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NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 58 docx

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sentiments n. a written or spoken expression of sentiment. (Treated as plural.) separable ["sEp # @ b@l] adj. able to be separated; able to be divided. (Adv: separably.) separate 1. ["sEp r@t] adj. not together; not joined; apart; single; individual. (Adv: separately.) 2. ["sEp @ ret] tv. to be between two or more people or things; to keep two or more people or things apart. 3. ["sEp @ ret] tv. to cause two or more people or things to be apart. 4. ["sEp @ ret] iv. to break apart; to divide; to split. 5. ["sEp @ ret ] iv. [for a husband and wife] to stop living together, often as a trial before beginning to divorce each other. separate something out (of some- thing ) to remove something out from something. separate the men from the boys to separate the competent from those who are less competent. separate the sheep from the goats to divide people into two groups according to whether they meet a certain standard. separated ["sEp @ ret Id] adj. [of a married couple] no longer living together but not divorced. separation [sEp @ "re S@n] 1. n. the state of being separated. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. a period of time when two people who are married no longer live together but have not yet divorced. September [sEp "tEm b#] Go to month. sequence ["si kw@ns] 1. n. the order in which a group of people or things are placed; the order in which a series of events happen. 2. tv. to put people or things into Q. sequester [sI "kwEs t#] tv. to keep someone apart from other people, especially to isolate members of a jury from the public during a trial. serenade [sEr @ "ned] 1. n. a song sung to someone; a love song. 2. tv. to sing a romantic song to someone; to play a romantic piece of music for someone. serene [s@ "rin] adj. quiet; calm; peaceful. (Adv: serenely.) serenity [s@ "rEn I ti] n. the quality of being serene. (No plural.) serial ["sIr i @l] 1. n. a story that is presented in separate parts. 2. the adj. use of Q. (Adv: serially.) series ["sIr iz] 1. n. a group of simi- lar things that happen or appear one after the other in a certain order; a group of similar things that are arranged in a row. (Treated as singular.) 2. n. a set of television programs that is broad- cast one at a time, usually once per week. serious ["sIr i @s] 1. adj. stern; not humorous or playful. (Adv: seri- ously.) 2. adj. important; not minor. (Adv: seriously.) seriousness ["sIr i @s n@s] n. importance; gravity; a state of being serious Q or W. (No plu- ral.) sermon ["s# m@n] 1. n. a speech about religion or morals, espe- cially one given by a member of sentiments 536 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 536 TLFeBOOK the clergy. 2. n. a long speech by someone who is giving advice or who is scolding someone else. (Figurative on Q.) serpent ["s# p@nt] n. a snake. servant ["s# v@nt] n. someone who serves a person, the public, or God, especially someone who is paid to work for someone else in that person’s house. serve ["s#v] 1. tv. to provide some- one with a service. 2. tv. to bring (previously ordered) food to someone, as in a restaurant. 3. tv. to provide a useful service or function. 4. iv. to perform military service. 5. iv. to begin a play in a sport like tennis by hitting the ball toward the other player. → first come, first served serve as a guinea pig [for some- one] to be experimented on; to allow some sort of test to be per- formed on one. serve someone right [for an act or event] to punish someone fairly (for having done something wrong). serve something up to distribute or deliver food for people to eat. serve time to spend a certain amount of time in jail. serve under someone or something to carry out one’s responsibility under the direction or in the employment of someone. server ["s# v#] 1. n. a utensil used to serve certain foods. 2. n. a wait- ress; a waiter. service ["s# vIs] 1. n. the work that someone does for the benefit of someone; work done by servants, clerks, food servers, taxi drivers, etc. (No plural. See E.) 2. n. the repair of a machine or device; maintenance. (No plural.) 3. n. the benefit provided by a company or organization that fulfills the needs of people but does not usu- ally manufacture products. (This includes electric service, natural gas service, telephone service, water service, sewer service, message serv- ice, diaper service, lawn-care service, etc.) 4. n. a religious meet- ing or ceremony. 5. tv. to repair or adjust something mechanical or electronic. → out of service the service n. a military duty; serv- ing [one’s country in] a military organization. services n. work that is done to help someone, especially the work done by a professional person. (Treated as plural, but not counta- ble.) serving ["s# vIN] n. the amount of food or drink that is usually served to one person. session ["sE S@n] n. a period of time during which a meeting is held or an activity is pursued. → in session → a rump session set ["sEt] 1. tv., irreg. to put some- one or something on a surface; to place someone or something somewhere. (Past tense and past participle: set.) 2. tv., irreg. to move someone or something into a certain position. 3. tv., irreg. to join the ends of a broken bone and place them in the proper position. 4. tv., irreg. to determine or estab- set 537 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 537 TLFeBOOK lish a value, a standard, a time, an amount, etc. 5. tv., irreg. to adjust a machine so that it works cor- rectly; to adjust something so that it will show the correct measure- ment, time, amount, etc. 6. iv., irreg. [for a liquid] to take a cer- tain shape; to become shaped; [for concrete or plaster] to get hard. 7. iv., irreg. [for the sun] to drop below the horizon at night; to sink out of sight. 8. n. a collection of related things; a group of things that are found or belong together. 9. n. the location of the perform- ing area for a play, TV show, or movie. 10. adj. ready. (Not prenominal.) 11. adj. established; determined in advance; arranged. → have one’s heart set on something → not set foot somewhere → one’s heart is set on something → television set set a trap to adjust and prepare a trap to catch a person or an ani- mal. set foot somewhere to go or enter somewhere. (Often in the nega- tive.) set great store by someone or something to have positive expec- tations for someone or something; to have high hopes for someone or something. set in to begin; to become fixed for a period of time. set off (for something ) to leave for something or someplace. set off on something to begin on a journey or expedition. set one (back) on one’s feet and set one on one’s feet again to reestablish someone; to help someone become active and pro- ductive again. set one back on one’s heels to surprise, shock, or overwhelm someone. set one on one’s feet again Go to set one (back) on one’s feet. set one’s heart on something to become determined about some- thing. set one’s sights on something to select something as one’s goal. set out (on something ) to begin a journey; to begin a project. set out to do something to begin to do something; to intend to do something. set someone down (on(to) some- thing ) to place a person one is car- rying or lifting onto something. set someone off 1. to cause some- one to become very angry; to ignite someone’s anger. 2. to cause someone to start talking or lectur- ing about a particular subject. set someone or something free to release someone or something; to allow someone or something to leave, go away, depart, or escape. set someone or something up to place someone or something in a vertical or standing position. set someone straight to make cer- tain that someone understands something exactly. (Often said in anger or domination.) set someone up (for something ) 1. to arrange a situation so that someone is the target of a decep- tion. 2. to make someone become part of a joke. set a trap 538 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 538 TLFeBOOK set someone’s teeth on edge 1. [for a sour or bitter taste] to irritate one’s mouth and make it feel strange. 2. [for a person or a noise] to be irritating or get on someone’s nerves. set something down (on something ) 1. to place something on the surface of something. 2. to write something on paper. 3. to land an airplane on something. set something down to something to blame something on something else; to regard something as the cause of something. set something in(to something ) to put something into its place. set something off 1. to ignite some- thing, such as fireworks. 2. to cause something to begin. 3. to make something distinct or out- standing. set something to music to incor- porate words into a piece of music; to write a piece of music to incor- porate a set of words. set something up to arrange the time and place of a meeting, appointment, interview, etc. set something up (for something ) to arrange something for a partic- ular time or event. set something (up)on something to place something on the surface of something. set the table to arrange a table with plates, glasses, knives, forks, etc., for a meal. set the world on fire to do excit- ing things that bring fame and glory to one. (Frequently nega- tive.) set type to arrange type for print- ing, now usually on a computer. setback ["sEt bAk] n. something that causes something to change for the worse. settle ["sEt @l] 1. tv. to decide something, especially an argu- ment; to resolve something. 2. tv. to pay a bill or account. 3. tv. to place oneself in a comfortable position. (Takes a reflexive object.) 4. tv. to occupy land or a town and live there, often as a pioneer. 5. tv. to cause something to be calm, still, or less active. 6. iv. to sink, especially into the ground or to the bottom of something. settle down 1. to become calm. 2. to get quiet. 3. to abandon a free lifestyle and take up a more stable and disciplined one. settle down somewhere to estab- lish a residence somewhere. settle in(to something ) 1. to become accustomed to something, such as a new home, job, status, etc. 2. to get comfortable in some- thing. settle someone down to make someone become quiet. settle ( something ) (out of court) to end a disagreement and reach an agreement without having to go through a court of justice. settle up with someone to pay someone what one owes; to pay one one’s share of something. settlement ["sEt @l m@nt] 1. n. the establishing of towns or commu- nities in new areas. (No plural.) 2. n. a town established by people who have moved to an area where settlement 539 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 539 TLFeBOOK there was no town before. 3. n. an agreement that ends an argument, disagreement, or fight. settler ["sEt l#, "sEt l #] n. a pio- neer; someone who is one of the first people to live in a location. setup ["sEt @p] n. an arrangement; the way something is arranged or organized. seven ["sEv @n] 7. Go to four. → at sixes and sevens seventeen ["sEv @n "tin] 17. Go to four. seventeenth [sEv @n "tinT] 17th. Go to fourth. seventh ["sEv @nT] 7th. Go to fourth. → in seventh heaven seventieth ["sEv @n ti @T] 70th. Go to fourth. seventy ["sEv @n ti] 70. Go to forty. sever ["sEv #] tv. to cut through something; to cut something apart. sever ties with someone to end a relationship or agreement sud- denly. several ["sEv (@) r@l] 1. adj. some; a few, but not many. 2. n. some peo- ple or things; a few people or things. (No plural.) severe [s@ "vIr] 1. adj. harsh; strict; not gentle. (Adv: severely. Comp: severer; sup: severest.) 2. adj. strong; violent; causing harm; not mild. (Adv: severely. Comp: sev- erer; sup: severest.) severed ["sEv #d] adj. cut off; cut from; separated. severity [sI "vEr I ti] n. the quality of being severe. (No plural.) sew ["so] 1. tv., irreg. to attach two pieces of material together or to attach something to a piece of material by making stitches using a needle and thread. (Past tense: sewed; past participle: sewed or sewn.) 2. iv., irreg. to attach with stitches using a needle and thread. → get something sewed up sewage ["su IdZ] n. water and human waste that is carried away by sewers from homes and busi- nesses. (No plural.) sewer 1. ["su #] n. a pipe that car- ries waste away from homes and businesses. 2. ["so #] n. someone who sews. sewing ["so IN] 1. n. the work that is done with a needle and thread; the stitches made in material with a needle and thread. (No plural.) 2. n. a piece of clothing or mate- rial that is being sewed. (No plu- ral.) 3. the adj. use of Q or W. sewn ["son] a past participle of sew. sex ["sEks] 1. n. human sexual responses and activity. (No plu- ral.) 2. n. copulation; sexual arousal leading to copulation; the urge to copulate; the subject of copulation. (No plural.) 3. n. the state of being male or female. 4. the adj. use of Q. → opposite sex sexism ["sEks Iz @m] n. the belief that men are better than women; discrimination against women because they are women. (No plu- ral.) sexist ["sEk sIst] 1. n. someone, usually a male, who practices sex- ism. 2. the adj. use of Q. (Adv: sexistly.) settler 540 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 540 TLFeBOOK sexual ["sEk Su @l] 1. adj. of or about copulation or reproduction and the associated feelings and urges. (Adv: sexually.) 2. adj. requiring two creatures or organ- isms for reproduction. sexual intercourse ["sEk Su @l "In t# kors ] n. copulation; an act involving the genitals of two peo- ple for the purpose of creating pleasure or the production of off- spring. (No plural. Can be short- ened to intercourse.) sexuality [sEk Su "Al @ ti] n. human sexual matters and feelings; the involvement or interest a person has in sex. (No plural.) sexually ["sEk Su (@) li] adv. in a sexual manner; in a way that con- cerns sex. sexy ["sEk si] adj. of or about sex appeal; causing an interest in sex; sexually exciting. (Comp: sexier; sup: sexiest.) shabby ["SAb i] adj. having a messy appearance; looking run-down or worn-out. (Adv: shabbily. Comp: shabbier; sup: shabbiest.) shack ["SAk] n. a small house, hut, or shed that has been built quickly or poorly. shade ["Sed] 1. n. a place that is not directly exposed to sunlight because an object between that place and the sun blocks the sun- light. (No plural.) 2. n. a variety of a color; the lightness or darkness of a color. 3. n. a slight amount of a quality. 4. n. a device that can be rolled down over a window so that light will not get in or so that peo- ple cannot see in. (Short for win- dow shade .) 5. tv. to prevent light from reaching an area; to make something darker or harder to see by blocking light. 6. tv. to make something darker by painting or drawing on it with a darker color. → window shade shades of someone or something reminders of someone or some- thing; things reminiscent of some- one or something. shading ["Sed IN] n. the use of darker colors in paintings and drawings to make shadows and darker areas. (No plural.) shadow ["SAd o] 1. n. the patch of shade created by someone or something blocking light. 2. n. a slight suggestion; a trace. (Figura- tive on Q.) shadow of itself Go to shadow of oneself. shadow of oneself and shadow of itself someone or something that is not as strong, healthy, full, or lively as before. shady ["Se di] 1. adj. in the shade; blocked from direct exposure to light; shaded. (Comp: shadier; sup: shadiest.) 2. adj. not honest; always making schemes and deceiving people. (Comp: shadier; sup: shadiest.) shaft ["SAft] 1. n. a rod or pole, such as part of an arrow. 2. n. a pole that is used as a handle, such as with an axe or a golf club. 3. n. a ray [of light]. 4. n. a long, narrow passage, often vertical. shaggy ["SAg i] adj. covered with long, thick, messy hair; [of hair] long, thick, and messy. (Adv: shag- shaggy 541 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 541 TLFeBOOK gily. Comp: shaggier; sup: shaggiest.) shaggy-dog story a kind of funny story that relies on its length and a sudden, ridiculous ending for its humor. shake ["Sek] 1. iv., irreg. [for some- thing large] to move up and down, back and forth, or side to side many times very quickly. (Past tense: shook; past participle: shaken.) 2. iv., irreg. [for someone] to move as in Q or seem less secure. 3. tv., irreg. to cause some- one or something to move up and down, back and forth, or side to side many times very quickly. → in two shakes of a lamb’s tail shake hands and shake some- one’s hand to take someone’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting or to mark an agree- ment. shake in one’s boots and quake in one’s boots to be afraid; to shake from fear. shake someone’s hand Go to shake hands. shake something down Go to shake something out. shake something out 1. to clean something of dirt or crumbs by shaking. 2. and shake something down to test something to find out what the problems are. (Figu- rative.) shake something up 1. to mix something by shaking. 2. to upset an organization or group of people by some administrative action. shaken ["Sek @n] 1. Past participle of shake. 2. adj. greatly upset; dis- turbed; bothered. shaker ["Sek #] n. a small container that has a few tiny holes on one end from which salt or pepper or sometimes other spices, is spread on food by shaking. shake-up ["Sek @p] n. a large change in the arrangement of an organization, including the move- ment, firing, or addition of people who have important jobs. shaky ["Se ki] 1. adj. shaking a small amount; not steady. (Comp: shakier; sup: shakiest.) 2. adj. risky; not certain; not able to be relied on. (Comp: shakier; sup: shakiest.) shall ["SAl] 1. aux. a form used with I and we to indicate some- thing in the future. (Formal. See also will and should do something .) 2. aux. a form used with you, he, she, it, they, and names of people or things to indicate something one must do, a command, or a promise. (Formal. See also will and should do something .) 3. aux. a verb form used with I and we in questions that ask the hearer or reader to decide something con- cerning the speaker or writer. (Formal. See also will and should do something .) shallow ["SAl o] 1. adj. not deep; having only a small distance from the top of something to the bot- tom, especially used to describe water. (Adv: shallowly. Comp: shallower; sup: shallowest.) 2. adj. [of thoughts] trivial; not having deep, important thoughts. (Figu- shaggy-dog story 542 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 542 TLFeBOOK rative on Q. Adv: shallowly. Comp: shallower; sup: shallowest.) shame ["Sem] 1. n. a feeling that someone has done something wrong or bad; a bad feeling of guilt. (No plural.) 2. n. an unfor- tunate situation. (No plural.) 3. n. disgrace; loss of honor. (No plu- ral.) 4. tv. to cause someone to feel Q. → put someone to shame shameful ["Sem fUl] adj. causing or deserving shame or disgrace. (Adv: shamefully.) shameless ["Sem l@s] adj. without shame, especially when one should feel shame; not modest. (Adv: shamelessly.) shampoo [SAm "pu] 1. n. a liquid soap used for washing hair. (Plural only for types and instances. Plural ends in -s.) 2. n. a washing of one’s own or someone else’s hair with Q. (Plural ends in -s.) 3. tv. to wash someone’s hair with Q. 4. iv. to wash [hair] with Q. shape ["Sep] 1. n. a form; a figure; a mass; an object. 2. n. condition; a state of being—good or bad. (No plural.) 3. tv. to cause something to have a certain form; to form something. → in good shape → in shape → take shape shape someone up 1. to cause someone to get into good physical condition. 2. to cause someone to become productive, efficient, competent, etc. shape up 1. to get into good physi- cal condition. 2. to become pro- ductive, efficient, competent, etc. shape up or ship out to either improve one’s performance or one’s behavior or quit and leave. shapeless ["Sep l@s] adj. without a shape; having no definite form. (Adv: shapelessly.) shapely ["Sep li] adj. having an attractive body; attractive in shape. (Especially used to describe women. Comp: shapelier; sup: shapeliest.) share ["SEr] 1. n. one person’s part of something that belongs to more than one person; a portion. 2. n. a unit of stock E; a unit into which the capital of a company or busi- ness is divided, and that is owned by a person or corporation. 3. tv. to use something together with another person or other people; to own something together with another person or other people. 4. tv. to divide something between two or among three or more peo- ple so that each person has a por- tion of it. 5. iv. to use together with another person or other peo- ple; to own together with another person or other people. → the lion’s share (of something ) → one’s fair share share someone’s pain to under- stand and sympathize with some- one’s pain or emotional discomfort. share someone’s sorrow to feel someone else’s emotional pain. shared ["SErd] adj. belonging to two or more people; divided among two or more people. shark ["Sark] n. a large, dangerous fish with a pointed fin on its back and long, sharp teeth. shark 543 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 543 TLFeBOOK sharp ["Sarp] 1. adj. having an edge that cuts things easily or having a point that pierces things easily; not dull. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 2. adj. having a sudden change in direction; turn- ing at a narrow angle. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 3. adj. intelligent; smart; able to learn things quickly; aware. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 4. adj. feeling like a sting, bite, or cut; causing a sting- ing, biting, or cutting feeling. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 5. adj. distinct; clear; easily seen or heard. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 6. adj. [of speech or language] bit- terly negative. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 7. adj. slightly higher in tone. (Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 8. adj. excellent looking. (Adv: sharply. Comp: sharper; sup: sharpest.) 9. n. a tone that is half a step higher than the next lowest natural tone. 10. adv. exactly at a stated time. sharpen ["Sar p@n] tv. to cause something to become sharp. → pencil sharpener shatter ["SAt #] 1. iv. to break into many tiny pieces. 2. tv. to break something into many tiny pieces. shave ["Sev] 1. tv., irreg. to remove someone’s or something’s hair with a sharp blade; to scrape off hair by moving a razor over the skin. (Past tense: shaved; past par- ticiple: shaved or shaven.) 2. tv., irreg. to cut a thin slice from something. 3. iv., irreg. to move a razor over one’s skin to remove hair. 4. n. an instance of removing hair from the face or body by using a razor. → have a close shave shaven ["Sev @n] a past participle of shave. she ["Si] 1. pron. the third-person feminine singular pronoun. (Refers to female persons or crea- tures. Used as the subject of a sen- tence or a clause. See also her, herself, and hers.) 2. pron. the third-person feminine singular pronoun. (Informal. Used to refer to certain objects, such as ships and cars.) 3. n. a female. shear ["SIr] 1. tv., irreg. to cut or remove something with shears or scissors, especially wool from a sheep. (Past participle: sheared or shorn.) 2. tv., irreg. to trim a sheep totally, removing its wool. shears n. large scissors; a heavy pair of scissors used for cutting thick materials. (Treated as plural. Number is usually expressed with pair(s) of shears.) sheath ["SiT] n., irreg. a covering for the blade of a knife or sword. (Plural: [ "SiDz].) she’d ["Sid] 1. cont. she had, where had is an auxiliary. 2. cont. she would. shed ["SEd] 1. n. a small building, usually used for storage. 2. iv., irreg. to release or lose hair, or skin in the case of a reptile. (Past tense and past participle: shed.) 3. tv., irreg. [for an animal] to lose skin or hair. 4. tv., irreg. to release a fluid, especially tears or blood. 5. tv., irreg. to rid oneself of a burden or something embarrassing. (Figu- sharp 544 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 544 TLFeBOOK rative on E.) 6. tv., irreg. to remove clothing. shed crocodile tears to shed false tears; to pretend that one is crying. sheep ["Sip] n., irreg. an animal that grows wool on its body and is raised on farms for its wool and meat. (Plural: sheep.) → separate the sheep from the goats → a wolf in sheep’s clothing sheepish ["Sip IS] adj. weak; timid; easily scared; shy; easily embar- rassed. (Adv: sheepishly.) sheer ["SIr] 1. adj. complete; utter. (Comp: sheerer; sup: sheerest.) 2. adj. transparent; very thin; easy to see through. (Adv: sheerly. Comp: sheerer; sup: sheerest.) 3. adj. straight up and down; ver- tical but not slanting or sloping. (Adv: sheerly. Comp: sheerer; sup: sheerest.) sheet ["Sit] 1. n. a large, thin piece of fabric that is used in pairs on beds. (People sleep between sheets.) 2. n. a thin, flat piece of something, such as paper, metal, glass, ice, etc., usually rectangular. shelf ["SElf] n., irreg. a horizontal, flat piece of wood, metal, etc., that is put against or attached to a wall or is found in bookcases or other furniture. (Plural: shelves.) she’ll ["Sil] cont. she will. shell ["SEl] 1. n. the hard covering on the outside of seeds, nuts, eggs, and shellfish. 2. n. an exploding object that is shot out of a large gun. 3. tv. to free something from Q [by removing Q]. 4. tv. to attack people or a place with shells as in W. shellfish ["SEl fIS] 1. n., irreg. an animal that lives in the water and has a shell, including clams, crabs, lobsters, and oysters. (Plural: shell- fish.) 2. n. the meat of Q. (No plu- ral.) shelter ["SEl t#] 1. n. protection from the weather, danger, or harm. (No plural.) 2. n. a place or structure where one can find Q. 3. tv. to protect someone or some- thing from the weather, danger, or harm. sheltered ["SEl t#d] adj. [of an area] protected, especially from the weather. shelve ["SElv] 1. tv. to place some- thing on a shelf. 2. tv. to delay something until a later time. (Fig- urative on Q.) shelves ["SElvz] plural of shelf. shelving ["SEl vIN] n. shelves; a set of shelves. (No plural.) shepherd ["SEp #d] 1. n. someone who raises and protects sheep. 2. tv. to guide someone in the way that a shepherd leads sheep. (Figu- rative on Q.) sherbet ["S# b@t] n. a sweet, frozen dessert usually made of or flavored with fruit juice. (Plural only for types and instances.) sheriff ["SEr If] n. the most impor- tant officer elected to enforce the law in a U.S. county. she’s ["Siz] 1. cont. she is. 2. cont. she has, where has is an auxiliary. shield ["Sild] 1. n. a cover for some- thing (such as a part of a machine) that protects someone from being hurt. 2. n. a large piece of metal or wood carried in front of the body shield 545 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 545 TLFeBOOK . in two shakes of a lamb’s tail shake hands and shake some- one’s hand to take someone’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting or to mark an agree- ment. shake in one’s boots and quake in. incor- porate words into a piece of music; to write a piece of music to incor- porate a set of words. set something up to arrange the time and place of a meeting, appointment, interview, etc. set something up. shade shades of someone or something reminders of someone or some- thing; things reminiscent of some- one or something. shading ["Sed IN] n. the use of darker colors in paintings and drawings

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