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Period 64: Unit: 11 SOURCES OF ENERGY (READING ) Time : 45 minutes I/ Objectives: 1/ Educational aim:- Help Ss to realise sources of energy that don’t cause pollute environment 2/Knowledge: Reading comprehension on some clearn sources of energy. - Vocabulary: words and phrases about the topic and pronunciation 3/Skill:Read and guess the word mean. And answer some questions about the passage. - Scan and find out information from the passage. II/Method:Integrated, mainly communicative. III/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, pictures. IV/Procedure: Teacher’ activities 1.Warm up ( 5’) Write the sentences on the board and ask Ss to complete. 1. we use ……… to cook 2. we use …… to run machines, cars, motobikes. Correct answers in front of the class. Lead into the new lesson 3. Presentation Student’ activities Group work. 1. oil, coal, wood, natural gas. 2. gas 2. Pre-reading:(5mns) Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 124 and to discuss some questions: Call some pairs to answer. Feedback. 3. While-reading(30mns): * New words: Give some new words and the meaning in the passage and read them and ask Ss to repeat. - energy : năng lượng - fossil : hóa thạch - alternative (a) thay thế - Geothermal heat : đòa nhiệt - Sailboat : thuyền buồm - Release (v) thải ra - Infinite (a) vô tận Play the tap and ask Ss tolisten and then silence reading. *Task 1: Ask Ss to give the meaning of the words in the box on page 125. Tell Ss to do pairworks and fill each blank with a suitable word.( can use a dictionary) Call on some Ss to read the answer and give correct answers. * Task 2: Ask Ss to scan the passage and write down the advantage and disadvantage of each alternative sources of energy. Go around the class and help them if neccesary. Ask Ss to check the result with their partners. Call on some Ss to write thw answer on the board and correct. Pair work and give answer: 1.the left picture refers to wind energy. The upper right picture refers to solar energy and the lower right picture refers water power / energy 2. we need energy to live and work: to drive machines, light and heat houses and produce st in industry and agriculture. New words: Take note Read the words. Then, listen to the tap to read the passge. Read it in silence and do the task follow. Task 1: 1 released, 2 alternative, 3 energy 4 limited, exhausted. Task 2: Group work and individual work. Task 3: Pair works and give correct: 1. our main source of energy comes from fossil fuels. 2. ther are five sources of energy mentioned in the * Task 3: Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions. Call Ss to anwer in front of the class. Give feedback. 4. Post – reading(5mns) text. And I think solar energy is the most potential. Ask Ss to complete the summary of the passage by filling each blanc with a suitable word from the box. Do around the class to help Ss if neccesary. Call Ss to show the answers and feedback. 5. Home work Ask Ss to do the exercise individually: 1. the potential of ……. Sources of energy is great. a. the sun b. nuclear c. alternative 2. oil is…… kind of fossil fuel. a. energy b. sources c. limited Call Ss to answer and feedback. Group works: 1. energy, 2 one, 3 fuels, 4 limited, 5 alternative, 6 sources, 7 unlimited, 8 environment. Period 65 Unit 11 SOURCES OF ENERGY (B.SPEAKING) Time : 45 minutes I/ OBJECTIVES: 1/ Educational aim: - Help Ss to realise sources of energy that don’t cause pollute environment. 2/Knowledge: - Ss can speak reasons of the use alternative sources of energy. - Discuss advantage and disadvantage on the use alternative sources of energy. 3/Skill: - Speaking reasons of the use alternative sources of energy. II/METHOD: -Communicative, integrated. III/TEACHING material: - Textbook, extra-board. IV/PROCEDURE: Teacher’ activities 1. Warm up(5mns) Give some questions 1. Which source of enery is the most popular in our country? 2. Is it limited or unlimited? What should we do to be sure that we can continue to use it in the future? Call on Ss to answer. Lead into the new lesson. 2. Pre speaking(10mns) - Present some new words + plentiful (adj) phong phú + unlimited (adj) nhiều , không giới hạn + renewable (adj) có thể phục hồi + convinient (adj) thuận tiện 3. While speaking(25mns) Student’ activities Group work and discuss the questions. Task 1: Tell Ss to read the sentences in the box and tick if these facts are advantages or disadvantages. Help Ss to pronunce correctly words in the task. Ask Ss to work in pairs. Check the answer in front of the class. Task 2: Explain the task demand. Tell Ss to make short exchange about the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative source of energy. Using the suggestions from task 1 Ask Ss to read useful expressions, first And explain if necessary. Do model with a student. Ask Ss to practise with partners. Go around the class to help. Feed back. Task 3: Ask Ss to work in pairs and to express your belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future, using the ideas from task 2. Show Ss the model conversation. Ask them practise. 4. After speaking(5mns) Pair work and read sentences. Task 2: Pair work and practise conversation A, more and more people worry about the shortage of fossil fuels. B, that’s true, and I think that wind power can be an alternative source of energy. A, why do you think so? B, because our major source of energy is running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited. A, I know it is also clean and safe to the environment. However it is not available when there is no wind Task 3: A: I think that more and more people will use the solar energy. B: why do you think so? A: because it is available, unlimited and easy to use. B: but it is expensive and we can only have it at specific time of year. A: I hope that the progress of science and technology will help to overcome this problem B: that’s right, we don’t worry about the shortage of energy. A: and our life will be more comfortabe with cheap simple devices run on the solar energy. Ask Ss practise the conversation infront of the class and correct their pronunciation. Practise it with partners. 5. Home work Ask ss to write some advantage and disadvantages of using one of sources of energy. Tell Ss to prepare the next lesson. Period 66 :Unit 11 : SOURCES OF ENERGY (C. LISTENING )Time : 45 minutes I/ OBJECTIVES: 1/ Educational aim: - help Ss to realize sources of energy used in the future. 2/Knowledge: - Ss will listen the dialogue about natural fuels that is necessary for living. 3/Skill: - Listening for specific information. And answer questions II/METHOD: -Communicate approach, integrated III/TEACHING MATERIAL: - Textbook, cassette player, IV/PROCEDURE: Teacher’ activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up(5mns) Write some words on the board, and ask Ss to answer questions: the air, the sun the land, the ocean. - what kind of energy can be taken from each of these recourses? Lead into the new lesson Group work and discuss question: The air wind power The sun solar energy The land geothermal heat The ocean water power 2. Pre-listening(10mns) Read the words: ecologist, recources, renewable, fossil Read vocabulary and discuss answers: - We guess it’s about the sources of energy. Some fuels, unlimited, fertilized. Ask Ss to repeat and guess context the passage. - From the words, can you guess what the listening text is about? 3. While you listen(25mns) Task 1: Explain the situation: you will hear a monologue about the important of some vital natural resources. Ask Ss to go through the questions first and then listen to the tape and write down the answers. Play cassette player several time untill Ss can understand. Check the answer in front of the class. Task 2: Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ask Ss to read the paragragh and guess missing words. Play the tape to Ss listen one time then check their answer. Then play tape again to Ss understand clearly. 4. Post listening(3mns) ecologists can give some information about fossil fuels. They may warn us that some sources are limited and which one is renewable Task 1; Pair work and answer: 1. d 2. c 3.d 4.a 5.c Task 2: Pair work and check the answer: 1. unlimited 2. atmosphere 3. may 4. gases 5. amount Ask Ss to group works and decide which group these sources of energy belong to renewable or nonrenewable. Feedback. 5. Home work (2mns) Ask Ss to learn vocabulary and prepare the next lesson. Ask Ss to choose the best answer: Discuss and answer: Period 67 Unit 11 SOURCES OF ENERGY (WRITING ) Time: 45minutes I/ OBJECTIVES: 1/ Educational aim: - help Ss to realize alternative sources of energy used in the future. 2/Knowledge:- Describe the information of graph/ chart with cues. 3/Skill: - - description information of graph/ chart with cues. II/METHOD: -Communicate approach, integrated III/TEACHING Material: - Textbook, extra-boards IV/PROCEDURE: Teacher’ activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up(5mns) Give questions - what kind of energy is consumed the most in Vietnam? - Which one ranks next? Lead into the new lesson. Pairs work and answer; - petroleum - coal - nuclear and hydroelectricity. 2. Pre – writing(10mns) - Give ss some useful structures to write a paragraph basing on a chart + to make up the largest of : chieám cao nhaát + to make up the smallest of ; chieám thaáp nhaát 3. While – writing(15mns) Task 1: Read the passage and individual work: Answer: 1. 117million tons 2. coal, 3. smallest. Task 2: Read the task’s demand. Ask Ss to work individually and fill in the gaps in the passage with the exact information from the chart given. Call on some Ss to compare the answer with partners then feedback. Task 2: Ask Ss to work individually and to continue their description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland. Go around the class to help Ss as necessary Call on some Ss to write their description on the board Give correct answers. Task 3: Ask Ss to pair work, and describe the chart, using the information from task 1 and 2. Go around the class to help Ss. Call on some Ss to write the answer on the board Give correct answer. 4. Pre – writing(5mns) Work individually answer write paragraph: In the year 2005, as can be seen, the total energy consumption was 170 million tons. Nuclear and hydroelectricity made up the largest amuont of this figure. As the chart shows, the consumption of coal and petroleum nearly equal. Coal made up the amount of 45 million tons and petroleum reached the amount of 50 million tons. Task 3: Pair work and answer; According to chart, there was a sharp increase in the consumption of nuclear and hydroelectriscity in the year 2000 and in the year 2005. Meanwhile the consumption of coal rose slightly and on the constrary, there was a slight fall in the consumption of petroleum. Review the structures to write the chart. 5. Home work (5mns) Ask Ss to rewrite the paragraph in their note book. And prepare the next lesson. Take note Period 68 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY ( LANGUAGE FOCUS ) Time 45 minutes I/ OBJECTIVES: 1/ Educational aim: Help ss to enrich their knowledge about English 2/Knowledge:students will pronounce the sounds / /, / /, and / / correctly - know how to use of Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives - 3/Skill: Pronunciation and practicing grammar II/METHOD: - Integrated, Communicative III/TEACHING MATERIAL: - Textbook, extra-board IV/PROCEDURES: Teacher’ activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up(5mns) Give two situations and ask Ss to rewrite sentences using relative pronoun. 1. I want the car. It is made in Japan 2. the singer is a disable girl. She is singing on TV Show the way of the use participles: 1. I want the car made in Japan 2. The singer singing on TV is a disable girl Introduce the new lesson. Work in groups in 2 minutes - Answer 1. I want the car which is made in japan. 2. The singer who is singing on TV is a disable girl. 2. Pronunciation:(10mns) / /, / spl /, and /spr / Write some words on the black board and ask Ss to read and to show the consonant sounds: shrill – split – spring - spray. -Correct their pronunciation. -Introduce pronunciation we are learning today. Take notes, Read the sounds as a whole class - Repeat the sounds - Help ss to pronounce and then distinguish the sounds - Read the words three columns and ask Ss to repeat. - Call on some ss to practise - Ask ss to work in pairs to act out the dialogue. - Select somr pairs to practise 3. Grammar: Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives( revision)(15mns) a/ Relative clause replaced by past or present particibles. Explain example: 1. I want to the car which is made in Japan. → I want to the car made in Japan. 2. the singer who is singing on TV is a disable girl → the singer singing on TV is a disable girl Note: - Relative clauses/ using paticiples were replaced when relative pronoun is subject. - Relative clauses/ using paticiples were replaced when the time of two clauses is exact clearly. Ex:Do you know the man who has stolen your motobike.(khong thay the menh de tinh tu.) 4. Practice (15mns) Exercise 1 Ask Ss to work in pairs and to rewrite the sentences, using a present participail phrase. Move around and help Call on some ss to answer Feeback. Exercise 2 - ask Ss to rewrite the sentences using a past participial phrase. - Move around and help - Call some ss to answer - Feedback b/ Relative clause replaced by to infinitive . - Antecedent with ordinal numbers or with the word onl (khi tiền ngữ với số thứ tự or only) Ex: he was the first man who reached the top of this mountain. → he was the first man to reach the top of this mountain. - khi mệnh đề tính từ diễn tả sự cần thiết, nhiệm vụ phải làm. Ex: he has some home work that he much do. → he has some home work to do. Ex: they need a large yard in which they can dry rice. → they need a large yard to dry rice. Exercise 3: Ask Ss to to in group and do the exercise Go around the class to help them if necessary. Call on Ss to write the asnwer on the board. Give correct answer. 5. Homework - tell Ss to redo all the exercises and prepare for the next lesson - Work in pairs - Practise Take notes Exercise 1: Pair work and answer: 1. the boy playing the piano is Ben 2. do you know the woman coming toward us? 3. the people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet 4. the scientists researching … are making some progress 5. the fence surrounding our house is made of wood 6. we have an apartment overlooking the park Exercise 2 : Pair work and write your answer on the board: 1. the ideas presented in that book are interesting. 2. I come from a city located in the southern part of the country. 3. they live in a house built in 1890. 4. the photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary. 5. the experiment conducted at the …. 6. they work in a hospital sponsored by the government Exercise 3: Group work and asnwer: 1. john was the last man to reach the top 2. the last person to leaves the room must … 3. the last person to see is 4. this is the second person to killed in that way 5. the first person to catch the ball will be the winner. . located in the southern part of the country. 3. they live in a house built in 1890. 4. the photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary. 5. the experiment conducted at the …. 6. they. hydroelectriscity in the year 2000 and in the year 2005. Meanwhile the consumption of coal rose slightly and on the constrary, there was a slight fall in the consumption of petroleum. Review the structures. 1: Pair work and answer: 1. the boy playing the piano is Ben 2. do you know the woman coming toward us? 3. the people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet 4. the scientists researching

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2014, 10:00

