landlady ["lAnd led i] n. a woman who owns and rents out space where people can live, such as houses and apartments; a woman who manages residential rental property. (See also landlord.) landlord ["lAnd lord] n. a person or a company that manages and col- lects rent for houses, apartments, and offices. landscape ["lAnd skep] 1. n. the land and the things visible on it, such as trees, bodies of water, rocks, hills, etc. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. a paint- ing or drawing of the land or other outdoor scenes. 3. tv. to arrange flowers, trees, bushes, hills, rocks, and other objects to make a yard or park look beautiful. a landslide victory a victory by a large margin; a very substantial victory, particularly in an election. lane ["len] 1. n. a road, path, or route. 2. n. a section of a road wide enough for one line of traf- fic; a section of a running track wide enough for one person to run; a division of a swimming pool wide enough for one person to swim. language ["lAN gwIdZ] 1. n. the system of spoken and written symbols used by people to express thoughts, meaning, and emotions. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. any system of symbols used in a computer pro- gram. 3. n. a specific style of expression. (No plural.) → sign language → speak the same language lantern ["lAn t#n] n. a protective case with clear sides, containing a source of light. lap ["lAp] 1. n. the flat surface formed by the tops of the upper legs when someone is sitting. 2. n. one trip around a track; two lengths of a swimming pool. 3. iv. [for water] to move in small waves, making a gently splashing noise. → in the lap of luxury lap over ( something ) [for some- thing] to extend or project over the edge or boundary of some- thing else. lap something up 1. [for an animal] to lick something up. 2. [for someone] to accept or believe something with enthusiasm. (Fig- urative.) lap (up) against something [for waves] to splash gently against something. lapel [l@ "pEl] n. on a coat or jacket, one of the flaps that is folded back toward the shoulders, just below the collar. lapse into a coma to go into a coma. large ["lardZ] 1. adj. greater in size than average; more than average; big. (Comp: larger; sup: largest.) 2. n. an object, especially one for sale, that is Q in size. → loom large largely ["lardZ li] adv. primarily; mainly. lash ["lAS] 1. n. a blow from a whip. 2. n. an eyelash. 3. tv. to hit some- one or something with a whip. 4. tv. to tie someone or something landlady 316 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 316 TLFeBOOK [to something]; to bind someone or something. last ["lAst] 1. adj. final; at the end; after all other people or things. (Adv: lastly.) 2. adj. the most recent; nearest in the past; latest. 3. adj. least likely; least appropri- ate. 4. iv. to continue for a length of time; to remain; to endure. → at last → at the last minute → breathe one’s last → get the last laugh → get the last word → on one’s or its last legs → pay one’s last respects → That ’s the last straw. → the very last last but not least last in sequence, but not last in importance. last name ["lAst "nem] one’s sur- name or family name. the last (one) someone or some- thing that is the final one in a sequence. last something out to endure until the end of something. latch ["lAtS] 1. n. a device for hold- ing a door or window closed; a lock for a door or window that can be locked and unlocked with a key. 2. tv. to close a door or window so that the latch as in Q seizes and holds the door or window closed firmly. 3. iv. [for Q] to seize and hold [something]; [for something] to close firmly with Q. late ["let] 1. adj. not on time; past the time that something is sup- posed to happen; past the time that someone or something is to be in a place. (Comp: later; sup: latest.) 2. adj. far into a certain period of time; toward the end of a certain period of time. 3. adj. no longer living; dead, especially hav- ing died recently; now dead. (Prenominal only.) 4. adv. after the time that something is sup- posed to happen. → keep late hours late in the day far into a project or activity; too late in a project or activity for action, decisions, etc., to be taken. (Also used literally.) lately ["let li] adv. recently. later ["let #] adv. at a time after the present time; at a future time. lather ["lAD #] 1. n. white foam that is made by mixing soap with water. (No plural.) 2. tv. to cover something with Q. laugh ["lAf] 1. iv. to express pleas- ure or amusement by making short, happy sounds with the voice. 2. n. the noise that someone makes when amused, as in Q. → get the last laugh → no laughing matter laugh out of the other side of one’s mouth to change sharply from happiness to sadness. laugh someone or something down to cause someone to quit or cause something to end by laughing in ridicule. laugh something off to treat a seri- ous problem lightly by laughing at it. laugh something out of court to dismiss something as ridiculous. laugh up one’s sleeve to laugh secretly; to laugh quietly to one- self. laugh up one’s sleeve 317 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 317 TLFeBOOK laughter ["lAf t#] n. the sound(s) made when people laugh. (No plu- ral. Treated as singular.) launch ["lOntS] 1. tv. to set a new boat or ship into the water for the first time. 2. tv. to send a rocket or its cargo into the air. 3. tv. to begin a project; to start carrying out a plan. (Figurative on Q.) 4. n. an instance of sending some- thing as in Q or W. launch into something to start doing something. launching pad ["lOn tSIN pAd] n. the platform from which rockets are launched. launder ["lOn d#] tv. to wash clothes or fabric; to wash and iron clothes or fabric. laundry ["lOn dri] 1. n. clothes that need to be washed; clothes that have just been washed and dried. (No plural.) 2. n. a business where clothes can be taken to be washed. 3. n. a location in a house or apartment building where clothes are washed. lavatory ["lAv @ tor i] 1. n. a sink used for washing one’s hands; a wash basin with running water available. 2. n. a bathroom; a room with a toilet. (Euphemistic.) → go to the lavatory lavish ["lAv IS] adj. in or involving large amounts; grand and exces- sive. (Adv: lavishly.) law ["lO] 1. n. a rule; a statement of obligation within a legal system. 2. n. a principle that describes something that happens as a regu- larity in mathematics or the natu- ral world. 3. n. the study of the system of laws as in Q. (No plu- ral.) → break a law → break the law → lay down the law → take the law into one’s own hands the law n. the police force; police officers. (No plural. Treated as sin- gular.) the law of gravity ["lO @v "grAv @ ti ] n. the fact that gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth. (No plural. Also law of grav- itation.) a law unto oneself one who makes one’s own laws or rules; one who sets one’s own standards of behav- ior. lawn ["lOn] n. an area of ground with cut grass; a yard. lawn mower ["lOn mo #] n. a machine with blades that is used for cutting grass. (Can be short- ened to mower.) lawsuit ["lO sut] n. a claim or com- plaint brought into a court of law. (Can be shortened to suit.) lawyer ["lO j#] n. someone who is trained in law and is a member of the bar. lax ["lAks] adj. loose; not strict; not demanding. (Adv: laxly. Comp: laxer; sup: laxest.) lay ["le] 1. a past tense of lie. 2. adj. not trained in a profession, such as law or medicine; not ordained as a religious leader. 3. tv., irreg. to place something on a surface or in a flat position. (Compare this with R and lie E. Past tense and past participle: laid.) 4. tv., irreg. [for a laughter 318 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 318 TLFeBOOK hen] to produce and deposit an egg. lay a finger on someone or some- thing to touch someone or some- thing, even slightly, even with a finger. (Usually in the negative.) lay an amount of money out for someone or something Go to lay an amount of money out on someone or some- thing. lay an amount of money out on someone or something and lay an amount of money out for some- one or something to spend an amount of money on someone or something. lay an egg to give a bad perform- ance. lay down the law 1. to state firmly what the rules are (for something). 2. to scold someone for misbehaving. lay it on thick and pour it on thick; spread it on thick to exaggerate praise, excuses, or blame. lay of the land 1. the arrangement of features on an area of land. 2. the arrangement or organiza- tion of something other than land. lay off ((from) something ) to cease doing something. lay off ((of) someone or some- thing ) to stop doing something to someone or something; to stop bothering someone or something. lay one’s cards on the table Go to put one’s cards on the table. lay over ( someplace ) to wait some- where between segments of a jour- ney. lay someone away to bury some- one. (Euphemism.) lay someone off (from something ) to put an end to someone’s employment at something. lay something away (for someone ) to put something in storage for someone to receive at a later time. (Often said of a purchase that is held until it is paid for.) lay something in to build up a sup- ply of something. lay something on the line Go to put something on the line. lay something out to explain some- thing; to go over details of a plan carefully. lay something to waste Go to lay waste to something . lay something up 1. to acquire and store something. 2. [for some- thing] to disable something. lay waste to something and lay something to waste to destroy something (literally or figura- tively). layer ["le #] n. a level; one level of thickness that is placed on a sur- face. layer cake ["le # kek] n. a cake made of sections of cake placed on top of each other and separated by frosting. lazy ["lez i] 1. adj. doing almost no work; avoiding work. (Adv: lazily. Comp: lazier; sup: laziest.) 2. adj. moving slowly. (Figurative on Q. Adv: lazily. Comp: lazier; sup: laziest.) lead 1. ["lEd] n. a heavy, soft, gray- ish metallic element. (No plural.) lead 319 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 319 TLFeBOOK 2. ["lid] n. a clue; a hint; informa- tion that can be used to help solve a crime. 3. ["lid] n. the distance or amount by which someone or something is ahead of someone or something else, especially in a race or contest. 4. ["lid] n. the main role in a movie or play. 5. ["lid] tv., irreg. to guide someone or some- thing; to show someone or some- thing the way. (Past tense and past participle: led.) 6. ["lid] tv., irreg. to be the leader of someone or something; to be in charge of someone or something. 7. ["lid] tv., irreg. to be ahead of another team or other players in a compe- tition. 8. ["lid] iv., irreg. to guide; to show the way. → follow someone’s lead → One thing leads to another. the lead [ "lid] n. the front posi- tion; the first place. lead a dog’s life and live a dog’s life to lead a miserable life. lead back (to someplace ) [for a pathway] to return to a place. lead down to something [for a pathway or other trail] to run downward to something. lead off to be the first one to go or leave. lead off (with someone or some- thing ) to begin with someone or something. lead someone down the garden path to deceive someone. lead someone on 1. to guide some- one onward. 2. to lead someone to believe something that is not so; to deceive someone. lead someone on a merry chase to lead someone in a purposeless pursuit. lead the life of Riley and live the life of Riley to live in luxury. lead up to something 1. to aim at something; to route movement to something. 2. to prepare to say something; to lay the groundwork for making a point. 3. to prepare the way for something; to have something as a consequence. leader ["lid #] n. a ruler; someone who leads or is in charge of a group of people. leading question a question that suggests the kind of answer that the person who asks it wants to hear. leaf ["lif] 1. n., irreg. the flat, usu- ally green, part of a tree or plant that is attached to a branch or stem. (Plural: leaves.) 2. n., irreg. an extra section that can be placed in the top of a table to make it larger. → take a leaf out of someone’s book → turn over a new leaf leaf out [for a plant] to open its leaf buds. leaf through something to look through something, turning the pages. leafy ["lif i] adj. having a lot of leaves; covered with leaves. (Comp: leafier; sup: leafiest.) league ["lig] 1. n. a group of peo- ple, organizations, or countries that work together because they have a common interest or goal. 2. n. a group of sports teams that play against each other. lead 320 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 320 TLFeBOOK leak ["lik] 1. n. an opening in a channel, pipe, tire, container, etc., that allows something to escape. 2. n. an instance of something escaping from an opening as in Q. 3. n. an instance of secret infor- mation being revealed secretly. (Figurative on W.) 4. iv. [for a container] to have an opening as in Q that allows water, air, or something else to escape. 5. tv. [for a container with an opening as in Q] to allow water, air, or something else to escape or enter. 6. tv. to secretly reveal secret information. (Figurative on T.) leak in(to something ) [for a fluid] to work its way into something. leak out [for information] to become known. leak out (of something ) [for a fluid] to seep out of something or someplace. leak something out to permit [oth- erwise secret] information to become publicly known. leakage ["lik IdZ] 1. n. the process of leaking. (No plural.) 2. n. something that is leaked. (No plu- ral.) leaky ["lik i] adj. tending to leak; likely to leak. (Comp: leakier; sup: leakiest.) lean ["lin] 1. iv. to be slanting; to be sloped. 2. adj. [of someone or something] very thin or skinny. (Adv: leanly. Comp: leaner; sup: leanest.) 3. adj. [of meat] having almost no fat. (Adv: leanly. Comp: leaner; sup: leanest.) lean back (against someone or something ) to recline backwards, putting weight on someone or something. lean over 1. to bend over. 2. to tilt over. lean toward doing something to tend toward doing something; to favor doing something. lean toward someone or something 1. to incline or bend toward some- one or something. 2. to tend to favor [choosing] someone or something. leap ["lip] 1. iv., irreg. to jump from one place to another. (Past tense and past participle: leaped or leapt.) 2. tv., irreg. to jump over something. 3. n. a jump; an instance of leaping. → by leaps and bounds leap for joy to jump up because one is happy; to be very happy. (Usually figurative.) leapt ["lEpt] a past tense and past participle of leap. learn ["l#n] tv. to receive knowl- edge; to gain a particular piece of knowledge. (The object can be a clause with that U.) learn about someone or something and learn of someone or some- thing to be told about something; to receive news or information about someone or something. learn of someone or something Go to learn about someone or something. learn something from the bottom up to learn something thoroughly, from the very beginning; to learn all aspects of something, even the most lowly. lease ["lis] n. a rental contract. → a new lease on life lease 321 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 321 TLFeBOOK lease something (from someone or some group ) to rent something from someone or a company. lease something (to someone ) to rent something to someone. least ["list] 1. adj. a superlative form of little; the smallest [amount]. 2. adv. in the smallest amount; to the smallest degree; the opposite of most. 3. pron. the smallest amount. → last but not least → the line of least resistance → the path of least resistance leather ["lED #] 1. n. a material made from the skin of an animal, used to make shoes, coats, belts, gloves, etc. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. adj. made of Q. leave ["liv] 1. iv., irreg. to go away; to exit from a place. (Past tense and past participle: left.) 2. tv., irreg. to depart from a place. 3. tv., irreg. to depart [from a place], let- ting someone or something remain in the place. 4. tv., irreg. to depart from and abandon some- one, such as a husband or wife. 5. tv., irreg. to cause someone or something to be in a certain con- dition. 6. tv., irreg. to will some- thing to someone or something; to give something to someone or something after one dies. 7. n. an extended period of time away from one’s duties. → take it or leave it leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth [for someone or some- thing] to leave a bad feeling or memory with someone. leave a sinking ship Go to desert a sinking ship. leave one to one’s fate to abandon someone to whatever may hap- pen—possibly death or some other unpleasant event. leave one’s mark on someone [for someone like a teacher] to affect the behavior and performance of another person. leave someone for dead to aban- don someone as being dead. (The abandoned person may actually be alive.) leave someone high and dry 1. to leave someone unsupported and unable to maneuver; to leave someone helpless. 2. to leave someone without any money at all. leave someone holding the baby to leave someone with the respon- sibility for something, especially something difficult or unpleasant, often when it was originally some- one else’s responsibility. leave someone holding the bag to leave someone to take all the blame; to leave someone appearing guilty. leave someone in peace to stop bothering someone; to go away and let someone have peace. (Does not necessarily mean to go away from a person.) leave someone in the lurch to leave someone waiting for or anticipating one’s actions. leave someone or something hang- ing in midair to suspend dealing with someone or something; to leave someone waiting for an end- ing; to leave something waiting to be finished or continued. (Also used literally.) lease something (from someone or some group) 322 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 322 TLFeBOOK leave someone or something out (of something ) to neglect to include someone or something in something. leave something on 1. to allow something [that can be turned off] to remain on. 2. to continue to wear some article of clothing. leave something up to someone or something to allow someone or something to make a decision about something. leaves ["livz] plural of leaf. lecture ["lEk tS#] 1. n. a long talk about a certain subject; a speech. 2. n. a speech that warns or scolds. 3. iv. to give Q; to talk about a certain subject. 4. tv. to talk to people about a certain subject, especially to talk to an audience or a class. 5. tv. to scold someone about something; to give Q to someone. lecturer ["lEk tS# #] 1. n. someone who gives a lecture. 2. n. someone who gives lectures; especially someone below the rank of profes- sor or instructor who teaches at a university or college. led ["lEd] past tense and past par- ticiple of lead. ledge ["lEdZ] n. a narrow surface that sticks out along a wall or under a window; a shelf. leer ["lIr] n. a look of sexual desire or interest. leer at someone to stare at some- one with sexual desire or lust. left ["lEft] 1. past tense and past participle of leave. 2. n. the direc- tion to the west when you are fac- ing north. (No plural.) 3. adj. toward W; located at W. 4. adv. toward W. → come out of left field → out in left field the Left n. politicians or citizens whose political views are liberal or radical rather than conservative. (No plural. Treated as singular.) left-hand ["lEft hAnd] adj. left; on, to, or at one’s left side. (Prenomi- nal only.) left-handed ["lEft hAn dId] 1. adj. favoring the use of the left hand. (Adv: left-handed or left- handedly.) 2. adj. designed for people who are Q. 3. adv. [of writing] done with the left hand. leftover ["lEft ov #] adj. remaining; unused and therefore extra. (Prenominal only.) leftovers ["lEft ov #z] n. portions of food left over from a meal; por- tions of food remaining after a meal. (Treated as plural. Rarely countable.) leg ["lEg] 1. n. one of the two body parts that support a human; one of the four body parts that support most other mammals, or similar parts that support certain other animals, such as insects. 2. n. the part of a piece of clothing that wraps around Q. 3. n. [in furni- ture or other structures] a vertical piece that supports weight. 4. n. a part of a trip; a part of a distance to be covered. → cost an arm and a leg → have one’s tail between one’s legs → not have a leg to stand on → one’s tail is between one’s legs → on one’s or its last legs → pay an arm and a leg (for something ) leg 323 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 323 TLFeBOOK → pull someone’s leg → stretch one’s legs legal ["lig @l] 1. adj. lawful; accord- ing to the law. (Adv: legally.) 2. adj. of or about law. (Adv: legally.) legal tender ["lig @l "tEn d#] n. legal money; money that must be accepted as payment. legend ["lEdZ @nd] 1. n. an old and often repeated story; a fable; a myth. 2. n. an explanation of sym- bols used on a map, plan, chart, etc. legislate ["lEdZ I slet] 1. tv. to make laws. 2. tv. to pass a law about something. (The object can be a clause with that U.) legislate against something to prohibit something; to pass a law against something. legislate for something to pass a law that tries to make something happen. legislation [lEdZ I "sle S@n] 1. n. writing and making laws. (No plu- ral.) 2. n. laws that have been made; a set of laws. (No plural. Number is expressed with piece(s) of legislation.) legislative ["lEdZ I sle tIv] adj. of or about making laws or the peo- ple who make laws. (Adv: legisla- tively.) legislator ["lEdZ I sle t#] n. some- one who makes laws; a member of a legislature. legislature ["lEdZ I sle tS#] n. the group of people who are elected or appointed to make laws. leisure ["li Z#] 1. n. free time; time that is not spent at work or sleep- ing; time when one can do what one wants. (No plural.) 2. the adj. use of Q. lemon ["lEm @n] 1. n. a sour, yellow citrus fruit. 2. n. a product, such as a car, that does not work prop- erly and cannot be repaired. (Informal.) 3. adj. made or fla- vored with Q. lemonade [lEm @n "ed] n. a drink made from the juice of lemons, sugar, and water. (No plural.) lend ["lEnd] 1. tv., irreg. to grant someone permission to use or bor- row something for a period of time. (Past tense and past partici- ple: lent.) 2. tv., irreg. to con- tribute an effect to something; to add a quality to something. (Figu- rative on Q.) lend an ear (to someone ) to listen to someone. lend oneself or itself to something [for someone or something] to be adaptable to something; [for someone or something] to be use- ful for something. length ["lENkT] 1. n. the measure- ment of something from end to end; the amount of time that has passed. (The opposite of width. Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. a piece of some- thing of a certain or known Q. lengthen ["lENk T@n] 1. tv. to make something longer. 2. iv. to become longer. lens ["lEnz] 1. n. a piece of curved glass, or some other clear material, that bends rays of light. 2. n. the clear, curved part of the eye— legal 324 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 324 TLFeBOOK located behind the pupil—that focuses light rays on the retina. lent ["lEnt] past tense and past par- ticiple of lend. leopard ["lEp #d] n. a large animal in the cat family, typically having yellowish fur with black spots. less ["lEs] 1. adj. the comparative form of little; a smaller amount. (Used with things that are meas- ured in quantities. Compare this with fewer, at few, which is used with things that can be counted.) 2. adv. to a smaller extent or degree; not as much. 3. suffix a form meaning without that can be added to nouns and to adjectives that have come from verbs. (The resulting adjectives can be made into nouns with the -ness suffix and into adverbs with the suffix -ly.) → in less than no time lessen ["lEs @n] 1. iv. to become less; to decrease in size, amount, or power. 2. tv. to cause something to become less. the lesser (of the two) the smaller one (of two); the one having the least amount. the lesser of two evils the less bad thing, of a pair of bad things. lesson ["lEs @n] 1. n. a session of instruction with a teacher; the material to be covered in one ses- sion of instruction; something, such as a school assignment, that is to be learned, studied, or pre- pared. 2. n. something that one learns from an experience; an experience that one learns some- thing from. let ["lEt] 1. tv., irreg. to allow someone or something to do something; to allow something to happen. (Past tense and past par- ticiple: let.) 2. tv., irreg. to rent an apartment or room (to someone). → Don’t let someone or something get you down. → live and let live let down one’s guard to relax one’s efforts or vigilance. let go of someone or something to release someone or something. let grass grow under one’s feet to do nothing; to stand still. let off steam and blow off steam to release excess energy or anger. let on (about someone or some- thing ) to confirm or reveal some- thing about someone or some- thing. let one’s emotions show to be emotional, especially when it is not appropriate. let one’s hair down to become more intimate and begin to speak frankly. let out [for an event that includes many people] to end. let out a sound to make [some kind of a] sound. let out (with) something 1. to state or utter something loudly. 2. to give forth a scream or yell. let someone know (about some- thing ) to tell someone something; to inform someone of something. let someone off (the hook) to release someone from a responsi- bility. let someone off (the hook) 325 05 7/23/03 8:49 AM Page 325 TLFeBOOK . landlord.) landlord ["lAnd lord] n. a person or a company that manages and col- lects rent for houses, apartments, and offices. landscape ["lAnd skep] 1. n. the land and the things. thick and pour it on thick; spread it on thick to exaggerate praise, excuses, or blame. lay of the land 1. the arrangement of features on an area of land. 2. the arrangement or organiza- tion of. landlady ["lAnd led i] n. a woman who owns and rents out space where people can live, such as houses and apartments; a woman who manages residential rental property. (See also landlord.) landlord