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Đề ôn thi học sinh giỏi lớp 9 THCS môn tiếng anh (số 8) ppt

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PHÒNG GD & ĐT BÙ GIA MẬP TRƯỜNG THCS BÙ NHO ĐỀ THI SỐ 7 ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 06-09-2011 Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được phát kèm cùng với đề thi này ====================================================================== I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the other. 1. A. divide B. impress C. official D. comprise 2. A. ethnic B. currency C. secondary D. official 3. A. luggage B. village C. stage D. Manage 4. A. sea B. seen C. sportsman D. sure 5. A. blood B. tool C. moon D. spoon II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. 6. A. devide B. puppet C. ethnic D. notice 7. A. monster B. abroad C. depend D. instruct 8. A. Interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful 9. A. decision B. reference C. refusal D. important 10. A. beauty B. mutual C. Europe D. reduce III. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence. 11. “Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?” “No, they _______ to Dallas.” A. are just moved B. had just moved C. have just moved D. will just move 12. “You and Carl seems to be getting along well” “Yes, I _______ him better than before” A. liking B. like C. liked D. have liked 13. ‘What is the _______ of Thailand?’ – ‘The Bath.’ A. current B. population C. territory D. currency 14. People aged 65 and over now _______ nearly 20 % of the population. A. comprise B. contain C. consist D. combine 15. Is she a friend of _______ ? A. yours B. you C. your D. you’re 16. _______ I post that letter for you on my way to the office? A. Do B. Shall C. Would D. Will 17. He’ll never pass his driving test _______he takes some lessons. A. unless B. if only C. provided D. if 18. We should use paper as _______as we can. A. economic B. economical C. economically D. economy 19. The trip was short; _______,we enjoyed it very much. A. although B. beside C. however D. whatever 20. Nam said he was from Hai Phong, but he was _______from Ha Noi. A. may be B. possibly C. really D. preferably 21. If Lan _______, please tell her that I have gone to the bookshop. A. calls B. is calling C. called D. will call 22. Food and drinks _______at the reception. A. is served B. are served C. are serving D. is being served 23. Give her a telephone number to ring _______she gets lost. A. whether B. unless C. in case D. because 24. There’s no use _______to him. He never answers our letters. A. write B. to write C. written D. writing 25. Timson _______13 films and I think her latest is the best. A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making 26. – “Do you think your father will worry if we’re late?” – “Maybe we’d better _______him.” A. call B. be calling to C. to call D. will call 27. Tam _______last night when the telephone _______. A. slept / rang B. slept / was ringing C. was sleeping / rang D. was sleeping / was ringing 28. – “Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight?” – “_______” A. Yes, please. B. I’m sorry. I’d love to. C. No, thanks. D. Yes, I’d love to. 29. She spends most of her free time_______volunteer work. A. doing B. to do C. do D. for doing 30. She is wearing a _______dress. A. red new pretty B. pretty red new C. new pretty red D. pretty new red 31. Each of them_______ a different character. A. have B. has C. to have D. having 32. Do you often watch_______ programmes broadcasting on TV ? A. lively B. living C. alive D. live 33. He told me _______ the safe before he left. A. to remember to lock B. remember locking C. to remember locking D. remember to lock 34. The World Cup_______ every four years. A. is held B. has been C. is made D. is taken 35. The Blacks live in the house_______ the green doors. A. have B. with C. which D. has 36. I sent a card to congratulate Nam _______ winning the first prize in the English speaking contest. A. about B. for C. on D. of 37. _______ I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain. A. In spite of B. Despite C. Even though D. As long as 38. The fire alarm _______ and we all rushed out. A. went off B. turned out C. exploded D. A and C are correct. 39. Susan_______ her keys. She can’t find them anywhere. A. loses B. has lost C. lost D. has been lost 40. Hellen was looking after a dog _______ in an accident. A. which leg had been broken B. whose leg had been broken C. its leg had been broken D. that leg had been broken 41. Ann_______ going for a walk, but no one else wanted to. A. admitted B. offered C. promised D. suggested 42. After_______ by the police, the man admitted_______ the car. A. being stopped/ stealing B. stopping/ stealing C. being stopped/ to steal D. stopping/ being stolen 43. I find it difficult to make a good _________ on this problem. A. want B. decision C. thought D. view 44. We didn’t ________ to the station in time to catch the train. A. reach B. arrive C. get D. lead 45. He last had his eyes _______ ten months ago. A. test B. testing C. tested D. to be tested 46. I hope you don’t mind _______ to come tonight. A. being asked B. asking C. we ask you D. you were asked 47. Waste paper can be recycled ________ . A. because it can be burnt B. instead of burning C. instead of being burnt D. so it can be burnt 48. Have a cup of tea, _______? A. do you B. will you C. won’t you D. don’t you 49. I was just _______ to go out when Peter phoned. A. used B. planned C. about D. around 50. The book provides students ________ useful tips to pass the coming exam. A. of B. about C. on D. with 51. I felt disappointed because I was ________ by the company I applied to. A. criticized B. rejected C. blamed D. forgotten 52. ________ he always did well on his English tests, his parents were not surprised that he got an A. A. Since B. Even though C. If D. Because of 53. You should pay attention ________ what the teacher said. A. of B. with C. in D. to 54. Solar energy doesn't cause________. A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant 55. Were you _________ of the regulation against smoking in this area ? A. capable B. aware C. involved D. interested 56. Tom was unware of the danger. He was not _________ of it. A. conscious B. knowledgeable C. sensitive D. sensible 57. – “This painting isn’t an original- It’s a copy.” – “_________” A. How do you know that? B. Why don’t you think so? C. What did you think of this painting? D. I don’t know what it means. 58. He has recently. _________ golf to provide himself with some relaxation. A. taken with B. taken over C. taken on D. taken up 59. The trade talks which had begun between the two countries were _________ when the war began. A. broken down B. broken in C. broken off D. broken out 60. – “You have been spending too much money lately” – “You’re right. I need to _________on my expenses” A. cut out B. cut up C. cut down D. cut away 61. Susan’s doctor insists ______ for a few days. A. that she is resting B. her resting C. that she rest D. her to rest 62. “I’d rather you______ home now.” A. going B. go C. gone D. went 63. Eight dollars ______the price of a movie these days. A. are B. is C. were D. am 64. ______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came. A. Hardly had B. No sooner had C. No longer has D. Not until had 65. I turn down the job______ the attractive salary. A. because B. because of C. although D. despite 66. He asked me______. A. since when I waited B. since when I am waiting C. how long I have been waiting D. how long I had been waiting 67. His parents never allowed him ______. A. to smoking B. smoking C. to smoke D. some smoke 68. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep______. A. growing B. gaining C. rising D. raising 69. I failed to buy that nice dress, for I had forgotten to bring my______. A. gloves B. purse C. bonnet D. trousers 70. He has______to speak English. A. the ability B. an ability C. ability D. abilities IV. Use words on the right hand side in their correct forms. Before the invention of instruments to measure weather conditions, people relied on their own (71) …………….of the wind and sky as well as the OBSERVE (72) ……………. of birds and animals in connection with different types of BEHAVE weather. Many rhymes that have an (73)…………….…with the weather have ASSOCIATE become popular over the centuries. In the short term, (74)…………….… a like SAY 'red sky in the morning, sailor's warning', often proves to be (75)……accurate. SURPRISE However, it is very (76)………….… that next year's summer can be predicted LIKELY from this year's winter. Such predictions can't be considered (77)…………….… USE in precise weather forecasting. (78)………… of this can be found in past records.PROVE Nowadays, all aspects of the weather such as hours of (79)…………… … SUN and rainfall are observed on a (80)………… ……basis by meteorological DAY stations with specialised equipment. V. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form. A. When I entered his room, I __________(81. see) him __________ (82. sleep) in a chair. B. If only I__________ (83. have) money with me, I __________ (84. lend) you some. C. I think that as he______ (85. leave) the next week, he certainly _____ (86. come) to say goodbye. D. There __________ (87. be) no rain here for two months. E. We watched the children __________ (88. jump) from the window and __________ (89. fall) into a blanket__________ (90. hold) by the people below. F. I'm sorry about the noise last night. We__________ (91. have) a party. G. Look ! A man__________ (92. run) after the train. He__________ (93. want) to catch it. G. When we__________ (94. take) our exams, we__________ (95. have) a holiday. VI. Choose the word(A, B, C or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces. The Ancient Mexicans used to respect and fear the sun. They were frightened that the sun (96)_______ stop rising. As a result, they (97)_______ make sacrifices (98) _______ the sun god would continue to give them day and night and the four (99)_______. Farmers, however, used to (100)_______the rain god almost as(101)_______ as the sun god. Even today there are ruins of great pyramids they used to build to worship the sun and the rain gods. Another popular god waas the wind god, which took the form of a (102)_______ with feathers. This feathered snake was also the (103)_______ of knowledge for Ancient Mexicans. Under its influence, civilization spread throughout Mexico, which at that time was (104)_______ a peaceful country with plenty of skilled craftmen and traders. Unfortunately, news of this country eventually (105)_______, and Mexico was invaded from the far north. Later, other people called Aztecs settled in Mexico. 96. A. might B. will C. can D. may 97. A. have to B. used to C. is used to D. get used to 98. A. for B. in order to C. since D. so that 99. A. seasons B. directions C. dimentions D. quarters 100. A. respect B. worship C. admire D. prays 101. A. much B. many C. more D. popular 102. A. god B. snake C. statue D. monster 103. A. snake B. king C. god D. animal 104. A. mostly B. most C. the most D. most of 105. A. popular B. known C. transmit D. spread VII. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbial particles. Mrs. Brown had a small garden (106) ………… her house, and in the spring she planted some vegetables (107) …………… it. She looked (108) ………… them very carefully, and when the summer came, they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked (109) ………… her vegetables and said, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and then we eat our vegetables!“ But early the next morning, her son ran (110) ………… the kitchen and shouted, “Mother, Mother! Come quickly! Our neighbour’s ducks are (111) ………… the garden and they are eating our vegetables!”. Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbour was very sorry, but that was the end (112) ……………… the vegetables. Then a few days (113) ………… Christmas, the neighbour brought Mrs. Brown a parcel. In it was a beautiful, fat duck, and (114) ………… it was a piece of paper (115) ………… the words “Enjoy your vegetables!“ VIII. Complete the sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in brackets. Do not change the words given. 116. They advised us not to drink the water. (WERE) => We…………………………………… the water. 117. We managed to climb over the wall into our house because we had lost our keys(SUCCEEDED) => We …………………………………………….… because we had lost our keys 118. Going swimming after eating is dangerous. (GO) => It is dangerous …………………………………………… after eating. 119. “Who ate the cake ?” She asked. (HAD) => She wanted……………………………………………………………. 120. He promised he would come on time in the future. (LATE) => “ I promise I……………………… ………………… …. in the future” 121. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn’t go under it. (SUCH) => It was ………………………….…………… the bus couldn’t go under it. 122. He said that he hadn’t stolen that car last week (denied) => He ………………………………….…………… last week 123. People used to think that he was selfish. (THOUGHT) => He …………………………………………………… to be selfish. 124. She was grateful to them for their hospitality. (THANKED) => She ………………………………………………….…… their hospitality. 125. They all felt eager to enjoy the holiday in Nhatrang. (LOOKED) => They all………………………………………… ………… in Nhatrang. IX. Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences: 126. It / very kind / you / make friend / me. =>______________________________________________________________________ 127. This book / enough / interesting / you / read / it. =>______________________________________________________________________ 128. The fruit / green / too / be eaten. =>______________________________________________________________________ 129. He / is / used to / live / big city. =>______________________________________________________________________ 130. The teams / playing / an hour. =>______________________________________________________________________ X. In each of the following line there is a mistake find and correct it. 131. Would you like me helping you with your homework ? A B C D 132. Meat must keep in a refrigerator or it will spoil. A B C D 133. There is a cat sitting in the middle to the road. A B C D 134. Tom is always forget his keys and that really annoys me. A B C D 135. She spends her free time to visit galleries and museums. A B C D 136. Our teacher told that the sun always rises in the east. A B C D 137. She had the gardener to plant some trees. A B C D 138. Come up to my place and we will discuss it. A B C D 139. He has repeated urged the government to do something about this. A B C D 140. I have to fetch the kids at school at 4 o’clock. A B C D ANSWER KEYS ĐỀ 7 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the other. 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. 6. A 7. A 8. A 9.B 10.D III. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence. 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. B 41. D 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. C 49. C 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. A 55. B 56. A 57. A 58. D 59. C 60. C 61. C 62. D 63. B 64. A 65. D 66. D 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. C IV. Use words on the right hand side in their correct forms. 71. observation(s) 72. behavio(u)r 73. association 74. saying 75. surprisingly 76. unlikely 77. useful 78. proof 79. shunshine 80. daily V. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form. 81. saw 82. was sleeping 83. had 84. would lend 85. leaves 86. will come 87. has been 88. jumping 89. falling 90. holding 91. had 92. is running 93. wants 94. take 95. will have VI. Choose the word(A, B, C or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces. 96. A 97. B 98. C 99. D 100. B 101. A 102. B 103. C 104. A 105. D VII. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbial particles. 106.behind 107.in 108.after 109.at 110.into 111.in 112.of 113.before 114.on 115.with VIII. Complete the sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in brackets. Do not change the words given. 116. We were advised not to drink the water. 117. We succeeded in climbing over the wall into our house because we had lost our keys 118. It is dangerous to go swimming after eating. 119. She wanted to know who had eaten the cake 120. I promise I won’t be late in the future” 121. It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn’t go under it. 122. He denied stealing / having stolen that car last week 123. He used to be thought to be selfish. 124. She thanked them for their hospitality. 125. They all looked forward to the holiday in Nhatrang. IX. Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences: 126. It is very kind of you to make friend with me. 127. This book is interesting enough for you to read it. 128. The fruit is too green to be eaten. 129. He is used to living in big city. 130. The teams have been playing for an hour. X. In each of the following line there is a mistake find and correct it. 131. C to help 132. A be kept 133. D of 134. B forgetting 135. C visiting 136. A said 137. C plant 138. A over 139. A repeatedly 140. C from . MẬP TRƯỜNG THCS BÙ NHO ĐỀ THI SỐ 7 ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 THCS MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 06- 09- 2011 Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi được. falling 90 . holding 91 . had 92 . is running 93 . wants 94 . take 95 . will have VI. Choose the word(A, B, C or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces. 96 . A 97 . B 98 . C 99 . D 100. B 101. A 102 frightened that the sun (96 )_______ stop rising. As a result, they (97 )_______ make sacrifices (98 ) _______ the sun god would continue to give them day and night and the four (99 )_______. Farmers,

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2014, 10:21



