In the following section, I assume that you’ll use the preceding list and the sam- ple survey form (ch14/forms/sample_form.html file in the CDROM) to test your installation as follows: 1. Run the survey_mngr.php application using the appropriate URL. For the given survey.conf file used by my system this URL is http://php. . When this URL is requested, the application automatically detects that is not an authenticated user session and redirects the user to the login application. When the user supplies the appropriate user name/password pair, she is logged in to the application and the Survey Manager menu is displayed (Figure 14-4). Figure 14-4: The Survey Manager menu. 2. To add a new list, click on the Add a List button, which shows the add list interface as shown in Figure 14-5. Chapter 14: E-mail Survey System 501 18 549669 ch14.qxd 4/4/03 9:26 AM Page 501 Figure 14-5: Adding a survey list. 3. Enter the local file name for the CSV file and give the list a unique name. If you want to fix the name and the e-mail problem, use the appropriate filters. Note that you should always use these filters to be safe. 4. After you’ve entered all the required fields, click on the Upload button to create the new list. 5. After creating the list, you should add a new form (the sample form shown earlier) using the Add a Form button. Like adding a list, you will have to give a name, local file path of the survey form you want to upload, subject of the survey message, from address of the e-mail that will be sent, and number of question fields in the form as shown in Figure 14-6. 6. After you’ve entered all these fields, you should click on Upload, and if the upload is successful, you will be asked to add question labels as shown in Figure 14-7. 502 Part III: Developing E-mail Solutions 18 549669 ch14.qxd 4/4/03 9:26 AM Page 502 Figure 14-6: Adding a survey form. Figure 14-7: Adding questions labels. Chapter 14: E-mail Survey System 503 18 549669 ch14.qxd 4/4/03 9:26 AM Page 503 7. When the question labels have been added, you can create a survey by clicking on the Create Survey button, which shows the user interface shown in Figure 14-8. Figure 14-8: Adding a survey. 8. Select the appropriate survey list and form, name the survey, and save it. 9. When it’s saved, you can execute the survey immediately using the Execute button. Just select the survey from the list and click on the Execute button. 10. When the survey starts executing, you’ll see a status screen such as Figure 14-9. 11. When the survey recipients submit the responses, the report can be viewed from the Survey menu using the View Report button by selecting a survey. A sample report is shown in Figure 14-10. Note that you can execute the same survey as many times as you want. However, it would be unwise to send the same survey to the same people too frequently. 504 Part III: Developing E-mail Solutions 18 549669 ch14.qxd 4/4/03 9:26 AM Page 504 Figure 14-9: Survey status while being executed. Figure 14-10: Sample survey report. Chapter 14: E-mail Survey System 505 18 549669 ch14.qxd 4/4/03 9:26 AM Page 505 . survey_mngr .php application using the appropriate URL. For the given survey.conf file used by my system this URL is http:/ /php. .php . When this