This paper examines the roadblocks to a successful computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) implementation, including user adoption and training, as well as the ten steps organizations must take to reap all the benefits of their new CMMS solution. Instead of scrambling to put out fires, staff will be able to focus on maintenance, all with a properly implemented CMMS.
Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success A white paper by Edward Garibian, eRPortal Soware Group Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success How to Foster Adoption of a Computerized Maintenance Management System to Extend Asset Life, Reduce Costs, Increase Efficiency, and Ensure Regulatory Compliance Implemenng a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a must in today’s business climate. With the need to lower costs, maximize eciency, coordinate workers, and comply with an ever-increasing number of government regulaons, organizaons need something that will give them complete visibility into their operaons. Plant managers, engineering directors, and public works chiefs across a variety of sectors, including manufacturing, ulies, higher educaon, and healthcare have turned to CMMS as a way to opmize operaons and manage enterprise assets. However, simply purchasing soware to manage assets doesn’t work. In order to reap the benets of a CMMS, organizaons need to look beyond the technology and examine the drivers of their workforce: what needs scheduling, which workers have the most knowledge about a parcular piece of equipment, and what needs to be done to appease regulators. Tossing in technology without carefully assessing people and processes can only lead to wasted me and money, when the goal of implemenng a CMMS was to improve producvity and increase cost savings. This paper examines the roadblocks to a successful CMMS implementaon, including user adopon and training, as well as the ten steps organizaons must take to reap all the benets of their new CMMS soluon. Instead of scrambling to put out res, sta will be able to focus on maintenance, all with a properly implemented CMMS. 2 Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success Challenges in Implementing a CMMS Implemenng a CMMS comes with its own set of challenges. The most dicult roadblock to success are psychological issues; that is, when employees who are used to doing things one way and are now forced to change their procedures. When people have been working in a certain way for a number of years, changes can throw them o balance and make it more dicult for them to adopt the new, improved processes oered by a CMMS. Plus, users need training and support to make the changes sck so that companies can achieve the highest level of ROI with their CMMS investments. The ability to get the people of the organizaon on board is crical to any CMMS success story. Not understanding how work ows and informaon is exchanged can also hinder progress. Organizaons that do not take the me to dene processes, whether maintenance specic or informaon workow related, have a higher risk of failure. The pre-implementaon period is a great me to evaluate current work pracces, learn where they can be streamlined, and document what the resultant business ow and work rules should look like. This does not mean that debilitang amounts of analysis needs to take place. Just enough me in terms of team thinking, white board brainstorming and note taking to then be able to create some rules and decided upon pracces that need to occur in order to meet the desired improvements in operaon. A third roadblock to success can be the technology itself. Choosing the wrong soware or implemenng the soluon incompletely or incorrectly. Another signicant obstacle to success is not seng goals and not measuring those goals. Without a clearly dened endpoint for the project and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure results, a soware implementaon is useless. Implemenng soware for the sake of it doesn’t lead to a more ecient workforce or cost savings at all, and it adversely aects the people and processes it is trying to help. 3 Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success Top Ten Steps to Successfully Deploy a CMMS However, it is possible to successfully deploy a CMMS and foster user adopon, even on the most skepcal factory oor or with the most resistant of maintenance workers. The secret is to involve stakeholders, down to the front lines, and select soware that will work within the organizaon’s culture. Here are ten steps that will lead to a successful CMMS deployment and increase the company’s producvity. 1. Establish Clear Goals and Objecves The hard and fast rule for any project an organizaon implements is to know what the end result should look like, then map backward from there. Goals should be clear: reducing the number of mes producon or operaons is stopped due to a malfunconing motor, pump, or asset; or, increasing the number of machines or locaons a maintenance worker can service per day. This requires talking to every stakeholder in the project - from the workers on the front lines to management - and nd out what exisng rounes need to be improved along with what is currently working well and should not be altered. The ip side of seng goals and objecves is to know how to approach implementaon. Most organizaons nd that implemenng a CMMS in phases works well for them. For example, they will start with phase one objecves, like scheduling work or tracking the causes of machine failures. Implementaon does not have to be done all at once, as long as the company has goals in mind for each phase of the implementaon. 2. Match Soware to the Goals Once a company sets goals for the implementaon, it’s me to review dierent CMMS packages. For example, if the organizaon wants to implement CMMS in phases to meet a set of goals, it will need a soluon that can be implemented in phases, parcularly if each goal builds on a previous goal to produce an end vision. The soware chosen for a project like this should be able to roll out limited funconality at each phase of the project and not force the whole package on the workforce immediately. The right CMMS will provide an easy-to-use home page with dashboard driven funconality that is shaped based on a user’s prole. And this funconality should be congured to display only the secons of the CMMS that need to be enabled to meet the goals of the target implementaon. As requirements evolve and the company rolls out new funconality, the associated tools and features will then be added to each user’s home page and dashboard set. However, if the goal is to implement everything at once, make sure the CMMS purchased can do that, too. 4 Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success 3. Incorporate the Organizaon’s DNA into the Implementaon Process Each organizaon has its own acronyms, buzzwords, abbreviaons, and nomenclature. A bus line with a large eet will have assets that will be referred to as vehicles or buses and mechanical repair shops; a manufacturing plant will refer to its assets as machinery, equipment, and motors. Whatever nomenclature an organizaon uses, it should be able to incorporate those terms into its CMMS. Another key element within the “DNA” of an organizaon is its internal work processes. The CMMS should elevate and streamline these processes, which will increase automaon and eciency. The soware should be a catalyst for change but sll recognize and adapt to the organizaon’s proprietary processes. Companies should map the crical, core processes and input them into the CMMS, idenfy which processes can be streamlined, and incorporate the processes that can’t be changed. The CMMS and overall implementaon, including training and adaptaon, should conform to the organizaon’s DNA, not the other way around. 4. Finalize the Deployment Mode With the advent of cloud compung, organizaons can choose one of two opons to deploy a CMMS: cloud-based, soware as a service (SaaS) deployments or, tradional on-premise deployments. In a SaaS model, the CMMS is hosted by the vendor. An on-premise soluon is installed on a central server at the customer facility. Both models are viable and ideally, the soware you choose should support both navely. SaaS works great for companies that need exibility; the organizaon may be evolving and IT resources are not available. An on-premise model works best for companies who are commied to invesng in their infrastructure and prefer to keep their data in-house, or, as policy, choose not to expose their IT to potenal service level vulnerabilies of the internet. Some organizaons make decisions based on viewing the CMMS as a capital investment or an operaonal expense. If the CMMS is a capital investment, opt for an on-premise soluon, but if it’s viewed as an operaonal expense, a cloud approach is ideal. With either method, the organizaon needs to evaluate its budget, its policies, and its needs before choosing a cloud opon or an on-premise opon. Something to also examine is whether the soluon can rst be deployed in the cloud and later implemented as an in-house soluon if necessary. 5 Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success 5. Create a (Simple) Schedule The most visible part of an implementaon is the go-live date. Set a feasible schedule with a go-live date, and then create milestones to reach before rolling out the CMMS. But keep the schedule simple – at a glance, the project’s stakeholders should know what phase the project is in. Organizaons must incorporate sucient me for tesng, conguraon, and training; however this does not have to translate into long, complex rollout schedules. As stated previously, most organizaons benet from a phased objecves approach to implementaon. Therefore rollouts schedule “sprints” should be built to correlate to each objecve. The CMMS chosen should be exible enough for a rapid deployment but also agile enough to be congured properly before it goes live. 6. Dene Maintenance Rules and Triggers As part of the soware conguraon, dene what constutes a reason to work on a parcular asset. What rules need to be in place to inspect, service, or repair an asset or locaon? For PM scheduling is calendar periodicity sucient, or is usage-based scheduling, like replacing a belt or bearing aer a certain number of hours used, more accurate and eecve? And what parameters need to be monitored in order to trigger condion and predicve maintenance work orders? What informaon is required in order to validate a request for work or service? And what informaon is required in order to act on a service request, a PM, a Condion based work order, or an inspecon? Ensuring that correct personnel are dispatched, with the correct knowledge, the correct tools, supplies, and complete understanding of the asset or locaon involved? 7. Inialize the CMMS with Asset Data and Structure Before training and go-live, the soware system should be inialized with asset data, asset type denions, and the organizaonal structure or model. Training workers with “dummy” data is confusing, and expecng them to enter the data on top of their regular dues will cause adopon impediments. The best way to foster adopon is to have accurate data with accurate associated physical aributes in place at me of go-live. There are a number of ways to accomplish this task accurately. Data conversion from exisng CMMS applicaons is one common approach. Import templates may also be available for mass import. Or, mobile tools that allow sta to auto-discover new assets on-the-y, and associate those assets with templates that pre-populate aributes. The important thing is to have the data in the system before training – and most denitely before go-live, when users will be acclimang themselves with the CMMS in real-world situaons. 6 Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success 8. Train Employees on the Actual Soware A CMMS deployment will fail if users are not trained on the soware. No maer how intuive the interface is, users need to know how the soware will work in the context of their jobs. Users should have roles-based training that highlights the funcons that will be most useful for them. Ideally, the CMMS provider can oer on-site training to the users, providing the employees with their familiar environment to ask quesons, test funconality, and learn how the soware is going to improve their producvity. The benet of a vendor training on site is that the employees are being trained on the customized iteraon of the soware for the company’s needs, rather than a generic product that may or may not resemble what will be deployed. 9. Support Employees Aer Go-Live Go-live should never be the end of a CMMS implementaon. Aer go-live, employees will need support to refresh the concepts learned during training or address situaons that weren’t covered in training but will inevitably crop up as they’re on the shop oor. This support could be on-site or a combinaon of on-site and remote support, and the idea is to build in a me period where users can get their quesons answered to cover any gaps in formal training. The post go-live support helps employees use the CMMS as part of their daily schedule. It gets them to the point where they don’t feel like the process has changed, and when they come in for their shis, they grab a coee, log into the terminal and begin work. Being available to answer quesons helps them get to that point where the CMMS is an essenal part of their jobs. 10. Review Reports and KPIs Since a successful CMMS deployment extends past the go-live date, the last step is to review reports on the KPIs the organizaon has set as a measure of success. Using the benchmarks set at the beginning and measure results 60 to 90 days aer go-live, when users have had a chance to grow accustomed to the system. If the objecve for the CMMS was to get a beer handle on employee producvity, the company should review the me it is now taking for machines to be xed or how many work orders are now being handled during a day or week. The new CMMS should oer the reports needed and specied by the company with lile hassle. It should be easy to run the reports and analyze KPIs without having to involve the enre IT department, and most importantly, the CMMS should allow the organizaon to successfully close the loop on whether the deployment met the original objecves. The CMMS should not just be about entering data; but ensuring that the company has a system that facilitates accurate and relevant data entry, along with tools for using that data to make decisions. 7 Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success Conclusion By following these ten steps, companies can successfully deploy CMMS products that are right for their organizaons. When examining vendors, decision makers need to make sure the vendor of choice can provide the features and support necessary to follow the steps and implement the CMMS with minimal disrupon to the business. Look for on-site training, the ability to roll out features in a phased approach, role-based training, the ability to adapt to the company’s proprietary processes and terminology, and robust reporng features that allow for comprehensive insight into the success of the system. Use the steps as a checklist for meeng with vendors to nd those who are a t with your company’s culture and CMMS objecves. The eRPortal Soware Advantage Designed to t seamlessly into a company’s processes and technology, eRPortal Soware Group’s CMMS soware manages assets throughout their enre lifecycle, from the inial investment to nal disposal and every stage in between. eRPortal soware is built for exibility, interoperability, and ease of use. This means it can e smoothly into exisng systems and applicaons, including nancial, accounng, operaons, GIS, HR, and HMI. It can be deployed either on premise or in a cloud-based Soware as a Service (SaaS) model, allowing you to choose the best t for your organizaon. Flexibility and ease-of-use mean rapid go-live and rapid ROI. To learn more about how eRPortal Soware Group can help you reap the full benets of Maintenance Management Soware, please call us at (866) 326-2757 or visit us at : Website: Resources: hp:// Follow us with : 8