PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P53 potx

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PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P53 potx

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PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 260 • 3—Error connecting vm_addalias() Syntax vm_addalias(vdomain, basepwd, username, alias); Description The vm_addalias() function adds alias to the virtual user defined by username. The vdomain parameter is defined as the domain name of the user's virtual domain. The string basepwd is the password of the master user that administers the virtual users. This function returns the following: • O—Okay • 1—Bad • 2—Error • 3—Error connecting vm_passwd() Syntax vm_passwd(vdomain, username, password, newpassword); Description The vm_passwd() function changes the password of the virtual user defined by username to newpassword. The old password for this virtual user must be specified in password for this operation to be successful. The vdomain parameter is defined as the domain name of the user's virtual domain. This function returns the following: • O—Okay • 1—Bad • 2—Error • 3—Error connecting vm_delalias() PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 261 Syntax vm_delalias(vdomain, basepwd, alias); Description The vm_delalias() function removes alias from the virtual domain. The vdomain parameter is defined as the domain name of the user's virtual domain. The string basepwd is the password of the master user that administers the virtual users. This function returns the following: • O—Ok • 1—Bad • 2—Error • 3—Error connecting vm_deluser() Syntax vm_deluser(vdomain, username); Description The vm_deluser() function removes the virtual user, username, from the virtual domain defined by vdomain. This function returns the following: • O—Okay • 1—Bad • 2—Error • 3—Error connecting WDDX WDDX is freely available, XML-based technology developed by the Allaire Corporation. WDDX is used to exchange complex data between varieties of Web programming languages. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 262 All standard programming environments on the Web (ColdFusion, Perl, ASP, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and so on) have native data structures such as arrays and record sets. WDDX provides a module for each language that will automatically serialize or translate the native data structures into a WDDX packet, or deserialize the WDDX packet into a native data structure. WDDX can be used with HTTP, SMTP, POP, FTP, and other Internet protocols that support transferring textual data. Resource You can receive more information on Allaire at . Additional information about WDDX is available at . wddx_serialize_value() Syntax wddx_serialize_value(var, [comment]); Description The wddx_serialize_value() function creates a WDDX packet from the value defined by var. Optionally, a comment string, defined by comment , can be added to the packet. This comment will appear in the packet header. wddx_serialize_value() returns the WDDX packet. wddx_serialize_vars() Syntax wddx_serialize_vars(var_name, [ ] ); Description The wddx_serialize_vars() function creates a WDDX packet from a variable number of parameters. Each of the parameters can be a variable name, an array containing variable names, or an array. wddx_packet_start() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 263 wddx_packet_start([comment]); Description The wddx_packet_start() function, which accepts an optional comment string, is used to define the start of the WDDX packet. This function returns an integer that is defined as the WDDX packet ID. wddx_packet_end() Syntax wddx_packet_end(packet_id); Description The wddx_packet_end() function, which returns the string with the WDDX packet, ends the WDDX packet defined by packet_id. wddx_add_vars() Syntax wddx_add_vars(packet_id, name_var, [ ]); Description The wddx_add_vars() function, which accepts a variable number of arguments that can be of any type, adds serialized variables to the WDDX packet defined by packet_id. The variables are serialized exactly like the wddx_serialize_vars() function. The packet is initialized by first calling wddx_packet_start() and ended by calling wddx_packet_end() . wddx_deserialize() Syntax wddx_deserialize(packet); Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 264 The wddx_deserialize() function takes the WDDX packet defined by packet and deserializes it. The returned result can be a string, integer, or array. . Web programming languages. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 262 All standard programming environments on the Web (ColdFusion, Perl, ASP, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and so on) have native. function returns the following: • O—Okay • 1—Bad • 2—Error • 3—Error connecting vm_delalias() PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 261 Syntax vm_delalias(vdomain, basepwd, alias); . PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 260 • 3—Error connecting vm_addalias() Syntax vm_addalias(vdomain,

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 05:20

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    PHP Developer's Dictionary

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