308 Gorry Fairhurst, Michele Luglio, Cesare Roseti Adaptive resource management can both guarantee efficient network uti- lization and satisfy QoS requirements, using satellite links that are affected by variable weather conditions and large propagation delays. An approach tuning the satellite link parameters at the physical or link layer and trading bottleneck bandwidth with segment error rate can permit to improve TCP performance. Moreover, where it is possible to evaluate the channel conditions in real-time, further sophisticated cross-layer interactions could be exploited for an adaptive selection of the physical layer parameters. DAMA schemes may be used to achieve an efficient resource allocation, but they degrade the TCP performance by adding an access delay that increases the whole end-to-end delay. Then, explicit cross-layer approaches can also mitigate the interactions between TCP and DAMA (MAC layer). The rationale is to use TCP information to estimate in advance the amount of resources needed for a given TCP source. This should permit MAC layer to perform capacity requests based on both the volume of queued data and the predicted TCP traffic behavior. Simulations show that this TCP-driven RRM scheme represents a good trade-off solution with respect to both fixed access schemes, optimizing TCP performance, and classical dynamic access schemes, optimizing network efficiency. Transport protocols not based on TCP can also benefit from cross-layer methods. Multimedia traffic flows using UDP and UDP-Lite are also expected to benefit from improved communication between protocol layers; in fact, application performance can be tuned to link and physical layer conditions, in order to achieve a system optimization. References [1] H. 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The challenge to be faced is the design of cross-layer mechanisms that can optimize the overall end-to-end application performance over satellite links, while minimizing the utilized radio resources. This optimization can also require additional signaling between the protocol layers. This new area of work is consistent with the end-to-end argument [1], provided that system-level implications are understood [2]. Suitable methods are expected to improve 314 G. Fairhurst, M. A. V´azquez Castro, G. Giambene significantly the performance of applications in the next generation of satellite systems, but will require changes to the design of protocols and systems, with implications on the related standards. The discussion in this Chapter utilizes some basic ideas introduced in the previous Chapters 1 and 4. 10.2 Cross-layer design and Internet protocol stack The current Internet protocol stack in Chapter 4 is used as the reference architecture for discussion of cross-layer design throughout this Chapter. De- sign principles categorize and define the placement and operation of functions within a given system. These design principles impose a structure on the design area, rather than solving a particular design difficulty. This structure provides a basis for discussion and analysis of trade-offs, and suggests a strong rationale to justify design choices. The various standardization bodies define protocols that may be used by a system to exchange information typically specifying a protocol at a single layer of the system architecture. A cross-layer design goes beyond this structure in two ways: by increasing the awareness between layers or by implicitly conveying information between layers. • The first case usually entails an exchange of information between protocols to enable them to work jointly towards a specific goal. • The second case requires a redesign of the system architecture. This redesign allows layers to exchange implicitly information by, for example, mapping the functionality of one layer into a queue of an adjacent layer, without the need for cross-layer signaling. There is no actual exchange of information between layers: the traffic passing through a queue provides sufficient in-band information for the cross-layer method. There are many mechanisms that display these properties and which have already been standardized, although these were not considered cross-layer approaches, since the term was not then defined. One possible example of cross-layer design is Random Early Detection (RED) that was initially proposed in 1993 [3]. The on-going standardization of cross-layer design will allow a better understanding of current schemes and “cleaner” approaches for future systems. 10.3 Cross-layer methodologies for satellite systems The following sub-Sections provide a classification of cross-layer methodolo- gies, based on a review of current literature and the work that has been presented in the previous Chapters. Chapter 10: CROSS-LAYER METHODS AND STANDARDIZATION 315 10.3.1 Implicit and explicit cross-layer design methodologies An important aspect for differentiating cross-layer methods, that was high- lighted in Chapter 1, was the presence or absence of signaling of the internal protocol state between protocol layers. This may be used as a basis to differentiate between implicit and explicit cross-layer design/techniques, as summarized below. In an implicit cross-layer design, cross-layer interactions are taken into consideration during the design phase, but there is no exchange of control information among different layers during operation. Layers are designed to complement each other and unnecessary duplicated functions can be eliminated. For example, the objective may be to prevent MAC-level collisions in the case of network flooding, or to apply a retransmission policy at the link-layer that is aware of the requirements and behavior of the transport layer protocols. An explicit cross-layer design requires the exchange of additional control information between different layers during operation. This method can be used to tailor dynamically the operation and/or performance of the various protocol entities, for example to signal periods of outages to higher layers, or expected link capacity requirements to the lower layers. 10.3.2 Cross-layer techniques categorized in terms of the direction of information flow Another cross-layer classification method considers the direction of the cross- layer information flow [4]. This approach is appropriate to an explicit cross- layer design and primarily focuses on optimizing the information flow. Such an approach should allow efficient ad hoc optimizations for each layer and/or protocol, compatible with future versions of current protocols. Moreover, it could provide an optimized cross-layer mechanism that could be used for different kinds of optimization, rather than defining isolated cases that are optimized for a particular communication system. Developing an integrated cross-layer framework may be important to the satellite community, since it not only leads to improved multimedia performance over existing networks, but could also provide valuable insights into the design of next-generation algorithms and protocols for satellite multimedia systems. This approach does not follow a traditional layered design. History has shown that devoting time to build a solid framework (like the OSI refer- ence model) failed, when the more integrated TCP/IP protocol stack has succeeded. However, if the Internet continues its current gradual evolution, this may be too slow to be able to satisfy the immediate needs for cross-layer satellite optimizations. One criterion for the evaluation of cross-layer methods is the efficiency, i.e., a flow of information would be considered more efficient if a maximum 316 G. Fairhurst, M. A. V´azquez Castro, G. Giambene of information is available to other layers when passing a minimum set of parameters or signaling. Another criterion is the evaluation of the chosen ad hoc performance parameter that benefits from the information flow. The impact on system design is a key constraint when designing to achieve efficient information flow. A cross-layer approach does not necessarily require a re-design of existing protocols, and can be performed by selecting and jointly optimizing the upper layers and the strategies available at the lower layers, such as admission control, resource management, scheduling, error protection, power control, etc. Bottom-up approach A bottom-up method seeks to design an efficient information flow among layers from the lowest layers up to the application. This approach can be appropriate to a satellite system, implementing Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM), since it would enable upper layers to be informed of the dynamics and adaptation that is taking place at the physical layer. This cross-layer solution may be less optimal for multimedia transmissions over terrestrial wireless systems, due to the delays incurred with respect to the fast variations of the radio channel conditions. However, in broadband satellite communications, slow channel variations can allow a bottom-up method to signal upper layers in time for them to react. This approach requires defining general per-layer parameters that could be useful to the upper layers. Moreover, protocols operating at each layer should be reviewed assuming that all cross-layer parameters flowing up from lower layers are (instantaneously) available. One serious issue is that of finding appropriate parameters that application developers will wish to utilize in the design of their applications. The wide variety of different environments in which modern Internet applications op- erate makes it unattractive to tune applications to specific types of networks (WiFi, WiMAX, satellite, fiber-channel, etc.), although one could envisage the communication of common transmission path characteristics (e.g., an indication of path change, of QoS change, etc.) in the same way that network stacks currently respond to indications of congestion or network-reachability information. Top-down approach A top-down approach designs an efficient information flow among layers from the application layer down to the physical layer. This can be seen as an application-centric approach: applications indicate their expectations of required network behavior, and lower-layers can then use this information to optimize lower layer parameters. There are drawbacks with this approach. One problem is that applications are frequently unaware of the network paths over which they operate. They Chapter 10: CROSS-LAYER METHODS AND STANDARDIZATION 317 are therefore unable to express their requirements in a way that maps easily to the capabilities of specific lower-layers. Moreover, applications typically operate over longer time-scales with coarser data granularities (multimedia flows or blocks of data) than those used at lower layers (operating on bits or frames). It is therefore non-trivial to perform adaptive source-channel coding tradeoffs, given the time-varying channel conditions and the fact that multimedia applications cannot be expected to adapt instantaneously their behavior to achieve an optimal performance. While lower layers can benefit from notifications of requirements (capacity estimates, delay bounds, FEC/ARQ needs, priority, etc.) this does not provide a complete solution. For example, it has limited benefit for a satellite system implementing ACM, since the upper layers may not be able to influence usefully the behavior of lower layers, rather, the channel dynamics require upper layers to adapt themselves. Hybrid approach There are cases in which system level constraints are refined in a top-down fashion, while the target architecture performance is abstracted in a bottom- up fashion and a “meet in the middle” approach decides the final optimization. In this case, strategies are determined by exhaustively trying/combining all the possible techniques of both the top-down type and the bottom-up one; the aim is to achieve the best performance. This presents the highest flexibility in design choices. However, this hybrid approach can have draw-backs. Constraints on the design will often prevent an exhaustive analysis of all the possible strategies (and their parameters) to choose an optimized composite strategy that would lead to the best possible performance. When designing a cross-layer methodology, general software architecture principles, such as information hiding, modularization, and separation of concerns should be considered. A hybrid approach also poses challenges to design. 10.4 Potential cross-layer optimizations for satellite systems This Section provides a summary of the set of cross-layer optimizations for the satellite systems presented throughout the previous Chapters of this book. The summary is presented ordered by scenario. 10.4.1 Optimizations aiming at QoS harmonization across layers This sub-Section addresses aspects of QoS harmonization across layers for multimedia traffic in IP networks that contain a GEO satellite node. Two approaches have been investigated, as summarized below: 318 G. Fairhurst, M. A. V´azquez Castro, G. Giambene • MAC resource utilization optimization to support IP QoS (see Section 8.3). Current IP QoS frameworks are considered (i.e., IntServ and DiffServ) to investigate how to manage the available resources (layer 2) in an IP-based satellite network. The aim is to be as compliant as possible with a predefined QoS specification. The envisaged system is based on Scenario 2 defined in Chapter 1, Section 1.4. • Optimization of resource sharing mechanisms at transport layer (see sub-Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2). In this case, the optimization is per- formed at the transport layer referring to the delayed real-time service (streaming services), an interesting application, employing buffers to add an artificial delay at the beginning of the play-out, so that a recovery procedure can be started when data is lost. The aim is to enhance the legacy satellite broadcast service with a specific multicast recovery algorithm. The envisaged scenario employs GEO satellites (Scenario 2 in Chapter 1, Section 1.4). 10.4.2 Optimization of the Radio Resource Management Radio Resource Management (RRM) optimization normally involves the physical and MAC layers. However, the selection of RRM techniques (and the consequent optimization techniques) strongly depend on the envisaged scenario. The following techniques were presented in previous Chapters for a GEO scenario with fixed users (i.e., Scenario 2 in Chapter 1, Section 1.4). Results include: • Parametric optimization of bandwidth allocation strategies for TCP connections (see Section 9.3). This study addresses bandwidth allocation to TCP connections sharing a satellite bottleneck based on the cross-layer adaptation of bit-rate and coding rate. A cross-layer method is used to coordinate the actions at the satellite link physical layer (where the fade countermeasure technique is applied) as well as at the MAC layer (where the satellite bandwidth is allocated) to optimize the TCP goodput; long-lived TCP connections are considered. • Bandwidth allocation strategies and dynamic bandwidth seg- mentation algorithms to maximize fairness and the net satellite return capacity (see sub-Section 7.3.4). This study assumes that the total available resource is defined as a region in the time-frequency plane, i.e., a MF-TDMA frame. ACM and/or Dynamic Rate Adaptation are assumed. It seeks to design jointly the bandwidth segmentation, the time slots duration and the bandwidth allocation to users in a way that provides maximum fairness and efficiency in the use of the return link (DVB-RCS system). The following technique was presented in a previous Chapter with results for a GEO mobile scenario (i.e., Scenario 1 in Chapter 1, Section 1.4): . 2005. [31] P. Chini, G. Giambene, D. Bartolini, M. Luglio, C. Roseti, “Cross-Layer Management of Radio Resources in an Interactive DVB-RCS-based Satellite Network”, in Proc.ofthe20 th International. Roseti, “Dynamic Resource Allocation based on a TCP-MAC Cross-Layer Approach for Interactive Chapter 9: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORT LAYER 311 Satellite Networks , in Proc. of IEEE International. Geostationary Satellite Networks , IEEE Journal on Select Areas in Communications, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 333 -347, February 2004. [33] M. Sooriyabandara, G. Fairhurst, “Dynamics of TCP over BoD satellite Networks ,