Trang 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENT During the time of researching and implementing this GRADUATION THESIS, I have
received very enthusiastic help and valuable encouragement With all due respect and
gratitude, I extend my sincere thanks to:
The Board of Directors of University of Economics - VNU has built a scientific research
environment that helps me as well as students of the whole university to have motivation,
opportunities to approach and practice scientific research
I sincerely thank the teachers and experts of the Faculty of Finance - Banking and other
faculties in the university for taking the time to answer and analyze the questions,
contributing to creating a foundation for the group to be confident in carrying out the
research assist
In particular, I would like to express my gratitude and deepest thanks to Ms Cù Nguyễn
Ha Trang The instructor is enthusiastic with new directions, detailed communications,
and frank suggestions Thanks to that, I have more confidence to be able to complete the
research even though he himself is under a lot of pressure about work, time and family
Due to the limited knowledge and time, the research paper inevitably contains errors and
omissions I look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions to improve the
Trang 4I hereby declare that this graduation thesis on the topic of IMPACTS OF E-BANKING
is solely my own work and property The reference materials used in this thesis have been
properly cited and acknowledged in the reference section Additionally, all research
findings are completely truthful and original, without any plagiarism or duplication from
any previously published works
If any of these statements are found to be inaccurate, I take full responsibility for any
consequences and will accept any disciplinary actions deemed necessary by the
department and the university
Hanoi, May 12, 2023
Nguyễn Hoang Giang
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION cccssssssscsssscssssssssescscsscsssvecsnsecsseecsneasecsseavsseaveseneecsneaveneavenenrensneas 5
1 The ULGeNncy Of the tOPiCessesessssesesssesesesneresssssnsnsnsnescesensnssnsssssessnsesnsnsssssessnsesesssesssenssenssninesssns 5
2 Research Purpose Of the ÊOJDÍC: e-c«ceeceekeererserrrtrrrsrkrrrrerrrsrerrsrerersrrrrsrsrrersrrrsrie 5
3 RESCALCH QUESTIONS: usesssssssssssrsnsesnsesessscsenensnsnsnsnsnsnenensssnsnensnsnsnseuausasenssensnsnensnsnunnsnsassonsnsnsnsnsess 6
4 Objects Of the SCUAY! sresesesessesssssssssrsrsnesssssssnsesnsssssessnsnsnsnsnesesssnsnscsnenessevensesssnenssesnsnsnsestensnnensninens 6
5, CONCHIDUCION Of the CHESIS! sesssssssesesssssesescssnsssnsnssssesesscsenensnsesnsnsesscssesscsensnsnsnsssnsnevesessenensnsnsnsess 6
6 THESES SETUICÊUIT: cesssecsssessscnsessssnsecssscsnsecscsesecsnsncensecncsnsecssecncansncensacnvansncsnsncevsasavensacncnesncnnsnsansess 7
2.1 Lit€ratUre LeViICW? tnnninnini 8
2.1.1 E-Banking S€rViCeS? cesseesssssesssesssessseesseessecssessueesseesessseesseessessesseeesieeseestecseessneeaeessteeneesseenssees 8
2.1.2 Customer lOyalty o eeeseesssessseesssessesstessseesseesseesseesseesseesueesseeseeseesteeseesteeseeeateeateeseeeaeesstesneeeateeneeey 9
2.1.3 ResearCh Gaps reeeceecseessessesseeseesseesecsseesecssecsecsecseecseecseecaeeeseecseesseseseesaeeeseesneesaeesseesueesseesseesees 11
2.2 Overview of electronic DANKING S€T'VÏCGS -«csec<cseserersrrrrsrrrrrsrrersrrrrsrsrrersrre 12
2.2.1 Definition of electronic banking Se€TVÏC@S: cxcsceerkerrrrtrirrrirrirrirrrrrriee 12
2.2.2 The formation and development process of electronic banking services 12
2.2.3 Characteristics of electronic banking Service cc-cceccrreerirrrirrrriee 13
2.2.4 The role of electronic banking S€TVỈC@S cssccxtstirrkierkrtrrrtkirrrrrirrrrrerriee 14
2.2.5 Types of electronic banking ServiCes? sccrxetstetrrirtrtirtrrirrriirriirrrirrriiee 15
2.3 Overview Of CUSCOMEL LOVAILY ress 18
2.3.1 Definition of customer ÌoyaÌÏf -c<+cxc+rertrittritkittiitiririiriiiirrrirrre 18
2.3.2 The role of customer lOyalty c ssc+xesrxeErkttrkettrketrrkrtrrkrtrrkrrrrkrrrrkrrrkerrrrrree 18
2.4 The impact of e-banking services on customer lOYAItY: wees 20
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS ccsesiesesinirsneiininrinrsnnniiiiansrsnnsrsnse 22
3.1 RESCQLCH PVOCeSS sesssssssssssrsssssesssesessssnensnsnssnssnsvssevscsenensnsnsnsnssssssscscsensnsnsnsnsnsnsvesssssnsnsnsnsnsas 22
3.2 Data description ANd AACA SOUITCG . «-5-c«csececeeeerersrrersrsrrsrserrrsrrrsrsrrersrrrrsre 22
LOYALTY AT VIETNAM COMMERCIAL BANKS ce«ceesereerieiiiriririrrsrsie 23
4.1 Overview of electronic banking services in Vietnam Commercial Banks 23
4.1.1 Card S€TVÌC€S HH nHHHnHHY HH nà HH Hà Hà Hà Hà THẾ HH1 1.110 10110011 24
4.1.2 Internet Banlking -«++xcc+kktrH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hư 27
4.1.3 Mobile Banking -. s-ccxxecrktrtrkittrktrrirtrr tri re 28
4.2 Current trends in electronic DANKING S€TVÏCS vss 29
4.3 The impact of electronic banking services on customer ÏoydÏty: - 31
4.4 Challenges and Opportunities 35
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION -«ce<ssesseseerrrsrsrrsrrrrrrrrrrsrrsrrrrsrarsrrrsrsairrsrrrsrsir 37
REFERENCES sesssssssssecsssssssesscscsseensecsocsorsesecsarsoseneocsecsassneeceaveoteneaceacsaneneeneateneeneaneacsoneneacearennenseceas 38
Figure 4 1: Number of cards issued in the period 2017 - 2022 -« c rec-rx
Figure 4 2 :Number of ATMs and POS machines in the period 2017 - 2022
Figure 4 3: Number of customer using E-banking of Techcombank from 2019 - 2022 32
Figure 4 4: Number of customer using E-banking of BIDV from 2019 - 2022 34
1 The urgency of the topic
The increasing popularity of internet usage and smart devices has brought about a
significant transformation in the banking industry With the increasing use of
smartphones and other mobile devices, commercial banks are offering electronic banking
services (e-banking services) that allow customers to perform transactions and manage
their accounts online with ease This feature is especially useful for customers who are
always on-the-go, as they can access banking services quickly and easily without having
to visit a bank branch Therefore, the adoption of electronic banking services is a solution
that can help commercial banks to offer a more simplified, convenient, and accurate
banking experience (Amin, 2016)
Apart from offering a more convenient banking experience, e-banking services also help
commercial banks to improve customer loyalty (Brun et al., 2014) The use of electronic
banking services enables banks increase customer satisfaction, which contribute to
higher customer loyalty In addition, the adoption of electronic banking services helps
banks to retain their existing customers and attract new ones However, due to the
increasing rate of adoption of e-banking systems, banks, in turn, face stiff competition in
attracting and retaining customers (Shankar and Jebarajakirthy, 2019) Furthermore,
many customers are still worried about possible risks of safety, information security,
fraud and technical issues while using e-banking services
As a result, in order to retain current customers and stay competitive, it is important for
the commercial banks to have a clear view on the impacts of their e-banking service
quality on customer loyalty as well as the determinants of e-banking services that
influence customer loyalty That is why I have chosen the topic ": IMPACTS OF E-BANKING
for my graduation thesis This research would provide the current situation of e-banking
development in Vietnam Moreover, this study attempts to examine the impacts of
e-banking on customer loyalty and the determinants of e-e-banking service that affect
customer loyalty in the context of Vietnam Based on this research results, commercial
banks can identify the key determinants that affect their e-banking service quality This
identification, in turn, can enhance the competitiveness of commercials banks
2 Research purpose of the topic:
» Examine the current situation of electronic banking service in Vietnam
Trang 10¢ Examine the impacts of electronic banking on customer loyalty in Vietnam.
¢ Examine the determinants of electronic banking services on customer loyalty in
3 Research questions:
e What is the relationship between e-banking and customer loyalty?
e What are the factors of e-banking services that influence customer loyalty?
4, Objects of the study:
Research scope: The impact of electronic banking services on customer loyalty at
Vietnamese commercial banks
Research space: Commercial banks in Viet Nam
Time: 2017-2022
5 Contribution of the thesis:
The thesis "Impacts of E-Banking on Customer Loyalty at Vietnam Commercial Banks"
makes several important contributions to the field of banking and customer loyalty First
of all, the thesis provides an overview of the current state of e-banking in Vietnam and the
different types of e-banking services offered by commercial banks in the country This
information can be useful for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to understand
the e-banking landscape in Vietnam.
In addition, the study investigates the impact of e-banking on customer loyalty at
commercial banks in Vietnam By doing so, the thesis contributes to the existing literature
on customer loyalty in the banking industry and provides insights into how e-banking can
affect customer loyalty
The thesis also identifies several factors that influence customer loyalty in the context of
e-banking, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, and satisfaction
By identifying these factors, the thesis provides insights into how banks can improve their
e-banking services to increase customer loyalty
Last but not least, it offers several recommendations for commercial banks in Vietnam to
improve their e-banking services and increase customer loyalty These recommendations
can be useful for banks that want to enhance their e-banking offerings and retain their
Trang 116 Thesis structure:
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
2.1 Literature review:
2.1.1 E-Banking services:
Prior research has identified several benefits of e-banking services for customers,
including convenience, accessibility, and time-saving (Hess, 2018; Malaquias & Pefia,
2019) E-banking services allow customers to access their accounts and conduct
transactions from anywhere and at any time, without the need to physically visit a bank
branch This saves customers time and reduces the need for them to wait in long queues
Moreover, Saha et al (2020) state that e-banking services provide customers with greater
control over their finances, allowing them to monitor their account balances, track their
transactions, and set up automatic payments and transfers This enables customers to
manage their finances more efficiently and make informed decisions about their spending
and saving habits
However, despite the numerous benefits offered by e-banking, there are also risks
associated with this mode of banking One of the main challenges associated with
e-banking services is security Customers may be hesitant to use e-e-banking services due to
concerns about the safety of their personal and financial information (Hess, 2018) Ojo et
al (2021) examine the challenges faced by customers in adopting e-banking services in
developing countries and find that many customers are reluctant to use e-banking
services due to a lack of trust in online financial transactions Customers in developing
countries may be more likely to rely on informal financial networks, such as cash-based
transactions and community-based savings schemes, due to a lack of access to formal
financial institutions This lack of trust in e-banking services may be further compounded
by issues such as poor internet connectivity and inadequate digital literacy skills Allen
and Javoby (2007) outlines a number of hazards linked with e-banking services, including
online fraud, identity theft, and computer viruses, that are associated with e-banking
services Moreover, the authors suggest that banks should develop and implement
effective risk management techniques in order to minimize these risks and safeguard
their customers’ financial data In similar vein, Ertugal and Arasli (2013) discovered that
security and privacy concerns were the primary factors hindering the acceptance of
e-banking services in Turkey To overcome these obstacles, the study recommends that
banks should take essential security measures, such as enhancing encryption
technologies and implementing two-factor authentication, to increase the security of their
e-banking services Electronic banking or e-banking services are exposed to a
Trang 13considerable risk of fraudulent emails, commonly known as phishing Harjinder Singh
Lallie and David V Gibson's research (2006) extensively focuses on the negative impact
of such scams on e-banking customers The study reveals that phishing can cause financial
losses and deteriorate customer confidence in e-banking services The authors suggest
that banks should conduct awareness campaigns about phishing and employ advanced
anti-phishing technologies to combat these scams Several other studies have been
conducted on the risks associated with e-banking services For instance, Dhaliwal and
Benyoucef (2018) highlight hacking as a significant risk associated with e-banking
services The study suggests that banks need to implement more effective security
measures to prevent hacking and safeguard their customers’ financial information Chen
and Lu (2017)also find that mobile banking applications are susceptible to cyber-attacks,
and banks need to enhance the security of their mobile banking applications to counter
such attacks
Besides, according to Al-Ali and Alqurashi (2021), security concerns pose a significant
challenge to the adoption of e-banking services in the Middle East Customers in this
region are worried about the safety and security of their personal and financial
information when using e-banking services Fear of account being hacked or personal
information stolen, leading to financial loss and identity theft, is a major obstacle for
customers This reinforces the need for banks and financial institutions to deploy robust
security measures to protect their customers’ data and ensure their trust In addition, the
study highlights that limited access to technology is another significant difficulty in the
adoption of e-banking services This shows that financial institutions must prioritize the
accessibility and availability of technology to ensure that customers can access e-banking
services without strings attached Overall, the results of the study indicate that security
concerns and dependence on technology are important factors that need to be addressed
to increase adoption of e-banking services in the Middle East (Al-Ali and Alqurashi, 2021)
Many people in the region do not have access to high-speed internet or mobile devices,
making it challenging for them to use e-banking services effectively.
2.1.2 Customer loyalty
Customer loyalty refers to the degree to which a customer continues to do business with
a particular company over time (Reichheld, 1996) Accordingly, Keiningham et al (2015)
conclude that customer loyalty is important for businesses as it can lead to increased
profitability and customer lifetime value Therefore, many businesses, including banks,
aim to build strong customer loyalty by providing high-quality products and services
Trang 14Over the past decade, several studies have been conducted to investigate the impact of
e-banking services on customer loyalty (Ranaweera et al., 2018; Naeem et al 2019; Huang
and Su, 2019; Wu et al., 2020; Li and Su, 2021) For instance, Alalwan et al (2019)
conclude that e-banking services have a positive impact on customer loyalty through the
mediating effects of customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment Furthermore, Alalwan
et al (2019 also find evidence that perceived usefulness, ease of use, and perceived
security of e-banking services are important factors that influence customer loyalty In a
similar vein, when investigating the impact of e-banking services on customer loyalty in
the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa and Liu (2007) identify that perceived usefulness, ease
of use, and perceived security of e-banking services as important factors that influence
customer loyalty On the other hand, another study by Nguyen et al (2019) study the
impact of e-banking services on customer loyalty in the Vietnamese banking industry The
authors conclude that e-banking services positively influence customer satisfaction, trust,
and commitment, increasing customer loyalty Specifically, the authors find evidence that
perceived usefulness, ease of use, and perceived security of e-banking services are
important factors that impact customer loyalty of using banking services and products
Furthermore, previous studies also focus on analysing the relationship between service
quality and customer loyalty (Ranaweera et al., 2018; Naeem et al., 2019; Wu et al.,2020;
Raza et al.,2020) For example, Ranaweera et al (2018) find evidences that e-banking
service quality has a positive impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty Based on this
finding, the authors suggested that commercial banks should focus on improving
e-banking service quality to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty Wu et al (2020) also
looked into how the quality of the e-banking services affected customer satisfaction, trust,
and loyalty in the Taiwanese banking sector According to the survey, consumer
satisfaction, trust, and loyalty are positively impacted by the quality of the e-banking
services The study also discovered that the relationship between service quality and
loyalty is mediated by consumer satisfaction and trust As a result, the study
recommended that Taiwanese banks concentrate on raising the quality of their e-banking
services in order to increase customer satisfaction, confidence, and loyalty The effect of
e-banking services on client loyalty in the Pakistani banking sector was the subject of a
study by Raza et al (2020) Through the mediating effects of customer pleasure and trust,
the study discovered that e-banking services had a favorable impact on customer loyalty.
Similar to this, the survey identified e-banking services' perceived utility, usability, and
security as crucial elements that affect client loyalty The study did not, however, take into
Trang 15account how other variables, such as convenience, service quality, or cultural variables,
can affect consumer loyalty
Overall, prior studies highlight the importance of e-banking service quality in enhancing
customer satisfaction and trust as a way to increasing customer loyalty The findings also
suggest factors such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, and perceived security of
e-banking services positively contribute to customer loyalty As more and more customers
shift towards using e-banking services, banks need to prioritize delivering high-quality
services that meet customer expectations to retain their loyalty
2.1.3 Research gaps
Despite the extensive research conducted on the impact of e-banking services on
customer loyalty, there are still some research gaps that need to be addressed Many
researchers have acknowledged the advantages of e-banking services, such as ease and
availability However, more studies are necessary to investigate the prolonged effects of
e-banking on customer satisfaction and loyalty Additionally, it is essential to conduct
more research on the adoption of e-banking services in various areas, especially in
underdeveloped countries, where technological infrastructure and internet connectivity
might be insufficient Although there are studies that discuss the downsides and dangers
of e-banking, such as security concerns, more extensive research is needed to analyse the
different categories of risks and how they affect customer behaviour
Furthermore, there is a lack of research on the role of personal and situational factors in
the relationship between e-banking services and customer loyalty Personal factors, such
as age, gender, and education, may influence customers’ perception and use of e-banking
services, while situational factors, such as service failure or external events, may affect
customers’ loyalty to the service provider Therefore, future research should explore the
moderating effects of personal and situational factors on the relationship between
e-banking services and customer loyalty.
Finally, most of the studies have focused on the direct impact of e-banking services on
customer loyalty, without considering the role of other factors, such as marketing
activities, brand image, and competitive environment Therefore, future research should
investigate the moderating effects of these factors on the relationship between e-banking services and customer loyalty to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the
factors that influence customer loyalty in the e-banking industry
Trang 162.2 Overview of electronic banking services
2.2.1 Definition of electronic banking services:
E-banking services refer to banking services that are provided through electronic
channels such as the internet, mobile devices, and Automated Teller Machines (Hess,
2018) E-banking services have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the
convenience they offer to customers According to a report by the World Bank (2020), the
number of people using mobile banking services globally has increased significantly in
recent years, with over 1 billion registered users
2.2.2 The formation and development process of electronic banking services
The growth of e-banking services is driven by advances in technology and changes in
customer behaviour (Sathye, 2019) The advent of online banking in the 1990s marked
the beginning of e-banking services, followed by the introduction of mobile banking in the
2000s The growth of banking services Electronic banking is driven by the increasing use
of smartphones and the internet, making it easy for customers to access banking services
from anywhere and anytime According to Sathy (2019), e-banking services have gone
through several stages of development, starting with the advent of online banking in the
1990s This early form of e-banking allowed customers to access their account
information and perform basic transactions such as transferring money and paying bills
over the internet Online banking was initially limited to personal computer users with
internet access, but it quickly gained popularity as more customers started adopting this
new technology The next major development in e-banking was the introduction of mobile
banking in the 2000s (Hassan, 2017) Mobile banking allows customers to access their
accounts through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets This development is
important as it allows customers to perform banking transactions on the go without going
to a bank branch or using a personal computer The growth of mobile banking was also
facilitated by the growing popularity of smartphones and the widespread popularity of
mobile Internet In recent years, e-banking services have continued to grow with the
advent of new technologies such as e-wallets, biometric authentication, and artificial
intelligence (AI) (Sahye, 2019) Digital wallets allow customers to pay with their mobile
devices, while biometric authentication uses unique physical characteristics such as
fingerprints or facial recognition to verify customer identity AI is being used to enhance
the customer experience, by providing personalized recommendations and improving
fraud detection
Trang 17In general, the formation and development of e-banking services is driven by advances in
technology and changes in customer behaviour As technology continues to evolve, it is
likely that e-banking services will continue to evolve and provide new and innovative
ways for customers to access banking services
2.2.3 Characteristics of electronic banking services
Electronic banking services offer several unique features that differentiate them from
traditional banking services, providing a wide range of benefits to customers One of the
most prominent features of e-banking is convenience Customers can access their
accounts and conduct transactions anytime and anywhere without physically visiting a
bank branch This convenience is cited as a significant factor in the adoption of e-banking
services by customers (Hess, 2018; Malaquias & Pefia, 2019)
Accessibility is another key characteristic of e-banking services Customers can access
their accounts and conduct transactions from any location around the world with an
internet connection This feature is particularly useful for individuals who travel
frequently or reside in remote areas with limited access to physical bank branches
E-banking services also offer customers greater control over their finances Customers
can monitor their account balances, track their transactions, and set up automatic
payments and transfers This level of control allows customers to manage their finances
more efficiently, make informed decisions about their spending and saving habits, and
avoid late payment fees or overdraft charges (Saha et al., 2020) However, there are also
security and privacy concerns associated with e-banking services Customers may worry
about the security of their personal and financial information when using e-banking
services This concern has been identified as one of the significant challenges related to
the adoption of e-banking services in the Middle East (Al-Ali & Alqurashi, 2021)
Customers may also be concerned about the possibility of online fraud, identity theft, and
computer viruses (Allen & Jacoby, 2007)
Finally, service quality and perceived value are also basic characteristics of e-banking
services Customers expect reliable, easy-to-use and efficient e-banking services They
also expect services that provide value for money Service quality and perceived value
have been identified as important factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty
towards e-banking services (Liao & Cheung, 2008).
Trang 18In summary, e-banking services offer a number of unique characteristics, including
convenience, accessibility, greater control over finances, security and privacy concerns ,
service quality and perceived value These characteristics play an important role in
influencing customer acceptance and satisfaction for e-banking services.
2.2.4 The role of electronic banking services
In the realm of banking, electronic services have become an indispensable tool for
enhancing customer satisfaction and strengthening loyalty These services empower
customers to manage their finances with greater efficiency by providing them with
greater control over their accounts and transactions (Hassan, 2017) By offering
convenient and accessible banking services, electronic banking can foster stronger
relationships between customers and their banks Additionally, by automating several
banking processes, electronic banking services allow banks to reduce their operational
costs, which can result in cost savings that may be passed on to customers in the form of
lower fees or higher interest rates (Hassan, 2017) These advantages can contribute to a positive customer experience and help to cultivate customer loyalty.
According to research, the use of electronic banking services has a significant impact on
customer loyalty Alalwan et al (2017) reveal that customers who utilized electronic
banking services had higher satisfaction levels and loyalty as compared to those who
didn't Furthermore, Ahmad and Al-Debei (2018) conclude that there was a positive
correlation between increased usage of electronic banking services and customer loyalty
Therefore, customers are more likely to stick with a bank that offers electronic banking
Electronic banking services can also boost customer loyalty by delivering tailored
experiences based on customer data and transaction history analysis According to
Hassan (2017), banks can provide personalized products and services that cater
specifically to the unique requirements of each customer, thereby fostering stronger
relationships and increasing customer loyalty No details can be left out when rephrasing
the original text Moreover, the employment of electronic banking facilities can enhance
customer engagement and interaction By utilizing various digital channels such as online
portals and mobile applications, banks can efficiently communicate with their customers
by sharing pertinent account information and real-time updates (Sathye, 2019) This
practice can foster a sense of confidence and openness between customers and their
banks, resulting in increased customer retention
Trang 19To sum up, electronic banking services are crucial for improving customer satisfaction
and loyalty The provision of easy-to-use and readily available banking services,
personalized attention, and efficient communication can result in a favourable customer
experience and foster stronger bonds between customers and their banks These
advantages can ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty, which is crucial for the
sustained success of banking institutions
2.2.5 Types of electronic banking services:
First, Mobile Banking is an online service that dates back to the 90s and is accessible via
mobile phones With the advancement of science and technology, smartphones with
larger memory capacity have been developed Users can install bank-provided
applications that act as clients on their computers if there is an internet connection In
addition, Telecom Developers can be pre-installed on SIM Toolkit, making it possible for
customers to transact with any network-connected bank without an internet connection
The advantage of this method is the flexibility of the phone, which the customer always
carries with him However, the downside is that the information provided to the customer
is very simple and requires several small steps to complete any transaction Therefore, this method was born to meet the needs of Micro payment transactions or automatic
services without a server To join this service, customers must register as an official
member, provide basic information such as mobile phone number, personal account
number Customers will then be provided with an ID and converted to a barcode for their
mobile phone, allowing for quick and accurate receipt of payment information With a
15-digit ID, customers are also provided with a personal identification number (PIN) to
confirm payment transactions when required by payment service providers After
completing the necessary procedures, the customer will become an official member and
be eligible to pay via mobile phone Mobile Banking services include: viewing information
on interest rates and exchange rates; view balance of payment deposit account, card
account; receive messages when the balance of payment account, card account changes;
view the list of the most recent transactions (up to 5 lists); transfer money to card account;
check identity card or passport; pay bills for electricity, water, internet, telephone, cable
Second, Internet banking is a type of electronic banking that is accessed through a web
browser, also known as online banking It is a widely used channel for banks to distribute
their products and services to customers anywhere, anytime To use this service,
customers simply need to register with their bank and have a device such as a tablet,
Trang 20laptop, or desktop computer with an internet connection The advantages of this service
are that it does not require complex installations or the need to download client
applications, which means customers do not have to spend money on maintenance fees
The user interface is visually appealing with a clear layout, and has a large size on the web
browser The disadvantage is that scrolling can be inconvenient due to the size of the
computer screen With an internet-connected computer, customers can access the bank's
website through access codes and passwords provided by the bank They can view their
current account balance, transaction history, exchange rates, interest rates, and securities
information Customers can transfer money within and outside the banking system, and
can submit any questions or feedback about the bank's products and services which will
be promptly resolved They can also make payments for various bills such as electricity,
water, cable TV, telephone bills, and internet charges
Next is Phone Banking is the bank's server and management software system is connected
to customers through a service switchboard, which enables customers to access their
banking information and personal account information using their phones, at any time
and from anywhere The system is an automated answering service that operates 24/7,
and customers can simply press the keys on their phone keypads to request the system to
respond to their required information However, it should be noted that the information
provided via this service is only updated at the end of the previous day To use the Phone
Banking service, customers need to register and provide their necessary information and
sign a contract Once registered, customers are provided with a customer code, system
access key, and an account code to ensure security during transactions When customers
call the operator, the system will automatically enter their codes, and customers can select
the service they need to transact Customers can change or edit the transaction before
confirming it with the bank The bank will print and send the transaction documents to
the customers when the transaction is completed The services offered through Phone
Banking include checking account balances, information on interest rates, exchange rates,
securities, and the latest deals Customers can also request transaction listings, savings
interest rates, stock quotes, and exchange rates by asking the bank to fax them
Trang 21Next, Home Banking is a service that can be accessed through either the Software Base or
Web Base platforms via personal computers and the Internet Customers can carry out
various banking transactions, such as money transfers and electronic payments, from
their home or office The service is highly secure due to the VPN system, which enables
communication between the customer and the bank via an internal network (Intranet).
The process of using Home Banking services involves connecting to the bank's computer
system via the Internet, logging in, performing transactions, checking, and confirming
them, and then exiting the network For business customers, the process is more
complicated and requires the registration of two or three User access levels Home
Banking services include transfers within and outside the banking system, bill payments,
funds transfer through ID card or passport, currency conversion, and account balance
inquiries and transaction histories
In addition, the Call Center is a banking service that allows customers from any branch
to call a central phone number for flexible information or to have their inquiries
answered Unlike PhoneBanking, which only provides pre-programmed information, the
Call Center provides more personalized assistance, but requires 24/7 staffing Services
offered by the Call Center include introducing telephone card products, providing
information on payment and savings accounts, receiving complaints and inquiries, and
Kiosk Banking is an electronic banking service that uses touch screens placed in stations
or centers on the streets to allow customers to perform various transactions such as
depositing savings, transferring funds, and paying bills With this service, customers only
need to enter their personal identification number and password to confirm their
transactions The use of Kiosk Banking can help banks reduce the number of ATMs and
the amount of cash in circulation while providing customers with high-quality and
convenient service However, this service is currently less widely provided by banks.
Trang 222.3 Overview of customer loyalty
2.3.1 Definition of customer loyalty
According to Kim (2010), Loyalty can be defined generally as a positive feeling a customer
has toward a brand, service, or activity, which is more of a feature of the customer than
something inherent in the brand, where we see that researchers have not agreed on a
definition of loyalty being characterized by compliance and fork dimensions Arafa (2006)
define loyalty as people's desire to repeat buying a particular brand, as well as customer
turnout towards a specific brand more than other brands Another definition for cusomter
loyalty is that customers’ insistence on buying a product or a specific service despite
promotional and marketing environment surrounding that may contribute to change in
buying behaviour (Kotler and Keller, 2006)
Loyalty is based on a combination of attitudinal and behavioural factors, including
satisfaction, trust, and emotional attachment to the brand (Oliver, 1999) Satisfaction is a
key determinant of customer loyalty as it reflects the customer's overall evaluation of the
product or service received (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993) Trust is another important
factor as it reflects the customer's confidence in the company to deliver on its promises
(Morgan & Hunt, 1994) Emotional attachment to the brand can also influence customer
loyalty as it reflects the customer's personal connection to the brand and its values
(Fullerton, 2005)
Customer loyalty on e-banking services refers to a customer's commitment to using
electronic banking services offered by a particular bank (Ahmad & Al-Debei, 2018)
Electronic banking services have revolutionized the way banking services are delivered
to customers, and customer loyalty on e-banking services has become an important
measure of the success of banks in the digital age
2.3.2 The role of customer loyalty
Customer loyalty plays a crucial role in a company's success as it can lead to increased
profitability and a competitive advantage Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat
purchases and spend more per transaction, which can increase a company's revenue and
profitability (Reichheld & Sasser, 1990) In addition, loyal customers are more likely to
recommend the company or brand to others, which can lead to new customers and
increased sales (Reichheld, 2003) Customer loyalty can also provide a competitive
advantage by increasing barriers to entry for competitors Loyal customers are less likely
to switch to a competitor and are less sensitive to price changes, making it more difficult