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A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 65 pot

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DEFINING YOUR OWN ERROR CLASSES ■ 619 ᮀ Exception Class Members When an exception is thrown, the exception object type determines which exception handler will be executed. For this reason, an exception class does not need to have any members. However, an exception class can contain data members and methods—just like any other class. This makes sense, as locally defined non-static objects are destroyed when an exception has been thrown and the stack is unwound. Thus, the exception handler can no longer access the previously existing objects. You can use the data members of error classes to rescue data threatened by an error condition. For example, you can store data important for exception handling in an exception object. ᮀ The Exception Class MathError The exception class MathError is defined opposite. The calc() function throws an exception when a number input by a user is negative or 0. When an exception is thrown, Example: throw MathError("Division by 0!"); the error message is stored in the exception object. The exception handler can then use the getMessage() method to evaluate the message. ᮀ Exception Hierarchies New exception classes can be derived from existing exception classes. A base class will normally represent a general error type and specific errors will be represented by derived classes. Thus, the exception class MathError could be defined to represent general errors in mathematical computations, but it would make sense to define derived exception classes for special cases, such as “Division by 0” or “Arithmetic overflow.” You could call these classes DivisionByZero and OverflowError, for example. Be aware of the following rules for exception handlers in this context: ■ given that T is a derived exception class, special errors of this type are handled by the exception handler ■ if T is a base class, the handler will also catch the exception objects thrown by derived classes, thus providing similar handling for generic and specific errors. 620 ■ CHAPTER 28 EXCEPTION HANDLING invalid_argument out_of_range length_error domain_error Invalid argument Argument value not in its expected range Length exceeds maximum capacity Domain error reported by the implementation range_error underflow_error overflow_error Range error in internal computation Arithmetic underflow error Arithmetic overflow error // Subscript operator of class FloatArr throws // exceptions with type of standard class out_of_range: // #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> using namespace std; double& FloatArr::operator[](int i) throw(out_of_range) { if( i < 0 || i >= anz ) throw out_of_range("Invalid index!"); else return arrPtr[i]; } // Test Program int main() { try { // Uses arrays of type FloatArr } catch(out_of_range& err) { cerr << err.what() << endl; } // The program continues here. } ■ STANDARD EXCEPTION CLASSES Exception classes derived from logic_error Exception classes derived from runtime_error Using standard exception classes STANDARD EXCEPTION CLASSES ■ 621 ᮀ Hierarchy of Standard Exception Classes The C++ standard library contains various exception classes, which are used in the string and container libraries, for example. However, the standard exception classes can be used just like exception classes of your own. Their definitions are to be found in the header file stdexcept. The standard exception classes are organized in a hierarchy, the common base class being the exception class. In addition to a default constructor, a copy constructor, and an assignment, this class contains a virtual public method, what(), which returns a message on the error cause as a C string. ᮀ Representing Logic Errors and Runtime Errors The following exception classes are derived from the exception class: logic_error used to represent logic errors, caused by anomalies in the program’s logic. These errors can be avoided. runtime_error used to represent runtime errors, such as under- or overflows occur- ring in internal computations. These errors are unpredictable. The opposite page contains on overview of the exception classes derived from the logic_error and runtime_error classes. For example, the method at() in the string class throws an out_of_range type exception when an invalid string position is passed to it. If a string cannot be displayed because of its exceptional length, an excep- tion of the invalid_argument type is thrown. An exception of the overflow_error or underflow_error type is thrown if the value to be displayed is too large or too small for the type in use. The range_error class shows range errors, which can occur during internal computations. A constructor with a string as a parameter is defined in every class derived from exception. This means you can initialize exceptions of these types with error messages. The what() method returns this error message as a C string. exercises 622 ■ CHAPTER 28 EXCEPTION HANDLING Error in reading: Invalid index: Error in writing: Invalid index: ■ EXERCISES Exercise 1: Error messages of the exception handler The first exception handler’s message: The second exception handler’s message: EXERCISES ■ 623 Exercise 1 The FloatArr class needs exception handling for cases where an invalid index is stated when accessing an array member. ■ Define the exception class BadIndex for this purpose and store the class in the header file “ floatArr.h”.The exception class must contain a data member to store the invalid index.The constructor expects an index that it will copy to the data member.The const access method getBadIndex() returns the data member. Both subscript operators should be able to throw BadIndex type excep- tions.Add an exception specification to the declaration of the subscript operators. The methods that expect the position as an argument, such as insert() and remove(), should also throw exceptions.Add appropriate exception specifications to the definitions and change the return types from bool to void. ■ Change the definitions of the methods and operator functions to allow a BadIndex type exception to be thrown when the index passed to the function is outside the valid range. ■ Write a main function where a constant vector is created and initialized with fixed values. Exception handling is required for the following scenar- ios.The array elements are displayed and an index is read until an invalid index value is input.The catch handler should output the information shown opposite for each invalid index. Then create a non-constant array.Add further exception handling to be performed. Elements are appended or inserted within a try block. Include an invalid element access attempt, which causes the catch han- dler to output the information shown opposite.Then finally output the array elements outside the try and catch blocks. 624 ■ CHAPTER 28 EXCEPTION HANDLING Exercises For Exercise 2: Error messages of the exception handlers Messages of the exception handlers for an exception object of type DivisionByZero: Error in initializing: The denominator is 0! Error in division: No division by zero! Error: Denominator is 0! New denominator != 0: EXERCISES ■ 625 Exercise 2 Implement exception handling for the Fraction class, which is used to represent fractions (see Exercise 2, Chapter 19). Dividing by 0 throws an exception that affects the constructor for the Fraction class and the operator functions / and >>. ■ Define the exception class DivError, which has no data members, within the Fraction class.The exception class is of the following type Fraction::DivError Add an appropriate exception specification to the declarations of the constructor and the operator functions / and >>. ■ Change the definition of the constructor in the Fraction class. If the value of the denominator is 0, a DivisionByZero type exception should be thrown. ■ Similarly modify the operator functions. ■ Now write a main function to test the various exceptions.You will need to arrange three different try and catch blocks sequentially. The first try/catch block tests the constructor. Create several fractions, including some with a numerator value of 0 and one with 0 as its denominator.The exception handler should issue the error message shown opposite. The second try/catch block tests divisions. Use a statement to attempt to divide by 0.The corresponding exception handler should send the second error message shown opposite to your standard output. The third try/catch block reads numerators and denominators of fractions in dialog. If the value of the denominator is 0, the denominator is read again. If the value is still 0, the third error message as shown opposite is output and the program terminates. solutions 626 ■ CHAPTER 28 EXCEPTION HANDLING ■ SOLUTIONS Exercise 1 // // floatArr.h : Represents dynamic float arrays. // Methods throw exceptions for an invalid index. // #ifndef _FLOATARR_ #define _FLOATARR_ #include <iostream> using namespace std; class BadIndex { private: int index; public: BadIndex(int i){index = i;} int getBadIndex() const {return index;} }; class FloatArr { private: float* arrPtr; // Dynamic member int max; // Maximum number without // reallocating more memory. int cnt; // Current number of elements. void expand( int newSize); // Function to help // enlarge the array. public: FloatArr( int n = 256 ); // Constructors FloatArr( int n, float val); FloatArr(const FloatArr& src); ~FloatArr(); // Destructor FloatArr& operator=( const FloatArr&); // Assignment int length() const { return cnt; } // Subscript operators: float& operator[](int i) throw(BadIndex); float operator[](int i) const throw(BadIndex); // Methods to append a float value // or an array of floats: void append( float val); void append( const FloatArr& v); SOLUTIONS ■ 627 FloatArr& operator+=( float val) { append( val); return *this; } FloatArr& operator+=( const FloatArr& v) { append(v); return *this; } // Methods to insert a float value // or an array of float values: void insert( float val, int pos) throw(BadIndex); void insert(const FloatArr& v,int pos) throw(BadIndex); void remove(int pos) throw(BadIndex); // Remove // at pos. // Output the array friend ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const FloatArr& v) { int w = os.width(); // Save field width. for( float *p = v.arrPtr; p < v.arrPtr + v.cnt; ++p) { os.width(w); os << *p; } return os; } }; #endif // _FLOATARR_ // // floatArr.cpp // Implementing the methods of FloatArr. // #include "floatArr.h" // Constructors FloatArr::FloatArr( int n ) { max = n; cnt = 0; // Sets max and cnt. arrPtr = new float[max]; // Allocates memory } FloatArr::FloatArr(int n, float val) { max = cnt = n; arrPtr = new float[max]; for( int i=0; i < cnt; ++i) arrPtr[i] = val; } 628 ■ CHAPTER 28 EXCEPTION HANDLING FloatArr::FloatArr(const FloatArr& src) { max = src.max; cnt = src.cnt; arrPtr = new float[max]; for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) arrPtr[i] = src.arrPtr[i]; } // Destructor FloatArr::~FloatArr() { delete[] arrPtr; } // Private functions to help enlarge the array. void FloatArr::expand( int newSize) { if( newSize == max) return; max = newSize; if( newSize < cnt) cnt = newSize; float *temp = new float[newSize]; for( int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) temp[i] = arrPtr[i]; delete[] arrPtr; arrPtr = temp; } FloatArr& FloatArr::operator=( const FloatArr& src ) { if( this != &src ) // No self assignment! { max = src.max; cnt = src.cnt; delete[] arrPtr; // Release memory, arrPtr = new float[max]; // reallocate, for( int i=0; i < cnt; i++) // copy elements. arrPtr[i] = src.arrPtr[i]; } return *this; } . Subscript operators: float& operator[](int i) throw(BadIndex); float operator[](int i) const throw(BadIndex); // Methods to append a float value // or an array of floats: void append( float val); void. classes are organized in a hierarchy, the common base class being the exception class. In addition to a default constructor, a copy constructor, and an assignment, this class contains a virtual public. Methods to insert a float value // or an array of float values: void insert( float val, int pos) throw(BadIndex); void insert(const FloatArr& v,int pos) throw(BadIndex); void remove(int pos)

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 17:21