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  • II. Build sentences with the given words, using “ Question word + to-inf”(5ms)

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Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh (ĐOẠN ĐẦU MÂT RÔI TÌM CHỔ KHÁC NỐI VÀO) e>The simple future tense • Form: Ex: Nga will visit her aunt tomorrow. T guides Ss to remember the tenses and helps them the ways of learning. Ss practice doing exercises D. EXERCISES: Complete these serntences with suitable tenses: 1.My parents (work)_________ in the garden now.(is working) 2.We (listen)_________ to music every night.(listen) 3.Last week, my family (go)_______ to Pleiku City.(went) 4.Yesterday, she (get)________ up at six.(got) 5. Tomorrow morning, my mother (go)________ to HCM city III/ HOMEWORK : ( 5ms ) Prepare Unit 1 : lesson 1: getting started &Listen and read. ********************************************************* 1 st Week The date of preparing : 18/08/2009 Period 2 nd The date of teaching : 19/08/2009 Unit 1 Lesson 1: Getting started &Listen and read. I/Objectives : _ By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review some activities which they do in their free time,and use the vocabulary to describe people , s character & appearance. II/ Language contents : * Vocabulary : to sem, to look like, enough, next door neighbor *Grammar : What + do /does + S + look like ? (not) + adj + enough + to - infinitive * Review ( Exclamatory sentences ): What + N ! III/ Teaching aids : mime, pictures, textbook, cassette and tape IV/ Procedures : A/ Warm up : Brainstorming GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 1 S + will + V-(inf) Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh play soccer Watch TV Read book play volleyball Play cards Listen to music etc. B. Getting started -Have Ss look at the pictures & describe the activities . -Others remark . -T. feedback a/ The boys are playing soccer b/ The girls are studying c/The boys are playing chess d/ The girls are playing volleyball _Have Ss ask & answer about their favorite activities . S1 :What do you do in your free time ? S2 : S1 :Do you play soccer ? S2 : S1 :Can you play badminton or play volleyball well ? S2 : etc. C. Listen and read. 1.PRESENTATION : a.Setting the scene . - Ss answer the questions about Hoa . + Who is Hoa ? (or Do you remember Hoa ?) +Where is she from ? + Who do you live with now ? _ T introduces the dialogue, using the botton pictures. b. Pre-teach vocab + to seem (v) + to look like (v) + enough (adv) _ Have Ss read all the new words in chorus & individual. GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 2 Favorite activities Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh c .Checking vocabulary : What and Where. _ Have Ss repeat the words chorally, then Rub out and Remember out word by word but leave the circles. _ Go on until all the circles are empty. Get Ss go the board and write the words in the correct circles. d. Explain the new structures : _ To ask about the appearance ex : What does Lan look like ? She is beautiful _ To say (đủ/ không đủ để có thể làm gì ) ex : He isn’t tall enough to reach the ceiling . _ Exclamatory sentences : Ex : What a lovely smile ! 2. PRACTICE : _ Let Ss listen to the dialogue. _ Ss listen & repeat. _ Ss practise the dialogue in pairs . _Have Ss work in groups to answer the questions a→d. _ Have Ss work in groups to list adjectives of character & appearance. Appearance Tall ,beautiful fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character Nice, generous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. PRODUCTION : _ Each student write the name of his/her or relatives on paper. _ They ask & answer in pairs, using the structure. GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 3 What + do /does + S + look like ? (not) + adj + enough + to - infinitive Wh What + (a/an ) +N(s/es ) Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh S1: Who is Lan ? S2: S1: What does Lan look like ? S2: V/ Homework :(5ms ) - Do the exercises 1,2 on page 5 in the exercise book . - Learn new words & new structure by heart - Prepare lesson 2 : Speak. ******************************************************************** 1 st Week The date of preparing : 21/08/2009 Period 3 rd : The date of teaching: 22/08/2009 UNIT 1: Lesson 2 : Speak . I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to describe people with “He/She is ” or “He/She has ” . _ Expression for introducing and greeting people with listening practice. II/ Language contents: *Vocabulary : slim, sttraight, curly, bold, blond,fair. *Grammar : He/She is & He/She has III/ Teaching aids : textbook, etra-board, pictures IV/Procedures : A/Warm up : _ Combine these sentences into one sentence using “enough to-infinitive”. 1. My sister is not old. She can’t drive a car. 2. He is tall. He can touch the ceiling. _ Have 2 Ss go to the board to combine these sentences. _ T.feedback. 1.My sister isnot old enough to drive a car. 2.He is tall enough to touch the ceiling. B. Pre-Speaking. 1. Pre-teach. _ Show the pictures to Ss & introduce the new words. GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 4 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh + slim (adj) + straight (adj) + curly (adj) + bold (adj) + blond (adj) + fair. (adj) _ Have Ss read all the new words in chorus & individual. 2. Checking Vocabulary : Slap the board _ Call 2Ss or 2 teams (4 Ss each) to front of the class standing at an equal distance from the blackboard. _ Call out one of the new words ( in Vietnamese ) _ The students must run forwards and slap the correct word. The student who slaps first is the winner . _ Go on with the next two students . C. While – Speaking : _ T models dialogue and Ss listen & make the dialogues. Guessing game _ In group, Ss take turn to describe the people in the pictures. S1: He is tall and big. He is wearing a T – shirt and blue trousers . S2: Is he Bao ? S1: Yes, he is . . . . . . . . etc . _ The other Ss listen & guess. D. Post-Speaking. _ Ss describe their classmates, using the structures : + He/She is + He/She has Example : + He is tall and big . . . . . etc . V. Homework . + Do the exercises 3 on page 7 in the exercise book . + Learn new words & new structure by heart + Prepare lesson 3 : Listen . ******************************************** GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 5 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 2 th week The date of preparing : 23/ 08/2009 Period 4 th : The date of teaching: 24/ 08/2009 UNIT 1: Lesson 3 : LISTEN. I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use expressions for introducing and greeting people with listening practice . II/ Language contents: Expressions for introducing and greeting people III/ Teaching aids : textbook, extra-board, pictures, cassette and tape IV/Procedures : A/Checking up _ Use the pictures and ask Ss to describe the people in the pictures . _ Let 3 Ss go to the board to do the exercise 3 on page 7 in the exercise book. _ Other remark . – T gets feedback. a. Mr Long is not very old . He is ugly. He is short and fat. He has short hair . He is wearing a T- shirt and Jeans. b. Nam is young. He is tall. He is handsome. He has short hair. He is wearing a suit c. Lan is young. She is slim. She has short hair . She is beautiful. She is wearing a skirt . B. Pre- Listening. _ Have Ss review expressions for introducing & greeting people. How do you do . Nice to meet you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’d like you to meet. Come and meet. _ Ss read the conversations and guess the expressions for the gaps. B.While- Listening. _ Ss listen 3 times & fill in gaps.Then compare with their prediction. _ Ss listen to check casstte player . _ T gets feedback . 1.I’d like you to meet. 2. Nice to meet you. GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 6 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 3. I’d like you to meet. 4. It’s a pleasure to meet you. 5. Come and meet. 6. How do you do . B. Post- Listening : Role play + Have Ss work in groups to introduce & greeting their friends . Example: Nice to meet you. How do you do. V. HOMEWORK . + Do the exercises 4 on page 8 in the exercise book . + Learn new words & new structure by heart + Prepare lesson 4 : Read ************************************************** 2 th Week The date of preparing : 26/ 08/2009 Period 5 th : The date of teaching : 27/ 08/2009 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 4 : Read I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to read for details about the characters and hobbies of some of Ba’s friends . II/ Language contents: *Vocabulary : sociable, generous, volunteer, sense of humor , character, out going, reserve *Grammar : What are they like ? III/ Teaching aids : textbook, extra-board, pictures IV/Procedures : A/Warm up : Chain game. S1 : He is tall. S2 : He is tall and thin . S3 : He is tall, thin and slim . etc. B. Pre-Reading . GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 7 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 1.Pre-teach vocabulary . _ Read the text and find new words. + sociable (adj ) + generous (adj ) + out going (adj ) + volunteer ( v ) + sense of humor ( exp ) + character ( n ) + reserve (adj ) _ Have Ss read all the new words in chorus & individual. 2. Checking vocabulary : What and Where. _ Have Ss repeat the words chorally, then Rub out and Remember out word by word but leave the circles. _ Go on until all the circles are empty. Get Ss go the board and write the words in the correct circles. 3.Pre- questions : + How many close friends does Ba have ? + What are they like ? + What do they like ? + What do they enjoy doing in their free time ? + Do they all have the same favorite activities ? C. While-Reading . _ Let Ss read the text & answer“Pre- questions”(If they can , t answer, let Ss read one more ). _ Have Ss discuss in group to answer comprehension questions . _ T gets feedback. 1.a/A ; b/C ; c/B ; d/ D 2. a. He feels lucky having a lot of friends . b. Bao is the most sociable . c. Khai likes reading . d. Sometimes his jokes annoy his friends . e. He spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. f. (Ss , own answers ). Or suggested answers . + We have the same characters . + We have different characters . D. Post-reading. GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 8 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh _ Ask Ss some questions & let them answer about themselves . + How many close friends do you have ? + What are they like ? + What are they hobbies ? + Do you spend your free time with them ? V. HOMEWORK . + Do the exercises 6 on page 10 in the exercise book . + Learn new words & new structure by heart + Prepare lesson 5 : Write ************************************************** 2 nd Week The date of preparing : 28/08/2009 Period 6 th : The date of teaching : 29/08/2009 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 4 : Write I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to practise writing about someone , s description, using personal information . II/ Language contents: *Vocabulary : humorous ,helpful . *Grammar : What does he/she look like ? III/ Teaching aids : textbook, extra-board, pictures IV/Procedures : A/Warm up : _ Let Ss categorize adjectives describing characters & appearance . sense of humor reserve short thin out going old fat sociable extremmely generous tall big young B. Pre-writing . _ Let Ss read the information about Tam. GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 9 appearan ce character s Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh _ Ask some comprehension questions of the text about Tam. + What is he like ? + Where does he live ? + Who does he live with ? + Who are his friends ? _ Let them discuss and answer the questions above . _ Others remark . T gets feedback . *Interview : _Ss ask and answer each other in pairs to get personal information about their friends and fill in the form . Name : Appearance: Characters : Address : Family : Friends : C. While-writing : * Write -it-up _ Let Ss write a paragraph about their partner, using the information from the interview. Suggested answers : Her name is (Nguyen Van Nam) and She is (fourteen)years old. She lives at ( 174 Tran Hung Dao Street with her mother, father, elder sister and two younger brothers. She is tall and slim and has long straight black hair.Her best friends are (Mai and Lan) D. Post- writing . _ Ss exchange notebooks and do correction . _ Let Ss write a paragraph about themselves . V. Homework . + Do the exercises 7 on page 11,12 in the exercise book . + Learn new words & new structure by heart + Prepare lesson 5 : Language focus . ********************************************* GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 10 [...]...Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 3rd Week The date of preparing : 30/ 08/ 2009 th Period 7 : The date of teaching: 31/ 08/ 2009 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 6 : Language focus 1-2-3 I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to review : + Simple present... 2: Speak 1,2 + Language focus 1,2 *********************************************** 15 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 3rd Week Period 9th : UNIT 2 : Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh The date of preparing : 06/09/20 08 The date of teaching: 07/09/20 08 MAKING ARRANGERMENTS Lesson 2: Speak I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to talk on the telephone about intentions... to see you at 9.45 on Tuesday morning th Mrs Mary Nguyen with disorderersed letters on the board and tell _ Hang the Telephone number: 64 683 720942 _ Ask Ss to go the board and write the meaningful words 18 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh _ Let them work individually, one St one word _ T gets feedback 1 tdeousi  outside 4 ereh  here 2 sidien  inside... at 86 45141 _ Get Ss to fill in the passage that follows with the in formation _ Let them compare with a partner to have the correct answers _ Monitors and corrects 1 called/ telephoned ; Thanh Cong Delivery Service 2 2 May12th ; Date : June 16th 3 speak ; Time : After midday 4 took ; For : Mrs Van 5 name Message : Mr Nam called about his stationery order He 6 delivery wanted you to call him at 86 34 082 ... + Learn new words & new structure by heart + Prepare lesson 2 : Speak 1,2 ************************************************* 28 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 5th Week Period 15th : The date of preparing : 18/ 09/2009 The date of teaching: 19/09/2009 UNIT 3 : Lesson 2 : Speak I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use... heart + Prepare lesson 3: Listen + Language focus 3 ************************************************** 17 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 4th Week Period 10th : UNIT 2 : Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh The date of preparing : 08/ 09/2009 The date of teaching: 09/ 09/2009 MAKING ARRANGERMENTS Lesson 3: Listen I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to complete telephone... the pictures on page 18 with its’ name _ Let others remark T gets feedback a an answering machine b a mobile phone c a fax machine d a telephone directory e a public telephone f an address book _ Give the definitions of these objects on the poster and ask Ss to match these objects with the definitions Definitions 13 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 1 to send fax 2 to... just written and corrected with their friends into their notebooks + Do the exercises 4,5 on page 18 in the exercise book + Learn new words & new structure by heart + Prepare lesson 5: Write ********************************************************* 21 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh th 4 Week The date of preparing : 11/09/2009 th Period 12 : The date... the movies ? d Where are they going to meet ? What time ? 14 GV: NGUYỄN VĂN TẠO NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh _ Each group writes their answers on the extra small board to stick on the board _ Other remark _ T gets feedback + a Her telephone number is 384 7329 + b They are going to see the movie Dream City at Sao Mai Movie Theater + c Hoa is going by bike + d They... án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh ( questions in “Pre-writing” as prompts ) _ Observes, corrects errors _ Let Ss present the message T gets feedback _ Give more situations for Ss to practice making oral messages _ Ask Ss the main points in a message and emphasites all _ Have Ss reply Teacher’s questions to understand and remember the aims V HOMEWORK + Do the exercises 6,7 on page 18, 19 in the . NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 5 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 2 th week The date of preparing : 23/ 08/ 2009 Period 4 th : The date of teaching: 24/ 08/ 2009 UNIT 1: Lesson 3 : LISTEN. I/. NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 10 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 3 rd Week The date of preparing : 30/ 08/ 2009 Period 7 th : The date of teaching: 31/ 08/ 2009 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 6. NĂM HỌC: 2009-2010 15 Giáo án tiêng anh 8 Trường THCS Lê Đình Chinh 3 rd Week The date of preparing : 06/09/20 08 Period 9 th : The date of teaching: 07/09/20 08 UNIT 2 : MAKING ARRANGERMENTS

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 15:00

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