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New headway pre -inter, unit 11

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  • LESSON PLAN number : ………………… Number of periods: ….. Number of periods taught: ……………

  • Teacher: Nguyen thi Hoan

  • TOPIC / Title of the lesson : Unit 11: Things that changed the world (Pre – Inter)

  • Work in pairs and individually

  • Work in pairs and individually

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LESSON PLAN number : ………………… Number of periods: … Number of periods taught: …………… Class Date 7 / 12 / 2008 Teacher: Nguyen thi Hoan TOPIC / Title of the lesson : Unit 11: Things that changed the world (Pre – Inter) OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson learners will be able to: • Understand and use the passive of some tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect and “Will” future. • Use and make sentences with some collocations (verbs and nouns go together). • Identify some kinds of notices. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: • Ss may be confused by the passive of some tenses. Therefore, it is recommended that the teacher give students as many exercises as possible. • Ss may be nervous to speak in front of the whole class. To prevent this, encourage them and create a friendly environment III. NEW LESSON: STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student Starte r  Ask Ss to work on the chart on the page 86.  Collect the answers.  Ask them questions: “What is made and grown in your country?”  Call students up to answer the questions.  Do the matching exercise in the chart.  Give teacher the answers.  Brainstorm for 5 minutes to answer the given question.  Stand up and give the teacher answers. Introduce the new topic Textbook Work individually 30 minutes 1 STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student SOLD WORLDWIDE Passives  Ask Ss to read the text “Things go better with Coca – cola”.  List some new words and explain the meaning.  Give them 10 minutes to do the exercise 1, page 86.  Check the answers.  List some sentences which are in passives.  Based on these sentences, explain the use of passives.  Read the text and do the given exercise.  Check the answers with the teacher.  List sentences in passives from the passage.  Listen to the teacher and write down some main ideas. Check reading ability and introduce some phrases for passives. Textbook and tape Work individually and in pairs 50 minutes Practice 1. Exercise 1  Give students 5 minutes to do the exercise 1 on the page 88.  Call Ss to the board and do the exercise.  Check the answers. 2. Exercise 2  Ask Ss to do the exercise: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, active or passive.  Ask Ss to read the text and give the answers.  Check the answers and give explanation.  Do the exercise 1.  Check the answers with the teacher.  Do the exercise 2.  Check the answers with the teacher Offer Ss a lot of practice on the passives. Textbook and tape Work in pairs 20 minutes 2 STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student 3. Exercise 3  Give Ss 5 minutes to match the questions and answers.  Check the answers. 4. Exercise 4  Play the tape and ask Ss to write down sentences in a paper.  Play the tape again to check the answers. 5. Exercise 5  Ask Ss to complete the conversations.  Call some pairs up to give the answers.  Play the tape to check.  Ask Ss to practice the conversations with other handouts given by the teacher. 6. Exercise 6  Ask Ss to do the exercise in 5 minutes.  Ask Ss to give the answers.  Check the answers.  Do the exercise 3  Check with the teacher.  Do the exercise 4  Check with the teacher.  Do the exercise 5  Check with the teacher.  Do the exercise 6  Check with the teacher. Offer Ss a lot of practice on the passives. Textbook and tape Work in pairs and individually 30 minutes 3 STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student Vocabulary Verbs and nouns go together  Ask Ss to look at the box below and decide which nouns go with which nouns.  Call Ss up to give the answers.  Write phrases on the board and give explanation.  Ask Ss to write down at least 5 sentences using these collocations.  Give feedback as necessary.  Ask Ss to do the exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.  Check the answers.  Do the exercise given.  Give the teacher answers.  Write sentences as required.  Do the exercise 3.  Give the teacher answers. Offer Ss a variety of collocations and help Ss practice them Textbook and tape Work individually and in groups 45 minutes Reading and Speaking Three plants that changed the world  Give Ss 10 minutes to read the text quietly and find new words.  Ask Ss to read the text aloud and check their pronunciation.  Ask Ss to do the exercise 3 on the page 90.  Check the answers.  Divide the class into 3 groups A, B, and C. Each group has 10 minutes to read the text again and answer the questions.  Call the representatives of three groups to answer the questions.  Read the text.  Make sentences with new words.  Do the exercise 3.  Work in groups to answer the questions in the exercise 6.  Check the answers. Develop Ss’ reading ability through tasks Textbook and tape Work in pairs and individually 50 minutes 4 STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student Listening & Speaking The world’s most common habit: chewing gum 1. Pre – listening stage  Raise questions:  Do you chew gum?  How often?  Call Ss up and answer the questions  Check their pronunciation  Ask them to complete the chart Number of students who chew gums … often … sometimes … never ___________ ___________ ___________  Give Ss 10 minutes to work in groups about these questions:  Who often chew gums? Who never chew gums?  When and where do you chew gums?  Where do you put it when it has lost its favor?  Call some Ss up to answer the questions  Give comment 2. While – listening stage  Give Ss some new words in the listening task and explain them.  Work individually to answer the questions  Present your ideas  Complete the chart  Work in groups to answer questions given.  Give your answers  Write down some new words and try to sentences with them. Develop Ss’ listening ability through two tasks Textbook and tape. Work in pairs and individu ally 25 minutes 5 STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student  Play the tape for the 1 st time and ask Ss to do the exercise 4 (page 92)  Play the tape again and check the answers.  Play part 2 of the programme and ask Ss to answer the questions on the exercise 5 (page 92)  Play the tape again and check the answers. 3. Post – listening stage  Ask Ss to work in groups to answer these questions  Is chewing gum a common habit in your country?  Is it considered a bad habit? Why/Why not?  Is chewing gum good for you? Why/Why not?  Collect the answers from Ss and give comment.  Listen to the tape and do the exercise 4.  Listen to the tape and do the exercise 5  Check the answers  Work in group to answer the questions given.  Present your ideas in front of the class. Develop Ss’ listening ability through two tasks Textbook and tape Work in pairs and individu ally 25 minutes Everyday English Notices  Ask Ss to look at the notices and give the correct numbers 1-13.  Play the tape and ask Ss a question: Where are the people?  Play the tape again to check the answers.  Ask Ss to work in groups: write  Give the notices the correct numbers  Listen to the tape and answer the question.  Give out answers  Check the answers.  Help Ss understand more notices  Help them develop guessing ability Textbook and tape Work individually and in pairs. 20 minutes 6 STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher Student   Textbook and tape Work in groups 20 minutes IV. WRAP-UP. (10 minutes) Timing: 6 periods • Summarize what is taught in the lesson in some words. V. HOMEWORK. (5 minutes) Students have to:  Remember the forms of passives.  Do the exercises in the Unit 11 – Workbook. VI. EVALUATION: …………………………………………………………………………… Date: 7/12/ 2008 Approved Teacher’s signature 7 8 . the lesson : Unit 11: Things that changed the world (Pre – Inter) OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson learners will be able to: • Understand and use the passive of some tenses: Present Simple,. possible. • Ss may be nervous to speak in front of the whole class. To prevent this, encourage them and create a friendly environment III. NEW LESSON: STAGE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE MATERIALS GROUPING TIMING Teacher. text again and answer the questions.  Call the representatives of three groups to answer the questions.  Read the text.  Make sentences with new words.  Do the exercise 3.  Work in groups

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 01:00



