philosophers from all parts and inclinations of the subject. They agreed about the large and indisputable core of the list, but not much more. They did not much agree about their proposed additions to the rest of the list, or their pro- posed deletions from it. No proposed inclusion or deletion got more than two votes from the twelve good philosophers and true. Any contemporary who did get two votes was added in. No deletions were made. For this second edition, opinions were taken from thirty philosophers, of all or anyway various persuasions, as to how to make the contemporaries in the book representative of the new millennium well under way. The results of this poll contained some biffs to my loyalties and sensibilities. But, being a true as against merely a hierarchic democrat, I acted on the advice. Should you be cer- tain, reader, that this little anointing is a very serious matter, remember David Hume, Saint David, the greatest of British philosophers. He did not get elected to professorships at Edinburgh and Glasgow, which accolades went instead to Mr Cleghorn and Mr Clow. Finally, my gratitude, of which there is a lot. I am grateful to many people, first the 291 contributors. They did not do too much satisficing. Contributors to the first edition put up with a change of mind about entry lengths. Many of them put up with a lot more, including a lot of letters about revising their work or making new starts. Some were stalwarts who did a goodly number of entries very well. They rush to mind, and produce glows of gratitude there. Some were philosophical about the sad fact that their prize entry, say the Frankfurt School or the indeterminacy of translation, did not get into the book because the editor had blundered and earlier assigned it to someone else. Some contributors and others were decent or anyway silent when their proposed entries, say marital act and Ayn Rand, did not penetrate my fortress of philosophical principle. My special thanks to Peter Momtchiloff, doyen of the world’s philosophy editors, the Philosophy Editor of Oxford University Press. This book is almost as much his doing as mine, despite my sole responsibility for errors, infelicities, and one or two judgements with which he is not in absolute agreement. I am also grateful to the following fourteen philosophers who read all or parts of the first manuscript and issued proposals for its improvement: Christopher Kirwan, David Hamlyn, and Jonathan Lowe, above all, and also Simon Blackburn, Alexander Broadie, Jonathan Cohen, Ross Harrison, Ronald Hepburn, Michael Inwood, Nicola Lacey, David Miller, Richard Norman, Anthony O’Hear, and Richard Swinburne. My thanks as well to the jury of distinguished philosophers who cast an eye over the initial list of their contemporaries, and then to the thirty advisers in this matter for the second edition. Thanks too to all of these: Ingrid Coggin Honderich; Jane O’Grady; Alan Lacey, who did the Chronological Table of Philosophy and the Maps of Philosophy; John Allen of the library at University College London; Helen Betteridge, Vivien Crew, and Ann Wooldridge for some secretarial assistance; Tim Barton, Laurien Berkeley, Angela Blackburn, and Frances Morphy of Oxford University Press, all of whom were fortitudinous, and almost always right. t.h. x Preface Contents list of portraits xii list of contributors xiii on using the book xix The Companion: Alphabetical Entries 1 appendices Logical Symbols 971 Maps of Philosophy 973 A Chronological Table of Philosophy 991 sources of illustrations 1003 index and list of entries 1005 List of Portraits ancient philosophy Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Socrates, Democritus 754 Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Plotinus 35 late ancient and early medieval philosophy Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Anselm 344 medieval philosophy Avicenna, Duns Scotus, Roger Bacon, Aquinas 580 founders of modern philosophy Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Kant 784 Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume 243 philosophy in britain Francis Bacon, Reid, Sidgwick, Bradley 249 Bentham, Mill, Wollstonecraft, Burke 937 Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein, Collingwood 121 Ryle, Ayer, Strawson, Popper 676 french philosophy Rousseau, Comte, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty 320 Sartre, de Beauvoir, Foucault, Althusser 278 continental european philosophy Hegel, Marx, Lukacs, Croce 366 Fichte, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche 334 Husserl, Frege, Ortega y Gasset, Heidegger 171 philosophy in america Edwards, Peirce, James, Santayana 749 Dewey, Carnap, Quine, Goodman 25 Davidson, Putnam, Searle, Nagel 609 Rawls, MacIntyre, Kripke, Dennett 628 eastern philosophy Confucius, Nishida, Tagore, Radhakrishnan 429 philosophy at the end of the twentieth century Kuhn, Lewis, Rorty, Williams 483 Contributors Almost all the contributors are or were members of the departments, faculties or sub-faculties of philosophy at the mentioned universities. A.C.A. Dr Alison Ainley University College, Dublin E.B.A. Prof. Edwin B. Allaire University of Texas, Austin H.E.A. Prof. Henry E. Allison Boston University M.A. Dr Milosˇ Arsenijevic´ University of Heidelberg M.M.A. Prof. Marilyn McCord Adams University of Oxford S.R.A. Dr Sophie Allen University of Oxford W.E.A. Prof. William E. Abraham University of California, Santa Cruz A.B. Prof. Akeel Bilgrami Columbia University A.Bel. Mr Andrew Belsey University of Wales, Cardiff A.Bre. Prof. Andrew Brennan University of Western Australia A.Bro. Prof. Alexander Broadie University of Glasgow D.B. Mr David Bostock University of Oxford D.Bak. Prof. David Bakhurst Queen’s University, Ontario D.Ber. Prof. David Berman Trinity College, Dublin G.B. Prof. George Bozonis University of Athens G.H.B. Prof. Graham Bird University of Manchester H.A.B. Prof. Hugo Adam Bedau Tufts University H.I.B. Prof. Harold I. Brown Northern Illinois University I.B. Sir Isaiah Berlin University of Oxford J.B.B. Prof. James Bogen Pitzer College J.Ber. Prof. Jose Bermudez Washington University, St Louis J.Bish. Dr John Bishop University of Auckland J.Bro. Prof. Justin Broackes Brown University J.W.B. See Alvin Goldman K.B. Prof. Kent Bach San Francisco State University K.Ber. See Pauza L.W.B. Prof. Lewis W. Beck University of Rochester M.B. Prof. Myles Brand Indiana University N.B. Prof. Ned Block New York University R.L.B. Prof. Robert Bernasconi Memphis State University R.P.B. Prof. Richard Bellamy University of Reading S.B. Prof. Sissela Bok Harvard University S.W.B. Prof. Simon Blackburn University of Cambridge T.L.B. Prof. Tom L. Beauchamp Georgetown University T.R.B. Prof. Thomas Baldwin University of York W.B. Prof. Dr Wilhelm Baumgartner University of Würzburg A.C. Prof. Arindam Chakrabarti University of Delhi A.Car. Prof. Alisa Carse Georgetown University B.J.C. Prof. Jack Copeland University of Canterbury, New Zealand C.A.J.C. Prof. C. A. J. Coady University of Melbourne C.C. Prof. Charles Crittenden California State University, Northridge D.C. Dr David Charles University of Oxford D.E.C. Prof. David E. Cooper University of Durhan F.C. Prof. Frank Cioffi University of Essex F.Chr. Prof. Ferrell Christensen University of Alberta J.C. Prof. James Cargile University of Virginia J.Cot. Prof. John Cottingham University of Reading L.J.C. Mr L. Jonathan Cohen University of Oxford M.C. Mr Michael Cohen University of Wales, Swansea M.J.C. Prof. Max Cresswell Victoria University, Wellington N.C. Prof. Nancy Cartwright London School of Economics and Political Science Associate contributors T.Chi. Timothy Childers R.F.H. Robin Findlay Hendry T.U. Thomas E. Uebel N.S.C. Prof. Norman S. Care Oberlin College Q.C. Prof. Quassim Cassam University College London R.Clif. Prof. Robert Clifton University of Western Ontario R.Cri. Dr Roger Crisp University of Oxford S.C. Prof. Steven Coutinho Towson University S.R.L.C. Prof. Stephen Clark University of Liverpool T.C. Prof. Tim Crane University College London T.Car. Prof. Terrell Carver University of Bristol T.Chi. See Cartwright W.C. Mr William Charlton University of Edinburgh D.D. Prof. Donald Davidson University of California, Berkeley F.D. Prof. Fred Dretske Stanford University J.D. Prof. Jonathan Dancy University of Reading M.D. Sir Michael Dummett University of Oxford N.C.D. Mr N. C. Denyer University of Cambridge N.J.H.D. Prof. Nicholas Dent University of Birmingham R.D. Prof. Ronald Dworkin University College London R.De G. Prof. Richard T. De George University of Kansas R.S.D. Prof. R. S. Downie University of Glasgow W.A.D. Prof. Wayne A. Davis Georgetown University D.E. Prof. Dorothy Edgington University of Oxford J.D.G.E. Prof. J. D. G. Evans Queen’s University, Belfast P.E. Prof. Paul Edwards Brooklyn College E.J.F. Dr Elizabeth Frazer University of Oxford J.M.F. Prof. John Finnis University of Oxford N.F. Prof. Nicholas G. Fotion Emory University O.F. Prof. Owen Flanagan Duke University P.K.F. Prof. Paul K. Feyerabend University of California, Berkeley P.R.F. Prof. Philippa Foot University of Oxford A.C.G. Dr Anthony Grayling Birkbeck College, London A.Gew. Prof. Alan Gewirth University of Chicago xiv Contributors Contributors xv A.Gom. Dr Antoni Gomila University of Salamanca A.Gup. Prof. Anil Gupta Indiana University A.H.G. Prof. Alan Goldman University of Miami A.I.G. Prof. Alvin Goldman Rutgers University Associate contributor J.W.B. Prof. John Bender B.G. Prof. Bernard Gert Dartmouth College D.G. Prof. Don Gustafson University of Cincinnati G.G. Prof. Gary Gutting University of Notre Dame J.C.A.G. Prof. J. C. A. Gaskin Trinity College, Dublin J.C.B.G. Mr J. C. B. Gosling University of Oxford J.G. Prof. Jorge J. E. Gracia State University of New York, Buffalo Associate contributors M. G. Michael German E. M. Elizabeth Millan J.Gar. Dr James Garvey Royal Institute of Philosophy J.O.G. Prof. James O. Grunebaum Buffalo State College J.P.G. Prof. James P. Griffin University of Oxford L.E.G. Prof. Lenn E. Goodman Vanderbilt University L.P.G. Prof. Lloyd P. Gerson St Michael’s College, Toronto M.D.G. Dr Marcus Giaquinto University College London M.G. See Gracia P.G. Prof. Paul Gilbert University of Hull P.Good. Prof. Peter Goodrich Birkbeck College, London P.G S. Prof. Peter Godfrey-Smith Australian National University P.L.G. Mr Patrick Gardiner University of Oxford R.G. Prof. Reinhardt Grossmann Indiana University R.M.G. Prof. Richard M. Gale University of Pittsburgh R.P.G. Prof. Robert P. George Princeton University S.A.G. Prof. S. A. Grave University of Western Australia S.G. Dr Stefan Gosepath Hochschule der Künste, Berlin S.Gard. Prof. Sebastian Gardner University College, London S.Gau. Prof. Stephen Gaukroger University of Sydney A.H. Prof. Alastair Hannay University of Oslo B.H. Prof. Brad Hooker University of Reading C.H. Prof. Colin Howson London School of Economics and Political Science C.J.H. Prof. C. J. Hookway University of Sheffield D.W.H. Prof. D. W. Hamlyn Birkbeck College, London D.W.Has. Prof. D. W. Haslett University of Delaware E.L.H. Mr E. L. Hussey University of Oxford G.P.H. Mr Geoffrey Hawthorn University of Cambridge I.C.H. Ingrid Coggin Honderich Royal Institute of Philosophy J.Hal. Prof. John Haldane University of St Andrews J.Heil Prof. John Heil Washington University, St Louis J.Horn. Prof. Jennifer Hornsby Birkbeck College, London K.H. Prof. Karen Hanson Indiana University K.J.J.H. Prof. Jaakko Hintikka Boston University P.H. Prof. Paul Humphreys University of Virginia P.H.H. Prof. Peter H. Hare State University of New York, Buffalo P.M.S.H. Dr Peter Hacker University of Oxford R.B.H. Prof. R. Baine Harris Old Dominion University R.F.H. See Cartwright R.H. Dr Ross Harrison University of Cambridge R.Har. Prof. Russell Hardin New York University R.J.H. Mr R. J. Hawkins University of Oxford R.W.H. Prof. R. W. Hepburn University of Edinburgh V.H. Mr Vincent Hope University of Edinburgh W.A.H. Prof. Wilfrid Hodges Queen Mary and Westfield College, London M.J.I. Mr M. J. Inwood University of Oxford C.J. Prof. C. Janaway University of Southampton E.R.J. Dr Roger Jones Berea College, Kentucky M.D.J. Prof. Mark D. Jordan University of Notre Dame O.R.J. Mr O. R. Jones University of Wales, Aberystwyth P.F.J. Prof. Paul F. Johnson St Norbert College S.J. Stuart Jeffries The Guardian S.P.J. Dr Simon James University of Durham A.J.P.K. Sir Anthony Kenny University of Oxford C.A.K. Mr Christopher Kirwan University of Oxford C.H.K. Prof. C. H. Koch University of Copenhagen H H.K. Prof. Hans-Herbert Kögler University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign J.A.K. Dr Jill Kraye Warburg Institute, London J.J.K. Prof. Joel J. Kupperman University of Connecticut J.K. Prof. Jaegwon Kim Brown University J.Kek. Prof. John Kekes State University of New York, Albany L.K. Prof. Leszek Kolakowski University of Oxford M.K. Dr Martha Klein University of Oxford P.K. Prof. Peter King University of Toronto R.K. Prof. Robert Kirk University of Nottingham S.T.K. Prof. Steven T. Kuhn Georgetown University W.K. Prof. Will Kymlicka Queen’s University, Ontario A.J.L. Mr Ardon Lyon City University, London A.R.L. Dr Alan Lacey King’s College London B.L. Prof. Brian Leiter University of Texas, Austin E.J.L. Prof. E. J. Lowe University of Durham H.L. Dr Hallvard Lillehammer University of Cambridge J.L. Dr James Logue University of Oxford J.Lac. Prof. John Lachs Vanderbilt University J.Lev. Prof. Jerrold Levinson University of Maryland, College Park K S.L. Prof. Kwang-Sae Lee Kent State University M.L. Prof. Margaret Little Georgetown University N.L. Prof. Noa Latham University of Calgary N.M.L. Prof. Nicola Lacey London School of Economics O.L. Prof. Oliver Leaman University of Kentucky R.Le P. Prof. Robin Le Poidevin University of Leeds W.G.L. Prof. William G. Lycan University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill A.M. Prof. Adam Morton University of Alberta A.MacI. Prof. Alasdair MacIntyre University of Notre Dame A.R.M. Prof. Alfred R. Mele Florida State University B.M. Dr Benjamin Morison University of Oxford C.McK. Prof. Catherine McKeen SUNY Brockport D.M. Dr Derek Matravers Open University D.McL. Prof. David McLellan University of Kent, Canterbury D.McN. Dr Mike McNamee University of Wales, Swansea xvi Contributors E.J.M. Dr Elinor Mason University of Edinburgh E.M. See Gracia F.MacB. Dr Fraser MacBride Birkbeck College, London G.B.M. Prof. Gareth B. Matthews University of Massachusetts, Amherst G.F.M. Prof. Gregory Mellema Calvin College G.I.M. Prof. George I. Mavrodes University of Michigan, Ann Arbor G.W.McC. Prof. Gregory McCulloch University of Nottingham J.J.M. Prof. Jack Macintosh University of Calgary J.M. Prof. Joseph Margolis Temple University J.McM. Prof. Jeff McMahan Rutgers University K.M. Dr Kevin Magill University of Wolverhampton M.G.F.M. Prof. Michael Martin University College London N.M. Prof. Nenad Misˇcˇevicˇ Central European University P.J.M. Dr Penelope Mackie University of Nottingham P.N.M. Mr Peter Momtchiloff Oxford University Press R.B.M. Prof. Ruth Barcan Marcus Yale University R.D.M. Prof. Ronald D. Milo University of Arizona S.M. Prof. Susan Mendus University of York S.McC. Prof. Storrs McCall McGill University S.M G. Dr Saladin Meckled-Garcia University College London C.N. Prof. Christopher Norris University of Wales, Cardiff H.W.N. Prof. Harold Noonan University of Nottingham J.N. Prof. Jan Narveson University of Waterloo P.J.P.N. Dr Paul Noordhof University of Nottingham R.J.N. Prof. Richard Norman University of Kent, Canterbury S.N. Dr Svante Nordin University of Lund T.N. Prof. Thomas Nagel New York University A.D.O. Dr Alexander D. Oliver University of Cambridge A.O’H. Prof. Anthony O’Hear University of Buckingham J.O’G. Ms Jane O’Grady Fine Arts College, London D.P. Prof. David Papineau King’s College London D.Pri. Dr D. H. Pritchard University of Stirling G.P. Prof. Graham Priest University of Melbourne G.R.P. Prof. Graham Parkes University of Hawaii, Manoa I.S.P. Prof. Ingmar Persson University of Lund L.P. Dr Letizia Panizza Royal Holloway College, London M.J.P. Prof. M. J. Petry Erasmus University M.P. Dr Miroslav Pauza Institute of Philosophy, Prague Associate contributors K.Ber. Prof. Karel Berka V.S. Dr Vera Soudilova M.Pot. Prof. Matjazˇ Potrcˇ University of Ljubljana O.P. Dr Oliver Pooley University of Oxford P.P. Prof. Philip Pettit Princeton University S.P. Mr Stephen Priest University of Oxford T.P. Dr Thomas Pink King’s College London A.Q. The Rt. Hon. Lord Quinton University of Oxford P.L.Q. Prof. Philip L. Quinn University of Notre Dame W.V.Q. Prof. W. V. Quine Harvard University B.B.R. Mr Bede Rundle University of Oxford Contributors xvii M.R. Prof. Michael Ruse Florida State University N.R. Prof. Nicholas Rescher University of Pittsburgh P.R. Prof. Peter Railton University of Michigan, Ann Arbor S.D.R. Dr Sarah Richmond University College London S.L.R. Dr Stephen Read University of St Andrews B.C.S. Dr Barry C. Smith Birkbeck College, London D.H.S. Prof. David H. Sanford Duke University E.S. Prof. Ernest Sosa Brown University E.T.S. Prof. Edward Sankowski University of Oklahoma J.E.R.S. Mr Roger Squires University of St Andrews J.M.S. Prof. John Skorupski University of St Andrews J.P.S. Prof. James P. Sterba University of Notre Dame J.R.S. Prof. John Searle University of California, Berkeley J.S. Dr Jeremy Stangroom The Philosophers’ Magazine K l. S. Prof. Kwong-loi Shun University of California, Berkeley L.F.S. Mr Leslie F. Stevenson University of St Andrews L.S. Prof. Lawrence Sklar University of Michigan, Ann Arbor M.S. Prof. Michael Slote University of Miami P.F.S. Professor Paul Snowdon University College London P.S. Prof. Peter Singer Princeton University R.A.K.S. Dr Rowland Stout University College, Dublin R.A.S. Prof. Robert Sharpe University of Wales, Lampeter R.C.Sle. Prof. R. C. Sleigh, Jr. University of Massachusetts, Amherst R.C.Sol. Prof. Robert C. Solomon University of Texas, Austin R.G.S. Prof. R. G. Swinburne University of Oxford R.M.S. Prof. Mark Sainsbury University of Texas, Austin R.S. Prof. Richard Schacht University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign R.W.S. Prof. R. W. Sharples University College London S.S. Prof. Stewart Shapiro Ohio State University T.S. Prof. Timothy Schroeder University of Manitoba T.L.S.S. Prof. T. L. S. Sprigge University of Edinburgh V.S. See Pauza V.Such. Dr Victor Suchar Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute B.T. Prof. Bergeth Tregenza California State University, Northridge C.C.W.T. Prof. C. C. W. Taylor University of Oxford G.M.T. Prof. G. M. Tamas Hungarian Academy of Sciences I.T. Prof. Ivo Tretera Charles University, Prague L.S.T. Prof. Larry S. Temkin Rutgers University R.E.T. Prof. Robert Tully St Michael’s College, Toronto R.P.L.T. Dr Roger Teichmann University of Oxford T.U. See Cartwright R.V. Mr. Ruediger Vaas University of Giessen A.D.W. Mr Andrew Williams University of Reading A.W.W. Prof. Allen Wood Stanford University Cath.W. Prof. Catherine Wilson University of British Columbia C.J.F.W. Prof. C. J. F. Williams University of Bristol C.W. Mr Colwyn Williamson University of Wales, Swansea D.N.W. Prof. Douglas Walton University of Winnipeg G.J.W. Sir Geoffrey Warnock University of Oxford I.P.W. Prof. John White Institute of Education, London J.Wol. Prof. Jan Wolen´ski Jagiellonian University, Cracow xviii Contributors J.Woo. Prof. John Woods University of British Columbia K.W. Prof. Kwasi Wiredu University of South Florida K.Wuch. Prof. Dr Kurt Wuchterl University of Stuttgart M.W. Prof. Michael Wreen Marquette University M.Walz. Prof. Michael Walzer Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton M.Warn. Baroness Warnock University of Cambridge P.W. Ms Patricia Walsh King’s College London R.C.W. Prof. Roy C. Weatherford University of South Florida R.S.W. Prof. Roger Woolhouse University of York S.W. Dr Sybil Wolfram University of Oxford T.W. Prof. Timothy Williamson University of Oxford H.Z. Prof. Hossein Ziai University of California, Los Angeles Contributors xix . well to the jury of distinguished philosophers who cast an eye over the initial list of their contemporaries, and then to the thirty advisers in this matter for the second edition. Thanks too to. from all parts and inclinations of the subject. They agreed about the large and indisputable core of the list, but not much more. They did not much agree about their proposed additions to the rest. sad fact that their prize entry, say the Frankfurt School or the indeterminacy of translation, did not get into the book because the editor had blundered and earlier assigned it to someone else.