13.40 to see whether it makes sense in terms of the given initial conditions and the known circuit behavior after the switch has been open for a long time.. 13.40 predicts zero initial c
Trang 1where co = 40,000, a = 32,000, and (3 = 24,000
We can't test the final value of i L with the final-value theorem because
l L has a pair of poles on the imaginary axis; that is, poles at ±/4 X 104
Thus we must first find i L and then check the validity of the expression from known circuit behavior
When we expand Eq 13.36 into a sum of partial fractions, we generate the equation
/ , = s -/40,000 s + /40,000 s + 32,000 - /24,000 K: + Kl + K,
+ s + 32,000 + /24,000 K\
The numerical values of the coefficients K\ and K 2 are
384 X 105(/40,000)
* 1 = 7T
(/80,000)(32,000 + /16,000)(32,000 + /64,000)
= 7.5 X 1 0 ~3/ - 9 0 ° , (13.38)
K, = 384 X 105( -32,000 + /24,000)
(-32,000 - /16,000)(-32,000 + /64,000)(/48,000)
Substituting the numerical values from Eqs 13.38 and 13.39 into
Eq 13.37 and inverse-transforming the resulting expression yields
i L = [15 cos (40,000r - 90°)
+ 25e -32.000? cos(24,000r + 90°)] mA,
= (15 sin 40,000r - 2Se~ nmt sin 24,000/)tt(0 mA (13.40)
We now test Eq 13.40 to see whether it makes sense in terms of the given initial conditions and the known circuit behavior after the switch has
been open for a long time For t = 0, Eq 13.40 predicts zero initial current,
which agrees with the initial energy of zero in the circuit Equation 13.40 also predicts a steady-state current of
i La = 15sin40,000rmA, which can be verified by the phasor method (Chapter 9)
Figure 13.15 • A multiple-mesh RL circuit
The Step Response of a Multiple Mesh Circuit
Until now, we avoided circuits that required two or more node-voltage or
48 ft mesh-current equations, because the techniques for solving simultaneous
differential equations are beyond the scope of this text However, using Laplace techniques, we can solve a problem like the one posed by the multiple-mesh circuit in Fig 13.15
Trang 2Here we want to find the branch currents /j and i 2 that arise when the
336 V dc voltage source is applied suddenly to the circuit The initial
energy stored in the circuit is zero Figure 13.16 shows the v-domain
equiv-alent circuit of Fig 13.15 The two mesh-current equations are
= (42 + 8.45)/] - 42/2,
0 = - 4 2 / j + (90 + 10s)I 2 Using Cramer's method to solve for l x and I 2 , we obtain
A = 42 + 8.4s - 42
- 42 90 + 10s
48 a
Figure 13.16 • The s-domain equivalent circuit for the
circuit shown in Fig 13.15
= 84(52 + 14.9 + 24)
= 84( s + 2)(5 + 12), (13.44)
A', 336/5 - 42
0 90 + 105
3360(5 + 9)
No = 42 + 8.45 336/5
- 42 0
Based on Eqs 13.44-13.46,
/> = /Vi _ 40(5 + 9)
A " s(s + 2)(5 + 12)' (13.47)
A 5(5 + 2)(5 + 12)'
Expanding I] and /2 into a sum of partial fractions gives
5 5 + 2 5 + 1 2 '
8.4 1.4 +
Trang 3We obtain the expressions tor i { and i 2 by inverse-transforming Eqs 13.49 and 13.50, respectively:
I, = (15 - Ue~ 2t - e~ ]2t )u(t) A, (13.51)
/2 = (7 - 8.4e"z' + \Ae~ l *)u(t) A (13.52)
Next we test the solutions to see whether they make sense in terms of the circuit Because no energy is stored in the circuit at the instant the switch is closed, both /'i(0~) and /2(0-) must be zero The solutions agree with these initial values After the switch has been closed for a long time, the two
induc-tors appear as short circuits Therefore, the final values of i { and i 2 are
, x 336(90)
/ ( 0 0 ) = *—'- = 15 A ,
15(42) / 2 ( o o ) = ^ = 7 A (13.54)
One final test involves the numerical values of the exponents and calcu-lating the voltage drop across the 42 11 resistor by three different methods
From the circuit, the voltage across the 42 Q resistor (positive at the top) is
dii d'h
v = 42(/, - h) = 336 - 8.4—- = 48/, + 1 0 -2
/ ' A S S E S S M E N T P R O B L E M
You should verify that regardless of which form of Eq 13.55 is used, the voltage is
v = (336 - 235.2e~2r - 100.80e"12r)«(0 V
We are thus confident that the solutions for i x and i 2 are correct
Objective 2—Know how to analyze a circuit in the s domain and be able to transform an s domain solution to the time domain
13.5 The dc current and voltage sources are
applied simultaneously to the circuit shown
No energy is stored in the circuit at the instant
of application
a) Derive the 5-domain expressions for V\
and V 2
b) For t > 0, derive the time-domain
expres-sions for V\ and v 2
c) Calculate ^(0+) and v 2 (0 + )
d) Compute the steady-state values of V\
and Vi
Answer: (a) V l = [5(s + 3)]/[s(s + 0.5)(5 + 2)],
V 2 = [2.5(s 2 + 6)]/[s(s + 0.5)(5 + 2)]; (b) v, = (15 50 -0.5/ + f<r2>(0 v,
v2 = 05 - l-fe-°-51 + ?e*)«(0 V;
(c) u,(0+) = 0, v 2 (0 + ) = 2.5 V;
(d) vi = v 2 = 15 V
1 H
_ / - W Y - \ _
v\ 3 n f
NOTE: Also try Chapter Problems 13.22 and 13.29
Trang 4The Use of Thevenin's Equivalent
In this section we show how to use Thevenin's equivalent in the s domain
Figure 13.17 shows the circuit to be analyzed The problem is to find the
capacitor current that results from closing the switch.The energy stored in
the circuit prior to closing is zero
To find i c, we first construct the 5-domain equivalent circuit and then
find the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit with respect to the terminals of
the capacitor Figure 13.18 shows the 5-domain circuit
The Thevenin voltage is the open-circuit voltage across terminals a, b
Under open-circuit conditions, there is no voltage across the 60 Q
resis-tor Hence
V T I , =
20 + 0.002*
5 + 104' (13.56) The Thevenin impedance seen from terminals a and b equals the 60 ft
resistor in series with the parallel combination of the 20 fl resistor and the
2 mH inductor Thus
ZT h = 60 + 0.0025(20) 80(5 + 7500)
20 + 0.0025 .v + KV (13.57)
Using the Thevenin equivalent, we reduce the circuit shown in Fig 13.18
to the one shown in Fig 13.19 It indicates that the capacitor current I c
equals the Thevenin voltage divided by the total series impedance Thus,
4) [80(5 + 7500)/(5 + 104)] + [(2 X 105)/5]
We simplify Eq 13.58 to
52 + 10,0005 + 25 X 106 (s + 5000)2
A partial fraction expansion of Eq 13.59 generates
Ir = -30,000 +
(5 + 5000)' the inverse transform of which is
5 + 5000'
i c = (-30,000f«T50,M)' + 6e- 5m ')u(t) A
We now test Eq 13.61 to see whether it makes sense in terms of
known circuit behavior From Eq 13.61,
This result agrees with the initial current in the capacitor, as calculated from
the circuit in Fig 13.17 The initial inductor current is zero and the initial
capacitor voltage is zero, so the initial capacitor current is 480/80, or 6 A
The final value of the current is zero, which also agrees with Eq 13.61 Note
also from this equation that the current reverses sign when t exceeds
6/30.000, or 200 /AS The fact that ic reverses sign makes sense because,
when the switch first closes, the capacitor begins to charge Eventually this
charge is reduced to zero because the inductor is a short circuit at t = co
The sign reversal of i c reflects the charging and discharging of the capacitor
Let's assume that the voltage drop across the capacitor v c is also of
inter-est Once we know i c we find v c by integration in the time domain; that is,
v c = 2 x 10 5 / ( 6 - 30, -5(K«h
20 fi 60 a a
'VW-Figure 13.17 A A circuit to be analyzed using
Thevenin's equivalent in the s domain
•-N 4| ^ 10.002 s V c / ct -±z2x 105
Figure 13.18 • The 5-domain model of the circuit
shown in Fig 13.17
v c i c ; ^ 2 x i o5
Figure 13.19 • A simplified version of the circuit
shown in Fig 13.18, using a Thevenin equivalent
Trang 5Although the integration called for in Eq 13.63 is not difficult, we may
avoid it altogether by first finding the s-domain expression for V c and then
finding v c by an inverse transform Thus
V c = -pic
2 X 105 6.v
s (s + 5000)2
from which
12 X 105
(s + 5000)^
vc = 12 x io5rtr50f)0
You should verify that Eq 13.65 is consistent with Eq 13.63 and that it
also supports the observations made with regard to the behavior of i c (see Problem 13.33)
Objective 2—Know how to analyze a circuit in the s domain and be able to transform an s-domain solution to the time domain
13.6 The initial charge on the capacitor in the circuit
shown is zero
a) Find the 5-domain Thevenin equivalent
cir-cuit with respect to terminals a and b
b) Find the s-domain expression for the current
that the circuit delivers to a load consisting of
a 1 H inductor in series with a 2 ft resistor
Answer: (a) V Th = V &h = [20(5 + 2A))/[s(s + 2)),
ZT t l = 5(5 + 2.8)/(s + 2);
NOTE: Also try Chapter Problem 13.34
(b) Ja b = [20(5 + 2A)]/[s(s + 3)(5 + 6)]
0.5 F
A Circuit with Mutual Inductance
The next example illustrates how to use the Laplace transform to analyze the transient response of a circuit that contains mutual inductance Figure 13.20 shows the circuit The make-before-break switch has been in
position a for a long time At t = 0, the switch moves instantaneously to position b The problem is to derive the time-domain expression for i 2
We begin by redrawing the circuit in Fig 13.20, with the switch in position b and the magnetically coupled coils replaced with a T-equivalent circuit.1 Figure 13.21 shows the new circuit
9 f i
3 a
-'VW-/ = 0
2 H ^vw-2D,
60 V
Figure 13.20 • A circuit containing magnetically coupled coils
h ion
Sec Appendix C
Trang 6We now transform this circuit to the s domain In so doing, we note that
f l ( °" ) = f = 5A '
WO = 0
Because we plan to use mesh analysis in the s domain, we use the series
equivalent circuit for an inductor carrying an initial current Figure 13.22
shows the s-domain circuit Note that there is only one independent
volt-age source This source appears in the vertical leg of the tee to account for
the initial value of the current in the 2 H inductor of /,(0-) + /2(0~), or 5 A
The branch carrying /, has no voltage source because Lt - M = 0
The two i'-domain mesh equations that describe the circuit in
Fig 13.22 are
(3 + 2s)I } + 2sl 2 = 10
2sT t + (12 + 85)/2 = 10
Solving for /2 yields
/ 2 =
(s + l ) ( j + 3)
Expanding Eq 13.70 into a sum of partial fractions generates
1.25 1.25
/ 7 =
s + 1 s + 3
i 2 = (1.25e"' - 1.25e"3/)w(0 A
(13.68) (13.69)
Equation 13.72 reveals that i 2 increases from zero to a peak value of
481.13 mA in 549.31 ms after the switch is moved to position b Thereafter,
/2 decreases exponentially toward zero Figure 13.23 shows a plot of i 2
ver-sus t This response makes sense in terms of the known physical behavior
of the magnetically coupled coils A current can exist in the L2 inductor
only if there is a time-varying current in the L, inductor As i\ decreases
from its initial value of 5 A, /2 increases from zero and then approaches
zero as i, approaches zero
(L, - M) (L 2 - M) 3H OH 6 H 2ti
( M H 2 H 10 a
Figure 13.21 A The circuit shown in Fig 13.20, with
the magnetically coupled coils replaced by a T-equivalent circuit
Figure 13.22 A The s-domain equivalent circuit for the
circuit shown in Fig 13.21
i 2 (mA) 481.13
Figure 13.23 A The plot of i 2 versus t for the circuit
shown in Fig 13.20
Objective 2—Know how to analyze a circuit in the s domain and be able to transform an s-domain solution to the
time domain
13.7 a) Verify from Eq 13.72 that /2 reaches a peak
value of 481.13 mA at t = 549.31 ms
b) Find i h for t > 0, for the circuit shown in
Fig 13.20
c) Compute di x fdt when i 2 is at its peak value
d) Express i 2 as a function of dii/dt when i 2 is
at its peak value
e) Use the results obtained in (c) and (d) to
calculate the peak value of i 2
Answer: (a) di 2 /dt = 0 when t = | l n 3 (s);
(b) /, = 2.5(6'"' + e "3> ( 0 A;
(c) -2.89 A/s;
(d) /2 = -{MdiJdt)/\2\
(e) 481.13 mA
NOTE: Also try Chapter Problems 13.39 and 13.40
Trang 7+ y
Vj < Ri
Figure 13.24 • A circuit showing the use of
super-position in s-domain analysis
Figure 13.25 • The s-domain equivalent for the circuit
of Fig 13.24
Figure 13.26 • The circuit shown in Fig 13.25 with V^
acting alone
The Use of Superposition
Because we are analyzing linear lumped-parameter circuits, we can use superposition to divide the response into components that can be identi-fied with particular sources and initial conditions Distinguishing these components is critical to being able to use the transfer function, which we introduce in the next section
Figure 13.24 shows our illustrative circuit We assume that at the instant when the two sources are applied to the circuit, the inductor is car-rying an initial current of p amperes and that the capacitor is carcar-rying an initial voltage of y volts The desired response of the circuit is the voltage
across the resistor R 2 , labeled v 2
Figure 13.25 shows the s-domain equivalent circuit We opted for the
parallel equivalents for L and C because we anticipated solving for V 2
using the node-voltage method
To find V 2 by superposition, we calculate the component of V 2 result-ing from each source actresult-ing alone, and then we sum the components We
begin with V g acting alone Opening each of the three current sources deactivates them Figure 13.26 shows the resulting circuit We added the
node voltage V{ to aid the analysis The primes on V t and V 2 indicate that
they are the components of Vj and V 2 attributable to V g acting alone The two equations that describe the circuit in Fig 13.26 are
+ — + sC \V\ - sCV' 2 = -P-,
\-jf + sC
For convenience, we introduce the notation
K 22 = 4 - + ^
K 2
Substituting Eqs 13.75-13.77 into Eqs 13.73 and 13.74 gives
Y n V\ + Y n V 2 = V g /R h (13.78)
Y„V\ + YnV'r, = 0 12" 1 (13.79)
Solving Eqs 13.78 and 13.79 for V' 2 gives
^11¾ _ *12
With the current source I g acting alone, the circuit shown in Fig 13.25
reduces to the one shown in Fig 13.27 Here, V'{ and V 2 are the
compo-nents of V x and V 2 resulting from L If we use the notation introduced in
Trang 8Eqs 13.75-13.77, t h e two node-voltage equations that describe t h e circuit
in Fig 13.27 a r e
-1(-sLAV'[ V'^R,
Y l2 Vl + Y 22 V'i = I r
Solving Eqs 13.81 and 13.82 for V'i yields
V'i = ^ - j - /
M l ' 2 2 — ' 1 2
Figure 13.27 • The circuit shown in Fig 13.25, with
(13.82) j g acting alone
To find the component of V 2 resulting from the initial energy stored in
the inductor {V%), we must solve the circuit shown in Fig 13.28, where Fi9U"-e 13.28 • The circuit shown in Fig 13.25, with
the energized inductor acting alone
YnV'{' + Y l2 V 2 " = -p/s, (13.84)
Y 12 Vf + Y 22 V'{ = 0
Til us
V'i' = Yjs
Ml*22 -yl
V-* 12
From the circuit shown in Fig 13.29, we find the component of
V 2 iy'i') resulting from the initial energy stored in the capacitor The
node-voltage equations describing this circuit are
YuVT + Y l2 V? = yC,
K „ V r + Yy>V7 = -yC 22^ 2 Solving for Vf yields
Y\\Y 2 2 Yyi
The expression for V 2 is
V 2 =V' 2 + V'i + V'i' + V'i"
Figure 13.29 A The circuit shown in Fig 13.25, with
the energized capacitor acting alone
-(Yn/Ri) Y\\Y 22 - Y\\ *i + — — 7 ?
Y\]Y 22 - Yyi
+ Y]\Y Y 22 ]2 Y\ /s 2 p ^ T~ -C(Y U + Y n )
y-Y\\Y 22 — Y i2
We can find V 2 without using superposition by solving the two
node-voltage equations that describe the circuit shown in Fig 13.25 Thus
Trang 9(13.91)
Y X2 V X + Y 22 V 2 = I - yC (13.92)
You should verify in Problem 13.43 that the solution of Eqs 13.91 and
13.92 for V 2 gives the same result as Eq 13.90
Objective 2—Know how to analyze a circuit in the s domain and be able to transform an s-domain solution to the time domain
13.8 The energy stored in the circuit shown is zero
at the instant the two sources are turned on
a) Find the component of v for t > 0 owing to
the voltage source
b) Find the component of v for t > 0 owing to
the current source
c) Find the expression for v when t > 0
NOTE: Also try Chapter Problem 13.42
Answer: (a) [(100/3)e"2 ' - (100/3)<T 8r jw(0 V ;
(b) [(50/3)<T2' - (50/3)e-*')u(t) V;
(c) [50<T2' - 50e"8']«(0 V
2 f l
20u(t)f +
1.25IH » : 5 0 m F ( t ^ 5u{t)
13.4 The Transfer Function
The transfer function is defined as the s-domain ratio of the Laplace
trans-form of the output (response) to the Laplace transtrans-form of the input (source) In computing the transfer function, we restrict our attention to circuits where all initial conditions are zero If a circuit has multiple inde-pendent sources, we can find the transfer function for each source and use superposition to find the response to all sources
The transfer function is
Definition of a transfer function • H(s) = Y(s)
Figure 13.30 • A series RLC circuit
where Y(s) is the Laplace transform of the output signal, and X(s) is the
Laplace transform of the input signal Note that the transfer function depends on what is defined as the output signal Consider, for example, the series circuit shown in Fig 13.30 If the current is defined as the response signal of the circuit,
V~R + sL+ 1/sC ~ S2 LC + RCs + 1 (13.94)
In deriving Eq 13.94, we recognized that /corresponds to the output Y(s) and V g corresponds to the input X(s)
Trang 10If the voltage across the capacitor is defined as the output signal of the
circuit shown in Fig 13.30, the transfer function is
R + sL + 1/sC s 2 LC + RCs + 1 (13.95)
Thus, because circuits may have multiple sources and because the definition
of the output signal of interest can vary, a single circuit can generate many
transfer functions Remember that when multiple sources are involved, no
single transfer function can represent the total output—transfer functions
associated with each source must be combined using superposition to yield
the total response Example 13.1 illustrates the computation of a transfer
function for known numerical values of R, L, and C
Example 13.1 Deriving the Transfer Function of a Circuit
The voltage source v„ drives the circuit shown in
Fig 13.31 The response signal is the voltage across
the capacitor, v (>
a) Calculate the numerical expression for the
trans-fer function
b) Calculate the numerical values for the poles and
zeros of the transfer function
1000 a
50 mH
1 ju.F v t>
Figure 13.31 A The circuit for Example 13.1
a) The first step in finding the transfer function is to
construct the 5-domain equivalent circuit, as
shown in Fig 13.32 By definition, the transfer
function is the ratio of V 0 /V s , which can be
com-puted from a single node-voltage equation
Summing the currents away from the upper
node generates
V - V
<> ?
1000 + 250 + 0.055 10V' V„s 6 = 0
ooo n
Figure 13.32 • The s-domain equivalent circuit for the circuit shown in Fig 13.31
Solving for V () yields
1000(5 + 5()00)¾
Vo =
52 + 60005 + 25 X 106' Hence the transfer function is
1000(5 + 5000)
" 52 + 60005 + 25 X 106 "
b) The poles of H{s) are the roots of the
denomina-tor polynomial Therefore
-p ] = -3000 - y'4000, -p 2 = -3000 + /4000
The zeros of H(s) are the roots of the numera-tor polynomial; thus H(s) has a zero at
-Zi = -5000