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Analysis of an Argument ✁ answer sheet Practice Test 4 513 www.petersons.com ✁ 514 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com QUANTITATIVE SECTION 1. O A O B O C O D O E 2. O A O B O C O D O E 3. O A O B O C O D O E 4. O A O B O C O D O E 5. O A O B O C O D O E 6. O A O B O C O D O E 7. O A O B O C O D O E 8. O A O B O C O D O E 9. O A O B O C O D O E 10. O A O B O C O D O E 11. O A O B O C O D O E 12. O A O B O C O D O E 13. O A O B O C O D O E 14. O A O B O C O D O E 15. O A O B O C O D O E 16. O A O B O C O D O E 17. O A O B O C O D O E 18. O A O B O C O D O E 19. O A O B O C O D O E 20. O A O B O C O D O E 21. O A O B O C O D O E 22. O A O B O C O D O E 23. O A O B O C O D O E 24. O A O B O C O D O E 25. O A O B O C O D O E 26. O A O B O C O D O E 27. O A O B O C O D O E 28. O A O B O C O D O E 29. O A O B O C O D O E 30. O A O B O C O D O E 31. O A O B O C O D O E 32. O A O B O C O D O E 33. O A O B O C O D O E 34. O A O B O C O D O E 35. O A O B O C O D O E 36. O A O B O C O D O E 37. O A O B O C O D O E VERBAL SECTION 1. O A O B O C O D O E 2. O A O B O C O D O E 3. O A O B O C O D O E 4. O A O B O C O D O E 5. O A O B O C O D O E 6. O A O B O C O D O E 7. O A O B O C O D O E 8. O A O B O C O D O E 9. O A O B O C O D O E 10. O A O B O C O D O E 11. O A O B O C O D O E 12. O A O B O C O D O E 13. O A O B O C O D O E 14. O A O B O C O D O E 15. O A O B O C O D O E 16. O A O B O C O D O E 17. O A O B O C O D O E 18. O A O B O C O D O E 19. O A O B O C O D O E 20. O A O B O C O D O E 21. O A O B O C O D O E 22. O A O B O C O D O E 23. O A O B O C O D O E 24. O A O B O C O D O E 25. O A O B O C O D O E 26. O A O B O C O D O E 27. O A O B O C O D O E 28. O A O B O C O D O E 29. O A O B O C O D O E 30. O A O B O C O D O E 31. O A O B O C O D O E 32. O A O B O C O D O E 33. O A O B O C O D O E 34. O A O B O C O D O E 35. O A O B O C O D O E 36. O A O B O C O D O E 37. O A O B O C O D O E 38. O A O B O C O D O E 39. O A O B O C O D O E 40. O A O B O C O D O E 41. O A O B O C O D O E ✁ answer sheet Practice Test 4 515 www.petersons.com Practice Test 4 ANALYTICAL WRITING ASSESSMENT Analysis of an Issue 1 QUESTION • 30 MINUTES Directions: Using a word processor, compose a response to the following statement and directive. Do not use any spell-checking or grammar-checking functions. “Most people are actually happier when they have fewer goods and services from which to choose; this is especially true today, when we are deluged with advertising as never before and from more sources than ever before.” In your view, how accurate is the foregoing statement? Use reasons and/or examples from your experience, observation, and/or reading to explain your viewpoint. practice test 4 517 Analysis of an Argument 1 QUESTION • 30 MINUTES Directions: Using a word processor, compose an essay for the following argument and directive. Do not use any spell-checking or grammar-checking functions. The following appeared in a memo from the principal of Harper Elementary School to the school’s faculty and staff: “To raise the level of reading skills of our students to a level that at least represents the national average for students in the same age group, we should adopt the “Back to Basics” reading program. After all, according to the company that created the program and provides it directly to elementary schools throughout the country, Back to Basics has a superior record for improving reading skills among youngsters nationwide. By adopting Back to Basics, the parents of Harper Elementary School students would be assured that their children will develop the reading skills they will need throughout their lives.” Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion. 518 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com QUANTITATIVE SECTION 37 QUESTIONS • 75 MINUTES Directions for Problem Solving Questions: (These directions will appear on your screen before your first Problem Solving question.) Solve this problem and indicate the best of the answer choices given. Numbers: All numbers used are real numbers. Figures: A figure accompanying a Problem Solving question is intended to provide infor- mation useful in solving the problem. Figures are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when it is stated in a specific problem that its figure is not drawn to scale. Straight lines may sometimes appear jagged. All figures lie on a plane unless otherwise indicated. To review these directions for subsequent questions of this type, click on HELP. Directions for Data Sufficiency Questions: (These directions will appear on your screen before your first Data Sufficiency question.) This Data Sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Using the data given in the statements plus your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts (such as the number of days in July or the meaning of counterclockwise), you must indicate whether: (A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked; (B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked; (C) BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient; (D) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked; (E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed. Numbers: All numbers used are real numbers. Figures: A figure accompanying a Data Sufficiency problem will conform to the information given in the question, but will not necessarily conform to the additional information in statements (1) and (2). Lines shown as straight can be assumed to be straight and lines that appear jagged can also be assumed to be straight. You may assume that positions of points, angles, regions, etc., exist in the order shown and that angle measures are greater than zero. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated. Note: In Data Sufficiency problems that ask you for the value of a quantity, the data given in the statements are sufficient only when it is possible to determine exactly one numerical value for the quantity. To review these directions for subsequent questions of this type, click on HELP. practice test Practice Test 4 519 www.petersons.com 1. A container holds 10 liters of a solution which is 20% acid. If 6 liters of pure acid are added to the con- tainer, what percent of the resulting mixture is acid? (A) 8 (B) 20 (C) 33 1 3 (D) 40 (E) 50 2. Which costs more: a can of corn or a can of beets? (1) Canned corn sells at three cans for a dollar. (2) Canned beets have been discounted by 10%. 3. If the cold-water tap and hot-water tap running together can fill a bathtub in 30 minutes, how long would it take the hot water tap alone to fill the tub? (1) The cold water tap alone could fill the tub in 45 minutes. (2) The hot water tap can fill a 10-gallon tank in 10 minutes. 4. In the figure above, x 5 (A) 30° (B) 35° (C) 40° (D) 45° (E) 50° 5. If (x 2 1) is a prime number between 40 and 50, what is the greatest possible prime factor of x? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 7 (D) 11 (E) 13 6. Jill is now 20 years old, and her brother Gary is now 14 years old. How many years ago was Jill’s age three times Gary’s age at that time? (A) 3 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 (E) 11 7. 2 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 3 5 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 5 (A) 9 5 (B) 12 5 (C) 8 3 (D) 14 5 (E) 31 10 8. What is the value of x 2 ? (1) (x 2 3) 2 5 (x 1 7) 2 (2) 2x 1 5 5 1 9. An ice-cream sundae consists of two ice-cream scoops, one flavor per scoop, and one topping. How many different types of sundaes can be prepared if four ice-cream flavors and two toppings are available? (A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18 (E) 20 520 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com QUESTIONS 10–11 REFER TO THE FOLLOWING CHART: 10. During year X, the greatest dollar amount by which the share price of ABC common stock exceeded the share price of XYZ common stock was approximately (A) $1.80 (B) $2.60 (C) $3.00 (D) $3.60 (E) $3.80 11. Which of the following investments, if held through the 4th quarter of year X, would have appreciated most in dollar value? (A) A purchase of 500 shares of ABC stock at the beginning of the 1st quarter (B) A purchase of $500 in XYZ stock at the end of the 3rd quarter (C) A purchase of $1000 in ABC stock at the end of the 2nd quarter (D) A purchase of 200 shares of XYZ stock at the beginning of the 1st quarter (E) A purchase of $150 in ABC stock at the end of the 3rd quarter 12. What is the slope of a line L appear- ingonthexy-plane? (1) Line L contains the point P(0,2). (2) The y-intercept of line L is 2. 13. If xy Þ 0, is x . y ? (1) |x| . |y| (2) x 5 1 14. If x, y, and z are non-negative integers, is 5(x 1 y) 1 z divisible by 5? (1) (x 1 y)isamultipleof5. (2) z is divisible by 5. 15. A rectangular door measures 5 feet in width by 6 feet, 8 inches in height. What is the distance from one corner of the door to the diagonally opposite corner? (A) 8 feet, 3 inches (B) 8 feet, 4 inches (C) 9 feet (D) 9 feet, 4 inches (E) 9 feet, 6 inches 16. 9 11 3 11 9 11 11 3 9 9 (A) 81 121 (B) 9 11 (C) 1 (D) 11 9 (E) 121 81 17. If 3a 5 5b 5 90, then ab 5 (A) 60 (B) 270 (C) 420 (D) 540 (E) 775 practice test Practice Test 4 521 www.petersons.com 18. What is the arithmetic mean (simple average) of a, b, and c? (1) The median of a and b is 5. (2) c 5 9 19. a° B C A c° d° e° f ° b° Referring to the figure above, what is the sum of c and d? (1) b 1 f 5 80 (2) a 1 b 5 110 20. If 22x .25, then which of the following must be true? (A) x , 5 2 (B) x .2 2 5 (C) x . 5 2 (D) x , 2 5 (E) x .2 5 2 21. If a circle whose radius is x has an area of 4 square units, what is the unit area of a circle whose radius is 3x? (A) 24 (B) 28 (C) 36 (D) 40 (E) 42 22. Five executives earn $150,000 each per year, three executives earn $170,000 each per year, and one executive earns $180,000 per year. What is the average salary of these nine executives? (A) $156,250 (B) $160,000 (C) $164,480 (D) $166,670 (E) $170,000 23. Î x 2 36 1 x 2 25 5 (A) |x| 30 = 61 (B) x 2 = 61 61 (C) 11x 30 (D) x 2 15 Î x 2 (E) x 2 11 24. If 14 sculptors at a craft fair are also painters, how many painters are at the fair? (1) The number of painters and the number of sculptors add up to 44. (2) 7 of the sculptors are not painters. 25. Dan has $10,000 to invest. He invests some of the money in an account that pays 5% annual interest and the rest in an account that pays 6% annual interest. If, at the end of one year, he has earned $560 in interest, how much money did he invest at 5%? (A) $3000 (B) $4000 (C) $5000 (D) $6000 (E) $7000 522 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com . Analysis of an Argument ✁ answer sheet Practice Test 4 513 www.petersons.com ✁ 514 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com QUANTITATIVE SECTION 1. O A O B O C O D O E 2 more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion. 518 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com QUANTITATIVE SECTION 37 QUESTIONS • 75 MINUTES Directions. if four ice-cream flavors and two toppings are available? (A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18 (E) 20 520 PART VI: Five Practice Tests www.petersons.com QUESTIONS 10–11 REFER TO THE FOLLOWING CHART: 10.

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 13:20