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Ôn Thi Đại Học

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PRACTI C E TE ST . Full name: ________________ 1 Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following sentences : 1. If my son had won the scholarship, I _________ happy now. A. am B. would be C. was D. can be 2. I didn’t know you were asleep. Otherwise I_________ so much noise when I came in. A. didn’t make B. wouldn’t have made C. wouldn’t made D. don’t make 3. I ________ you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital. A. had visited B. visited C. visit D. would have visited 4. If you __________ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now. A. listen B. will listen . listened D. had listened 5. Some English words have the same pronunciation _______ they are spelled differently. A. unless B. even though C. since D. only if 6. Some fish can survive only in salt water,_________ other species can live only in fresh water. A. unless B. whereas C. if D. otherwise 7. ________ there was no electricity, I was able to read because I had a candle. A. Unless B. Even though C. Due to D. Ever since 8. __________ excellent art museum, Moscow has a world – famous ballet company. A. Because of B. In spite of C. In case of D. In addition to 9. It was ____________ yesterday that we spent all day playing in the garden. A. such beautiful day B. a very beautiful day C. so beautiful a day D. too beautiful 10. ____________, such as banking and travel, computers are not a convenience; they are a necessity. A. When some industries B. There are some industries C. In some industries D. Some industries 11. She has so many __________ things to do every day that she __________ feels bored. A. interesting / hard B. interested / never C. interest / rarely D. interesting / hardly ever 12._______my daughter reaches the age of sixteen. She will be able to drive. A. Having B. Since C. Once D. Before 13. Ever since ________ John the bad news, he’s been avoiding me. A. telling B. told C. I told D. having told 14. _________ unprepared for the exam, I felt sure I would get a low score. A. Having B. Being C. Because D. Upon 15. _________ Judith arrives, we will have finished this group project. A. After B. Until C. Since D. By the time 16. Our village had ______ money available for education that the schools had to close. A. so little B. such little C. so much D. such much 17. Both my books __________ from my room last night. A. were stolen and my wallet B. and my wallet were stolen C. and my wallet was stolen D. were and my wallet was stolen 18. I’ll return Bob’s pen to him the next time I __________ him. A. see B. will see C. have seen D. will have seen 19. Ever since Alice arrived, he __________ quietly in the corner. Is something wrong? A. sat B. has been sitting C. had been sitting D. was sitting 20. By the time the young birds ________ the nest for good, they will have learned to fly. A. will leave B. will have left C. are leaving D. leave 21. Next week, we’re going to take a ______________ . A. three day trips B. three-day trip C. three days trip D. three days’ trip 22. We considered _______________ after work. A. to go shop B. going to shop C. going shopping D. to go to shop 23. Peter made me ___________ him next week. A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise calling 24. I got Mary _____________ her car for the weekend. A. to let me to borrow B. let me borrow C. to let me borrow D. let me to borrow 1 25. The painting was so beautiful that I stood there __________ it for a long time. A. admiring B. for admiring C. admire D. being admired 26. I was enjoying my book, but I stopped ____________ a program on TV. A. reading to watch B. to read to watch C. to read for watching D. reading for watch 27. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones __________. A. repair B. to repair C. be repair D. repaired 28. Before we leave, let’s have Sheila _________ a map for us so we won’t get lost. A. drawing B. draw C. drawn D. to draw 29. Instead of __________ about the good news, John seemed to be indifferent. A. exciting B. being excited C. to excite D. to be excited 30. I expected ___________ at the airport by my uncle. A. to meet B. to be met C. being met D. meeting 31. Would the doctor mind __________ some time __________ to me after the examination? A. to spend / talking B. spending / to talk C. spending / talking D. spend / talking 32. I always try _________ my bills on time, but sometimes I’m a little late. A. for paying B. to pay C. being paid D. paying 33. These little boys used ____________ twelve hours a day. A. to make work B. to be made to work C. to making work D. to be made work 34. Not a word ___________ since the exam started. A. she wrote B. she had written C. has she written D. she has written 35. __________ farmland is one of the country’s natural resources. A. Fertilized B. Fertilizing C. Fertilizer D. Fertile 36. After many ____________ attempts, they have finally got it. A. success B, successfully C. successful D. successfully 37. The ____________ are hard to find employment in this area. A. employee B. employers C. unemployed D. employees 38. Yesterday, he spent _______ his free time cleaning the room. A. most B. much C. many D. most of 39. It was careless ______ you to leave the front door unlocked last night. A. of B. to C. for D. from 40. After the water workers went on strike there was a _________ of water. A. drain B. shortage C. loss D. lack 41. The proposal he made at the meeting sounded _____________. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly 42. The exhibition was not very crowded. There were ____________ people than I expected. A. few B. less C. fewer D. more 43. Nobody knows what the __________ of the explosion was. A. source B. reason C. cause D. reaction 44. By the year 2010 many people currently employed __________ their jobs. A. are losing B. will have lost C. will be losing D. have lost 45. There are __________ cars in Hue than in HCM city. A. a lot of B. less C. many D. fewer 46. ___________ told me this refused to give his name. A. The man was B. The man whom C. The man who D. The man that he 47. This river has been _________ with chemical wastes for a long time. A. polluted B. pollutant C. pollution D. polluting 48. After having been sacked from the factory, she only did some odd jobs at home ___________. A. disappointedly B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointment 49. She was the first in her family ____________ a college education. A. get B. getting C. to get D. gotten 50 I can________ from our conversation that she is very happy. A. think B. believe C. hope D. infer 2 51. More _________ ,English provides ready access _______ world trade and world scholarship. A. importantly / to B. important / with C. importance / for D. important / about 56. Before modern ______ such as dishwashers, microwave ovens… women spent more time doing their household chores. A. conveniences B. inconvenient C. convenient D. convenience 57. _______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Founding B. Founded C. Being founded D. It was founded 58. Conversation also ______ searching for alternative fuels like tidal power, energy from the sun. A. seems B. tends C. spends D. involves 59. Bill’s garden is ___________________. A. not as large as Tom’s. C. less larger than Tom’s. C. the largest of the two. D. the larger than Tom’s. 60. English is the language used in _____, aviation, sports, science and _____ field you can mention. A. tourism / whatever B. excursions / however C. traveling / wherever D. sightseeing / whenever 61. He is very ___________ of learning and understanding things. A. likely B. able C. possible D. capable 62. I could speak _______ words of English, but I wasn’t very fluent. A. a few B. little C. a little D. few 63. _____________ is going to the beach today. A. Not only Peter but also his friends B. Neither Peter nor his friends C. Both Peter and his friend D. Peter, along with twenty friends 64 He said he would contribute money, but later he backed _________ of it. A. down B. away C. off D. out 65. I’ll never forget my teacher ________ me on many occasions at school. A. awarding B. to award C. awarded D. award 66. May I ask you _________ more questions ? A. a few B. few C. little D. a little 67. A fertilizer is any substance that _________ the soil and helps plants grow. A. enriches B. riches C. enrichments D. richly 68. Are you ___________ with your child’s performance at school? A. satisfying B. satisfied C. satisfactory D. dissatisfying 69. It’s not a bad idea to do the shopping in this supermarket. It always sells goods at ______ prices. A. reasonable B. satisfied C. reasoned D. attracted 70. English is the native or _______ language on one- fifth of the land ______ of the world. A. official / area B. informal / territory C. formal / part D. office / region 71. More than three- fifths of the world’s radio stations _________ English. A. say B. pronounce C. announce D. use 72. They had difficulty ______________ across the rough river. A. swim B swimming C. to swim D. swam 73. If the report is not to her complete ________, you have to rewrite it. A. satisfaction B. satisfactorily C. satisfying D. satisfactory 74. The __________ of land consists of draining, irrigating, and pushing back the sea. A. farming B. protecting C. reclaiming D. fertilizing 75. Many universities’ classes are taught in English _______ the native language is not English. A. in case B. even though C even if D. however 76. I know the woman _________ yesterday. A. you met her B. that she met you C. whose husband met you D. whose you met her 77. Wild life ________are where animals are protected within their natural environment. A. preserves B. regions C. places D. zoos 78. He’s got __________ knowledge of English, so he can’t make himself understood. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 3 79. I __________ a lot of difficulties when I started doing this job. A. competed B. struggled C. engaged D. encountered 80. She is the most suitable student _______ the welcome speech. A. to make B. to take C. to declare D. to speak 81. John apologized _____ the teacher ______ not doing his homework. A. to / for B. for / to C. to / about D. for / at 82. She heard such __________ news that she couldn’t help feeling ___________. A. disappointing / disappointed C. disappointed / disappointedly C. disappointed / disappointing D. disappointing / disappointedly 83. ______________ English in class when you were in high school? A. Are you used to B. Did you use to use C. Were you used to D. Did you use to using 84. I never forget spending my ___________ in a small fishing village by the sea. A. children B. childlike C. childhood D. childish 85. The government _________ the earthquake victims with food, clothes and medicine. A. provided B. offered C. carried D. suffered 86. Burning garbage and paper wates pollutes the air with unpleasant ___________. A. vapour B.gases C. odours D. taste 87. I find some of these irregular verbs ________________. A. confused B. confusingly C. confusing D. confusions 88. I remember ____________ a nice doll on my sixth birthday. A. to give B. giving C. being given D. to be given 89) I regret ___________ you sooner. A. not to meet B. not to be met C. having not met D. not meeting 90) Jane enjoys _________________ with her mother every Saturday. A. going shopping B. to go shopping C. going shop D. going to shop 91) _____________ not walking on the grass? A. Could you please B. Would you please C. Would you mind D. Would you prefer 92) I hate being kept ______________. A. for waiting B. to wait C. being waited D. waiting 93) I’d rather you _________ in here. A. not smoke B. not to smoke C. don’t smoke D. didn’t smoke 94) Jack made me ____________ him next week. A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise calling 95) I’ll never forget ____________ you for the first time. A. meeting B. to meet C. to have met D. meet 96) You should avoid ____________ on cold days. A. going swimming B. to go swimming C. going swim D. going to swim 97) Most of the goods _________ in this factory are exported. A. making B. made C. that made D. are made 98) When I returned, I found my car _______________. A. had been towing B. has been towing C. had been towed D. has been towed 99) I was responsible to my mother __________ after our pets while she was at work. A. to look B. for looking C. looking D. look 100) The police want ___________ anything suspicious. A. us to report B. that we reported C. we report D. us reporting 101) Don’t forget to call me about _______________ tomorrow morning. A. go jogging B. going jogging C. going to jog D. go jogging 102) Don’t spend your money ____________. Save some for the future. A. wasting B. wasteful C. wastefully D. waste 103) She had looked _________ everywhere in the house before she left. A. careful B. care C. careless D. carefully 4 104) I found it ______________ to climb that mountain. A. enjoyment B. enjoyable C. enjoy D. enjoyably 105) The more waste paper we recycle, ______________ we preserve. A. the more trees B. the least trees C. the most trees D, the best trees 106) There are a lot of foreign travellers ___________ HCM city every day. A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. have visited 107) She feels like ___________ a walk with her dog every evening. A. taking B. to take C. take D. being taken 108) When I got there, I found that nobody ______________ for me. A. had waited B. has been waiting C. would wait D. was waiting 109) A good student must know _________________________. A. to study hard B. to be a good student C. how to study effectively D. to study good. 110) I ___________ you had someone told me that you were ill. A. had visited B. would visit C. would have visited D. could visit 111) Do you know the reason _______ her absence ______ school? A. about / to B. for / from C. of / for D. to / at 112) Lan has_______ her vocabulary by reading short stories. A. understood B. enriched C. increased D. developed 113) A lot of money ___________ for poor and homeless children last month A. risen B. was risen C. was raised D. raised 114) Automobiles and garbage disposal __________ for air pollution in the city. A. search B. account C. make D. cause 115) ___________ chemicals can be released from burning plastics or hairspray containers. A. Unharmed B. Harmless C. Dangerous D. Endangered 116) More than forty people are reported to have been taken to hospital because of food ________. A. poison B. poisoned C. poisonous D. poisoning 117) This restaurant serves ___________ and delicious food. A. healthily B. health C. healthy D. unhealthy 118) In the past two years, this volcano ___________ five times. A. erupted B. has erupted C. had been erupting D. was erupting 119) Luckily, I finished my assignment ahead __________ the deadline. A. by B. of C. to D. by 120) It was stupid ______ you to do such foolish things. A. of B. from C. about D. with 121) No matter what _______ you are, English is always an important language to master. A. national B. nation C. nationalization D. nationality 122) Burning coal and oil releases other gases ___________ to humans. A. unharmed B. harmful C. harm D. harmless 123) The men you see standing there________________ here for ten years now. A) lives B) are living C) has lived D) have lived 124) Look! What a nice dress Alice _________________________! A) wears B) is wearing C) has worn D) is going to wear 125) The fire started in the restaurant ________ we were having dinner there. A) where B) while C) during D) although 126) _________ you walk, the more tired you’ll feel. A).The quicker B) The fastest C) The faster D) The more fastest 127) New York is _____________ among the world’s cities A) the more expensive B) most expensive C) the most expensive D) the less expensive 128) _______________, Tom is the more intelligent. A) In the two brothers. B) Of the two brothers. C) Of three brothers. D) Among the brothers. 129) Dick is _______________about going to the football match between England and Scotland. A) serious B) excited C) absorbed D) sad 5 130) It was the bad news that made Peter _________________. A) disappointed B) disappointing C) disappointedly D) disappointment 131) I _______________ typing these letters by 8 o’clock tomorrow. A) have finished B) shall be finishing C) shall have finished D) will finish 132) Please _________ my words if you want to know what to do A) hear B) pay attention C) listen to D) take notice Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: 1. A. door B. course C. tour D. pour 2. A. said B. heavy C. pleasant D. happiness 3. A. done B. funny C. bury D. won 4. A. cook B. book C. moon D. took 5. A. photograph B. cough C. laugh D. plough 6. A. many B. back C. land D. hand 7. A. months B. days C. years D. times. 8. A. natural B. national C. nation D. animal 9. A. plough B. enough C. laugh D. cough 10. A. drain B. plane C. plan D. great 11.A. merely B. near C. hear D. bear 12.A. mechanic B. chemist C. Christmas D. machine 13.A. width B. length C. breath D. with 14. A. forty B. fortune C. forest D. forbid 15. A. element B. energy C. essay D. eleven 16. A. deaf B. enough C. cough D. of 17.A. pour B. four C. course D. courage 18 A. education B. energy C. elephant D. eleven 19. A. closed B. raised C. released D. realized 20. A. gone B. mother C. none D. done 21) A) future B) culture C) mature D) architecture 22) A) know B) cold C) town D) gold 23) A) chemistry B) mechanic C) machine D) Christmas 24. A. child B. wild C. wind D. wine 25. A. decision B. shampoo C. champagne D. potential 26. A. architect B. headache C. chemistry D. chin 27. A. here B. bear C. hear D. fear 28. A. child B. chaos C. christmas D. mechanic 29. A. with B. cloth C. breath D. width 30. A. forget B. fortune C. forest D. forty 31. A. element B. energy C. essay D. eleven 32. A. of B. enough C. cough D. deaf 33.A. trays B. says C. days D. rays 34.A. pour B. mouth C. account D. around 35.A. machine B. sure C. sugar D. such 36.A. Alice’s B. John’s C.Peter’s D. David’s Choose one word ( A, B. C or D) whose stress pattern is different from that of the others . 1. A. satisfied B. tolerated C. recognized D. polluted 2. A. development B. agriculture C. simplicity D. potential 3. A. reasonable B. material C. necessity D. additional 4) A) traditional B) furniture C) attention D) community 5) A) umbrella B) economy C) pollution D) secretary 6) A) historical B) marvelous C) atmosphere D) excellent 7) A) successful B) valuable C) comfortable D) calculator 6 8). A. technology B. particular C. enrichment D. atmosphere 9). A. technology B. particular C. material D. agriculture 10) A. nationality B. conservation C. economics D. catastrophe 11) A. career B. material C. mineral D. enjoyment 12) A. wonderful B. excellent C. successful D. difficult 13) A. understand B. recognize C. realize D. decorating 14) A. cultural B. industrial C. historical D. important 15) A. cigarette B. magazine C. engineer D. architect 16) A. exercise B. oxygen C. excellent D. example 17) A. agriculture B. compulsory C. accuracy D. atmosphere 18) A. difficult B. industrial C. organic D. particular 19) A. material B. career C. canal D. common 20) A. successful B. potential C. essential D. mischievous 21) A. dangerous B. wonderful C. excellent D. important 22) A. society B. pollution C. example D. caculator 23) A. organic B. industrial C.marvellous D. calamity Choose the word or phrase ( A, B, C or D) that needs correcting: 1. David is very good at mathematics, but his friend, Peter, is absolutely hopeful. A B C D 2. Minerals taken from an Earth in immense quantities include petroleum, coal, iron and copper. A B C D 3. When her dog died, she cried very hardly for half an hour. A B C D 4. Poverty in the United States is noticeably different from that in other country. A B C D 5. No other city receives as few rainfall as the state of Nevada. A B C D 6. We considered to take a trip to London after finishing our English course. A B C D 7. It’s a pity I forgot asking the name of the girl I met at John’s party. A B C D 8. Once using up, these minerals can never be replaced. A B C D 9. I got Alice let me borrow her car for the weekend. A B C D 10. David has such much work to do every day that he hardly ever goes out A B C D 11. I have bought a present for my mother, and now I need some wrapped paper. A B C D 12. In spite of the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time. A B C D 13. My cat wouldn’t have bitten the toy fish had she known it was made by rubber. A B C D 14. Rock music was original a mixture of country music, rhythm and blues. A B C D 15. For centuries, people have wondered why have they particular dreams while sleeping. A B C D 16. In 1903, when the Wright brothers announced they had invented a flying machine his news was A B C generally ignored. D 17. You had better learning a foreign language before applying for a job. A B C D 18. When the headmaster met me yesterday, he suggested me to go back to school. A B C D 19. How far is it from here to the hotel where they are staying in ? A B C D 20. Do you think she’ll feel worrying when she hears this bad news ? A B C D 21. The women you saw working on a farm yesterday is here at the moment. A B C D 22) Some people believe that humans will never use away all the natural resources of earth. A B C D 23) Elephants have so long flexible trunks that they seem clumsy as they walk. A B C D 24) New laws should be writing to accommodate changes in our society. A B C D 25) Of the billions of stars in the galaxy, how much are suitable for life? A B C D 26) A certain amount of living space is important, but how many is enough? A B C D 27) Universities in the United States can be supported either by government budgets and by private foundations. A B C D 28) Wood is an excellent resource for heating homes, cooking food and build houses. A B C D 29) A baby gorilla is a shy, friendly animal that like attention. A B C D 30) Some universities have set about small colleges for closer relationship between professors and students. A B C D 31) Not only cigarettes and too alcohol is believed to be harmful to one’s health. A B C D 32) The first steps of scientific research is to decide how to gather data. A B C D 33) Caffeine in coffee is relative harmless if people drink it moderately. A B C D 34) People often seem anger when they don’t get enough rest. A B C D 35) The advances in information technology are rapidly changing the nature at libraries. A B C D 36) On New Year’s Day, most Americans watch football on TV, visiting friends and relax around the house. A B C D 37) The more you pull on a square knot, the tightest it gets. A B C D 38) Harvard university, that is the oldest American college, was founded in 1636. A B C D 39) The strong wind does a terrible noise when it blows through the antenna. A B C D 40) Bacteria and germs are too tiny that they are invisible to the naked eyes. A B C D 41) Some people prefers urban living; others don’t. A B C D 42) The economies of many OPEC nations is primarily oil- based. A B C D 43) People dream more when they enter to lighter phases of sleep. A B C D 44) Peter told me that he couldn’t help me because he is busy studying. A B C D 45) As they grow older, children taught not to rely on their parents. A B C D 46) She advised me avoiding to make friends with bad boys. A B C D Choose the sentence ( A, B, C, or D) that is almost the same in meaning as the sentence given. 47) If you had come earlier, ____________________________ A) you wouldn’t have waited now. B) you wouldn’t have to wait now. C) you would be waiting now. D) you won’t have to wait now. 48). _________ he got home last night is still a mystery to me. A) How B) although C) while D) since 49) Sleeping, resting, _____________ are the best ways to care for a cold. A) and that drinking fluids B) and drinking fluids C) which drank fluids D) and one drink fluids 50) __________ nor animals can survive without oxygen. A) Plants can neither B) Neither can plants C) Plants , neither D) Neither plants 51) Not until the late 1960s___________________ on the moon. A) that Americans walked B) did Americans walk C) when did Americans walk D) when Americans walked 52) ___________ about babies’ feelings is inferred from their facial expressions. A. What we know B. To be known by us C. Known D. Knowing 53. Having known the results, ______________________. A. they all felt happy. B. Happiness is on their part C. so they all felt happy D. All of them feeling happy. 54) ___________ during past centuries when people have come to the west seeking gold. A. Many times B. Throughout times C. There have been times D. Times have been 55) ___________ a laser beam, diamond itself is the only material hard enough to cut diamonds. A. Except for B. In spite of C. Because of D. Instead of 56). ____________________ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979. a. It was Jane Byrne b. Jane Byrne c. That Jane Byrne d. When Jane Byrne 57). It was in 1875 _______________ joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Harvard University. a. Anna Winlock, who b. that Anna Winlock c. as Anna Winlock d. Anna Winlock then 58). ___________________ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia. a. In 7.790 was b. There was in 1790 c. In 1790 d. It was in 1790 59). It was Mr. Minh __________________ the report to yesterday. a. who sent my secretary b. to whom my secretary sent c. that my secretary sent d. my secretary sent 60). Not only _____________ shade and beauty, but they also reduce carbon dioxide. a. do trees provide b. trees provide c. provide trees d. trees do provide 61) __________ important railroad tunnel in the US was cut through the Hoosac Mountains in Massachuset. a. At first b. It was the first c. The first d. As the first of 62) The school boy _____________ in the accident. A. seriously injured B. seriously was injured C. was seriously injured D. to be injured seriously 63) .Five people _______ injured in the traffic accident. A. reported to be B. are reporting C. are to be reported D. are reported to be 65 ) _______________.that the earth is round. A. It is believed B. The belief C. People are believed D. There is believed Choose the word or phrase ( A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 1) The forest fire stopped burning after three days. A. went off B. went out C. went down D. went away. 2) If you don’t know the meaning of a certain word, __________ in a dictionary. A) look for it B. look it up C. look through D. look after 3) Don’t let a good chance go ___________. A. over B. down C. by D. out 4) Please go _________ your composition before you hand it in. A. after B. up C. over D. down 5) When I have time, I often go ________ a swim. A. to B. for C. down D. in 6) Don’t worry. Things are going _____ nicely. A. along B. ahead C. on D. away 7). She isn’t interested in being made ___ by strangers. A. a fuss over B. fun of C. room for D. use of 8) Nowadays, women take every _______ to demonstrate their ability. A. step B. advantage C. notice D. care 9) We woke up in the middle of the night when the alarm clock __________. A. went out B. went through C. went off D. went up 10) I’m learning a lot of English so that I can ________ my classmates. A. keep pace with B. catch sight of C. take account of D. concentrate on 11) My sister enjoys _________ at night. A. read B. to be reading C. to read D. reading 12) John __________ rugby. Now he plays tennis. A. was used to play B. used to play C. used to playing D. is used to playing. 13) There is a tendency, among the young, _____ for foreign companies. A. working B. worked C. to be worked D. to work 14) The custom dates back to the days _______ the English traveled on horseback. A. why B. when C. where D. which 15) She has become very __________ for her novels. A. successful B. popular C. famous D. late 16) My brother is very interested ____ chess, but he isn’t _________ at it. A. at / successful B. in / bad C. in / good D. in / well 17) My daughter ______ two hours studying mathematics every day. A. keeps B. finds C. enjoys D, spends 18) The search for alternative resources has ______ various directions. A. caused B. resulted in C. concentrated on D. set up 19) Vehicles also __________ air pollution in the city. A. search for B. accounts for C. lead to D. belong to 20) He has a tendency ___________ a lot whenever he is nervous. A. talking B. that talks C. to talk D. talk 21) They _______ us to leave that place two days ago. A. made B. let C. forced D. suggested 22) Four fifths of the world’s computers use programes ______ English. A. by B. with C. about D. in 23) Alice is very ______ about learning to be a teacher. A. militant B. serious C. quick D. proud 24) Jack used a calculator to _________ the square root of seventeen. A. work out B. carry out C. break out D. look out 25) The day was __________ that people swarmed to the beach. A. too hot B. such hot C very hot D. so hot 26) ___________ of buying and selling occurs internationally. A. A great deal B. A great many C. A large number D. Much greater 27) Lasers _______ steel by focusing an intensive beam on the metal. A. of cutting B. to cut C. cutting D. cut 28) The ways of traveling____________ dramatically since the late nineteenth century. A. will have change B. had changed C. have changed D. has changed This is the end. . C. poisonous D. poisoning 117) This restaurant serves ___________ and delicious food. A. healthily B. health C. healthy D. unhealthy 118) In the past two years, this volcano ___________ five. less C. many D. fewer 46. ___________ told me this refused to give his name. A. The man was B. The man whom C. The man who D. The man that he 47. This river has been _________ with chemical wastes. it from here to the hotel where they are staying in ? A B C D 20. Do you think she’ll feel worrying when she hears this bad news ? A B C D 21. The women you saw working on a farm yesterday

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2014, 02:00

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