the oxford companion to philosophy

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 14 pdf

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 14 pdf

... *intuitionism as a philosophy of mathematics. This owes something to the philosophy of Kant, but more to the paradoxes and con- tradictions that beset logic and mathematics in the early 1900s. ... with the help of such sceptical arguments as the following. The reliable means of knowledge are estab- lished by appeal to the reality of the objects they make us know; but the reality of the ... busi- ness ethics has called into question whether Western-type approaches to ethical theory actually enjoy the universal- ity which they claim or to which they aspire. The primary focus of international

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 464 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 15 pot

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 15 pot

... and later Fulton H. Anderson shaped the philosophy depart- ment at the University of Toronto into one of the fore- most places for the study of the history of philosophy. Canada had made substantial ... reject both the doctrine of the total depravity of man since the Fall, and also the doctrine of predestination. They believed in the power of each person by the light of reason to move towards perfection. ... moral philosophy the Cambridge Platonists (influ- enced by Plato, Plotinus, and Descartes) totally reject Hobbes. In their philosophy of religion they reject *Calvinism, and in particular they

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 563 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 16 docx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 16 docx

... mistake. The error of ascribing to something of one *category a feature attributable only to another (e.g. colour to sounds, truth to questions) or otherwise misrep- resenting the category to which ... however, there is no direct reference to Plato or to the spectators’ emotions, and Aristotle’s primary claim is that drama clarifies or resolves the events it portrays. As so often, Aristotle’s ... sense, equiva- lent to ‘explanatory feature’. This usage survives in the description of Aristotle as holding ? ?the doctrine of the four causes’. The members of Aristotle’s quartet, the material, formal,

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 328 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 17 docx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 17 docx

... and the gods that gave their names to the seven days of the week. The ‘gazing Country-man’ who only observes the ‘outward appearances’ of the clock has a very different idea of the clock from the ... writers on *set theory reserve the term ‘proper class’ to denote collections which are not sets because they are allegedly ‘too big’ to be themselves members of sets. The thought that there can or ... refers to the great Strasbourg clock of 1547. In addition to showing the time and the day of the week, this clock had a marvellous series of moving forms, to represent Death, Christ, the planets, the

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 359 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 18 potx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 18 potx

... but also the ability to apply or indeed to misapply a concept, to extend it to new cases, to abandon it in favour of an alternative concept, to invoke the concept in the absence of things to which ... equivalent term for the Greekepithumia, as used in the division of the powers of the active soul by Plato and Aristotle (with the ‘irascible powers’ corresponding to the Greek thumos). The term is archaic, ... for the Protestant Reformation, even to the point of refusing to recognize its contributions to science? ?the overall effect of change up through the stages is progressive. Looking therefore at the

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 383 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 19 ppt

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 19 ppt

... *concepts required to specify how they represent the world (to spec- ify their content). This basic idea has been used to try to do justice to the differences between how the world is repre- ... quently lack the information needed to calculate the expected good. Even if they had the information, they would frequently miscalculate. Even if they didn’t miscal- culate, there is the cost in ... are in the hands of the state. As part of his ignorance thesis, the conservative must support autonomous institutions and the freedom of indi- viduals to make their own way through life and to form

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 280 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 20 pot

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 20 pot

... interest in the Hebrew Bible and the political and theological usefulness of the biblical covenant to Protestant writers together gave currency to the idea of a founding agreement. Most of the theoretical ... or otherwise caused harm or loss, at the expense of another. Although translators sometimes render as a ‘penalty’ what Aristotle says the judge takes from the former in order to give to the ... Kant was the first to engage in phenomen- ology, in ? ?The Transcendental Deduction’. Heidegger rightly saw in the schematism the anticipation of his own fundamental ontology. The thesis of the Logical

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 313 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 21 pps

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 21 pps

... inspired by the critique of Aristotelianism by the French philosopher Petrus Ramus. The attempt to establish Lutheran orthodoxy within the Danish Church led to the elimination of Ramism, and to the dominance ... school which drew on Plato to assert the pri- macy of mind as ‘senior to the world, and the architect thereof’. Cudworth’s major work was The True Intellectual System of the Universe (1678). It ... logic. Croatian philosophy. The earliest contact Croatians had with philosophy was in the ninth century, with the stay of the German philosopher-theologian Gottschalk at the Court of the Croatian

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 155 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 22 pdf

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 22 pdf

... freedom: the ability to tran- scend and alter the circumstances in which one finds one- self, and the ability to dominate and utilize them to the fullest possible extent. She thus introduced into Sartrean ... Philosophy (Chicago, 1982). Dedekind, J. W. R. (1831–1916). German mathematician, who made two important contributions to the founda- tions of mathematics. The first showed how the theory of the ... Co-founder with Leucippus of the theory of *atomism. His exact relation to Leucippus is obscure. Aristotle and his school agree in treating Leu- cippus as the originator of the theory, but also in assigning

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 385 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 23 ppt

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 23 ppt

... pendently from the right, and the right is then defined as that which maximizes the good. Deontological theories either do not specify the good independently from the right or do not interpret the right ... which tends to make one motivated to produce the end.) According to the less widely held hedonic theory of desire, to desire some end is to tend toward feeling pleasure if one comes to believe ... in the Discourse and the Medita- tions? ?the conception that *Gilbert Ryle was later famously to stigmatize as the ‘doctrine of the ghost in the machine’—and the real embodied creature that is the

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 575 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 24 doc

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 24 doc

... philosophical topics: the Britannica (from 1768 to the present), Brockhaus (1796 to the present), Larousse (1866 to the present). The first works explicitly claiming to be encyclopaedias of philosophy ... one-person autocracies—as class dictatorships, in the sense of force- fully furthering the interests of one class at the expense of others, the concept does not imply dictatorship in the ordinary ... R 2 is fixed by the theory’s laws and the state it assigns to R 1 ; more precisely, just in case any two models of the theory (i.e. possible states of the world, according to the theory’s laws)

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 222 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 25 pptx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 25 pptx

... arranged as to enable him to fulfil this role. In such a society the rulers will possess the wisdom to guide the rest in the light of the good and the true. In the good city there will be all the usual ... of Socrates than to the Plato of the Republic. During the Christian era, Platonic themes resurface, notably in the writings of St Augustine. Human nature needs to be turned to the light because ... require: they are bound to have the attitudes that lead by ordinary psychology to suitable actions; or they are bound, at whatever cost to their attitudinal coherence— they may ‘go on the blink’—to

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 311 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 26 potx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 26 potx

... wish- ing to extend to the many the rigorous intellectual educa- tion hitherto enjoyed only by the few. But it ran into difficulties. These were partly specific— about whether, for instance, there ... valued field to devote themselves to the devel- opment of their talent. To object to this in itself seems, as Nietzsche urged, to be little more than a symptom of envy on the part of the untalented. ... already think there’s a reason to donate: the feelings don’t explain the motive, rather the motive explains the feelings. Another problem with the argument is that it considers only the influence

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 296 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy pdf

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy pdf

... just the same issues as everyone else The other is an impetus to togetherness the desire of philosophers to nd companions, to be able to interact with others who share their interest to the extent ... motion, due to Zeno of Elea In a race, Achilles can never catch the tortoise, if the tortoise is given a head start For while Achilles closes the initial gap between them, the tortoise will have ... one, the tortoise will have created another However fast Achilles runs, all that the tortoise has to do, in order not to be beaten, is make some progress in the time it takes Achilles to close the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 01:21

1,1K 836 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 107 ppsx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 107 ppsx

... gnosticism; language, history of the philosophy of; mathematics, history of the philosophy of; mathematics, problems of the phil- osophy of; metaphysics, history of; mind, history of the philosophy of; ... language, history of the philosophy of; law, history of the philosophy of; macrocosm and microcosm; materialism; mathematics, history of the philosophy of; medieval philosophy; metaphysics, history of; ... problems of the philosophy of; scientism philosophy and the public popular philosophy philosophy and theology see theology and philosophy philosophy and war see war and philosophy philosophy of...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

16 503 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 1 pot

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 1 pot

... The Oxford Companion to Philosophy This page intentionally left blank The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Second Edition Edited by Ted Honderich 3 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford ... logic, the philosophy of mind, aesthetics, and so on In the case of each of these, the book contains a long essay on its history and another on its problems as they now are, by contributors not ... important There are different ways of reading The general readers and the experts can be taken together and then divided into two other classes of readers The first class has in it readers who are on the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 319 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 2 pdf

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 2 pdf

... 628 eastern philosophy Confucius, Nishida, Tagore, Radhakrishnan 429 philosophy at the end of the twentieth century Kuhn, Lewis, Rorty, Williams 483 Contributors Almost all the contributors are ... list of portraits list of contributors on using the book The Companion: Alphabetical Entries appendices Logical Symbols Maps of Philosophy A Chronological Table of Philosophy sources of illustrations ... Oxford Prof Philip Pettit Princeton University Mr Stephen Priest University of Oxford Dr Thomas Pink King’s College London The Rt Hon Lord Quinton University of Oxford Prof Philip L Quinn University...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 657 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 3 pptx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 3 pptx

... motion, due to Zeno of Elea In a race, Achilles can never catch the tortoise, if the tortoise is given a head start For while Achilles closes the initial gap between them, the tortoise will have ... one, the tortoise will have created another However fast Achilles runs, all that the tortoise has to do, in order not to be beaten, is make some progress in the time it takes Achilles to close the ... dividing-line Unless there is such a line, they say, we must either upgrade the status of the earliest embryo to that of the child, or downgrade the status of the child to that of the foetus; and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 394 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 4 pot

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 4 pot

... aesthetic experience and aesthetic value Thus only part of aesthetics is the philosophy of art The rest, which might be termed the philosophy of the aesthetic, centres on the nature of aesthetic ... judgements The philosophy of art and the philosophy of the aesthetic overlap, without either being clearly subordinate to the other Contemporary aesthetics is a rich and challenging part of philosophy, ... or there is, but reason cannot determine that one is to be preferred to the other by that standard, then the agent (the will) must be free to choose either way If, in the case of wrongdoing, there...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 427 0
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 5 ppsx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 5 ppsx

... just the same issues as everyone else The other is an impetus to togetherness the desire of philosophers to nd companions, to be able to interact with others who share their interest to the extent ... terms The premisses contain two occurrences of one of the terms, the middle term It is by virtue of relations of the other two terms to the middle term that the conclusion, containing the other ... opinion-shapers: they not have access to the media, to the political establishment, to the think tanks that seek to mould public opinion In so far as they exert an external inuence at all, it is conned to...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 437 0