ĐỀ KIỂM TRA MÔN TIẾNG ANH, HỌC KỲ II, LỚP 9 Đề số 1 ( Thờ i g i an l àm bà i : 45 phút) A. MA TRẬN (BẢNG 2 CHIỀU) Chñ ®Ò NhËn biÕt Th«ng hiÓu VËn dông Tæng TN TL TN TL TN TL I. Listening 10 2,5 10 2,5 II. Reading 4 1,0 3 1,5 7 2,5 III. Language focus 10 2,5 10 2,5 IV. Writing 5 5 2,5 2,5 Tæng 10 17 2,5 5 5,0 32 2,5 10 B. NỘI DUNG ĐỀ I. LISTENING Listen to the passage about droughts, one of the natura l disasters. F ill in the missing words. (2.5 pts) Drough t is a condition t hat results (1) t he average rainfall for a fertile area drops far be l ow t he norma l amoun t for a l ong per i od of (2)_ . In t he areas t ha t are no t irrigated, t he lack of (3) causes farm crops t o wither and die. Higher t han normal t empera t ures usual l y accompany periods of (4) . They add t o t he (5) damage. Forest fires start (6) _ dur i ng droughts. The so il of a drough t area (7) dry. Often t he rich t opso il is b l own away by t he (8) , dry winds. Streams, ponds and wells often dry up (9) a drough t; and an i mals suffer and may even die because of t he (10) of water. Notes: - irrigated: được t ướ i nước - topsoil: l ớp đấ t mặ t (trên cùng) II. READING Read the passage and do the tasks that fo ll ow. (2.5 pts) The spacesh i p flew around t he new planet several ti mes. The p l anet was b l ue and green. They couldn' t see t he surface of t he p l anet because t here were t oo many white clouds. The spacesh i p descended s l ow l y t hrough t he c l ouds and l anded i n t he midd l e of a green forest. The t wo astronauts pu t on t heir space suits, opened t he door, climbed carefu ll y down t he l adder, and stepped on t o t he p l anet. The woman l ooked at a smal l con t ro l un it on her arm and sa i d t o t he man. "We can brea t he t he air it 's a mix t ure of oxygen and n it rogen”. They l ooked at every t h i ng carefu ll y. A ll t he plants and an i mals looked new and strange. They cou l dn' t f i nd any i ntelligen t li fe. After several hours, t hey returned t o t heir spacesh i p. Every t h i ng looked normal. The man switched on t he con t ro l s, bu t no t h i ng happened. The eng i nes were no t work i ng. He switched on t he computer, bu t it d i dn' t work, ei t her. "Mary," he said, "we're stuck here we can' t take off!”. She rep li ed "Don’ t worry, John. They' ll rescue us soon." a. Decide if the fo ll owing statements are True (T) or Fa l se (F). (1. pt) T F 1. The spacesh i p flew around t he plane t many ti mes before l and i ng. 2. The p l anet l ooked b l ue and green from t he spacesh i p. 3. F i nal l y, t he spacesh i p landed in t he m i ddle of a green field. 4. The t wo astronauts stepped on t o t he plane t safe l y. b. Answer the fo ll owing questions. (1.5 pts) 1. What k i nd of air can t he two astronau t s breathe after stepp i ng on t o t he p l anet? _ 2. What cou l d t hey f i nd on t he p l anet? _ 3. What happened when t hey returned to t he spacesh i p? _ III. LANGUAGE FOCUS Circ l e the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the fo ll owing sentences. (2.5 pts) 1. People i n Israel are go i ng t o celebrate t heir festival _ is called Passover. A. where B. who C. whose D. which 2. I was real l y tired, I cou l dn’ t sleep. A. Therefore B. Because of C. Even t hough D. So 3. If I _ enough money, I’ll buy a dict i onary. A. have B. had C. will have D. would have 4. Tomorrow we’ll go t o No i Bai Airport t o meet David, England. A. whom B. who C. which D. t hat 5. What wou l d you do i f you a ghost? A. see B. have seen C. saw D. will see comes from 6. Lan is very tired. , she has t o f i nish her assignmen t before go i ng t o bed. A. However B. Therefore C. So D. A lt hough 7. I suggest some money for poor children. A. to raise B. raising C. raised D. raise 8. I telephone her i f I knew her number. A. will B. shal l C. would D. have t o 9. It’s crowded here. I wish t here _ so many people. A. weren’ t B. aren’ t C. wasn’ t D. i sn’ t 10. Toyota cars i n Japan. A. will produce B. would be produced C. produce D. are produced IV. WRITING Wr i te a speech about how to save home energy, using the fo ll owing out li ne. (2.5 pts) 1. In t roduction 2. Body • Use/ short shower heads / or / buy “slow-f l ow” showers; / use less ba t hs. • Turn off / lights / conditioners / before /leave home/whenever / no t i n / rooms. • Keep/refrigerator doors/c l osed. 3. Conclus i on THE END . TN TL TN TL I. Listening 10 2,5 10 2,5 II. Reading 4 1, 0 3 1, 5 7 2,5 III. Language focus 10 2,5 10 2,5 IV. Writing 5 5 2,5 2,5 Tæng 10 17 2,5 5 5,0 32 2,5 10 B. NỘI DUNG ĐỀ I. . ĐỀ KIỂM TRA MÔN TIẾNG ANH, HỌC KỲ II, LỚP 9 Đề số 1 ( Thờ i g i an l àm bà i : 45 phút) A. MA TRẬN (BẢNG 2 . They' ll rescue us soon." a. Decide if the fo ll owing statements are True (T) or Fa l se (F). (1. pt) T F 1. The spacesh i p flew around t he