MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED 1-40 Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Using a Planning Worksheet Key Points One way to document the logical architecture design is by using a planning worksheet. A planning worksheet provides a great deal of structured information in a usable and concise format. After you have identified the business requirements, you can map them onto the seven columns in the planning worksheet: • Business requirement. This column should always be the first documentation element, because the logical design should always reflect business requirements. You do not need to have a cell for each business requirement. Rather, you must identify the requirements that will affect the number of Web applications that you need to deploy. • Site name. This column identifies the working name for each site. The top level contains Web applications such as intranet, extranet, and Internet sites. Below these, you have site collections, which house multiple sites below the site collection. For example, you may have an intranet that provides sites for departments in your organization, such as IT or HR. These are site collections that will, in turn, host sites that are pertinent to these functional divisions. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Logical Architecture 1-41 • Site URL. This column maps the URL and path for each site. The top level of the farm contains root URLs (/) such as for the Internet site of Litware, Inc. Site collections in a Web application will have subsite URLs. For example, an intranet site may include a site collection (/sites), in which there are subsites, such as /sites/IT for the IT division or /sites/HR for the HR division. • Parent site. This column identifies each of the Web applications in which all other sites exist. In the Litware, Inc. example, this may include Internet (, intranet (, or extranet ( parent sites. Remember that My Sites should have its own Web application for performance and management reasons, such as • Template. This column specifies the site template that is best suited to create the Web application, site collection, or site. The site templates provide core functionality that is appropriate to your site. • Content database name. This column links the sites to content databases. These may be shared or used for specific secured or volume data. In your design, you should identify logical database divisions, such as Internet and intranet. However, you should also identify the software boundary limitations of databases so that you offer additional databases for large document storage environments. Remember that site collections cannot span content databases, so you must design for scalability. • Notes. This column is for notes that explain the rationale or specific functionality associated with each site. Your design documentation is not like process documentation, where you list a series of steps that are the only way to complete a task. You should include justification notes to explain the logic behind your decisions, which will help you later when your design focuses on individual components of your deployment. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED 1-42 Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Sample Scenario: Identifying Business Requirements Key Points The slide displays a well-structured requirements document that contains a lot of information regarding your user requirements. As a designer, you must review this to identify the components that will influence and drive your SharePoint design. It is usually easy to locate volume information such as the number of users, sites, or data volumes. You should also be able to find less metric-based information. You can see from the highlighted elements of this slide that there is a lot of information that should affect your design. As an approach, highlighting elements that you think will influence logical architecture design is very useful. It maintains the integrity of the document, so that you do not unwittingly change the requirements, while identifying the key components. You may choose to use various highlighting colors or add comments to categorize these elements. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Logical Architecture 1-43 Sample Scenario: Mapping Business Requirements to Logical Architecture Key Points Mapping your business requirements to a planning worksheet helps you map the logical components of your design. There is a range of business requirements that you can identify from this short document and map to the Logical Architecture Planning Worksheet. Worksheet Columns 1. The required departmental intranet sites. The Litware, Inc. site requires divisional sites (implemented as site collections) for each of the six departments. Each site collection is based on a publishing template because the intention is for the departments to publish internal information. 2. The required Internet-facing site and its products subsite. Litware, Inc. requires an Internet site that can show all product information, so you should use a dedicated Web application. This will almost certainly require anonymous access for casual browsers. It is also likely that the Litware, Inc. Internet site MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED 1-44 Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure will require other components to be published, such as About Us information, for example. 3. The extranet site and subsites for partners. There is a business requirement for extranet access to partners, in addition to sites for each partner. In this case, there is a site collection called /partners below which each individual partner site can be hosted. 4. The My Sites requirement. The requirements specifically state that there is a desire to start using social computing to aid communications in the organization through the availability of personal Web sites. This means that you will need a My Sites Web application. For security, capacity, and performance reasons, it is good practice to dedicate a Web application to My Sites. This will also influence the physical design because you should keep your Active Directory® directory service server local to maximize performance. There is no specification that Litware, Inc. is a multinational organization, but you should check. In the notes, you can see that there is no specification for self-service site provision. As a designer, you should check this because it would have a major impact on IT administration. Each My Site is a site collection, so you can estimate the number of My Sites. This will influence the volume of content and therefore any quotas that you may set on personal sites. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Logical Architecture 1-45 Using a Visio Diagram Key Points The use of Microsoft Visio® diagrams can provide a visual representation that will augment information in a spreadsheet or report table. This form of documentation is popular because it provides a summarized structure that is easy to consume. The graphical elements make it easier to identify each logical component in the SharePoint logical architecture. Diagrams should be kept simple and provide a high-level summary of the design. By using both tabular and diagrammatic documentation, you can deliver a documented design that is both easy for business and IT users to visualize, and contains all of the information that you require to influence detailed design for physical or other planning. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED 1-46 Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Lab: Designing a Logical Architecture Exercise 1: Mapping Business Requirements to a Logical Architecture Design Scenario Central IT at Contoso, Ltd has completed the business requirements gathering and the stakeholders have approved its findings. Central IT has tasked your team with creating a logical architecture design that addresses these requirements. The information that your team has gathered is detailed in the supplied documents. Use these documents to produce your logical design. The main tasks for this exercise are as follows: 1. Read the supporting information. 2. Complete the Logical Architecture Planning worksheet. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Logical Architecture 1-47 f Task 1: Read the supporting information 1. Log on to 10231A-NYC-DC1-01 as CONTOSO\Ed with the password Pa$$w0rd. 2. Read the lab scenario. 3. In the E:\Labfiles\Lab01\Starter folder, read the information in the Contoso Business Requirements.docx file. 4. In the E:\Labfiles\Lab01\Starter folder, read the information in the Logical Architecture Requirements.docx file. f Task 2: Complete the Logical Architecture Planning worksheet • In the E:\Labfiles\Lab01\Starter folder, complete the worksheet in the Logical Architecture Planning Worksheet.xlsx file. Exercise 2: Creating a Logical Architecture Diagram Scenario You need to create a graphical summary of the content in the completed logical architecture worksheet. The main task for this exercise is to complete a logical architecture diagram. f Task 1: Complete a logical architecture diagram • In the E:\Labfiles\Lab01\Starter folder, complete the diagram in the Logical Architecture Diagram.vsd file. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED 1-48 Designing a Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Infrastructure Module Review and Takeaways Review Questions 1. What are the key differences between functional and nonfunctional requirements? 2. Outline the essential things that you should do when gathering user information. 3. Which are the key components of your logical design that you should document in a Logical Architecture Planning Worksheet? Best Practices Related to Creating a Logical Architecture Design Supplement or modify the following best practices for your own work situations: • When you are designing a SharePoint 2010 solution, it is essential to map business requirements to a logical architecture design before you start to deploy. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Logical Architecture 1-49 • Always validate your design with your stakeholders. This ensures that you fully reflect their business goals and they understand your design functionality. • Always update changes to your documentation. . the diagram in the Logical Architecture Diagram.vsd file. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED 1- 48 Designing a Microsoft SharePoint 2 010 Infrastructure Module Review and Takeaways . logical architecture worksheet. The main task for this exercise is to complete a logical architecture diagram. f Task 1: Complete a logical architecture diagram • In the E:LabfilesLab 01 Starter. Logical Architecture Planning worksheet. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Designing a Logical Architecture 1- 47 f Task 1: Read the supporting information 1. Log on to 10 23 1A- NYC-DC1- 01 as