• If a circuit is driven by a unit impulse, xt = 8t, then the response of the circuit equals the inverse Laplace transform of the transfer function, yt = !£~ l {Hs} = ht.. b Give the n
Trang 1Summary
• We can represent each of the circuit elements as an
6-domain equivalent circuit by Laplace-transforming
the voltage-current equation for each element:
• Resistor: V = RI
• Inductor: V - sLl - LI ()
• Capacitor: V = (l/sC)I + VJs
In these equations, V = Z£{v}, I = ?£{i}, /0 is the
ini-tial current through the inductor, and V0 is the initial
voltage across the capacitor (See pages 468-469.)
• We can perform circuit analysis in the s domain by
replacing each circuit element with its s-domain
equiva-lent circuit The resulting equivaequiva-lent circuit is solved by
writing algebraic equations using the circuit analysis
techniques from resistive circuits Table 13.1
summa-rizes the equivalent circuits for resistors, inductors, and
capacitors in the s domain (See page 470.)
• Circuit analysis in the s domain is particularly
advanta-geous for solving transient response problems in linear
lumped parameter circuits when initial conditions are
known It is also useful for problems involving multiple
simultaneous mesh-current or node-voltage equations,
because it reduces problems to algebraic rather than
differential equations (See pages 476-478.)
• The transfer function is the s-domain ratio of a circuit's
output to its input It is represented as
where Y(s) is the Laplace transform of the output
nal, and X(s) is the Laplace transform of the input
sig-nal (See page 484.)
• The partial fraction expansion of the product H(s)X(s)
yields a term for each pole of H(s) and X(s) The
H(s) terms correspond to the transient component of
the total response; the X(s) terms correspond to the
steady-state component (See page 486.)
• If a circuit is driven by a unit impulse, x(t) = 8(t), then
the response of the circuit equals the inverse Laplace
transform of the transfer function, y(t) = !£~ l {H(s)}
= h(t) (See pages 488-489.)
• A time-invariant circuit is one for which, if the input is
delayed by a seconds, the response function is also delayed by a seconds (See page 488.)
• The output of a circuit, y(t), can be computed by con-volving the input, x(t), with the impulse response of the circuit, h(t):
y{t) = h{t) * x{t) = / h{k)x{t - \)dk
= x{t) * h{t) = j x(\)h(t - A)d\
A graphical interpretation of the convolution integral often provides an easier computational method to
gen-erate y(t) (See page 489.)
• We can use the transfer function of a circuit to compute its steady-state response to a sinusoidal source To do so,
make the substitution s = j<o in H(s) and represent the
resulting complex number as a magnitude and phase angle If
x(t) = A cos((ot + ¢),
Hijco) = \H(jco)\e m "K
yjjt) = A\H(ja>)\ cos[e*t + ¢ + $(<*>)),
(See page 496.)
• Laplace transform analysis correctly predicts impulsive currents and voltages arising from switching and impul-sive sources You must ensure that the ^-domain
equiva-lent circuits are based on initial conditions at t = (T,
that is, prior to the switching (See page 498.)
Trang 2Problems
Section 13.1
13.1 Derive the s-domain equivalent circuit shown in
Fig 13.4 by expressing the inductor current i as a
function of the terminal voltage v and then
find-ing the Laplace transform of this time-domain
integral equation
13.2 Find the Thevenin equivalent of the circuit shown
in Fig 13.7
13.3 Find the Norton equivalent of the circuit shown
in Fig 13.3
Section 13.2
13.4 A 2 k i l resistor, a 312.5 mH inductor, and a 12.5 nF
capacitor are in parallel
a) Express the s-domain impedance of this parallel
combination as a rational function
b) Give the numerical values of the poles and zeros
of the impedance
13.5 A 1 kd resistor is in series with a 625 nF
capaci-tor This series combination is in parallel with a
100 mH inductor
a) Express the equivalent s-domain impedance of
these parallel branches as a rational function
b) Determine the numerical values of the poles
and zeros
13.6 A 8 kO resistor, a 1 H inductor, and a 40 nF
capaci-tor are in series
a) Express the s-domain impedance of this series
combination as a rational function
b) Give the numerical value of the poles and zeros
of the impedance
13.7 Find the poles and zeros of the impedance seen
looking into the terminals a,b of the circuit shown
in Fig PI3.7
Figure PI3.7
13.8 Find the poles and zeros of the impedance seen
looking into the terminals a,b of the circuit shown
in Fig P13.8
Figure P13.8
1 F ^
I F ; :
Section 13.3 13.9 The switch in the circuit shown in Fig PI 3.9 has
* switch moves instantaneously to position y
a) Construct an v-domain circuit for t > 0
b) Find V ot
c) Find v 0
Figure P13.9
13.10 The switch in the circuit in Fig P13.10 has been in
position a for a long time At t - 0, it moves
instan-taneously from a to b
a) Construct the s-domain circuit for t > 0
b) Find V a (s)
c) Find v„(t) for t > 0
Figure P13.10
10 mH
13.11 The switch in the circuit in Fig. P13.ll has been
a) Construct the y-domain equivalent circuit for
t > 0
b) Find V ,
Trang 3c) Find v() for t > 0
Figure P13.ll
10 mF
2 H
13.12 T h e switch in t h e circuit in Fig P13.12 h a s b e e n in
position a for a long time A t if = 0, t h e switch
moves instantaneously t o position b
a) Construct the ^-domain circuit for t > 0
c) Find / L
d) Find v() for t > 0
e) Find iL for t > 0
Figure P13.12
6.25 JX¥
/ = 0
20 ft
6.4 rnH v„
13.13 T h e switch in t h e circuit in Fig P13.13 h a s b e e n
PSPICE closed for a long time A t t = 0, t h e switch
is o p e n e d
a) Find va for t ^ 0
b ) Find ia for t > 0
Figure P13.13
t = 0
125 nF
H-13.14 T h e make-before-break switch in the circuit in
PSPICE Fig PI3.14 has b e e n in position a for a long time A t MULTisiM ? = o, it moves instantaneously t o position b Find i0 for t > 0
Figure P13.14
13.15 Find V 0 a n d va in t h e circuit s h o w n in Fig P13.15 if
PSPICE t h e initial energy is z e r o a n d t h e switch is closed at
Figure P13.15
2.8 kll 200 mH
t = 0
13.16 R e p e a t P r o b l e m 13.15 if t h e initial voltage o n t h e
PSPICE capacitor is 30 V positive at t h e u p p e r terminal
13.17 T h e switch in the circuit seen in Fig PI3.17 has been
instanta-MULTISIM neously to position b at t = 0
a) Construct the s-domain equivalent circuit for
t > 0
b) Find V\ a n d v^
c) Find V2 a n d v2
Figure P13.17
450 V
1.25 mH
13.18 T h e switch in the circuit seen in Fig P13.18 has b e e n
MULTISIM i n s t a n t a n e o u s l y to p o s i t i o n b
a) F i n d V f r
b) F i n d e r
Trang 4Figure P13.18
20 a
13.19 The switch in the circuit in Fig P13.19 has been
MULTISIM c + - ^ n
v n for t > 0
Figure P13.19
13.20 Find v () in the circuit shown in Fig PI3.20 if
PSP1CE L = 5u(t) mA There is no energy stored in the
cuit at t = 0
Figure P13.20
13.21 There is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI3.21
PSPICE at the time the switch is closed
a) Find v 0 for J s O
b) Does your solution make sense in terms of
known circuit behavior? Explain
Figure P13.21
2H t = 0 + "A
+ 1H
_ 4mF
13.22 There is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI3.22
MULTISIM at t = 0~
a) Use the mesh current method to find i a
b) Find the time domain expression for v 0
c) Do your answers in (a) and (b) make sense in
terms of known circuit behavior? Explain
Figure P13.22
10//(0 V
i n
13.23 a) Find the s-domain expression for V 0 in the circuit _™_ in Fig PI3.23
b) Use the ^-domain expression derived in (a) to
predict the initial- and final-values of v a c) Find the time-domain expression for v ()
Figure P13.23
|15w(0mA j l H
13.24 Find the time-domain expression for the current in
PSPICE the inductor in Fig P13.23 Assume the reference
MULTISIM ¢ ^ ¢ ^ 0 ] } f or / £ j s d o w n
13.25 There is no energy stored in the capacitors in the
PSPICE circuit in Fig P13.25 at the time the switch is closed
a) Construct the s-domain circuit tor t > 0
b) Find I h V h and V 2 c) Find z'i, Vi, and i>2
d) Do your answers for i h V\, and v 2 make sense in terms of known circuit behavior? Explain
Figure PI3.25
50 kn
300 nF
20 V
100 nF
13.26 There is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI3.26
MULTISIM ^ = 7 5 u { ( ) y
a) Find V 0 and I 0 b) Find v 0 and i a c) Do the solutions for v a and i a make sense in terms of known circuit behavior? Explain
Trang 5Figure P13.26
4 m F
:20 II
13.27 T h e r e is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI 3.27
a) Find / a and Ib
b) Find / a and / b
c) Find V&i V bi and Vc
d) Find t* a, vh , a n d v c
e) A s s u m e a capacitor will break down w h e n e v e r
its terminal voltage is 1000 V H o w long after the
current source turns on will o n e of the capacitors
b r e a k d o w n ?
Figure P13.27
+ v«
100 mF
Z 100 mF ion
13.28 T h e r e is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI3.28
at t = 0"
c) D o e s your solution for v0 m a k e sense in terms of
known circuit behavior? Explain
Figure P13.28
30 n
w v
13.29 T h e r e is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI 3.29
PSPICE at the time the sources are energized
a) Find I^s) a n d Ijis)
b) Use the initial- and final-value theorems to check
the initial- and final-values of i\{t) and /'2(f)
c) Find i{ (t) a n d i (t) for t > 0
Figure P13.29
2.5 H
6«(/)A( f
200 mF
13,30 T h e r e is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig P13.30
PSPICE at t h e time the current source turns on Given that
a) Find V„(s)
b) U s e the initial- a n d final-value t h e o r e m s to find
v o (0 + ) and yf) (oo)
c) D e t e r m i n e if the results obtained in (b) agree with known circuit behavior
Figure P13.30
13.31 T h e initial energy in the circuit in Fig P13.31 is zero
PSPICE T h e ideal voltage source is 120«(7) V
b) U s e the initial- and final-value t h e o r e m s to find
i a (Q + ) and f0 (oo)
c) D o the values o b t a i n e d in (b) agree with k n o w n circuit behavior? Explain
d) Find / „ ( 0 Figure P13.31
_4 CYV-V>_
13.32 There is n o energy stored in the circuit in Fig P13.32
PSPICE at the time the voltage source is energized
a) Find V() , I () , and I L
Trang 6Figure P13.32 Figure P13.35
13.33 Beginning with Eq 13,65, show that the capacitor
current in the circuit in Fig 13.19 is positive for
0 < t < 200 (is and negative for t > 200 {is Also
show that at 200 (is, the current is zero and that this
corresponds to when dv c /dt is zero
13.34 The two switches in the circuit shown in Fig P13.34
operate simultaneously There is no energy stored
in the circuit at the instant the switches close Find
/(f) for t & 0+ by first finding the s-domain
Thevenin equivalent of the circuit to the left of the
terminals a,b
Figure P13.34
13.35 The switch in the circuit shown in Fig P13.35
has been open for a long time The voltage of
the sinusoidal source is v g = V m sin {cot + cj>)
The switch closes at / = 0 Note that the angle
cf) in the voltage expression determines the value
of the voltage at the moment when the switch
closes, that is, v g (0) = V m sin
4>-a) Use the Laplace transform method to find
/" for t > 0
b) Using the expression derived in (a), write the
expression for the current after the switch has
been closed for a long time
c) Using the expression derived in (a), write the
expression for the transient component of /'
d) Find the steady-state expression for i using the
phasor method Verify that your expression is
equivalent to that obtained in (b)
e) Specify the value of c/> so that the circuit passes
directly into steady-state operation when the
switch is closed
13.36 The magnetically coupled coils in the circuit seen
PSPICE m pjg_ pi 3.36 carry initial currents of 15 and 10 A,
as shown
a) Find the initial energy stored in the circuit
b) Find I { and /2
c) Find i] and i 2
d) Find the total energy dissipated in the 120 and
270 H resistors
e) Repeat (a)-(d), with the dot on the 18 H induc-tor at the lower terminal
Figure P13.36
6 H
8 H
15 A r
18 H ' hj
10 A
:270 0
13.37 The switch in the circuit seen in Fig PI3.37 has
1 Use the Laplace transform method of analysis to
find v„
Figure P13.37
X = 0
13.38 The make-before-break switch in the circuit seen in
PSPICE pig P13.38 has been in position a for a long time At
t = 0, it moves instantaneously to position b Find
L for t > 0
Trang 7Figure P13.38 Figure P13.42
90 V
10 a
13.39 There is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig PI3.39
PSPICE at the time the switch is closed
a) Find / ,
b) Use the initial- and final-value theorems to find
/t(0+) and/j(oo)
c) Find /,
Figure P13.39
13.40 a) Find the current in the 40 XI resistor in the
cir-pspicE cuit in Fig PI3.39 The reference direction for
the current is down through the resistor
b) Repeat part (a) if the dot on the 1.25 H coil
is reversed
13.41 In the circuit in Fig P13.41, switch 1 closes at t = 0,
instanta-MULTISIM n e o u si y from position a to position b
a) Construct the A-domain equivalent circuit for
t > 0
b) F i n d / ,
c) Use the initial- and final-value theorems to
check the initial and final values of /,
d) Find /, for t > 0+
Figure P13.41
120 a
1 0 a
20 V
13.42 There is no energy stored in the circuit seen in
a) Use the principle ot superposition to find V 0
b) Find v for t > 0
10 a
A A A r
-6 0 K ( / ) V V 0
12.5 mF f \ J1.5w(r)A | 2 0 a
13.43 Verify that the solution of Eqs 13.91 and 13.92 for V 2
yields the same expression as that given by Eq 13.90
13.44 The op amp in the circuit shown in Fig P13.44 is
fR™ ideal There is no energy stored in the circuit at the
MULTISIM time it is energized If v g = 16,000ta(/) V, find (a) V ( „ (b) v 0 , (c) how long it takes to saturate the
operational amplifier, and (d) how small the rate of
increase in v g must be to prevent saturation
Figure P13.44
12.5 nF
13.45 The op amp in the circuit seen in Fig P13.45 is ideal
MULTISIM ^ m& ^ g c r r c mt js energized Determine (a) V () , (b)
v m and (c) how long it takes to saturate the opera-tional amplifier
Figure P13.45
200 k a 200 k a
• — w v +
250 nF
-1(-250 nF
:100 Ml
0.5K(J) V ^ - 5 0 0 n F
Find v () (t) in the circuit shown in Fig P13.46 if the
ideal op amp operates within its linear range and
v s = \6u(t) mV
Trang 8Figure P13.46
13.47 The op amp in the circuit shown in Fig PI3.47 is
MUITISIM jj1 £ jn s t a n t the cir c ui t is energized
a) Find v a if v gi = 40i/(f) V and V H2 = 16//(/) V
b) How many milliseconds after the two voltage
sources are turned on does the op amp saturate?
Sections 13.4-13.5 13.49 a) Find the numerical expression for the
trans-fer function H(s) = V„/Vi for the circuit in
Fig PI3.49
b) Give the numerical value of each pole and zero
of H{s)
Figure P13.49
16 kO
100 kO 13.50 Find the numerical expression for the transfer
func-tion (VJV,) of each circuit in Fig P13.50 and give
the numerical value of the poles and zeros of each transfer function
Figure P13.47
Figure P13.50
100 kO
40 nF
40 n F
r-K->\ 100 kO
(a) 2kH
v, 250 mPH v <> v < 2kfi
13.48 The op amps in the circuit shown in Fig P13.48 are
MULTISIM t = ( )- T f ^ = 1 6 K ^ m V i h o w m a n y m i l l i s e c o r i d s
elapse before an op amp saturates?
Figure P13.48
25 kf!
40 kO
i 1
t 250 n F ^
» (
13,51 a) Find the transfer function H(s) = VJVj for the
circuit shown in Fig PI3.51 (a)
b) Find the transfer function H(s) = V 0 /V t for the circuit shown in Fig PI 3.51(b)
c) Create two different circuits that have the transfer
function H(s) = V () /Vi = 1000/(5+1000) Use
components selected from Appendix H and Figs.P13.51(a)and(b)
Trang 9Figure PI3.51
• —
13.54 The operational amplifier in the circuit in Fig PI3.54
is ideal
a) Find the numerical expression for the transfer
function H(s) = VJV S
b) Give the numerical value of each zero and pole
of H(s)
13.52 a) Find the transfer function H(s) = VJV, for the
circuit shown in Fig PI3.52(a)
b) Find the transfer function H(s) = V 0 /V t for the
circuit shown in Fig PI3.52(b)
c) Create two different circuits that have the
trans-fer function H(s) = VJV-, = s/(s + 10,000)
Use components selected from Appendix H and
Figs P13.52(a) and (b)
Figure P13.52
• — 1 (
-Figure P13.54
+ +
a) Find the transfer function H(s) = V () /V, for the
circuit shown in Fig P13.53 Identify the poles
and zeros for this transfer function
b) Find three components from Appendix H which
when used in the circuit of Fig P13.53 will result in
a transfer function with two poles that are distinct
real numbers Calculate the values of the poles
c) Find three components from Appendix H which
when used in the circuit of Fig PI3.53 will result
in a transfer function with two poles, both with
the same value Calculate the value of the poles
d) Find three components from Appendix H which
when used in the circuit of Fig P13.53 will result
in a transfer function with two poles that are
complex conjugate complex numbers Calculate
the values of the poles
C? = 25 nF
l k Q 200nF
^vw } | —
ft c
13.55 The operational amplifier in the circuit in Fig PI3.55
is ideal
a) Find the numerical expression for the transfer
function//(5) = VJV r
b) Give the numerical value of each zero and pole
of H(s)
Figure P13.55
400 pF
Figure P13.53
13.56 The operational amplifier in the circuit in
Fig PI3.56 is ideal
a) Derive the numerical expression of the
trans-fer function H(s) = VJV g for the circuit in Fig P13.56
b) Give the numerical value of each pole and zero
of H(s)
Trang 10Figure P13.56 13.59 a) Find the transfer function I( ,/I s as a function of
b) Find the largest value of i± that will produce a
b o u n d e d output signal for a b o u n d e d input signal
c) Find it) for /x = - 3 , 0 , 4 , 5 , and 6 if L = 5u(t) A
Figure P13.59
8 k O
13.57 T h e r e is no energy stored in the circuit in Fig P13.57
PSPICE a t the time the switch is opened.The sinusoidal current
MULTISIM s o u r c e i s g e n e r a t j n g the signal 100 cos 10,000/ m A
The response signal is the current iir
c) Describe the n a t u r e of the transient c o m p o n e n t
of 4 ( 0 without solving for in (t)
d) Describe the n a t u r e of the steadystate c o m p o
-n e -n t of i0 (t) without solving for i 0 {t)
e) Verify the observations m a d e in (c) and (d) by
Figure P13.57
Section 13.6
13.60 a) Find h{t) * x{t) w h e n h(t) a n d x(t) are the
rec-tangular pulses shown in Fig P13.60(a)
b) R e p e a t (a) w h e n x(t) changes to the rectangular
pulse shown in Fig P13.60(b)
c) R e p e a t (a) when h(t) changes to t h e rectangular
pulse shown in Fig P13.60(c)
Figure P13.60
100 nF
13.58 In the circuit of Fig P13.58 i (> is the o u t p u t signal
and vg is the input signal Find the poles and zeros
of the transfer function, assuming t h e r e is n o initial
energy stored in the linear transformer or in the
Figure P13.58
5 H
v P \
25 H
10 H
10 kO
62.5 nF
13.61 a) Given y{t) = h(t) * x(t), find y(t) when h(t) and
x(t) are the rectangular pulses shown in
Fig PI3.61 (a)
b) R e p e a t (a) w h e n h{t) changes to the rectangular
pulse shown in Fig PI3.61(b)
c) R e p e a t (a) when h(t) changes t o the rectangular
pulse shown in Fig PI 3.61(c)
d) Sketch y(t) versus t for ( a ) - ( c ) on a single graph
e) D o the sketches in (d) m a k e sense? Explain