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Teacher;nguyen thanh le Secondarys school:dak nang LESSON : INTRODUCTION Week1 Period : 1 (1) Date of preparation :16.8.2009 Date of teaching :17.8.2009 Classes : 6 I . Aims and Objectives: _ Language content:To introduce the students the subject “English”. _ Language funtion: By the end of the lesson, the students know how to learn the subject effectively _ Educational aim: To make the students know the importance of English in work and life. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: b. Structures: 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing how to prepare the subject well. II . Teacher and Students’Preparation : 1. Method: Communication approach 2. Techniques:Questions and Answers, Explanation ,Chatting 3. Students’ preparation: 4. Matearials needed: Textbook 5. Previous Exercise: III. Procedure In Class: 1. Stabilization : (2ms) a. Warm up : Greetings b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms) a. Questions : b. Keys To The Questions: 3. New lesson : (38ms) Teaching Steps & Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities The Content Of The Lesson I.Presenta- tion of the new materials: (5ms) (8ms) (12ms) INTRODUCTION IV. Lead-in: _Introduces the subject,by saying some sentences: +Hello/Hi/How do you do? + What’s your name? + How old are you? _Says the aim of the lesson. II. Pre-Practice: _Says something about the country and peoples of England and American. III. Controlled-Practice: _Teaches the students the way of using the text book: + how to read the content of the book. + how to read the garmmar,abbreviation and the glossary. _Listen and focus on teacher’s words _Listen _Listen _Listen LESSON: INTRODUCTION Period 1. (7ms) II.Consoli dation: (3ms) III.Home- work: (3ms) …… _Gives some examples to the students.(In the textbook) IV.Free-Practice: _Has the students give their ideas about the subject they are going to learn. _Calls some students to present their ideas before the class _Asks one student to repeat the content of the lesson. _Asks the students to: +Prepare the new lesson Unit 1(A1,2,3,4). _Remarks the students’study. _Listen and look at the book _Listen _Present their ideas _Tell the content _Listen and copy _Listen * Self-Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………. UNIT 1 : GREETINGS (2) LESSON 1: A HELLO (A1,2,3,4) Period : 2 Date of preparation :17.8.2009 Date of teaching :18.8.2009 Classes : 6 (3) I . Aims and Objectives: _ Language content:To introduce the students the way of greeting . _ Language funtion: By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to greet and self-introduce their names. _ Educational aim: To make the students have good greetings with their friends and others. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: Hello,Hi,I,You,Name,Am,Is,Are,Greet,Classmate. b. Structures: My Name is… I am… 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing how to greet with their classmates. II . Teacher and Students’Preparation : 1. Method: Communication approach 2. Techniques: Questions And Answers, Explanation,Gap-Filling,Using Pictures. 3. Students’ preparation: New lesson Unit 1 –A1,2,3,4 4. Materials needed: Textbook, Pictures, Cassette Player. 5. Previous Exercise: Introduction III. Procedure In Class: 1. Stabilization : (2ms) a. Warm up : Greetings b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms) a. Questions : b. Keys To The Questions: 3. New lesson : (38ms) Teaching Steps & Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities The Content Of The Lesson I.Presenta- tion of the new materials: (5ms) (8ms) UNIT 1:GREETINGS A:HELLO (A1,2,3,4) I. Lead-in: _Asks the students to look at the pictures in their books (page10) and asks them to guess the content of lesson. _Asks the students to say some greeting sentences in Vietnamese. _Introduces the lesson. II.Pre-Practice: _Teaches new words: +Hello = Hi [Comparision/Explanation] +I (Pro) [Mime] +You(Pro) [Mime] +Name(n) [Translation/Example] +Am/Is/Are (v) [Explanation] +Classmate (n) [Example] +Greet(v) [Example] _Checks the students’ understanding of new words by using “Rub Out And Remember” _Listen and guess the lesson _Say some sentences _Listen _Listen and repeat _Copy down _Listen and do as directed _Listen UNÌT1: GREETINGS LESSON1: A:HELLO (A1,2,3,4) Period 2 I.New words: +Hello = Hi +I(Pro) +You(Pro) +Name(n) +Am/Is/Are(v) +Classmate(n) +Greet(v) II.Practice (12ms) (7ms) II.Consoli dation: (3ms) III.Home- work: (3ms) _Introduces the students the way of greeting and introducing their names to the others. + Hello =Hi(Explain the use of the two words) +Struture: My name is + Name(Tan,Lan…) I am +Name(Lan,Nga…) Ex: My name is Thanh. I am Thanh. III. Controlled-Practice: _Has the students listen to the tape and focus on pronunciation and stress. _Asks the students to repeat after the tape in the second time. _Asks the students to work in pairs and practise saying the sentences in their books. _Calls some students to read the sentences before the class _Corrects their mistakes if necessary. IV.Free-Practice: _Asks the students to work in pairs and practise introducing their names. _Calls some students to introduce their names before the class _Corrects their mistakes if necessary. _Reminds the students the structure of introducing names. _Asks the students to: +Repractise the sentences +Learn by heart the new words. +Prepare the new lesson Unit 1_A 5,6,7. _Remarks the students’study. and copy down _Listen and focus _Listen and repeat _Work in pairs _Read the sentences _Listen and correct _Listen and do as directed _Practise before the class _Listen _Listen and remember _Listen and copy _Listen * Self-Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT 1 : GREETINGS LESSON 2 : A HELLO(A5,6,7) Period : 3 Date of preparation :18.8.2009 Date of teaching :20.8.2009 Classes :6 (4) I . Aims and Objectives: _Language content:To introduce the students the way of saying Thanks,Asking health . _Language funtion: By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to say “Thanks” and ask health. _ Educational aim: To educate the students to care others and know how to say “Thanks”when cared. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: How,Fine,And,Mr.,Miss b. Structures: +How are you? + I’m fine,thanks. + And you? (5) 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing how to say Thanks to those who caring the. II . Teacher and Students’Preparation : 1. Method: Communication approach 2. Techniques: Questions And Answers, Explanation,Using Pictures,Chatting . 3. Students’ preparation: New lesson Unit 1: Greetings _A5,6,7 4. Materials needed: Textbook, Pictures, Cassette Player. 5. Previous Exercise: Unit 1-A1,2,3,4 III. Procedure In Class: 1. Stabilization : (2ms) a. Warm up : Greetings b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms) a. Questions : Asks twostudents to self-introduce their names b. Keys To The Questions: + I am…… + My name…. 3. New lesson : (38ms) Teaching Steps & Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities The Content Of The Lesson I.Presenta- tion of the new materials: (5ms) (8ms) UNIT1:GREETINGS A:HELLO(A5,6,7) I. Lead-in: * Game: _Guides the students to play the game”Jumble words” + lasscatem = Classmate + eollh = Hello + eman = Name + eertg = Greet _Shows the picture in the book (page 12) and asks the students to guess the content of the dialogue. _Introduces the situation of the dialogue. II. Pre-Practice: _Teaches new words: +How [Example] Ex: How are you? +Fine(a) [Translation] Ex: I am fine. +And [Translation] Ex:And you? _Play the game _Guess the content _Listen _Listen and repeat _Copy down UNÌT1: GREETINGS LESSON 2 A_HELLO (A5,6,7) Period 3: I.New words: +How Ex: How are you? +Fine(a) Ex: I am fine. +And Ex:And you? +Mr. Ex: Mr. Nam. +Miss +Thanks (n) Ex: Miss Lan II.Practice (12ms) (7ms) II.Consoli dation: (3ms) III.Home- +Mr. [Translation/Explanation] Ex: Mr. Nam. +Miss [Translation/Explanation] +Thanks (n) [Translation] Ex: Miss Lan _Checks the students’ understanding of new words by using “Rub Out and Remember” _Introduces the students the structures of asking health and saying “Thanks” + How are you? + And you? + I am fine,thanks. III. Controlled-Practice: _Has the students listen to the dialogue(A5) one time and focus on pronunciation and stress. _Asks the students to work in pairs and practise the dialogue. _Calls some students to roleplay before the class _Corrects their mistakes if necessary. _Asks the students to work in pairs and practise asking and answering the exercise A6 _Calls some students to practise before the class. _Corrects the students’mistakes _Asks the students to work in groups of 4 and complete the dialogue (A7). _Calls some students to roleplay the dialogue before the class. _Corrects the students’mistakes IV.Free-Practice: _Hangs a chart on the board with a mixed dialogue. A:How are you? B:Hello,Tan A:I’m fine, thanks.And you? B:Fine,thanks. A:Hi,Ba _Has the students work in group of 5 and rearrange the dialogue. _Calls some students to read their answers. _Asks some students to roleplay the dialogue. _Corrects the students’ mistakes _Asks the students to tell the structures of asking health and saying “Thanks” before the class. _Asks the students to: (6) _Listen and do as directed _Listen and copy down _Listen and focus _Work in pairs _Roleplay _Listen _Work in pairs _Practise _Listen and correct _Comple- te the dialogue _Roleplay _Listen _Look at the chart _Practise _Read their answers _Listen _Tells the structures _Listen and copy work: (3ms) +Repractise the exercises in the book +Learn by heart the new words. +Do the exercise in the workbook +Prepare the new lesson Unit 1_B1,2,3,4,5. _Remarks the students’study. (7) _Listen * Self-Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT 1 : GREETINGS Week2 LESSON 3: B- GOOD MORNING(B1,2,3,4,5) Period : 4 Date of preparation :22.8.2009 Date of teaching :24.8.2009 Classes :6. Aims and Objectives: _Language content:To introduce the students the way of greeting and saying goodbye. _Language funtion: By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to greet and say goodbye. _ Educational aim: To educate the students to know how to greet and say goodbye people formally. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: Morning,Afternoon,Evening,Night,Children,Mom,Bye. b. Structures: +How are you? + I’m fine,thanks. + And you? +Good morning +Good afternoon +Good night +Good bye 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing to how to greet and say goodbye with their friends. II . Teacher and Students’Preparation : 1. Method: Communication approach 2. Techniques: Questions And Answers, Using Pictures. 3. Students’ preparation: New lesson Unit 1: Greetings _A5,6,7 4. Materials needed: Textbook, Pictures, Cassette Player,Chart. 5. Previous Exercise: Unit 1-A5,6,7 III. Procedure In Class: 1. Stabilization : (2ms) a. Warm up : Greetings b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms) a. Questions : Asks two students to go to the board and roleplay the dialogue A5 on page 12. b. Keys To The Questions: _Correct the students’ mistakes if necessary. 3. New lesson : (38ms) Teaching Steps & Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities The Content Of The Lesson I.Presenta- tion of the new materials: (5ms) (8ms) UNIT1:GREETINGS B:GOOD MORNING(B1,2,3,4) I. Lead-in: _Asks the students to repeat the greeting sentences in the last period. _Sets the scene: +Shows the four pictures in B2 in the book (page 15) and asks the students to guess what the time is. _Introduces the content of the lesson. II. Pre-Practice: _Teaches new words: +Morning(n) [Picture] +Afternoon(n) [Picture] +Evening(n) [Picture] +Night(n) [Picture] +Children(n) [Picture] +Mom(n) [Picture] +Bye(n) [Translation] _Checks the students’ understanding of new words by using “Slap The Board” _Introduces the students the way of greeting and saying goodbye. +Good morning _Repeat _Listen _Guess the content _Listen and repeat _Copy down _Listen and do as directed _Listen and copy down UNIT 1: GREETINGS LESSON 3 B:GOOD MORNING (B1,2,3,4) Period 4: I.New words: +Morning(n) +Afternoon(n) +Evening(n) +Night(n) +Children(n) +Mom(n) +Bye(n) II.Practice (12ms) (7ms) II.Consoli dation: (3ms) III.Home- work: (3ms) +Good afternoon +Good night +Good bye +Bye _Explains the time to say the words above. III. Controlled-Practice: _Has the students listen to the tape (B1,2) and focus on pronunciation and stress. _Calls some students to read the words. _Corrects the students’mistakes. _Has the students listen to the dialogues a) and b) in B3(page 15) and focus on pronunciation and stress. _Asks the students to work in pairs and practise the dialogue. _Calls some students to roleplay before the class _Corrects their mistakes if necessary. _Asks the students to work in groups of 4 and complete the dialogue (B4). _Calls some students to roleplay the dialogue before the class. _Corrects the students’mistakes IV.Free-Practice: _Hangs a chart on the board with a mixed dialogue. A:How are you? B:Good afternoon,Tan A:I’m fine, thanks.And you? B:Fine,thanks. A:Good afternoon,Ba A:Goodbye. B:Goodbye. _Has the students work in group of 5 and rearrange the dialogue. _Calls some students to read their answers. _Asks some students to roleplay the dialogue. _Corrects the students’ mistakes _Asks the students to tell the way of greeting and saying goodbye before the class. _Asks the students to: +Repractise the exercises in the book +Learn by heart the new words. +Do the exercise in the workbook +Prepare the new lesson Unit 1_C1,2 _Remarks the students’study. _Listen and focus _Listen and focus _Read _Listen _Listen and focus _Work in pairs _Roleplay _Listen _Work in groups _Practise _Listen and correct _Look at the chart _Comple- te the dialogue _Read their answers _Roleplay _Listen _Tells the structures _Listen and copy _Listen * Self-Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. UNIT 1 : GREETINGS LESSON 4: C- HOW OLD ARE YOU?(C1,2) Period : 5 Date of preparation :24.8.2009 Date of teaching :25.8.2009 Classes :6 I . Aims and Objectives: _ Language content:To introduce the students numbers(from 1 to 20) Language funtion: By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to count from 1 to 20. _ Educational aim: To educate the students to know how to count numbers. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: One,Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven,Twelve,Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen,Nineteen,Twenty. b. Structures: +Revision 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing to how to count from 1 to 20 life. II . Teacher and Students’Preparation : 1. Method: Communication approach 2. Techniques: Questions And Answers, Using Pictures.