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giao an on thi vao 10 (buoi 4)

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HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 BUỔI 4: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ADVERB CLAUSE OF REASON ADJECTIVES + THAT CLAUSE I. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN  Điều kiện có thể xảy ra (probable conditions) Trong mệnh đề If loại 1, mệnh đề chính thường ở thì hiện tại, tương lai, hoặc thể mệnh lệnh. Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính Simple present Future Present Imperative 1. If you go to the drug store, buy me a soft drink. 2. If Mary calls, I’ll invite her to the concert. 3. If Mary should call, I’ll invite her to the concert. 4. If I have the money, I will buy a new car. 5. We will have plenty of time to finish the project before dinner if it is only ten o’clock now. Trong loại 1, mệnh đề If ở thì hiện tại. Tuy nhiên, chú ý là trong ví dụ thứ 3 cũng có thể sử dụng động từ should. Nghĩa gần như không khác nhau giữa ví dụ thứ 2 và thứ 3 ngoại trừ cách dùng should được xem là trịnh trọng hơn. Và should cũng có thể diễn tả sự kém chắc chắn hơn về khả năng Mary gọi điện. If + subject + simple present tense + subject + + simple present tense Mẫu câu này còn được dùng để diễn tả một thói quen. Ví dụ: If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his patients in the hospital in the afternoon (không có động từ khuyết thiếu.) John usually walks to school if he has enough time. If + Subject + simple present tense + command form* * Nên nhớ rằng mệnh lệnh thức ở dạng đơn giản của động từ. ( simple form) Mẫu câu trên có nghĩa là nhờ ai, ra lệnh cho ai làm gì. Ví dụ: If you go to the Post Office, please mail this letter for me. Please call me if you hear from Jane.  Điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại (present-unreal conditions) Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính Simple past (bewere) S + would/should/could/might + bare_inf 1. If I had the money, I would buy a motorcycle.( but now I don’t have enough money.) 2. If John were here, he could fix the plumbing.( He is not here).(He can’t fix the plumbing) 1 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 3. If I had the time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend. (but I don’t have the time.) ( I’m not going to the beach with you.) 4. He would tell you about it if he were here. ( he won’t tell you about it.) ( He is not here). 5. If he didn’t speak so quickly, you could understand him. (He speaks very quickly.) (You can’t understand him.) Lưu ý: Động từ to be sau if ở mẫu câu này phải chia làm were ở tất cả các ngôi. I they were. Ví dụ: If I were you, I wouldn’t do such a thing. (but I’m not you.)  Điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ (past-unreal conditions) Mệnh đề IF Mệnh đề chính Past perfect (S + had + PP) S + would/should/could/might + have + PP 1. If I had known you were sick, I would have made you some soup. Ở đây, câu có nghĩa là tôi đã không biết bạn bị bệnh (và có thể bạn đã hết bệnh) 2. If you had been here yesterday, you could have seen Pam. Trong ví dụ này, rõ ràng là bạn đã không có mặt ở đây ngày hôm qua.  Chú ý cả 2 ví dụ đều chỉ các tình huống ở quá khứ, chứ không phải ở hiện tại. Từ If giúp bạn nhận biết được mệnh đề if. Nhưng không phải lúc nào nó cũng hiện diện. Chú ý các trường hợp đặc biệt sau. Loại 1: Should 1. If you should get me a letter from Greece, give me a call. 2. Should you get me a letter from Greece, give me a call. Chú ý rằng trong ví dụ thứ 2, if được bỏ đi, should và chủ ngữ you hoán đổi vị trí. Loại 2: were 1. If you were taller, you could reach the light. 2. Were you taller, you could reach the light. Một lần nữa if được bỏ đi. Lần này were hoán chuyển vị trí với chủ ngữ you. Loại 3: had 1. If I had agreed, Jim would have married me. 2. Had I agreed, Jim would have married me. Chú ý rằng trong ví dụ thứ 2, if được bỏ đi, và had được hoán chuyển vị trí với chủ ngữ I. Trong cả 3 loại này, nghĩa không thay đổi đáng kể. Tuy nhiên, hoán vị được xem là tương đối trịnh trọng. Unless, có nghĩa tương tự như if not, cũng có thể được dùng trong mệnh đề điều kiện. Hai câu sau có nghĩa tương tự: 1. If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go to the lake. 2. Unless it rains, we’ll go to the lake. Câu điều kiện không phải lúc nào cũng tuân theo đúng công thức trên, trong một số trường hợp 1 vế của câu điều kiện ở quá khứ còn một vế lại ở hiện tại do thời gian của từng mệnh đề quy định. Ví dụ: If she had caught the flight she would be here by now. Lưu ý: 2 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 Trong một số trường hợp ở câu điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở thời quá khứ, người ta bỏ if đi và đảo had lên đầu câu nhưng ý nghĩa vẫn giữ nguyên. Had + subject + [verb in past participle ] Ví dụ: Had we known you were there, we would have written you a letter. Had she found the right buyer, she would have sold the house. Hadn’t we lost the way, we would have arrived sooner. 4. Type (0) conditionals: thể hiện điều kiện luôn đúng ở thời điểm hiện tại hoặc tương lai. If + present, S + present Ví dụ: If there is no air on the earth, life doesn’t exist If I work late, I get tired. 5. Một số hình thức câu điều kiện đặc biệtđặc biệt a. Sử dụng “If only” để nhấn mạnh tình huống mang tính giả thiết If only, S + past Ví dụ:If only, the river one feet long. If only, I hadn’t drunk too much. b. Sử dụng “should” trong mệnh đề điều kiện để tạo khả năng hành động có thể xảy ra. Trong câu , should có thể hiểu theo nghĩa là “tình cờ/ ngẫu nghiên” If S + should + V +O, a question Ví dụ: If you should see him in London, could you tell him to call me? c. Sử dụng: “were to” trong mệnh dề điều kiện để tăng thêm tính giả thiết. Mệnh đề kết quả thường là một câu hỏi. If S + were to + V + O, a question Ví dụ: If I were to ask you to lend me some money, what would you say? d. Sử dụng cụm từ giả thiết “If it were not for / If it hadn’t been for + O” để miêu tả hành động này phụ thuộc vào hành động khác. Ví dụ: If it were not for you , I failed the exam. If it hadn’t been for him, the team wouldn’t have won the game. Exercise 1: Supply the correct tense of the verb in parentheses. 1. If today (be) ……………… Sunday, we would go to the beach. 2. If we (invite)………… her, she might go dancing with us. 3. If I finish the work in time, I (go)…………. to the football game. 4. If he (have) …………… your address, he would have written to you. 5. Unless they (pass)…………………. their examinations, they would join the army. 6. If he had told them the truth, they (not punish)………………… him. 7. These plants will die if you (not water)…………………. them regularly. 8. What you (do)………. if she refuses your invitation? 9. He never does his homework. If he (do) ………….his homework, he (not worry) …………. about his examinations. 10. It’s too bad we lost the game. If you (play) …… for us, we …………(win). 11. If we keep our environment clean, we(live) …………………. a happier and healthier life. 12. If Mrs. Hoa (write) …………… a shopping list, she will not forget what to buy. 13. If he (be) ………………… rich, he would travel around the world. 14. She (buy) …………………. a new car if she had much money. 3 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 15. Mrs Lan will join us if she (finish)……………. her work early. 16. If we plant more trees along the streets, we (have) ………………… more shade and fresh air. 17. If I (be) ………… you, I wouldn’t do that. 18.He (go) ………………… swimming if he had free time 19. If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants (die) ………………… 20. If it ( rain)…………… this evening, I won’t go out 21. If he had a car, he (drive) ……………………. it to work. 22. If Hoa (live) …………………. in Hue, she would see her parents everyday. Exercise 2 Rewrite, using the cues given 1. They got lost because they didn’t have a map. If 2. The weather is bad, so we can’t go for a walk. If 3. If she doesn’t hurry, she will be late for school. Unless 4. That man didn’t enjoy his work because he was underpaid. If 5. She has no bicycle, so she often comes to her office a little late. If 6. Be calm, or you’ll make a wrong decision. If 7. If it doesn’t rain soon, millions of pounds’ worth of crop will be lost. Unless 8. My brother didn’t buy that car because he didn’t have enough money. If 9. People don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly. If 10. Tom is a careless driver. If he doesn’t take more care, he’ll have an accident. Unless …………………………………………………………………………… Conditional Sentences (VIẾT LẠI CÂU) 1. You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me. → If_________________________________________________________ 2. There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen on the window. → If_________________________________________________________ 3. He is busy right now. So, he can’t help them. → If_________________________________________________________ 4. I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking. → If_________________________________________________________ 5. I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth. → If I________________________________________________________ 6. She came, so he wasn’t disappointed. → If_________________________________________________________ 7. He is not a good student. He didn’t study for the test yesterday. → If_________________________________________________________ 8. I didn’t eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now. → If_________________________________________________________ 9. Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders. 4 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 → If_________________________________________________________ 10. He is tired this morning because he didn’t go to bed early last night. → If_________________________________________________________ 11. They don’t behave themselves so their parents are not happy about that. → If_________________________________________________________ 12. She didn’t say sorry so he was angry. → If_________________________________________________________ 13. I am not a rich businessman and I can’t afford to buy an expensive car. → If_________________________________________________________ 14. It rained last night so I didn’t go to the barbecue. → If_________________________________________________________ 15. My parents do not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home. → If_________________________________________________________ 16. She doesn’t pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible. → If_________________________________________________________ 17. The weather was very nice so we didn’t go camping. → If_________________________________________________________ 18. The computer broke down and I had to stop my work. → If_________________________________________________________ 19. She loves him so she forgives him easily. → If_________________________________________________________ 20. He was angry so I didn’t say anything. → If_________________________________________________________ 21. What would you do if you found some buried treasure? → If you were………………………………………………………………… 22. Working so much will make you tired. → If you …….……………………………………………………………… 23. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time. → ……………………………………………………………… 24. Without you, I would have given up years ago. → If it ……………………………………………………………… 25. We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money. →If we……………………………………………………………… 26. If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know? →If you should ……………………………………………………………… 27. I regret not studying hard last term. →…If only…………………………………………………………… 28. He didn’t work hard at school, so he didn’t get a good job when he left. → If……………………………………………………………… 29. people don’t do enough exercise, so there is a lot of heart disease. →If people……………………………………………………………… 30. Children have bad teeth because they eat too many sweets. → Children would have better teeth if……………………………………………………… II) TRẮC NGHIỆM 31. If I ……….a lot of money now, I ………… a new car. a. have /will buy b. have / would buy c. had/ will buy d. had/ would buy. 5 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 32. If I ……………you, I …………….do that. a. am/ will b. were /would c. were/ will d. had been/ would. 33. If I were offered the job, I think I ………. it. a. take b. will take c. would take d. would have taken. 34. I would be very surprised if he…………… a. refuses b. refused c. had refused d. would refuse. 35. Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down. a. closes b. had closed c. closed d. would close. 36. 6. If she sold her car, she ………… much money. a. gets b. would get c. will get d. would have got. 37. They would be disappointed if we……………. a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come c. don’t come d. didn’t come. 38. Would John be angry if I ……. ……his bicycle without asking? a. take b. took c. had taken d. would take. 39. She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring. a. will be b. would be c. were d. had been. 40. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. a. would walk b. walks c. had walked d. walked. 41. What would happen if you …………… to work tomorrow? a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. won’t go d. wouldn’t go. 42. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out. a. go b. did go c. went d. had gone. 43. If I go shopping, I ………some food. a. buy b. will buy c. would buy d. would have bought. 44. If I find it, I ………you. a. will tell b. would tell c. had told d. told. 45. What would you do if you……………a million dollars? a. would win b. win c. had won d. won. 46. They ‘d be hurt if I ………………. a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. hadn’t gone d. wouldn’t go. 47. If we took the 6: 30 train, we…………too early. a. would have arrived b. arrived c. will arrived d. would arrive. 48. If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you. a. will go b. would go c. went d. would have gone. 49. If I …………., I would have said hello. a. had seen b. see c. saw d. would see. 50. I………… out if I hadn’t been so tired. a. will go b. went c. would have gone d. would go. 51. If I ……… a camera, I would have taken some pictures. a. have b. had c. would have d. had had. 52. You won’t pass the examination……………you study more. a. as long as b. unless c. if d. whether. 6 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 53. If only I …………you wanted to invest money in business. a. had known b. knew c. have known d. know. 54. If I were to leave my country , I ……………disappointed. a. probably be b. would have been c. will be d. would be. 55. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he…………….in his examination. a. would fail b. wouldn’t fail c. wouldn’t have failed. d. won’t fail. 56. If I had taken that English course, I ……… much progress. a. had made b. would have made c. made d. would make. 57. If I were in your place, I ……….a trip to England. a. will make b. had made c. made. d. would make. 58. If I ………… you , I’d save some of your lottery winning. a. be b. were c. am d. was 59. If the car ……… larger, we would have bought it. a. had been b. have been c. has been d. been 60. If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English. a. will go b. should go c. would go d. should have go to 61. If it …… convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight. a. be b. was c. were d. is 62. If you ……. time, please write to me. a. have b. have had c. had d. has 63. If you had the chance, ………… you go finishing? a. did b. would c. may d. do 64. Trees won’t grow ……… there is enough water. a. if b. when c. unless d. as 65. If you ………. to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now. a. listen b. had listened c. will listen d. listened 66. I wish I …… you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself. a. can lend b. could lend c. would lend d. will lend 67. If someone ……… into the store, smile and say, “ May I help you?” a. comes b. came c. would come d. could lend 68. If you stay up late the previous night, you ………. sleepy the next morning. a. feel b. to feel c. feels d. will feel 69. If Peter ……, Sarah will be sad because she wants to meet him very much a. comes b. do not come c. does not come d. will come 70. If his teeth still …… , he will have to go to the dentist’s again. a. hurt b. hurts c. to hurt c. will hurt 71. If you…………Tom , tell him I have a message for him. a. will meet b. would meet c. meet d. met 72. If you …………too hot during the night , turn down the central heating. a. will feel b. felt c. feel d. feels. 73. If you …………with your dictionary, I ‘d like to borrow it. a. finish b. finished c. will finish d. are finishing. 74. If I lived nearer the centre , I …………always late. a. wouldn’t be b. can be c. won’t be d. will be. 75. What would Lan do if she ………… the Miss world. a. would be b. were c. will be d. is. 76. If I ………….her , I would have said “ hello” a. has seen b. have seen c. saw d. had seen. 7 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 77. If she had read the passage more slowly , the candidate…………. a. understood. b. would have understood c. will understood d. would understand. 78. If it……………, they will not go out. a. rains b. rained c. rain d. raining. 79. James will not complete the work if she is ………… rarely enough. a. tell b. telling c. tells d. told. 80. Betty will not go to the party unless John ……………….too. a. go b. went c. going d. goes 81. Miss An does not want to go on the trip if nobody………… with her. a. go b. goes c. went d. going. 82. If you ………….to go shopping, please go with your aunt this weekend. a. wants b. want c. wanting d. wanted. 83. Mr. Smith has to work on weekends if his manager………….him to. a. tell b. telling c. told d. tells. 84. Unless they ……………her to work hard, she would not . a. encourage b. encourage c. encourages d. encouraging. 85. If I ……….a king, I would give money to the poor . a. is b. are c. am d. were. 86. If we had left this country , we would have………….to Australia. a. emigrated b. emigrates c. emigrate d. emigrating. 87. If I had to the party last night, I …………her. a. will have met. b. would meet c. would have met d. will meet. 88. Unless the pupils pay attention, the teacher …………….be angry. a. would b. may c. will d. might. 89. Please do not go out if it………………. a. rain b. rains c. rained d. raining. 90. If you …………me with this exercise, I will do the same for you one day. a. helped b. would help c. help d. will help. 91. If you listen to music, you can’t ……………your study. a. concentrate on b. interested in c. care about d. read about. 92. ……………you study harder, you won’t pass the final exam. a. unless b. if c. if not d. without. 93. If the weather………….fine, we will go on a picnic. a. is b. were c. would be d. will be. 94. If he………………….harder, the results will be better. a. worked b. works c. has worked d. will work. 95. If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health better a. be b. will be c. is d. would be. 96. If she hadn’t overslept, she ……… late for the interview. a. wouldn’t be b. wouldn’t have been c. hadn’t been d. would have been 97. I’d have told you if I ………… the book. a. had seen b. would have seen c. saw d. see. 98. If we had known your new address, we………… to see you. a. came b. would have come c. would come d. will come. 99. If I found a wallet in the street, I ………….take it to police. a. will b. should c. would d. shall 8 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 100. I ………….that coat if I were you. a. wouldn’t buy b. didn’t buy c. don’t buy d. won’t buy. II. ADVERB CLAUSE OF REASON +Mệnh đề chỉ lý do là mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu bằng các liên từ chỉ lý do như BECAUSE, AS, SINCE. Ba chữ này đều có nghĩa vì, bởi vì nhưng cách dùng khác nhau. S1 + V + because/ sincec/ as + S2 + V Main clause adverb clause of reason Because/ Sincec/ As + S2 , + VS1 + V adverb clause of reason Main clause Ví dụ: a) Because - Because he was sleepy, he went to bed. – He went to bed because he was sleepy. Mệnh đề phụ có chữ because có thể đứng trước hoặc sau mệnh đề chính. Tuy nhiên phải chú ý nếu mệnh đề phụ đi trước phải có dấu phảy (,) ngăn cách nó với mênh đề chính b) As - As she was free , she came to see me. Vì cô ấy rảnh rỗi, cô ấy đến thăm tôi. c) Since - Since he doesn’t like music , he never goes to the concert Vì anh ấy không thích nhạc, anh ấy không bao giờ đi xem hoà nhạc. Mệnh đề since và as luôn đứng trước mệnh đề chính. b) So/ As Long As - As long as ( So long as) you’re not busy. Can you help me ? Vì bạn không bận rộn, bạn có thể giúp tôi ? + Ngoài các liên từ phụ thuộc ( Subordinating Conjuctions) như Because, Since, As, As long as, chúng ta còn một liên từ kết hợp ( Co-ordinating conjuctions) FOR chỉ lý do. * Liên từ kết hợp là liên từ nối hai mệnh đề độc lập (independent clauses) và không dùng ở đầu câu. Ví dụ: - I phoned her, for I wanted to tell her about her exam. Tôi gọi điện cho cô ấy vì tôi muốn nói với cô ấy về kỳ thi của cô ấy. + Mệnh đề chỉ lý do còn có thể đổi ra cụm từ chỉ lý do ( phrases of reason) với because of hoặc due to. Ví dụ: - Because the weather was cold, we stayed home. → Because of the cold weather, we stayed home. → Due to the cold weather, we stayed home. Vì thời tiết lạnh, chúng tôi ở nhà. Because và Because of Because và Because of đều có nghĩa là bởi vì nhưng chúng được dùng với cẩu trúc khác nhau. a ) Because là một liên từ (Conjunction), theo sau nó là một mệnh đề (Clause). Ví dụ: - Because the traffic was heavy, we were late for the meeting. S V Vì xe cộ đông đúc, chúng tôi đến buổi họp trễ. 9 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 b) Because of là nhóm giới từ ( Prepositional phrase), theo sau nó là một cụm danh từ ( noun phrase) Ví dụ: - Because of the heavy traffic, we were late for the meeting. Because , since, as và so. a. Because, since và as là những liên từ chỉ lí do: vì, do, bởi vì. Mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng because, since và as gọi là các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân, lí do. VD: He couldn’t come because he was ill. Since he didn’t work hard, he failed the exam. As you weren’t there, I left a message. S + V … + because / since / as + S + V … Because + S + V, S + V … Lưu ý: Because thường đứng giữa câu, since / as thường đứng đầu câu. b. So là liên từ chỉ kết quả : vì thế, vì vậy, bởi thế, bởi vậy, bởi thế cho nên. Mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng “so” là mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả. VD: I was tired, so I went to bed early last night. S + V …, so S + V …. Lưu ý: Chúng ta có thể chuyển đổi mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả bắt đầu bằng “so” thành mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân, lí do và ngược lại. VD: The shops were closed, so I couldn’t get any milk. I couldn’t get any milk because the shops were closed. B-PRACTICE I. Adverb clauses of reason: because, since, as : Clause 1 +Because/Since/As + Clause 2 1 . I have a broken leg. I fell over while I was playing basket ball. (since) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Hoa wants to go home. Hoa feels sick. (as) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. I broke the cup. I was careless. (as) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Ba is tired. Ba stayed up late watching TV. (since) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. I am hungry. I haven’t eaten all day. (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Nga is going to be late for school. The bus is late. (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. The door was open. I walked in. (as) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. We don’t want to wake up anybody up. We came in very quietly. (since) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Archi was very fast. He ate too much. (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. We hadn’t seen Lisa for a long time. We didn’t recognise her. (as) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… II. Rewrite these sentences by using BECAUSE 1. He couldn’t meet you because of being busy. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. She went to bed early because of her sickness. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 [...]... home 2 He has a very important job…………… he is particularly well-paid 3 Can I borrow that book…………….you’ve finished it? 4 You can’t drive a car ……………… you’ve got a licence 5 No one was watching the television …………… I switched the television off 6 …………………she changed a lot, we didn’t recogine her 7 …………….you’ve ready, we can start now 8 I’m going away for a few days I’ll phone you…………………I get back 9 You... into one 1) No one stopped those people cutting down the trees I was surprised 2) The oil will pollute the sea People are worried _ 3) My team has won the first award of the competition I am proud _ 4) They can help us to clean the beach They are certain 5) People can... ……………………………………………………………………… 4 Many animals will become extinct The rain forest is destroyed ……………………………………………………………………… 5 You speak English so well I’m impressed ……………………………………………………………………… 6 We can’t buy it We haven’t got enough money ……………………………………………………………………… 7 They use electricity to catch fish They will kill other animals, too ……………………………………………………………………… 8 In 100 years gas will be scarce and expensive It is... bicycle this morning I’m very sorry _ 9) You did not phone me I’m very disappointed 10) I could win the first prize I’m amazed II Wrie sentences in the correct order 12 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 1 glad/ able / I / were / am/ to / come/ that / you ……………………………………………………………………… 2 everybody/ important / feel...HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 3 Nobody can do this test beccause of its diffculty …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Two cars can’t pass each other because of the narrow road …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 We spent the whole day in the garden because of lovely weather …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 He can’t go to school today because of his toothache... Rewrite these sentences by using BECAUSE OF 1 She can’t work hard because she is very old …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 He likes her because she is very beautiful …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 He couldn’t go to school because he was very pooor …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 I can’t buy this bike because I don’t have enough money …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 He... toothache …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 I can’t play basketball because of my height …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 She must stay in bed because of her illness …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 We can’t swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted water …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 They couldn’t keep on clearing the beach because of heavy rain ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... amazed, angry, annoyed, delighted, happy, please, certain, confident, sure, sorry, upset, excited, surprised, disappointed…….Adjective + that clause S +be +Adj +THAT + Clause It’s +Adj +THAT + Clause Ex : I am happy that you had a new car I’m surprised that he didn’t come She was sure that she had left her keys on the counter.(Cô ấy chắc chắn là cô ấy đã để quên chìa khoá trên quầy) It’s important that... animals, too ……………………………………………………………………… 8 In 100 years gas will be scarce and expensive It is probable ……………………………………………………………………… 9 The world will end up like a second-hand junk-yard The pollution goes on ……………………………………………………………………… 10 The traffic was heavy We were late to the meeting ……………………………………………………………………… 13 ... for a few days I’ll phone you…………………I get back 9 You should inform the police …………………your bicycle is stolen 10 Mattew went to bed ………………… it was too late to go out 11 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 11 …………….you drive without driving license, oyu’re breaking the law 12 You won’t learn to use a keyboard properly …………………you practice III ADJECTIVES + THAT CLAUSE Form: S+ be+ adjective . biệt a. Sử dụng “If only” để nhấn mạnh tình huống mang tính giả thi t If only, S + past Ví dụ:If only, the river one feet long. If only, I hadn’t drunk too much. b. Sử dụng “should” trong mệnh đề điều. ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 BUỔI 4: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ADVERB CLAUSE OF REASON ADJECTIVES + THAT CLAUSE I. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN  Điều kiện có thể xảy ra (probable conditions) Trong mệnh đề If. You won’t pass the examination……………you study more. a. as long as b. unless c. if d. whether. 6 HOÀNG THỊ HUỆ - THCS TAM ĐẢO TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 53. If only I …………you wanted to invest money

Ngày đăng: 09/07/2014, 20:00

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