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PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P55 potx

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  • Cover

  • PHP Developer's Dictionary

  • About the Authors

  • Acknowledgments

    • Tell Us What You Think!

  • Introduction

    • Who Should Buy This Book?

    • Organization of the Chapters

    • Writing Conventions

  • Chapter 1. Basic PHP Background and History

    • Advantages of PHP 4

    • Installation

      • PHP Installation General Overview

      • Configuration Options

      • Types, Variables, and Constants

      • Arrays

      • Strings

      • Type Conversion

      • Variables

      • Constants

    • Operators and Mathematical Functions

      • Expressions and Operators

      • Control Structures

      • Mathematical Functions

    • Functions, Classes, and Objects

      • Functions

      • Classes and Objects

  • Chapter 2. Generating HTML

    • Generating Dynamic Content

      • Defining Dynamic Content

      • Using Request Variables to Generate Content

      • Using the Environment to Generate Content

    • Working with the Filesystem

      • Directory Functions

      • Filesystem Functions

    • HTTP Authentication

      • Overview

      • Limitations

      • Other Authentication Methods

    • Working with Email

      • Email Overview

      • Email and PHP

    • Calendar and Date Functions

      • Overview of Time and Date Functions

      • Calendar Functions

  • Chapter 3. Database Access

    • Working with Connections and Data Sources

      • Setting Up the Database

    • Using PostgreSQL and PHP

      • PostgreSQL Overview

      • Connecting Postgres and PHP

    • Select, Insert, Update, and Delete Queries

      • Insert Queries

      • Select Queries with PHP

      • Working with the Result Set

      • Update Queries

      • Delete Queries

    • Other Database Functions

      • Error Messages

      • Transaction Management

      • Persistent Database Connections

      • Large Objects

  • Chapter 4. The Core PHP 4 Language

    • Basic Syntax

      • Tags

      • Comments

      • Constants

      • Control Structures and Statements

      • Escape Characters

      • Objects and Functions

      • Operators

      • Predefined Variables

  • Chapter 5. PHP Language Extensions

    • Arbitrary-Precision Mathematics

      • bcadd()

      • bccomp()

      • bcdiv()

      • bcmod()

      • bcmul()

      • bcpow()

      • bcscale()

      • bcsqrt()

      • bcsub()

    • Array

      • array()

      • array_count_values()

      • array_diff()

      • array_flip()

      • array_intersect()

      • array_keys()

      • array_merge()

      • array_merge_recursive()

      • array_multisort()

      • array_pad()

      • array_pop()

      • array_push()

      • array_rand()

      • array_reverse()

      • array_shift()

      • array_slice()

      • array_splice()

      • array_unique()

      • array_unshift()

      • array_values()

      • array_walk()

      • arsort()

      • asort()

      • compact()

      • count()

      • current()

      • each()

      • end()

      • extract()

      • in_array()

      • key()

      • krsort()

      • ksort()

      • list()

      • next()

      • pos()

      • prev()

      • range()

      • reset()

      • rsort()

      • shuffle()

      • sizeof()

      • sort()

      • uasort()

      • uksort()

      • usort()

    • Dynamic Loading

      • dl()

    • Hash()

      • mhash_get_hash_name()

      • mhash_get_block_size()

      • mhash_count()

      • mhash()

    • Mathematical

      • abs()

      • acos()

      • asin()

      • atan()

      • atan2()

      • base_convert()

      • bindec()

      • ceil()

      • cos()

      • decbin()

      • dechex()

      • decoct()

      • deg2rad()

      • exp()

      • floor()

      • getrandmax()

      • hexdec()

      • log()

      • log10()

      • max()

      • min()

      • mt_rand()

      • mt_srand()

      • mt_getrandmax()

      • number_format()

      • octdec()

      • pi()

      • pow()

      • rad2deg()

      • rand()

      • round()

      • sin()

      • sqrt()

      • srand()

      • tan()

    • Miscellaneous

      • connection_aborted()

      • connection_status()

      • connection_timeout()

      • define()

      • defined()

      • die()

      • eval()

      • exit()

      • func_get_arg()

      • func_get_args()

      • func_num_args()

      • function_exists

      • get_browser()

      • ignore_user_abort()

      • iptcparse()

      • leak()

      • pack()

      • register_shutdown_function()

      • serialize()

      • sleep()

      • uniqid()

      • unpack()

      • unserialize()

      • usleep()

    • PHP Options and Information

      • assert()

      • assert_options()

      • error_log()

      • error_reporting()

      • extension_loaded()

      • getenv()

      • get_cfg_var()

      • get_current_user()

      • get_magic_quotes_gpc()

      • get_magic_quotes_runtime()

      • getlastmod()

      • getmyinode()

      • getmypid()

      • getmyuid()

      • getrusage()

      • phpcredits()

      • phpinfo()

      • phpversion()

      • php_logo_guid()

      • php_sapi_name()

      • putenv()

      • set_magic_quotes_runtime()

      • set_time_limit()

      • zend_logo_guid()

    • String

      • addcslashes()

      • addslashes()

      • bin2hex()

      • chop()

      • chr()

      • chunk_split()

      • convert_cyr_string()

      • count_chars()

      • crc32()

      • crypt()

      • echo()

      • explode()

      • flush()

      • get_html_translation_table

      • get_meta_tags()

      • htmlentities()

      • htmlspecialchars()

      • implode()

      • join()

      • levenshtein()

      • ltrim()

      • md5()

      • metaphone()

      • nl2br()

      • ob_start()

      • ob_get_contents()

      • ob_end_flush()

      • ob_end_clean()

      • ob_implicit_flush()

      • ord()

      • parse_str

      • print()

      • printf()

      • quoted_printable_decode()

      • quotemeta()

      • rawurldecode()

      • rawurlencode()

      • setlocale()

      • similar_text()

      • soundex()

      • sprintf()

      • strcasecmp()

      • strchr()

      • strcmp()

      • strcspn()

      • strip_tags()

      • stripcslashes()

      • stripslashes()

      • stristr()

      • strlen()

      • strpos()

      • strrchr()

      • str_repeat()

      • strrev()

      • strrpos()

      • strspn()

      • strstr()

      • strtok()

      • strtolower()

      • strtoupper()

      • str_replace()

      • strtr()

      • substr()

      • substr_replace()

      • trim()

      • ucfirst

      • ucwords()

    • Variable

      • doubleval()

      • empty()

      • gettype()

      • intval()

      • is_array()

      • is_boolean()

      • is_double()

      • is_float()

      • is_int()

      • is_integer()

      • is_long()

      • is_numeric()

      • is_object()

      • is_real()

      • is_string()

      • isset()

      • print_r()

      • settype()

      • strval()

      • unset()

      • var_dump()

  • Chapter 6. Protocol Extensions

    • FTP

      • ftp_cdup()

      • ftp_chdir()

      • ftp_connect()

      • ftp_delete()

      • ftp_fget()

      • ftp_fput()

      • ftp_get()

      • ftp_login()

      • ftp_mdtm()

      • ftp_mkdir()

      • ftp_nlist()

      • ftp_pasv()

      • ftp_put()

      • ftp_pwd()

      • ftp_quit()

      • ftp_rawlist()

      • ftp_rename()

      • ftp_rmdir()

      • ftp_site()

      • ftp_size()

      • ftp_systype()

    • HTTP

      • header()

      • setcookie()

    • IMAP, POP3, and NNTP

      • imap_8bit()

      • imap_alerts()

      • imap_append()

      • imap_base64()

      • imap_binary()

      • imap_body()

      • flags

      • imap_check()

      • imap_clearflag_full()

      • imap_close()

      • imap_createmailbox()

      • imap_delete()

      • imap_deletemailbox()

      • imap_errors()

      • imap_expunge()

      • imap_fetch_overview()

      • imap_fetchbody()

      • flags

      • imap_fetchheader()

      • flags

      • imap_fetchstructure()

      • imap_fetchstructure()

      • imap_getmailboxes()

      • imap_getsubscribed()

      • imap_header()

      • imap_headers()

      • imap_last_error()

      • imap_listmailbox()

      • imap_listsubscribed()

      • imap_mail()

      • imap_mail_compose()

      • imap_mail_copy()

      • imap_mail_move()

      • imap_mailboxmsginfo()

      • imap_msgno()

      • imap_num_msg()

      • imap_num_recent()

      • imap_open()

      • imap_ping()

      • imap_qprint()

      • imap_renamemailbox()

      • imap_reopen()

      • imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist()

      • imap_rfc822_parse_headers()

      • imap_rfc822_write_address()

      • imap_scanmailbox()

      • imap_search()

      • imap_search()

      • imap_setflag_full()

      • imap_sort()

      • imap_status()

      • imap_status()

      • imap_subscribe()

      • imap_uid()

      • imap_undelete()

      • imap_unsubscribe()

      • imap_utf7_decode()

      • imap_utf7_encode()

      • imap_utf8()

    • LDAP

      • ldap_add()

      • ldap_bind()

      • ldap_close()

      • ldap_connect()

      • ldap_count_entries()

      • ldap_delete()

      • ldap_dn2ufn()

      • ldap_err2str()

      • ldap_errno()

      • ldap_error()

      • ldap_explode_dn()

      • ldap_first_attribute()

      • ldap_first_entry()

      • ldap_free_result()

      • ldap_get_attributes()

      • ldap_get_dn()

      • ldap_get_entries()

      • ldap_get_values()

      • ldap_get_values_len()

      • ldap_list()

      • dereference

      • ldap_mod_add()

      • ldap_mod_del()

      • ldap_mod_replace()

      • ldap_modify()

      • ldap_next_attribute()

      • ldap_next_entry()

      • ldap_read()

      • dereference

      • ldap_search()

      • dereference

      • ldap_unbind()

    • SNMP

      • snmp_get_quick_print()

      • snmp_set_quick_print()

      • snmpget()

      • snmpset()

      • snmpwalk()

      • snmpwalkoid()

  • Chapter 7. Internet-Related Extensions

    • Apache Specific

      • apache_lookup_uri()

      • apache_lookup_uri()

      • apache_note()

      • getallheaders()

      • virtual()

    • Mail

      • mail()

    • Network

      • checkdnsrr()

      • closelog()

      • debugger_off()

      • debugger_on()

      • fsockopen()

      • gethostbyaddr()

      • gethostbyname()

      • gethostbynamel()

      • getmxrr()

      • getprotobyname()

      • getprotobynumber()

      • getservbyname()

      • getservbyport()

      • openlog()

      • option

      • facility

      • pfsockopen()

      • set_socket_blocking()

      • syslog()

    • Session Handling

      • session_start()

      • session_destroy()

      • session_name()

      • session_module_name

      • session_save_path()

      • session_id()

      • session_register()

      • session_unregister()

      • session_is_registered()

      • session_decode()

      • session_encode()

    • URL

      • base64_decode()

      • base64_encode()

      • parse_url()

      • urldecode()

      • urlencode()

    • VMailMgr

      • vm_adduser()

      • vm_addalias()

      • vm_passwd()

      • vm_delalias()

      • vm_deluser()

    • WDDX

      • wddx_serialize_value()

      • wddx_serialize_vars()

      • wddx_packet_start()

      • wddx_packet_end()

      • wddx_add_vars()

      • wddx_deserialize()

  • Chapter 8. Document-Related Extensions

    • Aspell

      • aspell_new()

      • aspell_check()

      • aspell_check_raw()

      • aspell_suggest()

    • Pspell

      • pspell_new()

      • pspell_check()

      • pspell_suggest()

    • ClibPDF

      • cpdf_global_set_document_limits()

      • cpdf_set_creator()

      • cpdf_set_title()

      • cpdf_set_subject()

      • cpdf_set_keywords()

      • cpdf_open()

      • cpdf_close()

      • cpdf_page_init()

      • cpdf_finalize_page()

      • cpdf_finalize()

      • cpdf_output_buffer()

      • cpdf_save_to_file()

      • cpdf_set_current_page()

      • cpdf_begin_text()

      • cpdf_end_text()

      • cpdf_show()

      • cpdf_show_xy()

      • cpdf_text()

      • cpdf_set_font()

      • cpdf_set_leading()

      • cpdf_set_text_rendering()

      • cpdf_set_horiz_scaling()

      • cpdf_set_text_rise()

      • cpdf_set_text_matrix()

      • cpdf_set_text_pos()

      • cpdf_set_char_spacing()

      • cpdf_set_word_spacing()

      • cpdf_continue_text()

      • cpdf_stringwidth()

      • cpdf_save()

      • cpdf_restore()

      • cpdf_translate()

      • cpdf_scale()

      • cpdf_rotate()

      • cpdf_setflat()

      • cpdf_setlinejoin()

      • cpdf_setlinecap()

      • cpdf_setmiterlimit()

      • cpdf_setlinewidth()

      • cpdf_setdash()

      • cpdf_moveto()

      • cpdf_rmoveto()

      • cpdf_curveto()

      • cpdf_lineto()

      • cpdf_rlineto()

      • cpdf_circle()

      • cpdf_arc()

      • cpdf_rect()

      • cpdf_closepath()

      • cpdf_stroke()

      • cpdf_closepath_stroke()

      • cpdf_fill()

      • cpdf_fill_stroke()

      • cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke()

      • cpdf_clip()

      • cpdf_setgray_fill()

      • cpdf_setgray_stroke()

      • cpdf_setgray()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor()

      • cpdf_add_outline()

      • cpdf_set_page_animation()

      • cpdf_import_jpeg()

      • cpdf_place_inline_image()

      • cpdf_add_annotation()

    • Forms Data Format

      • fdf_open()

      • fdf_close()

      • fdf_create()

      • fdf_save()

      • fdf_get_value()

      • fdf_set_value()

      • fdf_next_field_name()

      • fdf_set_ap()

      • fdf_set_status()

      • fdf_get_status()

      • fdf_set_file()

      • fdf_get_file()

    • Hyperwave

      • hw_array2objrec()

      • hw_children()

      • hw_childrenobj()

      • hw_close()

      • hw_connect()

      • hw_cp()

      • hw_deleteobject()

      • hw_docbyanchor()

      • hw_docbyanchorobj()

      • hw_documentattributes()

      • hw_documentbodytag()

      • hw_documentcontent()

      • hw_documentsetcontent()

      • hw_documentsize()

      • hw_errormsg()

      • hw_edittext()

      • hw_error()

      • hw_free_document()

      • hw_getparents()

      • hw_getparentsobj()

      • hw_getchildcoll()

      • hw_getchildcollobj()

      • hw_getremote()

      • hw_getremotechildren()

      • hw_getsrcbydestobj()

      • hw_getobject()

      • hw_getandlock()

      • hw_gettext()

      • hw_getobjectbyquery()

      • hw_getobjectbyqueryobj()

      • hw_getobjectbyquerycoll()

      • hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj()

      • hw_getchilddoccoll()

      • hw_getchilddoccollobj()

      • hw_getanchors()

      • hw_getanchorsobj()

      • hw_mv()

      • hw_identify()

      • hw_incollections()

      • hw_info()

      • hw_inscoll()

      • hw_insdoc()

      • hw_insertdocument()

      • hw_insertobject()

      • hw_mapid()

      • hw_modifyobject()

      • hw_new_document()

      • hw_objrec2array()

      • hw_outputdocument()

      • hw_pconnect()

      • hw_pipedocument()

      • hw_root()

      • hw_unlock()

      • hw_who()

      • hw_username()

    • PDF

      • pdf_get_info()

      • pdf_set_info()

      • pdf_open()

      • pdf_close()

      • pdf_begin_page()

      • pdf_end_page()

      • pdf_show()

      • pdf_show_boxed()

      • pdf_show_xy()

      • pdf_set_font()

      • pdf_set_leading()

      • pdf_set_parameter()

      • pdf_set_text_rendering()

      • pdf_set_horiz_scaling()

      • pdf_set_text_rise()

      • pdf_set_text_matrix()

      • pdf_set_text_pos()

      • pdf_set_char_spacing()

      • pdf_set_word_spacing()

      • pdf_skew()

      • pdf_continue_text()

      • pdf_stringwidth()

      • pdf_save()

      • pdf_restore()

      • pdf_translate()

      • pdf_scale()

      • pdf_rotate()

      • pdf_setflat()

      • pdf_setlinejoin()

      • pdf_setlinecap()

      • pdf_setmiterlimit()

      • pdf_setlinewidth()

      • pdf_setdash()

      • pdf_moveto()

      • pdf_curveto()

      • pdf_lineto()

      • pdf_circle()

      • pdf_arc()

      • pdf_rect()

      • pdf_closepath()

      • pdf_stroke()

      • pdf_closepath_stroke()

      • pdf_fill()

      • pdf_fill_stroke()

      • pdf_closepath_fill_stroke()

      • pdf_endpath()

      • pdf_clip()

      • pdf_setgray_fill

      • pdf_setgray_stroke()

      • pdf_setgray()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor_fill()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor()

      • pdf_add_outline()

      • pdf_set_transition()

      • pdf_set_duration()

      • pdf_open_gif

      • pdf_open_memory_image()

      • pdf_open_jpeg()

      • pdf_close_image()

      • pdf_place_image()

      • pdf_put_image()

      • pdf_execute_image()

      • pdf_add_annotation()

    • XML Parser

      • xml_parser_create()

      • xml_set_object()

      • xml_set_element_handler()

      • xml_set_character_data_handler()

      • xml_set_processing_instruction_handler()

      • xml_set_default_handler()

      • xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler()

      • xml_set_notation_decl_handler()

      • xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler()

      • xml_parse()

      • xml_get_error_code()

      • xml_error_string()

      • xml_get_current_line_number()

      • xml_get_current_column_number()

      • xml_get_current_byte_index()

      • xml_parser_free()

      • xml_parser_set_option()

      • xml_parser_get_option()

      • utf8_decode()

      • utf8_encode()

  • Chapter 9. System Extensions

    • Directory

      • chdir()

      • dir()

      • closedir()

      • opendir()

      • readdir()

      • rewinddir()

    • Filesystem

      • basename()

      • chgrp()

      • chmod()

      • chown()

      • clearstatcache()

      • copy()

      • dirname()

      • diskfreespace()

      • fclose()

      • feof()

      • fgetc()

      • fgetcsv()

      • fgets()

      • fgetss()

      • file()

      • file_exists()

      • fileatime()

      • filectime()

      • filegroup()

      • fileinode()

      • filemtime()

      • fileowner()

      • fileperms()

      • fileperms()

      • fileperms()

      • filesize()

      • filetype()

      • flock()

      • flock()

      • fopen()

      • fopen()

      • fpassthru()

      • fputs()

      • fread()

      • fseek()

      • ftell()

      • fwrite()

      • set_file_buffer()

      • is_dir()

      • is_executable()

      • is_file()

      • is_link()

      • is_readable()

      • is_writeable()

      • link()

      • linkinfo()

      • mkdir()

      • pclose()

      • popen()

      • readfile()

      • readlink()

      • rename()

      • rewind()

      • rmdir()

      • stat()

      • stat()

      • lstat()

      • lstats()

      • symlink()

      • tempnam()

      • touch()

      • umask()

      • unlink()

    • NIS

      • yp_get_default_domain()

      • yp_order()

      • yp_master()

      • yp_match()

      • yp_first()

      • yp_next()

      • yp_errno()

      • yp_errno()

      • yp_err_string()

      • yp_err_string()

    • POSIX

      • posix_kill()

      • posix_getpid()

      • posix_getppid()

      • posix_getuid()

      • posix_geteuid()

      • posix_getgid()

      • posix_getegid()

      • posix_setuid()

      • posix_setgid()

      • posix_getgroups()

      • posix_getlogin()

      • posix_getpgrp()

      • posix_setsid()

      • posix_setpgid()

      • posix_getpgid()

      • posix_setsid()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_times()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_ctermid()

      • posix_ttyname()

      • posix_isatty()

      • posix_getcwd()

      • posix_mkfifo()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getgrgid()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getpwuid()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getrlimit()

      • posix_getrlimit()

    • Program Execution

      • escapeshellcmd()

      • exec()

      • passthru()

      • system()

    • Semaphore and Shared Memory

      • sem_get()

      • sem_acquire()

      • sem_release()

      • shm_attach()

      • shm_detach()

      • shm_remove()

      • shm_put_var()

      • shm_get_var()

      • shm_remove_var()

  • Chapter 10. Chapter Database Extensions

    • Database Abstraction Layer

      • dba_close()

      • dba_delete()

      • dba_exists()

      • dba_fetch()

      • dba_firstkey()

      • dba_insert()

      • dba_nextkey()

      • dba_open()

      • dba_optimize()

      • dba_popen()

      • dba_replace()

      • dba_sync()

    • dBASE

      • dbase_create()

      • dbase_open()

      • dbase_close()

      • dbase_pack()

      • dbase_add_record()

      • dbase_replace_record()

      • dbase_delete_record()

      • dbase_get_record()

      • dbase_get_record_with_names()

      • dbase_numfields()

      • dbase_numrecords()

    • DBM

      • dbmopen()

      • dbmclose()

      • dbmexists()

      • dbmfetch()

      • dbminsert()

      • dbmreplace()

      • dbmdelete()

      • dbmfirstkey()

      • dbmnextkey()

      • dblist()

    • FilePro

      • filepro()

      • filepro_fieldname()

      • filepro_fieldtype()

      • filepro_fieldwidth()

      • filepro_retrieve()

      • filepro_fieldcount()

      • filepro_rowcount()

    • Informix

      • ifx_connect()

      • ifx_pconnect()

      • ifx_close()

      • ifx_query()

      • ifx_prepare()

      • ifx_do()

      • ifx_error()

      • ifx_errormsg()

      • ifx_affected_rows()

      • ifx_getsqlca()

      • ifx_fetch_row()

      • ifx_htmltbl_result()

      • ifx_fieldtypes()

      • ifx_fieldproperties()

      • ifx_num_fields()

      • ifx_num_rows()

      • ifx_free_result()

      • ifx_create_char()

      • ifx_free_char()

      • ifx_update_char()

      • ifx_get_char()

      • ifx_create_blob

      • ifx_copy_blob()

      • ifx_free_blob()

      • ifx_get_blob()

      • ifx_update_blob()

      • ifx_blobinfile_mode()

      • ifx_textasvarchar()

      • ifx_byteasvarchar()

      • ifx_nullformat()

      • ifxus_create_slob()

      • ifx_free_slob()

      • ifxus_close_slob()

      • ifxus_open_slob()

      • ifxus_tell_slob()

      • ifxus_seek_slob()

      • ifxus_read_slob()

      • ifxus_write_slob()

    • InterBase

      • ibase_connect()

      • ibase_pconnect()

      • ibase_close()

      • ibase_query()

      • ibase_fetch_row()

      • ibase_fetch_object()

      • ibase_free_result()

      • ibase_prepare()

      • ibase_execute()

      • ibase_free_query()

      • ibase_timefmt()

      • ibase_num_fields()

    • Microsoft SQL Server

      • mssql_close()

      • mssql_connect()

      • mssql_data_seek()

      • mssql_fetch_array()

      • mssql_fetch_field()

      • mssql_fetch_object()

      • mssql_fetch_row()

      • mssql_field_length()

      • mssql_field_name()

      • mssql_field_seek()

      • mssql_field_type()

      • mssql_free_result()

      • mssql_get_last_message

      • mssql_min_error_severity()

      • mssql_min_message_severity()

      • mssql_num_fields()

      • mssql_num_rows()

      • mssql_pconnect()

      • mssql_query()

      • mssql_result()

      • mssql_select_db()

    • mSQL

      • msql()

      • msql_affected_rows()

      • msql_close()

      • msql_connect()

      • msql_create_db()

      • msql_createdb()

      • msql_data_seek()

      • msql_dbname()

      • msql_drop_db()

      • msql_dropdb()

      • msql_error()

      • msql_fetch_array()

      • msql_fetch_field()

      • msql_fetch_object()

      • msql_fetch_row()

      • msql_fieldname()

      • msql_field_seek()

      • msql_fieldtable()

      • msql_fieldtype()

      • msql_fieldflags()

      • msql_fieldlen()

      • msql_free_result()

      • msql_freeresult()

      • msql_list_fields()

      • msql_listfields()

      • msql_list_dbs()

      • msql_listdbs()

      • msql_list_tables()

      • msql_listtables()

      • msql_num_fields()

      • msql_num_rows()

      • msql_numfields()

      • msql_numrows()

      • msql_pconnect()

      • msql_query()

      • msql_regcase()

      • msql_result()

      • msql_select_db()

      • msql_selectdb()

      • msql_tablename()

    • MySQL

      • mysql_affected_rows()

      • mysql_change_user()

      • mysql_close()

      • mysql_connect()

      • mysql_create_db()

      • mysql_data_seek()

      • mysql_db_name()

      • mysql_db_query()

      • mysql_drop_db()

      • mysql_errno()

      • mysql_error()

      • mysql_fetch_array()

      • mysql_fetch_field()

      • mysql_fetch_lengths()

      • mysql_fetch_object()

      • mysql_fetch_row()

      • mysql_field_name()

      • mysql_field_seek()

      • mysql_field_table()

      • mysql_field_type()

      • mysql_field_flags()

      • mysql_field_len()

      • mysql_free_result()

      • mysql_insert_id()

      • mysql_list_fields()

      • mysql_list_dbs()

      • mysql_list_tables()

      • mysql_num_fields()

      • mysql_num_rows()

      • mysql_pconnect()

      • mysql_query()

      • mysql_result()

      • mysql_select_db()

      • mysql_tablename()

    • ODBC

      • odbc_autocommit()

      • odbc_binmode()

      • odbc_close()

      • odbc_close_all()

      • odbc_commit()

      • odbc_connect()

      • odbc_cursor()

      • odbc_do()

      • odbc_exec()

      • odbc_execute()

      • odbc_fetch_into()

      • odbc_fetch_row()

      • odbc_field_name()

      • odbc_field_type()

      • odbc_field_len()

      • odbc_free_result()

      • odbc_longreadlen()

      • odbc_num_fields()

      • odbc_pconnect()

      • odbc_prepare()

      • odbc_num_rows()

      • odbc_result()

      • odbc_result_all()

      • odbc_rollback()

      • odbc_setoption()

    • Oracle

      • ora_bind()

      • ora_close()

      • ora_columnname()

      • ora_columntype()

      • ora_commit()

      • ora_commitoff()

      • ora_commiton()

      • ora_error()

      • ora_errorcode()

      • ora_exec()

      • ora_fetch()

      • ora_getcolumn()

      • ora_logoff()

      • ora_logon()

      • ora_open()

      • ora_parse()

      • ora_rollback()

    • Oracle 8

      • ocidefinebyname()

      • ocibindbyname()

      • ocilogon()

      • ociplogon()

      • ocinlogon()

      • ocilogoff()

      • ociexecute()

      • ocicommit()

      • ocirollback()

      • ocinewdescriptor()

      • ocirowcount()

      • ocinumcols()

      • ociresult()

      • ocifetch()

      • ocifetchinto()

      • ocifetchstatement()

      • ocicolumnisnull()

      • ocicolumnsize()

      • ociserverversion()

      • ocistatementtype()

      • ocinewcursor()

      • ocifreestatement()

      • ocifreecursor()

      • ocicolumnname()

      • ocicolumntype()

      • ociparse()

      • ocierror()

      • ociinternaldebug()

    • PostgreSQL

      • pg_close()

      • pg_cmdtuples()

      • pg_connect()

      • pg_dbname()

      • pg_errormessage()

      • pg_exec()

      • pg_fetch_array()

      • pg_fetch_object()

      • pg_fetch_row()

      • pg_fieldisnull()

      • pg_fieldname()

      • pg_fieldnum()

      • pg_fieldprtlen()

      • pg_fieldsize()

      • pg_fieldtype()

      • pg_freeresult()

      • pg_getlastoid()

      • pg_host()

      • pg_loclose()

      • pg_locreate()

      • pg_loopen()

      • pg_loread()

      • pg_loreadall()

      • pg_lounlink()

      • pg_lowrite()

      • pg_numfields()

      • pg_numrows()

      • pg_options()

      • pg_pconnect()

      • pg_port()

      • pg_result()

      • pg_tty()

    • Sybase

      • sybase_affected_rows()

      • sybase_close()

      • sybase_connect()

      • sybase_data_seek()

      • sybase_fetch_array()

      • sybase_fetch_field()

      • sybase_fetch_object()

      • sybase_fetch_row()

      • sybase_field_seek()

      • sybase_free_result()

      • sybase_num_fields()

      • sybase_num_rows()

      • sybase_pconnect()

      • sybase_query()

      • sybase_result()

      • sybase_select_db()

  • Chapter 11. Chapter Utility Extensions

    • Calendar

      • MCAL

      • mcal_append_event()

      • mcal_close()

      • mcal_date_compare()

      • mcal_date_compare()

      • mcal_create_calendar()

      • mcal_date_valid()

      • mcal_day_of_week()

      • mcal_day_of_year()

      • mcal_days_in_month()

      • mcal_delete_event()

      • mcal_delete_calendar()

      • mcal_event_add_attribute()

      • mcal_event_init()

      • mcal_event_set_alarm()

      • mcal_event_set_category()

      • mcal_event_set_class()

      • mcal_event_set_description()

      • mcal_event_set_end()

      • mcal_event_set_start()

      • mcal_event_set_title()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_daily()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_none()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_weekly()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_yearly()

      • mcal_expunge()

      • mcal_fetch_current_stream_event()

      • mcal_fetch_event()

      • mcal_is_leap_year()

      • mcal_list_alarms()

      • mcal_list_events()

      • mcal_next_recurrence()

      • mcal_open()

      • mcal_popen()

      • mcal_rename_calendar()

      • mcal_reopen()

      • mcal_snooze()

      • mcal_store_event()

      • mcal_time_valid()

      • Miscellaneous

      • easter_date()

      • easter_days()

      • frenchtojd()

      • gregoriantojd()

      • jddayofweek()

      • mode

      • jdmonthname()

      • mode

      • jdtofrench()

      • jdtogregorian()

      • jdtojewish()

      • jdtojulian()

      • jdtounix()

      • jewishtojd()

      • juliantojd()

      • unixtojd()

    • Compression

      • gzclose()

      • gzcompress()

      • gzeof()

      • gzfile()

      • gzgetc()

      • gzgets()

      • gzgetss()

      • gzopen()

      • gzpassthru()

      • gzputs()

      • gzread()

      • gzrewind()

      • gzseek()

      • gztell()

      • gzuncompress()

      • gzwrite()

      • readgzfile()

    • Date and Time

      • checkdate()

      • date()

      • format

      • getdate()

      • gettimeofday()

      • gmdate()

      • format

      • gmmktime()

      • gmstrftime()

      • localtime()

      • microtime()

      • mktime()

      • strftime()

      • strtotime()

      • time()

    • Encryption

      • mcrypt_cbc()

      • mcrypt_cfb()

      • mcrypt_create_iv()

      • source

      • mcrypt_ecb()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_block_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_key_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode()

      • mcrypt_enc_self_test()

      • mcrypt_encrypt()

      • mcrypt_decrypt()

      • mcrypt_generic()

      • mcrypt_generic_end()

      • mcrypt_generic_init()

      • mcrypt_get_block_size()

      • mcrypt_get_cipher_name()

      • mcrypt_get_key_size()

      • mcrypt_get_iv_size()

      • mcrypt_list_algorithms()

      • mcrypt_list_modes()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes()

      • mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm()

      • mcrypt_module_is_bl ck_algorithm_mode()

      • mcrypt_module_is_block_mode()

      • mcrypt_module_open()

      • mcrypt_module_self_test()

      • mcrypt_ofb()

      • mdecrypt_generic()

    • GNU Recode

      • recode()

      • recode_file()

      • recode_string()

    • Image

      • getimagesize()

      • imagearc()

      • imagechar()

      • imagecharup()

      • imagecolorallocate()

      • imagecolordeallocate()

      • imagecolorat()

      • imagecolorclosest()

      • imagecolorexact()

      • imagecolorresolve()

      • imagegammacorrect()

      • imagecolorset()

      • imagecolorsforindex()

      • imagecolorstotal()

      • imagecolortransparent()

      • imagecopy()

      • imagecopyresized()

      • imagecreate()

      • imagecreatefromgif()

      • imagecreatefromjpeg()

      • imagecreatefrompng()

      • imagedashedline()

      • imagedestroy()

      • imagefill()

      • imagefilledpolygon()

      • imagefilledrectangle()

      • imagefilltoborder()

      • imagefontheight()

      • imagefontwidth()

      • imagegif()

      • imagepng()

      • imagejpeg()

      • imageinterlace()

      • imageline()

      • imageloadfont()

      • imagepolygon()

      • imagepsbbox()

      • imagepsencodefont()

      • imagepsfreefont()

      • imagepsloadfont()

      • imagepsextendfont()

      • imagepsslantfont()

      • imagepstext()

      • imagerectangle()

      • imagesetpixel()

      • imagestring()

      • imagestringup()

      • imagesx()

      • imagesy()

      • imagettfbbox()

      • imagettftext()

      • imagetypes()

    • Regular Expressions

      • Native PHP

      • ereg()

      • ereg_replace()

      • eregi()

      • eregi_replace()

      • split()

      • spliti()

      • sql_regcase()

      • Perl Semantics

      • preg_match()

      • preg_match_all()

      • order

      • preg_replace()

      • preg_split()

      • preg_quote()

      • preg_grep()

  • Chapter 12. PHP Compilation Options

    • Enable, Disable, and Help

      • disable-short-tags

      • disable-syntax-hl

      • disable-unified-odbc

      • enable-bcmath

      • enable-c9x-inline

      • enable-debug

      • enable-debugger

      • enable-discard-path

      • enable-force-cgi-redirect

      • enable-magic-quotes

      • enable-safe-mode

      • enable-sysvsem

      • enable-sysvshm

      • enable-track-vars

      • enable-url-includes

      • help

    • With

      • with-adabas

      • with-apache

      • with-config-file-path

      • with-custom-odbc

      • with-dbase

      • with-exec-dir

      • with-fhttpd

      • with-filepro

      • with-iodbc

      • with-ldap

      • with-mcrypt

      • with-msql

      • with-mysql

      • with-openlink

      • with-oracle

      • with-pgsql

      • with-solid

      • with-sybase

      • with-sybase-ct

      • with-system-regex

      • with-velocis

      • with-xml

  • Chapter 13. PHP Directives

    • General

      • asp_tags

      • auto_append_file

      • auto_prepend_file

      • cgi_ext

      • display_errors

      • doc_root

      • error_log

      • error_reporting

      • open_basedir

      • gpc_order

      • ignore_user_abort

      • include_path

      • isapi_ext

      • log_errors

      • magic_quotes_gpc

      • magic_quotes_runtime

      • magic_quotes_sybase

      • max_execution_time

      • memory_limit

      • nsapi_ext

      • short_open_tag

      • sql.safe_mode

      • track_errors

      • track_vars

      • upload_tmp_dir

      • user_dir

      • variable_order

      • warn_plus_overloading

    • Extension Loading

      • enable_dl

      • extension_dir

      • extension

    • Browser Compatibility

      • browscap

    • Mail

      • SMTP

      • sendmail_from

      • sendmail_path

    • Database

      • MySQL mysql.allow_persistent

      • mysql.default_host

      • mysql.default_user

      • mysql.default_password

      • mysql.max_persistent

      • mysql.max_links

      • mSQL msql.allow_persistent

      • msql.max_persistent

      • msql.max_links

      • Postgres pgsql.allow_persistent

      • pgsql.max_persistent

      • pgsql.max_links

      • Sybase sybase.allow_persistent

      • sybase.max_persistent

      • sybase.max_links

      • Sybase-CT sybct.allow_persistent

      • sybct.max_persistent

      • sybct.max_links

      • sybct.min_server_severity

      • sybct.min_client_severity

      • sybct.login_timeout

      • sybct.timeout

      • sybct.hostname

      • Informix ifx.allow_persistent

      • ifx.max_persistent

      • ifx.max_links

      • ifx.default_host

      • ifx.default_user

      • ifx.default_password

      • ifx.blobinfile

      • ifx.textasvarchar

      • ifx.byteasvarchar

      • ifx.charasvarchar

      • ifx.nullformat

      • Unified ODBC uodbc.default_db

      • uodbc.default_user

      • uodbc.default_pw

      • uodbc.allow_persistent

      • uodbc.max_persistent

      • uodbc.max_links

    • BC Math

      • bcmath.scale

    • Debugger

      • debugger.host

      • debugger.port

      • debugger.enabled

    • Safe Mode

      • safe_mode

      • safe_mode_exec_dir

    • Apache

      • php_value

      • php_flag

      • php_admin_value

      • php_admin_flag

      • engine

  • Back cover

  • Exit

Nội dung

PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 270 Syntax int cpdf_open (int compression, string filename) Description The cpdf_open() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, creates a new PDF document. A compression parameter value other than 0 indicates that compression should be used. The optional filename parameter names the file to which the contents should be written. By not specifying a filename, you can have the document created in memory, and then later decide to write it to a file or stream back to the client through standard out. Use cpdf_save_to_file() to save a copy of the file, and use cpdf_output_buffer() to send the contents to standard out. The ClibPDF library does accept "-" as a filename parameter to indicate standard out, but when PHP is used as an Apache module, you must use the cpdf_output_buffer() function instead of this shortcut. The return value is used as a handle to most other ClibPDF functions. cpdf_close() Syntax void cpdf_close (int pdf document) Description The cpdf_close() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, closes an active pdf document . Make sure to call this function when you have finished processing the PDF document because doing so releases all memory and file resources allocated by the library during processing. You also need to free any additional resources you created—such as plots—because this is not done automatically. cpdf_page_init() Syntax void cpdf_page_init (int pdf document, int page number, int orientation, double height, double width, double unit) Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 271 The cpdf_page_init() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, initializes an individual page for writing. The pdf_document parameter is the handle returned from cpdf_open() . The page_number parameter indicates the page to which you want to write. For a single-page document, this should be 1; for a multi- page document, you can start with 1 or any larger number. The orientation parameter enables you to indicate whether the page should be written in landscape ( 1 ) or portrait ( 0 ) format. The height and width parameters specify the size of the page based on the unit parameter, which is the number of points per unit. This defaults to 72, which is the number of points in one inch. The following code will initialize page 1, set the page orientation to portrait, and set the dimensions to 8.5´11 inches. cpdf_page_init($cpdf, 1, 0, 792,612); cpdf_finalize_page() Syntax void cpdf_finalize_page (int pdf document, int page number) Description The cpdf_finalize_page() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.10 and PHP 4.0.b4, ends the page specified by page_number . A page cannot be modified after it has been finalized. This should be used with longer documents for efficient memory use, but isn't necessary for shorter documents (3 pages or fewer). cpdf_finalize() Syntax void cpdf_finalize (int pdf document) Description The cpdf_finalize() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, finishes the document so that it can be streamed to the client or stored in a file. cpdf_output_buffer() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 272 void cpdf_outpuf_buffer (int pdf document) Description The cpdf_output_buffer() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.9 and PHP 4.0.b4, dumps the contents of the current buffer to stdout. This is used when the cpdf_open() is called without a filename parameter, which causes the contents to be held in memory. cpdf_save_to_file() Syntax void cpdf_save_to_file (int pdf document, string filename) Description The cpdf_save_to_file() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, dumps the contents of the current buffer to a file designated by the filename parameter. This is useful when no filename is specified with the cpdf_open() function, which causes the document to be created and stored in memory. cpdf_set_current_page() Syntax void cpdf_set_current_page (int pdf document, int page number) Description The cpdf_set_current_page() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.9 and PHP 4.0.b4, specifies the page in the document to which subsequent commands pertain. You can switch between multiple pages in a document, but after the cpdf_finalize_page() function is called, you can no longer modify that page. Note that if you switch pages, the domain will revert back to the default domain for that page. Domains are commonly used to enable you to switch easily between coordinate systems. cpdf_begin_text() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 273 void cpdf_begin_text(int pdf document) Description The cpdf_begin_text() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, marks the beginning of a text section in a PDF page. The cpdf_end_text() function is called when the text section is complete. Multiple lines of text can be drawn within a text section as long as they share the same font. <?pdf cpdf_begin_text($pdf); cpdf_set_font($pdf, 12,"Times-Roman","WinAnsiEncoding"); cpdf_text($pdf,50,50,"First line of text"); cpdf_text($pdf,50,100,"Second line of text"); cpdf_end_text($pdf) ?> cpdf_end_text() Syntax void cpdf_end_text (int pdf document) Description The cpdf_end_text() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, marks the end of the text section. All text sections must start with cpdf_begin_text() and end with cpdf_end_text() . cpdf_show() Syntax void cpdf_show (int pdf document, string text) Description The cpdf_show() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, outputs the text parameter at the current text point. The lower-left corner of text is aligned with the current point. The current text point is updated to be the end of the text string. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 274 cpdf_show_xy() Syntax void cpdf_show_xy (int pdf document , string text , double x-coor, double y-coor, int mode) Description The cpdf_show_xy() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, outputs the text parameter at the position indicated by the x-coor and y-coor parameters. The optional mode parameter is used to indicate the unit length in points (72 points per inch). Omitting a value or specifying 0 causes the default page unit to be used. cpdf_text() Syntax void cpdf_text (int pdf document, string text, double x-coor, double y-coor, int mode, double orientation, int alignmode) Description The cpdf_text() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, outputs the text parameter at the position indicated by the x-coor and y-coor parameters. The optional mode parameter is used to indicate the unit length in points (72 points per inch). Omitting a value or specifying 0 causes the default page unit to be used. The optional parameter orientation is used to indicate that text should be rotated orientation degrees from the horizontal axis. The optional alignmode parameter indicates how the text should be placed relative to the current text point. Align modes are defined in the cpdflib.h file. The possible values are formed with "TEXT_POS_" and a location indicator concatenated together. Possible values are UL , ML , LL , UM , MM , LM , UR , MR , LR , where L is left or lower, M is middle, U is upper, and R is right. For example, TEXT_POS_LL indicates that the lower-left corner of text should be located at the x and y coordinates. cpdf_set_font() Syntax void cpdf_set_font (int pdf document , . PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 270 Syntax int cpdf_open (int compression, string filename) Description The cpdf_open() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4,. double width, double unit) Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 271 The cpdf_page_init() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, initializes an individual page. function, which was added in PHP 3.0.8 and PHP 4.0.b4, finishes the document so that it can be streamed to the client or stored in a file. cpdf_output_buffer() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 05:20