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Giáo án anh văn lớp 12 - UNIT THREE: WAYS OF SOCIALISING - READING potx

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UNIT THREE WAYS OF SOCIALISING PART:A READING AIM: Ss can guess meaning from context, Class: 12A………………. summarize main idea Date of teaching:……………… AIDS: 1. Teacher: cards, pictures,textbook. Period: 6 2. Students: textbooks. PROCEDURE: stages & activities. TIM E CONTENT TEACHER STUDENTS 3’ I.WARM UP: + Before you read page 30 1. What are the people in the picture doing? 2. Can you guess what they say to each other? 3. What will you do / say if: + you want to get your teacher’s attention in class? + you need to ask someone a question, but they are busy talking to someone else? II.PRE-READING: Elicits Asks Elicits. Answer Answer 10’ 10’ + Vocabulary: - Compliment: (n): (synonym) - Clap (v) : (mime) - Decent: ( adj) (situation) - Appropriate: ( adj) ( translation) - Kidding(n) ( situation) - Signal (n): ( example) - Marvellous: ( adj): ( synonym) + Checking: Slap the board III. WHILE –READING: 1. Task 1: p 32 1.Verbal: bằng lời, hữu ngôn 2. Non- verbal: không bằng lời,phi ngôn 3. Attract someone’s attention: thu hút sự chú ý của ai 4. Attention getter: cử chỉ thu hút sự chú ý 5. Rude: thô tục 6. Informality: thân mật, không nghi thức 7. Approach: đi đến 8. A slight nod will do: một cái gật đầu nhẹ là đủ 2. Task 2: p 32 Key: A 3. Task 3 p 32 Models. Writes. Asks Checks Run through Asks Elicits Repeat Copy down Work in pairs Present Work in groups Ans. Listen Wok in groups 12’ 8’ 2’ 1. We can use either verbal or non- verbal communication. 2. Because they are strong actions that can easily be seen 3. We can wait until he passes near us, catch his eye, nod slightly to let him know we would like him to come to our table. Or we may raise our hand slightly to show that we need assistance. 4. You can use a small friendly wave to attract his or her attention. 5. Because it’s considered rude. Checking: Lucky number IV. POST – READING: After you read page 32 V HOMEWORK: Reading Part A1 workbook Checks Elicits Goes around to help if any Assigns Work in groups Ans. Work in pairs Listen & take notes PART C: LISTENING  AIM: Listening & deciding T- F- Gap fill Class: 12A………………. OBJECTIVE: Ss will be able to know the specific information Date teaching:………… about the telephone Period: 8 AIDS: 1. Teacher: pictures, posters, textbook, a CD player 2. Students: textbooks. PROCEDURE: stages & activities. TIM E CONTENT TEACHER STUDENTS 3’ 10’ I. WARM UP: Jumbled words: aniotuergl  regulation oenetlehp  telephone lacl  call acidev  advice II.PRE – LISTENING Pre- teach Vocab: Instrument (n) ( example) Duration (n) ( situation) Startling(adj) ( explanation) Apoplectic (adj) ( translation) Asks Follows the steps of teaching Vocab. Rearrange Give their ideas 20’ 10’ Before you listen p 34 Listen & repeat III. WHILE LISTENING: Task 1: p 35 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T Task 2: p 35 1. agreed 2. to avoid 3. weekend 4. adults 5. walking 6. heart 7. kindness 8. to stick Noughts & crosses IV. POST- LISTENING: After you listen p 36 Suggested ideas: - Length of time for each call Asks Models Gets Ss to listen Checks Runs through Gives feedback Gets Ss to listen again Sets the game Corrects Ss’ ans. Elicits Monitors, helps Repeat chorally Work in pairs Listen to the text twice Correct the answers Listen to the text twice Work in groups Take part in the game Correct 2’ - Time for calling - Calling late at night - Calling at weekend V. HOMEWORK: Rewrite the summary Ss if any Gives assignment Work in groups Listen & take notes . UNIT THREE WAYS OF SOCIALISING PART:A READING AIM: Ss can guess meaning from context, Class: 12A………………. summarize main idea Date of teaching:……………… AIDS: 1 (synonym) - Clap (v) : (mime) - Decent: ( adj) (situation) - Appropriate: ( adj) ( translation) - Kidding(n) ( situation) - Signal (n): ( example) - Marvellous: ( adj): ( synonym). II.PRE -READING: Elicits Asks Elicits. Answer Answer 10’ 10’ + Vocabulary: - Compliment: (n): (synonym) -

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 21:21



