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Bài giảng Exercises for unit 7-G9(Hot)

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EXERCISES FOR UNIT 7 I. Fill in the blank space in each sentence with and/ but/ so/ or/ because/ therefore/ however. 1. Polly’s watch was broken___________ she borrowed mine. 2. My family went to Africa ___________ we wanted to study the wild animals. 3. Melissa tried to read the book ________________ she couldn’t understand it. 4. She isn’t English ____________, she speaks English perfectly. 5. They went to town ______________ bought a lot of clothes. 6. The road was under water. ____________, the police closed it to traffic. 7. The air is polluted ___________ there’s too much traffic. 8. I haven’t got a car ____________ I’ve got a motorbike. 9. Which color do you want – red, green, yellow, ____________ blue? 10. She’s working late next Friday ___________ she can’t come to the party. II. Complete the sentences, using AND/ BUT/ SO/ OR/ BECAUSE. 1. I like Mary very much ____________ I don’t like her brother. 2. I’d like to live somewhere by the Mediterranean ____________ I love the Sun. 3. We enjoy learning English ________________ we find it very difficult. 4. I can’t go out tonight ______________ I am short of money. 5. She went to the theater last night _____________ had a wonderful time. 6. They can’t walk home ________________ it is very dark. 7. Would you like to drink milk ______________ coffee? 8. It’s raining heavily, ______________ I can’t go out. III. Work out the meaning of these phrasal verbs and put them in the right sentences: come back/ cut down/ fall over/ get on/ go away/ throw away/ pay back/ let in/ lie down/ stay in/ cross out/ take back. 1. I didn’t have a key, but luckily someone was there to let me in. 2. Can’t we go out somewhere? I don’t want to ____________ all evening. 3. Could you lend me ten pounds? I’ll _____ you _____ on Friday. 4. The sidewalk is very icy. Be careful you don’t _____. 5. I was feeling so tired I had to __________ on the bed for a while. 6. There was an article in the newspaper that I wanted to __________ and keep. 7. Mark’s gone out, and I don’t know when he is going to __________. 8. The driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to __________. 9. I’ll have to _________ these books _________ to the library. 10. Your brother was being a nuisance, so I told him to __________. 11. Don’t ______________ that box. We can use it again. 12. If you make a mistake on the form, just __________ it ____________. IV. Complete the dialogue, using the correct form of the phrasal verbs: look after/ take off/ fill in/ turn up/ give up/ try on/ keep up/ turn off/ see off/ look up/ run out/ break down. 1. A : What shall I do with this form? B : Just _______ it _______ and send it to the address at the top. 2. A : Is Sonia a fast runner? B : Oh, yes. Nobody can _______ with her. 3. A : Why didn’t you buy a dictionary? B : The bookstore has _______ of them. 4. A : Is Kathy going to Australia tomorrow? B : Yes, I’m going to the airport to _______ her _______. 5. A : Would you like to go to the movie with us tonight? B : I’d love to but I have to _______ my youngest sister. 6. A : Why are you so late? B : I’m sorry. My car _______ on the way here. 7. A : Why don’t you _______ that dress in the window? B : No. I don’t like its color. 8. A : Have you got Tamara’s phone number? B : No. But if you want to know, you can _______ it _______ in the phone book. 9. A : Hello, Tom. B : Hello, Michelle. Good to see you. Come in and _______ your coat _______. 10. A : You shouldn’t leave the television on all night. B : Sorry, I forgot. I usually _______ it _______ before going to bed. 11. A : Have you met Jane yet? B : No, I haven’t. I arranged to meet her after work last night but she didn’t _______ 12. A : So how long is it since you _______ smoking? B : Well, I stopped smoking three years ago. V. Complete the sentence with the one word given below. One word can be used for more than one sentence: for/ up/ after/ on/ off/ away/ in 1. Who’s going to look ______ the children while you’re away? 2. “Turn ______ the TV for me, will you? I want to watch the cartoon. 3. She’s looked ______ her keys everywhere. 4. Turn ______ the radio. I’m working. 5. If we go ______ littering, the environment will become seriously polluted. 6. Don’t throw these newspapers ______. 7. Could you fill ______ this form? 8. Don’t wake the baby ______. Let him sleep. 9. Don’t believe her. She’s just made ______ the story. 10. Susan took ______ her coat and put it on the sofa. VI. Complete the conversations with expressions for suggestion. 1. A: I like having seafood for dinner. B : ______________ go to the restaurant by the seaside? 2. A: I’m really tired. B : I’m tired too. ______________ resting for a while? 3. A: ______________ travel around the town? B : That’s a good idea. ______________ hiring a motorcycle. We’ll see a lot more that way. 4. A: I want to buy some souvenirs before we leave. B : OK. ______________ go shopping after dinner. 5. A: What should I do to save electricity? B : I ______________ turn on a lot of lights and remember to turn off television before going to bed. 6. A: It’s a lovely day. ______________ go for a picnic? B : No. I don’t want to. ______________ playing tennis. VII. Fill in the blanks with correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. My brother spent hours (repair) _______ his motorbike. 2. Don’t forget to bring my dictionary when you (come) _______ tomorrow. 3. You (feel) _______ cold if the sun (not/ shine) _______. 4. I’m very tired after that long walk. I’m not used to (walk) _______ so far. 5. Bill never carries money with him. He’s afraid of (rob) _______. 6. I stopped (buy) _______ a newspaper on the way home. 7. She dislikes (ask) _______ to do something by others. 8. If Lan and Mai (come) _______, tell them (wait) _______ for me. 9. When Mrs. Brown (look) _______ out, she (see) _______ the children (play) _______ near the pool. VIII. Combine two sentences in each pair, using the word in bracket. 1. Phong didn’t feel well. He didn’t go to work. (because) 2. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep. (so) 3. It rained very hard. He went out without a raincoat. (however) 4. Please try to speak more slowly. Please try to speak more clearly. (and) 5. John couldn’t pick us up for the concert. His car wouldn’t start. (therefore) 6. He is very tired. He has to finish his homework. (but) 7. The room is very small. It’s quite comfortable. (although) 8. They went for a walk. The weather was bad. (but) 9. Our teacher didn’t arrive late. The traffic was terrible. (although) 10. I like watching TV. I like going to the cinema. (and) 11. She wears glasses. She wants to see better. (because) 13. He got wet. He forgot his umbrella. (therefore) 14. We learn hard. We hope to pass the exam. (and) 15. They whispered. They didn’t want us to hear them. (because) 16. We are saving money. We want to buy a new house. (so) 17. She couldn’t join us because she was busy. She was busy, so 18. She couldn’t come to class because of her illness. As . EXERCISES FOR UNIT 7 I. Fill in the blank space in each sentence with and/ but/ so/ or/ because/ therefore/ however. 1. Polly’s. used for more than one sentence: for/ up/ after/ on/ off/ away/ in 1. Who’s going to look ______ the children while you’re away? 2. “Turn ______ the TV for

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2013, 19:11

