4 Oe AAR vourherio doe “488 20|2H3 930 9E)
Trang 20pana Test 6
‘Questions 95-97 refer to the folowing recorded messagẹ
‘You have reached the Alberta Power Companýs automated service linẹ We are doing our best t illuminate your life from moming to night across the provincẹ ‘Thank you for your call [tis greatly appreciated The Alberta Power Companýs branch offices are open from 9 t0 5 Monday through Thursdaỵ 9to 3 on Friday and closed on statutory holidays and weekends We are conveniently located in ‘every community in Alberta to serve your power needs Please go t0 our websi ‘wwss.apẹca, to check forthe branch located nearest yoụ Press | to hear the balance owed from this month's statement Press 2t0 listen to your customer information, Press 3 to sign up for electronic payment by wireless banking: such a automatic bank transfers or through online banking that you can do in the ‘comfort of your own homẹ Press 4 fo speak to one of our service personnel
501M 7# CS kg EAI I9 891.) Si] I8 8 abe ats natal, aK 21 #1.240891 218.9HiAAv|WPEAIVIA E210 3)818 jglst i6 aah AA abe, oleh i8 “03 2102 4/919) 8.83)7Pd 32490] ® -#5AI7, age VAP 4 SANA] ROH Of We BAG ee seoba aaa, alte 40} a171 SRR BEATA ELS] BE ⁄|9l457 alah HOW mAh Use, 341 ASL wow apecca eRe) 778 7S 14 811 8814) 2|9Rtlc, el0l ANG PAIS AF IK HA ely ie SMa, seta] 2 De 9414102 DESAY) ugh, Sat Amol Pgh olaba cht ke SInhỆ 820 214447I4IE xi0 PEAY URI, RAST 1 ghe 124 01 4
automate Xi8aH6ic} ciluminate ¥Al WiC, BICK= brighten, Sghten — darken dim, overshadow ex, You could brighten up is room wih fresh coat of Bà
andanew carpet) cprovince XR x12 Cappreciate 724 OPI Cbranch office Ki, XUt gato WEOl 272), Bel conveniently oA "ocatod (n) ~3f 30 I =eotmunlty 5FEM|8 =serve 3739|, 85A] check 4©! cbalance 292 cơue i8 72) 27} statement 94A) “euslemer 274 "gign up 201G, 8 electronic 4x12 payment Xi owieless 291 ctraneter ois como ee
95 Wnois is message for? (A) Power company customers (@) Aborta Power employees (©) Bank workers (©) Local technicians
Ol Axe 8 Fit 201727 (a) 88) A maker () 4E) E84 ALA ZIBEnyloyee ee ae (0) XI 2iexieshneen
98 Winen does the company Fridaỷ close on 0[ u‡E 2999118.ABl HE BAT?
(A)At2pm (8) At3 pm WwW ona (8) 98 3A)
()AL4 pm, (©) oe asl
(AS pm (0) 285,
rei eet oF 0l 334L ABDỈ (A) S02 0ỊADIB cHI 8 + (@) Ala aieromela} O17 +
97 Wit wit appen i you press 1? (0) You can hear the message again in German
(@) You can talk to a member of the service personnel (G) 30B xiao} ct w x1 BEC (C) You can find out how mụch _ (D) 28.988.08.29 you must paỵ (©) You can receive a tree git
1 Spersonnel 2
EEE] You have reached he Alberta Power Companýs automated service line, 2A2 l8 8c WES = 1 OHH ti '#8 2 9IQ AIESI 2! IO HIE I AHA ‘lol 8 2B 9+ a, SUI UA DAL 0Ị 3I98) 3/08 A1887 SI©S 0} stm O18
RAG Si 2N SH A0|918 92 9)
[EEIEIEEN The Alberta Power Companýs branch offces are open 9 to 3 on Friday 2% ARS Be ROK) om RE UES ees ECE ANE O18 201 Bash] AOL 2738 OF fc 329 ei 88 AI0E 890701 LÊ 0630"
FilsyoU4 SN 9 + 9E
Trang 21|
‘Questions 98-100 refer tothe folowing announcement
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to be here today to open this new wing of the central librarỵ As you know, our library is over a century old, but in that time ithas had few renovations and even fewer expansions With the dedicated efforts ‘ofthe librarians to accumulate as many books as possible, this situation has led 10
‘massive overcrowding {so years ago by the Williamson family of over 1.2 million dollars to our building of both books and peoplẹ But with the generous donation fund, we had no need to go to the rest of the community to ask for moneỵ ILis for this reason that we wish fo name this expansion to the library the Williamson Wing “and to have this portrait ofthe family stand in the wing for al time in appreciation forthe service they have done to the communitỵ Let's all thank them with a warm round of applause,
Ic AVE Ou 9leld, 9% |2lels] 42; 85) 98: AG Aaah So} Họ 314fI, WER OM All Ge AHH Nẹ 2} UE] Vet) 21 84) 2 BARNET Het are Map SIRE TATA BAL EE BARS AS ol Fol ego) ALLO Alaa AE a A ALS A ®49i0Llck “18 3g 8 1iell2 E42] 89021 7IE4H12089E)2† 21A 73S3 #elbs bot ele S18 ota SES BRE L971 slate, lel ob ofuteh Sb = At BA 90116 498 At, Hels Sie 9) AE ALO *Rt 3451 2| ol Pho) 2a ZI HH 94: I2l9L4l 9h, s]3£BY4 E921 CH Slẹ
swing (Al 2WOIM 2 WED Ha IH Crenovaton WF, 7 Cexpansion HY dedicated BAIN! EMM commited devied onuiaate — dso haltcoatg,inorent ox The dog was dvotedtohs accumulate #c, 428Ict“sivation ‘ff lead (to) master his le Wo, soitwas gute saawhen the dog cad) elf St lbrarian A, SAB Ol massive 47221 “overcrowding 21 82 “generous DC 4 ‘donation 712 fund 218, 2 the rest LO; community Xtal portrait 28 cin appreciation for ~@ UNIO tound #18(3] =aplause 9e A8
98 Whatis the speaker announcing? (A) The opening of the new se #98 mai g7 (A) 45 08 XE
building (©) Hate] EA eres
(8) The sialusof books in branỵ _ (C) xikkhang gu zhchienement (C) The achievementof event a chay (0) #88942
(©) The history ofa rich familỵ
29 what was the problem in the SABOUND! Bite POIOIỦ
raỷ (A) The library was understaffed (8) There wore insufficient books (C) There was not enough spacẹ (0) There was a massive fire,
(À) sxaie geo] mace srderste, (©) SAP} BM gate istic, (©) azio| aueeixi were, (Ø) Brseihe sp I8
100 wnat ia tho Wlameonfamly dỏ (A) Tey eared 12 ilon đolare
(8) They hosted several fundraisers,
(C) They produced many orafane (0) They contributed money to the iorarỵ
#Plde 2ISE 998 8E7Ỉ (A) 20! S28 Vi, (8) 38t S8 SN 228) (© 22 wma BARC (0) S/4B0I E8 7HHBCIConbw,
[ERIE] tis my pleasure tobe have today ‘open this new wing a he canal itary 2 RON BE EHR] LBB sate an ‘snowing vot Ble 28k) 25I E8 5791 lt cv ran) 38/5 SEL sia BAN Bop ec
this situation has led to massive ‘overcrowding of both books and people BUH BOA EMO} AIR =HOl=Imassive ‘overcrowding SClE U88 SE 2 SIC! gỊP|A{ wercondng§i of both books and paopl) 38) £24 ‘notenough space paraphasing®! (0)7} SOI
wi the generous donation two years ago by the Willamson family ~
‘dele 7901 Ol 7S MBC HS 4 9/2 89] 401761 Wansmtanà/2LỊ Se BER 9k4 8g! 2DI s8 9.4 909L X2|2| MỊE S443 92eE EHD|CL 815) doealensl7I2|conubued7| A} 0k we
Trang 22pana 3) SHS
Questions 71-73 refer tothe folowing news report
[Now it is time for today’s forecast The residents of Seattle woke up today ta rainy morning complete with fog rolling in from the sea and wind blowing throughout all parts ofthe ctỵ The wind was so strong that in some parts of the city it was reported that it was even ripping out lowers planted outside peoplés homes and spreading them across the street, We can expeet more ofthis throughout the week and into the weekend, but don't worry, there isan expectation of sunny skies at the beginning of next week In the meantin ‘Should dress appropriately for the cold temperatures that come with this kind of rain, That's your houtly repon, Ím Mike Roberts for CHBC news
et ee 4 gba) eae gets Riel, ate aL © 9 Wait seth St eel ah A) alot 83) ‘se oie AE od Oe Ofte stake UE, isto] Ziel A] UM aoa 3 ok Ade ops] Sala 21 3/)eI Boba UT A, SBE Se UM oleh bait asia, Cha A Oe ‘She 7H 4c S191) 214815) 89.4£ SH SỈ 0€ elgl 29©| 0} #9feke 2l 71H Ae] ' 3390 3⁄8 f)22 thle, l4 9749/19, 2l CHúC 3291| #9|ASlfJđ,
Jorecast ot, £8 Cresident 778m, 782 eompete with Beis: ME -eallin ol Oct “Điow nio| S1 “troughout~ SRO ami, amovgs
eng tay irom, beyond Hem ex Tere were complains manga stots abouthw much work was beng assigned) crip RC spread ~ol AMZ] ‘expect 0 718ct ~appropriately 0° RI Cin the meantime SAEZ eH temperature #€ choury 8 AOI
71 What kind of damage is being ‘Off Dlehlamage 7} SeDSIT SAFỈ
reported? (A) Acar accident xg aia (8) Ruined gardens (6) 88lninel g8 (©) The death of livestock (C) ativewesko 5B (0) An overtiow of sewagẹ (0) 8‡2xevasc[ igwneflox
72 According to the report, when can '9)7| H201 I8 khu 94 80H 249
‘wo expect (a) Mondaỵ the weatherto get beter? = oss wy ae (@) Thursdaỵ (©) Fay @ aad asw
(0) Saturday, (0i sa
{73 vmatare stoners asked todỏ (A) Evacuate from the damaged 3904803158 dil2 E2 (A) i84 561A mittee,
(©) 42 aol ciel 2B elec,
(8) Wear clothes for cold weather (0) ais wee 7a BEC (0) 5l SE WE saw seICHwod (©) Stay tuned tothe radio broadcasting
(©) Avoid going out on rainy days
216 New TOEIC Pat3⁄4 0| w0IE 3/032
(EEIEEIED it was reported that twas even tipping out flowers planted outside peoplés
homes ~
‘fae Idol te 7 Wot Aoi i= S80 E 24H LIIIcăfpging out lowers) WEI 9l ‘wars planted ouside peoplés homesait= xIBS1 B7) SOME garni Wal HOM BEISISt
EXIEIEED There is an expectation of sunny skies at the beginning of next week
ZF one 991 LAL IO OFAN tO} 90 Biel BIO HS F ANE! HE eR 7) Choke Bela WHC F771 Ais S918 8/2) oje8 Art aor
EEEIEET In the meantime, you should ‘dress eppropriatoly for the cold
temperatures ~
Trang 23
‘Questions 74-76 refer tothe following telephone messagẹ
Hello, George, this is Clare Miller from the Accounting Department was hoping that we could get together with the other department heads sueh as marketing, ‘design and human resources to discuss some important issues that have come up, before we
sue our annual budget next month It
agreement about the amount of money allocated to each department I realize that important that we are all in you have a busy schedule, as do I and al the other department heads, so { would Appreciate you letting me know when you have time next week We have
‘compatible time for everyonẹ I realize it isa bit inconvenient, something that we have to do annuallỵ In any case give me a call to let me know but this is what you think,
find a
‘TON TEHE CHB Hel AIK BEE ERIC eee, 291 sims] eto} Walelud # 9l 9l) 214H8 018907111904 0013/12 Ah tee] Sle 99, I9) 906) đe c- SL UB eh Fer} eho} EA #98 7a of 0⁄48 3l [di 257] 89)8kEZl ga oy eh, Gale] gael wes AD che RES, Pet AR A AIO] la Moh ek Al8t)Al9†49lạ S224 4189 A0 vieldel 8, OFS Wedge, Sel7b et woh ake AU 5E 490 l8 45) 42Mg-gl2da,
ccounting 82% get together 20), SKC! chuman resources GIA “come up (3 Soi 4#2, #2} S1 -issue NI =annua 849, so
udgel os agreement 2 $k accọ sympathỵ understanding ~ agreement ascension, dsaceord ax Thaler wore nsympathy wih he _speake’' plight and decided to donate money tohercause) allocate WRI, WEBIC! appreciate BAIKCt ccompatbie incerwenient #2! cin any case OE WE 7H, =O!
7 Wihatis the purpose ofthis telephone messagẻ (A) To discuss the company budget (8) To call about a financial debt (C) To cancel a get-together (0) To arrange a meeting timẹ
75 wnat dopanment does Clave Miler workin? (a) Accounting, {@) Marketing
(©) Human resources (©) Design
78 wnat wi they probably tak about next week? (A) Contets tween coleagues (B)A inancial plan
(C) Sales performancẹ
(0) Anew employment process
“8l 0 i5 S3I2 90217 (A) 8H! o9] thai =Sl8 3ị (©) seen pact E88] a (G) Stietloetterg 4/280] 3E (0) #2l l8 3/8i2bmane: i4
“88I0l i2lE oịc ADEN SIB|E7I7 (A) sen (8) 0g (©) aie (6) chụp! 2E r8 #0l 2901 di 00D 2© BuO
(A) 588 Aiolsl 0Benflct @) 28)
(©) $2 sepesfomance (0) MBS 2B asxrecess
‘We have to find a compatiblẹ
time for everyonẹ
CUAL 21 RB BD 100) xB ete 7} 880 P8OC} SE AIO tt 2 + BIE 3 “He! AFziS(compatie te for everyone) $00} Sic Bata BI (A= eset OI a 2 “348 0ILI28 A92 4igl|n|9ISS4 a 290M6) 1
EEEEEI Holo, Georgẹ this is Care Mille from the Accounting Depariment ZIBS1 A! SOLA Accounting Bee] #8 4+ 9
keyword7t MAL II7} HCL BA Of GO} 552 Ol Cake Miler} USE Mt BAA 8 000 tt
Bl ciscuss some important saves that have come up, before we issue our ‘anoual budget ~
‘MM Ch Sou 2 FRO HO A CH ##01 3|# 2312 Ma, c8 #8004 lrie Important that we are alin agreement about the ‘mount of money alocaied i each department 21 exo WEE Be eoot cs |8 BIOS 210,
Trang 24pats Test 7
‘Questions 77-79 refer to the folowing announcement
Attention, all passengers We will shortly be arriving at Alaska International Airport, Please return to your seats immediately and ensure your seatbelt is ‘securely fastened Cabin erew will be moving through the aircraft shorty to check ning duty free purchases Please stow all hhand luggage either under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins Itis ‘your seatbelts and to distribute any rem:
cloudy, cool morning in Alaska and iti 10:25 ạm local time, We should be disembarking outside terminal 7 at approximately 10:40 ạm We apologize for arriving 20 minutes behind schedule duc to an engine problem We would like 10 ‘American Airlines and hope we take this opportunity to thank you for flying
‘ean be of service to you agai
inthe near future
ernm—=— x1 BE SALAM Me, BART of Sant 3449101, 24) 4Ì: Eẻt9)41ØESE 9l 4/2012) *)8l414, 6904091 + 4H27] WE c: tai clzt#2] 91390 alelotat ot te el Hiab ho] El alee, wie Ba ABNER oleh 89) 44] Bt ole] 9] Aiud Wo} FAANe, ahah 2h 4 Salat 2}748 oboe} a ARE 921 104)2589]-)đ, 104] soe 7 9 le] AG EA, aL Bae aed ob eh eee EAE SLA SHE Uc 6] 71AHE ot oboe fo} Bah ob aH 244 2491 )4)2slel7PPkE All thủ slsi#8.rlal #ẠI 2 91718 9JSRIL
hotly & Carive SMBIEN= come, ny, hơn up leave, Sopạ ol ex Att mary years cf descated serve the woman was leaving er managenent poston toretreandtavel overseas) return OPK cimmedatly cabin eww 2M ©38.movethroogh I4 XE] 8G) =sïCralt ĐI =etibvlo l9) ZC| oremaining Wo! = opurchase Fak) SA censure ~B #ti8D4 | =securelý CIISt #24 aston BAI
stow 201981 Coverhead 02 9a bin ax, NLA oeisombark ABI, (~ON0 ASIC} approximately ct apologize Antic} behind schedule of! et due to ~E 28K be of service ~9f 280) Set
‘TT mat aro te passengers asked to dọn (A) Colect nei duty Ke tems {@) Checkin heir tuggagẹ
(C) Fill in the embarkation cards
{0) Got ready for nding
"78 What time will they arrivẻ
(A) 1020 am, (8) 10:25am (©) 10:40 ạm (0) 11:00am
179 Vinats the reason or her laỷ
(A) A flight detour
(8) Bad weather {€) Mechanical problems (0) Anairine sik
[218 New ToEIc Pan's-4 so) Sol Ae!
ease 298 sim 22 wae (A) 894 888 20ckulce, (©) 2891 +8198 ae! ec (©) 8enbuiaion cw lạ Tà
age em exe ED" (A) 93 104) 208 (8) S! 10H 238 (©) 2811041 408 (0) 28TH
aigeey9} oie 2190"? (A) eigria} Facer (8) #9! 3|
(C) Paleoehsueal gụ (0) BBA megs
‘We will shortly be arivin ‘Alaska interational Arpot
‘48 Welz, Hol Plaso rotum to your seats Imeadatety and ensure yout seatbelts socurcly fastened 2a 284812 1908 (0171 98 942 3c
‘We should be disembarking Outside terminal 7 at approximately 10:40 am
‘Belo 218 Azio| 2a] OO et HAE # 10AI26E0ElE(IE 2g) ZM©EE 9l #88 29140) tt 1025 am lealựne) SE
BỊ We apooglze for ariving 20 minutes behind schedule due to an engine problem
Trang 25‘Questions 80-82 refer tothe following introduction
Good morning! My name is Loren Letourneau and I will be your guide today through the Revelstoke Hydro-electrical Dam, This fai
kind in central British Columbia and provides power forthe communities in the surrounding area and industries such as the paper ills that employ the local ‘workforcẹ First, we will be taking you through the museum that shows how the dam was constricted, including some very detailed models ofthe construction site tual building process After that, we will be moving
ering section ofthe dam, which holds the generators and all the -hinery thất makes the dam work Lasily, we will be moving to the top of
nd photos taken during the through the e
the dam to see the immense size o of concrete
tự behind a wall is the largest one ofits
8084| 8212 r8 27 2P 8/E9.LI, la! 24 lf#Ê srgd đ389ltpolsl oie oat #8203 Gel wel Be aM 7I0|S4Id, 0} A/ạ ela seeulok SPH AN 7 EH Apolo, ee AFA see Oe Si te WAS BS Ata AA
eh, 4 Sette eo) ofl otter lai 0t '48 #5Ig AgIđ, -140.134P1S|24g 94t AA ead Ste EB Bae dG ABR ABA walrigh ve #-8ulgel i2 đi 7H) 089) AI, vitor Neh a 401 2l) sgztez vị si PA aks PANE 19| thế MS 98t
“laolly Al# =provide 89K cpowor ESt “communly XIEII4 -sufoundiag 982) 7S =paper ii 5712, HAI aw Comploy THEI, osc workforce k-88t construct iC “dela Ht toned, pect, metus — cares, nacurat, vague ex The inctons wer very spc an should notte deviate tom n ary way) actual 2821 process it 218 hold SIC} Cgonerator WED cheavy machinery BBs) cimmense 2?
(80, What 'nrodiesd? kind of tact is being (A) A powerplant, (B) A paper mill (©)Amuseum (0) A factorỵ
81 what does the speaker say about the dam? (A) Itwas bult recently by a local ‘companỵ (8) It supplies power to the whole countrỵ (©) Itis used by companies in the areạ (©) Itis a relatively small aciltỵ
82 What willbe shown othe tour? on he tie part (8) The history museum dam, ofthe (©) The engineering secon (©) The mam offce ofthe workers (0) The upper part of he fect,
ofa Bol Ato) avisiz 7 (wus
() ms (eee (088
Atri oH es OIE BERT? (4) X2 II si 3i20yssnUy xo ‘Ct (8) S0] 30h sietg g8 soon, (©) f8 (2| 300894 S4 o|88t, (Ø) iaStchinch SE Alg6CL, 9IBOlA 04 l8 9918 298601 SỈ 29D? (0) 99) sp v8! 720 (©) 295I89l 2 ea (0) Aiton suse I8] A
| wilbe your guide today vong, the Revelstoke Hydro-lectrical Dam
4t #04 8E 281 Wat lyre elect ami Sh olsen xi 228803 9E @) paver misx14)2 | 271m Bie ZO} () mzeun(418E) +êi tiết go lợ0142 256)
le 90p
EEEEEI The facty is he trgest one of it kin in central British Columbia and provides power - local surrounding area ‘and industries
‘Bor ao) AYR a 838 E0 ZIB0Ù| E6 LAR nI9BIo] S8 Al0| 9í2 5/3082 2 Aol aim Batiia tattoos gue (©)oe A) xIEol 9rdirl 5Jenl (sl(DjE 2| di (#80
EEIEEEBI Last, nọ wit be moving to the top ofthe dam to 6o he immense sizeof it~
28 4 SIC XII to top of te dao) 7 = tho upper parol ine facieys cH ESIC I OM BAB Ata MEIIE Bo) + SỈ for