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UNIT 1 : LET’S TALK Week:01 Date : September 10 th , Period:01 I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Greet and introduce themselves. II. Teaching aids: - Name tags, puppets, wall charts. III. Procedures: Time Stages and Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 3’ 5’ 5’ 10’ I. WARM UP: - Greeting. - Call the roll. II. PRESENTATION: 1. Introduce the greeting:  Hello, I am Ms Oanh.  Hello, (Phong).  Hi, (Nga) Hello/Hi: Xin chaøo. 2. Present the first part of the dialogue: -  : Hello, I am Andy. -  : Hi, My name is Kate. 3. Pratice: - Introducing myself in English. - Asking each student to put their name tags on the table. - Greeting students by using Hello or Hi. Saying out the meaning of Hello/Hi. - Calling 02 good students to pratise in greeting and introduce themselves for the first time. - Changing other students. - Showing the wall charts and read the first dialogue. - Asking students work in pairs and pratise following the first dialogue. - Look at the teacher and listen. - Write down their names on the papers. - Listen. -  : Hello, I am A. -  : Hello, A. - Listen. - Repeat. ( Choral repetition & pair repetition). - Role play. ( Andy & Kate). 5’ 5'  Chain Drill - T : Hello, I am Ms Oanh. - S 1 : Hi, My name is - S 2 : Hello, I am - S 3 : III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open the book to page 2. - T: This is Andy. This is Kate. 2.Instruct students to open their books   3.Present the paradigm on page 2: -  : Hello, I am Andy. -  : Hi, My name is Kate. IV. EXTENSION : 1. Remember the way of greeting and introducing the name. - S 1 : Hi, My name is - S 2 : Hello, I am - S 3 : 2. Reading Pratice : Circle the Word. V. WORKBOOK: - Asking students to pratise in greeting and introduce using their real names. - Teacher says with S 1 , S 1 says with S 2, S 2 says with S 3, … - Using the book and showing 02 persons on the picture, calling their names. - Writing number 2 on the board and using the request “ Open your books to page 2”. - Writing the model sentence on the board. - Showing the words and reading. - Giving instruction. ( Choosing 5 – 7 sts to join, S 1 stands up and chooses S 2 by greeting, introducing his/her name. S s replies the greeting and introducing name with S 1 …). - Asking sts to look at their books and circle the Words: Hello, Hi, name. - Modeling. - Asking sts to do homework. - Explaning how to - Pratise. - Look at the T’s activities. Look at the T’s book, listen and repeat following the T. - Open their books to page 2.   - Copy down.  - Choral repetition - Listen. - Pratise. - Practise.     - Listen. Hi name Hell o 2’ Homework ( page 2). do. - Take notes. UNIT 1 : LET’S TALK Week : 01 Date : September 12 th , Period: 02 I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Ask someone’s name. II. Teaching aids : - Name tags, puppets, wall charts, tape recorder. III. Procedures : Time Stages and Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 5’ 5’ I. WARM UP: Musical ball.  II. PRESENTATION: 1. Present the second part of the dialogue: Model: - A : What’s your name? - B : My name is (John). 2. Pratice : - Giving instruction. ( When S 1 hear music, he/she passes the ball to S 2 and go on until T stops mucis. If the ball is belong to st, that st will stand up and greet, introduce hisself/ herself. All other sts will reply the greeting. Hi/Hello, (___)). - Using the wall charts and modelling. - Reminding the sentence of A. Asking sts to say the sentence of B. - Getting sts to pratise this dialogue some times. - Listen and pratice. - Look at the wall charts and Listen. - Choral repetition 8’ 4’ 5’ a. Group work: b. Pair work: III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Students open their books to page 2:  2. Present the paradigm on page 2:  ( What is = What’s ) * What is your name? * What’ s your name? 3. Pratice: - Deviding class into 2 groups. Giving each group a puppet and asking them to roleplay. - Modeling. - Asking sts to work in pairs, pratise in speaking by using their real names. - Monitoring and helping sts when they need. - Asking sts to open their books to page 2. - Playing the tape. - Playing the tape again, stopping at each part and asking sts to repeat. - Writing the model on the board. - While playing the tape, showing the words on the board. - Writing the short form on the board. - Getting sts to repeat in 02 forms: full form & short form. - Calling 03 sts come in front of the class - Work in group. - Roleplay. Group A: Group B: - Listen. - Pratise in using the model. A: B: - Open the books to page 2.   - Look at the books, listen and show picture of Andy, Kate, John when they hear those names. - Choral repetition - Look at the board. - Look at the board, Listen and choral repetition. - Copy down.  - Choral repetition - Model. Andy: Hello, I am Andy. Kate: Hi ! My name is Kate. What’s your name ? John: My name is John. What’s your name ? My name is John. 3’ 3’ 2’ A: Hello, I am ___. B: Hi ! My name is ___. What’s your name ? C: My name is ___. IV. EXTENSION: * Beanbag Circle ( Tuùi haït ñaäu) T(asks S 1 ): What’s your name ? S 1 : My name is ( Thanh ). S 1 (asks S 2 ): What’s your name ? V. WORKBOOK: Write your name: My name is ________ . to model. - Deviding class into groups of 03 sts, asking them to pratise in using their real names. - Guiding sts to stand in the circle, throwing a ball to S 1 and asking name S 1 . S 1 answers, then throws this ball to S 2 and asks name S 2 , go on until the last st in the circle. - Asking sts to write their names. - Getting feedback. - Work in group. - Pratise. - Make 03 circles. - All circles practise in the same time.      - Write down on their books. - 02 sts write out on the board. UNIT 1 : LET’S SING Week : 02 Date : September 17 th , Period: 03 I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Sing “ The Hello Song”. II.Teaching aids : - Name tags, puppets, wall charts, tape recorder. III.Procedures : Time Stages and Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 5’ 3’ 2’ 12’ I. WARM UP:  Hi ! My name is (Minh).  Hello! I am (Huy).  Hi ! My name is (Lan). II. PRESENTATION: 1. Review the question and answer pattern: S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 2. Combine the greeting with the question and answer pattern: Puppet A: Hello. My name is (John). What’s your name ? S 1 : Hello. My name is (John). What’s your name ? Puppet B: Hi. My name is (Kate). S 2 : Hi. My name is (Kate). III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open your book to page 3 :   2. Students open their books to - Asking sts to hang their name tags, calling some sts to introduce their name. - Deviding class into groups of 04 sts. Asking them to greet and introduce themselve. - Asking sts to stand in 02 opposite lines and pratice in asking - answering. - Using the puppets to model the dialogue. - Asking sts to pratise in pairs. - Showing the book and explaining about the picture & the song. - Playing the tape - Say out: Hi ! My name is (Minh). - Each st from each group stands out, greets and introduces hisself/ herself. - Reoder in 02 lines and pratise. S 1: What’s your name ? S 2: My name is (Kate). What’s your name ? S 1: My name is (John). - Look at the puppets and listen. - Work in pairs using their real name. - Look at the book and listen. - Listen and show the characters in 10’ page 3: :“ The Hello Song”. 3. Pratice: “The Hello Song” IV. EXTENSION: Dialogue Musical Chairs ( page 16, Teacher’s book)              loser - Getting sts to read the song. ( no music). - Playing the tape. ( Notting using their gesture). - Deviding class into 02 groups, asking them to practise in singing. - Giving instruction. ( Reordering 06 chairs into a row. Calling 07 sts to come in front of the class. Asking them to listen to music and practise in greeting. When the music stopping, they must sit on the chairs quickly. If any st doesn’t have a sit, they will be ruled out. Choosing other st to replace. At the the book.   - Choral repetition - Sing following the tape. Fill their name in the last sentence. - Sing. ( Roleplay) Group A: Group B: - Listen. - Join into the game. Hello, hello, hello! What’s your name? Hello, hello, hello! My name is John. My name is John. Hello, John! Hello, John! Hello! Hello, hello, hello! What’s your name? Hello, hello, hello! My name is My name is Hello, ! Hello, ! Hello! . UP: - Greeting. - Call the roll. II. PRESENTATION: 1. Introduce the greeting:  Hello, I am Ms Oanh.  Hello, (Phong).  Hi, (Nga) Hello/Hi: Xin chaøo. 2. Present the first part of the dialogue: . repetition). - Role play. ( Andy & Kate). 5’ 5'  Chain Drill - T : Hello, I am Ms Oanh. - S 1 : Hi, My name is - S 2 : Hello, I am - S 3 : III. OPEN YOUR BOOKS: 1. Open the. EXTENSION: * Beanbag Circle ( Tuùi haït ñaäu) T(asks S 1 ): What’s your name ? S 1 : My name is ( Thanh ). S 1 (asks S 2 ): What’s your name ? V. WORKBOOK: Write your name: My name is ________ . to

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 14:20

