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NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 53 docx

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[for light] to bounce off some- thing. reflect on something to think deeply or carefully; to ponder; to examine one’s thoughts. reflection [rI "flEk S@n] 1. n. a reflected glare; reflected light. 2. n. something, especially an image, that is reflected. reflexive (pronoun) [rI "flEks Iv ] n. a form used as an object of a verb or preposition that is identical to the subject. (Reflexive pronouns are myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, herself, him- self, itself, themselves, oneself. ) reflexive (verb) [rI "flEks Iv ] n. a verb or verb construction that uses a reflexive pronoun. (Some verbs must have a reflexive object; others can have a reflexive object.) reform [ri "form] 1. tv. to change someone or something for the bet- ter; to make someone or some- thing better; to improve someone or something. 2. iv. to improve; to become better; to change for the better. 3. n. a planned improve- ment; a change that gets rid of past flaws or errors. reformer [ri "for m#] n. someone who reforms and improves people or things. refrain from something to hold back from doing something; to choose not to do something as planned. refresh [rI "frES] 1. tv. to make someone feel better or fresher. 2. tv. to bring something into memory; to restore something to someone’s memory. refreshed [rI "frESt] adj. made to feel fresh again; made to feel better because of food, drink, sleep, etc. refreshing [rI "frES IN] adj. new and exciting; giving the feeling of being fresh. (Adv: refreshingly.) refreshments [rI "frES m@nts] n. food or drink that satisfies one’s thirst or hunger. refrigerate [rI "frIdZ @ ret] tv. to put something in a refrigerator; to keep something cold. refrigerator [rI "frIdZ @ ret #] n. an appliance into which food is placed to keep it cold. refund 1. ["ri f@nd] n. the money that is given back when someone returns a product to a store. 2. [rI "f^nd ] tv. to give someone money back when a product is returned. refuse 1. [rI "fjuz] tv. not to accept something; to reject something. 2. [rI "fjuz] tv. to deny someone something; not to allow someone to have something. 3. ["rEf jus] n. garbage; trash; things that are thrown away. (No plural.) refuse (to do something ) [rI "fjuz ] to decline to do some- thing. regain something from someone or something to take back possession of one’s property or right from someone or something. regard [rI "gard] 1. tv. to think of someone or something in a certain way. 2. n. respect; esteem. (No plural.) → hold someone in high regard → with regard to someone or something reflect on something 486 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 486 TLFeBOOK regardless of something without considering something; at any rate; whatever is done; whatever option is chosen. region ["ri dZ@n] 1. n. an area of land that has a common social, cultural, economic, political, or natural feature throughout it; sometimes a political division of a country. 2. n. a part; an area that has a common feature throughout it. regional ["ridZ @ n@l] adj. of or about a region. (Adv: regionally.) register ["rEdZ I st#] 1. n. a machine in a store that cashiers use to keep track of money taken in or paid out. (Short for cash reg- ister.) 2. n. the book that a list or record of something is kept in. 3. tv. to show something such as a feeling or an attitude; to express something. 4. iv. to put one’s name and perhaps other information on an official list. registered ["rEdZ I st#d] adj. listed as in register R; approved by the government; enrolled. registration [rEdZ I "stre S@n] 1. n. the process of registering; the con- dition of being registered. (No plural.) 2. n. the time when people choose and reserve classes at a school, college, or university. (No plural.) regret [rI "grEt] 1. n. sorrow; the feeling of being sad or sorry about something that one has done. (No plural.) 2. n. something that one is sorry about; something that causes sorrow. 3. tv. to feel sad or sorry about having or not having done something; to feel Q about having or not having done something. (The object can be a clause with that U.) regretful [rI "grEt fUl] adj. full of regret; feeling sad or sorry about something. (Adv: regretfully.) regular ["rEg j@ l#] 1. adj. usual; typical; normal. (Adv: regularly.) 2. adj. not changing; even in size, shape, or speed; uniform. (Adv: regularly.) 3. adj. [in grammar] following the usual pattern, espe- cially concerning verb forms. (Adv: regularly.) → (as) regular as clockwork → at regular intervals regularity [rEg j@ "lEr @ ti] n. the quality of being regular. (Plural only for types and instances.) regulate ["rEg j@ let] 1. tv. to con- trol someone or something by a rule or system; to limit someone or something by a rule or system. 2. tv. to fix or adjust something so that it will work at a certain level or standard. regulation [rEg j@ "le S@n] 1. n. the control or order caused by rules, laws, principles, or systems. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. adj. according to a rule, law, system, or standard; suit- able according to a rule, law, sys- tem, or standard; standard. rehearsal [rI "h#s @l] 1. n. a prac- tice performance of a play, opera, concert, etc., devoted to perfecting the performance for an audience. 2. the adj. use of Q. rehearse [rI "h#s] 1. tv. to practice a part in a play, concert, dance, or performance before performing it for the public; [for performers] to rehearse 487 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 487 TLFeBOOK practice performing. 2. tv. to cause a group of performers to practice; to cause performers to practice something that is to be performed. 3. iv. to practice [a role, play, piece of music, etc.]. reign ["ren] 1. iv. to rule, especially as king, queen, emperor, or empress. 2. iv. to be the current winner of a contest or holder of a title. 3. n. the period of the rule of a king, queen, emperor, empress, as in Q. rein ["ren] n. one of a pair of long straps attached to either side of the bridle of a horse, mule, donkey, etc. (Used to control the direction of movement of the animal.) → keep a close rein on someone or something → keep a tight rein on someone or something reinforce [ri In "fors] tv. to make something stronger, more able to resist wear, or longer lasting by adding something to it. reject 1. [rI "dZEkt] tv. to refuse to take or accept someone or some- thing. 2. ["ri dZEkt] n. someone or something that has been refused as in Q. rejection [ri "dZEk S@n] n. refusal to accept someone or something. (No plural.) rejoice [ri "dZoIs] iv. to be very happy [about something]; to cele- brate [something] joyfully. rejoicing [ri "dZoIs IN] n. great joy or happiness expressed by one or more people. (No plural.) relate [rI "let] tv. to tell a story; to tell what was heard. (The object can be a clause with that U.) relate to someone to feel a bond of some type with someone because of shared experiences. related [rI "let Id] 1. adj. con- nected. (Adv: relatedly.) 2. adj. part of the same family; in the same family. related to someone connected to someone as a relative. related to something linked or connected to something. relation [rI "le S@n] 1. n. someone who is a member of one’s family; a relative. 2. n. a connection between two or more things; rela- tionship. relationship [rI "le S@n SIp] 1. n. a personal, romantic, business, or social connection between two people. 2. n. a connection between two or more things. relative ["rEl @ tIv] 1. n. someone who is a member of one’s family. 2. adj. compared to something else; having meaning only as com- pared with something else. (Adv: relatively.) relative clause ["rEl @ tIv "klOz] n. a clause that refers or is compared to someone or something. (Also called a subordinate clause.) relax [rI "lAks] 1. iv. to become less tight, less stiff, less firm, less tense, or more loose. 2. iv. to become less worried, less busy with work, or less active; to rest, be calm, or slow down. 3. tv. to cause something to become less tight, less stiff, less firm, or less tense. 4. tv. to cause something to become less strict, less harsh, or less severe. 5. tv. to cause someone to become less reign 488 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 488 TLFeBOOK worried, less busy with work, or less active; to cause someone to rest, be calm, or slow down. relaxation [rI lAk "se S@n] 1. n. rest, especially after work or busy activity. (No plural.) 2. n. the less- ening of tightness, stiffness, tense- ness, or firmness; the release of tension from something tight, stiff, tense, or firm. (No plural.) 3. n. making something less severe; the easing of strict rules. (No plural.) relaxing [rI "lAk sIN] adj. calming; soothing; restful; making one feel less tense, tight, stiff, or firm. (Adv: relaxingly.) relay [rI "le] tv. to receive some- thing and give it to someone else; to receive something and transfer it to something else or move it fur- ther along in a process. release [rI "lis] 1. tv. to let someone or something free; to let someone or something go; to let someone or something loose. 2. tv. to make a book, a movie, information, or a publication available to the public. 3. n. an act of letting someone or something go; an act of setting someone or something free. relevant ["rEl @ v@nt] adj. con- nected to something; of or about the subject being discussed. (Adv: relevantly.) reliance on someone or something trust in and dependence on some- one or something. relief [rI "lif] 1. n. the feeling that is felt when pain, a burden, a strain, or a problem is eased. (No plural.) 2. n. something that eases pain, a burden, a strain, or a problem. (No plural.) 3. n. money, clothing, food, or other aid that is made available to help poor people or to help people who are victims of a disaster. (No plural.) relieve [rI "liv] 1. tv. to ease or get rid of pain, anxiety, or strain. 2. tv. to begin working at a job as a replacement so that the person who was working can have some time to relax. relieve someone (of something ) to remove fear or anxiety from some- one. relieve someone or some creature of something to ease someone’s or some creature’s burden by remov- ing something. religion [rI "lIdZ @n] n. belief in or worship of one or more gods or spirits. (Plural only for types and instances.) → Christian religion religious [rI "lIdZ @s] 1. the adj. form of religion. (Adv: religiously.) 2. adj. believing in or worshiping one or more gods or spirits. (Adv: religiously.) religious about doing something strict about doing something; con- scientious about doing something. relish ["rEl IS] 1. tv. to enjoy some- thing very much. 2. n. a mixture of chopped pickled cucumbers or other pickled vegetables. (No plu- ral form.) → with relish relocate someone or something (to someplace ) [ri "lo ket ] to move someone or something to a differ- ent place. relocate someone or something (to someplace) 489 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 489 TLFeBOOK relocate (to someplace ) [ri "lo ket ] to move to a different place; to move to a different house or to transfer to a different job site, especially in a different city. reluctant to do something not wanting to do something; unwill- ing to do something. rely (up)on someone or something [rI "laI ] to depend on someone or something; to trust that some- one will do something; to trust that something will happen. remain [rI "men] 1. iv. to stay in someplace; to continue to be in a certain place; to be left over after other parts or things are taken. 2. iv. to continue to be something or act in a particular manner. remain up to stay awake and out of bed. remain within ( something ) to stay inside something or someplace. remainder [rI "men d#] 1. n. the part of something that is left over after part of it is taken. 2. n. the number that is left over after a number is divided into another one. remaining [rI "men IN] adj. yet to happen; yet to occur; not yet done or taken care of; not yet taken away; not yet happening; not yet occurring. remains 1. n. things that are left behind. (Treated as plural, but not countable.) 2. n. a corpse; a dead body. (Treated as plural.) remark [rI "mark] 1. n. a comment; a statement; something that is said or written about something. 2. tv. to say something; to comment about something; to state an opin- ion. (The object can be a clause with that U.) remark (up)on someone or some- thing to comment on someone or something. remarkable [rI "mark @ b@l] adj. worth mentioning; worth talking about; noticeable; unusual. (Adv: remarkably.) remedy ["rEm @ di] 1. n. a treat- ment; a cure; something that makes someone become healthy again. 2. n. making bad conditions good or better; the correction of a problem. (Figurative on Q.) 3. tv. to make bad conditions good or better; to correct a problem; to fix something that is wrong or bad. remember [rI "mEm b#] 1. tv. to bring back the thought of some- one or something into one’s mind, memory, or imagination; to think about someone or something again. (The object can be a clause with that U.) 2. tv. not to forget someone or something; to keep someone or something in one’s mind. (The object can be a clause with that U.) 3. iv. to bring [someone or something] back into one’s mind, memory, or imagina- tion. remind [rI "maInd] tv. to tell some- one about something again; to cause someone to remember someone or something. reminder [rI "maIn d#] n. some- thing that reminds someone about something. reminiscent of someone or some- thing reminding someone about relocate (to someplace) 490 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 490 TLFeBOOK someone or something; seeming like or suggesting someone or something. remodel [rI "mad l] tv. to decorate something in a new way; to con- struct something in a new way; to change a structure or room so that it looks more modern. remote [rI "mot] 1. adj. far away in space or time; far off; not near; distant; isolated; secluded; not near other things or places. (Adv: remotely. Comp: remoter; sup: remotest.) 2. adj. [of a possibility] very small. (Figurative on Q. Adv: remotely. Comp: remoter; sup: remotest.) 3. n. an electronic device used to control audio and video equipment. (Short for remote control.) remote control [rI "mot k@n "trol] n. a device that is held in the hand and used to operate a machine or appliance from a distance. (Can be shortened to remote.) remove [rI "muv] 1. tv. to take something away from a place; to get rid of something. 2. tv. to take off something, especially a piece of clothing. rend something from someone or something to tear something from someone or something. renew [rI "nu] 1. tv. to cause some- one or something to become like new again; to restore someone or something. 2. tv. to cause some- thing that was no longer valid or effective to become useful again; to cause something to be valid for a longer period of time. renounce [rI "naUns] tv. to give up something; to state formally that one is giving up something, espe- cially a claim or a right. renovate ["rEn @ vet] tv. to fix up something so that it is in good condition; to restore something to a good condition; to repair a structure. rent ["rEnt] 1. n. the money paid for the use of something, especially for the use of a place to live. (No plural.) 2. iv. to live in an apart- ment that one does not own, but for which one pays Q to the owner. rent something (from someone ) to get the right to use something (from someone) by paying rent. rent something (out) (to someone ) to provide something that other people pay money to use. rental ["rEn t@l] 1. adj. [of an apart- ment, office space, equipment, or other thing] rented or available to be rented. 2. n. the amount of money that is paid as rent for something. (No plural.) rented ["rEn t@d] adj. occupied or used for a fee, rather than owned. reorganization [ri or g@ n@ "ze S@n] n. reorganizing something; orga- nizing something in a different way, especially so that it works or operates better; the condition of having been reorganized. reorganize [ri "or g@ naIz] 1. tv. to organize something in a different way, especially so that it works or operates better. 2. tv. to reform a business, especially after it has gone bankrupt. reorganize 491 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 491 TLFeBOOK repaid [ri "ped] past tense and past participle of repay. repair [rI "pEr] 1. tv. to fix some- thing; to mend something; to cause something to work again. 2. n. work that will fix or restore something. (Singular or plural with the same meaning.) repairable [rI "per @ b@l] adj. able to be repaired; able to be fixed. (Adv: repairably.) repay [rI "pe] tv., irreg. to pay someone back for something; to pay someone for an amount that is owed. (Past tense and past partici- ple: repaid.) repayment [rI "pe m@nt] n. paying back something to someone. (No plural.) repeat [rI "pit] 1. tv. to do or say something again. 2. tv. to say something that someone else has just said to find out if has been correctly understood. 3. tv. to say something that one has learned. repeated [rI "pit Id] adj. previously done or said and being done or said again; done or said more than one time. (Adv: repeatedly.) repetition [rEp I "tI S@n] n. repeat- ing something. (Plural only for types and instances.) replace [rI "ples] 1. tv. to take the place of someone or something else. 2. tv. to exchange something for another thing that is more use- ful or newer. 3. tv. to return some- thing to the place where it belongs; to put something back where it belongs. replacement [rI "ples m@nt] 1. n. replacing someone or something. (No plural.) 2. n. someone or something that takes the place of someone or something else. 3. adj. used to replace someone or some- thing else. replay 1. ["ri ple] n. something that is played again; an event that is done over; a film clip that is played over, often in slow motion so one can see fast action better. 2. ["ri "ple ] tv. to play something again, especially a game or a piece of film. reply [rI "plaI] 1. iv. to answer. 2. tv. to say or write something as an answer. (The object is a clause with that U.) 3. n. an answer; something that is said or written when answering a question. report [rI "port] 1. n. an account that gives information about something. 2. n. the noise made when a shot is fired. 3. tv. to describe news; to provide news. (The object can be a clause with that U.) report back (on someone or some- thing ) to return with information or an explanation about someone or something. report back (to someone or some- thing ) 1. to go back to someone or something and present oneself. 2. to present information or an explanation to someone or some- thing. report for something to present oneself for something. report someone or something to someone or something to tell of someone’s errors or something repaid 492 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 492 TLFeBOOK that someone did wrong to some- one or something. report to someone or someplace to go to someplace; to present oneself to someone at someplace. reporter [rI "por t#] n. someone who provides a newspaper, maga- zine, radio station, or television station with news; someone who reports news or information. repossess [ri p@ "zEs] tv. [for a company] to take back something purchased on credit when the pur- chaser fails to make payments on time. represent [rEp rI "zEnt] 1. tv. to portray someone or something; to express something. 2. tv. to act on behalf of someone else; to speak for someone else. reproach [rI "protS] 1. n. blame; criticism. (No plural form.) 2. tv. to blame or criticize someone. → above reproach reproduce [ri pr@ "dus] 1. tv. to make a copy of something. 2. tv. to create something again; to do something in the way it has already been done. 3. iv. to have offspring. reproduction [ri pr@ "d^k S@n] 1. n. the process of making a copy of something. (No plural.) 2. n. creating offspring; reproducing. (No plural.) 3. n. a copy of some- thing, especially of a work of art or a book. reproductive [ri pr@ "d^k tIv] adj. of or about reproduction W. (Adv: reproductively.) reptile ["rEp taIl] n. a class of ani- mals whose temperature is the same as the surrounding air, including dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, alliga- tors, and crocodiles. republic [rI "p^b lIk] 1. n. a nation where the people are governed by officials whom they elect. 2. n. a system of government in which the people elect officials to repre- sent them. reputation [rep j@ "te S@n] n. the basis for the good or bad opinion that people have about someone or something. request [rI "kwEst] 1. tv. to ask for something politely. (The object can be a clause with that U.) 2. n. a polite demand; an instance of asking for something. require [rI "kwaI#] 1. tv. to demand a particular qualification or skill. 2. tv. to demand that someone do something. (The object can be a clause with that U.) required [rI "kwaI#d] adj. demanded and needed; ordered; necessary. requirement [rI "kwaI# m@nt] n. something that must be done; something that is required; some- thing that is necessary. rerun ["ri r@n] n. a television pro- gram that is not new; a television program that has been on televi- sion before. rescue ["rEs kju] 1. tv. to save someone or something that is in danger. 2. n. an instance of saving someone or something from danger. rescue 493 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 493 TLFeBOOK research 1. ["ri s#tS, rI "s#tS] n. study and examination; the col- lecting of information. (No plu- ral.) 2. [rI "s#tS] tv. to collect information about something in great detail. resemble [rI "zEm b@l] tv. to look like someone or something; to be like someone or something. resent [rI "zEnt] tv. to feel bitter toward someone about something; to feel insulted by someone about something. (The object can be a clause with that U.) resentful [rI "zEnt fUl] adj. full of anger or bitter feelings about someone or something; feeling that one has been insulted; show- ing anger or bitter feelings. (Adv: resentfully.) reservation [rEz # "ve S@n] 1. n. a doubt about something; a concern; something that stops someone from accepting something. 2. n. a previous claim on the use of something at a specific time, such as a room in a hotel, a table at a restaurant, or a seat in a theater, on an airplane, or at a concert. → make reservations reserve [rI "z#v] 1. tv. to schedule the use of something at a certain time; to record a claim for the future use of something at a cer- tain time. 2. tv. to save something for future use. 3. n. something that is saved for future use. reserved [rI "z#vd] 1. adj. saved for a certain person or certain rea- son; scheduled to be used by someone at a certain time. 2. adj. quiet; keeping to oneself; not talk- ing about oneself. (Adv: reservedly [ rI "z#v @d li].) reserves n. troops or soldiers that are prepared to be called to war. (Treated as plural, but not counta- ble.) residence ["rEz @ d@ns] 1. n. the period of time that someone lives in a certain place. (No plural. Number is expressed with period(s) of residence.) 2. n. a house or an apartment; the place where someone lives. resident ["rEz @ d@nt] 1. n. a person who lives in a certain house or apartment. 2. n. a person who lives in a certain city, state, or country. 3. n. a doctor who works full time at a hospital in order to get advanced medical training. 4. adj. living in or working at a certain place. residential [rEz @ "dEn S@l] adj. of or about residences; of or about homes or apartments rather than offices, farms, or factories. (Adv: residentially.) resign [rI "zaIn] tv. to quit a posi- tion or office. resign from something to give up or leave a job, office, committee, or task. resign oneself to something to cause oneself to accept something without complaining; to cause oneself to yield to something. resignation [rEz Ig "ne S@n] 1. n. voluntarily leaving a job, office, committee, or task. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. a formal statement or document research 494 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 494 TLFeBOOK made by someone who is leaving a job. resist [rI "zIst] 1. tv. to oppose something; to refuse to accept something. 2. tv. to keep from doing something; to prevent something from happening; to stop something from happening. (Takes a verb with -ing.) 3. tv. to be undamaged by something; to be able to withstand something. resistance [rI "zIs t@ns] n. resisting someone or something; the ability to resist someone or something. (No plural.) → the line of least resistance → the path of least resistance resource ["ri sors] n. someone or something that one can go to for help, information, support, or supplies. resourceful [ri "sors fUl] adj. able to think of different ways to solve a problem. (Adv: resourcefully.) respect [rI "spEkt] 1. n. the honor, admiration, or esteem that one feels for someone or something. (No plural.) 2. n. the polite behav- ior one shows to someone whom one honors or admires. (No plu- ral.) 3. tv. to honor, admire, or esteem someone or something. → pay one’s last respects → pay someone respect → with respect to someone or something respectable [rI "spEk t@ b@l] adj. worthy of respect; deserving respect; deserving honor and acceptance; admirable. (Adv: respectably.) respond [rI "spand] tv. to answer a question; to give an answer; to say something as a response. (The object is a clause with that U.) respond (to someone or some- thing ) to answer someone or something; to reply to someone or something; to react to some- one or something. response [rI "spans] 1. n. an answer; a reply; something that is said or done to answer a question. 2. n. a reaction; something that is done when something happens. → gut response responsibility [rI span s@ "bIl @ ti] 1. n. the authority for something; the duty to take care of someone or something. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. accountability for something wrong or bad; blame for causing something bad or, sometimes, credit for causing something good. (No plural.) 3. n. the quality of being responsible. (No plural.) 4. n. someone or something that one is responsible for. responsible [rI "span s@ b@l] adj. reliable; able to do something without being told what to do. (Adv: responsibly.) responsible for someone or some- thing having the job of taking care of someone or something. the responsible party the person or organization responsible or liable for something. rest ["rEst] 1. n. sleep. (No plural.) 2. n. relaxation; a period of calm or quiet after work or activity. (No plural.) 3. iv. to relax after work or activity. 4. iv. to remain some- where. 5. tv. to cause someone or an animal to relax. rest 495 07 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 495 TLFeBOOK . current winner of a contest or holder of a title. 3. n. the period of the rule of a king, queen, emperor, empress, as in Q. rein ["ren] n. one of a pair of long straps attached to either side of the bridle. copy of something. (No plural.) 2. n. creating offspring; reproducing. (No plural.) 3. n. a copy of some- thing, especially of a work of art or a book. reproductive [ri pr@ "d^k tIv] adj. of. that U.) 2. n. a polite demand; an instance of asking for something. require [rI "kwaI#] 1. tv. to demand a particular qualification or skill. 2. tv. to demand that someone do something.

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