all about particles - part 6 pdf

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all about particles - part 6 pdf

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104 MONO NARA 政治家がそんなばかなことをしようものな5、国民は黙って いませんよ。 Seiji-ka ga sonna baka na koto 0 shiyo mono nara, kokumin wa damatte imasen yO. If the politicians do something stupid like 出at ,the people aren't I going to keep quiet about it. な Indicates a condition and bad result: “if .出 en.n 課長がそんなやり方をしようものな 5、部下は課長を全然 信頼しなくなるでしょうね。 Kacho ga sonna yarikata 0 shiyo mono nar a, buka wa kacho 0 zenzen shinrai shinaku naru desho ne. If the section chief goes about it in that way, his subordinates will lose all 創出 inhim. これ以上仕事を続けようものな5、あなたは死んでしまいま すよ。 Kore ijo shigoωo tsuzukeyo mono nara, anata wa shinde shimai- 。 mω uyo. Ifyou workanymore [anyharder] than 出is ,you're going to die, you know. / If you continue working the way you are now, you will end up killing yourself 持3. Indicates a condition and bad result: “if .出 en." 空を飛べるもの芯5飛んでみたい。 Sora 0 toberu mono nara tonde mitai. If it were possible to tly [in 血esky] , 1 wo凶dl氷eto try it. 会社へ行かなくていいものな5行きたくない。 Kaisha e ikanakute ii mono nara ikitaku nai. If it were all right not to go to work, 1 wouldn't [want to] go. / 1 wouldn't go to work i fI didn't have to. TOKOROI ところ 1. Indicates that one is on the verge of doing somethlngi pre- ceded by the root form of the verb: “just about to." これから出かけるところなので、ゆっくり 話をする時間はあ りません。 Kore kara de,知keru 如ko叩 nanod,幻 rukkuri hanωhi 0 suru jikan wa anmasen. Since I' m just about to go out, 1 don't have time for a leisur叫yta1k. 山田さんに電話をするところですが、何か伝言はありませんか。 Yamada・san ni denwa 0 suru tokoro desu ga, nani ka dengon wa arim ωenka. I' m just about to call Yamada. Do you have any messages for him? 2. Indicates 血at an action is present1 y taking place (preceded by V-te iru). 今手紙を書いているところです。 Ima tegami 0 kaite iru tokoro desu. 1 am writing a letter just now. / 1 am in the midst of writing a letter. -役員は、今その問題を検討しているところです。 Yakuin wa, ima 50no mondai 0 kento shite iru toko r. o desu. The directors now have 白紙 problem under advisement. / The directors are just now taking that problem under consideration. 3. Indicates 血at 釦 action has just come to an end (preceded by V-ω). 彼は今成田に着いたところです。 Kare wa ima Narita ni tsuita tokoro desu. He just now arrived at Narita [Ai中 ort]. 10 5 106 MONOO 広田さんは、今日フランスから帰国したところですよ。 Hirota・san wa, kyo Furansu kara kikoku shita tokoro desu yO. Hirota just today returned from France. 4. Indicates the conclusion of a certain action at the end of a clause: “when, uponプ デパートに問い合わせてみたと ζ ろ、その品物は売り切れ だった。 Depaωni toiaw,仏5ete mita tokoro, sono shinamono wa uri 次ired紺 a. When 1 inquired at the department store, [1 found that] the item was sold out. (Or, Upon asking at the department store,…) 大学の図書館で調べたところ、その作家は詩も書いていた ことがわかった。 Daigaku no tosho-kan de shirabeta tokoro, sono sakka wa shi mo kaite ita koto ga wakatta. When 1 checked at 出euniversity library, 1 learned that the writer had written poems as well. (Or, Upon checking at the univer- sity library, ) 園lMONOOIものを 持1. Usually used at the end of a sentence, indicating resentment or complaint. お知らせ下されば、病院へお見舞いに参りましたものを…… Oshirase kudasareba, byoin e omimai ni mairimashita mono 0 . . . If only you had told me, 1 would have come to see you at 出e hospital. .NAGA民A 107 私にできることでしたら、お手伝いしまし たもの奄 H ・H ・ Watashi ni dekiru koto deshitara, otetsudai shima$hfta mo,. o () ." If there had been something Icould have done, I would have helped out. 国│ー附組AI ながら 1. Indicates 出at two actions are taking place simultaneously: “as , while." Note:百 le subject ofboth c1 auses must be the same. In English translation , the main and subordinate c1 auses of the Japanese are usually reversed . 毎朝テレビを見なが5、朝ご飯を食べますo Maiasa terebi 0 minagar a, asagohan 0 tabemasu. Every morning, 1 watch television as 1 eat breakfast. (Lit.ぃ 1 eat breakfast as 1 watch television.) 青木さんはいつも音楽を聞きなが5勉強している。 Aoki-san wa itsu mo ongaku 0 kikinagara benkyo shite iru. ー -, Aoki always listens to musk while he studies. (Li t.・, -;Aoki studies while he listens to music.) 2. Used between two clauses to emphasize 白紙出ey are opposed inmeaning: “al 由ough,while." 高木さんは体が弱いと言いなが5、よく夜遅くまで酒を飲ん でいる。 Takagi-san wa karada ga yowai ωiinagara, yoku yoru osoku made sake 0 nonde iru. Al血 ough Takagi says he was a weak constitution [poor health) , he often drinks untillate at night. 108 ・TARI あの先生は学生には遅刻をしないようにと言いなが5、自分 はいつも遅れて学校へ来る。 Ano sensei wagakusei ni wa chikoku 0 shinai yo ni ωiinagar a, jibun wa itsu mo okurete gakk δe kuru. Although 血at teacher tells her students not to be late, she herself is always late in coming to schoo l. 園卜 TARI Iたり 1. Indicates that several actions are listed in no particular sequence: “such things as." 日曜日はたいてい友達とテニスをしたり、映画を見に行ったり します。 Nichiyobi wa taitei tomodachi ωtenisu 0 shi~ari , eiga 0 mi ni ittari shim ωu. On Sundays 1 usually do such 由ings as play tennis with my企iends or go to see movies. 旅行中は美術館に行ったりお土産を買ったDで、あっという 聞に時間がなくなりました。 Ryoko・chuwabijuぉu-kan ni -ittari omiyage 0 kattari de, atto iu ma ni jikan ga nakunarimashita. Time passed quickly during 由e仕ip ,what with going to museums, buying souvenirs for people back home, and such. Note: Used with only one verb ,・ tari indicates 出at the action of the verb is representative of a number of actions: “such things as ." 天気の悪い日には、家で音楽を聞いたりします。 Tenki no warui hi ni wa, ie de ongaku 0 kiitari shimasu. On days when the weather is bad, 1 listen to music and do other such 由泊gs athome. 2. Indicates 出at severallike actions are performed. 午前中は漢字を書いたり読んだりする 。 Gozen-chu wa kanji 0 kai 加 ri yondari suru. In the morning 1 read and write kanji. .TARI 10 ' この頃その俳優のことをテレビや雑誌で聞 いた D見たり し ます。 Konogoro sono haかuno koto 0 terebi ya zasshi de kiitarl mitarl shim ωu. These days we [often] see and hear about that actor on TV and in the magazines. 3. Indicates repetition of contrasting actions. そんなにテレビをつけたり消したりしないでちょうだい。 50nna ni terebi 0 tsuketari keshitari shinaide ch δdai. Stop turning the TV on and 0百likethat. 今週、株は上がったり下がったりしています。 Konshu, kabu wa agattari sagattari shite imωu. Stocks are going up and down this week. 4. Used wi由曲目釘neverb in positive and negative forms: “some- tirnes 1 do and sometimes 1 don't." 父は体の調子によって、ゴルフに行ったり行かなかったり します。 Chichi wa karada no choshi ni yotte, gorufu ni ittarl ikanakattarl shimasu. My father goes to play golf [and not to play golf] depending on his physical condition. 110 SHI 日曜日には、テレビを見たり見なかったりします。 Nichかδbi ni wa, terebi 0 mitari minakattari shimasu. Sometimes 1 watch TV on Sundays and sometimes 1 don't. 園lSHI Iし 1. Indicates (and often emphasizes) the occurrence or existence of two or more actions or states: “and, as well as." ハワイは気候はいいし、花も美しいし、いいところですよ。 Hawai wa kiko wa ii shi, hana mo utsukushii shi, ii tokoro desu yo. Hawaii is a nice place: the climate is good, and the flowers are beautifu l. 新しい課長は頑固だし、仕事もできないですよ。 Atarashii kacho wa ganko da shi, shigoto mo dekinai desu yo. The new section chief is pigheaded and can't do the work either. 2. Indicates a reason or reasons for the following conclusion: “and …, so." 竹村さんは、みんなから信頼されていないし、人気もないし、 グループをまとめるのは無理でしょう。 Takemura-san w a, minna kara shinrai sarete inai sh i, ninki no nai sh i, gurupu 0 matomeru no wa muri desho. Takemura is not trusted by anyone and is not popular, so it would be impossible for him to lead the group. あのレストランは、サービスは悪いし、料理はまずいし、行 かない方がいいですよ。 Ano resutoran wa, sabisu wa warui shi, ryori wa mazui shi, ikanai h δga ii desu yo. TOMO 111 . The service at that restaurant is bad and the food is pOOr, so you had better not go there. TOMO Iとも 1. Used after numbers and counters: “both, all (three, etc.)." ここにいる人たちは、 3人とも大学で言語学を勉強しました。 Koko ni iru hitotachi wa, sannin 如 modaigaku de gengo・gaku 0 benkyo shimashita. All three ofthe people here studied linguistics in college. (Li t., As for the people who are here , all three …) このセーターは、 2枚ともMサイズですか。 Kono seta wa, nimai tomo M-saizu desu ka. Are both of these sweaters mediums? 2. A 氏er the -ku form of adjectives , indicates an approximate maximum or minimum: “at the least, most, latest , etc." ー_. . ;~つ家なら、少な三 ー とも l 億円}まする 舎 でしょう o _ . Kono ie nara, sukunaku tomo ichioku-en wa suru desho. This house would cost at Ieast 100 million yen. この事故で死んだ人は、多くとも100 人ぐらいだろう 。 Kono jiko de shinda hi ωwa, oku tomo hyakunin gurai daro. The [number of] fatalities in 也is accident was 100 people at most. 112 TOMO 、: 3. Indicates inclusion: “including." サービス料とも合計1万5収泊円です。 Sabisu-1ァ'o tomo gokei ichiman-gosen-en desu. The total is ¥15 ,000, including the service charge. 運賃ともで、 5万円になりますが。 Unchin tomo de, goman-en ni narimasu ga. It comes to ¥50,000, including 企eight. 玲4. Used after the -o form of a verb, adds emphasis to a supposi・ tion: “even if , no matter." あの人ならどんな事があろうとも、最後まで頑張るだろう。 Anohiωnara donna koto ga aro tomo,抑留 '0made ganbaru daro. No matter what happens, he [if anyone] will stick it out to the bitter end. 明日は雪が降ろうとも、行くつもりだ。 Ashita wa yuki ga戸ro 如 mo,iku tsumori da. Even if it shou1 d snow tomorrow, 1 intend to go. 持 5.In the form tomo aro (noun) 伊:“ ofall -people (things)." 首相ともあろう人が、そんなことをして平気だとは信じられ ない。 Shusho ωmo aro hito ga, sonna koto 0 shite heiki da ωwa shinji- rarenat. For the prime minister, of all people, to do something like 由at and be calm [about it] is unbelievable. / 1 can't believe that someone in the position of prime minister co u1 d do some- thing like that without 出eslightest qualm. TOMO 1I 大学の学長ともあろう人が、あんなにピジ ョンがないの で は困る。 Da留aku no gakucho tomo a而 hito ga, anna ni bijon ga nai no d, waKomaru. For the president of the university, of all people, to be so lacldng in vision is a problem (troublesome). / We're in trouble (帥 a fix , in bad shape) ifthe person who is supposed to be the presi - dent of the university is so lacking in vision. 6. Appearing after two words of opposite meaning and followed b 'yien叫“can't say (yes) or (no)." 多国さんは、あの映画はいいとも悪いとも言えないと言っ てました。 Tada-sanw, 仏側 oeigawa ii 如 mowaruiωmoienai ωitte mashita. Tada said that he cou1 dn't say whether the movie was good or bad. / Tada said that it was hard to say whether the movie was , good or bad. その値段は、高いとも安いとも言えませんね。 Sono,nedan wa, takai tomo yasui tomo iemasen nι It 's hard to say whether the price is high or low. . 7. At the end of a sentence , adds decisiveness to a positive state- men t:“ indeed, certainly, of courseプ この本を借りていいですか。 いいとも。 Kono hon 0 karite ii d匂uka. Iitomo. May1 borrow血is book? Certainly. 114 YARA 明日の試合に行きますか。 行くとも。 Ashita no shiai ni ikimasu ka. Iku tomo. Are you going to the game tomorrow? 1 certainly am. 園│YARA/ やら 1. Joins nouns to indicate a non-exhaustive list of items: “such things as ; and, what with." Note: 刀lis usage is essentially the same as y a, to ka, and dano, although 出ese three are used more 0食en 泊 the spoken language. . あの国の人たちは、戦争や5、インフレや 5で大変でしょうね。 Ano kuni no hito 舵 hi 附 senso yar a, infure yara de taihen desho 侃 What with war, inflation, and the like , the people ofthat country must be having a hard time. その大学には、イギリス大や 5フランス人や 5、いろいろな 国の人がいますよ。 Sono daigaku ni wa, Igi 巾 uゾin yara Furansuてjin yara, iroiro na kuni no hito ga imasu yo. At 出at university there are people 企omvarious countries, such as England and France. (Li t.,… such as Englishmen and Frenchmen.) ,‘ YARA 11 5 2. Used with words of opposit怠 meaning,or with posltlve and negative forms of the same wo吋 .Ka can replaα yara in 出 usage, but the latter is so食er in tone: “whether , whether or not." 久美ちゃんはこのお菓子が好きなのや 5、嫌いなのや S何 も言わなんです。 Kumi-chan wa kono okashi ga suki na no yara, kirai na no yara nani mo iwanai-n desu. Kumi doesn't say an戸h血gabout whether she likes or dislikes this candy. / Kumi won't say whether she likes the candy or not. r,ーティーに行くのや 5行かないのやら、はっきりして 下さ い。 Pati ni iku no yara ikanai no yara, hakkiri shite kudasai. Please m法廷 it clear [say, make up your mind, decide] whether or not you are going to 出eparty. 3. Used with interro伊 tive woras, exp問 sses uncerta泊ty (in instances where wakaranai is not explicit, it is understood). Note: This usage is similar to , but a little so 食er than, ka (#11 , 11-3). あの犬はどこへ行ったのや5、わからないんですよ。 け Ano inu wa doko e itta no yarl仏 wakaranai-n desu yo. ?1一一一 1hlive no idea where tl 凶 dogwent. 研くんはどの大学に入れるや 5、本当に心配です。 Ken-kun wa dono daigaku ni haireru yara, honto ni shinpai desu. I' m really worried about which university Ken will be able to get into. 116 DANO 4. Used at the end of a sentence, indicates a rhetorica1 question with negative implications: “Iwonder." 来年はどんな年になるや5・ Rainen wa donna toshi ni naru yara . . . 1 wonder what kind of year next year will be. / 1 wonder how next year will turn out. 日本の将来はどうなるや 5・ Nippon no shorai wa do naru yara … 1 wonder what Japan's future will be like. / 1 wonder about the future ofJ apan. 園│DANOI だの 1. Indicates a non-exhaustive list of items or actions: “such things as." Note: Dano, a colloquial usage , is similar to yara 叩 dto ka. クリスマスには、友達から本だの、カレンダーだの、チョコレー トだのをもらいました。 -_.~ Kurisumasu ni wa, tomodachi kara hon dano, karenda dano, chokoreto dano 0 moraimashita. At Christmas, 1 received 合omfriends a book, a ca1 endar, some chocolates, and other such things. 学生のときは、ショパンだのリストだののピアノ曲をよく弾き ました。 Gakusei no toki wa, Shopan dano Risuto dano no piano-kyoku 0 yoku hikimashita. ' When 1 was a student, 1 played a lot of piano pieces by such com- posers as Chopin and Li sz t. 2. Used for a pair of opposite actions or state words or the positive and negative form of the NARI 11 ' い。 Iku dano ikanai dano ωiwanai de, dochira ka ni kimete kudasaj. Stop saying 血at you will go ,叩 dthen that you won't 80; make up your mind one way or the other. オーストラリアは、今寒いだの、 暑 いだのと 雷 う人がいて、 どちらなのかわかりません。 αutoraria wa, ima samui dano, atsui dano ωiu hito ga ite , dochira na no ka wakarimasen. Since some people say Australia is cold now, and some say it's hot, I' m not sure which it is. 園INARI Iなり 1. Indicates a choice: “or, whether or not." Note: This usage is s泊lIlar to the more common ka (#11 , II ・1), but nari lends sligh tJ y more emphasis. その問題にーついて、松田先生なり、高山先生怒りに聞いて みて下さい。 Sono mondai ni tsuit ,ιMatsuda-sensei nari, Takayama-sensei nari ni kiite mite kudasai. Please ask either Professor Matsuda or Professor Takayama about that problem. 明日行くなり、あさって行くなり、早く決めましょう 。 Ashita iku nari, asatte iku nari, hayaku kimemasho. Let' s hurry up and decide whether we are going tomorrow or the daya食er tomorrow. / Are we going tomorrow or the day a仕er tomorrow? Let's hurry up and decide. 118 NARI 2. Indicates a suggestion: “or something." まだ時間がありますから、喫茶庖でお茶を飲むなりしまし ょうか。 Madaj; 伽 ngaarimωuka叫 kissaten de ocha 0 nomu nari shimasho Ka. Since there's still time, shall we drink some tea at a coffee shop or something? 健康のためにテニスなり、ゴルフなり、何か運動をした方 がいいですよ 。 Kenkδno tame ni tenisu nari, gorザunari, nani ka undo 0 shita hδ ga ii desu yo. For the sake of your health, you had better get some exercise, like playing tennis or golf. ワ.Indicates that a second actionhllows immediately upon the action preceding i t:“ as soon as." Note: This usage is similar toω(#6 , III-l) and -tara (#35 , no. 5). 信号が青になるなり、待っていた車が走り出した。 Shingo ga ao ni naru nari, matte ita kuruma ga hashiridashita・ As soon as the light turnedgreen, the waitingcars began moving. 一 山本さんが電車に飛び乗るなり、ドアが閉まった。 Yamamoto-san ga densha ni tobinoru nari, doa ga shimatta. As soon as Yamamoto jumped into the train, the doors closed. 1. The expression nan nari: “whatever, an戸hing." ご不満なことがあったら、何な Dとおっしゃって下さい 。 Goてか manna koto ga atta叫 nan nari to 0ぉhatte kudasai. If there is an戸hing unsatisfactory, please say so [lit. , say what- ever it isl. -TEWA(・DEWA) 119 持5. The expression dai nari sho nari: “whether big or small." どこにでも、大なり小なり問題はあるでしょう。 Doko ni de mo, dai nari sho nari mondai wa aru desho. There are problems everywhere-some big, some small. / Every- one has problems , whether they be big or small. -TEWA(-DEWA) ては(では) Note: Here we are concemed with wa in combination with the ・te(・de) form of verbs. See also wa (# 1, particularly no. 5) and ωwa (#7). 1. Indicates the repetition of two contrasting, alternating actions. デピットさんは、漢字を書いては消し、 書いては消ししてい ます。 Debiddo・san wa, kanji 0 kaite wa keshi, kaite wa keshi shite imωu. David writes the kanji and erases them, and writes and erases them [again]. 海岸には波が、寄せては返し、返しては寄せています。 Kaigan ni wa nami ga, yosete wa kaeshi, kaeshite wa yosete imasu. At the shore, the waves advance and recede, recede and advance. 2. In the form ni shite wa (orω shite wa): “for." 日曜日にしては、デパートがすいていますね。 Nichかδbi ni shite wa, depato ga suite imasu ne. For a Sunday, the department stores are not very crowded. 120 ーTEWA(-DEWA) あの人は日本人にしては、英語がうまいですね。 AnohiωwaNihonてjin ni shite w a, Eigo ga umai desu ne. For a Japanese, her English is pretty good. 3. A conditional pattern , always with the result clause in the negative or with a negative implication. a) Indicates an undesirable possibility leading to a negative resul t. 「腹が減っては戦ができぬJと昔の人は言いました。 “'Hara ga hette wa ikt ω gadekinu" ωmukashi no hi ωwa iimashita. “You can't fight on an empty stomach," people of old said. b) In the form ・ te wa komaru: “there will be problems if; you shouldn' t." ここに車は止めては困ります。 Koko ni kuruma 0 tomete wa komarimasu. Y ou shouldn't p釘 kthe car here. (Lit., Parking the car here will be inconvenient [troublesome , a bother]). c) _ In the forms ・te wa ikenai or -te wa naranai: “you、 sho叫dn't, you mustn't." 公園で花を取ってはいけません。 Koen de hana 0 totte wa ikemasen. Y ou should not pick flowers in the p紅k. ここでタバコを吸ってはならない。 Koko de tabako 0 sutte wa naranai. You must not smoke here. DOKORO 121 d) In the form -te wa irarenai: “be unable to." この問題については、私は黙ってはいられません。 Kono mondai ni tsuite wa, watashi wa damatte wa iraremasen. 1 cannot remain silent about 出is problem. 困│DOKORO I ~~ころ 1. Emphasizes a negative action or state as against the impossi- bility of a contrasting positive action or state: “it is out of 血e question , unthinkable, far fromプ この頃は仕事が忙しくて、旅行に行くどとろではない。 Konogoro wa shigoto ga isogashikut e, ryoko ni iku dokoro de wa nai. I' ve been so busy lately, taking a trip is unthinkable. あの人は秀才どころの話じゃなくて、まるで天才ですね。 Ano hito wa shusai dokoro no hanashi ja nakute, maru de tensai desun ι It is not a matter ofhis being brilliant; he is an absolute genius. 2. In the form dokoro k a, negates the first of two parallel nouns: “far 合om; not merely." 普通は 1時間ぐらいかかるが、昨日は道が混んでいて、 1時間 どころか 3時間もかかった。 Futsu wa ichi-jikan gurai kakaru ga, kino wa michi ga konde ite , ichi ゴikan dokoro ka san てjikan mo kakatta. Ordinarily it takes an hour, but yesterday the roads were so crowded 由at ,f;釘合 omone hour, it took three. 122 . TOSHITE あの人は英語どころか、フランス語もよくできますよ。 Ano hitq wa Eigo dokoro ka, Furansu-go mo yoku dekimasu yO. He is good not merely at English, but at French as well. F TOSHITE Iとして 1. wdicates status or position: “in 血ecapacity of,回" Note: Contrast with 0 (#18, no. 6). ショパンは、ポーランドの作曲家として有名です。 Shopan wa, Porando no sakkyoku・ka toshite yumei desu. Chopin is famous as a Polish composer. こちらが、交換学生として日本へ来たホワイトきんです。 Kochira ga, kδkan・gakusei toshite Nihon e kita Howaito-san desu. This is Ms. White , who has come to Japan as an exchange student. 勺.Used with “one" and counters incorporating “one": “without exception." あの人たちのする仕事は、 1つとしていいものがないんです。 Ano hitotachi no suru shigoto wa, hitotsu toshite ii mono ga nai ・n desu. You can't say one good thing about the work they do. (Lit., [Of] the work those people do, there is not one good thing.) 課長はマージャンに、 1度として勝ったことがありません。 Kacho wa majan ni , ichido toshite katta koto ga arimasen・ The section chief has never once won at Majong. YU削 I 園IYORI Iより コ Note: Yori is sornetimes displaced by nonstandard yorl mo lnd 10rl ル. 1. Indicates a comparison: “than." 吉田さんは小出さんより背が高いです。 Yoshida-san wa Koide-san yori se ga takai desu. Yoshida is taller than Koide. ニューヨークより東京の方が、人口が多いですo Nyuyoku yori Tokyo no ho ga, jinko ga oi desu. The population ofTokyo is greater than that ofNew York. 持2. In the form to iu yori: “ra 出er." あの人は指導者というより、独裁者です。 Anohiωwa shido-sha ωiu yori, dokusai-sha desu. He is a dictator rather than a leader. / He is more of a dictator than a leader. A大学の学長は、学者というより政治家だ。 .t1 4aigaku no gakucho wa, gakusha ωiu yori seiji-ka da. The president of A University is more of a politician than a scholar. 持3. Used with interrogative words, indicates that the thing previ- ously mentioned is in the superlative. この庖のフランス料理は、どこよりおいしいと思いますo Kono mise no Furansu・η必ri wa, doko yori oishii to omoimasu . 1 think 血at the French food at this restaurant is better than any- where else. . mondai wa aru desho. There are problems everywhere-some big, some small. / Every- one has problems , whether they be big or small. -TEWA(-DEWA) ては(では) Note: Here we are concemed with wa in. aro (noun) 伊:“ ofall -people (things)." 首相ともあろう人が、そんなことをして平気だとは信じられ ない。 Shusho ωmo aro hito ga, sonna koto 0 shite heiki da ωwa shinji- rarenat. For the prime minister, of all people, to. サービス料とも合計1万5収泊円です。 Sabisu-1ァ'o tomo gokei ichiman-gosen-en desu. The total is ¥15 ,000, including the service charge. 運賃ともで、 5万円になりますが。 Unchin tomo de, goman-en ni narimasu ga. It comes

Ngày đăng: 21/07/2014, 21:20

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