Energy Calculations We conclude our first look at mutual inductance with a discussion of the total energy stored in magnetically coupled coils... During this time interval, the voltage
Trang 1shown in Fig 6.29 Again, the polarity reference assigned to Vy is based on
the dot convention
1 ( T ^ H + I
>l jLL> i /*TN The total flux linking coil 2 is
Figure 6.29 • The magnetically coupled coils of
Fig 6.28, with coil 2 excited and coil 1 open
<t>2 = 4>22 + <Ai2- (6.46)
The flux 4> 2 and its components (f> 22 and <pn are related to the coil current
h as follows:
(f)2 = 8^2^2*2»
(f> 22 = <3> 22 N 2 i 2 ,
012 =
Tlie voltages v 2 and Vj are
The coefficient of mutual inductance that relates the voltage induced in coil
1 to the time-varying current in coil 2 is the coefficient of di 2/dt in Eq 6.51:
For nonmagnetic materials, the permeances 0^ 2 a nd ^21 a r e equal, and therefore
Hence for linear circuits with just two magnetically coupled coils, attach-ing subscripts to the coefficient of mutual inductance is not necessary
Mutual Inductance in Terms of Self-Inductance
The value of mutual inductance is a function of the self-inductances We derive this relationship as follows From Eqs 6.42 and 6.50,
L 2 = Np 2 ,
respectively From Eqs 6.54 and 6.55,
— \j2\rZc
Trang 26.5 A Closer Look at Mutual Inductance 197
We now use Eq 6.41 and the corresponding expression for ?P 2 t o write
L,L 2 = NM(®n + ^ 2 1 ) ( ¾ + ^12) (6.57)
But for a linear system, 0>2i = ^12, so Eq 6.57 becomes
=«•('*&)('* a )
Replacing the two terms involving permeances by a single constant
expresses Eq 6.58 in a more meaningful form:
* - ( • • & ) ( • • & }
Substituting Eq 6.59 into Eq 6.58 yields
M2 = k2L}L2
inductance using coupling coefficient
where the constant k is called the coefficient of coupling According to
Eq 6.59, l/k 2 must be greater than 1, which means that k must be less than 1
In fact, the coefficient of coupling must lie between 0 and 1, or
0 < k < 1 (6.61)
The coefficient of coupling is 0 when the two coils have no common
flux; that is, when <£12 = ¢21 = 0 This condition implies that 8P12 = 0, and
Eq 6.59 indicates that l/k 2 = 001 or k — 0 If there is no flux linkage
between the coils, obviously M is 0
The coefficient of coupling is equal to 1 when c/>n and <f> 22 are O.This
condition implies that all the flux that links coil 1 also links coil 2 In terms
of Eq 6.59, SPJI = ^ 2 2 = 0, which obviously represents an ideal state; in
reality, winding two coils so that they share precisely the same flux is
phys-ically impossible Magnetic materials (such as alloys of iron, cobalt, and
nickel) create a space with high permeance and are used to establish
coef-ficients of coupling that approach unity (We say more about this
impor-tant quality of magnetic materials in Chapter 9.)
NOTE: Assess your understanding of this material by trying Chapter
Problems 6.48 and 6.49
Energy Calculations
We conclude our first look at mutual inductance with a discussion of the
total energy stored in magnetically coupled coils In doing so, we will
confirm two observations made earlier: For linear magnetic coupling,
(1) M n = M 2l = M, and (2) M = kVL^L 2 , where 0 < k < 1
Trang 3total energy stored in the magnetic fields associated with a pair of linearly
coupled coils We begin by assuming that the currents i { and /2 are zero
and that this zero-current state corresponds to zero energy stored in the
coils Then we let /} increase from zero to some arbitrary value I { and
com-pute the energy stored when i l = / } Because i 2 = 0, the total power
input into the pair of coils is v ^ , and the energy stored is
rW\ eh
j dw = Lx \
Jo /0
Now we hold /] constant at I { and increase i 2 from zero to some arbitrary
value /2 During this time interval, the voltage induced in coil 2 by ij is
zero because I x is constant The voltage induced in coil 1 by /2 is M ]2 di 2 /dt
Therefore, the power input to the pair of coils is
p = I\M U — + i 2 v 2
The total energy stored in the pair of coils when i 2 = f 2 is
/ dw = / IiM ]2di2 + / L2i2di2,
Jw, Jo Jo
W = W1 + IXI2M{2 + -L2lh
If we reverse the procedure—that is, if we first increase i 2 from zero to /2
and then increase i { from zero to 1 { — the total energy stored is
W = \h x J\ + \ L 2 1 \ + /,/2A#2i (6.64)
Equations 6.63 and 6.64 express the total energy stored in a pair of
lin-early coupled coils as a function of the coil currents, the self-inductances,
and the mutual inductance Note that the only difference between these
equations is the coefficient of the current product l\l 2 We use Eq 6.63 if
/t is established first and Eq 6.64 if /2 is established first
When the coupling medium is linear, the total energy stored is the
same regardless of the order used to establish / ] and / The reason is that
Trang 46.5 A Closer Look at Mutual Inductance 199
in a linear coupling, the resultant magnetic flux depends only on the final
values of/j and /2, not on how the currents reached their final values If the
resultant flux is the same, the stored energy is the same Therefore, for
lin-ear coupling, M\i = M 2\ Also, because 1\ and J2 are arbitrary values of /j
and *"2, respectively, we represent the coil currents by their instantaneous
values /*! and /2 Thus, at any instant of time, the total energy stored in the
coupled coils is
1 , 1 ,
We derived Eq 6.65 by assuming that both coil currents entered
polarity-marked terminals We leave it to you to verify that, if one current
enters a polarity-marked terminal while the other leaves such a terminal,
the algebraic sign of the term Mi{i 2 reverses Thus, in general,
1 , 1 ,
w(t) = —L\i\ + ~L2i2 ± Mi {i2 (6.66) A Energy stored in magnetically-coupled
We use Eq 6.66 to show that M cannot exceed VL]L2 The
magneti-cally coupled coils are passive elements, so the total energy stored can
never be negative If w(t) can never be negative, Eq 6.66 indicates that the
1 , 1 ,
-L { q + -L 2 ii - Mi } i 2
must be greater than or equal to zero when /j and i 2 are either both
posi-tive or both negaposi-tive The limiting value of M corresponds to setting the
quantity equal to zero:
1 , 1 ,
-Liq + ^ 2 ' 2 - Milk = 0 (6.67)
To find the limiting value of M we add and subtract the term
/1/2VL1L2 to the left-hand side of Eq 6.67 Doing so generates a term that
is a perfect square:
+ /V2 VLJ7 2 - M = 0 (6.68)
The squared term in Eq 6.68 can never be negative, but it can be zero
Therefore w{t) 2t 0 only if
which is another way of saying that
M = kVLxL2 ( O ^ H 1)
We derived Eq 6.69 by assuming that i\ and i 2 are either both positive or
both negative However, we get the same result if i\ and i 2 are of opposite
Trang 5sign, because in this case we obtain the limiting value of M by selecting the
plus sign in Eq 6.66
NOTE: Assess your understanding of this material by trying Chapter Problems 6.44 and 6.45
Practical Perspective Proximity Switches
At the beginning of this chapter we introduced the capacitive proximity switch There are two forms of this switch The one used in table lamps
is based on a single-electrode switch I t is left to your investigation in Problem 6.52 In the example here, we consider the two-electrode switch used in elevator call buttons
The elevator call button is a small cup into which the finger is inserted,
as shown in Fig 6.31 The cup is made of a metal ring electrode and a circular plate electrode that are insulated from each other Sometimes two concentric rings embedded in insulating plastic are used instead The electrodes are covered with an insulating Layer to prevent direct contact with the metal The resulting device can be modeled as a capacitor, as shown in Fig 6.32
(a) (b)
Figure 6.31 • An elevator call button, (a) Front view, (b) Side view
Figure 6.32 • A capacitor model of the two-electrode
proximity switch used in elevator call buttons
c 2 Q
Figure 6.33 A A circuit model of a capacitive
proximity switch activated by finger touch
Unlike most capacitors, the capacitive proximity switch permits you to insert an object, such as a finger, between the electrodes Because your fin-ger is much more conductive than the insulating covering surrounding the eLectrodes, the circuit responds as though another electrode, connected to ground, has been added The result is a three-terminal circuit containing three capacitors, as shown in Fig 6.33
The actual values of the capacitors in Figs 6.32 and 6.33 are in the range of 10 to 50 pF, depending on the exact geometry of the switch, how
Trang 6Practical Perspective
the finger is inserted, whether the person is wearing gloves, and so forth
For the following problems, assume that all capacitors have the same value
of 25 pF Also assume the elevator call button is placed in the capacitive
equivalent of a voltage-divider circuit, as shown in Fig 6.34
a) Calculate the output voltage with no finger present
b) Calculate the output voltage when a finger touches the button
a) Begin by redrawing the circuit in Fig 6.34 with the call button replaced
by its capacitive model from Fig 6.32 The resulting circuit is shown in
Fig 6.35 Write the current equation at the single node:
_ d(v - v s ) _ dv
Ci ' + C2— = 0
Button ( A )
Fixed capacitor' ;25pF v(t)
Figure 6.34 • An elevator call button circuit
Button ]
Fixed capacitor
• C 2 v(t)
-Figure 6.35 A A model of the elevator call button
Rearrange this equation to produce a differential equation for the output Q Tm \i W1-th no finger present,
voltage v(t):
Finally, integrate Eq 6.71 to find the output voltage:
v(t) Ci
c, +c -v s (t) + v(0) (6.72)
The result in Eq 6.72 shows that the series capacitor circuit in Fig 6.35
forms a voltage divider just as the series resistor circuit did in Chapter 3
In both voltage-divider circuits, the output voltage does not depend on
the component values but only on their ratio Here, C { = C2 = 25 pF,
so the capacitor ratio is Ci/C 2 = 1 Thus the output voltage is
The constant term in Eq 6.73 is due to the initial charge on the capacitor
We can assume that v(0) - 0 V, because the circuit that senses the
out-put voltage eliminates the effect of the initial capacitor charge Therefore,
the sensed output voltage is
Trang 7b) Now we replace the call button of Fig 6.34 with the model of the acti-vated switch in Fig 6.33 The result is shown in Fig 6.36 Again, we cal-culate the currents leaving the output node:
_ d(v - v s) dv „ dv
Q - ^ - — - + C2— + C3— = 0
dt dt • dt Rearranging to write a differential equation for v(t) results in
dv _ C\ dvs
~dt ~ Q + C2 + C3 dt '
Finally, solving the differential equation in Eq 6.76, we see
vs(t) + v(0)
Cx + C2 + C3
If Q = C 2 = C3 = 25 pF,
v(t) = 0333vs(t) + v(0)
As before, the sensing circuit eliminates v(Q), so the sensed output
voltage is
Comparing Eqs 6.74 and 6.79, we see that when the button is pushed, the output is one third of the input voltage When the button is not pushed, the output voltage is one half of the input voltage Any drop in output voltage is detected by the elevator's control computer and ulti-mately results in the elevator arriving at the appropriate floor
NOTE: Assess your understanding of this Practical Perspective by trying Chapter Problems 6.51 and 6.53
Fixed capacitor
Figure 6.36 A A model of the elevator call button circuit when
activated by finger touch
Trang 8Summary
Summary 203
Inductance is a linear circuit parameter that relates the
voltage induced by a time-varying magnetic field to the
current producing the field (See page 176.)
Capacitance is a linear circuit parameter that relates the
current induced by a time-varying electric field to the
voltage producing the field (See page 182.)
Inductors and capacitors are passive elements; they can
store and release energy, but they cannot generate or
dissipate energy (See page 176.)
The instantaneous power at the terminals of an inductor
or capacitor can be positive or negative, depending on
whether energy is being delivered to or extracted from
the element
An inductor:
• does not permit an instantaneous change in its
termi-nal current
• does permit an instantaneous change in its teminal
• behaves as a short circuit in the presence of a constant
terminal current (See page 188.)
A capacitor:
• does not permit an instantaneous change in its
termi-nal voltage
• does permit an instantaneous change in its terminal
• behaves as an open circuit in the presence of a
con-stant terminal voltage (See page 183.)
Equations for voltage, current, power, and energy in
ideal inductors and capacitors are given in Table 6.1
Inductors in series or in parallel can be replaced by an
equivalent inductor Capacitors in series or in parallel
can be replaced by an equivalent capacitor The
equa-tions are summarized in Table 6.2 See Section 6.3 for a
discussion on how to handle the initial conditions for
series and parallel equivalent circuits involving
induc-tors and capaciinduc-tors
TABLE 6.1 Terminal Equations for Ideal Inductors and Capacitors
i) = J
-0 u dt
i = if v dr +
J fa
p = vi = Li%
w = I Li 2
v = £ 1 idr + Jfa
1 *- dt
p = vi = Cv'j§
w = \Cv 2
(V) (A) (W) (J)
(V) (A) (W) (J)
TABLE 6.2 Equations for Series- and Parallel-Connected Inductors and Capacitors
^ecj = L\ + Li + • • • + L n
J - =-L + _L
J_ = i_ + X +
+ G,
Mutual inductance, M, is the circuit parameter relating
the voltage induced in one circuit to a time-varying cur-rent in another circuit Specifically,
Vl = L l - + M l2
-di] dU
»2 = M 2, - + L2- ,
Trang 9where V\ and i { are the voltage and current in circuit 1,
and v 2 and i 2 are the voltage and current in circuit 2 For
coils wound on nonmagnetic cores, M12 = M 2\ = M
(See page 190.)
The dot convention establishes the polarity of mutually
induced voltages:
When the reference direction for a current enters
the dotted terminal of a coil, the reference
polar-ity of the voltage that it induces in the other coil
is positive at its dotted terminal
Or, alternatively,
When the reference direction for a current leaves
the dotted terminal of a coil, the reference
polar-ity of the voltage that it induces in the other coil
is negative at its dotted terminal
(See page 190.)
The relationship between the self-inductance of each winding and the mutual inductance between windings is
M = kVLJ72
The coefficient of coupling, k, is a measure of the degree
of magnetic coupling By definition, 0 < k < 1 (See
page 197.)
The energy stored in magnetically coupled coils in a lin-ear medium is related to the coil currents and induc-tances by the relationship
w = -Lxi\ + -L2ij ± Mi{i2
(See page 199.)
Section 6.1
6.1 The current in the 2.5 mH inductor in Fig P6.1 is
known to be 1 A for t < 0 The inductor voltage for
t ^ 0 is given by the expression
v L (t) = 3e~ 4 ' mV, 0+ < t < 2 s
v L {t) = - 3 e "4 ( / _ 2 )m V , 2 s < t < oo
Sketch v L {t) and i L {t) for 0 < t < oo
Figure P6.1
6.2 The current in a 50 /xH inductor is known to be
iL = 18te~ 10t A for t > 0
a) Find the voltage across the inductor for t > 0
(Assume the passive sign convention.)
b) Find the power (in microwatts) at the terminals
of the inductor when t = 200 ms
c) Is the inductor absorbing or delivering power at
200 ms?
d) Find the energy (in microjoules) stored in the
inductor at 200 ms
e) Find the maximum energy (in microjoules)
stored in the inductor and the time (in
milli-seconds) when it occurs
6.3 The voltage at the terminals of the 200 /xH inductor
PSPICE in pig P6.3(a) is shown in Fig P6.3(b) The inductor
1M current i is known to be zero for t < 0
a) Derive the expressions for i for f > 0
b) Sketch i versus t for 0 < t < oo
Figure P6.3
vs (mV)
/xH-t (ms)
6.4 The triangular current pulse shown in Fig P6.4 is
™±l applied to a 20 mH inductor
a) Write the expressions that describe /(f) in
the four intervals t < 0, 0 ^ / ^ 5 ms,
5 ms ^ t ^ 10 ms, and t > 10 ms
b) Derive the expressions for the inductor volt-age, power, and energy Use the passive sign convention
Figure P6.4 /(mA)
t (ms)
Trang 10Problems 205
6.5 The current in and the voltage across a 5 H inductor
are known to be zero for t < 0 The voltage across
the inductor is given by the graph in Fig P6.5
for t > 0
a) Derive the expression for the current as a
function of time in the intervals 0 < t < 1 s,
I s < t < 3 s, 3 s < t < 5 s, 5 s < t < 6 s, and
6 s < t < oo
b) For t > 0, what is the current in the inductor
when the voltage is zero?
c) Sketch i versus t for 0 < t < oo
Figure P6.5
v (V)
100 - / v
6.9 a) Find the inductor current in the circuit in
PSP.CE Fig P6.9 if v = - 5 0 sin 250 t V, L = 20 mH,
MULTISIM and/(0) = 10 A
b) Sketch v, i, p s and w versus t In making these
sketches, use the format used in Fig 6.8 Plot over one complete cycle of the voltage waveform c) Describe the subintervals in the time interval
between 0 and Sn ms when power is being
absorbed by the inductor Repeat for the subintervals when power is being delivered by the inductor
Figure P6.9
6.10 The current in a 4 H inductor is
i = 10 A, t < 0;
i = {B\ cos At + B 2 sin 4t)e~ tf2 A, t > 0
The voltage across the inductor (passive sign
con-vention) is 60 V at t = 0 Calculate the power at the terminals of the inductor at t = 1 s State whether
the inductor is absorbing or delivering power
6.11 Evaluate the integral
for Example 6.2 Comment on the significance of the result
6.12 The expressions for voltage, power, and energy
derived in Example 6.5 involved both integration and manipulation of algebraic expressions As an engineer, you cannot accept such results on faith alone That is, you should develop the habit of ask-ing yourself, "Do these results make sense in terms
of the known behavior of the circuit they purport to describe?" With these thoughts in mind, test the expressions of Example 6.5 by performing the fol-lowing checks:
a) Check the expressions to see whether the volt-age is continuous in passing from one time inter-val to the next
b) Check the power expression in each interval
by selecting a time within the interval and see-ing whether it gives the same result as the
cor-responding product of v and i For example,
test at 10 and 30 (JLS
c) Check the energy expression within each interval
by selecting a time within the interval and seeing whether the energy equation gives the same
result as \Cv 2 Use 10 and 30 /xs as test points
6.13 Initially there was no energy stored in the 5 H
inductor in the circuit in Fig P6.13 when it was placed across the terminals of the voltmeter At
6.6 The current in a 20 mH inductor is known to be
i = 40 mA, t < 0;
i = A,e~mm[ + yW-4()(X,0'A, 0
The voltage across the inductor (passive sign
con-vention) is 28 V at t = 0
a) Find the expression for the voltage across the
inductor for t > 0
b) Find the time, greater than zero, when the power
at the terminals of the inductor is zero
6.7 Assume in Problem 6.6 that the value of the voltage
across the inductor at t = 0 is - 6 8 V instead of 28 V
a) Find the numerical expressions for i and v for
t > 0
b) Specify the time intervals when the inductor is
storing energy and the time intervals when the
inductor is delivering energy
c) Show that the total energy extracted from the
inductor is equal to the total energy stored
6.8 The current in a 25 mH inductor is known to be
PSPICE - i o A for / < 0 and - ( 1 0 cos 400r - 5 sin 400/)<T2,)()' A
for t Sr 0 Assume the passive sign convention
a) At what instant of time is the voltage across the
inductor maximum?
b) What is the maximum voltage?