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§Ò sè 5 Question 1: Pick out the word with underline part pronouced differently from that of the others 1. A. Sun B. Sure C. Success D. Sort 2. A. evening B. key C. envelope D. secret 3. A. kissed B. helped C. forced D. learned 4. A. dear B. hear C. bear D. clear 5. A. both B. south C. truth D. smooth Question 2. Choose the best answer. 1. we get to the theater, the play will have started. A. As soon as B. Until C. By the time D. Whenever 2. What is the matter? Haven’t you started ? A. already B. yet C. by now D. soon 3. The trouble with you is that you are complaining. A. forever B. often C. still D. each time 4. Can you remember what you were doing ? A. the time B. usually C. everyday D. at the time 5. The new school opens A. now B. at once C. next week D. day by day 6. I haven’t been feeling very well A. of late B. not long ago C. currently D. by now 7. we get to the top of this hill, we’ll be all right. A. Eventually B. Once C. Now D. At the time 8. It’s ages I last saw a decent comedy film on television. A. that B .ago C. since D. when 9. I don’t go swimming very much A. nowadays B. in those days C. recently D. now and again 10. we haven’t managed to find what we are looking for. A. To now B. On and off C. Formerly D. So far Question 3. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets. 1. Sam (not receive) the parcel the last time I (speak) to him. 2. I (consider) buying a house but now I (change) my mind. 3. When you (feel) hungry later, room service (bring) you whatever you (want). 4. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there. 5. For the few past days, I (work) in Jack’s office, as my own office (decorate). 6. . Most of the Earth's surface (cover) by water. 7. The first festival (hold) nearly 8 hundred years ago. 8. There's someone behind us. I think we (follow) 9. This bike (use) for more than 6 years. 10. A new text book (publish) next week. Question 4. A/ Change the following sentences into the passive forms. 1. People think that neither side wanted war. 2. It is believed that the Chinese invented gunpowder. 3. My boss made me work hard. 4. American people begin to love football. 5. We all like keeping these books in our own library. B/ Change the sentences below into the reported speech. 1. “ I wouldn’t cook the fish for too long, Bill, if I were you”, said Jane. 2. “ Hellen, would you like to come to lunch on Sunday?” said Mary. 3. “Why don’t we see “The sound of music” again?”An said. 4. “Me? No, I didn’t take Sam’s calculator ,” said Bob. 5. “Don’t forget to buy me some milk, Andy” said Charle. C/ Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. 1. In spite being tired, Hoa helped me my home work. 2. Minh’s parents are proud him because he is an excellent student 3. Mr Phong’s sense humor distinguish him the other workers. 4. My arm clock didn’t go this morning, so I got up late. 5. Our neighbor will look our house while we’re holiday. Question 5. Read the passage, then do the exercise below. How to use a bicycle? 1- Don’t ride a bicycle which is not the right size for you. 2- Check a bicycle before using it and make sure that the brakes and steering- wheel work properly and the tyres have enough air in them. 3- When riding a bicycle, always use a cycling track at the side of the road when there is one. 4- Don’t ride too fast, especially when going down hills and turning corners. 5- Control the speed of your bicycle with your brakes, but always use them gently. 6. When in a group, always ride in single file. 7- Always keep to the side of the road, do not ride in the middle of the road or weave back and forth on the road. *Choose the best answer. 1. You should ride a bicycle which is A. higher than you are B. with high seat C. your right side B. your favorite 2. Which part of your bicycle is used for changing direction? A. The front wheel B. The back wheel C. The tyres D. The steering wheel. 3. When is the most dangerous to ride fast? A. When riding along the roads B. When turning corner C. When going down hills D. B and C are right 4. Which part of a bicycle do you use to control the speed? A. The brake B. The lights C. The chains D. None of the above 5. When you are in hurry, you can A. ride in the middle of the road B. weave back and forth C. ride dangerously D. ride in a cycling track quickly Question 6: Rewrite the sentences below, begin as shown so the the meaning stays the same. 1. I haven’t seen Anne for years. - It’s years 2. This bridge will take us three years to complete. - In three years we 3. Phong always wasn’t so unfriendly. - Phong didn’t 4. The dog keeps stealing my socks! - The dog is 5. After taking the pills , I began to feel better. - Since taking 6. We’ll have to leave immediately at the end of the film. - The moment 7. Harry left before we reached the hotel. - By the time 8. Is there such a place as Eldorado? - Does Eldorado 9. I am on the tenth page of the letter I am writing. - So far 10. This is the second time I have visited Hungary. - This is my Question 7. Complete the passage below with the most suitable words. Football is the most popular game in Britain. You can see that if you go to (1) of the important matches. Young and old people shout and cheer (2) one side or the other. Nearly every school (3) its football team and every boy in Britain (4) much about the game. He can tell you the name of the (5) in most important teams. He has a picture of (6) and know the results of many matches. In Britain the football season (7) in the middle of August, usually (8) the second Saturday and ends on the last Saturday in April. At the beginning of the (9) all the school teams and the professional teams (10) very hard. They want to win their matches. key Question 1. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D Question 2. Choose the best answer. 1. C 2B 3A 4D 5C 6A 7B 8C 9A 10D Question 3. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets 1. hadn’t received/ spoke 2. was considering/ have changed 3. feel / will bring/ want 4. will have been sold 5. have been working/ is being decorated. 6. is covered 7. was held 8. are being followed 9. has been used 10. will be published Question 4. A/ Change the following sentences into the passive forms. 1. It is thought that neither side wanted war./ Neither side are thought to have wanted war. 2. The Chinese people is believed to have invented gunpowder. 3. I was made to work hard by my boss. 4. Football begins to be loved by American people. 5. We all like these books being kept in our own library. B/ Change the sentences below into the reported speech. 1. Jane advised Bill not to cook the fish for too long. 2. Mary invited Hellen to come to lunch on Sunday. 3. An suggested seeing The sound of music again. 4. Bob denied having stolen Sam’s calculator (Ba denied stealing Sam’s calculator) 5. Charle reminded Andy to buy him some milk. C/ Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. 1. of / with 4. off 2. of 5. after/ on 3. of/ from Question 5: Read the passage, then do the exercise below. 1C 2D 3D 4A 5C Question 6: Rewrite the sentences below 1. It’s years since I last saw Anne. 2. In three years we will have completed the bridge. 3. Phong didn’t always use to be so unfriendly. 4. The dog is always stealing my socks. 5. Since taking the pills, I have felt much better. 6. The moment the film finishes, we will have to leave. 7. By the time we reached the hotel, Harry had left. 8. Does Eldorado exist? 9. So far I have written ten pages of my letter. 10. This my second visit to Hungary. Question 7. Complete the passage below with the most suitable words. 1. one 2. for 3. has 4. knows 5. players/ footballers 6. them 7. begins/ starts 8. on 9. season 10. train §Ò TiÕng Anh Question 1: Phonetics A/. Choose the word which has different stressed syllable from the others. 1. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. cofortable 2. A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence B/ Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. knew B. benzen C. new D. few 2. A. apple B. inhabitant C. carry D. wash 3. A. tent B. attend C. send D. rely Question 2: Grammar ( trÝch tõ s¸ch Ng÷ ph¸p TA cña Xu©n B¸) A/ Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets. 1. Sam (not receive) the parcel the last time I (speak) to him. 2. I (consider) buying a house but now I (change) my mind. 3. When you (feel) hungry later, room service (bring) you whatever you (want). 4. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there. B/ Change the following sentences into the passive forms. 1. People think that neither side wanted war. 2. It is believed that the Chinese invented gunpowder. 3. My boss made me work hard. 4. American people begin to love football. 5. We all like keeping these books in our own library. C/ Change the sentences below into the reported speech. 1. “ I wouldn’t cook the fish for too long, Bill, if I were you”, said Jane. 2. “ Hellen, would you like to come to lunch on Sunday?” said Mary. 3. “Why don’t we see The sound of music“ ” again?”An said. Question 3: Supply the correct forms of the words in the brackets. ( trÝch tõ s¸ch Ng÷ ph¸p TA cña Xu©n B¸) 1. It is that you missed the meeting. (FORTUNE) 2. Her rudeness was the most (REGRET) 3. I don’t want any from you (INTERFER) 4. She always listens to what she is told. (ATTENTION) 5. It is even to think of the horrors of the nuclear war. (FRIGHT) 6. The disappearance of the aircraft remains (EXPLAIN) 7. She wanted to have her skirt (LONG) 8. I found the visit most (EDUCATE) 9. The doctor gave him some tablets to his pain. (RELIEF) 10. Please your seat- belt. The plane is taking off. (FAST) Question 4: Choose the best answer. ( trÝch tõ s¸ch Bµi tËp tr¾c nghiÖm cña TrÇn B¸ S¬n) 1. Do these plans fit with your arrangement? A. in B. at C. on D. for 2. Miss Lan felt sorry Minh. A. to B. about C. for D. of 3. the end, Nancy couldn’t receive the scholarship. A. At B. In C. To D. From 4. Don’t be ashamed your skin color. A. about B. at C. for D. of 5. It is wise you to stay out of the crowd. A. for B. of C. in D about 6. There is university in my town. A. a B. an C. the D. some 7. That is the man we are talking about. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 8. Mary has learnt English since she ten years old. A. was B. is C has been D. had been 9. we get to the theater, the play will have started. A. As soon as B. Until C. By the time D. Whenever 10. What is the matter? Haven’t you started ? A. already B. yet C. by now D. soon 11. The trouble with you is that you are complaining. A. forever B. often C. still D. each time 12. Can you remember what you were doing ? A. the time B. usually C. everyday D. at the time 13. The new school opens A. now B. at once C. next week D. day by day 14. I haven’t been feeling very well A. of late B. not long ago C. currently D. by now 15. we get to the top of this hill, we’ll be all right. A. Eventually B. Once C. Now D. At the time Question 5: Reading comprehension( trÝch tõ s¸ch §äc hiÓu cña Xu©n B¸) A/ Read the passage, then do the exercise below. How to use a bicycle? 1- Don’t ride a bicycle which is not the right size for you. 2- Check a bicycle before using it and make sure that the brakes and steering- wheel work properly and the tyres have enough air in them. 3- When riding a bicycle, always use a cycling track at the side of the road when there is one. 4- Don’t ride too fast, especially when going down hills and turning corners. 5- Control the speed of your bicycle with your brakes, but always use them gently. 6. When in a group, always ride in single file. 7- Always keep to the side of the road, do not ride in the middle of the road or weave back and forth on the road. *Choose the best answer. 1. You should ride a bicycle which is A. higher than you are B. with high seat C. your right side B. your favorite 2. Which part of your bicycle is used for changing direction? A. The front wheel B. The back wheel C. The tyres D. The steering wheel. 3. When is the most dangerous to ride fast? A. When riding along the roads B. When turning corner C. When going down hills D. B and C are right 4. Which part of a bicycle do you use to control the speed? A. The brake B. The lights C. The chains D. None of the above 5. When you are in hurry, you can A. ride in the middle of the road B. weave back and forth C. ride dangerously D. ride in a cycling track quickly B/ Complete the passage below with the most suitable words. ( trÝch tõ s¸ch Bµi tËp n©ng cao TA líp 7) Football is the most popular game in Britain. You can see that if you go to (1) of the important matches. Young and old people shout and cheer (2) one side or the other. Nearly every school (3) its football team and every boy in Britain (4) much about the game. He can tell you the name of the (5) in most important teams. He has a picture of (6) and know the results of many matches. In Britain the football season (7) in the middle of August, usually (8) the second Saturday and ends on the last Saturday in April. At the beginning of the (9) all the school teams and the professional teams (10) very hard. They want to win their matches. Question 6: Writing A/ Rewrite the sentences below, begin as shown so the the meaning stays the same. ( trÝch tõ s¸ch §Ò thi Olympic 30- 4) 1. I haven’t seen Anne for years. It’s years 2. This bridge will take us three years to complete. In three years we 3. Phong always wasn’t so unfriendly. Phong didn’t 4. The dog keeps stealing my socks! The dog is 5. After taking the pills , I began to feel better. Since taking 6. We’ll have to leave immediately at the end of the film. The moment 7. Harry left before we reached the hotel. By the time 8. Is there such a place as Eldorado? Does Eldorado 9. I am on the tenth page of the letter I am writing. So far 10. This is the second time I have visited Hungary. This is my B/ Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 1. Jill isn’t on the phone, that makes it difficult to contact her. a b c d 2. They gave us a lot of information, most of that was useless. A b c d 3. You won’t pass the exam unless you don’t study more. A b c d 4. You are allowed into the club unless you are a member . a b c d 5. I am playing tennis tomorrow providing it is raining. A b c d Question 7: Use the cues to make complete sentences. ( trÝch tõ s¸ch Hoµn thµnh c©u cña Xu©n B¸) 1. I/ not know/ where/ go 2. The patient/ too sick/ dinner. 3. nurse/ tell/ patient/ not/ afraid. 4. It/ hard/ me/ breathe through my nose. 5. He / like/ read/ rockets/ so/ children. HÕt . time 8. It’s ages I last saw a decent comedy film on television. A. that B .ago C. since D. when 9. I don’t go swimming very much A. nowadays B. in those days C. recently D. now and again 10 festival (hold) nearly 8 hundred years ago. 8. There's someone behind us. I think we (follow) 9. This bike (use) for more than 6 years. 10. A new text book (publish) next week. Question 4. A/. before we reached the hotel. - By the time 8. Is there such a place as Eldorado? - Does Eldorado 9. I am on the tenth page of the letter I am writing. - So far 10. This is the second time I have

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 03:00

