Metals and metallurgy Categories: Mineral and other nonliving resources; obtaining and using resources Enormous amounts of mineral resources are mined each year to supply society’s requirements for metals. In addition, large amounts of carbon, oxygen, and elec- tricity are consumed in the various metallurgical pro- cesses bywhichthe rawmaterials are converted foruse. Background Although the term “metal” is difficult to define abso- lutely, there are two working definitions that include almost three-quarters of the elements of the periodic table classified as metals. Chemically,metals are those elements that usually form positive ions in solutions or in compounds and whose oxides form basic water solutions. Physically, metals contain free electrons that impart properties such as metallic luster and thermal and electrical conductivity.In the periodic ta- ble, all the elements found in Groups IA and IIA and in the B groups are metals. In addition, Groups IIIA, IVA (except carbon), VA (except nitrogen and phospho- rus), and VIA (except oxygen and sulfur) are classi- fied as metals. All the metals are lustrous and, with the exception of mercury, are solids at normal tempera- tures. Boron (IIIA), silicon and germanium (IVA), arsenic and antimony (VA), selenium and tellurium (VIA), and astatine (VIIA) show metallic behavior in some oftheir compounds andare knownasmetalloids. The bonding inmetalsexplains many of theirphys- ical characteristics. The simplest model describes a metal as fixed positive ions (the nucleus and com- pleted inner shells of electrons) in a sea of mobile va- lence electrons. The ions are held in place by the elec- trostatic attraction between the positive ions and the negative electrons, which are delocalized over the whole crystal. Because of this electron mobility, met- als are good conductors of electricity and thermal en- ergy. This electron sea also shields neighboring layers of positive ions as they move past one another. There- fore most metals are ductile (capable of being drawn into wires) and malleable (capable of being spread into sheets). The absorption of electromagnetic radi- ation by the mobile valence electrons and its reemis - sion as visible light explains the luster that is charac - teristic of metals. Natural Abundance While all the known metals are found in the Earth’s crust, the abundance varies widely, from aluminum (over 81,000 parts per million) to such rare metals as osmium and ruthenium (approximately 0.001 part per million). The metalloid silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, with an abun- dance of more than 277,000 parts per million. Some of those metals found in low concentrations, such as copper and tin, are commonly used, while many of the more abundant metals, such as titanium and ru- bidium, are just beginning to find uses. The metal ore most important to modern industrial society, iron, is abundant and easily reduced to metallic form. The metals that were most important to early civiliza- tions—gold, silver, mercury, lead, iron, copper, tin, and zinc—exist in large, easily recognized deposits and in compounds that are easily reduced to elemen- tal form. Veryfew metalsoccur “free” in nature. The form in which a specific metal is found depends on its reactiv- ity and on the solubility of its compounds. Many met- als occur as binary oxides or sulfides in ores that also contain materials such as clay, granite, or silica from which the metal compounds must first be separated. Metals are also found as chlorides, carbonates, sul- fates, silicates, and arsenides, as well as complex com- pounds of great variety such as LiAlSi 2 O 6 , which is a source of lithium. Metallurgy Metallurgy is a large field of science and art that en- compasses the separation of metals from their ores, the making of alloys, and the workingofmetalsto give them certain desired characteristics. The art of metal- lurgy dates from about 4000 b.c.e., when metalsmiths were able to extract silver and lead from their ores. Tin ores wereobtainedby3000 b.c.e., and the production of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, could begin. By 2700 b.c.e. iron was obtained. There is an obvious re- lationship between the discovery that metals could be refined and fabricated into objects such as tools and weapons and the rise of human civilizations. Early pe- riods inthehistoryof humankind havelongbeen iden- tified by the metals that became available. Through- out most of human history metallurgy was an art; the development of the science from the art has taken place gradually over the past few centuries. The productionofmetals from theirores involves a three-step process: preliminary treatment in which 728 • Metals and metallurgy Global Resources impurities areremoved, andpossibly chemical treatment used to convert the metallic compound to a more easily reduced form; reduction to the free metal; and refining, in which undesirable impurities are removed and others are added to control the final characteristics of the metal. The preliminary treatment in- volves physical as well as chemical treatment. Physical methods include grinding, sorting, froth flotation, magnetic separations, and gravity concentration. Chemical reactions may also be used for concentration. The use of cyanide solution to ex- tract gold from its ores is an example of chemical concentration. In 1890, Karl Bayer devised a process which is based on the fact that aluminum tri- hydrate dissolves in hot caustic soda but other materials in bauxite do not. The result is almost pure Al 2 O 3 . Frequently, many metals present in small percentages are found in ores with more abundant metals. The pro- cesses used to concentrate the pri- mary metal also concentrates the minor ones as well and makes their extraction possible. Most ores are mined and processedformore than one metal. Iron is a notable exception. Large-scale redox reactions are the means by which metals from ores are reduced to free metals. The par- ticular method used depends on the reactivity of the metal. The most active metals, such as aluminum, magnesium, and sodium, are reduced by electrolytic reduction. Metal oxides are usually reduced by heat- ing with carbon or hydrogen. This age-old process produces by far the greatest volume of free metals such as iron, copper, zinc, cadmium, tin, and nickel. Sulfides are usually roasted in air to produce oxides, which are then reduced to the free metal. Some sul- fides, such as copper sulfide, produce the free metal directly by roasting. The refining step encompasses an array of pro- cesses designed to remove any remaining impurities and to convert the metal to a form demanded by the end user. The major divisions of refining are pyro - metallurgy, or fire refining, and electrometallurgy, or electrolysis. There are a few processes that do not fall into either of these major divisions such as the gas- eous diffusion of uranium hexafluoride molecules to produce isotopically enriched uranium for the nu- clear power industry. Pyrometallurgy is a general name for a number of processes, including, but not limited to, roasting (heat- ing to a temperature where oxidation occurs without melting, usually to eliminate sulfides); calcining (heat- ing in a kiln to drive off an undesirable constituent such as carbon, which goes off as CO 2 ); and distilling (heating the mineral containing the metal to decom- position above the melting point of the metal, which is collected in a condenser). Electrolytic refining involves immersing an anode of impure metal and acathodeofpure metal in a solu- tion of ions of the metal and passing an electric cur- rent through it. Metal ions from the solutionplateout on the cathode and are replaced in the solution by ions from the anode. Impurities either drop to the bottom as sludge or remain in solution. These by- products, often containing gold, silver, and platinum, are later recovered by additional processes. Electro - lytic refining is expensive in terms of the electricity Global Resources Metals and metallurgy • 729 A Saudi mine worker pours a stream of molten gold from the furnace into gold ingot molds. (AFP/Getty Images) required and of the often toxic solutions remaining to be safely disposed of. Metals as Crystals When a metal solidifies, its atoms assume positions in a well-defined geometric pattern, a crystalline solid. The three most important patterns for metals are the body-centered cubic, the face-centered cubic, and the hexagonal. If atoms of one metal exist in the solid so- lution of another, the atoms of the minor constituent occupy positions in the crystal pattern of the major constituent. Sinceatoms of eachelement have charac- teristic size, the presence of a “stranger” atom causes distortion of the pattern and, usually, strengthening of the crystal. This strengthening is one of the major reasons that most metals are used as alloys—in solid solutions of two or more constituent metals. Zinc is a hexagonal crystal, while copper atoms oc- cupy the sites of a face-centered cubic lattice. As the larger zinc atoms occupy positions in the copper lat- tice, they distort the crystal and make it harder to de- form. Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, increases in hardness as the zinc concentration increases up to 36 percent, at which point the crystal changes to a body- centered cubic pattern with markedly different char- acteristics. Careful selection of various combinations of elements in differing concentrations can produce alloys with almost any desired characteristics. The carbon steels are a good example of this varia- tion. Various amounts of carbon and metals such as molybdenum are introduced into molten iron ore to create desired strength, ductility, or malleability in the finished steel product. Another example is the in- tentional doping of the semiconductor silicon with boron or phosphorus to create different conduction capabilities. Metals in Living Systems “Essential” metals are those whose absence will pre- vent some particular organism from completing its life cycle, including reproduction. These metals are classified, according to the amounts needed, as macro- nutrients or micronutrients. For animals the mac- ronutrients are potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Sodium and potassium establish concentra- tion differences across cell membranes by means of active transport and set up osmotic and electrochemi- cal gradients. They are structure promoters for nu - cleic acids and proteins. Magnesium, calcium, and zinc are enzyme activa - tors and structure promoters. Magnesium is an essen - tial component of chlorophyll, the pigment in plants responsible for photosynthesis. Calcium salts are in- soluble and act as structure formers in both plants and animals. In muscles the calcium concentration is controlled to act as a neuromuscular trigger. Among the important micronutrients are chro- mium andiron. In mammals,chromium is involved in the metabolism of glucose. The oxygen-carrying mol- ecule in mammalian blood is hemoglobin, an iron- porphyrin protein. Many other metals are known to be important in varying amounts, but their specific activity is not yet clearly understood. This is and will continue to be an active field of research in biochem- istry and molecular biology. One of the interesting current techniques for study- ing the activity of metals on a cellular level is fluores- cent imaging. Metals such as calcium interact with flu- orescent dyes. The dyes have different fluorescent characteristics in the presence or absence of specific metal. Special cameras,calledcharge coupled devices (CCDs), are mounted on microscopes and feed elec- trical signals directly to a computer, which creates an image. Metal concentrations inside and outside cells can be studied in the presence and absence of other nutrients to establish relationships among the various materials thatare neededtosustain viablecellactivity. Metals as Toxins Those materials that have a negative effect on meta- bolic processes in a specific organism are said to be toxic to that organism. Many metals fall into this cate- gory. Today toxic metals are found in the atmosphere and the waters oftheEarth. Some arepresent because of natural processes such as erosion, forest fires, or volcanic eruptions, others because of the activities of humankind. The natural toxins are less problematic because many organisms, during the process of evolu- tion, developed tolerances to what might be consid- ered toxic. Maintaining goodairquality is amajor problem for industrial nations. Highly toxic metals, whose long- term effects on the healthofhumans and the environ- ment are of concern, have been released into the at- mosphere in large quantities. The atmosphere is the medium of transfer of these toxins from the point of origin to distant ecosystems. Prior to the 1970’s, atten- tion was focused on gaseous pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxide (NO x ) and on total particulate matter. Since that time, improved analyti - 730 • Metals and metallurgy Global Resources cal techniques have provided improved data on trace metals in the atmosphere, making studies on health effects possible. The largest contributors to trace metal pollution are vehicular traffic, energy generation, and indus- trial metal production. For some metals, such as sele- nium, mercury,andmanganese,naturalemissionson a global scale far exceed those from anthropogenic sources. However, local manganese emissions from human-made sources in Europe far exceed those from natural sources. This illustrates the problem fac- ing humankind. Emission patterns must be studied for local, regional, and globaleffects. Global emission patterns have been studied and compared with statis- tical information of the world’s use of ores, rocks, and fuels and to the production of various types of goods. These studies allow the major sources of various toxic metals to be identified. Coal combustion has been identified as the chief emission source of beryllium, cobalt, molybdenum, antimony, and selenium. Nickel and vanadium come mainly from oil firing. Smelters and other noniron re- fining plants emit most of the arsenic, cadmium, cop- per, and zinc.Chromium andmanganeseare released as side products of ironrefining and steel production. Finally, gasoline combustion is the main cause of lead pollution. Identification of the main culprits should point the way to the changes needed to reduce emis- sion levels of these metals and to choices regarding future industrial growth. Installation of scrubbing de- vices forremoval oftoxicmaterials from gaseousemis- sions and replacement of old boilers will reduce some emissions. New coal technologies such as coal pyroly- sis and in situ gasification should also reduce the con- tamination of theenvironment to some degree. Much more data on regional and local patterns are neces- sary to restore the health of the atmosphere. Grace A. Banks Further Reading Chandler, Harry. Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist. Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International, 1998. Craddock, Paul, andJanetLang.Mining and Metal Pro- duction Through the Ages. London: British Museum, 2003. Moniz, B. J. Metallurgy.4th ed. Homewood, Ill.: Ameri- can Technical Publishers, 2007. Neely,John E., and Thomas J. Bertone. Practical Metal - lurgy and Materials of Industry. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2003. Nriagu, Jerome O., and Cliff I. Davidson, eds. Toxic Metals in the Atmosphere. New York: Wiley, 1986. Street, Arthur, and William Alexander. Metals in the Service of Man. 10th ed. London: Penguin, 1994. Wolfe, John A. Mineral Resources: A World Review. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1984. See also: Alloys;Aluminum;Antimony; Arsenic; Brass; Bronze; Copper; Earth’s crust; Gold; Iron; Magnetic materials; Mineral resource use, early history of; Min- erals, structure and physical properties of; Nickel; Platinum and the platinum group metals; Silver; Smelting; Steel; Steel industry; Strategic resources; Tin. Metamictization Category: Geological processes and formations Metamictization is the process of rendering crystalline minerals partly or wholly amorphous (glasslike) as a consequence of radioactive decay. Metamict minerals such as zircon are important as gemstones, and metamict minerals that do not lose their radioactive components during the process of metamictizationmay possibly be used for the disposal of high-level nuclear wastes. Definition The term “metamict” (meaning “mixed otherwise”) was proposed in 1893 by W. C. Broegger when he rec- ognized that some minerals, although they show crys- tal form, are nevertheless structurally very similar to glass. Metamict minerals fracture like glass, are opti- cally isotropic (have the same properties in all direc- tions) to visible and infrared light, and to all appear- ances are noncrystalline. Overview The discovery that all metamict minerals are at least slightly radioactive and that metamict grains contain uranium and thorium led to the conclusion that the process of metamictization results from radiation dam- age caused by the decay of uranium and thorium. Al- though all metamict minerals are radioactive, not all radioactive minerals are metamict. Many metamict minerals have nonmetamict equivalents with the same form and essentially the same composition. Global Resources Metamictization • 731 Isotopes of uranium and of thorium decay, through a series of emissions of alpha particles (helium nu- clei), intoa stable isotopeof lead. Thealphaparticle is emitted from the decaying nucleus with great energy, causing the emitting nucleus to recoil simultaneously in the opposite direction. In the final part of its trajec- tory, the alpha particle is slowed enough to collide with hundreds of atoms in the mineral, but since the larger recoil nucleus travels a much shorter path, it collides with ten times as many atoms. Consequently, the majority of radiation damage is caused by the re- coiling nucleus. The immense amount of heat gener- ated by both particles in a small region of the mineral structure produces damage, but some of the energy also serves to self-repair some of the damage sponta- neously. Radioactive minerals that remain crystalline have high rates of self-repair,while metamict minerals do not. Metamict minerals are not common in nature, and they aregenerallyfound in pegmatites associatedwith granites. Showing little resistance to metamictization, the largest group of metamict minerals includes the thorium-, uranium-, and yttrium-bearing oxides of ni- obium, tantalum, and titanium. The second-largest group of metamict minerals are silicates, with zircon (a zirconium-silicate mineral) occurring most fre- quently. The smallest group of metamict minerals are the phosphates, including xenotime (yttrium phos- phate), whichhas the samecrystalstructure as zircon. Since metamict gemstones, such as zircon, are iso- tropic and look clear inside, they are often of greater value than the crystalline varieties, because the anisotropic properties of crystalline gems make them look cloudy inside. In addition, radiation damage of- ten imparts attractive color to the metamict gem- stones. Metamict minerals may possibly have another important use in the future: Since some of them re- tain their radioactive elements over millions of years despite metamictization, they may provide the key for safe disposal of high-level nuclear wastes. Many geochemists believe that synthetic versions of these metamict mineralscould be “grown”to produce rocks that would be able to contain hazardous nuclear wastes safely for tens of thousands of years. Alvin K. Benson See also: Hazardous waste disposal; Igneous pro- cesses, rocks, and mineral deposits; Isotopes, radioac - tive; Niobium; Pegmatites; Silicates; Thorium; Ura - nium; Zirconium. Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits Categories: Geological processes and formations; mineral and other nonliving resources The word “metamorphism,”based on Greek roots, trans- lates as the “process of changing form.” Existing sedi- mentary or igneous rocks are transformed in the solid state to metamorphicrocksas the temperature and pres- sure of their environment increase at various depths within the Earth. The numerous transformations that occur are collectively termed metamorphic processes. Background Every metamorphic process relates either to the for- mation of new minerals, called neocrystallization, or to the formation of a new texture in the metamorphic rock. The new texture may simply be an increase in size and change in shape of existing minerals (recrystallization). The new texture may also involve the development of a “foliation,” in which the elon- gate and platy minerals assume a parallel orientation. These general processes are further divided depend- ing upon the specific chemical and mechanical changes occurring during the metamorphic transfor- mation. Long periods of erosion can expose meta- morphic rocks on the surface of the Earth; surface metamorphic rocks are often valuable resources, ei- ther because of their new minerals or because of the physical properties that the rocks themselves have as a result of their new textures. Neocrystallization New minerals form at the expense of old minerals. As the pressure and temperature increase on an existing igneous or sedimentary rock (called the protolith), the old minerals become unstable and break down into chemical components that recombine to form new minerals. Some of the chemicals, for example, H 2 O and CO 2 , occur as gases at metamorphic temper- atures. These gases mix to form a vapor that exists in the cracksand along theboundariesbetween theindi- vidual grains of the minerals. The gain and loss of gases from the vapor are part of the overall chemical reconstruction that takes place during metamor- phism. The vapor inevitably escapes from the rock during the long period ofcoolingand erosion that ex - poses such rocks on the Earth’s surface. 732 • Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits Global Resources The neocrystallization process is usually expressed as a chemical reaction. The minerals of the protolith (existing rock) are the reactants, shown on the left side of thereaction, and thenewmetamorphic miner- als that form are the products, listed on the right side. The reactions often will generate and/or consume chemicals residing in the vapor. The reactions illus- trated in the figures accompanying this article are shown in triplicate, first as rock changes, second as mineral changes, and third as chemical recombina- tions. As an example, refer to the three parts of re- action 1. Reaction (a) is the conversion of the sed- imentary rock (protolith) called dolostone, which commonly contains silica as chert nodules, to the metamorphic rock called marble. Reaction (b) is the same reaction with attention focused on the transfor- mation of the minerals and the creation of the meta- morphic mineral called tremolite, where the begin- ning vapor was water and the ending vapor is carbon dioxide. Reaction (c) shows how the individual chem- ical components have recombined, often changing from the mineral to vapor state during the transfor- mation. As with any chemical reaction, there are specific temperature and pressure conditions that must exist before the reaction can occur. Each metamorphic Global Resources Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits • 733 Reactions That Form Metamorphic Rocks a. cherty dolostone + vapor → marble + vapor 1 b. 5 dolomite + 8 quartz + water → tremolite + 3 calcite + 7 carbon dioxide c. 5CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 + 8SiO 2 +H 2 O → Ca 2 Mg 5 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 + 3CaCO 3 + 7CO 2 a. peridotite + vapor → verde antique marble 2 b. 4 olivine + 4 water + 2 carbon dioxide → serpentine + 2 magnesite c. 4Mg 2 SiO 4 +4H 2 O + 2CO 2 → Mg 3 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 + 2MgCO 3 a. peridotite + vapor (with dissolved silica) → serpentinite 3 b. 3 olivine + 4 water + silica → 2 serpentine c. 3Mg 2 SiO 4 +4H 2 O + SiO 2 → 2Mg 3 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 a. cherty dolostone + vapor → soapstone + vapor 4 b. 3 magnesite + 4 quartz + water → talc + 3 carbon dioxide c. 3MgCO 3 + 4SiO 2 +H 2 O → Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 + 3CO 2 a. high-aluminum shales → kyanite schist 5 b. kaolinite-clay → 2 kyanite + 2 quartz + 4 water c. Al 4 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 8 → 2Al 2 SiO 5 + 2SiO 2 +4H 2 0 a. cherty limestone → marble + vapor 6 b. calcite + quartz → wollastonite + carbon dioxide c. CaCO 3 + SiO 2 → CaSiO 3 +CO 2 a. sodium-rich igneous felsite → blueschist 7 b. albite (feldspar) → jadeite + quartz c. NaAlSi 3 O 8 → NaAlSi 2 O 6 + SiO 2 a. sedimentary clay-rich shale → corundum-bearing garnet schist 8 b. 6 staurolite → 4 garnet + 12 kyanite + 11 corundum + 3 water c. 6Fe 2 Al 9 Si 4 O 23 (OH) → 4Fe 3 Al 2 Si 3 O 12 + 12Al 2 SiO 5 + 11Al 2 O 3 +3H 2 0 mineral of interest forms within a specific tempera - ture and pressure region in the Earth. The exact tem- perature and pressure conditions under which a metamorphic mineral or group of minerals will form can be determined by laboratory experiments; geolo- gists then deduce that similar conditions must have existed whenever these minerals are found in the geo- logical environment. The geological environment re- quired for the development of a given metamorphic mineral is usually controlled by plate tectonic move- ments. Explorations for metamorphic resources are targeted to specific tectonic regions that correspond to the proper temperature-pressure environments for their formation. There are three tectonic environments with spe- cific pressure and temperature conditions that con- trol thelocation for thedevelopment of metamorphic minerals. Burial metamorphism results from a high- pressure and low-temperature environment that oc- curs where two plates converge and one plate is ac- tively subducted. During the recent geological past, the coastline along Oregon and Northern California experienced this tectonic environment. Contact meta- morphism is a high-temperature, low-pressure envi- ronment occurring slightly farther inland from the region of burial metamorphism. Contact metamor- phism results when magma generated during the sub- duction of a plate rises into the overriding plate and solidifies as shallow igneous plutons. Contact meta- morphism has occurred along the margins of the Sierra Nevada batholiths of eastern California. The third tectonic environment is regional metamor- phism, often called dynothermal metamorphism, which corresponds to moderately high pressures and temperatures. Regional metamorphism is seen after extensive erosion of a contact metamorphism area has exposed deeper regions within the Earth’s crust. Isochemical Processes Neocrystallization that occurs without any influx of new chemicals(otherthan the water andcarbondiox- ide from the vapor) is called isochemical metamor- phism. Isochemical metamorphism produces about a dozen minerals that are considered valuable re- sources. The isochemical-neocrystallization processes responsible for the formation of some of these miner- als are described below, with a brief indication of the tectonic environments that favor their formation. Serpentine When serpentine (Mg 3 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 ) is the major min- eral formed during the low-temperature, low-pres- sure metamorphism associated with the beginning of regional metamorphism, the resulting metamorphic 734 • Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits Global Resources Composition Texture Foliated Nonlayered Nonfoliated NonlayeredLayered calcite MARBLE GNEISS SCHIST PHYLLITE SLATEQUARTZITE HORNFELS fine to coarse grained fine to coarse grained fine grained very fine grained coarse grained coarse grained fine grained chlorite mica mica quartz feldspar amphibole pyroxene Name Metamorphic Rock Classification Based on Texture and Composition rock is called a serpentinite. Polished serpentinites are used widely as a facing stone in both interior and exterior applications. When the serpentinites contain some carbonate minerals they are marketed as “verde antique marble.” Serpentine can occur in any one of three forms. The form called chrysotile is the most common asbestos mineral. Asbestos veins are com- mon in serpentinites, and in many locations in east- ern Canada and northern New England serpentinites have been mined for their asbestos. Serpentine generally forms by metamorphism of ultramafic igneous rocks by one of two reactions. One type of serpentine reaction (see reaction 2) involves a mixed vapor phase of carbon dioxide and water, which produces some carbonate minerals. A second serpentine-forming reaction (see reaction3)requires that some silica be dissolved in the water vapor. Talc Talc (Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 ) can form large masses of ran- domly oriented interlocking small flakes to make a rock called soapstone, used extensively for carving and as a source of talcum powder for health and beauty applications. The term “steatite” refers to talc- rich rocksthat are usedbecause of talc’s lackofchemi- cal reactivity or its high heat capacity. Talc forms by regional metamorphism at low to moderate tempera- tures and low to moderate pressures. When the protolith is asedimentary limestone or dolostone, the reaction for the formation of talc deposits is as shown in reaction 4. A second common reaction that produces major talc deposits is the continuing metamorphism of a peridotite protolith. Talc forms by this reaction at temperatures slightlyabove 300° Celsius;however,the temperatures must remain below 700° Celsius to pre- vent the breakdown of talc. Graphite Graphite (a form of carbon, C) is used in a wide vari- ety of applications from lubrication to high-tempera- ture crucibles. Deposits of amorphous graphite form by contact metamorphism of coal beds, whereas de- posits of flake graphite form by regional metamor- phism of sedimentary rocks with the graphite being disseminated in mica schist and micaceous quartzite. Extensive weathering of these rocks assists in the re- lease of the graphite. The graphite content of such metamorphic ores is usually 5 to 6 percent. Clinker is a common term used by English miners for the graphite ore created by the contact metamor - phism of coal beds. The reaction involves the break- down of a wide variety of organic molecules. Con- tinued high-temperature metamorphism of coal beds can transform the graphite into a natural coke, which has been mined in Wyoming and Utah. Kyanite Kyanite (Al 2 SiO 5 ) and the related minerals andalusite and sillimanite are used in the production of refrac- tory ceramics, such as those used in spark plugs. Kyan- ite forms from aluminum-rich clay-shale protoliths during regional metamorphism at moderate to high temperatures (see reaction 5). Wollastonite Wollastonite (CaSiO 3 ) is used extensively in the man- ufacturing of tiles. It forms by high-temperature con- tact metamorphism of silica-bearing limestones. An example may be found in Willsboro, New York, where the wollastonite mine is in a metamorphosed lime- stone on the margin of the igneous intrusion that forms the Adirondack Mountains. This type of reac- tion is shown in example 6. This reaction normally oc- curs at temperatures around 650° Celsius. Jadeite The pure form of the mineral jadeite (NaAlSi 2 O 6 )is the best quality of all materials called jade. Jade has been a valued material for sculpture and other art- and-craft applications for more than twenty-five cen- turies. It forms during burial metamorphism of alkali- rich igneous rocks that have been subjected to very high pressures and low temperatures. Such condi- tions are found in the mountains of the Coast Range in California, where jade has been mined (reac- tion 7). Corundum Corundum (Al 2 O 3 ) is used extensively as an abrasive, and its pure colored variants known as ruby and sap- phire are valued as gemstones. Corundum forms dur- ing regional metamorphism of aluminum-rich shale protoliths. The progressing metamorphism of the shale makes an intermediate mineral called stauro- lite, which commonly is sold in mineral shops and displayed in museums as “fairy crosses” because of its well-developed cruciform twining. Corundum forms when thestaurolite breaksdown at very hightempera - tures, as shown in reaction 8. Global Resources Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits • 735 Metasomatism A special type of metamorphism occurs whenever a major influx ofnewdissolved chemical components is added to the chemistry of the protolith. A water-rich fluid or vapor is the means of transport for this added chemistry. The process of adding chemistry to the rock through the vapor is called metasomatism. Meta- somatism occurs chiefly in regions of contact meta- morphism where highly volatile elements such as boron, fluorine, or chlorine are released into a water- rich fluid associated with the igneous pluton. The igneous-based fluid also carries dissolved silicon, alu- minum, iron, magnesium, manganese, minor sodium, potassium, and often some tin, copper, tungsten, lead, and zinc. This saline fluid invades the adjacent lime- stone and reacts with calcium to form pronounced monomineralic zones at the contact between the pluton and the limestone. The rocks produced by metasomatism are called skarns or tactites, and they are the coarsest grained of all metamorphic rocks. The garnet zone of a skarn may have individual grains of garnet that are as large as 20 centimeters in diameter. Skarns are mined throughout the world. Scheelite (CaWO 4 ), a major ore of tungsten, is mined from numerous metaso- matized contact zones in California, Nevada, Idaho, and British Columbia. Other minerals that are mined from skarns are wollastonite, galena (an ore of lead), sphalerite (anore of zinc),magnetite (an oreof iron), and chalcopyrite (an ore of copper). Texture Changes and Recrystallization During metamorphism changesmayoccur in the size, the shape, and often the orientation of the mineral grains within the rock. There are at least six different processes related to texture changes; the exact pro- cess is dependent upon which of the texture variables are changed and the mechanics of the change. A change in size and shape of an existing mineral without theformation ofanynew minerals isaprocess called recrystallization. Certain sedimentary proto- liths may be monomineralic rocks; two common ex- amples are a limestone that is made entirely of the mineral calcite and a silica-cemented sandstone that is made entirely of the mineral quartz. Such single- mineral rocks are unable to promote any form of 736 • Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits Global Resources Quartzite, pictured here in Dodge County, Wisconsin, is a type of metamorphic rock. (USGS) neocrystallization, and recrystallization is the only result of metamorphism. Marble The transformation from a sedimentary limestone to a metamorphic rock called marble often results in more than a thousandfold increase in the size of the calcite grains. The grains in the limestone protolith are commonly round in shape, whereas the grains in the marble interlock like a jigsaw puzzle to give a mo- saic texture. The interlocking texture in marble imparts a high coherence to the rock, yet its calcite mineralogy gives it a low hardness, allowing marble to be easily cut and polished. Pure white marble is used extensively for sculpting to form statues, as in the Lincoln Memo- rial; for building stone, as in the Greek Parthenon; and for ornamental carvings. Many marbles may con- tain an impurity that imparts a striking color pat- tern allowing their use in architecture as facings, tabletops, and flooring. Italy has more marble quar- ries than any other country. The United States quar- ries marble from both the Rocky and Appalachian mountain chains, with major quarries in Vermont and Colorado. Foliation: Slate A metamorphic rock in which the platy and elongate shaped minerals are parallel in their orientation is said to be foliated. A foliated texture can be seen in the rock by a tendency for therock to break along par- allel planes. Slate is a foliated metamorphic rock in which the individual mineral flakes are so small that they can be seen only under the highest magnifications of a mi- croscope. The foliation imparts to the slate the ability to break in near perfect planes. Slate is used as flag- stones, roofing, floor tiles, hearthstones, and table- tops, especially billiard tables. A few slates are used not because of their foliation but because of their composition. Very clay-rich slates are ground because the smaller pieces will bloat when heated to form a material used as a lightweight aggregate. Metamorphic Differentiation: Gneiss At relatively high temperatures a metamorphic pro- cess occurs in which minerals segregate. The light- colored minerals such as quartz and feldspar move into zones parallel to the rock’s foliation, leaving be - hind alternate zones of dark minerals such as biotite and amphibole. Metamorphic differentiations cause a marked dark versus light layering in the rock. Such rock is commonly called gneiss. Gneiss is quarried locally in many places as dimension stone. Anatexis: Migmatites At the more extreme temperatures for regional meta- morphism, partial melting will begin to occur within the light-colored layers of a gneiss. Theprocess of par- tially melting arock is called anatexis,andthis process begins thetransformation frommetamorphicto igne- ous rocks. Migmatite is the name for such a mixed rock. Migmatites occur in regions that have experi- enced a great amount of erosion to reveal the highest levels of metamorphism. Migmatites are common in the shield regions of the major continents. The shield for the North American continent is exposed in the upper peninsula of Michigan, northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and throughout most of Canada. Migmatites are commonly used as monument stone. The contortions of pattern generated by the partial melting makeeachstone unique andgenerally quite handsome. Migmatites are quarried in Minne- sota, New York, and Michigan and are used as build- ing stone throughout the United States. Cataclastite A special texture develops in rocks when the meta- morphic pressure involves tectonic forces having a distinctly linear or planar orientation on the rock. Such opposing forces result in shear stress, and they cause mechanical breakage of the mineral grains in the rock. The name “cataclastite” refers toametamor- phic rock that exhibits a sheared texture containing many fragmented and distorted mineral grains that are often cemented together by a calcite matrix. Cata- clastites are formed in tectonic regions that are expe- riencing active crustal movements. Some cataclastites are quarried and polished for use as a decorative “marble.” A famous cataclastite, the “Fantastica di Lasa,” is quarried from the northern Alps in Italy be- cause of its attractive and unique appearance. Dion C. Stewart Further Reading Best, Myron G. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology.2d ed. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2003. Blatt, Harvey, Robert J. Tracy, and Brent E. Owens. Pe - trology: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic.3ded. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2006. Global Resources Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits • 737 . composition. Global Resources Metamictization • 731 Isotopes of uranium and of thorium decay, through a series of emissions of alpha particles (helium nu- clei), intoa stable isotopeof lead. Thealphaparticle. and globaleffects. Global emission patterns have been studied and compared with statis- tical information of the world’s use of ores, rocks, and fuels and to the production of various types of. periods of erosion can expose meta- morphic rocks on the surface of the Earth; surface metamorphic rocks are often valuable resources, ei- ther because of their new minerals or because of the physical