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EXERCISES FOR Unit13(Very hot)

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UNIT 13: HOBBIES * VOCABULARY: • accompany (v) [ə'kʌmpəni] đệm đàn • accomplished (a) [ə'kɔmpli∫t] có tài • admire (v) [əd'maiə] ngưỡng mộ • avid (a) ['ỉvid] khao khát, thèm thuồng • book stall (n) buk stɔ:l] quầy sách • broaden (v) ['brɔ:dn] mở rộng • bygone (a) ['baigɔn] quá khứ, qua rồi • category (n) ['kỉtig riə ] loại, hạng • classify (v) ['klỉsifai] phân loại • climb (v) [klaim] leo, trèo • collect (v) [kə'lekt] sưu tập • collection (n) [kə'lek∫n] bộ sưu tập • collector (n) [kə'lektə] người sưu tập • common (n) ['kɔmən] chung • continually (adv) [kən'tinjuəli] liên tục • cope with (v) [koup] đối phó, đương đầu • discard (v) [di,skɑ:d] vứt bỏ • envelope (n) ['enviloup] bao thư • exchange (v) [iks't∫eindʒ] trao đổi • fairy tale (n) ['feəriteil] chuyện cổ tích • fish tank (n) [fi∫ tỉ kη ] bể cá • frighten (v) ['fraitn] làm khiếp sợ • gigantic (a) [d ai'gỉntikʒ ] khổng lồ • guideline (n) ['gaidlain] hướng dẫn • hero (n) ['hiərou] anh hùng • ignorantly (adv) ['ignərəntli] ngu dốt • imaginary (a) [i'mỉd in riʒ ə ] tưởng tượng • indulge in (v) [in'dʌldʒ] say mê • modest (a) ['mɔdist] khiêm tốn • mountain (n) ['mauntin] núi • name tag (n) nhãn ghi tên • occupied (a) ['ɒkjʊpaied] bận rộn • organize (v) ['ɔ:gənaiz] sắp xếp • otherwise (conj) ['ʌđəwaiz] nếu không thì • overseas (adv) [,ouvə'si:z] ở nước ngoài • plan (n) [plỉn] kế hoạch • politician (n) [,pɔli'ti∫n] chính trò gia • postcard (n) ['poustkɑ:d] bưu thiếp • postman (n) ['poustmỉn] người đưa thư • practise (v) ['prỉktis] thực hành • presence (n) ['prezns] sự hiện diện • present (n) ['preznt] món quà • profitably (adv) ['prɔfittəbli] có ích • real (a) [riəl] có thật • repair (v) [ri'peə] sửa chữa • stamp (n) [stỉmp] con tem • throw … away (v)[θrou ə'wei] ném đi • tune (n) [tju:n] giai điệu * GRAMMAR: Cleft sentences (câu chẻ) A. PHONETICS I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. admired B. looked C. missed D. hoped 2) A. admire B. avid C. variety D. while 3) A. engrave B. pastime C. undertake D. spectator II. Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4) A. envelope B. album C. usually D. accompany 5) A. admire B. regular C. mountain D. corner 6) A. hobby B. oversea C. collect D. myself B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Circle the best answer for each sentence. 1. My father is an ____ guitarist. A. accomplishing B. accomplished C. accomplish D. accomplishment 2. He is very good at ____ people singing with his guitar. A. making B. getting C. accompanying D. having 3. My uncle is interested in ____ stamps. A. collect B. collecting C. collected D. to collect 4. She is a very accomplished pianist. A. skilled B. beautiful C. interesting D. admired 5. A ____ is a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember. A. musical instrument B. guitar C. practice D. tune 6. If you ____ a singer or a musician, you play one part of a piece of music while they sing or play the main tune. A. accomplish B. accompany C. collect D. admire 7. My ____ for my mother is infinite. A. admire B. admirer C. admiration D. admirable 8. I am quite keen on my father’s valuable stamp ____. A. collect B. collecting C. collection D. collector 9. I had forgotten all about it about it because I had been so ____ with other things. A. occupied B. interested C. accomplished D. successful 10. You should not indulge yourself ____ anything that can form a bad habit. A. in B. on C. for D. at 11. He keeps a lot of pictures and paintings. He is at art ____. A. keeper B. collector C. guitarist D. relative 12. I really admire him, for his ____. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully 13. I don’t know the title but I recognize the ____ of this song. A. sound B. rhyme C. tune D. theme 14. I don’t have much money, so I bought the camera ____. A. newly B. second-hand C. immediately D. profitably 15. She is the only student who is good …………both maths and literature in my class. A. in B. on C. at D. with 16. ____ I bought the golden fish. A. It was from this shop that B. I was from this shop where C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that 17. It was Tom ____ to help us. A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came 18. ____ the police had rescued from the fire. A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby whom D. The baby whom 19. ____ my parents gave me the fish tank. A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on that C. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that 20. ____ I first met my girlfriend. A. It was in London that B. It was in London where C. It was London that D. It was London which 21. ____ on the phone. A. It is his mother whom is B. It was his mother whom is C. It was his mother who is D. It is his mother who is 22. ____ a high level of blood cholesterol. A. It is eggs that contain B. Those are eggs it contains C. It is eggs that contains D. It is eggs contain 23. It is the library ____. A. that I often borrow books B. that I often borrow books from C. where I often borrow books from D. from that I often borrow books 24. ____ England won the World Cup. A. It was in 1966 that B. It was on 1966 that C. It was in 1966 when D. It was 1966 in that 25. ____ took my car. A. It was you B. It were you C. It was you that D. It was you whom 26. ………………we all look for. A. It is happiness that B. That happiness C. Happiness it is that D. Happiness it is 27. …………… me how to play the drum. A. It was my uncle who taught B. My uncle who taught C. It was my uncle taught D. It is my uncle teaching 28. …………gave me that picture book. A. Mary B. It was Mary C. It was Mary whom D. It was Mary whose 29. It is …………….we will leave for Paris. A. April B. in April that C. April in that D. in April when 30. ………….on my part that I could not manage to deliver the goods on time. A. An error B. That is an error C. It was an error D. An error it was 31. ……………………took my document ? A. It is Peter that B. It was Peter that C. Was it Peter that D. Was that Peter 32. It is ………… I get emotional satisfaction. A. collecting stamps that B. from collecting stamps that C. collecting stamps from that D. collecting stamps that from 33………………taught me how to collect butterflies. A. It was my father B. It is my father C. It was my father whom D. My father 34. It was the woman that ……… us English last year. A. taught B. teaches C. has taught D. had taught 35. It was the boy ………. I told you about. A. that B. whose C. who’s D. None is correct 36. …………was Nam who wanted to buy my old guitar. A. There B. Which C. It D. Who 37. …….who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979. A. It was Jane Bayrne B. Jane Bayrne C. That Jane Bayrne D. When Jane Bayrne 38. …………that the Capital of south Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia. A. In 1790 was B. There was in 1790 C. In 1790 D. It was in 1790 39. It was Mr. Harding ……… the bill to yesterday. A. who sent my secretary B. to whom my secretary sent C. that my secretary sent D. my secretary sent 40. It was a question that had …………him since he was a boy A. fascinate B. fascination C. fascinating D. fascinated II. Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 41. It was at this shop where I bought a T-shirt three days ago. 42. It is my closest friend goes abroad to study next month. 43. It was the dog who the boy hit 44. Mark’s known for ages that his parents are coming to stay with us this weekend, but it was only yesterday did he told me 45. Collect stamps is my hobby C. READING * Circle the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. I like to be near water – sea, lake or river. That I probably because I was born in a village by the sea, and I have lived most of my life close to water. When I am in some place which is far from lake, river and sea, I am restless and I always feel that there is something missing, even though it is sometimes hard for me to decide what it is. Of course, the sports I like are the ones which need water – sailing, rowing and swimming. It is possible to swim in small swimming pools, but rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot of water. Rowing is best in a river and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can do some sailing on a river and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the weather is good. Of the three sports – swimming, rowing and sailing – I like rowing best because it is the easiest to continue during the winter, when the water is too cold for comfortable swimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing. Even on the coldest day one row, only ice on the water or thick fog can stop one. Sometimes it is so cold when I go out rowing that drop of water freeze wherever they fall. In such weather, it is not very pleasant to swim as one cannot stay in the water very long. However, when is rowing, one gets warmer the longer one goes on. 1. Where was the writer born? A. In a village by the river B. In a village near a lake C. In a village by the sea D. In a sea town 2. How does the writer feel when he is in some place which is nor near the water? A. Comfortable C. Losing something B. Convenient D. Missing something 3. What type of sport does he like? A. Water sports B. Sports without water C. Sports played only on the sea D. Sports played near lakes and river 4. Why does he like rowing best? A. Because it makes him warmer B. Because he can still it in cold days C. Because it makes him stronger D. Because it is easier to play 5. What does the word “which” in paragraph 1 refer to? A. Lake B. River C. Sea D. Some place Test for Unit 13 (No1) I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.Circle your answer A,B,C or D 1.A. purity B. tiny C. reply D. happy 2.A. standard B. dark C. spark D. pharmacist II.Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others 3.A. mountain B. maintain C. fountain D. certain 4.A. ambulance B. yesterday C. furniture D. policeman 5.A. constant B. continent C. consider D. content III.Choose the best answer by circling A,B,C,or D. 6.Hobbies are the things we like to do in our…………… time A.leisure B.free C.spare D.all A,B,C 7.I just collect stamps from discarded envelopes A.thrown away B.given up C.got away D.done up 8.there are also other hobbies that I ……………in for a while A.interested B.indulge C.move D.include 9.”if I were you, I would try again”,Peeter said to me A.Peter advised me to try again B.Peter advised me try again C.Peter advised me trying again D.Peter advised me tried again 10.you had better ………………at home until you feel better A.stay B.to stay C.staying D.stayed 11.the students …………….the highest score will be awarded a scholarship A.who receive B.receiving C.who is receiving D.receives 12.It is the room …………….we usually hold our meetings A.that B.which C.where D.when 13.The singer was …………….on the piano by her sister A.served B.accompanied C.assisted D.sounded 14.The ……………were all invited to the school A.boys parents B.boys parents’ C.boys’parents D.boys’sparents 15.We can hardly tell you …………… A.nothing B.something C.anything D.none is correct IV.Give the right tense of the verbs in the brackets 16.The world always (change). Things never (stay) the same 17.Ron (be) London at the moment. He (stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He often (stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he (be) in London 18.I (not,know) she was ill last week. If I (know),I (visit) her 19.After they (leave),we (sit) down and rested 20. When we (go) to see them last night,they (play) cards.They (say),they (play) since six o’clock 21.He (write) his report for two days,but he (not,finish) it yet 22.They (already,arrest) her for shoplifting 23.Alice and Louise (not,buy) anything at the store yesterday 24.His father (travel) to Mexico by air last year 25.He (just,repair) his bicycle.He (wash) his hands at the moment V.Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning 26.Bermuda got its name in 1964 It was in ………………………………. 27.I’ve lost my book It is my book ………………………………………. 28.I saw him in the street only last week It was only ………………………………………… 29.You are wrong not me It is you …………………………………………… 30.I discovered my mistakes years later It was years later ………………………………… 31The meeting began at 7pm It was at …………………………………………… 32. Hoa borrowed the English-Vietnamese Dictionary from the teacher It was the English-Vietnamese Dictionary ……………………………… 33.Her father gave her a nice present on her birthday. It was her father ……………………………………. 34.Mary didn’t begin to read until she was eight It was until …………………………………………. 35.The tourists asked the tourist guide a lot of questions It was the tourist guide ……………………………. VI . Give question tag: 36.No-one likes snakes ,…………………… ? 37.You borrowed this book from the library, …………………….? 38.Mai’s hobby is collecting stamps, …………………………….? 39.Lan and Hoa can’t swim, …………………………………… ? 40.Their father could hardly feed the family, …………………….? VII.Fill in each blank of the sentences with a suitable preposition 41.Don’t worry …………… the result of your exam 42.I am sorry ……………….the trouble I have caused 43.The South is different …………….the North 44.Don’t trust him. He isn’t capable ……………anything 45.Daisy is very careful ………….her money VIII.Read the passage carefully.Answer the questions LOUISA I enjoy practising the piano.I have a very good teacher,called Miss Rowe. And I learn the violin. I enjoy that a lot. I’ve been learning for three or four months up to now. In my free time I also collect shells and rocks,and I have got quite a lot of them. And I go swimming now and then. I like bike riding, too 46.what does Louis enjoy practising ? 47.what is her teacher‘s name ? 48.how long has she been learning the piano and the violin ? 49.what does she do in her free time ? 50.what does she sometimes do ? No 2 I. PRONUNCIATION : 1. a. went b. west c. work d. newspaper 2. a. pilot b. sign c. river d. driver 3. a. published b. signed c. worked d. watched 4. a. some b. wonder c. coming d. two 5. a. minute b. purity c. studio d. pursue II. VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION : Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 1. Look ! Smoke is going up from the ________ of the house. a. chimney b. gloves c. book d. deck 2. A _________ is a person who works on or cleans a ship’s deck. a. hand b. deck - hand c. long hand d. left - handed 3. Mark Twain was Samuel Langhorne Clemens’ ___________. a. last name b. surname c. first name d. pen name 4. I always feel ________ whenever I travel by plane. a. air sick b. love sick c. sick - pay d. sickness 5. The _________ managed to land the plane safely. a. deck b. pilot house c. pilot d. steamer 6. He can not live without wine. He is a ____________. a. drink b. drunk c. drunkard d. drunker 7. The audience shouted _______ when they watched the match. a. excite b. exciting c. excited d. excitedly 8. Mark Twain was famous _________ his exciting adventure stories. a. at b. of c. for d. with 9. That is the village where he was born and grew __________. a. up b. off c. about d. above 10. He told me he hated _______ smoking. a. a b. an c. the d. no article III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE : Choose the best word, phrase or sentence. 1. He lent me an interesting novel _________ by Mark Tawin. a. written b. is written c. writing d. that is writing 2. I am too tired _________ anything. a. for doing b. do c. done d. to do 3. My father wanted me __________ a pilot. a. become b. becoming c. to become d. became 4. She is considering ___________. a. go to Canada b. going to Canada c. to go to Canada d. went to Canada 5. Please wait a minute ! My boss is busy___________ something. a. write b. to write c. writing d. how wrote 6. Look ! The bus _________. a. is coming b. will be coming c. was coming d. had been coming 7. By the end of this month, I _______ English for 3 years. a. have learnt b. had learnt c. learnt d. will have learnt 8. The man ________ is our boss. a. who is walking along the corridor b. walking along the corridor c. that is walking along the corridor d. all are correct 9. The teacher was explaining the lesson and did not notice Peter _______ out. a. go b. went c. gone d. to go 10. What makes you _________ so ? a. do b. did c. done d. doing IV. READING COMPREHENSION : A. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known to the world as Mark Twain, was the son of a lawyer in the State of Missouri. He was born in 1835. When Mark Twain was five years old, he was sent to school. He did not like school but he had many friends and was their leader. In summer when school was over the boys spent many happy hours on the river. As Mark Twain said later, many events in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” realy took place and the characters were from his real life. Tom Sawyer was the portrait of the writer; Huckleberry Finn was his friend, Tom Blankenship; Aunt Polly was his mother; Tom’s brother, Sid, was like his own brother Henry. The novel was published in 1876. It is now known to children and grown-ups all over the world. 1. What was Mark Twain’s father’s job ? a. writer b. lawyer c. teacher d. adventurer 2. Mark Twain started school in ______. a. 1835 b. 1836 c. 1839 d. 1840 3. Mark Twain ______. a. worked hard at school b. liked school very much c. did not like school d. did well at school 4. What did he usually do in summer ? a. Spent the holidays on Mississippi River. b. Prepared for the next school year. c. Enjoyed reading. d. Worked as a fisherman. 5. The characters in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” ______. a. were from his imagination b. were from his real life c. were boring d. a and c . that can form a bad habit. A. in B. on C. for D. at 11. He keeps a lot of pictures and paintings. He is at art ____. A. keeper B. collector C. guitarist D. relative 12. I really admire him, for his. the easiest to continue during the winter, when the water is too cold for comfortable swimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing. Even on the coldest day one row, only ice on the water. (say),they (play) since six o’clock 21.He (write) his report for two days,but he (not,finish) it yet 22.They (already,arrest) her for shoplifting 23.Alice and Louise (not,buy) anything at the

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 22:00

