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124 YORI 彼は私にプロポーズしたとき、「僕は誰よりも君を愛してい る Jと言ったのよ。 Kare wa watashi ni puropozu shita ωki , "boku wa dare yori mo kimi o aishite iru" ωitta no yO. When he proposed to me, he said,“ 1 love you more出ananyone." お元気そうで何よりです。 Ogenki-so de nani yori desu. I' m glad to see you looking so well. (Li t., Y our looking well is morethan an戸hing.) 待河4. Indicates the time or place at which an action begins: at." Note: This usage is equivalent to kara (#15, 1-1 [time] and 1-2 [place]) , although yori is more formal and is more commonly used in writing and elevated speech. 3時より閣議が行われます。 Sanji yori kakugi ga okonawaremasu. A cabinet meeting will begin at [be held 企om] three o'clock. この国境より向こうが中国です。 Konokokkyδyori muko ga Chugoku desu. From this [point ofthe] border on is China. / On the other side of this border is China. 持5. Indicates a place or position from which an action occurs: “from." 電車がまいりますから、白線より後ろに下がってお待ちくだ さい 。 Densha ga mairimasu kara, hakusen yori ushiro ni sagatte omachi kudasai. YORI 125 A train is coming, so please step back from the white lI ne and wait. /A train is arriving. Please wait behind the whlte IIne. 私の家は駅より手前にある。 Watashi no ie wa eki yori temae ni aru. My house is on 出is side of the station. (Li t., My house is before where the station is.) 切.Indicates a cause, reason, or motivation: “as a result of." 先月の市場調査より次のような結果が明らかになった。 Sengetsu no shijo ・chosayori ぉugi no yo na kekka ga akiraka ni natta. As a result oflast month's market research, the following results have come to ligh t. 河川の汚染より伝染病が発生した。 Kasen no osen yori densen-byo ga hassei shita. Infectious diseases have broken out as a result of [due to] pol- luted rivers. 持 7. In the form yori hoka na~ indicates a limiting of choices to one only:“ there is nothing else but." ここまでやったんですから、終わりまでやるよりほかない でしょう。 Koko made)ωtta ・ndesu kara, owari made yaru yori hoka nai desho. Since we've done this much, there is nothing else to do but finish it. / Since we've come出is far , we'll just have to finish it. 停電だから、電気がつくまで待っているよりほかない。 Teiden da kara, denki ga tsuku made matte Iru yorl hoka nai. Because it's power failure, there is nothing else to do but wait till the electricity comes on. / Since there's been a power outase, we'll simply have to wait until the electricity comes on. 126 SAE 園lSAE Iさえ Note: 百lis usage is similar to de mo (#5, no. 2) , but is more emphatic. その問題は先生でさえ答えられなかった。 Sono mondai wa sensei de sae kotaerarenakatta. Even the teacher couldn't answer that [test] question. そんな簡単なことは、子供でさえ知っていますよ。 Sonna kantan na koto wa, kodomo de sae shitte imasu yo. Even a child knows such a simple thing! / A mere child would know something as simple as that. 2. In the form sae -tara or sae -b a, implies that if some- thing additiona1 is (had been) done, a positive outcome will occur (would have occurred): “if only." もう 5分さえあったら、飛行機に間に合ったのに- Mo goftm sae a伽 ra ,hi初 -ki ni ma・ni-atta no ni . If we had had only five more minutes, we would have been on tunξfor Uldlight. 健ちゃんは頭がいいんですから、勉強さえすればいい大学 に入れますよ。 Ken-chan wa atama ga ii-n desu kara, benkyo sae sureba ii daigaku ni hairemasu yo. Ken has a good head on his shoulders, so if he only studies , he'll be able to get into a good university. SURA/KOSO 127 園iSURAI すら 持1.“ Even." Note: This more formal equivalent of sae (#51 , no. 1) is seen most often in negatI ve sentences. 山田さんは英語の教師なのに、日常会話す 5できない 。 Yamada-san wa Eigo no わ'oshi na no n~ nichijo-kaiwa sura dekinai. Although Yamada is an Eng1 ish teacher, she can't even carry on an ordinary conversation. 山で救助された人たちは、疲労で動くことす 5できなか ったo Yama de かujo sareta hitotachi wa, hiro de ugoku koto sura deki ・ nakatta. The people rescued in the mountains were so exhausted they cou 池山 evenmove. 園lKosol こそ 一一一 持1. Adds emphasis to the word preceding it. 来年こそ、ヨーロッパへ旅行したいと思っています。 Rainen koso, Yoropp叫 eηoko shitai ωomotte imasu. Next year for certain, 1 am thinking of making a trip to Europe. / Next year for sure, 1 hope to make a trip to Europe. 今度こそ、頑張りましょう。 Kondo koso, ganbarimasho. Let' s give it our best 白is time. 128 NE 2. In the idiomatic expression kochira koso: “not at all , the plea- sure is all mine." どうも有難うございました。 こちらこそ。 Domo arigato gozaimashita. Kochira koso. Thankyou ve可 much. The pleasure is all mine. (Lit., It is precisely me [who should be tha 出 ingyou].) SENTENCE-ENDING PARTICLES 百lere 釘 emany sentence-ending particles in Japanese. Used com- monly in the spoken language, these particles, along with the tone of voice in which they are used, help convey emotional nuances ,o食en without actually altering in any way the explicit content of the sentence: e.g. , onegai shimasu, onagai shimasu n e, and onegai shimasu yo are all similar 白血at 由ey express a request, but are so食ened or emphasizes by the appended particle. Further- more , certain sentence-ending particles are used predominantly by men , others by women. Some particles have both end-of-sen- tence and mid-sentence usages , such as K'仏ka, kar a, mad e, no, keredomo, no ni, kuse n i, -tar a; mono 0,ωmo,yarl仏 NEI ね Note: Ne is sometimes pronounced ne. 1. Indicates emotion or fee1i ngs of admiration. きれいな花ねえ。 Kirei na hana ne. What a pretty flower! すばらしい演奏だったわね。 Subarashii enso datta wa ne. That was such a wonderful concert. Note: Here, wa indicates that a woman is spealdng. 2. Indicates agreement with the other person. 本当にそうですね。 Honto ni so desu ne. Yes, that's quite true. / That's so true. おっしゃる通りですね。 Ossharu tori desu ne. Yes, it's just 剖 you say. / Y ou're quite right. 3. Softens a request. できればぜひお願いしますね。 Dekireba zehi onegai shimasu ne. NB 12P If possible, ple泡se be su四 to [do it]. / Ifyou would [do that] , I' d surely appreciate i t. 必ず手紙を下さいね。 Kanarazu tegami 0 kudasai ne. Be sure to write [me a letter]. 4. Indicates a request for confirmation. あの本、持って来て下さったでしょうね。 Ano hon, motte kite kudasatta desho ne. Y ou brought me出atbook,di白 't you [as 1 asked you to l? / 1 sup- pose you brought that book for me. 130 NE 原因さん、今日来ると言ったんですね。 Harada-san, kyo kuru ωitta ・ndesu nι Harada said that he'd be coming today, right? / It was today, wasn't it , that Harada said he wou1 d come. 5. Indicates a mild assertion of , or variance in , opinion. そうですかね。 So desu ka ne. Oh, is that so? / 1 wonder. / You think so? 本当にそんなこと起こったんでしょうかね。 Honto ni sonna koto okotta-n desho ka ne. Hmm,I wonder ifthat's what actually happened [ifsomething like that re aI ly happened]. 6. Indicates a mild assertion. あの人たち、何を考えているのかわかりませんねo Ano hitotachi, nani 0 kangaete iru no ka wakarimasen ne. 1 just can't understand what they' re thinking about [what's going on in their minds]. 私は北海道の方が寒いと思うんですけどね。 Watashi wa Hokkaido no hδgasamui ωomou-n desu kedo ne. 1 wou1 d think that Hokkaido is colder. 園iYO Iよ 1. Urges a co1i rse of action. もうだいぶ歩いたから、この辺でちょっと休もうよ。 Mo daibu aruita kara, kono hen de chotto yasumo yo. YO 131 Let' s take a break about here, guys. We've a1r eady wa1ke d quite a bit. あの展覧会へ行ってみましようよ。 Ano tenran-kai e itte mimashδyo. Come on, let's go to that exhibition. 2. Indicates a request (somewhat stronger than ne, #54, no. 3). この仕事はあなたしかできませんから、ぜひお願いしますよ。 Konosh伊ω 附仰仰 shikadeki初出en kar a, zehi onegai shimasu 卯・ You're the only one who can handle this job, so 1 目 ally want you to tak疋 iton. 私の家にも来て下さいよ。 Watashi no ie ni mo kite kudasai yo. Come to my house, too. 3. Indicates a statement of certainty. いえ、恵子は小学校を去年出ましたから、もう 13歳ですよ。 I e, Keiko 附 sh 伊胸 o匂仰 endemωhitakar a, mδjusan-sai desu 卯- No, Keiko graduated fro~ elementary schoollast ye釘, so she's aI ready thirteen 戸釘s()ld , you see. 今印ま金曜日ですよ。 Kyo wa kin'yobi desu yo. Today is Friday, you know. (Stated, for example, after someone has claimed otherwise.) 132 WA 4. Indicates scolding or contempt. あの人は仕事ができないわよ。 Anohiωwashigoωga dekinai wa yo. He just can't do the work! Note: Here , the combination of wa yo indicates that a woman is speaking. See#56. 谷さん、そんな悪いことをしてはいけませんよ。 Tani-san, sonna warui koto o.shite wa ikemasen yo. Tani;you shouldn't do anything [badJlike 出at! 園1WAI わ Note: (1) 百世 S附 is written with the kana わ (or ワ),ぉ op 抑制 to は (or ハ), used for particle #1. (2) Wa is used mainly by women. 1. Indicates emotion or f白lings of admiration. 今夜のオペラは、本当にすばらしかったわ。 Kon'ya no opera wa, honto ni su 拘 ras 1i i如 tta wã ~ 百le opera tonight was absolutely fabulous. この生け花は見事ですわ。 Kono ikebana wa migoωdesuwa. This flower arrangement is simply splendid! 2. Softens the tone of a statemen t. ほかの庖で買った方がいいと思うわ。 Hoka no mise de katta ho ga ii ωomouwa. KANA 133 I出ink it would be better to buy it at another store. I 1 think you had better buy it at another store. 私の方が悪かったわ。ごめんなさいね。 Watashi no ho ga warukatta wa. Gomen nasai ne. It was all my fault. I' m so sorry. KANAI かな Note: Used principa1l y by men; the women's equiva1 ent of ka na is kashira (#58). 1. Indicates uncertainty: “Iwonder." 課長、何時に来るか拡。 Kacho, nanji ni kuru ka na. What 曲目、 the section chief corning, 1 wonder. 多賀君は、この仕事できるかな。 を Taga-kun wa, kono shigoωdekuru ka na. 1.ー 1wonder ifTaga can do this job.1 Could Tagahandle 出is job? 1 wonder. 2. Indicates a question to oneself: “Iwonder." 今日は何曜日だったか砿。 Kyo wa nan-yobi datta ka na. Hmm, what day is today? 田中さんと会うのは何時だったかな。 Tanaka・san to au no wa naηji datta ka na. Now, what time was it 由at 1 was going to meet Tanaka? 34 KASHlRA 3. Indicates a hope or muted request: “Iwonder." この仕事、頼んでいいかな。 Kono sh~ 伊 to , tanonde ii ka na. 1 wonder ifI could ask [you to do] 出is job. / C叩 1ask you to take care of this work? 明日の朝早く会社に来てもらえるかな。 Ashita no asa hayaku kaisha ni kite moraeru ka na. 1 wonder if you could come to the 0伍ce early tomorrow moming. / Could you come to 出eoffice early tomorrow moming? 園│臥 SHIRA Iかしら Note:ηle usages of kashira are essentially the same as those of ka n仏 except 白紙 they are most1 y employed by women. 1. Indicates uncerta 泊ty:“ Iwonder." 社長さん、今日何時に会社へいらっしゃいますかし 5。 Shacho-san,かonanji ni kaisha e irasshaimasu kashira. 1 wonder what time the president will come to 也eo節目today. この機械の使い方、ご存じでいらっしゃいますかし 5。 Kono kikai no tsukaikata, gozonji de irasshaimasu kashira. 1 wonder if you're acquainted with how this machine is run. 2. Indicates a question to oneself: "1 wonder." もう帰ってもいいのかし 5。 Mo kaette mo ii no kashira. 1 wonder if it's all right to leave now [i fI can leave now]. こんなすてきなプレゼントをもらって、いいのかし S Konna suteki na purezenωo moratt,ιii no kashira. NA I 1 wonder if 1 should accept such a lovely present. / Oh, you shouldn't have. / Oh , what a lovely presentl 1 don't de.er ve it. 3. Indicates a hope or muted request: “Iwonder." 今晩私の宿題を手伝ってくれるかし 5。 Konban watashi no shukudai 0 tetsudatte kureru kashira. 1 wonder if you would help me with my homewひrk tonight. / 00 you think you could help m 引 ~th my homework tonight? コンビューターの使い方、教えていただけるかし 5。 Kdnpyuta no tsukaikata, oshiete itadakeru kashira. 1 wonder ifyou could teach me how to operate the computer. / Could you possibly teach me how to operate the compute r? 置│NAI な l. Indicates emotion. Mostly used by men. Note: Na in this usage is 0食en lengthened to nι あの人はすばらしいなあ。 Ano hito wa subarashii na. She's really great [something]! きれいな星だ芯あo Kirei na hoshi da na. What a beautiful star! 136 NA 2. Asks for another person's agreement. Used by men. あの車は新車だよな。 Ano kuruma wa shinsha da yo na. That' s a new car, right? / That'~ a new car, 1 bet. あそこは寒いな。 Asoko wa samui na. It' s cold 出ere,isn't it. 3. Softens 血eeffect of an assertion. あの人はなかなか立派な人だと思うな。 Ano hito wa nakanaka rippa na hito da to omou na. 1 really think [I' d say] that he is a fine, upstanding person. この映画はよくなかったな。 Kono eiga wa yoku nakatta na. This movie just wasn't very good. 4. Softens a command or request (白 rst example, a woman speak- ing with typical kudasai na pattem; second example, a man). 成固まで行って下さいな。 Narita made itte kudasai na. Narita [Ai rport] , please [ifyou pleωe]. 明日必ず来いな。 Ashita kanarazu koi na. Be sure to come tomorrow. 5. Indicates a prohibition. Used by men. 絶対にあいつに会うな。 Zettai ni aitsu ni au na. Stay away from 血at bum, you hear. / Keep clear ofthat guy. もうあのパーに行くなo Mo ano ba ni iku na. iA ta7 Don't go to that bar ever again! / No more going to that bar, hear. 岡山│さ 1. Softens an assertion. Used most1 y by men. 明日の高橋さんのパーティーには、もちろん行くさ。 Ashita no Takahashi-san no pati ni wa, mochiron iku sa. I' m going to Takahashi's party tomorrow, of course. それより、こっちのセーターの方が大きいさ。 Sore yori, kotchi no seta no ho ga okii sa. Thissweater's bigger than that one, I' d say. 2. Indicates a critical response to something. あんな無能な社員を入れるから、会社が伸びないのさ。 Anna muno na shain 0 ireru kara, kaisha ga nobinai no sa. It 's because 出ey hire incompetent people like him出at the com- pany doesn't grow. あの人のやりそうなことさ。 Anohiωno yaris δna kotosa. It 's something he would do. / It's just like him. 138 KOTO 園lKOTO Iこと Note: Koto, as a sentence-ending particle , is used mainI y by women. 1. Indicates emotion. この花の色の美しいこと。 Kono hana no iro no utsukushii koto. What an exquisite color 出is flower has! 美味しいお料理ですこと。 Oishii oryori desu koto. What marvelously delicious food! 2. Indicates a suggestion or invitation. どこかへお花見に行きませんとと。 Doko ka e ohanami ni ikimasen koto. Shall we go flower viewing somewhere? 一度クイーンエリザベス号に乗ってみませんこと。 Ichido Kuinerizabesu・go ni notte mimasen koto. __ Shallwe just once go aboard the Queen Elizabeth? .KkB Ug -KKE Iっけ Note: -Kkefollows V-ωand Adj-ta forms. In f語minine .p ee ch , th e verb Corm. tend to be des u, deshit a, 却 dV-mω hit ,仏 1. Indicates a muted question in cases when there is information shared with an interlocutor 白紙 the speaker is trying to recall. 明日の結婚式は、何時に始まるんでしたつけ。 Ashita no kekkon-shiki' wa, nanji ni hajimaru-n deshita-kke. What time is the wedding going to start tomorrow? I The wed- ding tomorrow-what time was it going to start? あなたの家はどこだったつけ。 Anata no ie wa doko datta-kke. Now, where was yourhouse? I Where did you sayyour house was? 2. Indicates that the speaker is remembering some 也ing 合om the distant pas t. この辺に学校があったつけ。 Kono hen ni gakko ga atta-kke. Didn't there used to be a school 訂 ound here?J 1 seem to remember 出at there was a school around here. あの人とよく酒を飲んだっけ。 Anohiωto yoku sake 0 nonda・kke. Back in the old days 1 used to go 合加king a 10t with him.1 1 remem- ber going drinking with him quite a bi t. 140 -TI'EBA I・I ーπEBA1ってば 1. Indicates annoyan臼 wi出 another person. 明日までにできなければ困るってば。 Ashita made ni dekinakereba komaru-tteba. I' m telling you,出紅白 going to be trouble if it's not done by tomorrow. 来年では遅すぎるってば。 Rainen de wa ososugiru-tteba. Next year will be too late, I' m telling you. 2. Indicates an indirect command or prohibition. そんなことをしたら、だめだってば。 Sonna koto 0 shitara, dame da-tteba. I' m telling you白at it's no good if you do such a白血各 /Iwo叫也、 do白紙 ifI were you. コンビューターを使わなければ、できないってば。 Konpyuta 0 tsukqwanakereb仏 dekinai-tteba. I' m telling you血at youcan't do it un1ess you use the computer. / Youwon't get anywhere un1ess you use the computer, I' d say. 園也 1"'¥ 1. Following da or 仇 indicates an infonnal question. Used mostly bymen. どうして新宿まで行ったんだい。 Do shite Shinjuku made itta-n dai. Why'dyougo出 far as [all the way to] Shinjuku? 昨日どこで飲んだんだいo Kino doko de nonda-n dai. Where' d you go世inking yesterday? またアメリカに出張かい、大変だな。 Mata Amerika ni shutcho kai, taihen da na. 0百to the U.S. on business again? Hang in there. あの人、元気だったかい。 Anohiω',genki da伽 kai. How was she? / How' s she gettmg along? MONolもの MONO 141 Note: 百le primary meaning of mono as a sentence-ending particle is “beαuse" or “the reason is ,"叩 d泊出eindividual usages below, with their special connotations ,出 is meaning is still vaguely fel t. ーr: Indicates an excuse, a dissatisfactioh, onf desi詑"tobeindulged or pampered. Used by woman. a) Reason or excuse. あの映画は面白くないんですもの。だから、行かなかった のよ。 Ano eiga wa omoshiroku nai-n desu mono. Da kara, ikanakatta noyo. That movie is s泊中ly too boring. That' s why 1 didn't go. 142 MONO どうして食べないんだい。 この料理、嫌いなんですもの。 Do shite tabenai-n dai. Kono ryori , kirai nan desu mono. Why aren't you eating? 1 simply don't like this food. b) Dissatisfactio n (with a woman speaking). 際長の仕事はやりたくないわ。下の者に冷たいんですもの。 Kacho no shigoto wa yaritaku nai wa. Shita no mono ni tsumetai-n desu mono. 1 don't want to work for the section chief. Hぬ so cold to those working under him. 竹内さんとは一緒に仕事をしたくないのよ。ちっとも働かな いんだもの。 Takeuchi-san to wa issho ni shigoto 0 shitaku nai no yo. Chitto mo hatarakanai-n da mono. 1 don't want to work with Takeuchi. He just doesn't do an戸hing [doesn't work). c) Desire to be indulged or pampered. 出かけましょうよ 。たまには外で食事がしたいんですもの。 Dekakemashδyo. Tama ni wa soω de shokuji ga shitai -n desu mono. Come on, let's go out. I' d like to eat out once in awhile. あれ欲しいですもの。買ってもいいでしょう。 Are hoshii desu mono. Katte mo ii desh δ. 1 want it [so badly). lt's all right ifI buy it , isn't it? ZE/ZO 143 ZE Iぜ Note: Adds force to a sentence. When it overlaps with zo (#67) , it is so me- what less emphatic. ze is used mostly by men. 1. Used to make a declaration to someone or underscore a point. 先に行くぜ。 Saki ni iku ze. I' m going on ahead. I Leaving now. See you血ere. その仕事、君に頼んだぜ。 Sono shigoto , kimi ni tanonda ze. I' m counting on you to do that job./lt's [白 ejob's) up to you now. 頑張るぜ。 Ganbaruze. I' m going to give it my best shot. / I' m hanging tough. 園lZO Iぞ Note: zo adds force to a sentence in a more emphatic manner than ze (#66) . Used mostly by men. 1. Indicates a command or threat. そろそろ会議を始めるぞ。 Sorosoro kaigi 0 hajimeru zo. Let' s get the meeting under way. [...]... i dkr,2 - 2 ooo1 1 2 dkr k 1 1 ooo, 2 a g 1-1 1-6 9, , 仏 0 1,3 2, 9 9 0 3 5 g a(r) 7 - 6 u ik a , 5 7 r ui hyi a V g hyia, 6 aa k ( + a aa k 2 ) h a, 2 e n 2 t a h s oa 1 i u d, 9 ty hd, 7 7 oo 7 - 8 h h ,20 oi si κ4 k, 5 4 ,1 a 4-9 17 k 叫 133 a 3ー 4 k e aS i i e k a i,2 asi 1 nh kr, 1 6,38, ,2 aa 6- 57 8 14 8 9 k h, 13 14 3 ai s r 3,3 -5 a - e - e k S k e e k kd,9 eo 0 k e ,9 ed 0 ro krdm,9 -1 9, eeoo... m n 0 1 60 o o , 0- 7 n,1 53 a 3 -7 n 15 , 3 a nd,4 -5 ao 3 4 -aaa 1 7 0 ngr, 0- 8 nn a,1 8 a nn 1 nn仏 4 ak 3 nno 4 az, 3 nr 1 2 0 aa 0- 3 , nn 1 7 1 a, 1 - 9 nr,3 au 4 nz,4 ao "3 n,18 3,3 e 2-0 1 1 n,1 8 e 2 n 5- 6, ,4 , 20 06 15 i 6 , 3 nmtzk,5 i oouu 9 nn t i ,5 i a er 7 t u nstw 19 ihe , 1 i 仏 mw 1 仏 , 2 nyr 5 i ou 9 , Idx 1 ne 4 9 1 4 Idx 8 ne n,1, 87 o 7 6-1 ndち 6 ,ふ 8 ot 4 8 - 9 nm, 5 8 ol 8,6... -4 9 ,4 o , 39 , 15 0 1, - 5 , 27 7 2 o o,3 mu 5 ooaooi, 5 nmtpea 3 ptnil o m feb,1 oeta f r o vrs 8 s 17 a 3 , s ,1 6 a 2 e s ,10 1 h 1 -1 i s k 8 7 h, 5 8 i a s k, 6 h au 4 ir s n i uu 2 h p sr, 1 ia s r e ,6 har 4 ibu sg,3 uu 7 si a 2 u d, 1 k s, 1 7 ua 2 r s, 1, , uu 2 1 7 r 9 3 - g u o m feb 7 t a f r ovrs 3 ar ・ af r o v b, 0 7 t om fe s 2 ,3 i r t, 10 0,2 a 0-2 16 r a - r 18 1 ti 0 - 0 a , -. .. , 97 kr k, 3,4 iu 56 k kad 2 ii 仏 1 r , ki 8 78 i, 5 8- 8 r k n 2 妙 仏 2 。 - h 19 kち 3 krr k o 1 8 ha o , 2 i s ko 172 o , 2-8 s ko 18 o, 3 t kwi 2 oa, 1 k a ( r ) 7 ー6 u i g a , 57 r ui k ei 9 - 5 u n 49 s , mdち 6- 8 aE 5 6 m d m n ,6 ae o a 7 ; mr s u 6 ee u , 4 ii r meu 1, ir, 97 0 m ,2 - 9 o 62 m n a 14 o k, 4 m n,1 1 4 o o 4- 2 mn d 8 o oE 9 ち m n k,1 4 oo a 4 m n nr,1み 0 o o aa 0- 4 m n n,9 -6 ... - r n~ 1 5 to a 4 -b Se tb ta e - e e ta ーt o - m) 2 -0 e ( e o, 93 m d - w ( e a,1, 92 t a - w) 2 1 -1 e d 1 - w i n ,10 t ak a 2 e ei - w k m r 10 t a oau 2 e , - w nrn, 10 t a aaa 2 e i t 3 -9 4 o 33 , , 1 ti a 2 ol , 4 g tiyr 13 ou oi 2 , tk,4 ,1,1 o a 2 14 16 t h e 仏 19 Sel t iι o i w 1 e a oo t stl s sl h tW, 4 o仏 0 t o ,8,0 - 6 o r 0 15 0 ko t o d, 2 9 o r e 9-3 ko t o g 9 -7 o r , 69 ko 仏 t... bakkash~ 7 8 t6 ) 6 ち( ] d Se a ei i d n ih n i 1 9 a a s a, 1 i r o r dk 8- 8 7 ae 14 68 , 8 , dk ae 8 aet , 2 t dk n~ 8 ae 2 dk n k o a r 8 ae o o w a t u 2 , dn,14 1 1 ao 0, 7 1 dr n 1 5 aoi 4 , dt 3 a, 0 t e ← jz n,2 ou a 2 九 4-2 95 d m , 0 3, 6 e o 3-3 1 2 - e oーe o ,2 -0 d m ( m) 93 t dw 1 e, 2 a - w (e a,1, 92 d a- w) 2 1 ー e t 1 1 - w i n ,1 0 d ak a 2 e ei - w kmr,1 0 d a oau 2 e - w nrni... nx 4 d 7 16 4 - 1ト 4 i 4 1 , ia 9 e, 8 b ia(oo tm ia ,1 ei tm … ooet 1 n n) 3 i ,1 r 9 u t, 5 U 3 IDX NE Nmesn odn c e an ubr ibl i i tmi da ers ni te a e i s fbi , 2 d c v oaly 2 jte it a e i s fe r, 0 d c v od i 2 jte se a e i s f mto, 1 d c v oeoin 2 jte a e i s fe s t, 9 d c v on e i 1 jte csy asr, 4 iuu 6 -a 9-9 16 b 79 , , 2 bki 7 8 , , aa ふ 1 8 8 , r 4 6 b a n~ ar ki 8 1 bakash~ 7 8 bka 7 ak凡... un 2 o i, 2 k a tm,1 1 1 oo 1 - 4 tm a n u +l 12 oo r o n g 1 o 仏 thι 2 e a o s t l oi 1 2 Sel ω h e 仏 st , s iw - a ,11 tr 0 ta ・ ta 1 0 tb 4 e , ureshi~ 2 1 vrs f mto,2 eb o eoin 1 vrs feest,1 eb o ncsiy 9 vrs f ecpin 7 eb o preto, 0 vrs festo,1 eb o snain 9 ・ w ,1 -3 a 01 w (otatdwt g , 1, a cnrse ih a ) 3 1, , ,0 2 ,2 4 1 1 2, 2 5 8 1 w (etneedn) 1 2 3 a snec-nig, 3 - 3 w y,12 ao 3 wkr,1 aau 8 y,4... ih a ) 3 1, , ,0 2 ,2 4 1 1 2, 2 5 8 1 w (etneedn) 1 2 3 a snec-nig, 3 - 3 w y,12 ao 3 wkr,1 aau 8 y,4 ,1 a 1 14 yi y 4 an , 1 aa yl 14 1 a仏 1 -6 r y,1 1 3 o 3-2 y, 132 o 2 -5 i r y i oa a,15 o hk n r i 2 y i 仏 13 o k 2 r y i o 13 o m, 2 r z 13 e 4 , z,134 o 4 -4 ... y u o e m t jb oe / o ' bte g rcig t o 出aj n to b 圏l I Nに I N e Ncmol f l s a , s , d - r ad snaya t o : i omnyo o dodh 叩 V t ,n eeilh h t l w r eo a o stl s e sm maigs oi #0n 2,l o hhlt i oe omn ae enn a nn(3, )a h g t ae s r cmo o t u e tr m 2 A d fre o o d o sl-norgmn o s f rig d s oc t w r s f efecuaeet r e - gn lu 1 Epess e e 出asmtigs vr n c ' b rgie: xrse r r g t t oehn ioe a d a t e eand . verbs, 20, 73 ・ tar a, 10 0-0 2, 126 -ta ri, 10 8-1 0 -taro n~ 145 -teba. See -tteba. ーte mo (-de mo), 2 9-3 0 -te wa (-de wa), 12, 11 9-2 1 -te wa ikenai, 120 -te wa komar u, 120 -te wa narana i,. nara, 10 -0 4 ka 叫 133ー34 mono no, 9 5-9 6 kai. See -i. mono 0, 10 6-0 7 kanashii, 21 kara, 61 -6 5 73 ,88,89,124 na, 13 5-3 7 kashir a, 133, 13 4-3 5 n a, 135 -ke. See -kke. nado , 4 3-4 5 kedo,. 12 1-2 2 dokoro k a, 121 tち6() 6] g仏 1 0-1 1 ,1 3-2 6,90,93,95 gurai (kurai) , 7 5 -7 6 hayai ka (V + ga hayai ka) , 26 heta n a, 22 hitsuyo da, 19 hodo, 7 7 -7 8 hoshii, 20 一 κ4 Index 1 47 -i