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Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh NhËn bµn giao líp 7A tõ tiÕt 16; líp 7B tõ tiÕt 17 Prepared date: 01/ 10/ 2009 Teaching date: 7A: 03/10/2009 7B: Period:16 UNIT: 3 - Section: B. 2,3,4 I. Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to listen for personal information and listen to the text for main ideas, details and job vocabulary. 1. Language focus: Vocabulary : take care of, a high school, a magazine. cattle, a journalist, a newspaper 2. Language skill. Speaking, listening II. Teaaching aids. 1. Teacher's: Books, pictures, tape, catsette, Teaching plan, extra-board…. 2. Students': Note book, pen, ruler. III. Procedure. 1. Organization. Classes Total Out 7A …………… 7B …………… 2. Checking up: Check through lesson time. 3. New lesson: Stages IN… Proceduce time 1. warm-up T-C Now, class ! do you want to play game ? Ok Let’s play game called Networks 5’ PW - Practice in group of 6 in 3 minutes. - Write as much words as possible. Gather and practice. Time’s enough – give your key,please. T. Checks and feedback. 2.Presentation T-C - Look at the picture about Lan’s family. - What do people do ? (eliating questiond) Her farther ? Her mother ? Her sister ? Newwords : Take care of (v) chăm sóc ; Teacher (v) Teach (v) – primary school. ; - elder (adj) - Journalist (n) phóng viên Checks joe vocabulary. - What does “…” mean ? 10’ Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 1 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh 3. Practice Everybody. Read the table, please. name Job Where to work What to do Lan’s father A doctor hospital -takes Care of sick C. Lan’s mother Lan’s brother -Read the passage about Lan’s family and complete the table. 20’ sss Everybody ! read please (in 4 minutes) Let’s read. Time’s enough. Give me your key, please. T.Checks and give key. Lan’s mother  a teacher  teaches in primary school. Her elder brother  a jour nalish  writes for a Ha Noi news paper. - Look at the table. - Ask and answer the questions about Lan’s family. Ex : - what does Lan’s father do ? - He is a doctor. - Where does he work ? + He works in a hospital. - what does he do everyday ? + He takes care of sick children. PW Practice in pair – asking and answer Practice in pair in 4 minutes. - Turn round and practice. - Time’s up. Give me your answer, please. Look at 3 form, read them. Please. Name age job Place to wook Tom Susan Bill Everybody ! Can you predict Some information about Join, Susan and Bill. Give me your predictions, please. Now ! listen and check your prediction - Listen 3 times, please. Now, let’s Listen (3 times) “Tom is a teacher. He is 26 years old and teacher at a high school. Susan ia a Journalist. She is 19 and writes for a Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 2 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh (newspaper) magarine. Bill is 26 and he is a nurse. He works in a hospital.” Class ! Share – compare, please. Class, give me your key, please. T. Checks and gives correct answer ? Tom – 26 – teacher – teaches at a high school. Susan – 19- journalist writes for a magarine Bill – 2 – nure – works in a hospital - Look at the table. Write some sentences about 3 people. Ex: Tom is 26. He is a teacher . He Teaches at a high – school 4. Production About your ! Talk about your family. What does your/ father, mother, brother/ sister do ? Where does she/he work. 8’ PW Practice in pair in 4 minute. - Turn round and practice Now write some sentences about your family. sss Beginning with “My father is a ….” Practice on your our. 5.Homework - Write the passage about your family. - Learn by heart the new words - Be ready for the next lesson 2’ III. Self-evaluation: Content: Methods: Results: Prepared date: 01/10/ 2009 Teaching date: 7A: Thay ®æi TKB lªn KH sau: ……./ …… / 2009 7B: 03/10/2009 Period:17 UNIT: 3 - Section: B. 5 I. Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the comparatives and superlatives of irregular adjectives and long adjectives. Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 3 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh 1. Language focus: Vocabulary : an apartement, suitable, good- better- the best. expensive- more expensive - the most expensive. 2. Language skill. Speaking, reading II. Teaaching aids. 1. Teacher's: Books, pictures, tape, catsette, Teaching plan, extra-board…. 2. Students': Note book, pen, ruler. III. Procedure. 1. Organization. Classes Total Out 7A …………… 7B …………… 2. Checking up: Check through lesson time. 3. New lesson: Stages IN … Procedure Time Warm-up T-C Chating : - Do you live in a house or an apartments ? Which is more comfortable ? 5’ Presentation T-C John Robinson is an English teacher from the USA. Mr John is now looking for an apartment in HaNoi for his family. He’s asking his friend,Mr Nhat, for advice. Before listen, there are some newwords. Apartment (n) (translation) Furnish (v) (translation) How listen and find his family ? 10’ Everybody! listen, please, textbook, close. Practice T-C T.reads the dialogue (1 times) Sts : Listen and find out the answer, plesase. T. Now open your book, read the dialogue again and correct the answer. * Comparative. - Short + adjective : … be + short adj-er + than … - Long adjective : … be + more + long adj + than … * Superlative : - short – adjective : … be + the shortadj – est … - Long – adjective : … be + the most adj … Note : good – better – best. Now, everybody practice the dialogue in pair. - Turn round and practice T. Checks and corrects pronunciations. T. Checks some Ss: 20’ PW Read them, please. (Ex): a) Which is the cheapest apartment ? - The one at number 27. b) Which is the most expensive ? - The one at number 79. Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 4 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh c) Which is the best apartment? - The one at number 79. d) Which is the most suitable…? - The one at number 27. Note : AE BE Apartment = flat Production T-C An apartment house a block of flat. T. Says some things about the part 6 write. Helps Ss get to known about the litten 8’ Homework T-C - Read the dialogue again . 2’ - Write the answers into the notebook. IV. Self – evaluation : Content: Methods: Results: Prepared date: 04/10/ 2009 Teaching date: 7A: 07/10/2009 7B: 06/10/2009 Period:18 LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 I. Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to practice in the present simple , the present future , prepositions of position. Using the comparatives and superlatives fluently. 1. Language focus: Vocabulary: In last periods. 2. Language skill. Speaking, reading, doing exercises II. Teaaching aids. 1. Teacher's: Books, pictures, tape, catsette, Teaching plan, extra-board…. 2. Students': Note book, pen, ruler. III. Procedure. 1. Organization. Classes Total Out 7A …………… 7B …………… 2. Checking up: Check through lesson time. 3. New lesson: Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 5 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh Stages IN… Procedure Time Warm-up T-C Talking about present simple : Form : Meaning : Ex: She has a lovely house. 3’ Pre- practice PW 1. Present simple tense. Complete the passage using the verbs in blanks. Ask Ss to read the sentences and complete. The answer: a) is –lives –are –goes. b) are –eat –rides - catches. 2. Future simple tense. Write the things Nam will do / will not do tomorrow. Will do Will not do Go post office Call Ba Do homework Tidy yard See movie Watch T.V Write grandmother Meet Minh 10’ Ex : 1 He will go to the post office. 2. He will do his homework. 3. He will not (won’t) call Ba. 4.He won’t tidy the yard. Ss practice reading and write in the notebook. While- practice Ss Practice writing. 3. Ordinal numbers: Write the correct ordinal numbers. T.explain how to do … Ask Ss to do the exercise and read,T checks,corrects if there are mistakes. Ss write in the notebook. Ex: First (1); Fourth (4); Fifth(5) ; Sixth (6). 4. Prepositions. Ask Ss to write prepositions in the notebook and complete sentences. Where’s my cat ? 10’ a) It’s under the table? Everybody ! Look at the pictures and practice speaking. b,It’s in front of the chair. c,It’s behind the TV. d,It’s next to the bookcase. e,It’s on the couch. Ss Ss practice on your own. T.Checks and gives key. 5 Adjectives: Write the dialogues use the pictures and the words in the box. Cheap Expensive Good Strong Ex: a, A is a cheap toy. B is a cheaper. C is the cheapest. Class,use the pictures to make the simillar dialogue. 10’ Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 6 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh GW Practice in groups of 3 in 3 minutes. - Gather and practice b,A is an expensive dress ; -And B is more expensive; -But C is the most expensive. c,A is a good student; -And B is better ; -But C is the best. d,A is strong ; -And B is stronger ; -But C is the strongest. 6. Occupations: Occupations : Write these people’s job titles. Ex : He fights fires. He is very brave. What is his job ? He is a fireman Post- practice PW Everybody ! practice in pairs in 3 minutes. Turn round and practice. T. Checks and gives key: b,She is a doctor. c,She is a teacher. d,He is a famer. 7. Is there a –? Are there any –? Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Ex : Minh : Is there a lamp ? Hoa : Yes, there is. Hoa : Are there any pictures ? Minh : No, there aren’t. 10’ PW Class ! Practice in pair in 4 minutes. Do the same as my examples. Turn round and practice. T. Checks and gives key. 8. Question words. Write the questions and the answers. Ex : - What is his name ? + His name is Pham Trung Hung Class ! Look at the card  Give me some questions 1. How old is he ? 2. What is his address ? 3. What does he do ?. Now answer them, please. PW Practice in pair, please. Turn round and practice T. Checks some pairs. Homework T-C Do the same the exercises, please prepare for the test. 2’ IV. Self – evaluation : Content: Methods: Results: Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 7 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh Prepared date: 05/10/ 2009 Teaching date: 7A:10/10/ 2009 7B: 07/10/2009 Period 19 Test 1 I. Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use their knowledge that they've already got to complete the test II. Contents - Present simple tense, simple future tense. - Vocabulary: preps, article, adj, some, any, Wh-questions. Skills: Listening, reading and writing. III. Matrix Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng KQ TL KQ TL KQ TL I, Listening 8 2 8 2 II, Reading 4 1 4 2 8 3 III, Language focus 10 2,5 10 2,5 IV, Writing 5 2,5 5 2,5 Tæng : 8 2,5 18 5,5 5 2,5 31 10 Section I. Listening. (2 pts) Listen to the tape and circle on the correct letter before the telephone numbers. a. A. 8 211 800 B. 9 211 800 C. 8 201 800 c. A. 867 187 B. 867 178 C. 867 871 e. A. 823 705 B. 832 705 C. 823 057 b. A. 830 201 B. 830 221 C. 830 211 d. A. 835 474 B. 835 477 C. 835 744 f. A. 5 569 738 B. 5 659 738 C. 5 956 738 g. A. 767 583 B. 767 385 C. 767 385 h. A. 569 783 B. 569 873 C. 569 738 Section II. Grammar and vocabulary. (2.5pts) Circle on the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete these sentences. 1. My mother the housework and she helps on the farm. A. do B. doing C. to do D. does 2. What beautiful dress! A. a B. an C. the D. zero 3. What old bike! A. a B. an C. the D. zero Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 8 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh 4. He is a doctor. He takes care …… sick peole. A. in B. at C. on D. of 5. is that? - That's Tom. A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where 6. She at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street with her uncle and aunt. A. lives B. live C. to live D. living 7. My brother 10 years old on his next birthday. A. is B. are C. will be D. am 8. What your father do? - He is a farmer. A. Do B. does C. is D. will 9. My father on the farm in the countryside. A. work B. working C. to work D. works 10. Would you like a movie? A. to see B. sees C. seeing D. see Section III. READING (3pts) Read about Hung's family and do the task below. I am Hung. I am a student at Tan Trao secondary school. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my elder sister and me. My father is fourty-eight. He is a farmer. He works on our farm in the countryside. He grows vegetables and raises cattle. My mother is fouty-three. She is a teacher. She teaches in a secondary school. My elder sister is twenty years old. She is a teacher, too. She teaches in a primary school. Which sentences are true(T) and which are false(F) 1. Hung's father takes care of sick people. 2. Hung's sister is a teacher. 3. Hung's sister teach in a secondary school. 4. Hung is a farmer. Answer the questions 1. What does Hung's father do? 2. Where does he work? 3. What does Hung's mother do? 4. Where does she do? Section IV. WRITING (2.5 pts) Write the sentences for these cues given. 1. What/ interesting/ movie! 2. A farmer/ work/ a farm… 3. I/ be/ 14/ my next bithday Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 9 Lesson plan English 7  NguyÔn Ngäc Vinh 4. She/ live/ 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street 5. What/ delicous dinner! Answer: Section I. Listening. a - C. 8 201 800 b - B. 830 221 c - A. 867 187 d - A. 835 474 e - C. 823 057 f - B. 5 659 738 g - A . 767 583 h - C. 569 738 Section II. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A Section III. Reading. 1- F 2- T 3- F 4- F Answer the questions. 1. He is a farmer. 2. He works on the farm in the countryside. 3. She is a teacher. 4. She teaches in a secondary school. Section IV. Writing. 1. What an interesting movie! 2. A farmer works on a farm. 3. I will be 14 on my next bithday. 4 She lives at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street 5. What a delicous dinner! * Evaluation: The content & method:…………………………………………………………… The result: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The total: Duyệt Của BGH Người ra đề Prepared date: 05/10/ 2009 Teaching date: 7A:12/10/ 2009 7B: 08/10/2009 Period 20 Correct the test I. Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to review their knowlegde, know their result of their test, know some thier mistakes and can correct them. - Teaching aids : Paper tests. II. Contents. T. feedbacks : Dan Tien secondary school  School year: 2009 - 2010 10

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