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PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P76 potx

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  • Cover

  • PHP Developer's Dictionary

  • About the Authors

  • Acknowledgments

    • Tell Us What You Think!

  • Introduction

    • Who Should Buy This Book?

    • Organization of the Chapters

    • Writing Conventions

  • Chapter 1. Basic PHP Background and History

    • Advantages of PHP 4

    • Installation

      • PHP Installation General Overview

      • Configuration Options

      • Types, Variables, and Constants

      • Arrays

      • Strings

      • Type Conversion

      • Variables

      • Constants

    • Operators and Mathematical Functions

      • Expressions and Operators

      • Control Structures

      • Mathematical Functions

    • Functions, Classes, and Objects

      • Functions

      • Classes and Objects

  • Chapter 2. Generating HTML

    • Generating Dynamic Content

      • Defining Dynamic Content

      • Using Request Variables to Generate Content

      • Using the Environment to Generate Content

    • Working with the Filesystem

      • Directory Functions

      • Filesystem Functions

    • HTTP Authentication

      • Overview

      • Limitations

      • Other Authentication Methods

    • Working with Email

      • Email Overview

      • Email and PHP

    • Calendar and Date Functions

      • Overview of Time and Date Functions

      • Calendar Functions

  • Chapter 3. Database Access

    • Working with Connections and Data Sources

      • Setting Up the Database

    • Using PostgreSQL and PHP

      • PostgreSQL Overview

      • Connecting Postgres and PHP

    • Select, Insert, Update, and Delete Queries

      • Insert Queries

      • Select Queries with PHP

      • Working with the Result Set

      • Update Queries

      • Delete Queries

    • Other Database Functions

      • Error Messages

      • Transaction Management

      • Persistent Database Connections

      • Large Objects

  • Chapter 4. The Core PHP 4 Language

    • Basic Syntax

      • Tags

      • Comments

      • Constants

      • Control Structures and Statements

      • Escape Characters

      • Objects and Functions

      • Operators

      • Predefined Variables

  • Chapter 5. PHP Language Extensions

    • Arbitrary-Precision Mathematics

      • bcadd()

      • bccomp()

      • bcdiv()

      • bcmod()

      • bcmul()

      • bcpow()

      • bcscale()

      • bcsqrt()

      • bcsub()

    • Array

      • array()

      • array_count_values()

      • array_diff()

      • array_flip()

      • array_intersect()

      • array_keys()

      • array_merge()

      • array_merge_recursive()

      • array_multisort()

      • array_pad()

      • array_pop()

      • array_push()

      • array_rand()

      • array_reverse()

      • array_shift()

      • array_slice()

      • array_splice()

      • array_unique()

      • array_unshift()

      • array_values()

      • array_walk()

      • arsort()

      • asort()

      • compact()

      • count()

      • current()

      • each()

      • end()

      • extract()

      • in_array()

      • key()

      • krsort()

      • ksort()

      • list()

      • next()

      • pos()

      • prev()

      • range()

      • reset()

      • rsort()

      • shuffle()

      • sizeof()

      • sort()

      • uasort()

      • uksort()

      • usort()

    • Dynamic Loading

      • dl()

    • Hash()

      • mhash_get_hash_name()

      • mhash_get_block_size()

      • mhash_count()

      • mhash()

    • Mathematical

      • abs()

      • acos()

      • asin()

      • atan()

      • atan2()

      • base_convert()

      • bindec()

      • ceil()

      • cos()

      • decbin()

      • dechex()

      • decoct()

      • deg2rad()

      • exp()

      • floor()

      • getrandmax()

      • hexdec()

      • log()

      • log10()

      • max()

      • min()

      • mt_rand()

      • mt_srand()

      • mt_getrandmax()

      • number_format()

      • octdec()

      • pi()

      • pow()

      • rad2deg()

      • rand()

      • round()

      • sin()

      • sqrt()

      • srand()

      • tan()

    • Miscellaneous

      • connection_aborted()

      • connection_status()

      • connection_timeout()

      • define()

      • defined()

      • die()

      • eval()

      • exit()

      • func_get_arg()

      • func_get_args()

      • func_num_args()

      • function_exists

      • get_browser()

      • ignore_user_abort()

      • iptcparse()

      • leak()

      • pack()

      • register_shutdown_function()

      • serialize()

      • sleep()

      • uniqid()

      • unpack()

      • unserialize()

      • usleep()

    • PHP Options and Information

      • assert()

      • assert_options()

      • error_log()

      • error_reporting()

      • extension_loaded()

      • getenv()

      • get_cfg_var()

      • get_current_user()

      • get_magic_quotes_gpc()

      • get_magic_quotes_runtime()

      • getlastmod()

      • getmyinode()

      • getmypid()

      • getmyuid()

      • getrusage()

      • phpcredits()

      • phpinfo()

      • phpversion()

      • php_logo_guid()

      • php_sapi_name()

      • putenv()

      • set_magic_quotes_runtime()

      • set_time_limit()

      • zend_logo_guid()

    • String

      • addcslashes()

      • addslashes()

      • bin2hex()

      • chop()

      • chr()

      • chunk_split()

      • convert_cyr_string()

      • count_chars()

      • crc32()

      • crypt()

      • echo()

      • explode()

      • flush()

      • get_html_translation_table

      • get_meta_tags()

      • htmlentities()

      • htmlspecialchars()

      • implode()

      • join()

      • levenshtein()

      • ltrim()

      • md5()

      • metaphone()

      • nl2br()

      • ob_start()

      • ob_get_contents()

      • ob_end_flush()

      • ob_end_clean()

      • ob_implicit_flush()

      • ord()

      • parse_str

      • print()

      • printf()

      • quoted_printable_decode()

      • quotemeta()

      • rawurldecode()

      • rawurlencode()

      • setlocale()

      • similar_text()

      • soundex()

      • sprintf()

      • strcasecmp()

      • strchr()

      • strcmp()

      • strcspn()

      • strip_tags()

      • stripcslashes()

      • stripslashes()

      • stristr()

      • strlen()

      • strpos()

      • strrchr()

      • str_repeat()

      • strrev()

      • strrpos()

      • strspn()

      • strstr()

      • strtok()

      • strtolower()

      • strtoupper()

      • str_replace()

      • strtr()

      • substr()

      • substr_replace()

      • trim()

      • ucfirst

      • ucwords()

    • Variable

      • doubleval()

      • empty()

      • gettype()

      • intval()

      • is_array()

      • is_boolean()

      • is_double()

      • is_float()

      • is_int()

      • is_integer()

      • is_long()

      • is_numeric()

      • is_object()

      • is_real()

      • is_string()

      • isset()

      • print_r()

      • settype()

      • strval()

      • unset()

      • var_dump()

  • Chapter 6. Protocol Extensions

    • FTP

      • ftp_cdup()

      • ftp_chdir()

      • ftp_connect()

      • ftp_delete()

      • ftp_fget()

      • ftp_fput()

      • ftp_get()

      • ftp_login()

      • ftp_mdtm()

      • ftp_mkdir()

      • ftp_nlist()

      • ftp_pasv()

      • ftp_put()

      • ftp_pwd()

      • ftp_quit()

      • ftp_rawlist()

      • ftp_rename()

      • ftp_rmdir()

      • ftp_site()

      • ftp_size()

      • ftp_systype()

    • HTTP

      • header()

      • setcookie()

    • IMAP, POP3, and NNTP

      • imap_8bit()

      • imap_alerts()

      • imap_append()

      • imap_base64()

      • imap_binary()

      • imap_body()

      • flags

      • imap_check()

      • imap_clearflag_full()

      • imap_close()

      • imap_createmailbox()

      • imap_delete()

      • imap_deletemailbox()

      • imap_errors()

      • imap_expunge()

      • imap_fetch_overview()

      • imap_fetchbody()

      • flags

      • imap_fetchheader()

      • flags

      • imap_fetchstructure()

      • imap_fetchstructure()

      • imap_getmailboxes()

      • imap_getsubscribed()

      • imap_header()

      • imap_headers()

      • imap_last_error()

      • imap_listmailbox()

      • imap_listsubscribed()

      • imap_mail()

      • imap_mail_compose()

      • imap_mail_copy()

      • imap_mail_move()

      • imap_mailboxmsginfo()

      • imap_msgno()

      • imap_num_msg()

      • imap_num_recent()

      • imap_open()

      • imap_ping()

      • imap_qprint()

      • imap_renamemailbox()

      • imap_reopen()

      • imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist()

      • imap_rfc822_parse_headers()

      • imap_rfc822_write_address()

      • imap_scanmailbox()

      • imap_search()

      • imap_search()

      • imap_setflag_full()

      • imap_sort()

      • imap_status()

      • imap_status()

      • imap_subscribe()

      • imap_uid()

      • imap_undelete()

      • imap_unsubscribe()

      • imap_utf7_decode()

      • imap_utf7_encode()

      • imap_utf8()

    • LDAP

      • ldap_add()

      • ldap_bind()

      • ldap_close()

      • ldap_connect()

      • ldap_count_entries()

      • ldap_delete()

      • ldap_dn2ufn()

      • ldap_err2str()

      • ldap_errno()

      • ldap_error()

      • ldap_explode_dn()

      • ldap_first_attribute()

      • ldap_first_entry()

      • ldap_free_result()

      • ldap_get_attributes()

      • ldap_get_dn()

      • ldap_get_entries()

      • ldap_get_values()

      • ldap_get_values_len()

      • ldap_list()

      • dereference

      • ldap_mod_add()

      • ldap_mod_del()

      • ldap_mod_replace()

      • ldap_modify()

      • ldap_next_attribute()

      • ldap_next_entry()

      • ldap_read()

      • dereference

      • ldap_search()

      • dereference

      • ldap_unbind()

    • SNMP

      • snmp_get_quick_print()

      • snmp_set_quick_print()

      • snmpget()

      • snmpset()

      • snmpwalk()

      • snmpwalkoid()

  • Chapter 7. Internet-Related Extensions

    • Apache Specific

      • apache_lookup_uri()

      • apache_lookup_uri()

      • apache_note()

      • getallheaders()

      • virtual()

    • Mail

      • mail()

    • Network

      • checkdnsrr()

      • closelog()

      • debugger_off()

      • debugger_on()

      • fsockopen()

      • gethostbyaddr()

      • gethostbyname()

      • gethostbynamel()

      • getmxrr()

      • getprotobyname()

      • getprotobynumber()

      • getservbyname()

      • getservbyport()

      • openlog()

      • option

      • facility

      • pfsockopen()

      • set_socket_blocking()

      • syslog()

    • Session Handling

      • session_start()

      • session_destroy()

      • session_name()

      • session_module_name

      • session_save_path()

      • session_id()

      • session_register()

      • session_unregister()

      • session_is_registered()

      • session_decode()

      • session_encode()

    • URL

      • base64_decode()

      • base64_encode()

      • parse_url()

      • urldecode()

      • urlencode()

    • VMailMgr

      • vm_adduser()

      • vm_addalias()

      • vm_passwd()

      • vm_delalias()

      • vm_deluser()

    • WDDX

      • wddx_serialize_value()

      • wddx_serialize_vars()

      • wddx_packet_start()

      • wddx_packet_end()

      • wddx_add_vars()

      • wddx_deserialize()

  • Chapter 8. Document-Related Extensions

    • Aspell

      • aspell_new()

      • aspell_check()

      • aspell_check_raw()

      • aspell_suggest()

    • Pspell

      • pspell_new()

      • pspell_check()

      • pspell_suggest()

    • ClibPDF

      • cpdf_global_set_document_limits()

      • cpdf_set_creator()

      • cpdf_set_title()

      • cpdf_set_subject()

      • cpdf_set_keywords()

      • cpdf_open()

      • cpdf_close()

      • cpdf_page_init()

      • cpdf_finalize_page()

      • cpdf_finalize()

      • cpdf_output_buffer()

      • cpdf_save_to_file()

      • cpdf_set_current_page()

      • cpdf_begin_text()

      • cpdf_end_text()

      • cpdf_show()

      • cpdf_show_xy()

      • cpdf_text()

      • cpdf_set_font()

      • cpdf_set_leading()

      • cpdf_set_text_rendering()

      • cpdf_set_horiz_scaling()

      • cpdf_set_text_rise()

      • cpdf_set_text_matrix()

      • cpdf_set_text_pos()

      • cpdf_set_char_spacing()

      • cpdf_set_word_spacing()

      • cpdf_continue_text()

      • cpdf_stringwidth()

      • cpdf_save()

      • cpdf_restore()

      • cpdf_translate()

      • cpdf_scale()

      • cpdf_rotate()

      • cpdf_setflat()

      • cpdf_setlinejoin()

      • cpdf_setlinecap()

      • cpdf_setmiterlimit()

      • cpdf_setlinewidth()

      • cpdf_setdash()

      • cpdf_moveto()

      • cpdf_rmoveto()

      • cpdf_curveto()

      • cpdf_lineto()

      • cpdf_rlineto()

      • cpdf_circle()

      • cpdf_arc()

      • cpdf_rect()

      • cpdf_closepath()

      • cpdf_stroke()

      • cpdf_closepath_stroke()

      • cpdf_fill()

      • cpdf_fill_stroke()

      • cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke()

      • cpdf_clip()

      • cpdf_setgray_fill()

      • cpdf_setgray_stroke()

      • cpdf_setgray()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor()

      • cpdf_add_outline()

      • cpdf_set_page_animation()

      • cpdf_import_jpeg()

      • cpdf_place_inline_image()

      • cpdf_add_annotation()

    • Forms Data Format

      • fdf_open()

      • fdf_close()

      • fdf_create()

      • fdf_save()

      • fdf_get_value()

      • fdf_set_value()

      • fdf_next_field_name()

      • fdf_set_ap()

      • fdf_set_status()

      • fdf_get_status()

      • fdf_set_file()

      • fdf_get_file()

    • Hyperwave

      • hw_array2objrec()

      • hw_children()

      • hw_childrenobj()

      • hw_close()

      • hw_connect()

      • hw_cp()

      • hw_deleteobject()

      • hw_docbyanchor()

      • hw_docbyanchorobj()

      • hw_documentattributes()

      • hw_documentbodytag()

      • hw_documentcontent()

      • hw_documentsetcontent()

      • hw_documentsize()

      • hw_errormsg()

      • hw_edittext()

      • hw_error()

      • hw_free_document()

      • hw_getparents()

      • hw_getparentsobj()

      • hw_getchildcoll()

      • hw_getchildcollobj()

      • hw_getremote()

      • hw_getremotechildren()

      • hw_getsrcbydestobj()

      • hw_getobject()

      • hw_getandlock()

      • hw_gettext()

      • hw_getobjectbyquery()

      • hw_getobjectbyqueryobj()

      • hw_getobjectbyquerycoll()

      • hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj()

      • hw_getchilddoccoll()

      • hw_getchilddoccollobj()

      • hw_getanchors()

      • hw_getanchorsobj()

      • hw_mv()

      • hw_identify()

      • hw_incollections()

      • hw_info()

      • hw_inscoll()

      • hw_insdoc()

      • hw_insertdocument()

      • hw_insertobject()

      • hw_mapid()

      • hw_modifyobject()

      • hw_new_document()

      • hw_objrec2array()

      • hw_outputdocument()

      • hw_pconnect()

      • hw_pipedocument()

      • hw_root()

      • hw_unlock()

      • hw_who()

      • hw_username()

    • PDF

      • pdf_get_info()

      • pdf_set_info()

      • pdf_open()

      • pdf_close()

      • pdf_begin_page()

      • pdf_end_page()

      • pdf_show()

      • pdf_show_boxed()

      • pdf_show_xy()

      • pdf_set_font()

      • pdf_set_leading()

      • pdf_set_parameter()

      • pdf_set_text_rendering()

      • pdf_set_horiz_scaling()

      • pdf_set_text_rise()

      • pdf_set_text_matrix()

      • pdf_set_text_pos()

      • pdf_set_char_spacing()

      • pdf_set_word_spacing()

      • pdf_skew()

      • pdf_continue_text()

      • pdf_stringwidth()

      • pdf_save()

      • pdf_restore()

      • pdf_translate()

      • pdf_scale()

      • pdf_rotate()

      • pdf_setflat()

      • pdf_setlinejoin()

      • pdf_setlinecap()

      • pdf_setmiterlimit()

      • pdf_setlinewidth()

      • pdf_setdash()

      • pdf_moveto()

      • pdf_curveto()

      • pdf_lineto()

      • pdf_circle()

      • pdf_arc()

      • pdf_rect()

      • pdf_closepath()

      • pdf_stroke()

      • pdf_closepath_stroke()

      • pdf_fill()

      • pdf_fill_stroke()

      • pdf_closepath_fill_stroke()

      • pdf_endpath()

      • pdf_clip()

      • pdf_setgray_fill

      • pdf_setgray_stroke()

      • pdf_setgray()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor_fill()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor()

      • pdf_add_outline()

      • pdf_set_transition()

      • pdf_set_duration()

      • pdf_open_gif

      • pdf_open_memory_image()

      • pdf_open_jpeg()

      • pdf_close_image()

      • pdf_place_image()

      • pdf_put_image()

      • pdf_execute_image()

      • pdf_add_annotation()

    • XML Parser

      • xml_parser_create()

      • xml_set_object()

      • xml_set_element_handler()

      • xml_set_character_data_handler()

      • xml_set_processing_instruction_handler()

      • xml_set_default_handler()

      • xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler()

      • xml_set_notation_decl_handler()

      • xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler()

      • xml_parse()

      • xml_get_error_code()

      • xml_error_string()

      • xml_get_current_line_number()

      • xml_get_current_column_number()

      • xml_get_current_byte_index()

      • xml_parser_free()

      • xml_parser_set_option()

      • xml_parser_get_option()

      • utf8_decode()

      • utf8_encode()

  • Chapter 9. System Extensions

    • Directory

      • chdir()

      • dir()

      • closedir()

      • opendir()

      • readdir()

      • rewinddir()

    • Filesystem

      • basename()

      • chgrp()

      • chmod()

      • chown()

      • clearstatcache()

      • copy()

      • dirname()

      • diskfreespace()

      • fclose()

      • feof()

      • fgetc()

      • fgetcsv()

      • fgets()

      • fgetss()

      • file()

      • file_exists()

      • fileatime()

      • filectime()

      • filegroup()

      • fileinode()

      • filemtime()

      • fileowner()

      • fileperms()

      • fileperms()

      • fileperms()

      • filesize()

      • filetype()

      • flock()

      • flock()

      • fopen()

      • fopen()

      • fpassthru()

      • fputs()

      • fread()

      • fseek()

      • ftell()

      • fwrite()

      • set_file_buffer()

      • is_dir()

      • is_executable()

      • is_file()

      • is_link()

      • is_readable()

      • is_writeable()

      • link()

      • linkinfo()

      • mkdir()

      • pclose()

      • popen()

      • readfile()

      • readlink()

      • rename()

      • rewind()

      • rmdir()

      • stat()

      • stat()

      • lstat()

      • lstats()

      • symlink()

      • tempnam()

      • touch()

      • umask()

      • unlink()

    • NIS

      • yp_get_default_domain()

      • yp_order()

      • yp_master()

      • yp_match()

      • yp_first()

      • yp_next()

      • yp_errno()

      • yp_errno()

      • yp_err_string()

      • yp_err_string()

    • POSIX

      • posix_kill()

      • posix_getpid()

      • posix_getppid()

      • posix_getuid()

      • posix_geteuid()

      • posix_getgid()

      • posix_getegid()

      • posix_setuid()

      • posix_setgid()

      • posix_getgroups()

      • posix_getlogin()

      • posix_getpgrp()

      • posix_setsid()

      • posix_setpgid()

      • posix_getpgid()

      • posix_setsid()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_times()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_ctermid()

      • posix_ttyname()

      • posix_isatty()

      • posix_getcwd()

      • posix_mkfifo()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getgrgid()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getpwuid()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getrlimit()

      • posix_getrlimit()

    • Program Execution

      • escapeshellcmd()

      • exec()

      • passthru()

      • system()

    • Semaphore and Shared Memory

      • sem_get()

      • sem_acquire()

      • sem_release()

      • shm_attach()

      • shm_detach()

      • shm_remove()

      • shm_put_var()

      • shm_get_var()

      • shm_remove_var()

  • Chapter 10. Chapter Database Extensions

    • Database Abstraction Layer

      • dba_close()

      • dba_delete()

      • dba_exists()

      • dba_fetch()

      • dba_firstkey()

      • dba_insert()

      • dba_nextkey()

      • dba_open()

      • dba_optimize()

      • dba_popen()

      • dba_replace()

      • dba_sync()

    • dBASE

      • dbase_create()

      • dbase_open()

      • dbase_close()

      • dbase_pack()

      • dbase_add_record()

      • dbase_replace_record()

      • dbase_delete_record()

      • dbase_get_record()

      • dbase_get_record_with_names()

      • dbase_numfields()

      • dbase_numrecords()

    • DBM

      • dbmopen()

      • dbmclose()

      • dbmexists()

      • dbmfetch()

      • dbminsert()

      • dbmreplace()

      • dbmdelete()

      • dbmfirstkey()

      • dbmnextkey()

      • dblist()

    • FilePro

      • filepro()

      • filepro_fieldname()

      • filepro_fieldtype()

      • filepro_fieldwidth()

      • filepro_retrieve()

      • filepro_fieldcount()

      • filepro_rowcount()

    • Informix

      • ifx_connect()

      • ifx_pconnect()

      • ifx_close()

      • ifx_query()

      • ifx_prepare()

      • ifx_do()

      • ifx_error()

      • ifx_errormsg()

      • ifx_affected_rows()

      • ifx_getsqlca()

      • ifx_fetch_row()

      • ifx_htmltbl_result()

      • ifx_fieldtypes()

      • ifx_fieldproperties()

      • ifx_num_fields()

      • ifx_num_rows()

      • ifx_free_result()

      • ifx_create_char()

      • ifx_free_char()

      • ifx_update_char()

      • ifx_get_char()

      • ifx_create_blob

      • ifx_copy_blob()

      • ifx_free_blob()

      • ifx_get_blob()

      • ifx_update_blob()

      • ifx_blobinfile_mode()

      • ifx_textasvarchar()

      • ifx_byteasvarchar()

      • ifx_nullformat()

      • ifxus_create_slob()

      • ifx_free_slob()

      • ifxus_close_slob()

      • ifxus_open_slob()

      • ifxus_tell_slob()

      • ifxus_seek_slob()

      • ifxus_read_slob()

      • ifxus_write_slob()

    • InterBase

      • ibase_connect()

      • ibase_pconnect()

      • ibase_close()

      • ibase_query()

      • ibase_fetch_row()

      • ibase_fetch_object()

      • ibase_free_result()

      • ibase_prepare()

      • ibase_execute()

      • ibase_free_query()

      • ibase_timefmt()

      • ibase_num_fields()

    • Microsoft SQL Server

      • mssql_close()

      • mssql_connect()

      • mssql_data_seek()

      • mssql_fetch_array()

      • mssql_fetch_field()

      • mssql_fetch_object()

      • mssql_fetch_row()

      • mssql_field_length()

      • mssql_field_name()

      • mssql_field_seek()

      • mssql_field_type()

      • mssql_free_result()

      • mssql_get_last_message

      • mssql_min_error_severity()

      • mssql_min_message_severity()

      • mssql_num_fields()

      • mssql_num_rows()

      • mssql_pconnect()

      • mssql_query()

      • mssql_result()

      • mssql_select_db()

    • mSQL

      • msql()

      • msql_affected_rows()

      • msql_close()

      • msql_connect()

      • msql_create_db()

      • msql_createdb()

      • msql_data_seek()

      • msql_dbname()

      • msql_drop_db()

      • msql_dropdb()

      • msql_error()

      • msql_fetch_array()

      • msql_fetch_field()

      • msql_fetch_object()

      • msql_fetch_row()

      • msql_fieldname()

      • msql_field_seek()

      • msql_fieldtable()

      • msql_fieldtype()

      • msql_fieldflags()

      • msql_fieldlen()

      • msql_free_result()

      • msql_freeresult()

      • msql_list_fields()

      • msql_listfields()

      • msql_list_dbs()

      • msql_listdbs()

      • msql_list_tables()

      • msql_listtables()

      • msql_num_fields()

      • msql_num_rows()

      • msql_numfields()

      • msql_numrows()

      • msql_pconnect()

      • msql_query()

      • msql_regcase()

      • msql_result()

      • msql_select_db()

      • msql_selectdb()

      • msql_tablename()

    • MySQL

      • mysql_affected_rows()

      • mysql_change_user()

      • mysql_close()

      • mysql_connect()

      • mysql_create_db()

      • mysql_data_seek()

      • mysql_db_name()

      • mysql_db_query()

      • mysql_drop_db()

      • mysql_errno()

      • mysql_error()

      • mysql_fetch_array()

      • mysql_fetch_field()

      • mysql_fetch_lengths()

      • mysql_fetch_object()

      • mysql_fetch_row()

      • mysql_field_name()

      • mysql_field_seek()

      • mysql_field_table()

      • mysql_field_type()

      • mysql_field_flags()

      • mysql_field_len()

      • mysql_free_result()

      • mysql_insert_id()

      • mysql_list_fields()

      • mysql_list_dbs()

      • mysql_list_tables()

      • mysql_num_fields()

      • mysql_num_rows()

      • mysql_pconnect()

      • mysql_query()

      • mysql_result()

      • mysql_select_db()

      • mysql_tablename()

    • ODBC

      • odbc_autocommit()

      • odbc_binmode()

      • odbc_close()

      • odbc_close_all()

      • odbc_commit()

      • odbc_connect()

      • odbc_cursor()

      • odbc_do()

      • odbc_exec()

      • odbc_execute()

      • odbc_fetch_into()

      • odbc_fetch_row()

      • odbc_field_name()

      • odbc_field_type()

      • odbc_field_len()

      • odbc_free_result()

      • odbc_longreadlen()

      • odbc_num_fields()

      • odbc_pconnect()

      • odbc_prepare()

      • odbc_num_rows()

      • odbc_result()

      • odbc_result_all()

      • odbc_rollback()

      • odbc_setoption()

    • Oracle

      • ora_bind()

      • ora_close()

      • ora_columnname()

      • ora_columntype()

      • ora_commit()

      • ora_commitoff()

      • ora_commiton()

      • ora_error()

      • ora_errorcode()

      • ora_exec()

      • ora_fetch()

      • ora_getcolumn()

      • ora_logoff()

      • ora_logon()

      • ora_open()

      • ora_parse()

      • ora_rollback()

    • Oracle 8

      • ocidefinebyname()

      • ocibindbyname()

      • ocilogon()

      • ociplogon()

      • ocinlogon()

      • ocilogoff()

      • ociexecute()

      • ocicommit()

      • ocirollback()

      • ocinewdescriptor()

      • ocirowcount()

      • ocinumcols()

      • ociresult()

      • ocifetch()

      • ocifetchinto()

      • ocifetchstatement()

      • ocicolumnisnull()

      • ocicolumnsize()

      • ociserverversion()

      • ocistatementtype()

      • ocinewcursor()

      • ocifreestatement()

      • ocifreecursor()

      • ocicolumnname()

      • ocicolumntype()

      • ociparse()

      • ocierror()

      • ociinternaldebug()

    • PostgreSQL

      • pg_close()

      • pg_cmdtuples()

      • pg_connect()

      • pg_dbname()

      • pg_errormessage()

      • pg_exec()

      • pg_fetch_array()

      • pg_fetch_object()

      • pg_fetch_row()

      • pg_fieldisnull()

      • pg_fieldname()

      • pg_fieldnum()

      • pg_fieldprtlen()

      • pg_fieldsize()

      • pg_fieldtype()

      • pg_freeresult()

      • pg_getlastoid()

      • pg_host()

      • pg_loclose()

      • pg_locreate()

      • pg_loopen()

      • pg_loread()

      • pg_loreadall()

      • pg_lounlink()

      • pg_lowrite()

      • pg_numfields()

      • pg_numrows()

      • pg_options()

      • pg_pconnect()

      • pg_port()

      • pg_result()

      • pg_tty()

    • Sybase

      • sybase_affected_rows()

      • sybase_close()

      • sybase_connect()

      • sybase_data_seek()

      • sybase_fetch_array()

      • sybase_fetch_field()

      • sybase_fetch_object()

      • sybase_fetch_row()

      • sybase_field_seek()

      • sybase_free_result()

      • sybase_num_fields()

      • sybase_num_rows()

      • sybase_pconnect()

      • sybase_query()

      • sybase_result()

      • sybase_select_db()

  • Chapter 11. Chapter Utility Extensions

    • Calendar

      • MCAL

      • mcal_append_event()

      • mcal_close()

      • mcal_date_compare()

      • mcal_date_compare()

      • mcal_create_calendar()

      • mcal_date_valid()

      • mcal_day_of_week()

      • mcal_day_of_year()

      • mcal_days_in_month()

      • mcal_delete_event()

      • mcal_delete_calendar()

      • mcal_event_add_attribute()

      • mcal_event_init()

      • mcal_event_set_alarm()

      • mcal_event_set_category()

      • mcal_event_set_class()

      • mcal_event_set_description()

      • mcal_event_set_end()

      • mcal_event_set_start()

      • mcal_event_set_title()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_daily()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_none()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_weekly()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_yearly()

      • mcal_expunge()

      • mcal_fetch_current_stream_event()

      • mcal_fetch_event()

      • mcal_is_leap_year()

      • mcal_list_alarms()

      • mcal_list_events()

      • mcal_next_recurrence()

      • mcal_open()

      • mcal_popen()

      • mcal_rename_calendar()

      • mcal_reopen()

      • mcal_snooze()

      • mcal_store_event()

      • mcal_time_valid()

      • Miscellaneous

      • easter_date()

      • easter_days()

      • frenchtojd()

      • gregoriantojd()

      • jddayofweek()

      • mode

      • jdmonthname()

      • mode

      • jdtofrench()

      • jdtogregorian()

      • jdtojewish()

      • jdtojulian()

      • jdtounix()

      • jewishtojd()

      • juliantojd()

      • unixtojd()

    • Compression

      • gzclose()

      • gzcompress()

      • gzeof()

      • gzfile()

      • gzgetc()

      • gzgets()

      • gzgetss()

      • gzopen()

      • gzpassthru()

      • gzputs()

      • gzread()

      • gzrewind()

      • gzseek()

      • gztell()

      • gzuncompress()

      • gzwrite()

      • readgzfile()

    • Date and Time

      • checkdate()

      • date()

      • format

      • getdate()

      • gettimeofday()

      • gmdate()

      • format

      • gmmktime()

      • gmstrftime()

      • localtime()

      • microtime()

      • mktime()

      • strftime()

      • strtotime()

      • time()

    • Encryption

      • mcrypt_cbc()

      • mcrypt_cfb()

      • mcrypt_create_iv()

      • source

      • mcrypt_ecb()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_block_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_key_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode()

      • mcrypt_enc_self_test()

      • mcrypt_encrypt()

      • mcrypt_decrypt()

      • mcrypt_generic()

      • mcrypt_generic_end()

      • mcrypt_generic_init()

      • mcrypt_get_block_size()

      • mcrypt_get_cipher_name()

      • mcrypt_get_key_size()

      • mcrypt_get_iv_size()

      • mcrypt_list_algorithms()

      • mcrypt_list_modes()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes()

      • mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm()

      • mcrypt_module_is_bl ck_algorithm_mode()

      • mcrypt_module_is_block_mode()

      • mcrypt_module_open()

      • mcrypt_module_self_test()

      • mcrypt_ofb()

      • mdecrypt_generic()

    • GNU Recode

      • recode()

      • recode_file()

      • recode_string()

    • Image

      • getimagesize()

      • imagearc()

      • imagechar()

      • imagecharup()

      • imagecolorallocate()

      • imagecolordeallocate()

      • imagecolorat()

      • imagecolorclosest()

      • imagecolorexact()

      • imagecolorresolve()

      • imagegammacorrect()

      • imagecolorset()

      • imagecolorsforindex()

      • imagecolorstotal()

      • imagecolortransparent()

      • imagecopy()

      • imagecopyresized()

      • imagecreate()

      • imagecreatefromgif()

      • imagecreatefromjpeg()

      • imagecreatefrompng()

      • imagedashedline()

      • imagedestroy()

      • imagefill()

      • imagefilledpolygon()

      • imagefilledrectangle()

      • imagefilltoborder()

      • imagefontheight()

      • imagefontwidth()

      • imagegif()

      • imagepng()

      • imagejpeg()

      • imageinterlace()

      • imageline()

      • imageloadfont()

      • imagepolygon()

      • imagepsbbox()

      • imagepsencodefont()

      • imagepsfreefont()

      • imagepsloadfont()

      • imagepsextendfont()

      • imagepsslantfont()

      • imagepstext()

      • imagerectangle()

      • imagesetpixel()

      • imagestring()

      • imagestringup()

      • imagesx()

      • imagesy()

      • imagettfbbox()

      • imagettftext()

      • imagetypes()

    • Regular Expressions

      • Native PHP

      • ereg()

      • ereg_replace()

      • eregi()

      • eregi_replace()

      • split()

      • spliti()

      • sql_regcase()

      • Perl Semantics

      • preg_match()

      • preg_match_all()

      • order

      • preg_replace()

      • preg_split()

      • preg_quote()

      • preg_grep()

  • Chapter 12. PHP Compilation Options

    • Enable, Disable, and Help

      • disable-short-tags

      • disable-syntax-hl

      • disable-unified-odbc

      • enable-bcmath

      • enable-c9x-inline

      • enable-debug

      • enable-debugger

      • enable-discard-path

      • enable-force-cgi-redirect

      • enable-magic-quotes

      • enable-safe-mode

      • enable-sysvsem

      • enable-sysvshm

      • enable-track-vars

      • enable-url-includes

      • help

    • With

      • with-adabas

      • with-apache

      • with-config-file-path

      • with-custom-odbc

      • with-dbase

      • with-exec-dir

      • with-fhttpd

      • with-filepro

      • with-iodbc

      • with-ldap

      • with-mcrypt

      • with-msql

      • with-mysql

      • with-openlink

      • with-oracle

      • with-pgsql

      • with-solid

      • with-sybase

      • with-sybase-ct

      • with-system-regex

      • with-velocis

      • with-xml

  • Chapter 13. PHP Directives

    • General

      • asp_tags

      • auto_append_file

      • auto_prepend_file

      • cgi_ext

      • display_errors

      • doc_root

      • error_log

      • error_reporting

      • open_basedir

      • gpc_order

      • ignore_user_abort

      • include_path

      • isapi_ext

      • log_errors

      • magic_quotes_gpc

      • magic_quotes_runtime

      • magic_quotes_sybase

      • max_execution_time

      • memory_limit

      • nsapi_ext

      • short_open_tag

      • sql.safe_mode

      • track_errors

      • track_vars

      • upload_tmp_dir

      • user_dir

      • variable_order

      • warn_plus_overloading

    • Extension Loading

      • enable_dl

      • extension_dir

      • extension

    • Browser Compatibility

      • browscap

    • Mail

      • SMTP

      • sendmail_from

      • sendmail_path

    • Database

      • MySQL mysql.allow_persistent

      • mysql.default_host

      • mysql.default_user

      • mysql.default_password

      • mysql.max_persistent

      • mysql.max_links

      • mSQL msql.allow_persistent

      • msql.max_persistent

      • msql.max_links

      • Postgres pgsql.allow_persistent

      • pgsql.max_persistent

      • pgsql.max_links

      • Sybase sybase.allow_persistent

      • sybase.max_persistent

      • sybase.max_links

      • Sybase-CT sybct.allow_persistent

      • sybct.max_persistent

      • sybct.max_links

      • sybct.min_server_severity

      • sybct.min_client_severity

      • sybct.login_timeout

      • sybct.timeout

      • sybct.hostname

      • Informix ifx.allow_persistent

      • ifx.max_persistent

      • ifx.max_links

      • ifx.default_host

      • ifx.default_user

      • ifx.default_password

      • ifx.blobinfile

      • ifx.textasvarchar

      • ifx.byteasvarchar

      • ifx.charasvarchar

      • ifx.nullformat

      • Unified ODBC uodbc.default_db

      • uodbc.default_user

      • uodbc.default_pw

      • uodbc.allow_persistent

      • uodbc.max_persistent

      • uodbc.max_links

    • BC Math

      • bcmath.scale

    • Debugger

      • debugger.host

      • debugger.port

      • debugger.enabled

    • Safe Mode

      • safe_mode

      • safe_mode_exec_dir

    • Apache

      • php_value

      • php_flag

      • php_admin_value

      • php_admin_flag

      • engine

  • Back cover

  • Exit

Nội dung

PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 375 Description The posix_getegid() function returns the numeric effective group ID (GID) of the current process. This function returns false, 0, if the function is not successful. posix_setuid() Syntax bool posix_setuid(int uid); Description The posix_setuid() function sets the real user ID (UID) of the current process. This function returns false, 0, if the function is not successful. Note This function requires sufficient rights to complete successfully. These privileges usually require root access to the system. posix_setgid() Syntax bool posix_setgid(int gid); Description The posix_setgid() function sets the real group ID (GID) of the current process. This function returns false, 0, if the function is not successful. Note This function requires sufficient rights to complete successfully. These privileges usually require root access to the system. posix_getgroups() PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 376 Syntax array posix_getgroups(void); Description The posix_getgroups() function returns an array of integers containing the numeric group IDs of the current process. This function returns false, 0, if the function is not successful. posix_getlogin() Syntax string posix_getlogin(void); Description The posix_getlogin() function returns the login name of the user owning the current process. This function returns false, 0, if the function is not successful. posix_getpgrp() Syntax int posix_getpgrp(void); Description The posix_getpgrp() function returns the process group identifier of the current process. This function returns false, 0, if the function is not successful. posix_setsid() Syntax int posix_setsid(void); PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 377 Description The posix_setsid() function makes the current process a session leader. This function returns the session ID or false, 0, if the function is not successful. posix_setpgid() Syntax int posix_setpgid(int pid, int pgid); Description The posix_setpgid() function allows the process pid to join the process group pgid. This function returns false, 0 , if the function is not successful. posix_getpgid() Syntax int posix_getpgid(int pid ); Description The posix_getpgid() function returns the process group identifier of the process pid . This is not an official POSIX function. If your system does not support this function, it will always return false, 0. posix_setsid() Syntax int posix_getsid(int pid); Description The posix_setsid() function returns the SID of the process pid . If the pid is 0, the SID of the current process is returned. This is not an official POSIX function. If your system does not support this function, it will always return false, 0. posix_uname() PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 378 Syntax array posix_uname(void); Description The posix_uname() function returns an associative array containing a hash of strings with information about the system. The items in the array are listed in Table 9.12 . Table 9.12. List of Indices Returned by posix_uname() Name Description sysname The operating system name nodename The system name release The operating system release version The operating system version machine The machine architecture posix_times() Syntax array posix_times(void); Description The posix_times() function returns an associative array containing information about the current process CPU usage. The items in the array are listed in Table 9.13 . Table 9.13. List of Items Returned by posix_uname() Name Description ticks The number of clock ticks since the system was rebooted utime The user time of the current process stime The system time of the current process cutime The user time of the current process and child processes cstime The system time of the current process and child processes posix_ctermid() Syntax string posix_ctermid(void); PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 379 Description The posix_ctermid() function retrieves the pathname of controlling terminal. posix_ttyname() Syntax string posix_ttyname(int fd); Description The posix_ttyname() function retrieves the terminal device name associated with the file descriptor, fd . posix_isatty() Syntax bool posix_isatty(int fd ); Description The posix_isatty() function determines whether the file descriptor, fd , is an interactive terminal. posix_getcwd() Syntax string posix_getcwd(void); Description The posix_getcwd() function returns the pathname of current working directory. posix_mkfifo() Syntax . PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 375 Description The posix_getegid() function returns the. successfully. These privileges usually require root access to the system. posix_getgroups() PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 376 Syntax array posix_getgroups(void); Description. 0, if the function is not successful. posix_setsid() Syntax int posix_setsid(void); PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 377 Description The posix_setsid() function makes the current

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 05:20