invoking,2773 plots,2647 saving graphs and tables,2857,2859 time series data,86 Time Series Viewer procedure plotting time series,86 time trend models FORECAST procedure,828 Time Value A
Trang 1invoking,2773
saving graphs and tables,2857,2859
time series data,86
Time Series Viewer procedure
plotting time series,86
time trend models
FORECAST procedure,828
Time Value Analysis,3048
time values
syntax for,69
time variable,1124
MODEL procedure,1124
time variables
computing from datetime values,97
TIMEPLOT procedure,50,92
TIMESERIES procedure
BY groups,1860
ODS graph names,1899
to higher frequency
to lower frequency
to SAS/ETS software
menu interfaces,46,47
to standard form
transposing time series,117,119
QLIM Procedure,1422
Toeplitz matrix
AUTOREG procedure,371
total multipliers
SIMLIN procedure,1664,1668,1671,1672
trading-day component
X11 procedure,2228,2234
transfer function model
ARIMA procedure,216,221,254
denominator factors,222
numerator factors,221
transfer functions,2910
forecasting models,2910
transformation of
time series data,770,786
transformation of time series
EXPAND procedure,770,786
Box Cox,2895
Box Cox transformation,2895
log,2895 log transformation,2895 logistic,2895
square root,2895 square root transformation,2895 transformed models
predicted values,1111 transition equation
of a state space model,1717 transition matrix
of a state space model,1717 TRANSPOSE procedure,50,117,119,120,124 transposing SAS data sets,50
TRANSPOSE procedure and transposing time series,117 transposing
SAS data sets,50 time series data,117,119 transposing SAS data sets, see TRANSPOSE
procedure transposing time series cross-sectional dimensions,119 from interleaved form,117 from standard form,120
to standard form,117,119 TRANSPOSE procedure and,117 trend changes
specifying,2758 trend curves,2912 cubic,2912 exponential,2913 forecasting models,2743 hyperbolic,2913 linear,2912 logarithmic,2913 logistic,2912 power curve,2913 predictor variables,2912 quadratic,2912
specifying,2743 trend cycle component X11 procedure,2228,2234 trend test,2916
TRIM operator,792 TRIMLEFT operator,792 TRIMRIGHT operator,792 triple exponential smoothing, see exponential
smoothing troubleshooting estimation convergence problems MODEL procedure,1080
troubleshooting simulation problems MODEL procedure,1192 true interest rate
LOAN procedure,896
Trang 2Subject Index F 3113
Truncated Regression Models
QLIM procedure,1449
trust region
optimization methods,362,524,941
trust region method,362,524,941
AUTOREG procedure,350
TSCSREG procedure
BY groups,1927
estimation techniques,1922
ID variables,1927
output table names,1930
panel data,1919
TSCSREG procedure and
time series cross sectional form,80
time series cross-sectional form,1919
TSVIEW command,2773
Turning Point test,359,396
Turning Point test for
two-stage least squares,1059
2SLS estimation method,1762
SYSLIN procedure,1767,1796
two-step full transform method
AUTOREG procedure,374
fixed effects model,1333
random effects model,1342
two-way fixed effects model
PANEL procedure,1333
two-way fixed-effects model,1333
two-way random effects model
PANEL procedure,1342
two-way random-effects model,1342
type of input data file
DATASOURCE procedure,582
_TYPE_ variable
and interleaved time series,80,81
overlay plots,90
TYPE=EST data set
SIMLIN procedure,1667
types of loans
LOAN procedure,872
Types of Tobit Model
QLIM procedure,1447
U.S Bureau of Economic Analysis data files
DATASOURCE procedure,634
U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics data files
DATASOURCE procedure,635
UCM procedure
BY groups,1952
ODS graph names,2006
ODS Graphics,1946
ODS table names,2003
parameters,1949–1960,1962–1972 state space model,1979
Statistical Graphics,1992 syntax,1943
table names,2003 time intervals,1959 unattended mode,2774 unconditional forecasts ARIMA procedure,261 unconditional least squares
AR initial conditions,1141
MA Initial Conditions,1142 uncorrected sum of squares statistics of fit,2917 underlying model smoothing models,2897 Uniform Periodic Equivalent,3052 unit root
Dickey-Fuller test,162
of a time series,158 significance probabilities,162 testing for,158
unit roots KPSS test,393 Phillips-Perron test,355–357,389 univariate autoregression,1143 univariate model diagnostic checks VARMAX procedure,2149 univariate moving average models,1149 UNIVARIATE procedure,50,1267 descriptive statistics,50 unlinking viewer windows,2723 unrestricted vector autoregression,1145 use with SAS/ETS procedures
time intervals,85 used for state space modeling Kalman filter,1718 used to select state space models Akaike information criterion,1739 vector autoregressive models,1738 Yule-Walker estimates,1738 Using CROSSLIST= option to create a view SASEFAME engine,2502
Using Fame expressions and Fame functions in an
INSET SASEFAME engine,2502 Using INSET= option with the CROSSLIST=
option to create a view SASEFAME engine,2502 Using INSET= option with the KEEPLIST=
clause to create a view SASEFAME engine,2502 Using KEEPLIST clause to create a view SASEFAME engine,2502
Trang 3using models to forecast
MODEL procedure,1169
Using RANGE= option to create a view
SASEFAME engine,2502
using solution modes
MODEL procedure,1166
Using WHERE clause with INSET= option to
create a view
SASEFAME engine,2502
Using WILDCARD= option to create a view
SASEFAME engine,2502
V matrix
Generalized Method of Moments,1062,1067
VALIDVARNAME=ANY, SAS option statement
SASEFAME engine,2512,2517
variable list
DATASOURCE procedure,591
variables in model program
MODEL procedure,1200
variance components
Fuller Battese,1340
Wallace Hussain,1341
Wansbeek Kapteyn’s,1340
VARMAX procedure
Akaike Information Criterion,2148
asymptotic distribution of impulse response
asymptotic distribution of the parameter
Bayesian vector autoregressive models,2096,
cointegration testing,2094,2154
common trends,2150
common trends testing,2096,2151
computational details,2192
confidence limits,2179
convergence problems,2192
covariance stationarity,2174
CPU requirements,2193
decomposition of prediction error covariance,
Dickey-Fuller test,2094
dynamic simultaneous equation models,2108
example of Bayesian VAR modeling,2058
example of Bayesian VECM modeling,2065
example of causality testing,2073
example of cointegration testing,2061
example of multivariate GARCH modeling,
example of restricted parameter estimation and testing,2071
example of VAR modeling,2051 example of VARMA modeling,2144 example of vector autoregressive modeling with exogenous variables,2066 example of vector error correction modeling, 2060
forecasting,2122 forecasting of Bayesian vector autoregressive models,2140
Granger causality test,2136 impulse response function,2090,2111 infinite order AR representation,2090 infinite order MA representation,2090,2111 invertibility,2141
long-run relations testing,2163 memory requirements,2193 minimum information criteria method,2132 missing values,2104
multivariate GARCH Modeling,2099 multivariate model diagnostic checks,2148 ODS graph names,2191
Output Data Sets,2178 partial autoregression coefficient,2091,2128 partial canonical correlation,2091,2131 partial correlation,2129
prediction error covariance,2089,2122,2124 sample cross covariances,2089,2127 sample cross-correlations,2089,2127 state-space representation,2105 stationarity,2133,2141
tentative order selection,2127 time intervals,2084
univariate model diagnostic checks,2149 vector autoregressive models,2133 vector autoregressive models with exogenous variables ,2136
vector autoregressive moving-average models,2104,2141
vector error correction models,2098,2153 weak exogeneity testing,2165
Yule-Walker estimates,2092 vector autoregressive models,1148 used to select state space models,1738 VARMAX procedure,2133
vector autoregressive models with exogenous
variables VARMAX procedure,2136 vector autoregressive moving-average models VARMAX procedure,2104,2141 vector error correction models
VARMAX procedure,2098,2153 vector moving average models,1151
Trang 4Subject Index F 3115
viewing a Fame database, see SASEFAME engine
viewing a Haver database, see SASEHAVR engine
viewing time series,2647
Wald test
linear hypotheses,694
nonlinear hypotheses,962,1056,1128,1458
Wallace Hussain
variance components,1341
Wansbeek Kapteyn’s
variance components,1340
weak exogeneity testing
VARMAX procedure,2165
_WEIGHT_ variable
MODEL procedure,1102
weights, see smoothing weights
WHERE in the DATA step
SASEFAME engine,2520
WHERE statement
subsetting data,51
white noise test
SPECTRA procedure,1699,1702
white noise test of the residuals,237
white noise test of the series,235
White’s test,1100
heteroscedasticity tests,1100
widths of
time intervals,100,780
WINTERS method
seasonal forecasting,843
Winters Method,2906,2907
Holt-Winters Method,2906
smoothing models,2906,2907
Winters method
FORECAST procedure,818,843
Holt-Winters method,847
Wong and Li’s test,404
Wong and Li’s test for
X-11 ARIMA methodology
X11 procedure,2252
X-11 seasonal adjustment method, see X11
X-11-ARIMA seasonal adjustment method, see
X11 procedure
X-12 seasonal adjustment method, see X12
X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment method, see
X12 procedure
X11 procedure
BY groups,2240
Census X-11 method,2228
Census X-11 methodology,2253
data requirements,2258 differences with X11ARIMA/88,2252
ID variables,2240,2242 irregular component,2228,2234 model selection for X-11-ARIMA method, 2262
output data sets,2265,2266 output table names,2279 printed output,2268 seasonal adjustment,2228,2234 seasonal component,2228 trading-day component,2228,2234 trend cycle component,2228,2234 X-11 ARIMA methodology,2252 X-11 seasonal adjustment method,2228 X-11-ARIMA seasonal adjustment method, 2228
X12 procedure
BY groups,2311 Census X-12 method,2296
ID variables,2311 INPUT variables,2313 ODS Graphics,2308 seasonal adjustment,2297 seasonal component,2297 X-12 seasonal adjustment method,2296 X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment method, 2296
year-over-year percent change calculations,109 yearly averages
percent change calculations,110 Yule-Walker
AR initial conditions,1141 Yule-Walker equations
AUTOREG procedure,371 STATESPACE procedure,1738 Yule-Walker estimates
AUTOREG procedure,371 used to select state space models,1738 VARMAX procedure,2092
Yule-Walker method as generalized least-squares,374 Zellner estimation, see seemingly unrelated
regression Zellner’s two-stage method PANEL procedure,1349 zooming graphs,2721
Trang 6Syntax Index
2SLS option
FIT statement (MODEL),1036,1059
PROC SYSLIN statement,1783
3SLS option
FIT statement (MODEL),1036,1061,1160
PROC SYSLIN statement,1783
A option
PROC SPECTRA statement,1693
A= option
FIXED statement (LOAN),885
ABS function,1208
AUTOMDL statement (X12),2322
FORECAST statement (ESM),733
ID statement (ESM),736
ID statement (SIMILARITY),1599
ID statement (TIMESERIES),1865
INPUT statement (SIMILARITY),1602
TARGET statement (SIMILARITY),1605
VAR statement (TIMESERIES),1875
MONTHLY statement (X11),2241
QUARTERLY statement (X11),2246
ADDMAXIT= option
MODEL statement (MDC),939
MODEL statement (MDC),939
MODEL statement (MDC),939
ADF= option
ARM statement (LOAN),890
SPECTRA statement (TIMESERIES),1870
ADJMEAN option
PROC SPECTRA statement,1693
ADJSMMV option
FIT statement (MODEL),1034
ADJUST statement
X12 procedure,2314
ARM statement (LOAN),890
LIBNAME statement (SASEHAVR),2561
LIBNAME statement (SASEHAVR),2561
ALIGN= option FORECAST statement (ARIMA),147,241
ID statement (ENG),147
ID statement (ESM),147,737
ID statement (HPF),147
ID statement (HPFDIAGNOSE),147
ID statement (HPFEVENTS),147
ID statement (SIMILARITY),147,1600
ID statement (TIMESERIES),147,1866
ID statement (UCM),147,1959
ID statement (VARMAX),147,2084 PROC DATASOURCE statement,147,582 PROC EXPAND statement,147,773,779 PROC FORECAST statement,147,834 TIMEID procedure,1830
ALL option COMPARE statement (LOAN),892 MODEL statement (AUTOREG),351 MODEL statement (MDC),940 MODEL statement (PDLREG),1403 MODEL statement (SYSLIN),1787 PROC SYSLIN statement,1784 TEST statement (ENTROPY),694 TEST statement (MDC),947 TEST statement (MODEL),1056 TEST statement (PANEL),1329 TEST statement (QLIM),1441 ALPHA option
SPECTRA statement (TIMESERIES),1870 ALPHA= option
FORECAST statement (ARIMA),241 FORECAST statement (ESM),733 FORECAST statement (UCM),1958 IDENTIFY statement (ARIMA),231 MODEL statement,1517
MODEL statement (SYSLIN),1787 OUTLIER statement (ARIMA),240 OUTPUT statement (VARMAX),2101 PROC FORECAST statement,834 PROC SYSLIN statement,1783 ALPHA=option
OUTLIER statement (UCM),1965 ALPHACLI= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),367 OUTPUT statement (PDLREG),1405 ALPHACLM= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),367 OUTPUT statement (PDLREG),1405
Trang 7ALPHACSM= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368
ALTPARM option
ESTIMATE statement (ARIMA),235,257
ALTW option
PROC SPECTRA statement,1693
AMOUNT= option
FIXED statement (LOAN),885
FIXED statement (LOAN),886
AOCV= option
OUTLIER statement (X12),2325
APCT= option
FIXED statement (LOAN),886
%AR macro,1147,1148
AR option
IRREGULAR statement (UCM),1962
AR= option
BOXCOXAR macro,155
DFTEST macro,159
ESTIMATE statement (ARIMA),238
LOGTEST macro,160
PROC FORECAST statement,834
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),351
ARCOS function,1208
ARIMA procedure,224
ARIMA procedure, PROC ARIMA statement
PLOT option,228
ARIMA statement
X11 procedure,2237
X12 procedure,2314
ARM statement
LOAN procedure,889
ARMACV= option
AUTOMDL statement (X12),2322
ARMAX= option
PROC STATESPACE statement,1731
ARSIN function,1208
ARTEST= option
MODEL statement (PANEL),1324
ASCII option
PROC DATASOURCE statement,582
ASTART= option
PROC FORECAST statement,834
AT= option
COMPARE statement (LOAN),893
ATAN function,1208
ATOL= option
MODEL statement (PANEL),1324
ATTRIBUTE statement
DATASOURCE procedure,589
AUTOMDL statement
X12 procedure,2320 AUTOREG procedure,342 syntax,342
AUTOREG procedure, AUTOREG statement,347 AUTOREG statement
UCM procedure,1949 AUXDATA= option PROC X12 statement,2307
B option ARM statement (LOAN),891 BACK= option
ESTIMATE statement (UCM),1955 FORECAST statement (ARIMA),241 FORECAST statement (UCM),1958 OUTPUT statement (VARMAX),2101 PROC ESM statement,730
PROC STATESPACE statement,1733 BACKCAST= option
ARIMA statement (X11),2237 BACKLIM= option
ESTIMATE statement (ARIMA),238 BACKSTEP option
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),360 BALANCED option
AUTOMODL statement (X12),2322 BALLOON statement
LOAN procedure,889 BALLOONPAYMENT= option BALLOON statement (LOAN),889 BANDOPT= option
MODEL statement (PANEL),1324 BASE = option
PROC PANEL statement,1320 BCX option
MODEL statement (QLIM),1438 BDS option
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),351 BESTCASE option
ARM statement (LOAN),891
BI option COMPARE statement (LOAN),893 BLOCK option
PROC MODEL statement,1022,1227 BLOCKSEASON statement
UCM procedure,1950 BLOCKSIZE= option BLOCKSEASON statement (UCM),1951 BLUS= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 BOUNDARYALIGN= option
ID statement (TIMESERIES),1867 BOUNDS statement
COUNTREG procedure,525
Trang 8Syntax Index F 3119
ENTROPY procedure,688
MDC procedure,935
MODEL procedure,1024
QLIM procedure,1432
macro variable,156
BP option
COMPARE statement (LOAN),893
MODEL statement (PANEL),1324,1325
COMPARE statement (LOAN),893
COMPARE statement (LOAN),893
BREUSCH= option
FIT statement (MODEL),1039
BSTART= option
PROC FORECAST statement,835
BTOL= option
MODEL statement (PANEL),1325
BTWNG option
MODEL statement (PANEL),1325
BUYDOWN statement
LOAN procedure,892
BUYDOWN statement (LOAN),892
BY statement
ARIMA procedure,231
AUTOREG procedure,347
COMPUTAB procedure,480
COUNTREG procedure,525
ENTROPY procedure,690
ESM procedure,733
EXPAND procedure,775
FORECAST procedure,838
MDC procedure,936
MODEL procedure,1026
PANEL procedure,1320
PDLREG procedure,1402
QLIM procedure,1433
SEVERITY procedure,1514
SIMILARITY procedure,1598
SIMLIN procedure,1664
SPECTRA procedure,1694
STATESPACE procedure,1734
SYSLIN procedure,1785
TIMEID procedure,1829
TIMESERIES procedure,1860
TSCSREG procedure,1927
UCM procedure,1952
VARMAX procedure,2080
X11 procedure,2240
X12 procedure,2311
C= option MODEL statement,1517 CANCORR option
PROC STATESPACE statement,1731 CAPS= option
ARM statement (LOAN),890 CAUCHY option
ERRORMODEL statement (MODEL),1030 CAUSAL statement
VARMAX procedure,2081 CDEC= option
PROC COMPUTAB statement,473 CDF= option
ERRORMODEL statement (MODEL),1031 CELL statement
COMPUTAB procedure,477 CENSORED option
ENDOGENOUS statement (QLIM),1435 MODEL statement (ENTROPY),691 CENTER
SPECTRA statement (TIMESERIES),1870 CENTER option
ARIMA statement (X11),2239 IDENTIFY statement (ARIMA),231 MODEL statement (AUTOREG),348 MODEL statement (VARMAX),2085 PROC SPECTRA statement,1693 CEV= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CHAR option
COLUMNS statement (COMPUTAB),474 ROWS statement (COMPUTAB),476 CHARTS= option
MONTHLY statement (X11),2241 QUARTERLY statement (X11),2246 CHECK statement
X12 procedure,2315 CHECKBREAK option LEVEL statement (UCM),1964 CHICR= option
ARIMA statement (X11),2237 CHISQUARED option
ERRORMODEL statement (MODEL),1030 CHOICE= option
MODEL statement (MDC),937 CHOW= option
FIT statement (MODEL),1039,1131 MODEL statement (AUTOREG),352 CLAG option
LAG statement (PANEL),1323 CLAG statement
LAG statement (PANEL),1323 CLASS statement
MDC procedure,936
Trang 9PANEL procedure,1320
CLEAR option
IDENTIFY statement (ARIMA),231
CLIMIT= option
FORECAST command (TSFS),2776
CMPMODEL options,1021
COEF option
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),353
MODEL statement (PDLREG),1403
PROC SPECTRA statement,1694
COEF= option
HETERO statement (AUTOREG),363
COINTEG statement
VARMAX procedure,2082,2164
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2094
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2094
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2095,2171
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2095,2157
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2095
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2096
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2096,2152
COINTTEST=(SW=(LAG=)) option
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2096
MODEL statement (VARMAX),2096
COLLIN option
ENTROPY procedure,685
FIT statement (MODEL),1039
‘column headings’ option
COLUMNS statement (COMPUTAB),474
COLUMNS statement
COMPUTAB procedure,474
COMPARE statement
LOAN procedure,892
COMPOUND= option
FIXED statement (LOAN),886
COMPRESS= option
TARGET statement (SIMILARITY),1605
COMPUTAB procedure,470
OUTPUT statement (QLIM),1439
CONST= option
BOXCOXAR macro,155
LOGTEST macro,161
CONSTANT= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 OUTPUT statement (PDLREG),1405 CONTROL,1254
CONTROL statement MODEL procedure,1029,1200 CONVERGE= option
ARIMA statement (X11),2238 ENTROPY procedure,687 ESTIMATE statement (ARIMA),238 FIT statement (MODEL),1041,1078,1086, 1088
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),360 MODEL statement (MDC),937 MODEL statement (PDLREG),1403 PROC SYSLIN statement,1783 SOLVE statement (MODEL),1054 CONVERT statement
EXPAND procedure,776 CONVERT= option
LIBNAME statement (SASEFAME),2504 COPULA= option
SOLVE statement (MODEL),1053 CORR option
FIT statement (MODEL),1039 MODEL statement (PANEL),1325 MODEL statement (TSCSREG),1928 CORR statement
TIMESERIES procedure,1861 CORRB option
ESTIMATE statement (MODEL),1032 FIT statement (MODEL),1040 MODEL statement,527 MODEL statement (AUTOREG),353 MODEL statement (MDC),941 MODEL statement (PANEL),1325 MODEL statement (PDLREG),1403 MODEL statement (SYSLIN),1787 MODEL statement (TSCSREG),1928 PROC COUNTREG statement,524 QLIM procedure,1431
CORROUT option PROC PANEL statement,1318 PROC QLIM statement,1431 PROC TSCSREG statement,1926 CORRS option
FIT statement (MODEL),1040 COS function,1208
COSH function,1208 COST option
ENDOGENOUS statement (QLIM),1436 COUNTREG procedure,521
syntax,521 COUNTREG procedure, CLASS statement,526 COUNTREG procedure, FREQ statement,526
Trang 10Syntax Index F 3121
COUNTREG procedure, WEIGHT statement,530
COV option
FIT statement (MODEL),1040
COV3OUT option
PROC SYSLIN statement,1783
COVB option
ESTIMATE statement (MODEL),1032
FIT statement (MODEL),1040
MODEL statement,527
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),353
MODEL statement (MDC),940
MODEL statement (PANEL),1325
MODEL statement (PDLREG),1403
MODEL statement (SYSLIN),1787
MODEL statement (TSCSREG),1928
PROC COUNTREG statement,524
PROC STATESPACE statement,1732
QLIM procedure,1431
COVBEST= option
ENTROPY procedure,685
FIT statement (MODEL),1035,1071
COVEST= option
MODEL statement (AUTOREG),353
MODEL statement (MDC),940
PROC COUNTREG statement,524
QLIM procedure,1431
COVOUT option
ENTROPY procedure,686
FIT statement (MODEL),1038
PROC AUTOREG statement,346
PROC COUNTREG statement,524
PROC MDC statement,934
PROC PANEL statement,1318
PROC QLIM statement,1431
PROC SEVERITY statement,1511
PROC SYSLIN statement,1783
PROC TSCSREG statement,1926
COVS option
FIT statement (MODEL),1040,1076
CPEV= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368
MODEL statement,1516
CROSS option
PROC SPECTRA statement,1694
CROSSCORR statement
TIMESERIES procedure,1862
IDENTIFY statement (ARIMA),232
LIBNAME statement (SASEFAME),2507
PROC TIMESERIES statement,1857
CROSSVAR statement
TIMESERIES procedure,1875 CRSPLINKPATH= option
LIBNAME statement (SASECRSP),2409 CSPACE= option
PROC COMPUTAB statement,473 CSTART= option
PROC FORECAST statement,835 CUSIP= option
LIBNAME statement (SASECRSP),2407 CUSUM= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CUSUMLB= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CUSUMSQ= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CUSUMSQLB= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CUSUMSQUB= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CUSUMUB= option
OUTPUT statement (AUTOREG),368 CUTOFF= option
SSPAN statement (X11),2249 CV= option
OUTLIER statement (X12),2324 CWIDTH= option
PROC COMPUTAB statement,473 CYCLE statement
UCM procedure,1952 DASILVA option
MODEL statement (PANEL),1325 MODEL statement (TSCSREG),1929 DATA Step
IF Statement,73 WHERE Statement,73 DATA step
DROP statement,74 KEEP statement,74 DATA= option
ENTROPY procedure,685 FIT statement (MODEL),1037,1154 FORECAST command (TSFS),2774,2775 IDENTIFY statement (ARIMA),232 PROC ARIMA statement,227 PROC AUTOREG statement,346 PROC COMPUTAB statement,472 PROC COUNTREG statement,523 PROC ESM statement,730
PROC EXPAND statement,773 PROC FORECAST statement,835 PROC MDC statement,934 PROC MODEL statement,1020 PROC PANEL statement,1318